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2005, Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek
8 pages
1 file
Identity authentication sharing technology which allows many service providers to share the result of identity authentication of an identity provider provides several important advantages including high usability achieved by avoiding repeated registration of identity information to service providers and single sign-on, cost effectiveness of service providers achieved by outsourcing identity authentication services from identity providers, and privacy protection achieved by exposing identity information only to a limited number of controlled identity providers. However, in order for the identity authentication sharing technologies to be widely deployed in global Internet scale, the trustworthiness issue among the participating identity providers, service providers, and users should be resolved in advance. This paper firstly analyzes existing trust frameworks for identity authentication sharing. And then, based on the result of analysis, this paper proposes a dynamic and open trust framework for identity authentication sharing.
Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea, 2015
The set of three stone drums remaining at the front garden of Westin Chosun Hotel was one of the monuments planned in the early of 1900s to commemorate King Kojong's 40th anniversary on the throne. While the drum work fell behind due to budgetary constraints, a ceremonial structure called Seokgojeon(石鼓殿) was built in 1903 for the purpose of housing the upcoming drums which were completed in 1909. In 1935, those stone drums and Seokgojeon were forced to be apart from each other by Japanese colonial government : while the drums were moved to Hwangudan(圜丘壇) area adjacently, Seokgojeon was dismantled and relocated in Japanese temple honoring the first residency-general, Ito Hirobumi(伊藤博文) on the northeast part of Namsan. This building has been known to stay intact after the Korean War and be demolished due to the construction of Yeongbingwan(迎賓館) in the early 1960s, which belongs to The Shilla Hotel presently. We examined well-known records quoted in the preceding researches and discovered several documents and photographs from National Archives of Korea to find out that Seokgojeon was relocated once again to Changkyeongwon(昌慶苑) in 1965-1966, and survived until 1983. Through this research, the architectural value of original Seokgojeon and the significance of its structural modification with reinforced concrete during the latest relocation are revealed.
The Korean Association of Space and Environment Research, 2016
Journal of Chinese Historical Researches , 2009
The Palace Lady Ban Jieyu was daughter of Ban Kuang (班況), and a grandfather's sister of Ban Gu (班固 32-92), who wrote "The Book of Late Han (後漢書)". She has the episode with emperor Cheng (漢成帝, reg. B.C. 32-7), in which once emperor Cheng stayed in a sedan chair which was carried by four bearer. Emperor let Lady Ban Jieyu be riding together on the sedan chair. After she mentioned about the last emperor of Xia(夏), Yin(殷), Zhu(周, B.C. 1046-771), who took theirs concubine instead of faithful retainer in it, excused. And she asked him how could it be thought about them in history, if she is getting together him on the sedan chair. In this article, I make an attempt the Panofsky's iconographic theory to apply for analysis of the Eastern Painting. Three works of which are emerged the abovementioned episode of Ban Jieyu as I found - Admonitions of the Court Instructress to Palace Ladies 女史箴圖, The Story of Ban Jieyu in Sima Jinlong tomb 司馬金龍墓 and the episode of Jieyu refused to sit in the same sedan chair (with the emperor Cheng) 婕妤辭輦 in the Painting about the three basic principles in human relations 三綱行實圖. They consist of one emperor in the sedan chair and one palace lady, which are accordingly getting out a general rule to depict of this motif in each painting. Furthermore, it makes iconographic meaning "Emperor Cheng and Ban Jieyu" which will be made "Iconography of Ban Jieyu". Also it will be made the allegory of Ban Jieyu, with that can be easy to understand and interpret another artworks in same motif. The Palace Lady Ban Jieyu was daughter of Ban Kuang (班況), and a grandfather's sister of Ban Gu (班固 32-92), who wrote "The Book of Late Han (後漢書)". She has the episode with emperor Cheng (漢成帝, reg. B.C. 32-7), in which once emperor Cheng stayed in a sedan chair which was carried by four bearer. Emperor let Lady Ban Jieyu be riding together on the sedan chair. After she mentioned about the last emperor of Xia(夏), Yin(殷), Zhu(周, B.C. 1046-771), who took theirs concubine instead of faithful retainer in it, excused. And she asked him how could it be thought about them in history, if she is getting together him on the sedan chair. In this article, I make an attempt the Panofsky's iconographic theory to apply for analysis of the Eastern Painting. Three works of which are emerged the abovementioned episode of Ban Jieyu as I found - Admonitions of the Court Instructress to Palace Ladies 女史箴圖, The Story of Ban Jieyu in Sima Jinlong tomb 司馬金龍墓 and the episode of Jieyu refused to sit in the same sedan chair (with the emperor Cheng) 婕妤辭輦 in the Painting about the three basic principles in human relations 三綱行實圖. They consist of one emperor in the sedan chair and one palace lady, which are accordingly getting out a general rule to depict of this motif in each painting. Furthermore, it makes iconographic meaning "Emperor Cheng and Ban Jieyu" which will be made "Iconography of Ban Jieyu". Also it will be made the allegory of Ban Jieyu, with that can be easy to understand and interpret another artworks in same motif.
Korean Studies Quarterly, 2015
The purpose of this paper is to understand the forms and functions of hangeul manuscripts that were produced for royal banquets in the late Joseon period, focusing on the wine offering rite held by Crown Prince Hyomyeong for the King Sunjo and Queen Sunwon on September 10, 1827. When Royal Protocol for the Court Feast at Hall of the Mother’s Good Fortune was compiled to record the wine offering rite, not only Chinese manuscripts but also hangeul manuscripts were produced. And potable record of ritual protocols for the rite written in hangeul are extant. In order to understand the production background of these hangeul manuscripts, this paper examined first the aspects of use of hanguel in royal household by means of review and classification on the procedures and all concerned of the ritual. In the following, this paper took a closer look at the form, content, function as well as the production background of each hangeul manuscript such as praise, lyric, explanation of the ritual, potable record of ritual protocol, and royal protocol. All of these manuscripts were made for women of royal household, and more specifically, manuscripts for Queen Sunwon and Crown Princess were praise, lyric, explanation of the ritual, and royal protocol; manuscripts for housewives of royal families were praise, lyric, and portable ceremony procedure. Even though the contents were equal, according to the user’s status materials, forms as well as the function were different according to the user’s status.
International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who
On May 10, 2017, Moon Jae-in's Government launched. The election pledges of Moon's Government in healthcare sector were extracted from those of president election camp and Democratic Party. The main pledges were enhancing the coverage of healthcare costs, management of healthcare costs for elderly, restructuring the health insurance contribution system, and improving the public nature of healthcare system. There are many policy tasks to realize the electoral pledge, especially, financial task is main. The National Planning and Advisory Committee are setting the policy priorities and making the detailed plans. Although this paper deals the initial evaluation of main election pledges, the precise evaluation is needed for the final plan of healthcare policy.
Economic and Environmental Geology, 2020
In Danyang area, various geological structures as well as various lithology and strata are well developed, which are useful for studying paleo-environment and structural movements, and also typical karst landforms, wethering landforms and river landforms. If geologically and geomorphologically valuable resources are used in terms of geotourim perspective, it is expected that revitalization of regional economy through diversification of attracting factors and employment creation of local people. Danyang has many excellent geological resources for geological field trip, they can greatly contribute to the development of geology such as expanding the base of geology and cultivating successive generations. In this study, we have evaluated newly discovered sites and previously excavated resources based on academical and educational values. By using these geological and geomorphological resources, we suggest three geotrail courses as follows. First, Geo-trail A is mainly focused on geological structures (Route A: Jeong Hwan Route), where we can learn geological deformation and movement through various brittle and ductile deformation structures. Second, Geo-trail B is mainly focused on stratigraphic importance (Route B: Soon-Bok Route), which emphasizes on various rocks, strata and contact relationship. Third, Geo-trail C is mainly focused on geomorphological landforms and landscapes (Route C: Satgat Route), which provide information about different geomorphological landforms and the interaction between different geological agents. In order to operate these geotrail courses efficiently, installation of explanation boards and view points, cultivate local commentators, and visitor centers and experience programs should be properly prepared together.
In order to estimate the vertical and horizontal structural in the Yangsan fault core line (Naengsuri area, Pohang), we carried out gravity field measurements and interpretation procedures such as Euler deconvolution method and curvature analysis in addition to the forward modelling technique (i.e. IGMAS+). We found a prominent gravity difference of more than 1.5 mGal across the fault core. This indicates a distinct density difference between the western and eastern crustal area across the Yangsan fault line. Comparing this gravity field interpretation with other existent geologic and geophysical survey data (e.g. LiDAR, trenching, electric resistivity measurements), It is concluded that (1) the prominent gravity difference is caused by the density difference of about 0.1 g/cm 3 between the Bulguksa Granite in the west and the Cretaceous Sandstone in the east side, (2) the fault core is elongated vertically into a depth of about 2,000 meters and extended horizontally 3,000 meters to the NNE direction from Naengsuri area. Our results present that the gravity field method is a very effective tool to estimate a three-dimensional image of the active fault core.
The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2011
20 fossil sites of numerous fossil sites in Korea have been designated as Natural Monument for protection and conservation. Many of the sites which is located at the coastal area have been gradually disfigured by natural weathering, erosion and human activity. Thus the conservation of the original form and the documentation for the original figure are necessary. In this study, we applied 3D digital documentation to Natural Monument No. 394, Haenam Uhangri dinosaur, pterosaur, and bird footprint fossil site, for maintaining the original form of the dinosaur footprints. We were able to obtain the 3D digital data on two dinosaur footprint sites, a high resolution distributional map, and more accurate digital data of the dinosaur footprints applied the rendering method by ambient occlusion. 3D digital data on the dinosaur footprints is worth for the conservation and research data, moreover content for applying to the various fields such as to make 3D brochure, interactive contents, and so on.
Revista De Estudios Bejaranos, 2002
Arkeogazte 8. Monographic Issue: Archaeology, Gender, Sex and Sexuality, 75-99., 2018
Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri Dergisi, 2008
Il fascino della natura. Paesaggi ritrovati di Pellizza da Volpedo, a cura di A. Scotti Tosini, cat. della mostra, (Volpedo, Studio pellizza, 17 agosto-22 settembre 2024), Mets Percorsi d'Arte, 2024
Revista ONOBA, 2023
Human Resource Management, 1983
História, Questões & Debates, 1980
IEEE Access, 2017
Sustainable Environmental and Optimizing Industry Journal, 2020
Krajobrazi sjećanja na Domovinski rat, 2022
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African Journal of Plant Science, 2017
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2009
Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research
Acta Medica Peruana, 2012
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