Scanning Microscopy
Volume 6
Number 1
Article 8
Influence of Bragg Scattering on Plasmon Spectra of Aluminum
P. Schattschneider
Technical University of Austria
D. -S. Su
Jilin University
P. Pongratz
Technical University of Austria
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Schattschneider, P.; Su, D. -S.; and Pongratz, P. (1992) "Influence of Bragg Scattering on Plasmon Spectra
of Aluminum," Scanning Microscopy: Vol. 6 : No. 1 , Article 8.
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Scanning Microscopy, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1992 (Pages 123-128)
Scanning Microscopy International, Chicago (AMF O'Hare), IL 60666 USA
P. Schattschneidcr*
D.-S. Su t and P. Pongratz
Institut fur A ngewandte und Technische Physik, Techn. Univ. A-104 0 Vienna, Austria
t also at: Dept. of Materials Science, Jilin University, Changchun, China
(Received for publication July 23, 1991, and in revised form February 23, 1992)
Inelastic interactions of a fast probe electron with a
specimen, measured by electron energy loss spectrometry
(EELS), provide a great deal of chemical (e.g. by use of
absorption edges) and electronic (e.g. inter band transitions) information [4]. The strongest inelastic process is
plasmon scattering. In an excitation, the plasmon ( collective mode of the conduction electrons) picks up energy
E and momentum if from the probe electron. The classical excitation energy Eo of the plasmon, its halfwidth,the
coeffficient a of its dispersion relation
Plasmon spectrometry is an important method to
obtain information on many-body effects in the solid
state. The plasmon halfwidth and the dispersion coefficient are well investigated for a number of materials,
and compare well with quantum mechanical predictions.
The excitation strength of the coherent double plasmon
has been investigated to a lesser extent. Experimental
results are at variance with one another and with theory.
This is partly due to the plural scattering which masks
the coherent double plasmon.
Accurate analysis of plasmon spectra requires not
only to remove the inelastic plural processes but also to
take into account the coupling between Dragg and plasmon scattering at high scattering angles. It is shown that
the excitation strength of the coherent double plasmon in
forward direction falls below the detection limit when this
correction is applied.
= Eo +aq2,
and the excitation cutoff wavenumber qc above which Landau damping is the dominant decay mechanism for plasmons are important parameters which are usually determined from experiment and compared with predictions
of either classical or quantum mechanical calculations [6].
Thus, plasmon spectroscopy is a sensitive check of our understanding of many-body effects in the solid. By means
of Kramers-Kronig analysis, more direct information on
the electronic structure of the specimen can be obtained
[3, 5, 15].
In many cases, measurements do not well compare
with one another and with quantum mechanical calculation. This is not only because models are poor but also
because data processing is a formidable task. Owing to
the strength of the Coulomb interaction, the probe electron scatters more than once within the specimen, preventing comparison with model calculations.
For accurate analysis this multiple scattering contribution has to
be removed.
Key Words: Electron energy loss spectroscopy, EELS, deconvolution, inelastic scattering, plasmons, plural scattering, Bragg scattering.
• Address for correspondence:
P. Schattschneider
Institut for Angewandte und Technische Physik
Techn. Universitat Wien
Wiedner Hauptstral3e 8-10, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Phone: (222) 588 01 ext. 5626
Fax: (222) 56 42 03
[email protected]
Inelastic interactions of electrons with a specimen
are usually described by the differential scattering cross
section 8 3 P11/EJ2D.8E
which relates to the loss function
Jm(l/c:) as [8]
P. Schattschneider
et al.
Fig. 1. Energy loss spectrum at angle {) = 19.4 mrad
(q = 2.03A- 1 ): before (full line) and after Braggscattering correction ( dashed line).
IM(E,q) = I(E,q) * [b(E,O) + I)(E,G)]
I(E,q) = IM(E,q)-AB/1r
The factor Z ( q, qB, t.p) is obtained from the geometry of
the Bragg ( qB) and scattering wave vector ( q) as
Z(q,q 8 ,t.p)=Jq~+q
Eq.(6) can be solved by iteration
imation we obtain
[2]. In the first approx-
IA(E, q)
= IM(E,q) - Aa/1r
JM(E, Z(q, qa,t.p))dt.p,
the sum over all Bragg
JB(E', q') J(E-E',
dashed line.
After some elementary calculation we get
which can be considered sufficiently accurate since All is
of the order of percents.
In the following calculations only the [111]-reflection
in aluminum was considered. An accurate analysis should
also include the [200] and [220] reflections; however, from
the following results it will become clear that the latter do
not much influence energy loss spectra up to q = 2.7 A- 1 ,
the highest wave number where spectra were measured.
scattered beams G. For polycrystalline specimens lacking
any preferential orientation of microcrystals-a
which we shall henceforth assume-the
intensities of the
scattered electrons are functions of the energy loss and
the wave number I(E, q) = I(E, q).
Let us assume for the moment that only one Bragg
reflection ( [111], say) is sufficiently strong to be considered. Based on a simple geometric consideration Batson
and Silcox [2] give a correction of combined inelastic and
Bragg scattering which shows that the intensity at a given
point qis
IM(E, q) = I(E, q) +
and {)2=16.4 mrad (q = 1.7 A-
Fig. 2. The contribution of Bragg scattering to the measured profile: {)1 = l9.4mrad,
(q = 2.03A- 1 ) full line
Here e is the elementary charge, ao is the Bohr radius and
q 2 = (w/v)2+k3_. Theincidentelectronhasvelocityv,
energy loss is E = 1iw, and k1_is related to the scattering
angle{) as k1_= k0 {) where k0 is the wavenumber of the incident electron. According to eq.(2), it is necessary to do
angle-resolved EELS in order to obtain complete information on the scattering process. The higher the scattering
angle, the more important are contributions from double
and multiple inelastic scattering processes [10, 12].
At very high angles the superposition of Bragg elastic scattering has to be taken into account. In general the
measured intensity can be written as
with the transmitted
Energy loss [eV]
Energy loss [eV]
The numerical calculation was performed for energy
loss spectra of aluminum. The material was evaporated
from a tungsten boat at 5.10- 6 torr and condensed onto
glass substrates covered with Mowital. The deposition
rate was 1.5 nm/ s, and the films were 200 nm thick. The
films were floated off the substrate in Chloroform and
prepared onto Cu-grids for electron microscopy as usual.
Measurements were done with a cylindrical mirror analyzer attached to a modified Siemens Elmiskop IA. The
electrons were accelerated to an energy of 40 ke V. The energy resolution was typically 0.75 eV (FW HM). In the
diffraction mode, energy scans were performed with an
angular resolution of 0.17 mrad to 0.8 mrad, depending
on scattering angle.
q -q)dE'dq'.
Here IM is the measured spectrum,
is the intensity which stems from Bragg reflections (i. e.
purely elastic scattering) and I(E, q) is what would be
measured if no Bragg reflections were present. AB is the
relative integral intensity of the Bragg ring in question.
Influence of Bragg Scattering on Plasmons
Fig. 5. Single loss spectrum at small scattering angle
{) = 0.34 mrad (q = 0.035 A- 1 ), obtained by matrixdeconvolution.
Fig. 3. The contribution of Bragg scattering as a function of momentum transfer. Full line: E 1 = 15 e V, first
plasmon; dashed line: E 2 = 17.2 e V; dash-dotted line:
E 3 = 30 e V, second plasmon. The maximum is located
at 2.7 A- 1 , corresponding to the Bragg angle for (111)reflections, {) = 26.6 mrad.
Enc'rgy loss [eV]
Energy loss [eV]
q [A-1]
Fig. 6. The same spectrum as in Fig. 5 with Bragg scattering correction applied prior to deconvolution.
Fig. 4. Detail from Fig.3. (E = 17.2eV).
the figure, it is obvious that the Dragg correction becomes
more important with increased scattering angle. Fig. 3
shows the Bragg contribution as a function of momentum
transfer in the diffraction plane at different energy loss
(E1 = 15eV, first plasmon; E2 = 17.2eV,dashed line;
E3 = 30eV, second plasmon, dash-dotted line). The correction is important only in the vicinity of the Al (111)
Bragg ring at q = 2.7 A- 1 (rJ = 26.6 mrad). Fig. 4 is a detail from the dotted line in Fig. 3. (Energy loss 17.2 e V).
The plateau between 1.8 and 3.6 A- 1 is caused by plasmon dispersion: at q = 0.92 A- 1 the plasmon has an energy of~ 17.2 eV. Hence, at 17.2 eV energy loss, and as
a function of momentum transfer, considerable intensity
can be expected in a distance of q = 0.92 A -I away from
the Bragg ring.
Figs. 5, 6 demonstrate the effect and magnitude
of the Bragg correction to angle resolved plasmon spectra. Fig. 5 is a single loss spectrum at 0.34 mrad (q =
0.035 A -I) obtained by a deconvolution procedure developped by one of the authors and coworkers (7, 10, 12].
In Fig.1 the measured (full line) and the corrected
( dashed line) spectra at scattering angle {) = 19.4 mrad
( q = 2.03 A -J) are compared. Note the overall increase
of intensity with energy loss; a tendency especially found
at high scattering angles. It should be mentioned at this
point that we used as-measured spectra-no
procedure was applied. Fig.2 shows the contribution of
Bragg scattering ( difference of graphs of Fig. 1) at two
scattering angles, rJ1=19.4 mrad (q = 2.03A- 1 ), full line
and rJ2=16.4 mrad (q = 1.7 A- 1 ), dashed line. The asymmetric shape of the plasmon-like single, double and triple
excitation peaks is due to the fact that the Bragg ring
acts as a source now instead of the incident beam; thus
the contribution of plasmon excitation with non-vanishing
wave vector is increased as can be easily imagined from
the scattering geometry. The smaller intensity at n • 15 e V
where n = 1, 2, 3 for 16.4 mrad is caused by the strong decrease of intensity at these energies for higher scattering
angle, with the consequence of stronger asymmetry. From
P. Schattschneider
et al.
at low scattering angles almost completely. For accurate
analysis of energy loss spectra in the medium loss range,
such as determination of the dielectric function for nonvanishing wave number, it is important not to neglect the
Bragg elastic superposition.
This work was supported by the Hochschuljubiliiumsstiftung der Stadt Wien and by the Austrian
Fonds zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung,
project P7432-PHY.
Energy loss [e VJ
[l] Ashley J.C. Ritchie R.H. (1970).
Doubleplasmon excitation in a free-electron gas. Phys. status
solidi 38, 425-434.
[2] Batson, PE, Silcox, J. (1983).
Experimental energy-loss function, Im[-1/c(q,w)],
for aluminium.
Phys. Rev. B27, 5224-5239.
[3] Colliex C, Gasgnier M, Trebbia P. (1976). Analysis of the electron excitation spectra in heavy rare earth
metals, hydrides and oxides. J. de Physique 37, 397-406.
[4] Egerton RF. (1986). Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscope, Plenum Press, New
York, chapter 4.
[5] Misell DL. (1970). The Calculation of Optical Data from Electron Energy Loss Measurements. Z.
Physik 235, 353-359.
[6] Raether H. (1980).
Excitation of Plasmons
and Interband Transitions by Electrons, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin, chapter 7.
[7] Schattschneider P. (1983). Retrieval of single loss
profiles from energy loss spectra. A new approach. Phil.
Mag. B47, 555-560.
[8] Schattschneider P. (1986). Fundamentals of Inelastic Electron Scattering, Springer Verlag Wien, New
York, 95-97.
[9] Sch:3.ttschneider P, Pongratz P. (1988). Coherence in Energy Loss Spectra of Plasmons. Scanning Microsc. 2, 1971-1978.
[10] Schattschneider P, Zapfl M, Skalicky P. (1985).
Hybrid deconvolution for small-angle inelastic multiple
scattering. Inverse Problems 1, 381-391.
[11] Schattschneider P, Fodermayr F, Su DS. (1987).
Coherent Double-Plasmon Excitation in Aluminum.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 724-727.
[12] Schattschneider
P, Fodermayr F, Su D.-S.
(1988). Deconvolution of Plasmon Spectra. Scanning Microsc. Suppl. 2, 255-269.
[13] Spence JC, Spargo AE. (1971). Observation
of double-plasmon excitation in aluminium. Phys. Rev.
Lett. 26, 895-897.
[14] Su D.-S. (1991 ). Mehrfachstreuung in der
Doctoral thesis,
Univ. of Technology Vienna.
[15] Wehenkel C. (1975).
Mise au point d'une
nouvelle methode d'analyse quantitative des spectres de
Fig. 7. Single loss spectrum at large scattering angle
{) = 19.4mrad (q = 2.03A- 1 ) , obtained by matrixdeconvolution.
] -l-----~==-c,
Energy loss [e V]
Fig. 8. The same spectrum as in Fig. 7 with Bragg scattering correction applied prior to deconvolution.
Note that the double plasmon loss at 30 eV has vanished
(or has fallen below detectability, at least) when the Dragg
scattering correction is applied (Fig. 6). Up to now it has
been thought that the Bragg elastic contribution to plasmon spectra was negligibly small at that small scattering angle; consequently, the subsidiary maximum at the
double plasmon energy has been interpreted as a coherent excitation of two plamons in one scattering process
[9, 11, 13]. Fig. 7 is the same for a scattering angle of
19.4 mrad (q = 2.03A- 1 ). Despite the fact that the statistical scatter of data is much larger at high angles, the
improvement of Fig. 8 over Fig. 7 is evident. The small
negative dip at 30 eV is caused by "hyper-deconvolution"
of the double plasmon maximum, but apparently the effect is partly due to the Bragg scattering contribution.
The effect of superposition of elastic (Bragg) scattering on angle resolved plasmon spectra of aluminum
was investigated. We find that the Bragg contribution
is largest at high angles as was to be expected. An appropriate correction prior to a multiple scattering deconvolution yields smaller negative dips at the double plasmon for
high scattering angles, and removes the double plasmon
Influence of Bragg Scattering on Plasmons
pertes d'electrons rapides diffuses clans la direction du
faisceau incident. J. de Physique 36, 199-213.
plateau around the peak, it seems to be the result of the
full line curve in Figure 3. But for Figure 4 which deals
with the 17.2eV loss (i.e. a plasmon with q = o.sA-1 ) I
understand the origin of the plateau but I miss your argument about the main maximum which is from the tail
of the plasmon peak at q = 0.0 A-I. Why does it come
at 17.2eV and 2.7 A- 1 ?
Authors: The satellite peaks, or rather the shallower
slopes of the high-energy sides of the plasmon peaks in
Fig. 1 are contributions from energy shifted plasmons,
emerging from the (111) Bragg ring. This asymmetry is removed by the Bragg correction. As is evident
from Fig. 2 the Bragg contribution is more asymmetric
for smaller scattering angle, and the center of gravity
is shifted to the right. This is because a smaller scattering angle implies higher scattering angle with respect
to inelastic events emerging from the Bragg ring. The
spectrometer aperture positioned at 19.4 mrad receives
inelastic intensity from the Bragg (111) ring scattered by
a minimum of 5.8 mrad. At this angle the triple plasmon excitation maximum is about 46 e V which is exactly
the position of the third plasmon maximum found in Fig.
2, full line. For the dashed line, this estimate gives a
value of 48 e V, again corresponding with Fig. 2. The
low energy satellites at 15 e V and 30 e V are undispersed
plasmon peaks caused by diffuse elastic and quasielastic
The main maximum at q = 2.7 A- 1 (corresponding
to the Bragg angle for (111) reflections) comes at any energy loss. It is caused by the fact that at the Bragg ring
q Bragg, the spectrometer aperture receives inelastic intensity from the Bragg (111) ring scattered by a minimum
of Om-rad. The onset of the superimposed plateau which
is more or less symmetric with respect to q Bragg depends
on energy loss E and is given by
Discussion with Reviewers:
C. Colliex: Why was a 200 nm thick Al specimen used for
40 keV? The mean free path Ap for inelastic scattering is
then rather short compared to thickness t. What is t/ Ap
in your experiment?
Authors: We decided to use a thick specimen (t/Ap ~ 4.4)
because multiple scattering is then prominent.
specimens impose a difficult test upon multiple scattering removal. Usual Fourier deconvolution would no more
work at that thickness as was recently shown (14]. Therefore, this experiment is also a demonstration of the validity and accuracy of the algebraic matrix deconvolution
developed by two of the authors (7, 10, 12].
C. Colliex: There is a serious omission for a clear understanding of your paper, i.e. a chart of the investigated
modes on a (E, q)-graph. Some of your figures deal with
sections along a given q value (Figures 1 and 2), and others along a given E value (Figures 3 and 4). Considering
the first set of data, can you explain the overall increase
of intensity with energy loss, is it due to electron-hole pair
R. F. Egerton: You state that the higher the scattering
angle, the more important are contributions from plural
scattering; is this because of the increased angular width
of the plural scattering angular distributions compared to
the single-scattering distribution?
Authors: We do not believe that an (E, q)-graph is useful
to the reader. The graph C. Colliex refers to would show
the same modes as already discussed in (2], a paper cxplici tely aimed at determination of the low loss function
in Al, with emphasis on plasmon dispersion. The present
paper however aims at a totally different issue, viz. showing the influence of Bragg scattering on deconvolution,
with emphasis on the residual double plasmon intensity.
This is most clearly displayed as an energy scan at fixed
momentum transfer, as given in Fig. 2, for instance. Contrary to (2], we use a more accurate method for multiple
scattering deconvolution, and we come to a different conclusion on the magnitude of the coherent double plasmon
The answer to R. F. Egertons question is yes. In
Fig. 1, electron-hole pair excitations are so seriously
masked by multiple scattering that they are not visible.
The faint positive background in Fig. 8 is due to those
In Fig. 4, E
= qBragg
- qE.
= 0.92A-
C. Colliex: Why would there remain a contribution at
30 eV due to elastic Bragg scattering?
Authors: The Bragg correction reduces intensity in a nontrivial manner as discussed above. So, it is difficult to
decide a priori which effect the correction will have on
the outcome of the deconvolution. Basically, the angular
halfwidths of the single, double and triple plasmon profile
are changed in different ways by combined inelastic and
Bragg scattering such that the deconvolution produces artifacts without Bragg correction - see the remaining negative intensity at 19.4 mrad in Fig. 7. We cannot really
answer this question-in
our opinion the correction docs.
C. Colliex: Are the satellite peaks on the right sides of the
double and triple plasmon peaks real features or noise?
If they are real features, I do not understand why they
disappear after Bragg removal. In a connected domain,
you plot the Bragg contribution in Figure 2. Could you
comment about the dissymmetric shape, the exact energy position of the rises, the satellites at higher energy?
vVhen you plot the results along the q scale, you show
that for the plasmon at E 1 = l5eV, the Bragg contribution dominates at the Bragg angle and that there is no
P. Batson: Your conclusion leads one to believe that all
previous work on double plasmon scattering is contaminated by the Bragg scattering problem. The work in ref.
2 was done on ( 111) epitaxial films. Therefore, the ( 111)
P. Schattschneider
and (200) type reflections were absent. The (220) reflection at 4.4 A-I was the only Bragg scattering that needed
to be treated. The work in reference 13 was done in single
crystal Al oriented to minimize Bragg scattering.
Authors: Previous work on double plasmon scattering did
not even agree on the order of magnitude of the coherent
double plasmon, experimental values ranging from 0.5%
to 13%-see the review in reference [9]. The theory of
Ashley and Ritchie [1) for the two-plasmon intensity is
very sensitive to the choice of the cutoff wavenumber, resulting in a range of possible values from 4% to 17% in
Al. So, there seems to be a problem with the early experiments and with calculations.
The work in reference [2] probably was contaminated by Bragg scattering for wavenumbers less than
~ 1.4 A- 1 because the correction-according to Eq. 12
in reference [2]-is effective only beyond this value. Furthermore, our deconvolution routine uses a spline approximation to a Lorentzian whereas the deconvolution routine
used in reference [2] relied on a Gaussian fit to the angular
profiles, possibly causing convergence problems.
ct al.
would satisfy the need. Then the plasmon plus Bragg
scattering need not be confined to the normal Ewald
sphere. In spite of the second order nature of this· process, under dynamical scattering conditions this may be
Authors: This is an attractive idea, and we feel that it
could explain why Spence and Spargo [13) who used a single crystal of aluminum came up with such high a value
for the double plasmon intensity. An answer to this question would however require a systematic investigation of
the double plasmon under dynamical as well as kinematic
scattering conditions.
Apart form that, two other facts might be responsible for the extremely high value ( twice as much as the
value reported in reference [2]) given in reference [13] for
the two-plasmon intensity: 1) The results of this method
will depend on the choice of the energy window; 2) Fig. 3
in reference [13] shows considerable and systematic difference between measurement and the best fit. In our
opinion, the measurements suggest a constant additive
background superimposed on the Poissonian distribution,
and this is certainly not explained by the hypothesis of a
coherent double plasmon.
P. Batson: The angular transform was exact. The Gaussian fit was used to reduce the dynamic range of the data
for the numerical Fourier Bessel Transform. The resulting transform was the sum of the analytical transform of
the Gaussian plus the numerical transform of the residual
obtained after subtraction of the fitted Gaussian.
Authors: When you transform the residual you need an
infinitely large base interval because the experimental profile falls to zero at a finite angle whereas the Gaussian does
not. It is not clear from reference [2] how you cope with
this problem numerically.
To clarify our point: We do not state that reference [2] is erroneous. We simply say that one cannot
avoid approximations in data analysis, and that the approximations inherent in the present work were different
from those in reference [2] as stated above.
It is not the scope of the present paper to judge
whether or not these differences in data analysis can explain the difference in the coherent double plasmon intensity given in reference [2] to the present one (which is beyond detection limit). We trust in our results not only because the deconvolution routine used in the present work
is known to be highly successful-see reference [11]-but
also because the Bragg scattering would tend to increase
the two-plasmon intensity with specimen thickness. This
behaviour has been observed-see the following discussion
with R. F. Egerton.
R. F. Egerton: Is the contribution near the origin in Fig. 3
due to double Bragg scattering back to (} = 0? If so,
it presumably requires no "correction" in the sense that
double scattering increases the zero-loss and plasmon-loss
intensities by the same fraction.
Authors: According to eq. 8, the correction term is calculated from the measured spectrum which has a subsidiary
maximum at 0aragg•
This will cause a subsidiary maximum in the correction term at (} = 0. Literally, this is
double Bragg scattering back to the origin-albeit
overestimating the correction since eq. 8 is approximate.
Your conjecture is probably right for (} = 0.
R. F. Egerton: Presumably your factor Z in Eq. 6 takes
into account the angular distribution of plasmon scattering? Do you allow for a cutoff at some critical wavevector?
Authors: The factor Z in Eqs. 6 and 8 is the distance of
the spectro:neter aperture in the diffraction plane from
the Bragg ring, as a function of the azimuthal angle <.p.
The angular distribution of the plasmon intensity is the
measured intensity. Since we measured up to q = 3.5 A- 1
this is the cutoff wavevector for the Bragg correction.
R. F. Egerton: Is it correct to say that the Bragg correction increases with increasing specimen thickness, and
that the 30 e V artifact seen in Fig. 5 would therefore be
considerably smaller for a 50 nm ( as opposed to 200 nm )
Authors: This is plausible although we would not expect a
linear increase of the artifact. There is in fact experimental evidence for a thickness dependence. Schattschneider
and Pongratz [9) found the remaining intensity at 30 e Vin
Aluminum to be thickness dependent after deconvolution
of image mode spectra ( ~ 3% of single loss for a 200 nm
thick specimen, ~ 1% for 50 nm thickness). There was no
Bragg correction applied in that work.
P. Batson: Quite frankly, I believe that if the double plasmon is not the answer, then there must be a subtle piece
of physics operating that remains unappreciated. In this
context, I find myself intrigued by the effect of the Bragg
correction. If the obviously-present (111) Bragg scattering in this experiment gives such a precise correction at
the double plasmon position, perhaps something similar
happens when the Bragg scattering is not so obvious.
A coherent plasmon-Bragg event (an Umklapp process)