Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
© Author(s) 2012. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
and Physics
Gravity wave reflection and its influence on the consistency of
temperature- and wind-based momentum fluxes simulated above
Typhoon Ewiniar
Y.-H. Kim1 , H.-Y. Chun1 , P. Preusse2 , M. Ern2 , and S.-Y. Kim3
1 Department
of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
for Energy and Climate Research – Stratosphere (IEK-7),
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany
3 Korea Institute of Atmospheric Prediction Systems, Seoul, South Korea
2 Institute
Correspondence to: H.-Y. Chun (
[email protected])
Received: 10 November 2011 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 29 February 2012
Revised: 7 October 2012 – Accepted: 9 November 2012 – Published: 16 November 2012
Abstract. For a case study of Typhoon Ewiniar performed
with a mesoscale model, we compare stratospheric gravity wave (GW) momentum flux determined from temperature variances by applying GW polarization relations and by
assuming upward propagating waves, with GW momentum
flux calculated from model winds which is considered as a
reference. The temperature-based momentum-flux profile exhibits positive biases relative to the reference, which fluctuate significantly with altitude. The vertically-averaged magnitude of the positive biases is about 14 % of the reference
momentum flux. We found that this deviation from the reference stems from the interference between upward and downward propagating waves. The downward propagating GWs
are due mainly to partial reflections of upward propagating
waves at altitudes where the background wind and stability
change with height. When the upward and downward propagating waves are decomposed and their momentum fluxes
are calculated separately from temperature perturbations, the
fraction of the momentum flux arising from the downward
propagating waves is about 4.5–8.2 % of that from the upward propagating waves. The net momentum flux of upward
and downward propagating GWs agrees well with the reference from the model wind perturbations. The implications
of this study for the GW momentum-flux observations from
satellites are discussed.
Gravity waves impact upon the general circulation of the
middle atmosphere by deposition of their momentum and
energy into the large-scale flow (Lindzen, 1981; Matsuno,
1982; Garcia and Solomon, 1985). The vertical flux of the
momentum arising from gravity waves has been estimated
by various measurement methods such as radiosonde, superpressure balloon, research aircraft, and radar. More recently,
the global distribution of the gravity-wave momentum flux
has been inferred from satellite observations of the temperature variance. Ern et al. (2004) first estimated the momentum
flux from the satellite-observed temperature variance based
on the linear theory of internal gravity waves, along with a
simultaneous estimation of the vertical and horizontal wavelengths. They showed a good agreement between the global
distribution of the absolute momentum flux obtained from
the satellite and that from the gravity-wave parameterization by Warner and McIntyre (2001). The method of Ern
et al. (2004) has been applied to various studies on gravity waves using satellite observations for both specific events
and climatologies (e.g., Alexander et al., 2008; Wright et al.,
2010; Ern et al., 2011).
Estimating GW momentum flux needs several processing steps which are sources of errors in the estimation (e.g.,
Zhang et al., 2004; Ern et al., 2004). The first step is the separation of GWs from the large-scale background state. This
can be based either on a local approximation (e.g., polynomial fits to single vertical profiles; refer to Zhang et al.,
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
2004) or on the estimate of zonal mean and planetary-scale
waves from the global observations (e.g., Ern et al., 2004,
2011). After separating GWs, the second step is estimating
wave parameters. For current-day satellite observations only
amplitudes and vertical wavelengths can be determined with
a good accuracy, while the horizontal wavelength has to be
estimated from phase differences between adjacent profiles.
This is prone to aliasing, and the direction of the wave remains unknown. Accordingly, the error of GW momentumflux estimates from limb-sounding measurements is at least a
factor of 2 (Ern et al., 2004). However, recent advances in detector technology make limb-imaging observations feasible,
which would allow for three-dimensional (3-D) temperature
measurements, if realized (Preusse et al., 2009). In this case,
3-D fitting techniques can be applied for the estimation of
the momentum flux (Lehmann et al., 2012) and the currently
dominating error sources vanish.
Error sources that have been neglected so far may become
important in the GW momentum-flux estimation using 3-D
temperature measurements such as future limb imagers: first,
the assumption that all observed waves propagate upward,
and second, the polarization relation between the wind and
temperature perturbations employed to calculate the momentum flux. The assumption has been used for the momentumflux estimations of the observed gravity waves not only by
the satellites but by other measurement methods as well (e.g.,
Espy et al., 2004; Hertzog et al., 2008; Li et al., 2011). However, in the middle atmosphere downward propagation of
gravity waves occurs by reflection of the upward propagating
waves due to the changes in the vertical wavenumber with
height (e.g., Hines and Reddy, 1967; Gossard and Hooke,
1975) or from the in situ wave sources in the upper level
(e.g., Holton and Alexander, 1999; Zhou et al., 2002; Chun
and Kim, 2008). The downward propagating waves can modify the momentum flux significantly in both magnitude and
spectral shape, as shown by Chun and Kim (2008). The polarization relation used for the momentum-flux estimations
is based on the linear theory of mid-frequency gravity waves
under the upward-propagation assumption.
In the present study, we examine the accuracy of the
gravity-wave momentum-flux estimate using the temperature
variance under the assumption that all the observed waves are
propagating upward. For this, we use the three-dimensional
mesoscale-model result of Typhoon Ewiniar (Kim et al.,
2009) that includes both temperature and wind data. First,
the gravity-wave momentum flux estimated from the temperature variance using the method of Ern et al. (2004) based
on the upward-propagation assumption is compared to the
momentum flux that is directly calculated from the horizontal and vertical wind perturbations. Then, the temperature
perturbations are decomposed into upward propagating and
downward propagating waves. The vertical profiles of the
temperature-based momentum fluxes according to the upward and downward propagating components are calculated
separately, and their sum is compared with the temperatureAtmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
based momentum flux considering exclusively the upward
propagating waves and the momentum flux directly calculated using wind perturbations. The origin of the downward waves is also discussed. Finally, the implications of the
present results for satellite measurements of the gravity-wave
momentum flux are discussed.
Data and momentum flux estimation
The data used in this study are the results of a threedimensional numerical simulation of gravity waves generated by Typhoon Ewiniar (2006) from 01:00 UTC, 7 July to
06:00 UTC, 8 July. The simulation was conducted by Kim
et al. (2009) using the Advanced Research WRF (Weather
Research and Forecasting) model (Skamarock et al., 2005)
with a horizontal grid spacing of 27 km. 132 vertical levels are used from the surface to 0.1 hPa (z ∼ 65 km) with
a vertical grid spacing of about 500 m in the stratosphere.
The horizontal domains for the simulation and the wave
analyses are illustrated in Fig. 1 of Kim and Chun (2010).
The previous studies by Kim et al. (2009) and Kim and
Chun (2010) showed that the stratospheric gravity waves
above Typhoon Ewiniar in this simulation are in good agreement with those in European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analysis data and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) observations in terms of the
timing, location, propagation direction, and wavelength.
Gravity wave perturbations are obtained by subtracting the background states from the simulated variables.
Here the background states are defined as 21 × 21 point
(567 × 567 km) horizontal running averages of the variables.
The dependence of the results on the background states is
discussed in Sect. 4. Hereafter, prime and overbar indicate
the gravity-wave perturbation and the background state, respectively. Using the polarization relations between wind and
temperature perturbations, the mean zonal-momentum flux
(FW = ρ̄u′ w′ ) of upward or downward propagating gravity
waves can be expressed as
g 2 X k T̃
FT = − ρ̄
2 k,l,ω mN 2 T̄ 2
where u, w, T , ρ, and N are the zonal and vertical winds,
temperature, density, and the background Brunt–Väisälä frequency, respectively. The tilde indicates
a complex Fourier
Re T̃ exp [i(kx + ly − ωt)] ,
coefficient such that T =
where k, l, and ω are the zonal and meridional wavenumbers and ground-based frequency, respectively. The vertical
wavenumber m is obtained from the dispersion relation of the
mid-frequency gravity waves, m2 = N 2 /ĉ2 , where ĉ is the
intrinsic phase speed. Note that the sign of m is negative for
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
upward propagating waves and positive for downward propagating waves, with the sign convention of non-negative ω.
For the calculation of FT in this study, we take the sign of
m to be negative, based on the assumption that the temperature variance stems from upward propagating waves, which
is often made in other studies as well (e.g., Espy et al., 2004;
Boccara et al., 2008; Hertzog et al., 2008; Li et al., 2011).
Wave decomposition
Internal gravity waves can be decomposed into upward and
downward propagating components, and the Fourier coefficient of the temperature perturbation can be written as
T̃ = T̃up + T̃down , where the subscripts “up” and “down” indicate the upward and downward propagating components,
respectively. For two-dimensional (x–z) waves, the Fourier
coefficients of horizontal winds can be obtained from the polarization relation of internal gravity waves as ũup = AT̃up
under the
and ũdown = −AT̃down , where A = ig N T̄
mid-frequency approximation and the WKB approximation.
From the above equations, the Fourier coefficients of the upward and downward components of the temperature perturbation are obtained as
T̃up = T̃ + ũA /2,
T̃down = T̃ − ũA /2
where ũ = A T̃up − T̃down . This result is expanded to the
three-dimensional waves by replacing ũ in Eq. (2) by (ũ, ṽ) ·
K/ |K|, where K is the horizontal wavenumber vector. Then,
the momentum flux considering both the upward and downward propagating gravity waves can be obtained as
FTtotal = FTup + FTdown
g 2 X k T̃up − T̃down
2 k,l,ω mN 2
T̄ 2
where the sign of m is the same as that used in Eq. (1),
i.e., negative with the sign convention of non-negative ω.
The difference between Eqs. (1) and (3) is that Eq. (3) uses
the difference of the temperature variances from upward and
downward propagating waves rather than the total temperature variances.
Fig. 1. Momentum-flux profiles (a) estimated from temperature
variances (thick) and calculated from wind perturbations (thin) and
(b) estimated from temperature variances for eastward (solid) and
westward propagating (dashed) waves.
Figure 1a shows profiles of the zonal-momentum flux calculated directly from the wind perturbations (FW ) and estimated from the temperature variances considering only the
upward propagating gravity waves (FT ). Both profiles represent a consistently decreasing trend of the momentum flux
with altitude, which is due mainly to the radiative and turbulent dissipation of waves (for details, see Marks and Eckermann, 1995; Kim et al., 2005). The magnitude of FT is,
however, larger than that of FW at most altitudes, and it fluctuates vertically. The difference between FT and FW is in the
range of 0.25–0.34 mPa (17–39 % of FW ) at z = 22, 25, 28.5,
32, and 37.5 km and is 0.40 mPa (60 % of FW ) at z = 44 km,
and the vertically averaged difference is 0.14 mPa (14 % of
FW ). Figure 1b shows profiles of FT for eastward (ĉ > 0) and
westward propagating (ĉ < 0) waves. The momentum flux
of the westward waves is much smaller than that of the eastward waves, because most westward waves are filtered out by
the stratospheric easterly winds (see Fig. 5a) in the summertime. As the momentum flux of the eastward waves is dominant and fluctuates with amplitudes similar to FT shown in
Fig. 1a, we hereafter present the results only for the eastward
To clarify the origin of the vertical fluctuations in FT ,
structures in the temperature variances are investigated. Figure 2a shows the x–z cross section of temperature variances
for the purely eastward propagating waves (i.e., ϕ = 0, where
ϕ is the azimuthal angle of wave-propagation direction) at
00:00 UTC, 8 July. The variance signals are slanted eastward
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
Fig. 3. The same as in Fig. 2a except for variances from decomposed
components of (a) upward and (b) downward waves. In (c), regions
of 10−3 K2 are plotted with black contours.
Fig. 2. x–z cross sections of (a) temperature variances, (b) covariances between the zonal and vertical wind perturbations, (c) zonal
wind perturbation, and (d) vertical wind perturbation for purely
eastward propagating waves (waves propagating along the x-axis)
at 00:00 UTC, 8 July. The variables are normalized by the basic
density in (a) and (b) and by the square root of the basic density in
(c) and (d).
and reveal several nodes at fixed altitudes of 23, 26.5, 30.5,
35, and 42 km in x > 2000 km. Note that the altitudes of
the nodes correspond to the local minima of FT as shown
in Fig. 1. These imply that waves slanted westward are superimposed with non-negligible amplitudes on the eastward
slanted waves, and that the interference between the eastward
and westward slanted waves is responsible for the vertical
fluctuations in the profile of FT . Given that only eastward
propagating waves are considered here, a westward slant of
waves indicates downward propagation.
Indeed, the vertical node structure also appears in the variances of other single variables, whereas it does not appear
in the covariance between u′ and w′ . Between the variance
and the covariance, two different features are found in their
two-dimensional fields (Fig. 2a and b): first, the node structure is less prominent in the covariance field, and second,
there are negative values of covariance between the regions
of large positive covariance. The former can be explained by
locations of local maxima and nodes in the fields of u′ and
w ′ (Fig. 2c and d). For the eastward slanted waves, the two
variables are in phase, which result in the positive covariAtmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
ance. Along the phase lines, there exist nodes in u′ where
local maxima of w′ are located, and vice versa, resulting that
the covariance between u′ and w′ has less prominent node
structure. Those two features in the covariance field (Fig. 2b)
cause the differences between the zonal-mean variance and
covariance profiles (and thus, FT and FW ). In addition, zonal
mean of the covariance between u′ and T ′ , which should be
zero for either upward propagating or downward propagating
gravity waves, is also calculated (not shown). In our case, this
covariance is non-zero and it fluctuates vertically, indicating
the superposition of the upward propagating and downward
propagating waves (Dunkerton, 1995). Note that the negative momentum flux for the eastward propagating waves in
Fig. 2b also indicates the existence of downward propagating waves.
To investigate the downward propagating waves quantitatively, temperature fields are decomposed into upward and
downward waves, as shown in Eq. (2), and the x–z cross sections of variances in the decomposed temperature fields are
presented in Fig. 3a and b for the zonal waves at the same
time as in Fig. 2a. As expected, the downward waves coexist with the upward waves in x > 2000 km. Both waves have
similar dominant horizontal wavelengths of about 500 km,
but various vertical wavelengths with height ranging from 6
to 15 km. The temperature variance of the downward waves
is about 7.9 % of that of the upward waves. It is noteworthy that even though the variance of the downward waves is
much smaller than that of the upward waves, effects of the interference between the two waves on the total variance fields
can be significant, as shown in Fig. 2a. The x–z cross sections
at other times (not shown) indicate that the ratio of the mean
variance of the downward waves to upward waves is about
8.2 %, and that the altitudes of nodes are not time-dependent
during 06:00 UTC, 7 July–00:00 UTC, 8 July.
The eastward propagating waves illustrated in Fig. 3 are
the most abundant component for both the upward and
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
downward waves in this simulation. For waves propagating in other directions (ϕ 6= 0, not shown), the horizontal
wavelength analysis shows broad spectra (200–660 km) with
much smaller amplitudes than the zonal waves. The altitudes
of nodes for these waves are relatively irregular and different
from those for the zonal waves, which might result from the
broad spectra of waves. Regardless of the different characteristics, the ratio of variances of the downward waves to the
upward waves is about 4–8 %, which is consistent with that
by the eastward propagating waves.
To quantify the difference in the momentum flux from
Eqs. (1) and (3), Fig. 4 shows the profiles of the momentum fluxes for the upward and downward propagating waves
as well as the sum of the two. The momentum flux of the
downward propagating waves is 0.1 mPa at z = 20 km. This
decreases at higher altitudes and oscillates with amplitudes
of ∼ 0.005 mPa (Fig. 4b). The ratio of the momentum fluxes
of the downward waves to upward waves is 4.5–8.2 %. The
net momentum flux (FTtotal ) is quite close to FW . This confirms that the errors introduced in Fig. 1 are due mostly to
ignoring the interference between the upward and downward
waves in the variance fields.
The good agreement between FTtotal and FW also confirms
that the application of polarization relations inferred from
the linear gravity wave theory does not cause notable errors.
The polarization relations are derived with two approximations, i.e., WKB and mid-frequency. As justified by Wright
et al. (2010), the mid-frequency approximation is valid for
gravity waves with horizontal and vertical wavelengths of
∼ 100 and ∼ 10 km, respectively. The gravity waves considered in the present study are within those wavelengths, and
we found that a relaxation of the mid-frequency approximation does not change the results (not shown). In order to examine the validity of the WKB approximation, we checked
whether the present gravity waves satisfy the criterion of
δ ≡ mzz /2 m3 − 3 mz /4 m4 ≪ 1 proposed by Einaudi and
Hines (1970). For a dominant wave in our case (a zonal wave
with a phase speed of 10 m s−1 ), the maximum value of δ is
about 0.26, which is comfortably less than unity.
The downward propagating waves identified in this case have
amplitudes of 21–29 % of the upward propagating waves,
based on the magnitude of their momentum flux compared
with that of the upward propagating waves (4.5–8.2 %). As
no apparent wave sources in the upper stratosphere are found
and the characteristics of the downward propagating waves
are similar to those of the upward waves, the downward
propagation might be related to the reflection of the upward
propagating gravity waves generated below. Figure 5 shows
the background zonal winds (U ), Brunt–Väisälä frequencies
(N), and the corresponding squared vertical wavenumbers
(m2 ) obtained from the dispersion relation of a wave
Fig. 4. (a) Momentum-flux profiles estimated from temperature
variances by upward (red, dotted) and downward waves (red,
dashed) for eastward propagating waves, and the sum of the two
(red, solid). The momentum-flux profile calculated from wind perturbations for eastward propagating waves is also plotted (black,
solid). The momentum-flux profile from temperature variances by
downward waves is plotted again with an enlarged scale in (b).
agating eastward at a phase speed of 10 m s−1 , which is
the most dominant wave revealed in Figs. 2 and 3. As the
background zonal winds have negative shear in the stratosphere, m2 of the eastward propagating wave has a decreasing trend with altitude (10 × 10−7 −2×10−7 rad2 m−2 ). Note
that for any waves in the mid-frequency range, m2 is larger
than zero, indicating that total reflection of waves does not
take place. However, there are significant changes in m2 at
several altitudes where N sharply decreases, and it implies
the existence of partial reflection of waves. For example,
at z = 27–30.5 km, m2 changes from 8.6 × 10−7 rad2 m−2
to 4.0 × 10−7 rad2 m−2 . If no reflection above z = 30.5 km
is assumed, a simple two-layer model reveals the reflection
coefficient as |1m/2 m̄| ≈ 0.19 below z = 27 km, where the
numerator and denominator indicate the difference and sum
of the vertical wavenumbers in the two layers, respectively
(Eliassen and Palm, 1960). Here, the reflection coefficient is
the amplitude ratio of the downward waves to the upward
To examine the contribution of the variations in N to
the wave reflection more quantitatively, the Taylor–Goldstein
equation is solved for the dominant gravity wave obtained
in the present simulation with a horizontal wavelength of
500 km and a phase speed of 10 m s−1 ,
N 2 1 d2 U
∂ 2 ŵ
− k ŵ = 0,
ĉ dz2
for two different profiles of N , one as in Fig. 5a and the other
smoothed linearly. Note that the profile of U is used as in
Fig. 5a for both calculations. Here, ŵ indicates a complex
Fourier coefficient of vertical wind normalized by the square
root of the basic density. To specify the upper boundary conditions of ŵ and ∂ ŵ/∂z, the WKB solution of Eq. (4) and its
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
Fig. 5. Profiles of (a) the horizontal and temporal mean zonal wind
(solid) and Brunt–Väisälä frequency (dashed) and (b) corresponding squared vertical wavenumber for purely eastward propagating
waves at a phase speed of 10 m s−1 (solid). Shading indicates ranges
within one standard deviation of the background zonal winds in (a)
and of the squared vertical wavenumbers in (b) from their means.
vertical derivative,
ŵ = C exp (−i |m| zr ) + R exp (i |m| zr ) ,
∂ ŵ
= −Ci |m| exp (−i |m| zr ) − R exp (i |m| zr )
are applied, where zr = z − z0 , z0 is a reference altitude at
which the vertical variation of the background state is not
rapid, and |m| is the square root of the term in the bracket
in Eq. (4). C and R are complex values of which the absolute values are the amplitude of the upward-propagating
waves and the reflection coefficient, respectively. Note that
Eq. (5) is valid only near the reference altitude z0 (i.e.,
zr ∼ 0), and far from this altitude, Eq. (4) should be solved
numerically. By letting z0 = 45 km, the boundary conditions
of Eq. (4) at 45 km can be specified by ŵ = C(1 + Rt ) and
∂ ŵ/∂z = −Ci |mt | (1−Rt ), where the subscript “t” indicates
values at 45 km. After specifying that Rt = 0 (i.e., no reflected waves are assumed at 45 km), Eq. (4) is integrated
from z = 45 to 20 km using Bulirsch–Stoer method (Press et
al., 1992). Figure 6 shows the vertical wind fields obtained
for the two profiles of N without and with smoothing. Note
that the fields are normalized by the square root of the basic density and by the amplitude of the upward propagating
waves at 20 km. Being consistent with the simulation result,
the vertical node structure appears in the vertical wind field
for the non-smoothed N case, whereas it does not for the
smoothed N case. The reflection coefficient at 20 km is calculated using ŵ and ∂ ŵ/∂z obtained from Eq. (4), by applying Eq. (5) with z0 = 20 km. The reflection coefficients at
20 km are 0.18 and 0.01 for the non-smoothed and smoothed
cases, respectively. This result confirms that the partial reflection by the vertical variation in N explains a large portion
of the downward propagating waves in our simulation.
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 10787–10795, 2012
Fig. 6. x–z cross sections of the vertical wind perturbations obtained from the Taylor–Goldstein equation for the dominant eastward propagating wave with the horizontal wavelength of 500 km
at a phase speed of 10 m s−1 for the profiles of the Brunt–Väisälä
frequency (a) without and (b) with smoothing. The perturbations
are normalized by the amplitude of the upward propagating waves
at 20 km and by the square root of the basic density, and the interval
in shading is 0.3. The profiles of the Brunt–Väisälä frequency used
are also plotted in the left of each cross section.
The downward propagating gravity waves in the stratosphere have been detected from in situ measurements (e.g.,
Yoshiki and Sato, 2000; Yamamori and Sato, 2006; Sato
and Yoshiki, 2008) utilizing analysis methods such as hodograph or two-dimensional vertical wavenumber-frequency
spectrum. Using radiosonde measurements, Yoshiki and
Sato (2000) and Sato and Yoshiki (2008) observed the downward propagating gravity waves around the stratospheric polar night jet that are generated from the upper-stratosphere
jet by a spontaneous adjustment process. Recently, Sato et
al. (2012) proposed the partial reflection mechanism by a
rapid change in the static stability for the downward propagating waves near the stratospheric polar jet simulated in
a high-resolution general circulation model. It is noteworthy, however, that in the conventional sounding analysis, it is
non-trivial to extract the background state from the observed
profile (e.g., Zhang et al., 2004), especially the background
state that changes rapidly with height. This makes it difficult
for the partial reflection mechanism to be confirmed from the
observed gravity waves compared with the simulated gravity
There is also a possibility of artificial wave reflection at the
upper boundary of the numerical model. By using the damping layer (z = 45–65 km in the present case) with a depth
greater than the vertical wavelength of the waves, the artificial reflection near the upper boundary can be minimized.
Based on the calculations by Klemp and Lilly (1978), the expected coefficient of the artificial reflection by the damping
Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
layer is only about 0.05 or less in our case. The actual coefficient of reflection at z = 45 km, however, appears to be
much larger (∼ 0.28) than that value. There are two possibilities of obtaining the larger coefficient at the physical model
top (z = 45 km): (i) artificial reflection at z = 45 km in the
present simulation can be larger than that predicted in the analytical study by Klemp and Lilly (1978) based on a simple
dynamic model, and (ii) the internal partial reflections might
also occur above z = 45 km, especially near the stratopause.
The relative importance of the two processes for the amount
of downward propagating waves at z = 45 km is not clear at
the moment.
In this study, the vertical-mean magnitude of the bias is not
so large (∼ 14 %). However, the mean bias becomes much
more significant when greater portions of the wave spectrum
are partially reflected or some dominant waves experience
total reflections, from which m2 becomes zero under a favorable setting of the basic-state wind and stability. This may,
for instance, happen in strong vertical wind gradients associated with the winter polar vortex. Total reflection of short
horizontal-scale waves is likely to occur below the maximum
of the polar night jet (e.g., Preusse et al., 2008), while partial
reflection may occur both below and above the maximumwind altitude.
In Sect. 2.1, the gravity wave perturbations are obtained by
subtracting the background states that are defined as the horizontal running averages. In general, the characteristics and
magnitudes of the gravity wave perturbations can be sensitive to the background states. In order to examine the dependence of the present results on the background states, we repeat the whole analyses using the background states that are
obtained from the two-dimensional (x–y) 2nd-order polynomial fits. Note that for this case, the non-gravity wave components ( ω̂ ≤ |f | or ω̂ ≥ N, where ω̂ and f are the intrinsic
frequency and the Coriolis parameter, respectively) are additionally filtered from the perturbations. The results from the
two methods are generally similar, although the magnitudes
of the momentum fluxes for the polynomial-fit method are
∼ 10 % larger (not shown), and the main conclusion of the
present study is not dependent on the background states.
Based on mesoscale modeling results of Typhoon Ewiniar
(Kim et al., 2009), momentum flux values inferred from temperature variances by means of the GW polarization relations
are compared to a reference GW momentum flux that calculated from the model winds. The momentum flux estimated
from the temperatures exhibits vertical fluctuations and positive biases with peaks of 17–39 % at z = 20–40 km and 60 %
at z ∼ 45 km. The deviations stem from the interference between the upward and downward propagating waves, which
is ignored in the original estimation by assuming all waves
to propagate upward. The upward and downward waves are
decomposed using the polarization relation between temperature and horizontal-wind perturbations, and the momentum
flux for each wave is re-estimated. The relative magnitude
of the momentum flux of the downward waves to upward
waves is 4.5–8.2 %. The downward propagation of waves can
be explained to a large extent by the partial reflection of the
upward waves at various altitudes due to the changes in the
vertical wavenumber with height, mainly by the static stability, along with a minor contribution by the artificial reflection
from a model dissipation layer.
In the present study, we performed wave analyses in the
horizontal direction using the Fourier transform rather than
in the vertical direction, allowing us to estimate the momentum flux of each altitude independently. If the data were analyzed by a method using vertical analysis windows, the vertical fluctuations in the temperature-based momentum flux
might be much smoothed. However, the vertical-mean momentum flux would still have the positive biases with a magnitude similar to that in the present (∼ 14 %), assuming that
the vertical and horizontal wavelengths estimated using the
vertical analysis windows are also similar to those in the
present analysis. Note that this assumption can be satisfied
only when the horizontal sampling number is large enough
to estimate the horizontal wavelength accurately (Ern et al.,
2004). In principle, this positive bias remains, unless (i) the
eastward and westward slanted waves are separated by simultaneous wave analysis in horizontal and vertical directions,
(ii) the upward and downward waves are decomposed, for example by the method used here, or (iii) the covariance of two
variables (e.g., u′ and T ′ ) is used to estimate the momentum
flux. The last two approaches require simultaneous observations of wind and temperature profiles, which is not available
from satellites at present. Also the first method cannot be applied to present-day limb sounders as the horizontal sampling
is too sparse, but might be applicable for future limb imaging missions (Lehmann et al., 2012). In the case discussed in
this study, the fraction of downward propagating waves due
to partial reflection on sharp gradients of the buoyancy frequency is rather small. Larger effects may be expected below
strong wind gradients associated with the polar winter jets.
The magnitude of errors arising from the assumption of
upward propagation of GWs may be smaller than that from
the other error sources in the estimation of GW momentum
flux using current-day limb sounders. However, considering
that the currently dominant errors would be largely reduced
in future limb imagers, the present study could be important
for the GW momentum-flux estimation.
Acknowledgements. Part of this work was funded by ESA under
the grant “Observation of Gravity Waves from Space”, contract
number: 22561/09/NL/AF. YHK and HYC were supported by the
Korean Meteorological Administration Research and Development
Program under Grant CATER-2012-3054.
Edited by: T. J. Dunkerton
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Y.-H. Kim et al.: Gravity wave reflection and momentum flux estimation
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