Modeling Private Car Ownership in China
Investigation of Urban Form Impact Across Megacities
Jieping Li, Joan L. Walker, Sumeeta Srinivasan, and William P. Anderson
grown even faster. The rising prevalence of private cars in China is
occurring mainly in megacities. Smaller cities and towns have seen
modest growth in private car ownership (1). If the current car ownership growth trend continues, it will exacerbate numerous issues in
megacities: land use scarcity, energy crisis, environmental pollution,
health problems, urban smog, global warming, and traffic congestion.
It is critical for policy makers to understand car ownership behavior
even as they seek to restrain car ownership through nonauto-oriented
urban planning.
The paper seeks to address the following questions: How does
urban form, such as population density and urban scale, affect auto
ownership across megacities in China? What other socioeconomic
and demographic variables drive car ownership across cities? The
paper is organized as follows. First, it reviews previous related literature. The study methodology is proposed on the basis of the literature
review. The empirical study which involved the use of both aggregate
and disaggregate analyses, is then described. Finally, conclusions
are drawn, limitations are discussed, and future work is recommended.
The rising prevalence of private cars in the developing world is causing
serious congestion and pollution. In China, private cars started to emerge
as an important travel mode in the past decade. Prospective research on
the relationship between urban form and car ownership is relatively
uncommon in the developing world, and China offers a unique study
opportunity, given the tremendous increases in private cars and fast-paced
urbanization over the past decade. This study investigates the influence of
urban form on car ownership as well as the impact of other socioeconomic
and demographic factors on private car ownership across megacities in
China. Analysis was conducted through the use of data from 36 megacities and two household survey data sets collected in Beijing and the city of
Chengdu, China. Ordinary least squares regression and discrete choice
models were employed to execute the aggregate and disaggregate analysis of the urban form impact on private car ownership across cities. The
statistical model results demonstrate that urban affluence, urban scale,
and road infrastructure supply factors have significant positive effects on
the city level of private car ownership across cities. Population density
calculated at the subdistrict level, however, had a significant negative
effect on private car ownership across cities. Households with private
cars were found to prefer to live close to urban centers where amenities
were readily available. The results provide evidence for urban planners
and policy makers.
Literature exists on various types of car-ownership modeling. In
2004, De Jong et al. classified into a number of model types the car
ownership models for public-sector planning found in the academic
literature after 1995 (2). According to data type, they can be categorized into aggregate or disaggregate models. By forecast horizon,
they include short-term or long-term models. In terms of data span
period, they are static or dynamic models. The research reported on
here focuses on earlier studies that addressed, through the use of modeling approaches, how urban form, as well as other socioeconomic
and demographic factors, affected car ownership.
Aggregate car ownership models to examine the relationship
between zonal–regional car ownership and the relevant explanatory
variables were presented by Khan and Willumsen in 1986 (3), by De
Jong in 1990 (4), by Ingram and Liu in 1997 (5), by Dargay and Gately
in 1999 (6), by Romilly et al. in 2001 (7), by Lam and Tam in 2002
(8), by Holtzclaw et al. in 2002 (9), and by Clark in 2007 (10). Across
this literature, the major determinant factor of economic development
on car ownership was frequently tested by including the variables
of gross national product (GNP), gross domestic product (GDP),
and disposal income. Khan and Willumsen (3) and Ingram and Liu
(5) used GNP per capita in their studies and found it had a positive
effect on car ownership. Dargay and Gately (6), Romilly et al. (7), and
Lam and Tam (8) concluded that income or disposal income was the
major determinant of car ownership at the regional level. Population
density was another critical factor with an impact on zonal–regional
car ownership. Lam and Tam (8), Holtzclaw et al. (9), and Clark
(10) have all demonstrated that population density had a negative
Car ownership is an important travel behavior, for it interacts both
directly and indirectly with trip frequency, trip length, mode choice,
and vehicle miles driven. To understand car ownership behavior is
especially important in the context of developing countries where the
rapid growth of private cars causes serious congestion and pollution.
Prospective research on the relationship between urban form and car
ownership is relatively uncommon in the developing world. China
offers a unique study opportunity, given the tremendous increase in
private cars and fast-paced urbanization in the past decade. Car ownership increased 22.48% annually at the national level from the early
1990s to 2005. In 1985, only 285,000 private cars existed in China.
By the end of 2005, the number had reached 18.5 million. This rapid
growth of private car ownership is still occurring, and its speed has
J. Li, Central Transportation Planning, State Transportation Building, Ten Park
Plaza, Boston, MA 02116. J. L. Walker, Center for Global Metropolitan Studies,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Transportation
Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 111 McLaughlin Hall, Berkeley,
CA 94720. S. Srinivasan, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Center for Government and International Studies, Knafel Center, Room 407, Harvard
University, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. W. P. Anderson,
Department of Political Science, University of Windsor, 401 Sunset Avenue,
Windsor, Ontario N9B 3P4, Canada. Corresponding author: J. Li,
[email protected].
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board,
No. 2193, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington,
D.C., 2010, pp. 76–84.
DOI: 10.3141/2193-10
Li, Walker, Srinivasan, and Anderson
effect on car ownership. Clark discovered that the influence of population density on car ownership varied across different areas. Romilly
et al. examined, in addition to economic development and density
factors, the variables of income, traffic congestion, road length,
motoring cost, bus fares, interest rate, and unemployment rate on car
ownership in Great Britain over time (7 ). Lam and Tam concluded
that the first registration tax had a significant negative impact on car
ownership (8). Romilly et al. found that income, motoring costs, bus
fares, and road traffic congestion had significant effects on car ownership (7). In the aggregate car ownership literature, two ways often
have been taken to model the relationship between car ownership and
influential factors. One way is to use linear regression and the other is
to use a logit model. In both ways the zonal–regional car ownership
level regresses as a function of the relevant explanatory variables.
Another line of car ownership modeling literature used disaggregate household survey data to probe into the urban form, as well as
other socioeconomic and demographic effects, on the individualhousehold, car-ownership decision. Four types of urban form measurements were often investigated in the reviewed disaggregate car
ownership modeling literature, including land use measurement, location effect, transit accessibility, and urban design according to the
urban form attributes involved. Land use measurements are characterized by gross population density, residential population density,
dwelling unit density, road density, employment density, job–housing
balance, mixed use, and diversity index. Cervero in 1996 (11),
Schimek in 1996 (12), Ryan and Han in 1999 (13), and Hess and Ong
in 2002 (14) examined the impact of population or household density on private car ownership. Their studies found that population and
residential density had a negative effect on car ownership. Schimek
found the effect of density on household automobile ownership was
modest after use of a 1990 nationwide U.S. personal transportation
survey (12). In addition to Cervero (11), Chu in 2002 (15), Potoglou
and Kanaroglou in 2006 (16), and Zegras in 2006 (17) concluded that
car ownership decreased when the land-use mixture increased. Location effects are commonly associated with the variables of urban location, rural location, distance to the central business district (CBD),
centrality, and ring road location. In addition to Schimek (12) and
Zegras (17), Bento et al. in 2005 (18), and Prevedouros and Schofer
in 1992 (19), demonstrated that households had fewer cars when their
locations were close to the center of the city, represented by the distance to the CBD or the centrality index. Transit accessibility generally is indicated by the nearest bus stop, distance to transit, proximity
to transit stations, and transit supply. In addition to Ryan and Han
(13), Potoglou and Kanaroglou (16), Bento et al. (18), and Prevedouros and Schofer (19), Kim and Kim in 2004 provided evidence
that transit access and transit service had a significant negative effect
on the number of automobiles owned (20). In 2001, however,
Kitamura et al. concluded that “Accessibility no longer affects automobile ownership in the metropolises of industrialized countries
where motorization has matured” (21). Urban design is normally measured by using the variables of the pleasantness of traveling on foot,
pedestrian environment, street design, and city shape. Schimek (12)
and Hess and Ong (14) illustrated that traditional neighborhoods with
friendly walking and biking environments tended to reduce car ownership, whereas Zegras, who used 2001 data from Santiago, Chile,
found that street patterns, block morphology, and intersection
densities had no effect on car ownership (17).
The disaggregate car ownership modeling literature usually takes
the form of discrete choice models in which urban form effects are
captured after controlling for other socioeconomic and demographic
effects. The following sets of socioeconomic and demographic vari-
ables are often contained in addition to urban form measurements,
including household characteristics (e.g., income, children, size,
age-structure, and dwelling type); household head characteristics
(e.g., age, gender, and education); car cost and fee variables (e.g.,
purchase cost, operation cost, registration fee, annual usage tax, and
fuel or gas fee); and other relevant variables (e.g., parking availability
and company car availability).
The common feature of this literature is that researchers examined
the urban form measurements as well as the impact of other socioeconomic factors on car ownership by using either aggregate analysis or disaggregate analysis. The present study sought to examine the
impact of urban form on automobile ownership across megacities
by using both aggregate and disaggregate analyses. The aggregate
analysis makes it is easy to observe the overall urban form impact on
the level of private cars in a city or region or across a city or region.
The effects of transport network, city location, urban characteristics,
and transport policy on private car ownership could be observed in
the aggregate analysis. The aggregate analysis cannot, however,
reveal the behavior mechanisms by which households make the decision on car ownership. Disaggregate analysis compensates for this
drawback since it relies on microlevel information and uncovers
the individual behavior explicitly. In addition, from the perspective of modeling specification and identification, some variables
can only be identified in the aggregate models and vice versa. Another
advantage of using both aggregate and disaggregate analyses is that
all the available data can be used to examine many of the possible
factors in addition to urban form measures. The earlier literature
illustrated that both city and household locations play critical roles
in the determination of household automobile ownership. The combination of aggregate and disaggregate analyses enable observation
of the impact of both city and household characteristics on private
car ownership.
Research on the impact of urban form on auto ownership in the
developing world is inadequate at the present time. As Khan and
Willumsen pointed out, the limitations of data, the cost of conventional planning methods, and the scarcity of technical resources make
transport modeling difficult in the developing world (3). Another reason that car ownership modeling has rarely been studied in developing countries, such as China, is that the prevalence of private car
ownership only recently emerged in the 1990s, along with economic
expansion and improvement in quality of life. Either aggregate or disaggregate car ownership models from the urban planning perspective
are nonexistent in China. This study seeks to fill the gap and to explore
many of the possible factors, in particular the impact of urban form,
on private car ownership by using city-level data from 36 megacities
and two household survey data sets collected in the cities of Beijing
and Chengdu, China.
The study employed linear regression methods in the aggregate analysis and binary logit models in the disaggregate analysis to examine the
association between car ownership and urban form across cities and
between households. The empirical study was conducted in two
stages. In the first stage, aggregate data from 36 cities and variables
that indicated urban form were collected to examine the association
with car ownership. Factor analysis was employed to reduce the correlation among the correlated variables and extract the factors that
indicated urban form. A linear regression model was then constructed
to examine the correlation between the resulting urban form factors
Transportation Research Record 2193
and the number of private cars per hundred households at city level.
The second stage of the study used two sets of household survey
data collected in Beijing in 2006 (2006 Yearbook of Beijing) and
Chengdu in 2005 (2006 Yearbook of Chengdu) and employed binary
logit models to explore the impact of neighborhood urban form
as well as other sociodemographic factors on the household car
ownership decision.
Aggregate Analysis
The aggregate analysis employed an ordinary least squares (OLS)
regression model to examine the urban form influence on car ownership across 36 megacities. Factor analysis was first employed to identify the urban form factors after the capture of the correlation among
the correlated nondummy variables. OLS linear regression was then
applied to examine the relationship between the dependent variables—
city-level, private car ownership per hundred households—and
the independent variables—resultant urban form factors and other
explanatory variables.
Spatial distribution of private cars in 36 megacities in China.
Aggregate Data and Variable Description
Aggregate city-level data were collected from 36 megacities. These
cities were undergoing fast urbanization and private motorization.
They included four, direct-controlled municipalities, 27 provincial
capitals, and five subprovincial cities. Municipalities are the highest
level cities in China and are controlled directly by central government.
They include Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing. Provincial
cities are the capitals of the provinces. Subprovincial cities are prefecture-level cities. They are ruled by provinces but administered
independently with regard to economics and law.
Available variables that potentially affected city-level car ownership were collected from statistical yearbooks (i.e., 2006 Yearbook
of Beijing, 2006 Yearbook of Chengdu, 2006 Yearbook of China’s
Cities, 2006 China Statistical Yearbook) and official websites. The
number of households that owned private cars per 100 households
was used to represent the car ownership at city level. The number was
used as the dependent variable in the OLS regression. The distribution of automobile ownership was quite uneven among the 36 cities
(Figure 1). In 2006, Guangzhou, Beijing, Chengdu, and Shenzhen,
Li, Walker, Srinivasan, and Anderson
• Annual average household disposable income (yuan),
• Per capita GDP (yuan),
• Nonagricultural population (10,000),
• Built-up area (square kilometers),
• Road density (kilometers per square kilometer),
• Road area per capita (square meters),
• Number of buses (per 10,000 persons),
• Number of taxis (per 10,000 persons),
• Metro dummy (six cities have metro),
• Bus rapid transit (BRT) dummy (15 cities have BRT),
• Auto industry dummy (14 cities have auto industry),
• Coast dummy (13 cities are coastal cities), and
• License plate fee policy dummy (Shanghai was the only city
that had a license plate fee in 2006).
Factor Analysis and OLS Regression Results
Three urban form factors were extracted from the following six original nondummy explanatory variables: (a) household disposal income,
(b) GDP per capita, (c) total population, (d) built-up area, (e) road density, and ( f ) road area per person. The factors are defined on the basis
of which original variables had the highest correlations with the principal component factors. Disposable income and GDP per capita had
the highest component loadings–correlation coefficients in Component 1. Thus Component 1 was designated city affluence factor.
Similarly, on the basis of the value of correlation coefficients of Components 2 and 3, an urban scale factor resulted from the combination
of built-up area and nonagricultural population; a road supply factor
was obtained from road density and road area per capita.
Figure 2 plots the number of households that owned private cars
per hundred households and the three urban form factors that resulted
across the 36 cities. The plot was sorted according to the descending
trend of the affluence factor. Of the two y-axes in the figure, the one
on the left displays the number of private cars per hundred households, and the one on the right shows the relative value of the four
B o
C eiji u
he ng
Sh n
en gdu
H Da n
an li
Sh gzh n
W g
ul ha
Ku mu i
Sh nm qi
en in
ya g
Ji g
H nan
Ta iko
iy u
H ua
ae n
Zh Na bin
en nji
gz ng
La ho
nz u
N hou
L o
Xi asa
W me
G uha
ui n
Q yan
in g
N X o
an ia
ch n
C T ng
Sh ha ianj
ijia g in
zh sha
Fu ang
N ho
Yi ann u
C nch ing
h u
C ong an
ha q
ng ing
H n
H Xi fei
uh ni
eh ng
Number of Private Cars per 100 HHs Across 36 Cities
Correlation between the collected nondummy explanatory variables
was examined. Some variables with high coefficient values might correlate with each other, such as household disposal income and GDP
per capita with a high value of correlation coefficient. A high degree
of correlation may lead to a multicollinearity problem and cause incorrect magnitude or wrong signs or both in the regression coefficients.
Lam and Tam omitted one or more highly correlated variables to avoid
multicollinearity when they examined the correlation among the
independent variables (8). In the present study, it was inappropriate to
exclude the correlated variables because the entangling individual
variables all possibly contributed to the car ownership decision.
Factor analysis was employed to reduce the correlation among the
explanatory variables. Principal components analysis (PCA), which
is the most common form of factor analysis, was used to identify
latent variables that contributed to the common variance of the set
of the original explanatory variables. PCA generated uncorrelated
factors through removal of the maximum variance of the linear combination of the original explanatory variables; the data dimensions
were reduced.
# Cars
Plot of private car level and resulting urban form factors.
Road Supply
Urban Form Factor Scores
China, had the highest ratio of private cars—36, 34, 29, and 23 per
hundred households, respectively. This ratio was under 10 in most
other cities.
What factors drove the spatial distribution of private cars so differently across cities? On the basis of the literature review and on perceptions, the following available explanatory variables that potentially
affected city-level private car ownership were collected:
Transportation Research Record 2193
resulting urban form factors. It is difficult to observe the relationship between the city level of private cars per hundred households
and the resultant urban form factors purely by looking at the figure,
although all the plots appear to have the descending trend line. An
OLS linear regression was employed to examine this. The dependent variable was the number of private car owners per hundred
households. Treated as independent variables in the OLS regression
were the following: the three resultant urban form factors of city affluence, urban scale, and road supply and the variables of the number of
buses per 10,000 persons, the number of taxis per 10,000 persons;
the population density calculated at city level, and five dummy variables: (a) supply of metro service, (b) supply of BRT service, (c) auto
industry dummy, (d) license fee, and (e) coastal city.
The standardized parameter estimates of the OLS regression are
listed in Table 1. The overall model displays a goodness-of-fit measured by the adjusted R squared with a value of 0.549. The statistical
tests demonstrated that the three resulting urban factors were significant. The influence of the relevant urban form factors can be compared
by looking at the standardized estimates. The city scale factor had the
strongest, significant, positive impact to boost car ownership across
cities. It indicated that the larger scale cities had a higher level of private car ownership than did relatively small-scale cities. Also, city
affluence and road supply factors had significant, positive effects on
auto number. This means that car ownership will rise in richer cities
with sufficient road supply. The estimates of the number of buses and
of taxis per 10,000 capita were insignificant. This implies that the
supply of bus and taxi service did not affect city-level car ownership.
Five dummy variables were estimated in the OLS regression. The
parameter of BRT supply was positive and significant. This indicates that households tended to own more cars in the cities with
BRT service than in the cities without it. This estimate seems
implausible at first glance. Intuitively, BRT service should reduce
car ownership rather than increase it, for it provides a substitute for
private cars. The estimate was interpretable once car ownership
in cities with BRT was compared with cities without BRT. The
average number of private cars per hundred households was 13.9
for cities with BRT, whereas the average number of private cars per
hundred households for cities without BRT was only 3.1. This indicates a positive relationship between BRT and car ownership. The
OLS Linear Regression Results
Explanatory Variable
City affluence factor
Urban scale factor
Road supply factor
BRT (dummy)
License fee (dummy)
Population density
Number buses per 10,000 capita
Number taxis per 10,000 capita
Metro (dummy)
Auto industry (dummy)
Coast (dummy)
NOTE: Dependent variable = number of private cars per 100 households.
Adjusted R-squared = .549.
*Significant at 5%.
**Significant at 10%.
presence of BRT may induce more travel demand and thus increase
car ownership.
The license plate fee parameter was the only variable that appeared
to be negative and significant. This indicates that cities that carried out
the license plate fee policy would reduce private car ownership.
Beijing had lower factor scores for city affluence and road supply than
did Shanghai, and these factors had a significant, positive effect on
city-level private car ownership. The level of private car ownership in
Beijing was much higher than it was in Shanghai. Similarly, Chengdu
should have had fewer private cars than Shanghai, on the basis of the
analysis of the estimates for city affluence and urban scale. Its private
car ownership level was higher than Shanghai’s, however. Shanghai’s
use of license plate fees mostly explained why it had much less private
car ownership, even though it scored relatively high for affluence,
scale, and road supply urban form factors. The average private car
license plate fee in Shanghai was about 50,000 renminbi (about $7,000
U.S. dollars in 2007), whereas the plates were free in Beijing and
Chengdu. The dummy estimates of metro service supply, auto
industry, and coastal area were insignificant, which implies that these
factors had no significant impact on city-level private car ownership.
The above aggregate analysis explained the impact of resultant
urban form factors and other urban form variables on the level of private car ownership across cities. The results indicate that larger
and more affluent cities with more road supply tend to encourage
city-level private car ownership and that car license plate fee policy
appears to reduce car ownership. The aggregate analysis sheds some
light on how urban form measured at the city level influences car ownership across cities, but it cannot reveal how the urban form affects
individual household private car ownership behavior across cities.
Further efforts are needed to understand the impact. The disaggregate
analysis provided additional insights.
Disaggregate Analysis
A discrete choice model was employed to estimate the urban form
impact on the decision whether or not to purchase a private car at the
individual household level. The car ownership choice models were
random utility models. Utility equations were defined for car-owning
households and no-car households. Discrete choice analysis was
employed to develop a disaggregate car ownership choice model to
examine the responses to various factors on household car ownership (22). Since in the survey data most families owned only one car,
the interest here was to examine how urban form, as well as other
socioeconomic and demographic factors, affected the individual
household’s car ownership decision. The binary logit model equation captured the household tradeoff between the choice of owning
a private car or not owning a private car. The form of the binary logit
choice model was as follows:
Pi =
1 + e − ui
i = 1, 2
P1 = probability that a household owns one or more cars,
P2 = probability that a household does not own any car, and
ui = utility of mode i.
In the disaggregate analysis, two household survey data sets were
used, which had been collected in Beijing and Chengdu. The China
Social Science Institute and Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences
group at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, collected the
Li, Walker, Srinivasan, and Anderson
Beijing survey data in 2006. Households surveyed numbered 1,200
in eight urban districts. The China Project at Harvard University,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, collected the Chengdu survey data in
2005 in collaboration with the Research Center for Contemporary
China at Beijing University. Data were collected on the sociodemographic, travel behavior, and location characteristics of 1,001 households. The purpose of the estimation of two-car ownership models for
Beijing and Chengdu was not to compare the car ownership behavior
in the two cities but to understand how the urban form and other
socioeconomic and demographic factors affected car ownership
decisions across cities at the individual household level.
Context of Beijing and Chengdu
Among the 36 megacities surveyed, Beijing and Chengdu had the
highest level of private car ownership. Both cities have thousands of
years of history, and their road networks are circular systems. Each city
is composed of a series of ring roads. Beijing’s five rings stretch out
for about 16 km and Chengdu’s three rings extend out 7 km. Local governments in the two cities have not carried out regulation policy to
actively suppress car ownership. The private car license plate bidding
policy, which Shanghai adopted in 1994, has suppressed the growth of
private cars in that city at a moderate rate. In 2006, Beijing had 34 and
Chengdu had 29 private cars per hundred households, whereas Shanghai had only 11, although its household disposable income and per
capita GDP were higher than those of the other two cities.
Disaggregate Data and Variable Description
– OwnHouse. Dummy. It was one if the family owned their
house; otherwise zero.
– Child. Dummy. It was one if the family had children; otherwise zero.
– OwnBike. Dummy. It was one if the family owned at least
one bicycle; otherwise zero.
– OwnEbike. Dummy. It was one if the family owned at least
one electric bicycle; otherwise zero.
– OwnMotor. Dummy. It was one if the family owned at least
one motorcycle; otherwise zero.
– CloseWorkUnit. Dummy. It was one if the family lived close
to the husband or wife’s workplace; otherwise zero.
– HHsize. Ordinal. Number of persons in household.
3. Household head characteristics
– EduHi and EduMed. Categorical. Education level of household heads was divided into three groups—high, medium, and
low. Low education was treated as the base.
– Age. Ordinal. Age of the household head.
– Married. Dummy. It was one if household head was in a
marriage; otherwise zero.
– StateOwnedJob. Dummy. It was one if household head
worked in a state-owned company; otherwise zero.
– ProfessionalJob and StaffJob. Categorical. Household head
jobs were categorized into professional, staff, and other. Other
jobs were treated as the base.
– TransConvenience. It was one if the household head answered
that the transport network was convenient to their neighborhood
versus inconvenient; otherwise zero.
– BusPass. Dummy. It was one if the household head had a
monthly bus pass; otherwise zero.
– TakeBus. Dummy. It was one if the household head took the
bus regularly; otherwise zero.
The explanatory variables that entered the discrete choice models were
selected on the basis of the available collected survey information and
review of previous empirical work on car ownership introduced in the
literature review. Although the focus of the research was to investigate
the role of urban form on household private car ownership, it was necessary to include other important socioeconomic and demographic
variables, such as household income, household mobility information,
and so forth. Three categories of explanatory variables were included
in the discrete choice models: urban form measurements, household
characteristics, and household head characteristics. The three urban
form measurements were generated by integrating the available spatial information and by applying geographic information system tools.
Descriptions of the explanatory variables were listed according to their
name, type, and definition.
Because the surveys were designed by different institutes, which
collected different data items, an attempt was made to enter into the
Beijing and Chengdu car ownership models only the socioeconomic
and demographic variables in the survey data sets that might influence
car ownership in one or the other city. The variables estimated in the
two models therefore were not exactly the same. The parameters Child,
StateOwnedJob, and CloseWorkUnit appeared only in the Beijing
model, whereas ProfessionalJob, StaffJob, BusPass, and TakeBus
appeared only in the Chengdu model.
1. Urban form measurements
– PopDensity. Continuous. Population density was calculated
at the subdistrict level within the city. The Beijing survey covered
48 subdistricts, whereas the Chengdu survey covered 32.
– DisttoCBD. Continuous. Distance was computed from the
household residential location to the CBD.
– NearestBusStop. Continuous. The distance was computed
from the residential location to the nearest bus stop in Chengdu.
– LiveWithinR4. Dummy. It was one if the family lived within
R4; otherwise zero. Residential location was within Beijing’s
fourth ring road, which is the city’s urban fringe.
2. Household characteristics
– IncomeHi and IncomeMed. Categorical. Household income
was categorized into three levels—high, medium, and low. Low
income low was treated as the base.
Table 2 presents the binary logit model results obtained through the
use of the Beijing and Chengdu survey data sets. The probability that
a household owned an automobile was modeled. Therefore, a positive
coefficient sign indicated that the explanatory variable had a positive
effect on the household’s likelihood to own a car; a negative coefficient sign indicated that the explanatory variable had a negative effect
on the household’s likelihood to own a car.
Urban form measurements estimated in either the Beijing or
Chengdu car ownership models included neighborhood population
density calculated at the subdistrict level, distance from household residential location to the CBD, distance from household residential location to the nearest bus stop, and household spatial location relative to
the major ring roads. Population and household density have been the
most researched urban form characteristics. In the Beijing car ownership model, neighborhood population density was calculated for the
Discrete Choice Model Estimation Results
Transportation Research Record 2193
Discrete Choice Model Estimates
Beijing Car Ownership Model
Urban form
Household characteristics
Household head
Car HHs
Non-car HHs
Chengdu Car Ownership Model
Car HHs
Non-car HHs
NOTE: Beijing car ownership model: number of parameters = 18, number of observations = 1,200, final log likelihood = −407.87, and
adjusted rho-squared = 0.488. Chengdu car ownership model: number of parameters = 19, number of observations = 1,001, final log
likelihood = −217.15, and adjusted rho-squared = 0.660.
*Significant at 5%.
**Significant at 10%.
surveyed 48 subdistricts; in the Chengdu car ownership model,
neighborhood population density was calculated for the surveyed
32 subdistricts. In both cities, household car ownership was lower
in neighborhoods with higher population densities. This result is
consistent with what has been found in the OLS model results, namely
that city-level density has a significant negative effect on private car
ownership, and it lends some support to Schimek’s finding that high
population density measured by the U.S. standard can help reduce car
dependency (12).
The estimate of residential distance to the CBD had a significant
negative effect on car ownership in both the Beijing and Chengdu
models. This implies that households tend to have fewer private cars
when they live further away from the urban center. This result is contrary to what has been found in the developed world. Prevedouros
and Schofer demonstrated that residency relocation into outer-ring,
low-density suburbs affected car ownership positively in a study
done on the basis of a survey of Chicago, Illinois (19).
Beijing and Chengdu have developed and expanded along circular ring road systems. The fourth ring road in Beijing is the border
between well-developed urban areas and urban fringe areas. The
model results indicated that car ownership tended to be higher in
households within the fourth ring road in Beijing. The CBD distance
and the fourth ring road location parameters are quite different from
the situation in North America, where people tend to have more cars
when they live further away from the local CBD, but this is not true
in China currently. In North American cities, car ownership is essential for families that dwell outside of CBD areas because of the lack
of frequent public transportation. One possible reason that Chinese
households that own cars prefer to live in urban centers is because
that is where good amenities are to be found.
The urban form measurement of the distance to the nearest bus stop
in residential locations was included in the Chengdu car ownership
model. Its estimate was negative but insignificant.
Both household characteristics and household head characteristics
also played critical roles in the determination of car ownership, which
the literature has demonstrated. In the Beijing and Chengdu car ownership models, the urban form effects on private car ownership were
examined after controlling for household characteristics and household
head characteristics. Household income exerted a strong influence on
car ownership in both the Beijing and Chengdu models. High-income
households showed a stronger preference to own private cars compared with medium- and low-income families. Household size affected
car ownership in the Chengdu model but was not significant in the
Beijing model. Families with housing tenure tended to be more likely
to own private cars than families that rented. In both models, families
tended to be less likely to own private cars when they owned bicycles.
The parameter estimate of the electric bicycle had a positive effect on
noncar households in Chengdu but was not significant in the Beijing
Household head level of education affected car ownership significantly in the Beijing model but was not significant in the Chengdu
model. Household heads with high education preferred to own private cars in Beijing. The parameter estimates of household head age
and marital status were insignificant in both the Beijing and Chengdu
models. Families tended to be less likely to own cars if the household
heads worked in a state-owned company in the Beijing model. In the
Chengdu model, car ownership increased when the household head
had a professional job, whereas it decreased when the household
head had a staff job. The TransConvenience parameter carried a positive sign and was significant in the Chengdu model, which means
Li, Walker, Srinivasan, and Anderson
the households tended to be more likely to own cars when their heads
thought that the local road network was good. This finding supports
the Downs-Thomson paradox that expansion of a road system as a
remedy for congestion is not only ineffective but also counterproductive. Unsurprisingly, the parameters BusPass and TakeBus were significant in the Chengdu model. If household heads owned a monthly
bus pass and took the bus regularly, their families tended not to own
private cars.
This paper presents the results of a pilot empirical study of private car
ownership across megacities in China. The study used both aggregate
and disaggregate analyses and examined the impact of urban form on
car ownership, measured at both the city and neighborhood level. From
the output of aggregate OLS regressions and disaggregate discrete
choice models, the following results are summarized. First, the estimates demonstrate that population density calculated at the neighborhood level has a significant, negative effect on car ownership across
cities. This result is consistent with that of previous studies [Cervero
(11); Schimek (12); Ryan and Han (13); and Holtzclaw et al. (9)].
Second, affluence, urban scale, and road infrastructure supply factors
have significant, positive impacts on car ownership across cities. These
results indicate that richer and larger cities with adequate infrastructure
are inclined to have more private cars, whereas compact cities with
high population densities tend to suppress car ownership. These findings reinforce the results found in previous car ownership studies in the
developed world [Hess and Ong (14) and Potoglou and Kanaroglou
(16)]. The model estimates, however, imply that households that
own cars in megacities prefer to live in the urban center rather than further away from CBD. This situation is contrary to what is currently
observed in the developed world, where households closer to the center of cities tend to own fewer automobiles than those located further
away [Schimek (12) and Bento et al. (18)]. This finding provides evidence to help understand the differences in car ownership behavior
between the developed and developing worlds.
Other socioeconomic and demographic factors that might affect
household car ownership also were analyzed. Education level influenced car ownership decisions significantly in the Beijing model but
not in the Chengdu model. Household size had a significant effect
on the car ownership decision in the Chengdu model but not in the
Beijing model. These estimate differences, it is argued, point to the
fact that the household car ownership model specification is not
entirely transferable between cities.
The bicycle ownership estimate had a significant, negative impact
on car ownership in both the Beijing and Chengdu models. This
finding provides evidence for policy makers to reduce automobile
dependency by promoting bicycle ownership. In the past decade,
however, bicycle purchases dropped dramatically, whereas private
automobile purchases increased greatly.
They should also be aware that households that own cars tend to live
in urban centers where good amenities are provided.
Caution should be exercised for several reasons when the research
results are applied. Car ownership is not solely determined by urban
form measurements and the other variables included in the research.
Many other factors contribute to car ownership, such as transport policy, traffic regulation, parking space and cost, local history and culture, and investments in public transit. People’s attitudes toward cars
also play a critical role in the determination of car ownership (23).
Although density is important to lower car ownership, density
alone is not sufficient to control private car growth (12). Schimek
concluded that each 1% increase in population density is associated
with a 0.11 reduction in the average number of vehicles per household. The effect of population density change on private car ownership was simulated in both the Chengdu and Beijing car ownership
models. If population density increased by 10% in the Beijing and
Chengdu car ownership models, car ownership would decrease
0.486% in Chengdu and 0.491% in Beijing on the basis of the estimated parameters in Table 2. These results imply that population
density has a small effect on the suppression of car ownership in
Chengdu and Beijing. Furthermore, the population density in the
urban core of Chengdu was already up to 20,000 persons per square
kilometer. An increase in population density should not be a strategy
to reduce automobile ownership in already densely populated areas.
In terms of policy planning, car ownership is in some ways now
used as a placeholder for the more direct measure of private car
impact–miles driven. Although a person may have a car because he
or she can afford it, that person may still use transit to commute if
adequate and convenient transit service is available. The private
automobile may not be the suitable, dominant mode of urban transportation in China, as Liu and Guan have pointed out, given the
country’s large population and limited per capita land use, and especially not for commuting purposes in large metropolitan areas (24).
Urban form should be promoted to support nonmotorized mode and
mass transit use.
Future Work
Travel behavior in China is undergoing rapid change because of
tremendous economic growth and fast motorization. The private
automobile is changing from a luxury to a necessary commodity. The
urban form is also experiencing rapid change. Many megacities are
expanding and transportation infrastructure is growing. Longitudinal
studies should be developed to understand the car ownership behavior across time (25). With the growth of private car ownership, parking demand will increase greatly in the near future. As a result of the
lack of data, the cost of parking is not now included in either aggregate or disaggregate analysis. The introduction of a parking cost
variable into disaggregate analysis would enable examination of the
individual response to parking cost change. In the future, it will be
interesting to see how this cost influences car ownership.
Discussion of Results
The results of the research provide useful implications for China,
where many megacities are transforming from compact areas with
high densities to sprawling metropolises with lower densities in
urban, peripheral areas. Policy makers should keep in mind that high
density and compact urban form are conducive to constraints on private car ownership, if they want to plan for less car-dependent cities.
Beijing University conducted the Chengdu survey in collaboration
with the China Project of the School for Engineering and Applied
Sciences, Harvard University, and Harvard University Center for
the Environment. The authors thank the V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, Harvard University Asia Center, and Volvo Educational and
Research Foundation for their support. They also thank the Spatial
Structures in the Social Sciences initiative at Brown University for
the use of its Beijing survey data.
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