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As the effects of the Global Climate Changes on the costal regions of Central and South Americas advance, there is proportionally little research being made to understand such impacts. This commentary puts forward a series of propositions... more
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      Environmental EducationCoastal ManagementClimate ChangeConservation Biology
¿Cómo se hace para compaginar investigación y trabajo
de campo con maternidad? ¿Se puede? ¿A qué costo físico
y emocional? En esta nota, algunas reflexiones.
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      Estudios de GéneroEcologíaEcofeminismoConservación De La Biodiversidad
Introducción al tema de la biodiversidad y el convenio internacional para su conservación y uso sostenible, así como a las estrategias nacionales a que obliga establecer a los estados firmantes.
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      Conservation BiologyBiodiversityBiología de la Conservación, Zoología; Biogeografía, Gestión AmbientalConservación De La Biodiversidad
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      GeographyConservationMarine ConservationBreeding
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      GeographyAnimal ScienceConservation BiologyConservation
La crisis socioecológica ha reforzado discursos y políticas sobre la sostenibilidad ambiental global, que en el ámbito de la conservación se expresan en llamados a incrementar la cantidad de áreas naturales protegidas, incluyendo aquellas... more
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      Áreas Naturales ProtegidasConflictos ambientalesConservación De La BiodiversidadCuenca Matanza Riachuelo
The analysis of factors that determine the distribution of top-scavengers at large scales can provide clues to understanding important ecological processes and may be useful in establishing conservation and management strategies. Here, we... more
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      Information SystemsZoologyGeographyAnimal Science
Bird-window collisions are one of the main causes of avian mortality worldwide, with estimations reaching up to almost one billion of dead individuals annually due to this cause in Canada and the USA alone. Although this is a growing... more
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      Animal ScienceConservation BiologyConservationEcology
Apparent competition is an indirect interaction that can strongly influence ecosystem functioning, altering species populations within the same trophic level. As a new resource, an introduced species can generate strong apparent... more
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      Animal ScienceConservation BiologyConservationCommunity Ecology
Vultures and condors (hereafter vultures) make up one the most threatened avian guilds in the world due to a variety of human-mediated impacts and disturbances. In fact, 70% of vulture species are currently suffering impacted by... more
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      GeographyEnvironmental ScienceAnimal ScienceConservation Biology
This book presents current research from across the globe in the study of the identification, conservation, and restoration of native species. Topics discussed include soil microbiology influencing biodiversity conservation of natural... more
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      GeographyBiodiversityEndangered SpeciesBiodiversity Conservation
Cumulative human impacts across the world's oceans are considerable. We therefore examined a single model taxonomic group, the penguins (Spheniscidae), to explore how marine species and communities might be at risk of decline or... more
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      GeographyClimate ChangeConservation BiologyFisheries
La biodiversidad, entendida como el conjunto de elementos vivos que forman la variedad natural de la tierra y que, por lo tanto, conforma su riqueza biológica, se ha convertido en el principal parámetro de evaluación medioambiental. Tanto... more
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      Biodiversity ConservationConservación De La BiodiversidadDerecho medioambiental
The white mullet, Mugil curema, is a widely distributed euryhaline species, the migratory behaviour of which is poorly understood. The objective of this work was to study the large-scale habitat use of this species for the first time.... more
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      GeographyMigrationLife historyBiological Sciences
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      Marine Protected AreasSciencePerformanceFailure
Mercury (Hg) is a global pollutant that bioaccumulates and biomagnifies in food chains and is associated with adverse effects in both humans and wildlife. We used feather samples from bird scavengers to evaluate Hg concentrations in two... more
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      Environmental ScienceAnimal ScienceEnvironmental StudiesAir Pollution and Health Effects
BioOne Complete ( is a full-text database of 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences published by nonprofit societies, associations, museums, institutions, and... more
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      Environmental EducationConservation BiologyExotic SpeciesInvasive species ecology
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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      EconomicsEcosystem ServicesGovernancePolicy
This study summarises the diversity of living macroinvertebrates and seaweeds from the intertidal and subtidal rocky shores along Ecuadorian continental coast. Benthic macroinvertebrate communities and seaweeds were quantified over... more
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      Marine Protected AreasEcologyBiodiversityCiencias Biológicas
El archipiélago cubano presenta gran biodiversidad, con alta riqueza y variedad florística. Ejemplo de ello son los ecosistemas que se desarrollan sobre suelos serpentiníticos, donde existen 920 especies exclusivas de ellos, que... more
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      BiodiversidadGestión AmbientalConservación De La Biodiversidad
En este capítulo se revisan las abejas y las avispas de la Ciudad de México. Se han registrado 269 especies y subespecies de abejas y avispas (123 de abejas y 146 de avispas), que son 5.0% de las que se registran en el país. Las familias... more
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      EntomologiaApidologyConservación De La BiodiversidadCiudad de México
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      GeographyOdonataCiencias BiológicasConservación De La Biodiversidad
As the effects of the Global Climate Changes on the costal regions of Central and South Americas advance, there is proportionally little research being made to understand such impacts. This commentary puts forward a series of propositions... more
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      Environmental EducationCoastal ManagementClimate ChangeConservation Biology
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The objective of this research is to study the social representations of rural teachers in Mendoza (Argentina) regarding the incorporation of students' traditional knowledge in the teaching of biodiversity and its conservation. The... more
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      Biocultural DiversityRural educationDiversidade CulturalEducação do Campo
Despite global conservation crises, widespread and poorly regulated toxic pesticides still cause preventable tragedies. Carbofuran, a carbamate pesticide, is the most implicated globally ([ 1 ][1]). In January, the latest and most... more
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      Animal ScienceConservation BiologyConservationEcotoxicology
The article discusses the relationships between the Ashaninka people from Peruvian Amazonia and the domesticated sedges (Cyperus spp.) cultivated in almost every Ashaninka home garden, and mostly exchanged within family circles. An... more
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      GeographyEthnobotanyPlant BiologyBiology
Regarding amphibians, Costa Rica exhibits the greatest species richness per unit area in Middle America, with a total of 215 species reported to date. However, this number is likely an underestimate due to the presence of many unexplored... more
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      Costa RicaBiodiversityCiencias BiológicasEndangered Animals
-En France, la réglementation autorise que les insecticides ou acaricides portant une mention « Abeilles » soient appliqués sur des plantes en fleurs, à condition d'absence de butineuses sur les parcelles à traiter. Mais aujourd'hui,... more
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      Political ScienceRegulationPollinationBeekeeping
Different cultures have different relationships with nature, and these relationships have many dimensions which shape people’s perceptions towards nature. Therefore, perceptions may vary between different cultures within the same... more
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      PerceptionConservation BiologyEcologyWildlife Conservation
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      GeographyArgentinaConservaciónCiencias Biológicas
Background Fire is an important driver of ecosystem dynamics worldwide. However, knowledge on broad-scale patterns of ecosystem and organism responses to fires is still scarce. Through a systematic quantitative review of available studies... more
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      Environmental ScienceClimate ChangeBiomassFire Ecology
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Se ofrecen 48 citas interesantes desde el punto de vista corológico de 40 especies de plantas amenazadas y/o raras en el País Vasco (Bizkaia y Araba); 5 de ellas están protegidas en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco.
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      ArabaÁlavaEspecies amenazadasConservación De La Biodiversidad