International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
Prof. PhD. Sudhakar VENUKAPALLI,
The English and Foreign Languages University Hyderabad,
[email protected]
The contemporary philosophical understanding of scientific rationality
fundamentally distinguishes itself from the conservative positions by what may be
considered a categorial reorientation by which it is meant that it replaces the old
categories by the new ones in terms of which the essential nature of the structure and
dynamics of science are described and explained. In the beginning, the radicalization
of the categorial framework has been brought through category transformation,
which is very well exemplified in the nullification of the discovery-justification
distinction. Apart from this parasitic semantic content, ‘discovery’ carried a negative
meaning in terms of what it is not. With the nullification of the distinction, the
semantic content of discovery has become not only autonomous, and positive but
also, comprehensive so much as to become the focal concept in grasping the essence
of scientific activity. These changes have fundamentally altered the discourse about
discovery in ways that can be of momentous significance to science education
(Schickore and Steinle, 2006). An attempt is made in this paper to illuminate how the
denial of the divorce thesis has been justified by the philosophical arguments of
Marcello Pera(1981, 1994), Robert McLaughlin (1982), John Worrall
Keywords: scientific discovery; scientific practice; context of justification; epistemic
significance; divorce thesis;
The traditional discourses of the problem of scientific discovery normally taken to be
the methods of discovery such as, the method of analysis and synthesis, inductive method,
deductive method, retroductive method, analogical reasoning, model building, etc. However,
valuable such discussions might be, they have started giving diminishing returns. First of all,
many of those methods, going by their conscious adoption by practicing scientists are of a
limited generality. Secondly, to the extent some of those methods have a great generality as
in the case of analogical reasoning and model-building, the discussions of those methods per
se is, epistemologically speaking, less important than the implications they have for our
construal of the overall nature of scientific knowledge. Though such a discussion might
clarify and explicate the nature of these methods utilize in scientific practice, they will not
directly place scientific practice within a radically new perspective that is transparent to the
students and practitioners of science who very much need to understand those dimensions of
scientific practice which are either overlooked or soft pedaled by the conventional picture of
science. Hence it would be beneficial to study the different dimensions of the contemporary
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
philosophical positions on discovery in terms of its various constituents such as the
nullification of discovery-justification distinction that is overlooked by the conventional
understanding of science.
The contention that discovery and justification are logically distinct from each other
has been a major plank of the attack on the possibility of a philosophical account of
discovery. Larry Laudan, who maintains the impossibility of a logic of discovery and who
maintains a strict distinction between discovery and justification, challenged the prodiscovery philosophers to show that the methods of generation per se do carry special
epistemic weight, that is, to establish that the methods of generation as such have special
epistemic force. The pro-discovery philosophers like Pera and McLaughlin attempt to meet
Laudan’s challenge by trying to establish what Nickles calls the per se thesis. It may be noted
that the per se thesis has to be established in a non-trivial way. As Peter Achinstein (1970)
and others have shown, virtually any argument used in the context of discovery could, in
principle, be found in the context of justification and vice versa. Hence care must be taken in
establishing the identity-relation while justifying the per se thesis. Similarly, care must also
be taken to see that the identity thesis must not result in making the philosophical account of
discovery as a shadow of that of justification. More importantly, the relation between them
must be one of de jure and not de facto (Nickles, 1985). After all a de facto relation amounts
to merely saying that what happened in a generative context, in fact carries probative weight.
On the other hand, a de jure relation amounts to saying that it did so by virtue of its role in
generation. To establish the per se thesis one must show that at least some moves made in the
context of discovery have de jure relevance to justification of the claim under consideration.
As Laudan holds, de facto relevance is not enough to establish a philosophically significant
connection between discovery and justification. In fact, Laudan might even grant such a de
facto relevance. By granting only a de facto relevance Laudan and others uphold what we
might call difference thesis about discovery and justification relation.
In countering Laudan’s challenge, Pera, McLaughlin and others try to establish an
identity relation between discovery and justification. Finding the Identity thesis of Pera,
McLaughlin and others highly wanting and even as attempts at an unrealizable goal, Nickles
comes out with what may be called an Identity-In-Difference thesis about discoveryjustification relation. The question is whether such a thesis seeks to establish per se thesis.
Nickles says that it might not. But nothing is lost since establishing per se thesis is neither
necessary nor possible for nullifying the distinction between discovery and justification, at
least to the extent that this distinction stands in the way of winning for discovery a
philosophical legitimacy. In what follows, I try to explicate the attempts of Pera, McLaughlin
and others to nullify the distinction between discovery and justification.
In his article ‘Inductive Method and Scientific Discovery’, Pera attacks what he calls
discontinuist thesis of hypothetico deductivists and puts forward what he calls the continuist
thesis, according to which, “a hypotheses springs from the very same argument which
provides the initial reasons for its plausibility” (Pera,1981,p.158). According to Pera the
Hypothetico-deductive Model suffers from a logical paralysis accruing from the fact that the
initial probability being zero, no amount of positive results would increase the probability of
a hypothesis and this is counter-intuitive. The second logical paralysis accrues from the fact
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
that in the hypothetico-deductivist model there is no limit to test just as there is no limit on
the quantity of observations the crude inductivist has to collect. Pera points out that if the
inductivist is compelled to observe everything, the Hypothetico-deductivist is forced to test
everything. But this would block al scientific activity (Pera, 1981,p.159) The only way out,
according to Pera, is to acknowledge that the plausibility considerations are not postinvention additions to an hypothesis but are constitutive of its conception and advancement
such that “A hypothesis is not an a-logical or pre-logical guess but the plausible conclusion
of an inference and hence the result of an induction” (Pera, 1981,p.157).
Undoubtedly Pera confronts Laudan’s challenge head on by attempting to show that
justification cannot even make a start and if at all it does start, can never reach its end, unless
we concede the logicality of the invention of the hypothesis and thus break the distinction
between discovery and justification. The question is, how far Pera is successful in this
Nickles says that Pera has not established per se thesis, for he has made discovery
derivative from justification. This is because he has not established that the probative force of
the arguments is due to the fact that they play a generative role. Secondly, since it is possible
to test a hypothesis by persons other than the one who generated the hypothesis, it is difficult
to maintain that the plausibility of the judgment made by the inventor has a logical bearing on
the justification. In fact Pera admits it when he attempts to explain such plausibility in terms
of the fact that generation was guided by constraints. But this implies that the second parties
can assess the prospects of a hypothesis independently of the source. It may or may not be the
case that such an ignorance of the source adversely affects the efficiency of scientific
procedure. But that question has nothing to do with the issue whether the relation between
discovery and justification is one of logical necessity, which Pera has failed to establish.
However, it may be noted that Pera has made, wittingly or unwittingly, an important point.
The de jure relation that he seeks to establish as a logical entity can be watered down into a
pragmatic necessity. That is to say, what Pera considers to be a logical feature should be
treated instead as a practical guide in making a choice among a host of competing candidates
for the position of a tentative hypothesis. This need arises in connection with the demands of
economic viability, practical convenience and work-efficiency. It may be objected that Pera’s
point by doing so, looses epistemological significance. However, the topic of economy of
research very much forms a part of the discussion of rationality and methodology, more and
more so as the equations between logic and methodology, and logic and rationality are being
weakened, Secondly, it may be objected that the practical interpretation of what Pera takes to
be a logical point brings down the relation between discovery and justification from the de
jure level to de facto level and thus Pera is left to compromise his per se thesis. But as
Nickles says, the economically required de facto linkage of generation to justification
undercuts the Popperian claim that no information used to construct a theory ever counts at
all in its support (Nickles, 1985) In short, though Pera fails to establish a de jure relation
between discovery and justification, the attempt is not futile. For Pera establishes a relation
which is however weak as a de facto relation is sufficient to undercut the Popperian construal
of the distinction in terms of psychological versus logical.
McLaughlin makes a distinction between context of generation, context of
preliminary evaluation and context of final assessment – a distinction which looks like that of
Laudan. However, the final evaluation, according to McLaughlin, depends upon the
preliminary evaluation not only in the sense that the prior assessment precedes empirical test
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
and thus must establish plausibility of an hypothesis but also in fixing non-zero initial
probability very much required by the Bayesian construal of probability assessment.
Similarly, according to McLaughlin, what happens in the context of generation is crucial to
the preliminary assessment. The considerations that go along with the generation of a
hypothesis might engender ‘advancement’ arguments for a new hypothesis H in the context
of generation and the same argument may serve the purpose of ‘enhancement’ for H and
thereby fix the prior-probability whose function is the posterior probability that accrues in the
context of final evaluation. McLaughlin (1982) says that “the aim of a logic of invention (i.e.,
a philosophical account of discovery as generation) is to explicate the ‘advancement of
plausible hypothesis”. However, McLaughlin fails to establish a de jure coupling, because he
has not shown that the considerations, which bring about ‘enhancement’ of hypothesis in the
context of preliminary appraisal, do so because of the fact that they have brought about an
advancement of that hypothesis in the context of generation. Secondly, in a full-blooded
logical relation between these contexts, the common considerations should not have
diminishing utility. But though we may not accept Popper’s strong statement that no
information used to construct a theory ever counts at all in its support, we cannot overlook
the fact that McLaughlin has not advanced any argument against the possibility of the
progressive diminishing of the utility of those considerations. That is to say, it remains an
open question whether the considerations may be very strong for the purpose of advancement
and less strong for the purpose of enhancement and positively weak for the purpose of final
evaluation. After all, the identity of the considerations does not guarantee non-variance of the
epistemic power.
John Worrall seeks to counter Laudan’s challenge by showing that the divorce thesis
is wrong since “ in order to decide whether a particular empirical result supports or
confirms or corroborates a particular theory the way in which that theory was developed or
constructed needs to be known - more especially, it has to be checked whether or not that
empirical result was itself involved in the construction of the theory” (Worrall,1985 ,p.301).
Those who reject any link between discovery and justification, think of justification always in
terms of novel predictions. But this is wrong because it is historically true that many a times
novelty has not been insisted upon. That is to say, many times confirmation of a theory was
accepted as genuine when it was based upon a fact known before the theory came into
existence. But it is also true that many a time ‘confirmations’ based upon facts known prior
to the theory were rejected as spurious. Worrall draws our attention to this peculiar historical
fact of the diametrically opposite points of view towards confirmation in terms of already
known facts. This curious historical phenomenon has generated diametrically opposite points
of view in confirmation theory with J S Mill and others treating the temporal priority of the
facts as being irrelevant to the confirmatory role and Whewell and his followers insisting
upon novelty as a precondition for a genuine confirmation. Perhaps, both of them were right
and perhaps they were speaking at cross-purposes.
Worrall by resolving the conflict tries to arrive at a via-media point of view according
to which a fact, which is known prior to theory i.e., which is not novel, can be used for
confirmation of the theory if it has not played a role in the construction of the theory. This
heuristic view of empirical support concurs with the non-temporal view, which does novelty
a necessary condition for confirmatory role. It agrees with the temporal view to the extent it
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
stipulates and supports on historical ground the thesis that if knowledge of a fact is used in
the construction of a theory it is illegitimate to use that fact in confirmation the theory. That
is to say, “even if a theory entails an accepted empirical result, the theory is not supported by
that result, if the result was used in the construction of the theory” (Worrall, 1985,p.301) It
may be pointed out that it is not always easy to detect whether or not a piece of our
knowledge of prior facts has been utilized both in the construction and in the confirmation of
the theory. But this is precisely what makes discovery a methodologically important domain
and related it to the context of justification. That is to say, in order that out justification be not
trivial and therefore spurious, it is necessary to take into account that part of the story of a
theory which is prior to justification, namely, the construction of a theory.
Worrall’s heuristic view insists that the role of our knowledge of facts prior to the
emergence of a theory is epistemologically important. Though those facts do not contribute to
confirmation they have an important role in the success of a theory. After all, even Whewell
agreed that his exclusive emphasis on novel predictions presupposes a belief that the theory
cannot have made the correct predictions by chance. But this assumption cannot be
conclusively proved. The rationality of our belief is somewhat adversely affected by this
missing link. To a great extent the heuristic role of factual knowledge acquired prior to theory
in the construction of the theory compensates for this. Of course, known facts (prior to
theory) do also confirm. In this way Worrall attempts to establish the truth of the per se thesis
and the falsity of the divorce thesis. But unfortunately, the terms of the per se thesis in
Worrall’s scheme are negative. It only tells us in what way the context of discovery should be
kept at a distance from that of justification on order that justification be genuine. It does not
at all tell us anything about the positive role discovery factors play in the process of
justification. In fact it makes a virtue of what the divorce theories treat as a vice. Though
Worrall’s thesis, like that of McLaughlin and Pera, undercuts the divorce thesis, it fails to
establish the per se thesis. However, it is to Worrall’s credit that he brings out the
epistemological significance of the discovery context in spite of its lack of positive bearing
on justification.
Hence, Worrall can be credited with a double achievement, namely, weakening the
divorce thesis and, more importantly, strengthening the independent epistemological
significance of the discovery process. However, Worrall seems to think that the question of
whether or not something has gone into the construction of a theory is not a trouble-shooter
for there are very clear-cut cases, which make the answer transparent. But the question is
whether such clear-cut cases are standard one. It may be that in standard cases the material of
construction may not be articulated except from hindsight. Secondly, the so-called
knowledge of the old facts when utilized in the constriction of theory may undergo a
metamorphosis by the very fact of its role in construction such that our knowledge of old
facts does not remain old. This is especially so in the case of explanatory theories. The
acquired novelty of such old knowledge might contribute not only to the plausibility of the
hypothesis but even to the acceptance of it, whenever “acceptance” is considered in terms
other than the veracity of the test-implications.
Jarrett Leplin attempts to present an alternative version of same thesis. Worrall’s
negative per se thesis was left to apply to the construction and evaluation of any type of
theories. Leplin confines the applicability of his thesis to the domain of only one type of
theories, namely, theories of realist import i.e., theories which invoke reference to the
unobservable deep-structures that are resorted to in explaining the observable phenomena.
Leplin’s strategy is to show that if the per se thesis, at least in its negative form is not
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
accepted, then the autonomy of explanatory theories with realist import gets adversely
affected and such an autonomy is axiomatic for any convincing philosophy of science.
Leplin accepts the widely shared view that not all positive instances of a theory’s laws
are confirmatory, although it is unclear and controversial what more the confirmation
requires. He finds that the difficulty accrues from an
ambiguity in the notion of
confirmation. Different types of theories might require different types of confirmation. The
degree of stringency of confirmation, according to Leplin, is directly proportional to the
explanatory depth of the theories. The theories with realist import are the deepest,
didactically speaking of all the theories and hence require most stringent conformation. One
way of characterizing the stringency in this connection is by accepting that a favorable
epistemic evaluation must be in terms of an empirical result that is independent of, or
different in kind from, results that have a formative role in the generation of the theory
confirmed. That is to say “inference to the truth or reference of a theory is warranted, if at
all, only by confirmations independent of results that instantiate empirical laws that function
as premises in rational reconstructions of the reasoning that generates the theory. For the
epistemic realist, at least, justification depends on discovery” (Leplin, 1987 ,p.809). Of
course Leplin’s thesis is contingent upon the existence of the type of theories which realism
looks upon as paradigmatic. In other words , Leplin must presume that non-realism is a false
thesis . Leplin accepts this and holds against non-realism what he considers to be their failure
to help us understand the ability of a theory to predict successfully phenomena that instantiate
no law having any formative role in the reasoning, which produced the theory.
The significance of Leplin's attempt lies in the fact that it goes a long way in
establishing some sort of a de jure relation between discovery and justification. But this is
done at the cost of the breadth of the magnitude, which per se thesis had in the previous
attempt. That is to say, in Leplin's scheme the per se thesis stands, if at all, within the domain
of theories of realist import. Undoubtedly, it is a credit to Leplin that he brings to bear
discovery-justification relation on the distinction between deep structural theories and
phenomenological theories. However, the critics of Leplin might point to a possible
circularity here; the stringency of confirmation is sought to be articulated in terms of realist non-realist distinction and unless the latter distinction is established in terms of independent
and logical terms, Leplin's position becomes circular. In other words, Leplin has to establish
the realist position on the basis of something other than stringency of confirmation. Leplin
(2009) says,
“ Having taken a position on this question, arguing that justification extends to
theoretical hypotheses, I came to wonder about the nature of justification generally. This is
not a belated discovery of the skeptical problem or a reconsideration of what I took to be
unproblematic. It is simply an interest in the possibility of locating epistemic advance in
science within a broader understanding of the nature of epistemic justification. Now that I
know that justification extends to theory, I am taking a step back and asking what
justification is.”
Further, it may be noted that the stringency of confirmation in terms of novel facts on
the one hand, and such theories having a real import in the realist sense of 'real' on the other
are not logically continuous with each other in the sense that one does not logically imply the
other, however compelling psychologically their association be. This fact very much erodes
the logical strength of the relation between discovery and justification that is construed in
very strong colours by Leplin.
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No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
Establishing the per se thesis on de jure lines is impossible. But, according to Nickles,
it is not necessary also, because discovery has been established as methodologically
important in its own right apart from any connection to justification. Because discovery has
an autonomous methodological significance, it is not necessary to establish per se thesis.
However showing an identity-in-difference relation between discovery and justification even
on de facto lines is a significant advance beyond the classical view of Positivists and
Popperians. By showing that justification itself is shot through discovery tasks of search and
generation one is able to arrive at a unitary picture. Such a relation if recognized, however
loose, at least highlights the role of heuristics in scientific thinking in general and context of
justification in particular, not only economically but also epistemically. In other words, the
through-going dualism between discovery and justification shared by both enemies of
discovery like Popper and friends of discovery like Hanson was undoubtedly put on the
defensive by people like McLaughlin and Pera, who though they could not establish a
monism of discovery and justification, nevertheless, considerably reduced the gap between
them. The gap is further reduced by acknowledging, as do the followers of Lakatos like
Urbach (1978) and Wimsatt(1980) that the evaluative weight of a theory increases if it is
found promising in terms of future discoveries. Nickles (1985) in his paper "Beyond Divorce:
Current Status of the Discovery Debate" seeks to further reduce the gap and establish an
almost, if not literal, de jure relation by invoking the notion of discoverability. It may be
noted that whereas Urbach and Wimsatt extend the notion of discovery forward, Nickles does
it backwards. Taking both of them together the context of discovery of a theory extends over
past, present and future.
Is discovery epistemically relevant to justification in the sense of providing surplus
support for the generated claims? In answering 'yes to this question, Nickles invokes the
notion of "justification as potential discovery" or "generative 'justification" or
"discoverability". By this he means the rationally reconstructed discovery path that maps a
derivation of the new claims from data. That is to say, the type of thinking that starts from
data and ends up in a theory as different from the type of thinking, which goes from theory to
observational test implications. Anyone who does not commit himself totally to hypotheticodeductive model can recognize the type of justification that is associated with the former
mode of thinking where "justifying a claim establishes its ‘discoverability’ in the sense that,
regardless of how the claim was discovered or invented historically - regardless of how or
why it was first thought of - it could have been discovered in the rationally specified manner
had the necessary information and analytical techniques been available"( Nickles, 1985 p.
195) Of course, it is true that the "discoverability" as explicated above and the actual process
of discovery are very rarely, if at all, identical. But "Despite this divorce of initial conception
from discoverability, discovery-type moves will be central to the latter, and certainly
important in searching for discoverability arguments. Scientists search for theoretical
derivational justifications even of well-confirmed hypotheses. Such searches are at once
searches for derivations and searches for rational discovery paths" (Nickles,1985.p.195196). It is obvious that Nickles' notion of empirical support is different from that of the
hypothetico-deductivist model which allows only a consequentialist construal of justification.
According to Nickles, both consequential justification and generative justification are
important and in fact, equal importance is attached to both in mature sciences.
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
Nickles admits that he has established a de jure relation between discoverability and
generative-justification but not between discovery and justification. But to the extent
generative-justification provides surplus justification, which is over and above that, provided
by a consequential justification, the divorce thesis has been given a jolt. Nickles (2014) says,
“Scientific practices do not neatly separate out in this manner, either logically or
temporally. Search-and-discover operations are ubiquitous in research, from problem
formulation to predictive testing. For example, writing and evaluating research proposals
requires heuristic appraisal – evaluation of the future promise of fertility of problems,
approaches, models, techniques, pieces of apparatus, etc. Although normative, this exercise
often involves constructing what might be called “discovery sketches” – plausible lines of
development and application – and it differs from epistemic appraisal of truth based on the
past empirical track record. We also meet discovery issues at the meta-level”.
In establishing, in however round about and loose a way, the positive bearing of
discovery on justification, Nickles has driven home the point that the divorce thesis is based
upon the dogma of consequentialism. If one realizes that justification in actual scientific
practice is construed in a sense broader than the one construed by consequentialism, the
divorce thesis gets sufficiently weakened not to stand in the way of the legitimation of
discovery as a worthy object of philosophical study.
It may be pointed out that the semantic content of "discovery" had been till now
earmarked or specified in terms of its antagonistic relation with justification. This divorcespecified content is bound to give way to divorce-free content once the divorce thesis is
rejected. With this the category of 'discovery' undergoes a transformation. It is this categorytransformation in connection with "discovery" that constitutes the first major achievement of
the contemporary view. It thus showed that the dominant notion of discovery was parasitic
upon a myopic understanding of 'justification'. The conception of discovery resulting from
such a transformation becomes synonymous with the whole process of scientific inquiry and
a philosophical study of discovery becomes, instead of an appendage to a supposed logic of
justification, a study of the whole development of an idea from its inception to its acceptance.
Gutting brings out this point very vividly when he says: "the positivists' exclusive emphasis
on the testing of already developed hypotheses did not just overlook one aspect of science; it
misrepresented the entire enterprise. The case for discovery is no longer a call to add a new
topic to our discussions of scientific methodology but to transform them by regarding
discovery as the primary goal of all science.”(Gutting,1980,p.222). Nickles' contention is that
'discovery' has a philosophical importance independent of whatever it has due to its
methodological proximity with justification. That is to say one must not loose sight of the
philosophical i.e., methodological importance of discovery in itself, even if one has sufficient
arguments against the divorce position.
As we have seen, the relation between discovery and justification is one of identity-indifference. It is both strong and weak. It is strong enough for countering divorce thesis and
yet loose enough to permit independent relevance of discovery for methodological inquiry
into science. The independent philosophical significance consists in its ability to shed light
upon those aspects of scientific thinking, which were eclipsed by the justificationist dogma
with its divorce thesis. The dogma refused to attach any methodological significance to what
preceded justification in the consequentialist sense. Once we free ourselves from such an idea
we may be able to recognize certain things in the context of discovery that might have
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International Journal of Theology, Philosophy and Science
No. 6, Year 4/2020
ISSN 2601-1697, ISSN-L 2601-1689
consequences for the fundamental epistemological problem, namely, the nature and, limits of
scientific knowledge. One can find such a promise in the nature of scientific problems and
the constraints that characterize their solutions. The contributions of the contemporary
philosophers of science are a major advance in the discourse of scientific discovery.
[1] Achinstein, Peter. “Inference to Scientific Laws” in R. Steuwer (ed.), Minnesota Studies
in the Philosophy of Science, Vol.5, (1970), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
[2] Gutting, Gray. “The Logic of Invention”, in T. Nickles (ed.), Scientific Discovery, Logic
and Rationality. (1980) Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel, p 222.
[3] Leplin, Jarett. 1987. “The Bearing of Discovery on Justification”. Canadian Journal of
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[4] Leplin, Jarrett . A Novel Defense of Scientific Realism. New York: Oxford University
[5] Leplin, Jarrett . A Theory of Epistemic Justification, Chapel Hill NC: Springer, 2009.
[6] McLaughlin, R.: “Invention and Appraisal”, in McLaughlin (ed.), What? Where? When?
Why?, (1982), p.79 Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel.
[7] Nickles, Thomas. “Beyond Divorce: Current Status of the Discovery Debate”.
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[8] Nickles, T. “Evolutionary Models of Innovation and the Meno Problem,” in L. Shavinina
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[9] Nickles, Thomas . “Scientific Discovery” in Martin Curd and Stathis (ed.) The Routledge
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[10] Pera, M. “Inductive Method and Scientific Discovery”, in M.D. Grmek, R.S. Cohen,
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[11] Pera,M. The Discourses of Science. Chicago: Chicago University Press,1994
[12] Schickore, J. and Steinle, F. (ed). Revisiting Discovery and Justification: Historical
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[13] Urbach, P. "The Objective Promise of a Research Programme", in Radnitzky and
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[14] Wimsatt, William C. ‘Reductionistic Research Strategies and their Biases in the Units
of Selection Controversy’ T. Nickles (ed.), Scientific Discovery: Case Studies, Dordrecht,
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[15] Worrall, J. 1985. “Scientific Discovery and Theory – Confirmation” in J.Pitt (ed.).
Change and Progress in Modern Science. Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel,(1985),p. 301.
[16] Worrall, J. “Normal Science and Dogmatism, Paradigms and Progress: Kuhn versus
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University Press, 2003.
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