Isometry groups of three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
Carles Bona, and Bartolomé Coll
Citation: Journal of Mathematical Physics 33, 267 (1992);
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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Isometry groups of three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
Caries Bona
Departament de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, E-07071 Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Bathroom Coll
Laboratoirede Physique Thborique, Gravitation et Cosmologie Relativistes, Institut Henri Poincark, 11,
Rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
(Received 5 November 1990; accepted for publication 15 August 1991)
The necessary and sufficient conditions for a three-dimensional Riemannian metric to admit a
group Gr of isometries acting on s-dimensional orbits are given. This provides the list of
(abstract) groups that can act isometrically and maximally on such metrics. The conditions are
expressed in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor. In any case,
the order of differentiability of these data necessary to determine the isometry group is less
than 4.
In general relativity there are many interesting problems involving an equation of the form 2(v) g = Q, where
g is a three-dimensional Riemannian metric, 2(v) indicates the Lie derivative with respect to the vector field v,
and Q is a certain (second-order symmetric) tensor related to the problem in question.
This is the case, for example, in the standard evolution formalism' where one is interested in the isometries
admitted by the gravitational field at every instant:2 there,
g is the induced metric on the instant (spacelike hypersurface), Q vanishes, and the isometries are characterized
by the vector fields v verifying 2(v) g = 0 (Ref. 3);
slightly more generally, the vector fields characterizing
the conformal symmetries at every instant verify 2(v)
g = g.
In the same evolution formalism, one can ask for
stronger symmetry conditions, namely, that the isometric
or conformal invariant properties of the gravitational
field be space-time symmetries. Then, as was shown in
Ref. 4, the spacelike projections v of the vector fields
characterizing these space-time symmetries have to verify
2 (v) g = 2ar K + 0 g, where a- is a suitable scalar function, K is the extrinsic curvature of the instant, and 4
vanishes in the isometry case.
It is well known that Born's rigidity notion in relativity is excessively severe (Herglotz-Noether theorem,
infinitesimal perturbations at infinite velocity). A
smoother alternative approach, adapted to the synchronization defined by the instants of the evolution formalism,
is the relative rigidity notion introduced in Ref. 5 and
considered in Ref. 6 under a slighter restricted form. One
can show that a rigid congruence with respect to a given
synchronization is characterized by a velocity field whose
projection v on every instant acts like a space-time symmetry on that instant: 25(v) g = 2a K. Clearly, a relative
conformal rigidity notion alternative to the conformal
J. Math. Phys. 33 (1), January 1992
Born's one7 will add a term of the form 0 g to the second
member of the above equation.
Another physical formalism usual in relativity is that
of the quotient metric q, obtained from Cattaneo's technique of projections associated to a system of observers
(timelike congruence) 8 Although the quotient metric is
not a metric (unless the observers are Born's rigid ones),
it is possible to associate with it Ricci-like tensors9 and,
for some purposes, to handle the quotient metric as a true
three-dimensional Riemannian metric. It is then natural
to ask for its isometrics or conformities, i.e., for those
vector fields v that are orthogonal to the observers and
such that 2(v) q equals 0 or q q, respectively.
Finally, there is an interesting question that remains
open in the matching problem in general relativity: that
of the conditions governing the absorption or creation of
isometrics by the surface of a medium. The only known
general result follows directly from the Darmoisl° matching conditions and the isometry initial conditions: 4 It
states that an isometry group can pass continuously
through the matching surface only if this surface is an
orbit of the group. If that is not the case, a set of necessary conditions for the group to pass (discontinuously) is
that, in the matching surface, an equation of the form
23(v) g = 2oa K admits nontrivial solutions in v.
All of these examples show the interest of the study
of three-dimensional equations of the form 25(v) g = Q.
Their space of solutions depends drastically on the isometry group admitted by the metric g. Of course, the corresponding integrability conditions have been known for
a long time'1 but they have never been completely and
covariantly solved. The purpose of this paper is to do
that. We give, in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a three-dimensional Riemannian metric to admit a group of isometries.12"13 Our main results
(Theorems 1 to 5) are well adapted to theoretical considerations and are easy to apply to concrete examples:
0022-2488/92/01 0267-06$03.00
M 1991 American Institute of Physics
C. Bona and S. Coll: Three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
They should certainly simplify the present numerical programs for obtaining the Killing vector fields and the problem of equivalence of metrics.
In a study of certain space-times, the simple case of
two-dimensional metrics has been considered recently by
one of us.14
As a by-product of our analysis, the abstract groups
that are allowed to act maximally as isometry groups of
three-dimensional Riemannian metrics have been obtained. With intransitive actions. They are: GI, the two
G2 , S0(3), SO(2,1) and E(2); with transitive actions
they are; Bianchi's groups (except for BI, BII, BIII, and
BV), SO(3)xU(l), SO(2,l)XU(l), IIIq=o (Ref. 15),
S0(4), SO(3,1), and E(3).
The results corresponding to the dimension of the
group appeared in Ref. 16; for this reason, those proofs
are avoided here.
In what follows, tensors and cotensors associated by
the metric will be noted with the same letter, and tensorial expressions will be given in its covariant form. Let g
be a three-dimensional Riemannian metric, R being its
Ricci tensor, Gr being the maximal isometry group admitted by g, with dimension r, and 0, denoting the orbits,
with dimension s, of G,
The necessary and sufficient conditions for a metric
to admit a G6 are known from long time ago: g admits a
G6 iff R admits a triple eigenvalue, R =a g, and G 6=
SO(4), G6
E(3), or G6
SO(3, 1) according to the
relationsa> 0, a = 0, or a <0, respectively.
Our goal here is to obtain results analogous to the
above for all the other (maximal) isometry groups G.
that a three-dimensional Riemannian metric g can admit.
An old theorem by Bianchi17 forbids the (maximal) isometric action of a 05 so that one has to consider the five
following cases: G4, G3 over 03, G3 over 02, G2, and
As in the case of the G6'S, the starting point for our
analysis is the Eisenhartt 8 theorem about the integrability
of the Killing vector fields: if the system {5(v)R = 0,...,
L(v)JDPR = 0,...}, DP denoting the set of covariant derivatives of order p, considered as an algebraic system in
v and Dv, is constituted by e algebraically independent
equations, then the dimension r of the (maximal) isometry group Gr admitted by g is r = 6 - e, and the structure constants of (the Lie algebra of) Gr are given by the
commutators of any basis of the vector space of solutions
to the above system. In every case, from a theorem by
Kerr, 19 the dimension of the orbits °s is given by s = 3
- i, where i is the number of functionally independent
scalar invariants that may be obtained as differential concomitants of the metric g.
Let u be a unit vector field and D be the covariant
derivative operator; in three dimensions, we have the fol-
lowing covariant decomposition of Du:
Du=uXa(u) + fl(u)*u + a(u) + e(u)/2(g- uXu),
where we have noted by an asterisk (*) the Hodge dual
operator, fQ (u), E (u) are the rotation and expansion scalars of u, respectively, a ( u) is the acceleration vector of u,
and a(u) is the shear two-tensor of u. All these quantities
can be defined covariantly in terms of Du by using the
interior product (contraction) with u, i(u), the orthogonal projection i(u), and the trace operator tr on the two
tensors in the usual way.
All the isometry groups that will appear in what follows are well known and we will use the standard notation for them. The only exception is the G4 whose Lie
algebra can be generated by the set of vectors (u,vA)
(A = 1,2,3) with the nonvanishing structure constants
given by
I[v1 V2 1 =U,
[V2,V3 =1~V,
[V3,VI I=V 2.
We will follow in this case the notation of Petrov in denoting by IIIq=O this G4.
Theorem 1: The necessary and sufficient condition for
a three-dimensional metric g to admit a G4 as maximal
isometry group is that the Ricci tensor be of the form
R= (a-f3)uXu+13 g,
with constant eigenvalues a, 13 (a=Af3) and the unit eigenvector u be shear-free. The group G4 is locally S0(3)
XU(l) whena+13>0,SO(2,1)XU(l) whena+,f<0
and III=0 when a + 13 = 0.
Proof: The proof of the statement about the dimension of the isometry group has been given in Ref. 16, and
we will not repeat it here. Let us remark that the Bianchi
identities of (3) imply that u must be also geodesic and
expansion-free so that u is actually a Killing vector of g
and can then be chosen as one of the G4 generators. Also,
u must be invariant by the isometry group (it is intrinsically given by the Ricci tensor) and, therefore, if we denote by vA the remaining three generators, we have
Note that, in the generic case, u is not vorticity-free:
and we get from the integrability conditions of (5) that
2a = Q(u)2.
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1992
C. Bona and B. Coll: Three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
Let us consider now the quotient metric q = g - u
X u. It follows from (4) that q is invariant by G4; in
particular, we have
L(vA )q=0
and, allowing for (4),
where we have noted for short I VAm(u) (VA). This means
that the two-dimensional quotient manifold admits a
three-dimensional isometry group and then must be of
constant curvature. Its Gauss curvature can be computed
in a straightforward way by using Cattaneo's projection
formalism relative to u (Ref. 8):
and we have proven the following Lemma.
Lemma 1: The two-dimensional quotient manifold
associated to the geodesic invariant Killing vector u is of
constant curvature given by (8). Its isometry group is a
G3 generated by iL(U)(vA), where G 3 SO(3) when a + ,j
>0, G 3 E(2) when a +3= 0, and G 3 zSO(2,1) when
a +,6<0.
Allowing for the invariance of u, Eq. (4), the commutators of the VA generators are related with the G3
structure constants KCAB in the following way:
with the extra constant terms EAB arising from the parallel component of the vA relative to u. The K terms can
always be put into a canonical form by a suitable linear
combination of the VA; if k = + 1, this means
If k = 0, we have
[vl,v2 ] =E
[V3 ,VI
1 =V
12 U,
[V 2,V31 =VI + E 2 3 U,
+ E 31 U,
where both E23 and E31 can be eliminated defining vl,
v2 according to (11). The remaining extra constant E12,
however, must be different from zero because E 12 = 0
would imply that the three-dimensional manifold admits
three commuting Killing vectors (u, vl, and V2) and it
would be therefore flat so that the G4 would not be maximal. This allows us to divide both vl and v2 by JE12 11/2
and redefine u by multiplying it by the sign of E 12 to get
(dropping the primes)
IV1 ,V2 1 =U,
[V2 ,V31 =VI,
[v 3 ,v 1 ] =V 2 ,
[V 2 ,V3] =VI +
E2 3 u,
E 3 1u,
so that we can define a new set of Killing vectors
vl=V + E 23 u,
V2=V 2
+ E 31 u,
V3=V 3
+ E 12 u,
which generate an SO(3) subalgebra of the G4. This
amounts to taking (dropping the primes) EAB = 0 in (10)
and then G4=SO( 3 ) XU(1). The same argument can be
repeated ifk= -1 to show that G4 SO(2,1 ) XU( 1 ) in
that case.
which, together with (4) gives the full set of structure
constants of the G4. This isometry group G4 is precisely
IIIq=o and admits a three-dimensional subgroup of Bianchi type II (Refs. 20 and 21) generated by (u,vi,v2 ). This
completes the proof of Theorem 1.
Note that the covariant derivatives of the Ricci tensor
in the conditions of Theorem 1 are at most of
first order (because of the computation of the shear of u).
IV.G3 ON 02
Theorem 2: The necessary and sufficient conditions
for a three-dimensional Riemannian metric g to admit a
G3 acting on two-dimensional orbits 02 as the maximal
isometry group is that the Ricci tensor be of the form
R=(a-f3)uXu+13 g,
with the unit eigenvector u being shear-free and vorticityfree and verifying
da A u=dP3A u=0,
[VI,V 21 =V3 + E 12u,
where da and d13 do not vanish simultaneously. The
group G3 is (locally) S0(3) when k= + 1, SO(2,1)
when k = - 1 and E(2) when k = 0, whith k defined as
k=sign(O (U)2/A +81- a/2).
Proof: The proof concerning the first part of the Theorem is given in Ref. 16. Let us note that the Bianchi
identities of (14a) imply that u must be geodesic so that
Du=O(u)/2 (g-uXu),
where the expansion factor 0(u) is given by22
2 (u) (a/2 -13) = (13 - a) 0(u).-
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1992
C. Bona and B. Cool: Three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
As it is well known, the orbits 02 will be constant curvature surfaces and the structure of the isometry groups
G3 will depend only on the sign k of the Gauss curvature
of these surfaces. In our case, the orbits are orthogonal to
the invariant vector u at every point so that it is enough
to compute the curvature of the quotient metric q = g
- uX u, and this can be done in a straightforward way
by using the projection formalism 8 to get the result (14c).
Note that the covariant derivatives of R involved in
the statements (14) of Theorem 2 are at most of first
order as in Theorem 1.
V. G3 ON 03
All the statements in this section and in the remaining ones, unless otherwise stated, will refer to a principal
triad (UA, A = 1,2,3), that is to say, an orthonormal set of
eigenvectors of the Ricci tensor R. The principal triad is
uniquely defined if R is nondegenerate, but we will need
some additional prescription in the degenerate case,
where only the unit eigenvector u corresponding to the
simple eigenvalue is intrinsically defined. If u is not shearfree, a natural choice is to complete the triad with the
eigenvectors of the shear of u. If u is shear-free but condition (14b) does not hold, there exists a function ti of
the Ricci eigenvalues such that d/l A u=/0, and we can use
d/i to complete the triad by the orthonormalization procedure. We shall call a simple triad the principal triad
which is uniquely defined in this way. Note that if a
simple triad does not exist for a given metric g, Theorems
I and 2 will determine the dimension and structure of the
isometry group of g; conversely, if g admits a simple triad,
then Theorems I and 2 do not apply to g.
Theorem 3a: The necessary and sufficient conditions
for a three-dimensional Riemannian metric g to admit a
G3 acting transitively as the maximal isometry group is
that g admit a simple triad and that all the Ricci eigenvalues aA and all the spin coefficients rCAB of the triad be
constant. The structure constants CCAB of the G3 can be
expressed as follows:
where the brackets indicate antisymmetrization.
Proof: The proof of the statement concerning the dimension of the isometry group is given in Ref. 16. On the
other hand, the vectors uA of the simple triad are intrinsically defined from the Ricci tensor: They form a complete set of invariant vectors under the isometry group
G3. Moreover, as G3 acts transitively, the vector fields
UA generate the reciprocal group (which is locally isomorphic to G3 ) and their commutators can be related to
the G3 structure constants as given in (17).
An invariant classification of the G3 structures can be
made by the method developed by Bianchi,2 0 which is
based in the algebraic structure of the matrix
AE= 11,A
where eABC is the Levi-Civita symbol, or by an analogous
method which starts using the matrix
which can be easily related with A (Ref. 21).
It is well known that, for every Bianchi class, one can
construct a G3 belonging to this class which acts transitively on 03. If R is not degenerate, Theorem I does not
apply and consequently the G3 is therefore maximal. If R
admits a double eigenvalue,
R= (a-13)uXu±13 g,
the Bianchi identities imply
Du=f1(u)*u + a(vXv
v'X V%)
where a is different from zero (otherwise, G3 would not
be maximal) and the simple triad is formed by u, v, and
The integrability conditions of (21) imply that both v
and v' are expansion-free and their respective accelerations a(v), a(v') are directed along u, namely,
a(v) = -a (v') =(a/2
_fl(U) 2 )/c.
so that, allowing for the fact that u, v, and v' are orthonormal, one gets the following relation:
a/2-=O(u)2 _ ,2
and the spin coefficients are completely determined by
Dv'= il (u) *v' ± ov'X u.
The integrability conditions of (24) amount to say that
where we have used that o#0. The computation of the
Bianchi type is now a simple algebraic exercise: G3 belongs to the Bianchi VIo class. We have therefore proven
the following theorem.
Theorem 3b: If an isometry group G3 acts maximally
on 03 and the Ricci tensor R of 03 is degenerate, then R
is of rank one and the G3 belongs to Bianchi class V10.
Corollary: The isometry groups G3 belonging to Bianchi classes BI, 1RI, BIII, or BV cannot act maximally
on a Riemannian three-dimensional manifold. 2 0
Proof: In both the BI and BV cases, it is well known
that the orbits 03 are constant curvature manifolds and
therefore the maximal isometry group is a G6 [locally
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1992
C. Bona and B. Coll: Three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
isomorphic to E(3), SO(3,1), respectively]. In tihe BII
R) .... d
and BIII cases, one can compute [by using (18D
) andlU
(17)] the spin coefficients and, then, the Ricci ternsor of
the orbits. The Ricci tensor results to be degenerate
!rate in
both cases so that, by Theorem 3b BII and BIII G33cannot be maximal, although they can act on 03 ais subgroups of G4 . A different proof of the same resu lt was
given by Bianchi.2 0
Note that, as a further consequence of Theore
te obr
only derivatives of the Ricci tensor up to the first orde)
are needed to decide whether or not g admits a G.
(,id 3)
as the maximal isometry group, even in the dege.nerate
Theorem 4: The necessary and sufficient consditions
for a Riemannian metric g to admit a G2 as the m; aximal
isometry group is that a simple triad (UA) exist, tthat all
the Ricci eigenvalues and the spin coefficients of th e triad
depend effectively on a single function [i and that
dA,_i(UA) (dll)=f,(Yll)
where f, (A = 1,2,3) are arbitrary functions of, ju. The
structure of the group G 2 can be determined by chloosing
a new triad (vA) (no longer a principal one) such tihat the
unit vector vl is parallel to dlt; then G2 is (resp. iis not)
Abelian if and only if the remaining vectors V2 ;and V3
conmute (resp. do not commute).
Theorem 5: The necessary and sufficient coneEditions
for a Riemannian metric g to admit a GI as the m;maximal
isometry group is that a simple triad (Us) exist to)gether
with two functions tt and - such that all the Ricci i eigenvalues and the spin coefficients of the triad depen(Id only
on por and that
dAU~i(uA) (dWY) =fAQI,(r),
=_i(UA) (dr) = hA (,sr),
where fA, hA (A = 1,2,3) are arbitrary functions o)f their
Proof: The proofs of Theorem 5 and the first part of
Theorem 4 are given in Ref. 16. Concerning the second
part of Theorem 4, note that the vectors v2 and V3 of the
new triad are constructed to be tangent to the orbbits 02
(the surfaces ft = const) and, allowing for (28), thhey
iey are
also invariant under G2. Moreover, as G2 acts transsitively
on 02, the vector fields V2 , V3 generate the reciiprocal
group (which is locally isomorphic to G2 ). As tihere is
only one possible non-Abelian structure for G2 (Uilp to a
local isomorphism), it is enough to check whether or not
v2 and V3 conmute, as stated in Theorem 4.
The successive checking of Theorems 1-5 provides an
algorithmic procedure to obtain the dimension and structure of the maximal isometry group of a Riemannian
three-dimensional manifold. The set of invariant objects
(scalars and vectors) that are needed to verify the theorems is obtained algebraically in terms of the Ricci tensor
R of g and its covariant derivatives up to a given order p.
The value of p is limited by the fact that, as it follows
easily from Theorems 1-5, the procedure concludes if the
covariant derivative of order p gives no new information
(no supplementary invariant objects) ;23 in the worst case,
when every successive derivative adds only one new object, one could expect that p<4.
Note, however, that, as a consequence of Theorems
3a, 3b, either the simple triad and one of the scalars appear before taking the second derivative of R or the algorithm concludes: This lowers the bound to p<3. We
have then proven the following Theorem.
Theorem 6: The full set of independent scalars and
vectors that are invariant under the isometry group G of
a Riemannian three-dimensional metric g can be algebraically obtained from the Ricci tensor of g and its successive covariant derivatives up to the third order.
This work is partially supported by the DGICYT of
Spain under project No. PB87-0583-CO2-01.
.In the evolution formalism of general relativity, the space-time is
described by a system of observers (congruence of timelike lines)
endowed with a synchronization (foliation by spacelike hypersurfaces
called instants), which is characterized by a time-dependent threedimensional geometry. The standardevolution formalism is the one in
which every instant of the synchronization is characterized by its first
and second fundamental forms.
These symmetries are called intrinsic symmetries, and were first considered by C. B. Collins, Gen. Rel. Grav. 10, 925 (1979).
3These vector fields, which generate the algebra of the intrinsic symmetry group, were introduced by C. Bona and B. Coll, J. Math. Phys.
26, 1583 (1985).
The necessary and sufficient conditions for a set of Cauchy data to
generate a space-time admitting a group G, of isometries are given, for
vacuum and Einstein-Maxwell energy tensors in B. Coll, J. Math.
Phys. 18, 1918 (1977), for dust matter in B. Coll, C. R. Acad. Sci.
Paris Ser. A 286, 1163 (1978), and for perfect fluids in B. Coll, C. R.
Sci. Paris Ser. I 292, 461 (1981).
B. Coll, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. II 295, 103 (1982).
Bona, Phys. Rev. D 27, 1243 (1983).
7Conformal Born's rigidity was considered, at least, by L. Bel and J. C.
Escard, Rend. Sc. fis. mat. nat. Lincei 16, 476 (1966).
8See A. Lichnerowicz, Theories Relativistes de la Gravitation et de
P~lectromagetisme (Masson, Paris, 1955); C. Cattaneo, Ann. Mat.
Pura Appl. 48, 361 (1959); L. Bel and J. C. Escard, Ref. 7.
See L. Bel in Recent Developments in Gravitation, edited by J. Cbspedes, J. Garriga, E. Verdaguer (World Scientific, Singapore, 1991)
and references therein.
10G. Darmois, Les equations de la gravitation einsteinienne, Mem. des
Sc. Math. (Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1927).
'See L. P. Eisenhart, Riemannian Geometry (Princeton U.P., Prince6C
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1992
C. Bona and B. Coll: Three-dimensional Riemannian metrics
ton, NJ, 1926); K. Yano, The Theory of Lie Derivatives and Its
Applications (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1955).
12AII our considerations are of local character, and the groups considered are the Lie groups determined by the Lie algebra of Killing
vector fields admitted by the metric.
1 The case of a Lorentzian metric will be considered elsewhere.
14 C. Bona, J. Math. Phys. 29, 2462 (1988).
5G4 III,=0 is Petrov's notation [A. Z. Petrov, Einstein spaces (Pergamon, New York, 1969)]; see below in the text for its definition.
C. Bona, B. Coll, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. 1 310, 791 (1990).
1 L. Bianchi, Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. (dei XL) 11, 267 (1897). This result
is generally known as a particular case of the n-dimensional generalization theorem by G. Fubini, Ann. Mat. Ser. 3 8, 39 (1903).
1 See references in Ref. 11.
R. P. Kerr, Tensor 12, 74 (1962).
See first reference in Ref. 17.
F. B. Estabrook, H. D. Wahlquist, and C. G. Behr, J. Math. Phys. 9,
497 (1968).
The corresponding expression given in Ref. 16 was not correct: We
give the right one here.
One actually needs to take the p + I derivative in order to check this
by computing the Wronskian of the appropriate functions.
J. Math. Phys., Vol. 33, No. 1, January 1992