What Does It Mean to Successfully
Conserve a (Vertebrate) Species?
The conservation of species is one of the foundations of conservation biology. Successful species conservation has often been defined as simply the
avoidance of extinction. We argue that this focus, although important, amounts to practicing conservation at the “emergency room door,” and will
never be a sufficient approach to conserving species. Instead, we elaborate a positive definition of species conservation on the basis of six attributes
and propose a categorization of different states of species conservation using the extent of human management and the degree to which each of
the attributes is conserved. These states can be used to develop a taxonomy of species “recovery” that acknowledges there are multiple stable points
defined by ecological and social factors. With this approach, we hope to contribute to a new, optimistic conservation biology that is not based on
underambitious goals and that seeks to create the conditions under which Earth’s biological systems can thrive.
Keywords: species conservation, extinction, successful conservation, recovery
onservation biology was born as a crisis-oriented and
crisis-driven discipline (Meine et al. 2006). Conservation was a natural result of the growing global concern about
the loss of tropical forests, coral reefs, and endangered species, as well as the increasing realization of the truly global
impacts of human activities. To gain the attention of the
public, decisionmakers, and students, early pioneers of conservation biology wrote of the sixth extinction, the population bomb, and the end of nature. Their concerns were
contagious, and found fertile soil in a younger generation’s
worries about pollution and the decline of iconic species
such as whales and giant pandas. Extinction was the middle
name of conservation biology, and preventing extinctions
was seen as the new discipline’s major aim.
The science of modern species conservation came of age
with the founding of conservation biology in the 1980s. This
foundation was laid in the interplay between genetics and
captive breeding (Meine et al. 2006). Among other changes,
conservation biology marked a shift in the management
of living collections away from displays only and toward
population management designed to sustain genetically
diverse, demographically stable, and viable captive populations (Hutchins and Smith 2003) that were to serve as assurance colonies should wild populations go extinct (Rabb and
Saunders 2005). Combined with the crisis discipline perspective, the three strands of genetics, captive propagation,
and crisis were woven into a conservation biology approach
to in situ and ex situ species conservation that defined species conservation as preventing extinction.
Conservation biology as a discipline was not, and is not,
the only approach to species conservation. It was grafted
to a strong rootstock of species conservation that in some
approaches differed from and was overwritten by this
emerging discipline. Wildlife management, with its goal of
maintaining species in numbers sufficient for significant
harvest by humans, has remained largely true to its course
and defines successful conservation in terms of harvestable
populations. In other approaches, many local and national
efforts at species conservation have focused on species with
strong human constituencies, irrespective of their conservation status. In this article we focus on the interaction
between species conservation and conservation biology
while recognizing that this framing does not capture the
depth or breadth of all species conservation efforts.
The conservation biology–based definition of extinction
avoidance has become codified in science and policy and
has directed conservation largely toward rare and threatened species. Extinction avoidance spawned variations of
endangered species legislation that focus on what Soulé and
colleagues (2003) called “manifest demographic or numerical minimalism.” This perspective is reflected in a statement
that attempted to summarize the field of population management: “In conservation, we aim to minimize the chance
that a population declines to extinction” (Shea et al. 1998,
p. 371).
From its origins in population biology and community
ecology, conservation biology focused on minimum viable
populations and minimum areas necessary to conserve
BioScience 61: 39–48. ISSN 0006-3568, electronic ISSN 1525-3244. © 2011 by American Institute of Biological Sciences. All rights reserved. Request permission to photocopy or reproduce article content at the University of California Press’s Rights and Permissions Web site at doi:10.1525/bio.2011.61.1.9
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40BioScience•January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1
framework could serve as the basis for developing a scoring
exercise similar to that which has been designed for the IUCN
Red List (, but such an elucidation is not
attempted here.
The attributes of species conservation
It is important to provide a more comprehensive answer
to what successful species conservation means, beyond the
prevention of extinction. In this article we define successful
species conservation as maintaining multiple populations
across the range of the species in representative ecological
settings, with replicate populations in each setting. These
populations should be self-sustaining, healthy, and genetically robust—and therefore resilient to climate and other
environmental changes.
The scale of species conservation has moved beyond management within protected areas and zoos to solutions that
span a species’ entire geographical range (Sanderson et al.
2002). From this framing emerged the development of the
population attributes termed “the three Rs”—representation,
resiliency, and redundancy (Shaffer and Stein 2000). Using
this definition, we make the case that a successfully conserved species will: (a) be self-sustaining demographically
and ecologically, (b) be genetically robust, (c) have healthy
populations, (d) have representative populations distributed
across the historical range in ecologically representative settings, (e) have replicate populations within each ecological
setting, and (f) be resilient across the range.
We have chosen to focus on these characteristics because
of their importance and the lack of focus they have received
in the recent history of species conservation efforts. Though
listed independently, these attributes are clearly related, and
they cluster as attributes of a population (self-sustaining
demographically and ecologically, healthy), attributes of
both single and multiple populations (genetically robust),
and attributes of sets of populations (representative,
replicate, resilient) that define a successfully conserved
Demographically and ecologically self-sustaining. In order to
have lasting conservation value, individual populations
must be self-sustaining in a variety of interconnected ways.
For terrestrial animals, the importance of demographic
parameters to population sustainability is commonly assessed
using population viability analyses (PVAs) (Beissinger and
McCullough 2002). However, although PVAs can estimate
the efficacy of various recovery plans, they predict only the
minimum viable population necessary to avoid extinction in
a given time frame.
Less commonly discussed in the conservation literature
is the ecological dimension of self-sustaining populations.
The goal of self-sustainability requires consideration of
population attributes internal to the species (genetic and
demographic) as well as those that involve the species’ interactions with other species. Accordingly, a population must
be large enough to maintain critical ecological interactions
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species and populations, giving great attention to case studies of individual species and systems (Simberloff 1988).
Caughley (1994) observed that conservation biology had
settled into an ideological dichotomy: the small-population
paradigm, which addressed “smallness” as a predictor of
population extinction, and the declining-population paradigm, which deals with the causes of and cures for smallness. Further entraining the discipline’s focus on extinction,
Caughley argued that conservation biologists should combine small population theory with the knowledge of declining populations gleaned from case studies. These twin tracks
represent two of the ways that the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List criteria measure
extinction risk, codifying this focus (Mace et al. 2008). This
trend is still evident in the fact that successful conservation
is defined by many conservation biologists with reference to
minimum population sizes, minimum areas, and minimally
sufficient sets of sites (Redford and Sanjayan 2003, Scott
et al. 2005).
Recovery—that is, moving in the opposite direction from
extinction—has not been ignored by species conservation.
However, when recovery has been discussed, population
targets often have been poorly defined or defined using a
minimalist approach. Evidence for this is found in an analysis by Tear and colleagues (1995), which showed that more
than a quarter of recovery plans for US federally threatened
and endangered species set quantitative recovery objectives
at or below the species’ existing population size or number
of populations.
Here we reexamine the question of what it means to
conserve a species, with a focus on vertebrates: What does
success look like beyond the avoidance of extinction or a
vague notion of recovery? This is a foundational question for
conservation biology, but it remains curiously unexamined
(but see Scott et al. 2005, IUCN-SSC 2008). Although some
conservation biologists believe this is a settled issue, others
have raised new questions. We believe it is time to reexamine
the commonly accepted notions that successful conservation
is defined solely by extinction avoidance or poorly defined
notions of recovery, and to move to a proactive definition of
positive conservation. From this definition we propose a set
of semistable states for recovery that span a continuum; this
idea contrasts with the concept of recovery for species used
by many in conservation biology, which often is underlain
by the implicit concept of a single stable state to which all
species should return.
In this article we first review what we consider to be the
major biological attributes of species conservation, and use
that vision of species conservation to propose a categorization of different states of species conservation derived from
the extent of human management. Our article lays out an
approach to species conservation informed by the research
literature but focused on the practice of species conservation,
and we provide a conceptual framework for thinking about
species conservation. Each of the attributes advanced as
part of the framework needs further development. The
Genetically robust. Protecting genetic diversity in a threatened species has long been a tenet of conservation genetics
(Frankel 1974). As once-large populations become small
and fragmented, the reduced gene flow between population subunits affects the amount and distribution of
genetic variation. Small and fragmented populations suffer
increased genetic drift, resulting in the loss of adaptive
genetic variation and greater relatedness among individuals. Drift has deleterious consequences for the adaptive
response of populations to environmental changes over
short and long time periods and for evolutionary and
ecological adaptations at both local and rangewide scales
(Hedrick 2001).
Genetic robustness within a population is difficult to
gauge on the basis of genetic diversity at neutral markers
alone. Diversity is affected by factors such as population
size, mutation rates, and demography; thus, genetic diversity
will vary significantly across taxa and among populations
of a species. However, for normally outcrossing organisms,
a higher inbreeding coefficient is generally accompanied
by inbreeding depression with negative effects on most fitness components. Across species ranges, fragmentation can
exacerbate genetic drift and random fluctuations in allele
frequencies, causing the genetic variation originally present
within a large population to become redistributed among
the remaining subpopulations.
Different alleles become fixed in different subpopulations,
with some fixed for nonadaptive variants (which are more
likely to go extinct), creating an overall reduced level of
adaptive variation that in turn leads to a loss of adaptive potential. Both theoretical and experimental studies
show that on average, metapopulations have a smaller
adaptive response than undivided populations of similar
size to several kinds of environmental stressors (Bakker
et al. 2010). Therefore, maintaining gene flow among population subunits across landscapes will support continuing
adaptive responses (Crandall et al. 2000). We define genetic
robustness as the genetic capacity to survive and respond to
environmental changes within populations, among populations, and across the range.
Healthy populations. The evidence is clear that population
health plays a critical role in the persistence of populations (Daszak et al. 2000). For example, population level
immunodynamics influence infection-induced predation
and mortality (Lochmiller 1996). Pathogenic parasites also
play a key role in wildlife population dynamics: Population
size is sometimes determined by the physical condition of
the individuals (Beldomenico and Begon 2010).
Environmental stressors (e.g., habitat destruction and
climate change) can make a large proportion of a population vulnerable; thus, native pathogens that normally would
be tolerated can threaten population health. For example,
the virulence of the chytrid fungus implicated in the global
decline of amphibians sometimes depends on the condition of the amphibians exposed to the fungus (Garner
et al. 2009). Some frog populations decimated by this fungal
infection had undergone periods of increasing stress before
the outbreaks took place (Alford et al. 2007).
Understanding the dynamic interactions among health,
infection, and animal populations is essential for effective
conservation. Smith and colleagues (2009) asserted that the
most important strategy for promoting healthy species is
to maintain species interactions (ecological functions) that
promote natural resistance to stressors and the evolutionary
potential for it.
Representative populations. From a biological perspective,
there are many ways to prioritize populations for conservation (Wikramanayake et al. 1998, McDonald-Madden et al.
2008). Of chief concern is the protection of populations
distributed across the full ecological gradient of species’
historical ranges, which protects local adaptations in extant
populations, and consequently, the evolutionary potential
of the species (Crandall et al. 2000), as well as the full range
of ecological interactions within the full range of ecological settings. Rangewide conservation programs to protect
American crocodiles (Crocodylus acutus), tigers (Panthera
tigris), bison (Bison bison), and other species have used a
systematic, spatially explicit approach to prioritize conservation areas that capture the range of ecological settings for a
species (Wikramanayake et al. 1998, Sanderson et al. 2002,
2008, Thorbjarnarson et al. 2006). Two major questions
must be answered to proceed within this framework.
First, what time frame in a species’ history should we
consider when developing criteria for conservation success?
The geographic range limits of species can be formed in
the presence or absence of hard boundaries, environmental gradients, or biotic interactions, and for many species,
historic range information is lacking. The IUCN’s Species
Survival Commission suggests using a geographic range
from a time when anthropogenic threats were not a major
constraint on a species’ range (IUCN-SSC 2008). For example, a planning team for tigers selected the year 1850 because
of significant hunting in the latter half of the 19th century
(Dinerstein et al. 2007). In practice, determining range limits
before anthropogenic threats emerged is often problematic
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for its own sake and for those of species with which it
strongly interacts. This concept has its roots in early thinking
about population targets for wildlife management (Conner
1988) and has been incorporated into conservation thinking
(Soulé et al. 2003, Tear et al. 2005).
An ecologically functional population generally will
be larger than a demographically functional population
(Soulé et al. 2005). In fact, Svancara and colleagues (2005)
estimated that such populations may be orders of magnitude
larger. This may be particularly relevant when populations
need to be recovered from substantially reduced levels (e.g.,
great whales). Ecological functionality may be an important
attribute to allow species to respond to changes in the composition of communities in the face of climate and other
environmental changes.
Replicate populations. Securing replicates of prioritized population types helps maximize the fitness of the species as
a whole. If the units of conservation are representative
populations across a species’ range, it follows that multiple
populations of each type should be protected (Shaffer et al.
2002). This redundancy guards against irreplaceable losses
of representation caused by disease or physical disasters that
could eliminate single populations within an ecological setting (Shaffer and Stein 2000, Tear et al. 2005).
Resilience across a range. Until recently, species conservation
has been viewed in terms of present or past conditions and
threats. But the world is constantly in a state of flux. Successful conservation must manage populations in ways that
will best allow them to adapt to the changing environment
and related challenges. Resilience can best be understood as
the ability to maintain population integrity in the face of
disturbance (Holling 1973), an essential characteristic for
successful conservation. Long-term survival of high-priority
populations requires that they be resilient to climate change
and other environmental stresses (Parmesan 2006) and
therefore able to contribute to species resilience. This means
that abundant and broadly distributed species may experience changes in distribution, but their potential to express
the key attributes—demographic, genetic, behavioral, and
ecological—will remain much the same. Resilience may
be achievable through large dynamic metapopulations in
a landscape that allows for shifts in distribution (perhaps
supplemented by translocation and assisted migration).
A range of states of species conservation
In an ideal world, in which all natural systems return to a state
of equilibrium after human interference is eliminated, there
would be a single answer to the question of what it means to
conserve a species. An unrealistic understanding of the natural world prevailed during the early years of the development
of ecology, and it exerted a powerful hold on conservation
biology and conservation practice (Botkin 1990).
42BioScience•January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1
We have since come to understand that we live in a world
of multiple stable states, irreversibility, strange attractors
(Walker and Salt 2006), and a pervasive human influence
that has penetrated all of nature. Conserving a species is
no longer as conceptually straightforward as removing
human influences to allow the species to sustain itself (or
not) according to natural processes. Although it is vital to
continue to establish and maintain protected areas where
human influence is limited and minimal, we also must recognize the extent to which many species have become reliant
on the direct and indirect ways humans manage the world.
In some cases species rely on the land-use changes, physical
structures, and altered energy flows humans have created; in
others, species have avoided almost certain extinction thanks
to active, directed human management to conserve them.
The human-dominated nature of the world demands that
we embrace the plurality of means by which conservation
can be achieved while recognizing the different histories,
ecologies, and trajectories of species.
In the previous section we proposed six attributes that,
when fully realized, collectively contribute to successful species conservation. But the full realization of each attribute
may not currently be achievable for many species. The reasons for this vary among species but can largely be explained
by the human dominance of space and ecosystem processes
and the ways that this dominance interacts with species’
biology and history.
In this section we propose a way of examining the
conservation condition of species on the basis of the
type and extent of ways that species are reliant on human
interventions, both directed and nondirected, to ensure
their ongoing survival. We propose five general states to
illustrate this continuum; these states do not represent a
jointly exhaustive classification system but are heuristic
signposts along a continuous distribution of states. For
each state we summarize the condition of the six attributes
(table 1), provide an example of one species that typifies
the state, and discuss the extent to which each of the attributes would be conserved. The states range from “captive
managed,” in which a species no longer occurs in the wild
and humans provide all of the support for the survival of
individuals, to “fully conserved,” in which species are not at
all reliant on direct human intervention for their survival.
This taxonomy is similar to one proposed by Scott and
colleagues (2005), which focused on US species and their
treatment under the US Endangered Species Act (ESA), but
our approach was developed independently and addresses
the conservation status of all vertebrate species.
Captive managed species. Captive managed species are found
almost exclusively in captivity and within management
interventions that provide food, care, and breeding for
individual animals. Species in this state are entirely reliant
on humans and will remain so until they go extinct or move
to another state. This category encompasses a range of species, from those that are still extant but extinct in the wild
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because of a lack of good-quality population data. Moreover,
as Gaston (2009) notes, species’ ranges neither are nor were
at equilibrium, but rather expand or contract as a result of
natural and anthropogenic changes.
Second, for rangewide species conservation, extant suitable
or potentially suitable habitat must be defined. Combining
historical presence and absence data with probabilistic
niche modeling for suitable habitat (Elith and Leathwick
2009) may help in establishing what part of a historical
range is feasible for conservation efforts. The importance
of knowing a species’ historical range is again underscored
by research showing that many threatened species currently
exist in what might be suboptimal portions of their ranges
(Channell and Lomolino 2000). Despite the challenges of
achieving representation over the full ecological gradient of
a species’ current and historical range, we believe it is essential for effective conservation.
Table 1. Relationship between states of conservation and attributes of fully conserved species.
Genetically robust
Resilient across range
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Fully conserved
Partially conserved Fully conserved
Partially conserved
Partially conserved
Lightly managed
Partially conserved Partially conserved Partially conserved Partially conserved Partially conserved
Partially conserved Partially conserved Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Note: These are modal values that will vary on a species-by-species basis.
to those that are in the process of reestablishment but that
are still wholly dependent on captive management for their
continued existence.
Species that are completely managed in captivity do
not fully manifest many or any of the six attributes except
to the extent for which these are managed in collections.
They have low to nonexistent representation and functional
redundancy in the wild—attributes that could be addressed
artificially during reintroduction. For species held only in
captivity, genetic robustness is predetermined by the number
of founders in the captive population, and in fact, survival
in captivity may result in a loss of variability (Frankham
et al. 1986). Some analysis may be possible to determine
the degree of heterogeneity, inbreeding, introgression, and
so on, but the genetic structure of the population may be
unknown, making genetic robustness difficult to evaluate.
Species held in captivity can be assessed for individual or
population health, but these assessments may not be indicative of physiological health if the species is reintroduced.
Both the health and ecological function of species held in
captivity might be recoverable, but this would most likely
depend on the degree to which the biological community to
which they were reintroduced had changed.
One notable example of a captive managed species is the
Kihansi spray toad (Nectophrynoides asperginis), discovered in
1996. In 1999 this species had a global population of 17,000
and a global range of two hectares around Kihansi Falls in
Tanzania (Channing et al. 2009). The species was brought
into captivity in 2000 before the construction of a dam that
reduced the river’s flow by 90%, thus reducing the spray upon
which the toad depended. The wild population was further
compromised by the fungal disease chytridiomycosis, and by
2004 only three individuals were seen in the Kihansi Gorge.
There have been no reports of wild individuals since 2005
(Channing et al. 2009). The founding captive population of
499 animals has increased several-fold as a result of breeding.
Attempts have been made to create appropriate habitat in the
river gorge using an artificial misting system, but for the time
being the species exists only in captivity.
Intensively managed species. The second state belongs to
intensively managed species, which are found in the wild but
are reliant on direct human intervention at the individual
and population levels through augmentation from captive
populations or very extensive, directed habitat manipulation.
What sets this group apart from captive managed species is
the existence of habitat containing small numbers of wild individuals (relative to the captive population) and the possibility of
reintroduction of captive-reared individuals. Most intensively
managed species exist primarily as captive populations with
incipient reintroduction programs; they share many of the
characteristics of captive managed populations, although some
have had a longer history of successful programs linking captive
and wild populations, and may have higher degrees of representation, redundancy, and resilience. The genetic health of a
species is frequently a function of the genetic variability of the
captive population, but with possible significant components of
genetic variation in wild groups.
The Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis), for example, was
historically widespread in the middle and lower Yangtze River
basin, but today exists only as a small and highly fragmented
population of about 150 individuals in southeastern Anhui
Province, in China. Breeding is occurring at approximately
five sites within the National Chinese Alligator Reserve, established by the Chinese State Forestry Administration in the
1980s, but the habitat is composed almost entirely of highly
modified natural wetlands around farming villages or small
reservoirs. Captive breeding programs established in 1979 in
Anhui and Zhejiang provinces have resulted in fewer than
10,000 animals in these two breeding centers. Although the
number of animals in captivity is large, their genetic variability
is relatively low. Analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
indicates very limited variability (Wang et al. 2006). Though
there have been no attempts to evaluate the genetic variability
of the wild population, it is assumed to be similar to or less
variable than that of the captive population as a result of its
smaller number of individuals and the fact that the breeding
groups were established in the 1980s by collecting as many
individuals as possible from the wild population.
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Captive managed Minimally or
not conserved
Minimally or
not conserved
Small-scale trial efforts to reinforce existing wild groups
of alligators or establish new breeding populations are now
under way (Thorbjarnarson and Wang 2010), but their
ultimate success will require a greater commitment to the
protection of existing wetland sites and restoration of new
areas for alligators and other wetland fauna in eastern
China, as well as the development of a coordinated program
to manage the captive and wild populations together as a
Lightly managed species. The third state is lightly managed
species. The fourth state is
conservation-dependent species, those that will almost
always need significant conservation action directed not
at management of intraspecific aspects such as feeding,
breeding, or habitat management, but at extrinsic factors,
necessitating changes in human behavior. This category is
typified by species that have significant commercial value
and will remain threatened by overexploitation for the
foreseeable future.
44BioScience•January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1
Self-sustaining species. Finally, the fifth state is self-sustaining,
in which species express full levels of all the conservation
attributes and can be expected to survive with little to no
human subsidy directed intraspecifically or extrinsically. The
status of these species is expected to remain stable unless
conditions change; for example, if the species were suddenly
demanded in trade or were faced with a new health threat.
Self-sustaining species have redundant populations across a
representative range of ecological settings, and their populations are healthy, genetically robust, and resilient; however,
if populations have been recovered, as in the example below,
then they may differ genetically from the original stock.
One example of a currently self-sustaining species is the
peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus). This species has a broad
geographic distribution and occupies a fairly wide range
of habitats, but because of its high trophic position it was
vulnerable to the effects of bioaccumulation of organic contaminants in certain parts of its range. In North America,
three subspecies were affected to differing degrees: Falco
peregrinus anatum was extirpated east of the Mississippi
River, depleted by up to 90% in the western United States,
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species: species that rely on a relatively limited set of human
interventions directed at both population enhancement and
influencing extrinsic factors, such as habitat management.
Species in this state are largely capable of sustaining themselves. Generally speaking, they will have a lower population
size and a more restricted distribution compared with historic
levels, but will still sustain redundant, healthy, genetically
robust populations across ecologically representative settings
unless some ecological settings have been extirpated. The
key attribute of these species is their inability to maintain
self-sustaining populations without long-term human
management to sustain the resources on which they depend.
Lightly managed species are typified by the corncrake
(Crex crex), a species of rail historically distributed across
northern and central Eurasia and probably initially associated with riparian meadows. The species has maintained
a patchy presence across much of its range—probably
because of a strong association with agricultural areas
managed for hay and silage—but habitat conversion and
more intensive agricultural practices have led to reduced
and even more fragmented populations (Schäffer and
Green 2001). Because of a positive association with certain human-manipulated habitats, management of the
species may be possible largely through policy directed at
agricultural practices. Efforts are being made to protect
suitable habitat, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy mechanism has been used to provide premium
payments for cattle grazing at reduced intensity, and both
voluntary and compensation programs have been used to
promote delayed, strip, and center-out mowing, activities that reduce chick mortality (Crockford et al. 1996).
Theoretically, at least, this species is capable of maintaining populations as a result of long-term policies designed
to promote crake-friendly agricultural practices, without
actual management of the animals themselves.
Conservation-dependent species typically will be selfsustaining demographically and ecologically, at least across
most of their range. They are likely to be genetically robust
and meet the definition of healthy, at least in most places.
Such species will usually satisfy the representation and replication attributes. Finally, in terms of resilience, conservationdependent species may lose large parts of their current range
as a result of climate change, human population growth, and
expansion of agriculture and infrastructural development,
but these species’ tolerance of a wide range of habitat types
suggests that they will be able to withstand such changes.
African forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis; here considered a separate species ranging from West Africa into the
forests of the Congo basin and parts of East Africa; Roca
et al. 2001) are an example of a conservation-dependent
species. The distribution and status of forest elephants in
West and central Africa is very different from other parts of
their range. These populations are in trouble because of their
small size, isolation, habitat loss, human–elephant conflicts,
ineffective management, and poaching.
At first glance, the conservation status of forest elephants
in central Africa would seem to benefit from very extensive
areas of acceptable elephant habitat. However, despite occurring in relatively high numbers in some areas, central Africa’s
elephants have been, and continue to be, affected by largescale poaching and declines in the extent and quality of their
habitat as the region is opened to logging, mining, and concomitant increases in human populations. Thus, although
African forest elephants are faring better than some species,
reversing the declines and maintaining the attributes discussed in this article will require continual, intense human
investment in elephant conservation. Forest elephants will
also require management outside of protected areas, most of
which are too small to contain them.
Modern species conservation efforts have been informed
by a variety of approaches, sciences, and disciplines. In this
article we address the role conservation biology has played
in shaping the theory and practice of species conservation. Conservation biology has provided a scientific framework for species conservation that quantifies the risks of
extinction and how many individuals must be conserved to
avoid it. Within this framework, the avoidance of extinction
has in certain quarters become synonymous with successful
species conservation (Shaffer 1981). Meanwhile, the explosion in quantitative thinking and portfolio development that
characterizes systematic conservation planning has concentrated almost exclusively on place-based conservation, leaving the question of rangewide species conservation largely
untouched (Groves 2003).
The literature on species conservation remains largely
focused on viability targets (e.g., Traill et al. 2009),
continuing a long-standing debate over the appropriate way to assess minimum viable population sizes. A
number of biologists have argued for a broader view of
what should be considered necessary for conservation of
populations (Soulé et al. 2003, Tear et al. 2005). Scott and
colleagues (2005) looked at the US ESA and suggested the
need to create a taxonomy of recovery based on the conclusion that most forms of species recovery will continue to
involve some form of active management. After Scott and
colleagues (2005) coined the term “conservation reliant”
species, they demonstrated in a subsequent analysis (2010)
that 84% of the species listed under the US ESA could be
classified as “conservation reliant” and will require continuing, species-specific interventions.
Much of the conservation biology literature on species conservation is focused on the conservation of only a
population or set of populations. We built on this literature
to make the case for redefining species-level conservation,
laying out a framework for defining successful species conservation using a set of continuously distributed attributes,
most of which are well defined and have been written about
extensively (with the exception of the health attribute, which
is a relative newcomer to conservation biology). We chose
these attributes because we believe they comprise the essential characteristics of a successfully conserved species.
On the basis of these six attributes we define successful
species conservation as maintaining multiple populations
across the range of the species in representative ecological
settings, with replicate populations in each setting. These
populations should be self-sustaining demographically and
ecologically, healthy, and genetically robust—and therefore
resilient to climate and other environmental changes.
Many species, particularly those of conservation concern,
do not exhibit the full range of these attributes. However,
keeping in mind what “success” would look like, even if it is
not currently possible, is a critical component of our framework that should inform the course of recovery work. The
predominant thinking in conservation today advocates simply reducing threats to species in hopes they will gradually
return to prelapsarian states of full conservation. Recognizing that this baseline species concept does not, and perhaps
never did, exist, we have laid out a continuum of conservation states, most of which are well below the condition of
fully conserved. The continuum is based on two sets of management actions that operate in opposite directions. At the
“captive managed” end of the continuum, most management
is directed at intraspecific actions having to do with ensuring food supplies, successful breeding, and maintenance of
genetic diversity. The other set of management actions, most
fully expressed at the “conservation dependent” point on
the continuum, is directed at managing human behavior to
allow species to fully manifest their attributes independent
of direct intervention. Fully conserved species, by definition,
are largely free of direct human management of any sort.
This illustrative set of states can reorient the discussion
on species recovery, a concept that has been much discussed
but little defined. Recovery should not be considered as a
single state but as multiple states. As environmental changes
increase in speed and extent, recognizing multiple states is
not only important for conservation planning but it also
more closely reflects the reality of the practice of species
conservation. Although conservation action can move species from one state to another, not all species can be moved
to a fully conserved state. We must view captive management
as only a stop-gap measure in efforts to move species up the
A commitment to long-term conservation success requires
that conservationists maintain species attributes that have
enabled species to persist into the present era and the potential to express these attributes in the future. Thus, researchers
must try to understand species’ recent historic distribution,
abundance, genetic diversity, and ecological roles and ensure
that these attributes are maintained over time. Humans
need to encourage and allow species to exhibit variation,
speciation, dispersal, evolution, and therefore adaptation in
a changing world.
Our framework erases the binary classification of “captive”
and “wild” species, as there is a gradation in management action between the two at both the population and
January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1•BioScience45
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and was listed as endangered under the ESA; Falco peregrinus
tundrius populations declined up to 50% in the Arctic and
the subspecies was listed as endangered; and populations of
Falco peregrinus pealei in the Pacific Northwest remained
largely unchanged (Cade 1982). Arctic populations began
to increase by 1980 without management following the ban
of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) in 1972, and
F. peregrinus tundrius was delisted in 1994. In the lower
48 states, F. peregrinus anatum populations grew following
an intensive recovery effort and the subspecies was delisted
in 1999 (White et al. 2002). Populations have remained
stable or grown following cessation of recovery efforts and,
in the absence of a new threat, are expected to remain viable
and self-sustaining.
46BioScience•January 2011 / Vol. 61 No. 1
the early enthusiasm has turned to pessimism and even
catastrophism that we believe inhibits the creative search
for new solutions. We need a new, optimistic conservation
biology, one that recognizes the rising dangers to the natural
world while abjuring extinction and seeking to ward off the
latest threat and create the conditions through which the
planet’s biological systems, of which species are a key part,
can be sustained and helped to thrive long into the future.
Working to achieve positive goals would build on a vision
for conservation success for each species that incorporates
our proposed attributes. Our experience from working on a
variety of species conservation projects tells us that developing such a positive vision with a broad range of stakeholders
produces a positive atmosphere, facilitates cooperation, and
allows for development of essential partnerships and political support. Recent advances in psychology (e.g., Kaplan
and Kaplan 2009) and the rise of conservation psychology
(Clayton and Myers 2009) reinforce the importance of hope
in bringing about change and the existence of tools for helping humanity do so.
We fully recognize that conservation cannot be achieved
by biologists alone, or with only the use of conservation
biology tools. A vital element of successful species conservation that we have not included in our examination
is unending vigilance. In a world marked by pervasive
human impacts, constant attention must be paid to
changes in economic drivers, land-use change, and the
effects of a changing climate. Moving beyond biological values is essential for increasing the importance and
effectiveness of species conservation, and incorporating
sustainability of both extractive and nonconsumptive use
(Robinson 1993).
Conservation biology is a self-acknowledged “value-laden”
discipline with strong ethical roots, including a conviction of
the rights of all forms of life (Meine et al. 2006). The question of what it means to conserve a species does not have a
single empirical answer. The answer depends on the values
of those asking the question (e.g., Sanderson 2006), which
are all too often elided or poorly understood. The values
underlying our definition of successful species conservation
are unabashedly biocentric—a belief that extinction is a bad
thing; a belief in the intrinsic value of life on Earth as well
as the importance of this richness in realizing the fullness of
human existence. We work toward a world in which species
will be conserved not at minimum population sizes, but in
ecologically and evolutionarily significant numbers—a rich
world for human and nonhuman species.
We would like to dedicate this article to John
Thorbjarnarson, a world-class herpetologist and conservationist valued by people from China to Brazil and a
treasured colleague at the Wildlife Conservation Society,
who died suddenly in February 2010. He will be sorely
missed by many. We would like to thank the White Oak
Conservation Center and its director, John Lukas, for their
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species level. In recent decades, there has been an increase
in the number of species conservation efforts that link
captive breeding or rearing programs with the restoration or
bolstering of wild populations. As habitat losses and global
climate shifts proceed, it is expected that greater numbers
of species will require intensive demographic, health, and
genetic management.
The shift beyond a focus on threatened, vulnerable, and
endangered species helps move the conservation community
toward addressing Gaston’s (2010) concerns about the lack
of attention to the population trajectories of common species and the ecological importance of abundance. Gaston
pointed out that waving attention away from common
species of no conservation concern may cause us to miss
very important ecological impacts of decreases in species
numbers. Questions are beginning to emerge about the
important role played by common or abundant species,
for example through physical movement (e.g., jellyfish and
their brethren; Dewar 2009) or ecosystem functions (e.g.,
water filtering from oyster reefs [Schulte et al. 2009], carbon sequestration by wildebeest herds [Holdo et al. 2009],
and seed dispersal by birds [O’Brien et al. 2005] and bats
[McConkey and Drake 2006]). A focus only on species near
extinction will cause conservationists to overlook a wide
array of important conservation issues—just as health care
practiced only at the door of the hospital emergency room
will never slow the tide of patients in need of critical care.
Conservationists need the equivalent of preventative health
care, derived from a positive vision of a fully conserved
The focus of this article has been on a set of larger-bodied
vertebrate species with broad geographic distributions. We
recognize that most species have very limited geographic
distributions but see no reasons that the arguments we have
advanced here could not be scaled to all species. This article
does not address the species that will increase in numbers
as a result of these same changes—those that thrive in settings modified for human use. Instead, our focus is on those
species whose existence has seemed too often at odds with
human uses and desires.
Conservation biologists must have a framework for thinking
that includes targets for species recovery, as well as extinction
avoidance. With this in mind, we stress that the categories
and criteria used in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
serve to assess the relative extinction risk of species (IUCNSSC 2001, Mace et al. 2008). The 2010 biodiversity target,
the objective of which by 2010 is a “significant reduction of
the current rate of biodiversity loss” (
about/2010biodiversitytarget), is an example of a target with
insufficient ambition, focusing on slowing down bad things
rather than achieving good things. We believe that future conservation targets should be based on desirable conservation
outcomes, not merely on extinction avoidance.
Conservationists have often taken defensive stands in
their positions, objecting to the actions of others rather
than proposing what they think should be done. Some of
continued support of the Wildlife Conservation Society
and its conservation partners. We would also like to thank
Eva Fearn and particularly Catherine Grippo for support
in preparing this article.
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