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In this paper two network-installations are presented, '1133' and 'COMPUTER VOICES', both of which were developed at the Utrecht School of Music and Technology. 1133 is an installation of 15 networked Apple iMacs forming an ensemble that, by using genetic algorithms, generates and plays minimal music. In COMPUTER VOICES an attempt is made to bring these networked computers to life by giving each computer its own voice.
In this paper two network-installations are presented, ‘1133’ and ‘COMPUTER VOICES’, both of which were developed at the Utrecht School of Music and Technology. 1133 is an installation of 15 networked Apple iMacs forming an ensemble that, by using genetic algorithms, generates and plays minimal music. In COMPUTER VOICES an attempt is made to bring these networked computers to life by giving each computer its own voice.
Organised Sound, 2005
Auracle is a voice-controlled, networked sound instrument that enables users to control a software synthesizer with their voice and to interact with each other in real time over the Internet. This paper discusses the historical background of the project, beginning with Neuhaus' 'virtual aural spaces' in the 1960s and relating them to Barbosa's conception of 'shared sonic environments'. The architecture of the system is described in detail, including the multi-level analysis of vocal input, the communication of that analysis data across the network, and the mapping of that data onto a software synthesizer.
The deployment of distributed loudspeaker systems in the context of computermusic ensembles is explored in this paper, expanding the vision of a computermusic ensembles to a flexible dynamic musicians network. With the IEM Computermusic Ensemble (ICE) the idea of playing in a virtual concert hall over network, rendered to one ore more real or simulated concert-halls has been explored: Each musician in the network is using virtual 3Daudio space to render and therefore position his/her musical contribution in this virtual concert hall, which can be rendered to the local loudspeaker system, like an Ambisonics spatial audio system, a binaural decoder, useful for remote musicians and monitoring and/or a projection of this in other spaces as audio installation. The musicians communicate with each other via musical audio data using the same network. In contradiction to most computermusic ensembles, ICE forms a distributed networked computermusic ensemble, able to play parallel and time syn...
Generative music systems can be played by musicians who manipulate the values of algorithmic parameters, and their datacentric nature provides an opportunity for coordinated interaction amongst a group of systems linked over IP networks; a practice we call Network Jamming. This paper outlines the characteristics of this networked performance practice and discusses the types of mediated musical relationships and ensemble configurations that can arise. We have developed and tested the jam2jam network jamming software over recent years. We describe this system, draw from our experiences with it, and use it to illustrate some characteristics of Network Jamming.
This paper documents the musical works and technologies developed at the University of York for large-scale interaction between humans and computers within a live ensemble performance setting. Of particular concern to this study are the scalability and control of musical ideas and technologies within the Worldscape Laptop Orchestra (WLO).
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
This paper proposes attributes of a living computer music, the product of a live algorithm. It illustrates how these attributes can inform creative design with reference to a real-time system for solo performer-machine collaboration, Neural Network Music, and the PQƒ framework proposed for live algorithms. Improvisation is treated as a classification problem at a high level of musical behaviour which can be measured statistically and train a multilayer perceptron neural network. Network outputs shape a stochastic-based synthesis engine. Mappings are covertly assigned, revisited by both player and machine as a performance develops. As the timing and choice of mapping is unknown, both participants are invited to learn and adapt to a responsive sonic environment which is created afresh on each performance. This offers a novel real-time application of feed-forward neural networks and a challenging, creative technological platform for freely improvised music.
Auracle is a voice-controlled, networked sound instrument which enables users to control a synthesized instrument with their voice and to interact with each other in real time over the Internet. This paper describes the architecture of the system in detail, including the multi-level analysis of vocal input, the communication of that analysis data across the network, and the mapping of that data onto a software synthesizer.
La Ortiga, nº 13/15. Santander, 1999
Nos proponemos pensar sobre la palabra de Hölderlin, porque tenemos interés en algo que viene en ella. Para este pensamiento, Heidegger es en nuestro tiempo una ayuda imprescindible. Pero no es Heidegger el tema, sino aquello de lo que trata también su pensamiento y que él percibe en Hölderlin, eso que, en último término, puede decirse que es lo que despierta nuestro interés por filósofos y poetas. Hay algo que éstos tienen y que nosotros necesitamos y por lo cual requerimos su ayuda. Eso es lo que buscamos en ellos y lo que, entonces, se convierte en estrella polar de nuestras preguntas y reflexiones.
Gaming the System takes continental philosophical traditions out of the ivory tower and into the virtual worlds of video games. In this book, author David J. Gunkel explores how philosophical traditions―put forth by noted thinkers such as Plato, Descartes, Kant, Heidegger, and Žižek―can help us explore and conceptualize recent developments in video games, game studies, and virtual worlds. Furthermore, Gunkel interprets computer games as doing philosophy, arguing that the game world is a medium that provides opportunities to model and explore fundamental questions about the nature of reality, personal identity, social organization, and moral conduct. By using games to investigate and innovate in the area of philosophical thinking, Gunkel shows how areas such as game governance and manufacturers’ terms of service agreements actually grapple with the social contract and produce new postmodern forms of social organization that challenge existing modernist notions of politics and the nation state. In this critically engaging study, Gunkel considers virtual worlds and video games as more than just "fun and games," presenting them as sites for new and original thinking about some of the deepest questions concerning the human experience.
Uzun dil tarihi içerisinde Türk dilinin Soğdcayla ilişkisi yalnızca bir göz kırpımı sürede, küçük bir ayrıntıdır. Daha çok Hint-Avrupa kökenliler olmak üzere, alandaki araştırmacıların çoğu, yine Hint-Avrupalı (İranlı) Soğdların Türklerin öğretmenleri olduğunu düşünmekten ve önermekten hoşlanır. Alandaki Türk araştırmacılar ise daha çok bu konuda alçak gönüllü olmaktan hoşlanır. Bu biraz kendini beğenmiş önermede Soğdlar daha çok veren, Türkler ise alandır. Aslında bu tür yüzeysel önermelerde hep eksik olduğu gibi, gerçek daha karmaşıktır. Bu karşılıklı bir ilişkidir ve hiç kimse bir öbürüne gerçekte iye olduğundan daha çoğunu vermiş değildir. Toplumlar birbiriyle etkileşir ve birbirinden öğrenir. Soğdlar Budacı Uygurların öğretmenlerinden biri olmuşlardır. Ama daha önceki Budacı Eski Türkler de Soğdların öğretmenlerinden biri olmuşlardır. Buna şaşırmalı mıyız? Bu makale iki bölümden oluşuyor. Birinci bölüm konunun bütünü içinde yalnızca bir ayrıntıdır. İkinci bölümse Türklerin dudak uçuklatıcı uzunluktaki dil tarihiyle ilgilidir. Türklerin ve Sümerlerin, MÖ 16000-12000’ler arasında Yenisey-Lena - Angara-Baykal arasındaki yaşam alanlarında Eskicil Yenisey-Lena Türk-Altay dil birliği içinde bir arada yaşayan Türk-Altay ataları, Sümerlerin ata topluluğunun MÖ 12000’lerde Anayurt’tan ayrılarak batı-güneye doğru Irmaklararası’nda sonlanan Uzun Yürüyüşlerine koyulmalarıyla birbirinden koptu. Sonraki 10400 yıl boyunca Sümerce ve Türkçe iki ayrı Türk-Altay dili olarak gelişimlerini sürdürmek üzere kendi yollarında ilerledi. İlginç ve şaşırtıcı olan nokta şu ki aslında birbirlerinden çok da fazla uzaklaşmadılar. Söz varlığı, sesbilgisi ve dilbilgisi açısından Sümerce ve Türkçe arasındaki ortaklık ve eşleşmeler o denli dudak uçuklatıcı yoğunluk ve boyutlarda kaldı ki bu bize “EYTAD > Sümerce | Türkçe” üzerinden GÖ 14000’lerdeki Eskicil Yenisey-Lena Türk-Altay Dili’nin sözvarlığı, sesbilgisi ve dilbilgisini kuramsal olarak yeniden kurmak için büyük ve güçlü bir olanak sağlamaktadır. Bunun kuramsal olarak nasıl yapılabileceğinin başlangıç örneğini makalenin ikinci bölümünde /*b-/ önsesi altında sunuyorum. Şu denlisini söylemeliyim ki sürmekte olan bu yeniden kurma çalışması sırasında karşılaştığı olağanüstü ve olağandışı manzara karşısında bu makalenin yazarının dili tutulmuş, dudakları uçuklamış bulunmaktadır. Okuyucunun da bu heyecanımı paylaşacağını ve bana katılacağını umuyorum.
Conference Proceedings. DLSU Arts Congress, 2018
AL-IHKAM: Jurnal Hukum & Pranata Sosial, 2022
Uluslararası Kriz ve Siyaset Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2019
In hoc signo vinces: Collected papers to mark the 75th anniversary of Georgy Vilinbakhov // Сим победиши : сборник статей к 75-летию Георгия Вадимовича Вилинбахова / Государственный Эрмитаж. – СПб. : Изд-во Гос. Эрмитажа, 2024
Quaternary International, 2018
Reviews in medical virology, 2015
Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment
Birat Journal of Health Sciences, 2020
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2022
Faculty of Commerce, 2020
European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2020
Clinical & experimental ophthalmology, 2016