Residential buildings are responsible for a considerable portion of energy consumption and greenh... more Residential buildings are responsible for a considerable portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Correspondingly, many attempts have been made across the world to minimize energy consumption in this sector via regulations and building codes. The focus of these regulations has mainly been on reducing operational energy use, whereas the impacts of buildings’ embodied energy are frequently excluded. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in analyzing the energy performance of buildings via a life cycle energy assessment (LCEA) approach. The increasing amount of research has however caused the issue of a variation in results presented by LCEA studies, in which apparently similar case studies exhibited different results. This paper aims to identify the main sources of variation in LCEA studies by critically analyzing 26 studies representing 86 cases in 12 countries. The findings indicate that the current trend of LCEA application in residential b...
Urban structure and landscape cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the ur... more Urban structure and landscape cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. The magnitude of such urban-rural temperature difference varies in daily and seasonal basis. Daily patterns of urban heat accumulation in Adelaide is under investigation. In this paper, East-West air temperature profile of Adelaide metropolitan area was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach under clear sky between 26 July and 15 August 2013. The most intense urban-rural temperature differences of 5.9 1C occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, maximum urban heat variation occurred during the late afternoon when the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2 1C between the CBD East and Western Parklands. During summer heatwaves, the afternoon heat stress limits public life vibrancy in Adelaide. Increased urban greenery can facilitate resilience to heat by providing shadow and evaporative cooling. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations and the cooling effect of urban greenery assists urban policy making and public life management in the context of climate change.
Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increas... more Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. This paper determines the daily patterns of urban heat in Adelaide, Australia. The near-surface temperature profile of Adelaide was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach between 26 July and 15 August 2013. Results indicate that the most intense urban-rural temperature differences occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, the afternoon urban heat had more temperature variation in the urban area. In the late afternoon, the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2°C within three kilometres and by 1.2°C in just one kilometer. Afternoon heat stress can vary based on space configurations and urban surface covers. Afternoon heat stress causes the highest heat load on urban dwellers. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations in cities assists urban policy making and pu...
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2012
There has been a growing interest in discovering human effects on the environment and energy cons... more There has been a growing interest in discovering human effects on the environment and energy consumption in the recent decades. It is estimated that the shares of energy consumed in transportation and housing systems are around 20 and 30 percent of the total energy consumption. Furthermore, it is believed that the residential greenhouse emissions depend on urban form and structure. This paper explores the effects of urban features on residential energy consumption at neighborhood level using data collected through household questionnaires (n = 140). Two residential districts in the metropolitan Shiraz, located in the south of Iran, were selected as case study areas. Different features of the two areas including building density, typology, housing location, parcel size, floor area and construction materials were compared. Ordinary linear regression was used to discover the impact of explanatory variables on energy consumption. It was found that some physical variables such as parcel size, setback, and the number of floors played significant roles in explaining the variances existing in energy use level. The results can be considered by governmental agencies in order to modify land use policies and subdivision rules in hope of saving energy and achieving a sustainable community.
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2011
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Urban sprawl is one of the main important phenomena threatening the spatial structure of cities a... more Urban sprawl is one of the main important phenomena threatening the spatial structure of cities and affecting the overall quality of them. This paper studied the urban growth pattern and sprawling of Kazerun, a medium-sized city in the south of Iran. Using the population and land use data available from secondary formal sources, the growth pattern was compared to national statistics. Furthermore, two well-known landscape metrics included Holdern and Shannon indices were applied to measure the extent of urban sprawl. As a qualitative research methodology, some experts (n = 30) working in governmental agencies were asked to explain the causes and effects of urban sprawl in the case study area. The results confirmed that several factors including the former masterplans affected the urban development pattern of the area. Moreover, a number of physical, environmental, economic and social impacts were discovered as the consequence of current fragmented growth pattern. Finally, a set of applicable policies are recommended to overcome sprawl and to achieve a more balanced development.
Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increas... more Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. This paper determines the daily patterns of urban heat in Adelaide, Australia. The near-surface temperature profile of Adelaide was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach between 26 July and 15 August 2013. Results indicate that the most intense urban-rural temperature differences occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, the afternoon urban heat had more temperature variation in the urban area. In the late afternoon, the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2°C within three kilometres and by 1.2°C in just one kilometer. Afternoon heat stress can vary based on space configurations and urban surface covers. Afternoon heat stress causes the highest heat load on urban dwellers. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations in cities assists urban policy making and public life management in the context of climate change.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
3–Discussion Trip generation at local level is affected by household charactristics; however, its... more 3–Discussion Trip generation at local level is affected by household charactristics; however, its interzonal and intra-zonal patterns are different. Trip destination choosing is influenced by household requirements. Households with greater number of adults and students try to choose their travel destination out of zone area, while thoes households with more school students and children are intersted to achieve their daily needs whithin the zone. In the other words, facilities whithin zone border are supportive for some limited requirements.
Abstract: Metropolitan Adelaide in Australia is dominated by low-density suburbs with an extensiv... more Abstract: Metropolitan Adelaide in Australia is dominated by low-density suburbs with an extensive and large road supply, which brings with it car-dependent lifestyles that are ultimately unsustainable in the longer term. Changes are needed to make a city such as Adelaide less car-dependent towards a city that relies on more sustainable transport modes for its day to day urban travel needs. This paper presents the results from a study of travel patterns among residents of four suburban residential areas in metropolitan Adelaide.
Abstract This paper investigates sustainability principles in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil, as... more Abstract This paper investigates sustainability principles in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil, as a pioneer which has commenced its sustainability journey since the 1960s. Analyzing sustainability principles in Curitiba, the paper aims to study their applicability in the case of Shiraz in Iran. Considering the complexity of physical, social, cultural and environmental systems in urban planning, the research underlines the vitality of contextual studies, integration and implementation strategies in sustainability achievement in urban scale.
Abstract Neo-classical economic doctrine dominating governmental policies shows its impact on rec... more Abstract Neo-classical economic doctrine dominating governmental policies shows its impact on recent transport policies, causing these policies; tend to base on demand and efficiency criteria instead of equity concerns. Public transit operating for remote areas is less cost-effective eventually leading to have a low level of service quality. In metropolitan areas of developing countries, a large part of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups live in outer suburban locations not in the inner-city.
Although several studies can be found in the literature related to interactions between urban for... more Although several studies can be found in the literature related to interactions between urban form and transportation, the influence of urban form on travel choices by considering microscale design attributes has not been properly investigated. This study aims to consider micro-scale attributes of urban form and their impacts upon travel choices made by individuals.
Abstract Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) consisting a wide range of beneficial soil b... more Abstract Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) consisting a wide range of beneficial soil bacteria inhabiting rhizosphere of plant. Fluorescent pseudomondas are the most important plant growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria in different crop plants. In this research, twenty-five isolates of fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from forty soil samples of wheat rhizosphere and forty four isolates of Flavobacterium selected from the bacterial strains collection were employed.
Abstract Educational trips produce about 25 percent of the overall traveling within the city. A c... more Abstract Educational trips produce about 25 percent of the overall traveling within the city. A considerable share of the educational trips includes the elementary school students' commuting, which largely depends on the parental behavior and decision. This paper presents a report of a survey undertaken throughout the four residential neighborhoods selected from the Metropolitan Mashhad, Iran. The results showed significant differences between the travel patterns of the students at the neighborhood level.
This thesis was seeking two main approaches for improvement of seed germination of oriental beech... more This thesis was seeking two main approaches for improvement of seed germination of oriental beech, a timber producing species in Hyrcanian forests in northern Iran. Germination behavior of beechnuts was enhanced either by decreasing the dormancy breakage period, or by increasing seed lot quality.
Abstract There has been a growing interest in discovering the human effects on the environment an... more Abstract There has been a growing interest in discovering the human effects on the environment and energy consumption in recent decades. It is estimated that the share of energy consumed in transportation and housing systems are around 20 and 30 percent of total energy consumption respectively. Furthermore, the residential greenhouse emissions depend on urban form and structure.
There is considerable current interest in the effects of urban form and land use characteristics ... more There is considerable current interest in the effects of urban form and land use characteristics on the travel activities made by people. The underlying assumption is that these built environment characteristics have an important influence on making shorter travel and a person's willingness to travel by public transport, ridesharing, walking or bicyclingmodes other than driving alone. A moderate set of strategies has been proposed or implemented by both federal and state governments in South Australia (SA).
Residential buildings are responsible for a considerable portion of energy consumption and greenh... more Residential buildings are responsible for a considerable portion of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Correspondingly, many attempts have been made across the world to minimize energy consumption in this sector via regulations and building codes. The focus of these regulations has mainly been on reducing operational energy use, whereas the impacts of buildings’ embodied energy are frequently excluded. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in analyzing the energy performance of buildings via a life cycle energy assessment (LCEA) approach. The increasing amount of research has however caused the issue of a variation in results presented by LCEA studies, in which apparently similar case studies exhibited different results. This paper aims to identify the main sources of variation in LCEA studies by critically analyzing 26 studies representing 86 cases in 12 countries. The findings indicate that the current trend of LCEA application in residential b...
Urban structure and landscape cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the ur... more Urban structure and landscape cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. The magnitude of such urban-rural temperature difference varies in daily and seasonal basis. Daily patterns of urban heat accumulation in Adelaide is under investigation. In this paper, East-West air temperature profile of Adelaide metropolitan area was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach under clear sky between 26 July and 15 August 2013. The most intense urban-rural temperature differences of 5.9 1C occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, maximum urban heat variation occurred during the late afternoon when the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2 1C between the CBD East and Western Parklands. During summer heatwaves, the afternoon heat stress limits public life vibrancy in Adelaide. Increased urban greenery can facilitate resilience to heat by providing shadow and evaporative cooling. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations and the cooling effect of urban greenery assists urban policy making and public life management in the context of climate change.
Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increas... more Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. This paper determines the daily patterns of urban heat in Adelaide, Australia. The near-surface temperature profile of Adelaide was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach between 26 July and 15 August 2013. Results indicate that the most intense urban-rural temperature differences occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, the afternoon urban heat had more temperature variation in the urban area. In the late afternoon, the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2°C within three kilometres and by 1.2°C in just one kilometer. Afternoon heat stress can vary based on space configurations and urban surface covers. Afternoon heat stress causes the highest heat load on urban dwellers. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations in cities assists urban policy making and pu...
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2012
There has been a growing interest in discovering human effects on the environment and energy cons... more There has been a growing interest in discovering human effects on the environment and energy consumption in the recent decades. It is estimated that the shares of energy consumed in transportation and housing systems are around 20 and 30 percent of the total energy consumption. Furthermore, it is believed that the residential greenhouse emissions depend on urban form and structure. This paper explores the effects of urban features on residential energy consumption at neighborhood level using data collected through household questionnaires (n = 140). Two residential districts in the metropolitan Shiraz, located in the south of Iran, were selected as case study areas. Different features of the two areas including building density, typology, housing location, parcel size, floor area and construction materials were compared. Ordinary linear regression was used to discover the impact of explanatory variables on energy consumption. It was found that some physical variables such as parcel size, setback, and the number of floors played significant roles in explaining the variances existing in energy use level. The results can be considered by governmental agencies in order to modify land use policies and subdivision rules in hope of saving energy and achieving a sustainable community.
Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2011
How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in ... more How to cite Complete issue More information about this article Journal's homepage in Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
Urban sprawl is one of the main important phenomena threatening the spatial structure of cities a... more Urban sprawl is one of the main important phenomena threatening the spatial structure of cities and affecting the overall quality of them. This paper studied the urban growth pattern and sprawling of Kazerun, a medium-sized city in the south of Iran. Using the population and land use data available from secondary formal sources, the growth pattern was compared to national statistics. Furthermore, two well-known landscape metrics included Holdern and Shannon indices were applied to measure the extent of urban sprawl. As a qualitative research methodology, some experts (n = 30) working in governmental agencies were asked to explain the causes and effects of urban sprawl in the case study area. The results confirmed that several factors including the former masterplans affected the urban development pattern of the area. Moreover, a number of physical, environmental, economic and social impacts were discovered as the consequence of current fragmented growth pattern. Finally, a set of applicable policies are recommended to overcome sprawl and to achieve a more balanced development.
Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increas... more Urban structure, hard surfaces and shortage of vegetation cause an artificial temperature increase in cities, known as the urban heat island effect. This paper determines the daily patterns of urban heat in Adelaide, Australia. The near-surface temperature profile of Adelaide was mapped in 60 journeys alongside a straight cross route connecting Adelaide Hills to the West Beach between 26 July and 15 August 2013. Results indicate that the most intense urban-rural temperature differences occurred during midnight in Adelaide. However, the afternoon urban heat had more temperature variation in the urban area. In the late afternoon, the near-surface urban heat fluctuates by 2°C within three kilometres and by 1.2°C in just one kilometer. Afternoon heat stress can vary based on space configurations and urban surface covers. Afternoon heat stress causes the highest heat load on urban dwellers. A better understanding of daily urban heat variations in cities assists urban policy making and public life management in the context of climate change.
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in b... more The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately.
3–Discussion Trip generation at local level is affected by household charactristics; however, its... more 3–Discussion Trip generation at local level is affected by household charactristics; however, its interzonal and intra-zonal patterns are different. Trip destination choosing is influenced by household requirements. Households with greater number of adults and students try to choose their travel destination out of zone area, while thoes households with more school students and children are intersted to achieve their daily needs whithin the zone. In the other words, facilities whithin zone border are supportive for some limited requirements.
Abstract: Metropolitan Adelaide in Australia is dominated by low-density suburbs with an extensiv... more Abstract: Metropolitan Adelaide in Australia is dominated by low-density suburbs with an extensive and large road supply, which brings with it car-dependent lifestyles that are ultimately unsustainable in the longer term. Changes are needed to make a city such as Adelaide less car-dependent towards a city that relies on more sustainable transport modes for its day to day urban travel needs. This paper presents the results from a study of travel patterns among residents of four suburban residential areas in metropolitan Adelaide.
Abstract This paper investigates sustainability principles in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil, as... more Abstract This paper investigates sustainability principles in the city of Curitiba, in Brazil, as a pioneer which has commenced its sustainability journey since the 1960s. Analyzing sustainability principles in Curitiba, the paper aims to study their applicability in the case of Shiraz in Iran. Considering the complexity of physical, social, cultural and environmental systems in urban planning, the research underlines the vitality of contextual studies, integration and implementation strategies in sustainability achievement in urban scale.
Abstract Neo-classical economic doctrine dominating governmental policies shows its impact on rec... more Abstract Neo-classical economic doctrine dominating governmental policies shows its impact on recent transport policies, causing these policies; tend to base on demand and efficiency criteria instead of equity concerns. Public transit operating for remote areas is less cost-effective eventually leading to have a low level of service quality. In metropolitan areas of developing countries, a large part of socially disadvantaged and vulnerable groups live in outer suburban locations not in the inner-city.
Although several studies can be found in the literature related to interactions between urban for... more Although several studies can be found in the literature related to interactions between urban form and transportation, the influence of urban form on travel choices by considering microscale design attributes has not been properly investigated. This study aims to consider micro-scale attributes of urban form and their impacts upon travel choices made by individuals.
Abstract Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) consisting a wide range of beneficial soil b... more Abstract Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) consisting a wide range of beneficial soil bacteria inhabiting rhizosphere of plant. Fluorescent pseudomondas are the most important plant growth promoting rhizosphere bacteria in different crop plants. In this research, twenty-five isolates of fluorescent pseudomonads isolated from forty soil samples of wheat rhizosphere and forty four isolates of Flavobacterium selected from the bacterial strains collection were employed.
Abstract Educational trips produce about 25 percent of the overall traveling within the city. A c... more Abstract Educational trips produce about 25 percent of the overall traveling within the city. A considerable share of the educational trips includes the elementary school students' commuting, which largely depends on the parental behavior and decision. This paper presents a report of a survey undertaken throughout the four residential neighborhoods selected from the Metropolitan Mashhad, Iran. The results showed significant differences between the travel patterns of the students at the neighborhood level.
This thesis was seeking two main approaches for improvement of seed germination of oriental beech... more This thesis was seeking two main approaches for improvement of seed germination of oriental beech, a timber producing species in Hyrcanian forests in northern Iran. Germination behavior of beechnuts was enhanced either by decreasing the dormancy breakage period, or by increasing seed lot quality.
Abstract There has been a growing interest in discovering the human effects on the environment an... more Abstract There has been a growing interest in discovering the human effects on the environment and energy consumption in recent decades. It is estimated that the share of energy consumed in transportation and housing systems are around 20 and 30 percent of total energy consumption respectively. Furthermore, the residential greenhouse emissions depend on urban form and structure.
There is considerable current interest in the effects of urban form and land use characteristics ... more There is considerable current interest in the effects of urban form and land use characteristics on the travel activities made by people. The underlying assumption is that these built environment characteristics have an important influence on making shorter travel and a person's willingness to travel by public transport, ridesharing, walking or bicyclingmodes other than driving alone. A moderate set of strategies has been proposed or implemented by both federal and state governments in South Australia (SA).
Papers by ali soltani