It seems that the previous title doesn't appear too attractive to the readers. The problem is that some "philosophers" absolutely deny the role of the material brain in the process of emergence of mind!

1 MIND – PRODUCT OF MATERIAL BRAIN AND ABSURDITY OF SOLIPSISM Note to the readers: This paper is actually copy of previously posted paper under the original title: REPROGRAMING THE BRAIN – IS IT POSSIBLE? It seems that the previous title doesn’t appear too attractive to the readers. The problem is that some “philosophers” absolutely deny the role of the material brain in the process of emergence of mind! Rudolf Vrnoga – independent researcher 1106 W 8th Ave, #10 Chico, CA 95926 [email protected] Brain reprogramed? Wow! Is it possible? How? Talks about brain issues will probably associate us primarily with SF movies, secret scientific institutions, conspiracies, huge labs, computers, scrins, people with helmets with numerous cables, sensors, aliens. There are trying to produce super humans, super brains, cyborgs, AI, with planted memories, and so on. Whoever expects from this paper something like that stuff will be disappointed. Here is going for much more common, prosaic, ordinary things and issues which we face in every day’s life. The starting thesis for this article is that, under specific circumstances in specific cases, under the influence of the mental power of mind and will, it could be possible to “rewire” and “re-route” brain’s network in order to fix some cerebral related issues. Here will be presented some actual cases (episodes) which will be particularly discussed later. We have brain, and we have body, and they are in very complex mutual interrelation, intercommunication, and interaction. The brain per se is something that we can characterize as the highest hierarchically organized organic and inorganic form of matter. In spite of that, that complex form of matter is completely helpless and ineffective without the body. On the other hand, the body is also extremely complex and functionally organized form of matter. Now, we can say the same for our body, despite its complexity, body is completely helpless without brain, no brain - no life, no philosophy, no art, no religions, no science. Now, when is going about body-brain relation, we can ask simple question about their hierarchical order and importance: - - Can life be reduced primarily and solely on brain, while the body would have only secondary role to serve brain, (to protect brain, and to supply with food, water, oxygen, energy)? Or: Life is based on the body as a primary, while the brain would have the secondary role to serve body providing the best survival skills. 2 I think that body-brain relations cannot be split, they are both of equal importance, life form is unique inseparable body-brain system. At this point I am talking about individualized, single life form, specifically talking about human being as a single person in general. Here is not intention to talk about evolutionary gathering of individuals into larger groups, tribes, and so on providing better surviving chances, but it will be discussed some philosophical issues about relation between body, brain, mind, consciousness, intellect, logic, will, and so on. Generally, the average ratio brain/body mass is approximately 0.02, that is, brain mass is about 2% of body mass. On the other hand, it’s considered that average active usage of brain is about 5% only! That means, that both percentages combined give us about 0.1% of “active” factor. Is it possible that entire (100%) of body mass serves only 1 ‰ of its mass (brain)? We can ask opposite question as well: is it possible that 1‰ of body mass controls the rest of 99.9% of body mass? Yes, it’s possible, and it is indeed. Now, to talk about re-programing the brain, we need to set two assumptions: 1. The brain as a functioning system is comparable to the general computer systems. 2. Re-programing is related to something what is already pre-programed. In the regard to the first assumption, we must distinguish between talking about brain itself, from talking about head. The head itself (not counting the brain) is a part of the body, and as such, it serves the brain through providing the physical protection to the brain. In addition, it provides several very important functions related to intercommunications with the external world. There are vision organs, hearings, speaking apparatus, gravity-balance sensors, taste, smell, temperature, and others. In the regard to the second assumption, related to pre-programed brain, when baby is born his/her brain is “tabula rasa”, blank brain, blank memory, ready to learn from the first moment going into “external world”. Of course, baby has some prenatal limited “experiences”, it can hear outside noises, interior mother’s heart beats, mechanical movements. Main distinction between human and computer is that computer is build from the start at full size, baby’s brain at the beginning is small and is gradually developing. From the first second of his/her postnatal “external” life, baby is observing, listening, learning, storing the skills, building, and storing experiences, memorizing. As baby grows, so does grows the brain, getting more and more fresh brain mass, providing more and more capacity for more data storing. We can freely say that the human brain starts with programing from the first moment of existence. There is a process of multi-parallel lines of learning, especially related to coordination between brain and body. The brain is practically connected to every part of body, with interchanges of signals in both ways, so brain can send signals to control every muscle, movement, and opposite, every part of body can send signals to the brain. In addition, all body is covered with pain sensors, try to touch any part of body with needle or with something hot. Now, we will set one hypothetical, imaginary situation and experiment. Right after the baby is delivered, it’s transferred into specially designed tank full of specific liquid, which is capable to provide to the baby full existential conditions as it had in mother’s womb, (nutrition, 3 oxygen, temperature, and so on). But what is the most important, tank must provide absolute light, sound, and mechanical insulations. It is for sure that that baby will grow inside tank and become fully growing human being, which will continue to get more and more older and older. Now, we can ask a very important and specific question: Can we such a being name actually a human being, a person? There is a simple answer to that question, and there is also very complex answer to the same question, depend on the point of the view, physiological or philosophical. The simple answer would be: NO! I am very sure that that creature, regardless of how old could be, would never say: “I think, therefore I am.” That creature would be incapable of thinking, thinking in anyhow way, thinking about anything. Thinking is an extremely complex mental process based on particular language, grammar, vocabulary, logic, memory, and experience. The brain of that creature is empty, “tabula rasa’, it’s at the same mental and intellectual state or level as a liver, lungs, and other organs, it’s just in the vegetative state, there is no mind in any form. It cannot form even notion of “I”. “I” has semantic meaning only related to “you”, “hi”, “we”, “they”. It cannot think because it cannot speak, it cannot speak because It has no knowledge of any language. It cannot develop any mental activity, it cannot form any form of mind, consciousness, selfreflection, logic, spirituality, let alone any form of philosophy. It would be never able to develop notion of his own brain, especially of material brain, let alone of its body. Its rudimentary consciousness, as a reflection of rudimentary internal processes of its brain, would be permanently trapped inside its brain. It cannot form any notion, idea about external material world. Will never develop even close something what is been characterized as a human mind. It will never say something about “mind over the matter”, also will never say: “World as a will and presentation”. As a contrast to above-described situation with absolutely insulated baby, which in fact will never develop itself into intelligent and rational human being, there are myriad common, everyday’s, trivial situations of raising babies in some “standard” ways, meaning that, beside providing all necessary conditions for its physical wellness, there are some standards for providing basic conditions for its mental, intellectual, psychological, emotional development, (nurturing, fostering, guiding, watching, caring). One very young mother brought her baby to a pediatrist for the advice and consultation: “Doctor, my baby is twenty days old, when I should start with trainings and education?” Doctor said: “You are already late for 20 days!” This anecdote emphasizes the importance of parents’ role in early stage of education and training of their kids (and of course through the rest of their lives). Basically, what the toddlers need to comprehend (intuitively) is, that there are two worlds which surround us, one, our personal, subjective, internal, the only one which we are aware of, and the only one which is immediately accessible to us. The problem with that world is that it’s imaginary, it’s product of our brain, and only exists within our brain in the same way in which sound, as a wave process exists only in the sound wave media (air, liquid, solids). No wave media → no sound, no brain → no imaginary, subjective world. When I say that that 4 world is product of our brain, actually It’s initialized, sculptured, composed by influences of the external world. On the opposite side of that, there is an external (out of brain and out of mind) objective world, not related to internal (subjective) world, and it’s completely independent from subjective world regardless of if we are observing or not that world. In spite that we are completely “blind” for that external world, and we cannot perceive it directly, yet, we exist and act within it, evolution provided us (via sensors) perfect way to navigate and act within that “external world” which we are part of. Simply, in regular situations of everyday’s life, we don’t have to be concerned about “two worlds”, it’s sufficient to act within our inner world, our external acting will be synchronously executed within external world. For the most common, non- philosopher type of individuals, this is self-understandable, there are no confusions, everything is simple and self-evident. But, when there is going for philosopher’s types of the individuals, situation becomes drastically complicated. The problem is that there are actually two basic groups of philosophers mutually sharply and irreconcilably opposed. The first group supports the previously described order of two worlds, external world is primary, independent, and self existing, and we are part of that world. The internal world is virtual creation of our brain, and there are as many internal, “individual” (personalized) worlds as much are individuals there. In such an order of worlds constitutions, we can easily understand that, distinguishing from an earlier analyzed case of absolutely insulated newborn, in the real and natural world, baby’s blank brain (in which is not yet formed any kind of mind), will be exposed to the myriad external influences of all kinds, which will be gradually canalized in multiple directions forming a self-awareness. External influences are realized by visual, acoustic, mechanical, and other means. Very soon, a baby will be aware that influences are “interactive”, in mutually two opposite ways, it will be aware that it can communicate with external world. At that point will start the process of rudimentary development of self-awareness, consciousness, logic, and mind. One of the crucial factors during these processes is activation and involvement of memory. Without memory human being would be just plain automat, robot, there would not be self-awareness, consciousness, logic, mind. Consciousness is not a “state”, it’s a continuous process (activity) of brain, and when we say continuous process, the meaning is the process in time, through the time, it’s continuing from one moment to the next moment. If there was not for memory, those individual moments of existence and states would be discrete, each of them would follow from the previous one, but those moments would not be mutually related. The existence of chair is existence of series of moments, but since chair does not possesses a memory, cannot connect these individual moments into one continual flow of existence. Memory is a main factor which give us the sense of existence on which base is developed sense of self-awareness. When talking about memory, I don’t have in mind the memories of a long range into the far past, I am talking about instant memories of series of instances. Thus, we can freely conclude that memory plays a crucial role in individual development of self-awareness, consciousness, logic, mind, capability for meditation and so on. I insist again, insulated baby (described above) will be never capable to develop its mind, to 5 meditate about anything, regardless for how long time will spend in insulated state. It is obvious that “internal world” cannot be developed without influences of the “external world” through complex processes of two ways of interactions and communications of different kinds via sensors and through processes of learnings, trainings, practicing. At the specific level of intellectual development “internal world” can start a “self-development” process, which we can name conditionally as the creativity which products are pure creation of the mind. Examples can be found in science, math, art, philosophy, and so on. Just there, earlier were mentioned two groups of mutually opposed philosophers in the regard of two worlds. Namely, opposed to the first group of philosophers which support the idea of two worlds, external and internal, there is one group of philosophers which could be shortly characterized as the philosopher completely detached from the reality. The problem with them is that they simply deny the existence of external reality, for them the only reality is internal mentally created reality! My guess is that these philosophers were not born as the philosophers, but just like any other ordinary baby. Many of them didn’t even exist at the time when I started my reserarches in the domain of philosophy. How I, and the reality existed at all without their minds and presentations? What if everything is opposite, maybe my mind created them? No, I am sure that my mind would never create reality deniers. The question is at what point of their life they become extremely irrational, starting to deny the objective, independent existence of the external world. Due to some internal minor mutual differences, they can be formally classified in several sub-groups and sub-categories, but the general, common characteristic of these reality deniers is that they all deny objective existence of matter, they never argue mutually about that. In addition, they all reject so named “common sense”, thus, been at add with comprehensive, rigorous logic. The consequences of such an approach are drastic, irrational, and absurd: to reject and deny objectively existing real, material world, and to recognize some fictive “mind created realities” as the only reality. Of course, they are not bothered about absurdity of the outcome of their “philosophies”. In this world, through the history of our civilization, it’s estimated that there were about 80 billion people, therefore 80 billion of “minds”, so who’s mind is in charge for creating reality? It’s O.K. to have 80 billion minds with 80 billion internal, individual, personal realities, but they all are fictive, virtual realities, mutually very, very different. Whoever asserts that his personal reality is the only true reality against 80 billion external individuals and their internal realities, such a person is going to face sooner, or later logical collapse and problem known in philosophy as the “horror of solipsism, which cannot avoid any denier of objectively existing reality independent of any mind. The most absurd thing is that reality deniers are going to such an extreme that they deny the crucial role of their own (material) brain in forming (creating) of their own mind. They are incapable to understand and unveiling to accept fact that superior mind (“mind over matter”) is constituted by a “bunch” of lifeless atoms and molecules. They (reality deniers) never bother themselves to explain how and when emerged their brainless minds. Just there, one solipsist should not say ever “their”, “we”, “us”, “they”, because it’s senseless and absurd to talk about more than one solipsist. By denying existence of 6 everything out of their minds as a self existing reality, consequently, they must deny existence of any another mind as well, solipsist must deny existence of any other solipsist! They are well aware of that, and they regularly try to hush up that problem by hiding it under the rug. One of hard problem which solipsists face is the problem of god’s existence. If everything existing is creation of their mind, then god is also creation of their mind. I will paraphrase Schopenhauer here and ask: “How I can think of my mind as the god’s creation, when I know god only through my mind?” Alternative to that solipsistic solution would that god exist prior and beyond his (solipsist’s) mind. Schopenhauer avoided these unpleasant alternatives by declaring himself an atheist. Here I didn’t use capital letter for the notion of god, since there are many religions and gods, so I don’t refer to any of them specifically. I would say for sure, that almost everyone of us, at least once in lifetime faced question: “Is matter real?” I will not argue here to say yes, or no to that question in spite that that question is crucial in philosophy. Yes, it’s important, but no materialist would ever post such a question about matter’s existence and reality, no materialist would ever doubt matter’s existence and reality. Such a type of question can be only expected from someone doubtful, and certainly from deniers of matter’s existence. Idealism is nothing else but “denialism” of objective existence of matter. There are thousands rhetorical variants about the same, as Einstein flatly said: “There is no matter!” All those rhetorics are similar, almost the same, they use set of words and phrases from a limited idealistic vocabulary, so their argumentations look something like: … blah, blah … ontology …blah, blah …concept … blah, blah … epistemology … blah, blah … foundation … blah, blah … compatible … blah, blah … existential choice … blah, blah … mind created reality … blah, blah … western culture … blah, blah … models … blah, blah … … mind of an observer … joints minds of group of communicating observers … variable to measure … linked … theory of decisions … macroscopic consequences … foundation of quantum theory … Bell experiment … local realism … decision process … conceptual variables … reconstruction … rational person (?!) … arguments … empirical … cognition … transcendental idealism … subjectivity … will … other’s will (?!) … metaphysical ontological monism … emergence … irreducible … teleology … ultimate purpose … intrinsic … phenomenal construction … paradigm shift … consciousness … natural teleology … theology … external mechanism … internal will to power … metaphysics … phenomenon … knowledge … subject that perceives matter … hard problem of consciousness (solipsists behave like they solved that hard problem, but they did not either! – V.R.) … explanatory tools are insufficient (for solipsists impossible R.V.) … semiotic … scaffolding … classic idea of rigid space (what is solipsistic idea about space, time? R.V.) … mathematical artifact … disadvantaged educable readers … blah, blah … Above set of words and phrases are collected from several ACTUAL solipsistic philosophical sources (papers, books, and similar. It’s understandable that there are much more than above cited. In different sources they could appear in some different orders. In order to get some credibility, solipsists are trying to create virtually some scientifical image, appearance, but at the same, they are attacking and denying that science, without offering a true scientific substitute. “Philosophy” based on pure denial of objective, material 7 reality, and which deny role of their own material brain In forming of their own mind is pure absurd. Such a brainless “philosophy” is just that, brainless. When they talk about “hard problem of consciousness” falsely imputing suggestion that science cannot solve that problem, they falsely claim that they have solutions for that problem, but they don’t have any. Only what they offer is just clap-trap empty confusing rhetoric in above mentioned style. When solipsists attack materialisms, they mostly attack Newtonian classical era mechanism based on the concept of, matter (mass), energy, force, while trying to substitute that concept with immaterial impoverished sort of mechanism based only on energy-force concept. That concept is also far insufficient to be capable to describe magnificent reality, let alone to enable emergence of life, consciousness, reason, logic, mind, will, creativity. Tendency of reducing the reality on only energy-force concept, can be understood in a way that (“immaterial”) energyforce is very close to the universal immaterial spiritual base, divinity, and similar. We must give a credit to antic philosophers who considered that reality is based on 5 elements (Earth, water, fire, air, ether), which was much complex than solipsistic dull concept of reality. Idealists are cute and funny, when they try materialistic mechanism to substitute with antimaterialistic mechanism (quantum mechanics, theories of relativity) They deny matter as the reality, but they offer funny things as the substitute for (immaterial) reality: their fantasies, imaginations, illusions, and delusions at the kindergarten level. When they say that mind and subjectivity cannot emerge from the bunch of atoms and molecules, that dead matter cannot produce life, they are vulgarizing and banalizing materialism and reality. “Bunch of atoms and molecules” are not bunch of dead, lifeless, inactive, passive marbles. Each of them (atoms and molecules), per se, have extremely complex structure, still not understood completely, with very complex properties, which make them extremely and aggressively interactive, tending spontaneously to form extremely complex structures. Fundamental characteristic of life is motion, motion of myriad of myriads of entities, each of them in specific functional role. When we say someone is in consciousness state, consciousness is not state, it’s a very complex structural process, process is motion of its constituents, motions request energy. The moment we stop supplying brain with energy, we are losing consciousness, mind simply disappears, brain starts to die. Brain, which is only 2% of body weight spends itself 40% of total body energy!!! Solipsists consider mind as the structureless, they say that mind is irreducible to some lower structures, therefore doesn’t have parts in mutual motions. This is important to notice, since, according to them, mind is immaterial, then question is how mind is functioning per se, especially from the aspect of energy spending. Someone will maybe say: Yeah, mind is itself form of pure energy. Really? No, energy reflects motion, but what kind of motion is mind? Where is energetical process, there is a heat, there is dissipative process. Brain is complex compound of organic structures and is extremely critical to keep them safe in specific temperature range. That apply not just for brain, but for entire body. Where is energy, there are processes, there is warm body, there is life, there is consciousness and mind. Where is no life, there are no processes, there is cold body, there is no consciousness, no mind whatsoever, in spite that body is still present, but functionless. When they offer pure energy (what is that?) as the substitute for reality and matter, that is not sufficient!!!) A little tiny chicken confined inside an eggshell is smarter than many philosophers. Chicken instinctively “knows” that there must exist outside world and will find way to break the 8 eggshell and escape its imprisonment and set itself free. Unfortunately, the solipsists remain eternal prisoners of their own minds, their own mental shell. Here is coming up logical question: to whom they teach and preach their philosophies, to whom are addressed their articles and books if out of their minds there is no independent objective world, if there are no independent people with their independent brains and minds. Do they ever get a sense about absurdity of situation in which they find themselves? In the most cases the answer is NO! How is that possible? It’s simple. After rejecting matter as the essence of the objective reality, after rejecting objective reality itself, and after rejecting “obsolete” common sense, everything is possible. There are myriad of irrational philosophies and theories which can be reduced to empty rhetorics not supported by comprehensive rational logic. It would be very interesting to hear directly from any (of numerous) solipsist how they explain emergences of their minds. It’s obvious that any individual, philosopher or not, regardless, is emerging into this (common) world and reality as a baby created by two parents. As we saw earlier no baby could be capable of saying: “I think, therefore I am!” Depending on many circumstances and influences every baby will be directed into a different life path, but not all of them, even as the adults will become philosophers despite developed minds. No mind, philosopher’s or not, regardless, is popping up just like that, from nothing, suddenly. From rational stand of point everyone’s mind is emerging, evolving through long development process based on “external” guidance, teaching, educating, communicating, training, We can also say that the programing the brain is taking important role in process of mind development. It is understandable that whichever of the above training (programing) methods or processes are applied, everything must be registered in the memory, otherwise everything would be effectless and in vain. There is an interesting fact that all solipsists are adult persons. It would be interesting to have insight into how they relate their minds and memories. They cannot deny their memory functions and memories which clearly suggest that their minds were not from ever as such, they must remember their parents and their role in development of their minds, they must remember time when they were little, naïve (no to much smart) kids with all silly things related to childhood. Since they cannot say that their minds were around from ever, and, they cannot say that their minds created themselves, popped-up from nothing, they must remember period in their lives when they deviated into absurd zone of solipsism. If the mind were the only factor of solipsist existence, then that mind should be somehow perpetual, continual, without discontinuity at any instance, in their past, present, and future, otherwise mind’s existence would be jeopardized. That would probably be the case if the mind were self-reliant, not dependent on the material brain. Fortunately, the mind is nothing else but reflection of complex brain’s functioning, and as long as the brain is in “good standing” we don’t have to worry about mind’s existence, well doing and functioning. That means that consciousness is ON, self-awareness is ON, logical reasoning (common sense) is ON. If, according to solipsists, mind is something immaterial, meaning it’s independent of material brain, and that brain can in no way affect mind, then mind should be self-depended, and in that way immortal, because there should be nothing external what could jeopardize 9 existence of mind. Is that true? Of course NOT! A solipsistic self trapped mind doesn’t possess any mechanism for self-maintaining. It’s a pure mental construction, imagination, and delusion. There is no real mind without brain, no brain – no mind, but brain can exist independently regardless of mind’s status, even when mind is OFF. Is that true? YES, and solipsists should be aware of that from everyday’s situations. First, the brain is a biological construct of highly organized and structured organic and inorganic material components. If the brain has a previous history of proper development, education, training etc., we suppose that that brain, in cooperation with the memory, is in optimal functional condition to enable emergence of mind. It is understandable that the brain must be in a conscious “state”. The mind is actually structured in the form of multi conscious and subconscious layers and levels. Now, contrary to solipsistic assertion that the mind is structurally irreducible to some sub-levels and independent of material brain, let do some fact checks. Mind is as long present as long the brain is (properly) functional, that means that mind is not just dependable of brain, but mind is reducible to the brain functioning structurally and sub-structurally all the way down to particularly each electron, atom, and molecule. Since the mind is not just presence, state, but complex processing, in the same way, there is not sufficient just presence of brain, but fully functional and processing brain. Roughly said when brain is OFF, mind is OFF, there is not any philosophy which could argue with that. Extreme case is dead brain – no mind. Nobody ever noticed someone’s mind roaming around after person’s death. It is supposed that during the entire history of our civilization lived about 80 billion people on our planet. We need just to imagine how it would be like if there are roaming around us 80 billion minds of dead people. I know some philosophers would argue trying to introduce some kind of immaterial souls and spirits, but we are not going here into that domain. Not all interruptions of minds, consciousnesses, self-awarenesses are fatal. There are a variety of situations, which can be listed as the circumstances, episodes, incidents, occasions, which could be accidental, or intentionally initiated. For example, there are cases of traumatic accidental injuries resulting in losing consciousness, memory (amnesia), therefore interrupting ( suspending) the mind for a certain period of time. But how is that possible if, according to solipsists, the mind should be intact, unaffected from whatever happens to the brain. Wrong, very wrong. Whatever affects brain functions, it automatically affects the mind, and there are myriad types of accidents which can affect brain, and thus, mind itself. How will solipsists explain that if brain is suspended from material oxygen, “immaterial” mind gets very quickly ‘dark”. The same will happen if the brain is exposed to any kind of toxic gases (e.g., carbon monoxide), the mind gets permanently dark, meaning that mind is gone. How come, if solipsists say that a bunch of atoms and molecules cannot create the mind, let alone to influence it? On the other hand, temporary suspension of consciousness and mind can be intentionally induced in several ways. The most natural and common way is just common slipping. During the process of slipping, both consciousness and mind are temporarily suspended. Actually, during one period of slipping there is occurring one very interesting and strange phenomenon: dreaming. Scientists still don’t have full understanding and explanation 10 for that phenomenon. Since dreaming is very common in the animal world, there is probably some biological, physiological, psychological reason for that. It’s interesting to ask what triggers dreaming process, at which mental level, is that something random process which determines content of dreams or is some systematic sub-conscious process? During the dreaming process there is present some kind of self-awareness, consciousness, but what is most interesting, there is some kind of “secondary mind” which creates some kind of grotesque, parody of reality. In the most cases logic is suspended, so our “secondary mind” does not question irrationality of dreamed situations. One thing is for sure, dreaming is the brain’s process and creation of virtual reality, consciousness and secondary (quasi) mind. During the process of dreaming, brain uses memory’s rich database. In that way in our dreams are engaged familiar people (including deceased ones), places and situations. The question is now, how solipsist can explain interruption of his (primary) mind, and how can explain existence of double minds, which exclude each other. When we are in awakened state, there are no dreams, when we dream, there is present a virtual, secondary, surrogate mind, which is mostly in conflict with “primary mind”. The fact is that even the greatest scientists and philosophers (minds), dream very stupid and naïve dreams, and during the occurrences of dreams, they are not aware that “secondary mind” is just that, secondary mind, a parody of the primary mind. The question is now, is any solipsist capable of distinguishing between primary, REAL reality and secondary, virtual, FAKE reality? I guess they are sleeping as well like everyone else, they dream and face fake realities. There are also other examples of temporary suspended consciousness and mind provoked by anesthesia during any kind of surgery. During the period of absolute suspension of consciousness and mind, there is not present any kind of self-awareness, nor dreams and secondary realities. Minds are simply in OFF states, which are characterized by stopping of time sensing (feelings). Their minds can be OFF for hours, subjective elapsed time gaps as well, for which they have impressions that were instant. I think that solipsists would face enormous frustration to explain to themselves how is possible that some atoms and molecules (anesthesia) can affect and totally suspend their UNTACHABLE majestic immaterial minds. Their the most popular exclamation is about MIND OVER THE MATTER. Hmm! From what we can see the mind is helpless related to matter which superiorly controls it, so we can say: MATTER OVER THE MIND! Another way of suspension of consciousness and mind applied in medicine is the so named “induced coma”, which can be predetermined according to the medical requirements. There are cases of comatose states provoked by brains been exposed to mechanical traumas. There are also recorded cases of spontaneous awakening from the comatose states. One of the longest cases was spontaneous awakening after 22 years. 22 years of suspended consciousness and mind! What would be the solipsist reaction and comment on that? Here can also be mentioned cases of planned deep freezing of people in order to stop any biological functions, so bodies (with terminal illnesses) would be preserved to some (hypothetical) future more advanced medical treatment. One of them is Walt Disney. When talking about superiority of matter over the mind, we must mention about heavy and fatal impacts of (material) alcohol, and drugs on brains, and thus on minds. No, there is no 11 such a thing as the self-existing, independent, untouchable mind. The mind is something very fragile, and extremely dependent on the material brain. The mind is that much stable as much is stable functionality of brain. Even the slightest disruption of the brain functionality can affect brain itself, and thus supported mind. That could be mechanical trauma, any kind of a cerebral accident resulting in a sudden loss of brain function characterized by loss of muscular control, diminution or loss of sensation or consciousness, dizziness, slurred speech, or other symptoms that vary with the extent and severity of the damage to the brain. Solipsists refuse to accept that a bunch of atoms and molecules can create the mind. No, that’s true, bunch of randomly distributed atoms and molecules cannot create brain, and thus, mind, but highly and functionally structured and organized set of myriads and myriads of mutually actively interacting atoms and molecules can create mind. To be more precise, brain doesn’t “create” mind as something exerted (extracted, distilled) from brain as an independent entity, mind is simply one of the numerous forms of activity of brain itself. Activity means process, dynamic process of very complex circuitry, composed of myriads of components. Quantity is a prerequisite for quality and complexity. The brain does not function as a stationary structure, the brain operates through dynamic, extremely complex processes, thus, mind is not a stationary state, but extremely dynamic process. Mind is final result of very complex processes of sub, sub-structural levels. We can compare that, for example, when we watch PC monitor screen. Even when the screen shows some static picture, there is actually going for extremely fast and dynamic underlying complex processes, for which we are not noticing and are not aware. When is going for the influence of matter on mind, it’s an irony that even solipsists are aware that even smallest (material) gun bullet can permanently halt brain’s function, and thus, to disperse mind. When solipsists talk about a bunch of atoms and molecules, they are making great mistakes comparing them, let say, to a bunch of inactive, mutually indifferent marbles. Even a myriad of them, randomly distributed, will never form anything intelligent. In contrast to that, atoms and molecules aggressively interact mutually, spontaneously forming a myriad of complex structures and forms. Beside of all above mentioned causes which affect brain functions and minds, there is one universal, inevitable, and unavoidable factor which affects all existing brains diminishing their functionality, and thus, diminishing the “qualities” of minds. That universal factor is AGGING, with deaths as the final resorts. Is any solipsist there who dares to claim that his/her mind will outlive his/her brain? Some minds start to decline in functionality even at a much earlier stage of life. For example, there is Alzheimer’s disease characterized by progressive and irreversible loss of mental capacity resulting from degeneration of the brain cells. There is a decline in memory and deterioration of various cognitive abilities, thus drastically affecting the mind. Can solipsists explain that? Alzheimer is the most common form of dementia which is, similarly, characterized by mental disorder impairing the capacity of brain to function properly. It’s chronic, usually progressive deterioration of intellectual capacity associated with the widespread loss of nerve cells and the shrinkage of brain tissue. It is often accompanied by emotional disturbance and personality changes. As dementia progresses, the loss of memory broadens in scope until the 12 individual can no longer remember basic social and survival skills or function independently. It’s obvious that these diseases are drastically affecting individual’s mental capacities, and thus, affecting their intellectual minds. How is that possible if, according to solipsists, an untouchable mind is independent from the material brain? If solipsists insist on immaterial and brainless minds, then we must conclude that their yet deteriorating minds are created of some kind of perishable substance, regardless of whatever that is. Here is one more correlation between matter (brain) and (“immaterial”) mind: When some person suffers from headache, that person will take aspirin or something similar. Here, we need to ask the question: Is that pain related to (material) brain or is exclusively mind’s sensation. At one point of view, pain should be considered as an immaterial sensation perceived by mind, at another point of view, pain is disturbed functionality of the brain, but brain itself is incapable of feeling any pain. After some time from taking aspirin, pain will be suppressed. How is that possible? Material pill could in no way directly affect pain if pain was the immaterial sensation of mind. Material pill can only affect material brain in order to fix irregularity in brain functioning, or simply, will block specific pain center of brain, and that will result in suspension of pain sensation of the mind. Now we will say that the material brain not only interfaces with (“immaterial”) mind, but the mind is nothing else but reflection of brain’s activity. Ordinary person would be shocked with absurdity of these type of argumentations. It’s unbelievable that there are people who deny material content of their own brain. Spontaneous question is: Then, what is inside their skull, emptiness? How to define their “brainless” mind? The only possible explanation is that their “philosophies” are based on a very low level of inconsistent and incomprehensive logic. These idealist philosophers are very well aware that rigorous application of their “idealistic principles”, teaching and preaching sooner or later leads to the blind alley, to the “black hole” of solipsism. That’s why their rhetorics are rich in empty wordiness, fogginess, ambiguity, and in modern times, trying to be supported by science. Here we have one very strange effect about correlation between anti-materialistic philosophy and (anti-materialistic) science. There is a long list of anti-materialists → idealists → subjectivists → solipsists philosophers who greatly and significantly influenced a very long list of physicists matter-deniers and solipsists, starting with Mach, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, Born… Einstein. We can only imagine what kind of support can offer modern science to the philosophy when Einstein, one of the hardest anti-materialist, declared explicitly and many times that: “THERE IS NO MATTER!” and that part the solipsists embraced enthusiastically. And not just the solipsists, but all bunch of eminent scientists anti-materialists as well, who are not just denying objective existence of matter, but who also deny objective existence of reality. The most extremists are going that far to claim the “observer’s created reality”, and that’s nothing else but pure solipsism. Fortunately, I am extremely sure that my existence and reality world doesn’t have to do anything with their hallucinatory created realities. 13 Solipsists are not concerned to much about common sense, they are trying to adjust their reasoning in line with modern science, specifically with Einstein’s theories of relativity and quantum mechanics in spite that these two domains of physics are mutually incompatible. There is general and very popular misusage of Einstein’s so named “equivalency” between matter and energy, involving notions such as “materialization” and “dematerialization” in a meaning that matter is nothing else just condensed energy. In spite that such an opinion was spread by Einstein himself, it’s substantially wrong. Original Einstein’s famous equation: E = mc^2 is referring to mass and not to matter. Matter and mass are two completely different physical notions which cannot be mutually confused. Mass is only one of the myriad forms and properties of matter’s existence, but Einstein did not bother himself about such a “minor” issue in his crusade against matter. And yet, his equation says that there is no energy without mass (aka “matter”) because energy is nothing else just a form of matter’s existence in the same way as the mass is. Beside mass and energy, matter possesses a myriad of other physical properties for which Einstein didn’t have a clue. There must (previously) exist the matter in order to be “dematerialized”, otherwise, if, according to Einstein, there is no matter, the question is then, what is dematerializing into energy? How can be dematerialized something what does not exist? According to Einstein, above equation should work in both directions, meaning that energy E is MATERIALIZING into mass m (matter). How can something (energy) convert (materialize) into something (matter) if matter does not exist? Confusing? Yes! Einstein would very frequently and nonchalantly confuse matter with mass, claiming that above equation represent equivalency between matter and energy. Starting from that point, “modern” solipsists are taking over by claiming that matter is actually energy, and since, according to them, energy is something IMATERIAL, form of pure force, pure power, kind of spiritual entity or substance, follows that matter is product of pure mind. Why “product of pure mind”? Because solipsists do not permit existence of anything beyond their mind, and that’s their mayor problem, meaning that they do not permit existence of other solipsists, ending in so named “solipsistic catastrophe”. Namely, solipsistic vocabulary should not contain words such as “their”, “they”. Who are those “they”, what is meaning of “their” if there should be only one solipsist, to whom they are writing their theories and books, whom they try to convince to, if world is their presentation (creation) including everything (and everyone) as a part of their presentation. Even Schopenhauer, creator of “world is my presentation” was aware of absurdity of such a statement but it’s unknown to me that he ever tried to solve, or to offer any acceptable solution for that nonsense. If the world is my presentation, that means it’s my creation, then it follows that I am (Rudolf Vrnoga) owner of that world, including everything contained in that world. Really? I don’t think so! It’s extremely stupid to think that way! Here is one crucial problem with “world presentation”, and name of that problem is: INCONSISTENCY! Namely, there is not going only for matter, but for entire world around solipsist, including everything what constitute that world. When he says: “…when I know matter 14 through my mind!” he admits that he knows matter, he does not deny it, but his problem is that he knows matter only through his mind. The question is: Is there any another way to know matter, except through mind? Of course not! Generally, there are that many idealistic philosophies how many there are idealistic philosophers. There is a very wide spectrum of ideas, concepts, variations to such an extent that some of them are mutually conflicting, denying, and even giving mutually not too much polite characteristics such as “charlatans”. The main problem is related to the objectivization of the reality. If there is any kind of world, reality by itself, beyond our mind and independent from our mind, then all these idealistic philosophies are facing insoluble troubles, and there is no empty rhetoric to help. Being aware of solipsistic catastrophe, some idealist philosophers tried to find solutions by proposing some kind of fictive and fake “objectivization” of “external reality”, for example in the form of an “Absolute Idea”, “ONE”, panpsychism, many variations of universal spiritual entities, and much more like that stuff. In order to avoid inevitable solipsism, one of naïve idea of (immaterial) “objectivization” of (immaterial) “subjective world” was suggestion that the (immaterial) “objective reality” should be COMMON DOMAIN of all (immaterial) “subjective realities”. In that way, multiple subjective realities would not cancel mutually each other in the attempt to prove who is #1 creator of presentation, but they all would contribute in a constructive way to build “common domain of reality” CDOR). Since animals on Earth have their own specific “presentation” of reality, the question is, if their “presentations” should be included in total CDOR? A common characteristic of all of these idealistic-solipsistic “solutions” is – they are all anti-materialistic. In spite of seeming non-essential differences in their “visions”, they are in very deep harmony when is going for their core base of their philosophy – anti-materialism. Here is one more interesting fact related to their reaction in the regard to solipsism as an inevitable course of their anti-materialistic “philosophies”. Whenever we mention about “horror of solipsism”, or “solipsistic catastrophe” to any idealist-solipsist philosopher, they get extremely agitated, because they are aware that they cannot hide that problem “under the rag”, but at least, they will try to avoid discussion about that “hot potato”. When is going for relation matter-mind here is what Schopenhauer had to say about that: “How can we explain mind as matter, when we know matter only through mind?” Many consider this Schopenhauer’s comment about matter-mind as “brilliant”, and it represents core of anti-materialistic, idealistic-solipsistic philosophy. In reality, this comment is a very shallow parody of philosophy. Here is one more popular Schopenhauer’s quote related to matter-subject: “Materialism is the philosophy of the subject who forgets to take account of himself.” My answer to that is: “Anti-materialism → Idealism → Subjectivism → Solipsism is philosophy of the subject obsessed with himself (herself) to such an extent who forgets to take account of surrounding reality!” Yes, the subject is not (the only) reality, his surrounding (including subject) is reality. 15 In the same line (with the solipsistic philosophy) goes Kant’s expression when he said: “The external world is known to us only through our sensations and ideas”. Yes and no! If there was not an external world, there would not be sensations and ideas. This Kant’s expression is very similar to that of Schopenhauer’s, only a bit less radical and extreme. We could say that Kant’s solipsism is “soft” variant compared to Schopenhauer’s “hard”, even harsh solipsism. At least, Kant recognizes “the external world” independent of observer, therefore objective, existing per se, regardless of what that “external world” could be. We can be sure that his world wasn’t world of matter, so his “objectivization” of his (immaterial) external world was only naïve rhetorical attempt to avoid inevitable fate of solipsistic catastrophe. Whoever wonders if the matter is real, the only answer is: Yes, it’s that much real as much we are real. Since it seems that we are real (regardless of whatever is meant by “we”), then matter is ultimately real. Generally, we can say that solipsism is a mental crisis of minds of solipsists incapable of handling comprehensive and rigorous logic since “common sense” is the first “thing” they toss from their philosophy as something obsolete. Let see how Schopenhauer’s philosophy works in the real-life situations, especially related to his “World is my presentation!”. These situations are imaginative presentations, which yet, very efficiently illustrate the absurdity of his philosophy. Situation #1: Schopenhauer goes to market to by some potatoes. Merchant: How I can help you Sir? He (Schopenhauer): I need some potatoes. M: Here we have them, so you can choose at your convenience. He: Yes, but I have previously something to explain you in order to avoid possible misunderstanding. M: Yees? I am listening. He: You know, according to my theory, entire world, including you and your potato are my presentation, my creation. M: Hmm, really? I never heard before about that! He: Yes, and since everything is my creation, it follows logically that everything around me belongs to me, so do these potatoes in front of me. M: Sir, I am not sure of what kind of god you are playing to, but can I ask you something? You see that tree over there? He: Yes, what about that? M: Since you are creator of that tree as well, you should know to tell me exactly how many leaves are on that tree! He: You know … I don’t keep records of all my creations. M: Oh really? How interesting! But let me ask you one easier question: Can you tell me how much changes you have presently in your own valet? He: Hmm! I didn’t recently count my change. 16 M: I can see that. Now listen, I am giving you the last chance. You see this potato in my hand, If you can tell me how much exactly this potato weights, I will give you all of them for free, O.K.? He: I must give up here! You know, my philosophy works excellent theoretically, but I never tested it before practically. M: That’s bad, I understand completely, you should probably try previously to “create” your own potato at your home, but let me tell you something: I don’t care if you are drunk or crazy man, please get lost immediately from my sight, and try to sell your “philosophy” somewhere else, or I am going to call police or mental hospital. Situation #2: Schopenhauer walks with his philosophical book through the forest and suddenly he faces a huge bear which could attack him. He must react quickly, and there are three options: Option #1: Since, according to his philosophy, world is his presentation, so is everything in this world his presentation, including this (immaterial) harmless bear presentation. They will simply and peacefully pass each other and continue their own way. Option #2: Bear shows signs of aggression, it’s clear that he doesn’t accept and understand Schopenhauer’s philosophy, so Schopenhauer could try to defend himself by throwing his (useless) book at the bear. Option #3: As soon as possible, Schopenhauer will attempt to run away, and will anyway throw his useless book away, promising that he will definitely stop to messing up with his crazy ideas, and will chose some different decent profession, for example to became baker. I think it’s not hard to imagine which one option (from the above three) would choose Schopenhauer. Situation #3: Schopenhauer’s fictional conversation with his fictional little son: Son: Look daddy at those birds on the sky, how cam that they don’t fall down. I know that everything else drops down. He: Because they have the ability to fly. Son: Ability, what’s that? He: That’s something what our mind makes them to fly. Son: But why everything else don’t have the ability to fly. He: You know son, it’s little complicated to explain you. One day when you get older, I will try to explain it to you. As for now, I can only say that there are not birds on the sky… Son: But I see them, you see them, they are there! He: I know, I know, but what you see in the sky, they are just your imagination, presentation, they exist only in your mind. When you close your eyes, you don’t see them, right? Remember, everything, just everything what you see is your image, presentation, creation of your mind. Son: Let me close my eyes! Hey daddy, I don’t see you, are you still here? 17 He: Yeah, yeah, I am still here, just open your eyes! Son: When you watch yourself in mirror, is your mind that creates you? He: Hmm! Kind of. Son: But when you close your eyes, you don’t see yourself, what’s happening with you, are you disappearing? He: I think to many questions for today’s son, We will talk latter. Son: But I want to know now, if everything what I see is my presentation and creation as you just said, then I owe everything what my mind created, isn’t like that? He: Son, …it’s late … we should go home. Son: Look over there daddy, those kids are playing with ball … He: So …? Son: Can I go over there and tell them that that ball belongs to me because it’s my presentation and creation? He: Listen to me son, that’s not that simple … Son: But you just said that everything what I see is my presentation, even you are presentation of my mind, right? (Oops! #1). I will close my eyes and I will not see you! He: Hey, hey, open your eyes, things are little more complicated than that, and I promise we will talk later about everything, But I am your dad, and I am not your creation, you are my … Son: No, no, daddy, I am not your creation either! He: O.K., (laughing) if you say so! Situation #4: Schopenhauer’s (fictional) discussion with his mother with whom he didn’t have the best relations: Mother: You published the book: “World as will and representation”. Can you explain to me what basically book is about, and about whose will is going here? He: My book is about turning point in philosophy, I am reclaiming world and the reality from the materialists who claim that lifeless matter and material world are primary and self existing phenomena, while minds are secondary phenomena matter created. I cannot accept that my mind is created by a bunch of lifeless material particles! How I can think about mind as a matter, when I know matter only through my mind? There is no matter out of my mind, matter is an illusion, imagination, presentation of my mind. Mother: Wait a minute, when you say: “bunch of lifeless material particles”, are you referring to your material brain as well? He: Yes, because how I can think that my lifeless brain can create my mind, when I know about my brain through my mind. Even my brain is my presentation. She: So, you are actually denying your own material brain? He: Yes, and not only so named “material brain”, but everything around me, everything what is considered “objective existing material world” is my idea. Only my mind is real, only existing, everything else is my presentation, creation of my mind! 18 She: Hey, hey, slow down, are you telling me that your mind is only real in this world, but what about me (Oops #2), what about my mind, what about minds of billions of people around us, are we all your idea, presentations, creations as well? (Oops! #3). He: Yeah, … something like that, … otherwise I would contradict my own philosophy! She: Listen my son, I have to tell you something! How you can think that I am your mother who created you, your brain, and your mind, when you know me only through your mind, is that what you call philosophy, is that what you are teaching and preaching around? (Oops! #4). (She continues): I remember when you said about Hegel that he is just “clumsy charlatan”, and not only him. I am very sure that they would think about you the same, that you are charlatan as well. I think that all of you, who think that your minds are creating this world, creating other people, including your parents, all of you are plain charlatans, or you have serious mental problems. Remember, you created nothing except your silly “philosophy”! You didn’t create even yourself; you don’t even know how many hairs you have on your head! I created you, not vice versa, I existed when you were nowhere in this world even as an idea, you didn’t have even your name before I give it to you, you didn’t have your mind before I started to teach you to speak, to think. I will tell this: Your brain is creating your mind, and not vice versa. Your presentation and idea of an EXTERNAL world is only YOUR presentation as a reflection of that world. Everyone and everything that bears any sort of (material) brain creates his (and only his) presentation of external common world. It is understandable that fish’s presentation of this world is different than of flying eagle’s presentation, and different that of humans. Even between humans, presentations are mutually different from person to person. What is most important all those presentations are temporary, perishable, sooner or later they are gone. Solipsists attitude toward matter is result of jealousy. Simply, they cannot understand and accept that lifeless, stupid matter outlives even the most brilliant minds. What is the most important, matter is totally indifferent toward our existence and denial, even more, matter is totally indifferent toward its own existence as well. So, my son, I don’t understand what and when got wrong with you? Please, don’t act as a brainless person! (Ops! #5). I am not sure if Schopenhauer would learn something from the above situations, but it’s strange and incomprehensible that even kids (not brainwashed) have better reasonings that some very prominent philosopher of past and of today’s days as well. When Schopenhauer says: “The world is my idea”—that is to mean, the world is merely a phenomenon of the subjective mind, he doesn’t say WHO’S mind? Does he, as a solipsist insists, refers solely to his mind, then he is the god creator of this world, but then through entire exposition of his philosophy he uses terms: We this, we that, we… The question is: Who is WE, do they all have their minds, do they create their worlds? Yes, they do! They all create their personal, internal imaginary worlds, when they are awake, as the reflection of common external real world, and all their worlds (presentations) are no more real than their internal and personal dreamed worlds when they sleep. Situation about world as a presentation become more complicated if we consider that the most animals have brains, and thus some kind of very sophisticated minds. For example, 19 some animals have much more developed hearing apparatus than humans, some animals have much more superior smelling apparatus, other animals have much more developed vision center, some of them are better swimmers, faster runners, and so on. Can we now say that world(s) are presentations and creations of these animals. Even bees have eyes to find colorful flowers. Are flowers presentations of the bees, do their minds create them. Do flowers objectively exist out and independent of their minds? Do flowers exist even when there are no bees present around? Yes, yes, yes!!! Many animals possess emotions, can express love, joy, loyalty, sadness, thankfulness, characteristics of human beings. Does dog think that he created his master, since he knows master only through his mind? Extremely stupid to think that way? Beside fact that animals have presentations of (common) external world, the most animals have capability of dreaming when they sleep, similarly to the humans, but we still don’t have satisfactory explanation why we dream during sleeping, and how come that during sleeping we are creating what could be characterized as a alternative mind, or the “alternative reality”. In spite that many philosophers keep that: “Subjectivity cannot ‘emerge’ from matter, as matter is nothing but a human representation of subjectivity, or ‘will’.”, we will put things upside down, and say that: matter cannot ‘emerge’ from subjectivity, as subjectivity is nothing but human’s material brain in action. Whoever thinks that there is no matter, that brain is not matter, and that his/her mind can exist without brain, it’s O.K., let him think that way, but since every brain is perishable, no brain is for ever, the same, no mind is for ever. ****** Now, let see what all this is about. We must reject once and for ever all those senseless acclamations about mind created matter, world, reality, parents, and similar claptraps resulting from anti-materialistic ideologies and dogmatic doctrines, which lead to an absurdity of solipsism. Solipsists say that “subjectivity” cannot emerge from matter, but they never explained how, when (at what moment of life), and from what emerges some particular subjectivity. Also, they do not bother to explain what’s happening with all those myriad subjectivities, how and why they end, just dissolve and vanish. Since, according to them, subjectivity cannot emerge from matter, and since subjectivity cannot emerge from itself, or from nothing, they are forced to offer any kind of immaterial substitute, most likely in the form of some kind of spiritual substances. But how does that work? Easy, first step, expel common sense, then is “easy” to expel matter, after that you apply loose, inconsistent, incomprehensive logic, and here we go, after that everything is possible, even such absurdities that kids are creators of their own parents: “How I can think about my parents as my creators, when I know my parents only through my mind?” Oh really? Is any other way to know your parents except through your mind? In the way you must accept that your (material) parents are creators of your (material) brain and mind, and not vice versa, in the same way you must accept external material world which is not your idea, neither your presentation, nor creation. That means, that there is a real world which is completely independent from you. For this world and reality, we 20 are as important as any ant, or last year’s leaves, or snowflakes, no more, no less. If anyone has any doubt about all this, he is free to have his/her own mind about it. Since we have potentially clarified any doubt about role of material brain, then we will switch back to our question about possibility of reprograming the brain. There is a proverb which says: “In healthy body, healthy spirit!”. I cannot guarantee that translation into English of this proverb is accurate, but approximate meaning is that a good physical health is precondition for a good mental health, and good mental health is precondition for the proper functioning of mind. Proper functioning of mind is nothing else than proper functioning of material brain itself because functioning of the mind is nothing else but functioning of the material brain. Shortly, mind is what brain does! For the brain to function properly, needs to be taken a good care, enormous measures and “maintenance”, training and learning through entire period of life, starting from a prenatal period, until the end of life. Parallelly with taking good care about physical aspect of body, there is going for proper taking care about mental and intellectual aspect of the life. When solipsists say that mind cannot emerge from the material brain, I completely agree with them, brain does not create mind as some special product which can be separated or extracted from the brain, or independently of brain. Mind is not any kind of self existing substance, also is not some kind of “fluid” spread between atoms, molecules, or cells of brain. Mind cannot function without memory, which is part of material brain. That memory gives to mind sense of time, vocabulary, language, grammar, logic, cognitive and comprehension ability, thinking ability, communicating, rhetorical and philosophical ability. None of these would be possible without material brain, and memory as functional part of that brain. Comparing our brain and mind with computer, we could say that brain in entirety is hardware with the mind as the software. Hardware without software is simply “tabula rasa”, nonfunctional, as we saw that on the beginning of this paper on the example of totally insulated baby raised in special the tank. On the other hand, software cannot exist without any type of hardware in which it’s installed. In the same way, mind cannot exist by itself without material brain, which is actually mind “enabler”. Here is important to notice that mind cannot “emerge” automatically at once but that is gradually, and multilevel development process initiated by external influences and stimulations via external “sensors”. Brain as the hardware is sub-structured into multiple functional “parts” (domains). The main part is CPU (central processor unit) in cooperation with memory system. CPU controls sub-systems or subdomains of the brain, where those subdomains are in charge to control internally different domains of an entire body. In addition, there are set of sensing organs by which brain communicate with the external world enabling the total body to be in harmony with it, and to enable maximum adaptability and external functionality. Every rational person remembers his/her own life development from the very early childhood, but yet, it cannot tell for sure when his/her consciousness “lightened” the first time his/her brain, when the first time appeared sense for “self”, self-awareness, “subjectivity”, common sense, will, mind, logic. It’s obvious that all these qualities are gradually developed 21 through the persistent process of learning, training, acceptance, and memorization of enormous number of quantitative facts. It's understandable that not all the brains are of the same quality, capacity, and ability to learn, and also not every person is willing to invest much time and effort to improve and develop his/her intellectual level. That’s why there is a very wide diapason in quality of logical and critical thinking. Also, that’s why we have that many irrational “brainless” philosophies and ideologies, religions, idolatries, anti-scientific dogmas. The problem is even bigger knowing that even into “regular science” are infiltrated such absurd and irrational “theories” as it’s Big Bang, “observer’s created reality” and similar nonsenses. In order of simplicity, in the regard to relations between brain and mind, we will consider them, formally and virtually, as two separated notions. We will keep that mind is developed by brain and that mind, in return, can influence the brain. That basically means that here we have self-reflective processes and actions where brain is influencing itself. We said earlier: “In healthy body, healthy spirit!”, we can also say that: “Healthy (mental) mind is precursor for healthy brain and body!” As it was mentioned earlier, our body, brain, and mind are permanently involved and contributing to the training processes which reflect to our brain and mind as the programing processes. When is going for body, we are developing (through training processes), from the first moments of life many different skills, from the basic everyday’s skills to the very complex skills such as in sport, acrobatic, gymnastic, music, art. Most of these skills are going to the level of perfectionism, automatism, and robotics, and that’s possible thanks to memory, where all those extraordinary skills are stored (memorized). Considering the fact that, starting from the first days of life, (not counting prenatal period), human’s brain is continually growing and learning, that can be compared to computer which hardware is continually expanding, followed by continually upgrading of software. Physically and biologically, that means that brain is enlarging by its mass and volume followed by wiring and rewiring into more and more complex structures. One of extraordinary brain’s characteristic is its flexibility in structural wiring and rewiring. In addition, each domain of brain is interfaced with another one domain of brain, in that way enabling functional and efficient exchanges of domains data. In specific situations, in the cases of brain’s partly “malfunctions” caused by the different reasons, thanks to structural flexibility, brain is capable of performing of some sorts of partial rehabilitations or restorations of functions. Namely, due to its extraordinary structural complexity, the brain is continuously exposed to many factors which can impair its functionality, starting from the prenatal period of human life, all the way to the very old age. Mostly there are affected sensory, motoric, and intellectual capability of brain. One example of functional disorder of brain is cerebral palsy caused by the damage to brain domains that control motor functions. In the case of physical impairment of arms, it’s very important to notice that there is going for internal damage in the specific brain location, while there is possibility that sensory and motoric abilities of arms are preserved, or partly affected. Of 22 course, there is a side effect of CP in the form of muscular atrophy resulting from lack of usage of specific arm. In the most medical literatures and encyclopedias we can find that there is no cure for the cerebral paly regardless of initial cause, and that there are some therapeutic treatments which can significantly improve situation in the regard of easing of symptoms (mobility and pain management), for example surgical methods, physical therapy, massages, medications, electrical stimulations, walking aids, braces, wheelchairs. Treatments are more successful if started as early as possible. Those treatments can be classified as the standard or traditional procedures, and they have to be adjusted differently for everyone. Related to these treatment methods, we must notice that here is missing something extremely important: involving personal will, wish and motivation as a supplementary component of treatments methods!!!! If a patient is told that there is no remedy for his situation, patient will be discouraged and de-stimulated to fully participate in the process of improvement of his illness and will be only passively engaged. Instead, patient must be encouraged to engage maximum his/her mental capacities and to participate actively. Strong will and motivation can be game changers. I am not talking here about Schopenhauer’s (brainless) will as a creator of this world (including his parents as the parts of that world). I am talking about patient’s wish, strong will and motivation, which are product of patient’s mind, which are product of patient’s material brain in meaning of two-ways cooperation and mutual influences between mind and brain. Conscious mind, as a mental activity of the brain itself could, in return, constructively influence some brain’s functional activities. “Two ways” cooperations means that, in a way in which some substances (alcohol, drugs, anesthesia) can influence brain functions, and thus, can influence mind to the extreme, in the opposite way, strong wish, determination., motivation, supported by strong will of mind could influence brain’s functions in a specific, positive manner to the extent in which brain could be rearranged, reorganized, revitalized (RE-PROGRAMED)! It’s nothing unusual, nor surprising that some specific states of the mind such as the very strong emotions (excitements, fears) can “instruct” the brain to “instruct” adrenaline medulla for higher production of an adrenaline to elevate hearth beat to the level of hearth stop! This is just one example how (“immaterial”) mental state can affect functioning of material brain and entire body. One of illustrative and inspirative example o how strong will, determination, and motivation can help in overcoming of some medical issues is described in continuation of this paper, see EPISODE #4, it’s related to Wilma Rudolph. Her short story: From a girl who survived polio to become the fastest woman in the world. How is that possible? Yes, as a girl she was given standard medical treatment which significantly improved situation, but there are through the world many kids with the similar conditions who were given medical treatments as well, maybe even much better treatments than hers, but is unknown to me that there was another world champions as she was. Wat is a difference between her and many others? Difference is her exceptional personality, strong will, determination and motivation to change her life path, and she succeeded on that. Can we say that she re-programed her brain? Her illness didn’t 23 affect only her leg, but the portion of her brain ass well. While traditional treatment was improving her leg’s symptoms, it was up to her and her will to deal with her own brain. If there could be somehow possible, in the case of cerebral palsy, to restore nerve stimulations of muscles from the brain, it could be probably still possible to restore functionality of the arm, especially at the very early stage of life. How could that be possible? Let see illustrations A, B, and C: There are shown three cases of the human brain in the processes of growing from the early childhood all the way by the adulthood stage. All three illustrations are extremely simplified, with no scale. Inner smaller circles represent kid’s size brain at the early stages of development, while external circles represent adults fully developed brains. Case A shows the situation of the normal brain not affected by illness. The inner (smaller) circle represents the kid’s brain at the early stage of development. Sector 1 represents the motoric sector of the brain. that sector is normal, healthy, and functional. As the kid grows, so does grow entire brain (external larger circle) and also grows motoric sector 2. Motoric sector 2 is the continuation of sector 1 (“upgrade of hardware”) and logically is also normal, healthy, and functional. In other words, on healthy brain tissue will grow healthy brain tissue. Case B is completely different from case A, it represents situation where motoric sector 1 is damaged in the early stage of life and dysfunctional for any reason. If during growing process of the brain situation is left neglected and untreated, in spite of coming of a new, fresh mass of brain, that new mass (sector 2) will be also dysfunctional because is just continuation of dysfunctional sector 1, but that doesn’t have to be like that! The case C represent situation similar to case B, with motoric sector 1 damaged at early childhood, but here is difference that, during growing process of brain and incoming of the new fresh healthy mass, sector 2 is not neglected but is exposed to energetic and forced “mental drill” which can activate sector 2 into functional motoric sector. We could say that the mental 24 drill forced by the power of strong will help brain to “bypass” bad dysfunctional sector 1, enabling the incoming fresh mass of the brain to take over the supposed motoric functional role. Talking about important role of will in reprograming the brain, there are possible two options: • The brain exposed under its own (interior) will influence, (see episodes 1 and 4). • The brain exposed under someone else’s (external) will, for example the will of a hypnotizer, (see episodes 2 and 3). In addition, there is a case of brain’s self-reprogramming as an attempt to readapt to the changes of external pre-trained parameters, (see episodes 5 and 6). In the continuation it will be exposed several episodes from the real life. Some of them are written on the basis of my personal experiences, (episodes 1 and 4), while episodes 2 and 3 I witnessed personally. Episode 5 describes some experiments performed by the group of researchers, for which some more and detailed information can be found on-line. Episode 6 refers to some interesting experiments which I performed on myself, and they are related to the three-point coordination between brain, eye, and arms. It shows very effectively that that coordination is based on pre-trained (pre-programed) routine, and in the case of distortion of information on the line finger-eye, brain’s routine will be disrupted, and there will be necessary to perform new re-training, RE-PROGRAMING, process to establish new routine. Episode 7 describes one accident which happened to me in my youthful days when I was hit by a car while riding bicycle. That occasion definitely rebukes Schopenhauer’s absurd “philosophy” related to matter, brain, mind and will. Mind and will are only what material brain does! If we disrupt the brain’s functions, there will not be either mind, or will whatsoever! EPISODE 1. In 1986 as a consequence of specific circumstances I suddenly felt at my workplace very sharp pain in the middle of my right-side eye, as if someone stuck my eye with a nail. At the same time, I felt numbness of my left side of face, similar as you get anesthesia shot at dentist before extracting tooth. I knew that there is some trouble with my brain, I went immediately to visit doctor on site at company’s ambulance. In meantime my pain fainted, just like slight itching, and my numbness went away. Doctor could not determine anything specific, probably something transient, he sent me home. He suggested that if I get again similar symptoms over night, to visit him in morning, so he will give me referral for the Neurology. During the evening, I was siting on couch with members of my family trying to watch foreign movie with closed caption in my native language. I noticed something strange was going on, I could not follow closed captions. I could read from the center toward right side, but when I was turning my eyes 25 to the left toward beginning of line, I got double vision. My daughter was sitting to my left side, she asked me something I turned my eyes toward her, she was shocked and asked me; “Dad, what is wrong with your eyes?” I checked with a mirror, and noticed that my left eye was intact, was functioning normal, but my right eye was partly paralyzed, that is, pulling muscles of my right eye for the left movement were paralyzed. I could only move from the central position all the way to the right, but from the central position could not move toward left side, will stay blocked at the center. That was very scary and uncomfortable, I was completely disoriented. In order to walk, I had to put a patch over my right eye. In morning I skipped my doctor and went straight to the Neurology Hospital. They performed on me all kind of examinations, scanning my head for possible aneurism, and blood cloth, they did not find anything specific. My eye per se was O.K. optical nerve was O.K., but problem with eye motion persisted, and they had to figure out what’s wrong, There could be some hidden much more serious problem. Doctors gave me estimation that I will be fine in two months. Two months!? I was desperate, to be for two months in hospital! When night came, I was in the hospital’s bed, but I could not sleep. I had to many excitements in the past couple of days, and to much worries about what is going on and for how long will last all this ordeal. They said two months. To long. I was staring at ceiling checking for several times status of my eyes by scrolling with my eyes from one edge of ceiling to opposite side and backward while keeping head still. Then I covered my problematic right eye and doing scrolling, there was no problem. When I covered my left eye, problem persisted, I could only observe from the center of ceiling toward right end of ceiling and back to the center, but I could not continue from the center toward left edge of ceiling, except if I would spin my head to the left, but that wasn’t solution. I was thinking what I could do next? Fortunately (for me), I am gifted with particular characteristic known as the stubbornness or persistency, I don’t give up easy. I fixated my head vertically toward ceiling, covered my left eye to prevent interfering, directed my right eye straight toward central point of ceiling, and I said to myself, actually to my right eye: Now move to the left! Nothing happened. Move, move!! Nothing. Move, move, move!!! Again, and again nothing. My eye was acting like a stubborn donkey, actually it wasn’t acting. I figured out that that strategy isn’t working, namely, I could not force my eye to make complete spin to the left at once, and that I must change my strategy. In normal situations, for everything we are doing, simple or complicated, regardless, we are not aware that there is actually going for the set, chain of phases of commands and executions. For example, I decide to scratch my nose. Right there: “I decide!”, that is the first step, phase of action, based on the “free will” (it’s not provoked by any “external” cause). It could be also initiated by the external cause (fly on top of our nose), in both cases, the first step is non-physical – pure mental process. Next step is still mental, non-physical phase, choosing (determining) mode of realization of primary decision, for example actuating the right (or the 26 left) hand. Now follows the next step, giving command to the (either) hand to execute action. Finally, action is physically executed, we get double confirmation of that, optically, by visually observing the action, and via nerves which give us returning information to the brain about hand position. Now follows the process of completion of action: mental decision of returning hand, physical actuation, and so on. When hand returns to the starting position, brain gets information about its location, so “free will” is executed. I use intentionally quotation marks for free will, since there is ongoing scientific and philosophical debate about free will, which will be here disregarded, so the term “free will” will be used as a modus operandi. Now, going back to hospital room, that night, after several attempt, I figured out that above-described process: free will decision, attempt to actuate my eye to spin to the left didn’t work well. I didn’t have problem with free will, there wasn’t problem with a determination of action, problem was with physical, actual execution of action. It was obvious that there was some obstacle, obstruction on the channel: actuator center – transmission line (nerve) – execution (muscle). After first preliminary tests, doctors were not sure what’s the problem, but estimated that I will be fine in about two months. There is no question that I was worried about what is going on, I took seriously my situation, especially when “something” is going on with my brain. There is always possibility to get worst, to escalate. Still hoping that I could do myself something I decided to change strategy. Instead to force my eye to perform full sideway motion toward left, I decided to go non-forcible way by small increments. At first, I will accommodate my will, wish, or desire in way to see on ceiling next dot which is only very slightly away toward left in reference to the starting central point. It’s understandable that head must be kept immobile, oriented toward central starting point. Secondly, I will skip above mentioned following phases, I will firmly stay concentrated on starting will empowered by maximum mental energy. During that process I didn’t bother to think about eye, I didn’t try to move eye (myself). Simply, I wanted to see dot next to the central one, and left to my brain to solve that problem, I didn’t care (at the moment) how brain will do that, it was imperative. I was in some sort of self-hypnotic state, I was somehow confident that my brain will help me, so I was keeping that state of mind: I must, I can, I must … I don’t remember for how long I was in that condition, when I noticed that I am actually staring at the dot next to the central one, and that was possible only by slight motion of my eye. I was very excited, I didn’t dare to do anything with my eye, I just knew that I must keep going that way, I didn’t want this magic moment to disperse. It took me a lot of mental energy and concentration to keep that way. As I was going further and further away from the central point, I was more and more confident that I am doing the right thing. Of course, inside my head full of anxiety, uncertainty, were whirling many questions: would I succeed all the way to the left, is this permanent effect, what will happen if I return my eye to the central position, or even all the way to the right, will I have time to finish my mission before doctor’s visitation, will they accept that or will just ignore, and so on? 27 Nevertheless, I kept going that way, there was still a long way to go. Dawn was already entering through windows, when I already reached not just left end of the ceiling, but I continued further, so I reached window and beautiful sight of tree with green lives waving…Now what? I wondered what will happen if I turn my eye to the central position, or even further to the right. Is this my achievement one time occurrence only, or it’s permanent success? Let see: I started very slowly and carefully to turn my eye toward central position, even further, toward right end, and slowly started to move back toward the central position. Now, as if nothing happened earlier, I just continued to move slowly beyond central point further toward window on the left side. Great!! Relieved from the fear, I starter to move my right eye more and more quick left-right, left-right, all the way from one end to the opposite one. In order to avoid possible confusion, until that crucial moment, my left eye was capable to perform free (not limited) free motions regardless of the right eye, and that’s why I had to cover left eye, to avoid confusing interference of two different pictures. Now followed the main test, I removed cover from the left eye to see how both of them will cooperate mutually. I pointed my both eyes toward central ceiling point and started slowly to move both of them toward right end of ceiling, they cooperated well. I started to move back toward central point, no problem. I continued to the left, I reached beyond end of ceiling, continuing toward windows, there was beautiful sunrise. I did quickly right-left scanning of ceiling with both eyes without any problem. Eyes cooperated well. It is understandable that this checking was performed with immobilized head oriented toward center of ceiling. I saw in my mind very quick release from the hospital, maybe even on the same day. The first doctors’ visitations were usually about 7:00 am. I was happy, excited, yet kind of nervous. I was very sure that they will be surprised with a new situation, but I wasn’t sure how will they react, what they will think, what they will do as the next step. They were, indeed, very surprised, asking me several question, and at the same time performing instant checking and testing, mostly by moving their fingers at front to my face in different directions, so to check how I am capable to follow their fingers. At one moment I said that I feel that I am ready to go home the same day. Not so fast – they said, because they wanted to make sure that my improvement is permanent, that will not occur again. In way they were not sure what provoked my situation, in the same way it was for them enigmatic my quick recovery. So, they ordered me to stay two more days until they performed on me several examinations and some rigorous visual tests with both ayes. The second day I was free, two days against two months! EPISODE 2. 66 years ago, I was about 13 old, it was summertime, school vacation. In small town there were no to many excitements, going to movie theaters, occasionally some sport event, or going for swimming in nearby river. One day, everywhere through town were posted posters announcing the coming of the great Roko hypnotizer. He sparked great interest for his show, 28 hall was occupied by the last seat. He was pretty much entertaining, he would invite on the stage people from audience, and they hypnotized, would perform different tasks pretending different roles, to be opera or rock-n-roll stars and similar. I remember when one old gentleman volunteered to go up on the stage, after a short procedure he started to perform a belly dance. It was very funny to us, and from today’s perspective, I try to imagine how will looks like if that gentleman was Schopenhauer in person with his mind and will subordinated to another, external mind and will. At one moment hypnotizer even tried to hypnotize simultaneously all present visitors. The most fascinating part of all was when he invited several kids to come on stage. After short elimination procedure, he selected one 11 years old kid, while the others were “discharged”. He put him to lie horizontally over three lined up chairs, and then started on him with his hypnotic procedure bringing the kid to the state of catalepsy. Hypnotizer prepared two other chairs positioned them with their backs against each other at the distance of couple of fit. Then he lifted kid as he was wooden board and set him over the chair’s backs, with his neck over one chair and hills over another one, between – nothing to support. We were all in shock and disbelieve. Main shock just followed, he took another chair to climb, and stepped with full his weight on that kid. Even more, he started to wave up and down, as he was on some trampoline – nothing happened. Before we come back to our senses, he jumped down, placed kid over three previous chairs, and after short procedure he awaked kid. Kid was reacting completely normal, and of course, didn’t remember anything what’s happen to him. What is the most interesting, he didn’t feel anything unusual related to his previous cataleptic state of body. That was very effective and fascinating demonstration of what powerful will is capable to achieve. EPISODE 3. One guy said: “Nothing easier than to quit smoking, I did it a hundred times!” I am not an expert for the intoxication by tobacco and nicotine. I know that after specific time of smoking, it became addiction. The most true, hard smokers started at the very stage of their life, sometimes ad the middle stage of teenage years. Person of interest here started smoking as a high school student in her seventeenth. At the beginning that was just occasionally smoking, but after while smoking became more and more regular and more frequent, so it was clear to her that she became smoker-addict, but she didn’t mind it. Her almost regular dose was two packs of cigarettes daily. She attempted several times to quit smoking, or at least to reduce number of cigarettes, but they were short terms attempts. When she got into her late forties, she became aware that she cannot continue that way, and that she will need some kind of professional help. Fortunately, and coincidently, one day, she saw in the local newspaper advertisement that, in their little town, in specific hotel hall, at the specific time, there will be visiting a renowned hypnotizer specialized in smoking 29 quitting. Interest was great, and all tickets were sold out. Of course, above mentioned person was lucky to be present at that massive hypno-session. Hypno-session lasted for mor than four hours. She wasn’t capable to recall what was going during the session. They were quickly hypnotized at the beginning, and when they were awakened, the entire session was over. At the exit, everyone was given cassette-tape, as the additional help at home, in case of possible crisis. When she got home, the first thing what she did was to trash cigarettes and ashtrays. For the first time in her life, she was aware of how harsh and selfish she was to her entire surroundings, family, friends, with her smoking, with the clouds of smoke, stinky ashtrays, bad odor absorbed by carpet, walls, curtains, and everything. For the first time she felt that odor no more as the pleasure, but as the ugliness she could not stand any more. She became so sensitive, that she could sense smokers at the distance. She never listened to her backup cassette-tape; she didn’t need it. Several years after that episode in her life, she got heart attack and was transferred to a local hospital. Luckily, she survived without any serious consequences. She was prescribed specific medications and referred for the regular annual checkup. Seventeen years after that incident, she is leading normal, active life, but she always keeps in her mind what her cardiologist told her at that time: if she didn’t stop smoking on time, consequences would be tragic. EPISODE 4 Wilma Rudolph was one of the most fascinating and famous person not only in the world of sport, but in the world of medicine as well. More detailed information about her can be found in any encyclopedia. If we would like to describe her life in one sentence, we could say: From a girl who survived polio to become the fastest woman in the world. As a child, she could not walk without an orthopedic shoe until was 11 years old. For four years she was given treatments to regain power of her weak leg and overcome debilitating effects of polio. By the time she was twelve old, she was capable to walk without a leg brace and orthopedic shoe. She wanted to be like other children and became interested in basketball. At the beginning she spent the whole season on the bench studying the players and the game. Her determination to compete, however, made her a star basketball player and sprinter during high school. The rest part of history is very well known, she became legend and inspiration. Here are her own words: “When sun is shining, I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.” 30 EPISODE 5 Several decades ago, the group of scientists from domains of optics, ophthalmology, and neurology had performed very strange, but interesting experiment. They have built special helmet with inserted mirrors and prisms in that way that inverts participant’s vision upside down. At first moment effects are very scary, since walking ground and floor are up, while ceiling, or sky with clouds are under participant’s feet. In addition, surrounding people are turned upside-down. Especially is strange feeling that visual picture is in conflict with participant’s life-long established sense for gravity. It was shown that under such unusual conditions is very hard and complicated to perform even everyday’s simple tasks. Now is coming main shocking part of the experiment: participant was ordered to keep helmet continually for several days. After approximately one week it happens miracle: brain, which was exposed to such a stressful drill, decided to solve its problem in the most logical way. Suddenly, by interior mental process, brain inverted (re-programed) vision to normal way, which was again in harmony with sense for gravity. Now, participant was fully capable to perform all normal functions. He was even capable to drive motorbike. I am very sure that every reader of this paper will ask question about what will happen when sooner or later comes moment when helmet had to be taken off from his head. If you guessed that his vision will be again upside-down, you were right, his vision was again upside-down! Of course, after several days, his brain again managed (re-programed) to return his vision to normal. Beside this interesting story, recently, there is going for the new simplified version of above story. Namely, now, everyone can by online upside-down reversing goggles (glasses), which are advertised as for fun, kids, and families. I am very skeptical that these goggles should be used for fun. Especially they should not be used for kids which are in development stages, since these goggles affect optical, visual, and neurological centers, which are in addition connected to gravity and balance orientation and coordination centers. Beside potential physical injuries, there are possibility of brain, mental, and functional abnormalities, and development disruptions. EPISODE 6: This episode is similar to above-described episode, it’s related to optical, ophthalmological, and neurological domains. Difference is that a following experiment I performed myself with personally experienced effects. It demonstrates very effectively communication and coordination between eyes, brain, and hands. Let see Fig. 1: Participant of this experiment has a simple task, to press red button (#1) with right (or left) hand (#4). Eye (#2) observes both positions (coordinates) of red button and of hand. For the sake of simplicity experiment is setup for one eye, everything would be the same if here were involved both eyes 31 Eye is sending observational data to the brain (#3), which processes these data and sends controlling, directing and correcting signals to the hand, until index finger reaches and presses button. We must not forget that both brain and hand are blind, that eye has passive role only to observe situation. In the case that hand strays in the wrong direction, “blind” brain is in charge to correct any deviation based on information from the eye. At the fist attempt, brain could feel some insecurity, but after several attempts, let say 10 – 15 times, brain becomes more and more self-confident, and hand acting more precise and faster. At some point brain is “programed” to such and extent, that we can completely go blind, by closing the eye. We can say that brain can perform task routinely, automatically. Brain is usually programed on daily basis through myriad of activities, which we perform routinely and automatically (blindly). For example, everyone can touch blindly his/her tip of nose or can direct spoon straight to mouth while watching TV program. Now, we are going here for some big surprise, see Fig. 2: 32 As can be seen from above, everything is the same as in the Fig. 1, only there it’s added one element, #5, which is known as a wedge prism. Above prism has property to deviate the direction of light toward the thicker end by amount, which depends on type of prism. Prism prevents eye from seen the actual positions of button and hand, eye can only observe virtual images of button and hand, which are both shifted toward the right side for a specific angle. Now, task is the same as above in the previous case from the Fig. 1, to try to press the button by index finger. I am very sure that everyone would think that here should not be problem with that, we just need to guide the virtual hand toward virtual button, in that way we would guide actual hand toward actual button. But right after the first attempt we would be surprised and chocked to learn that situation is much more complicated than that. Simply, we would not be capable to direct our hand toward the button, at every attempt hand will stray toward the right, in that way missing button. Regardless of how hard we try to direct hand toward button, we will feel some kind of virtual force puling our hand toward the right preventing our hand from touching the button. What is origin of that strange force? There is nothing “supernatural”, origin of that force is brain, that’s why I call it virtual force. How to explain that? As I mentioned earlier, brain is aware of positions of every part of our body, and in cooperation with our eyes, is programed (trained) to navigate through “external”, 33 surrounding world, as long as it’s provided with correct information and data through our senses. In our case, if we provide brain with the fake, incorrect data e.g., through wedge prism, coordination is disrupted, brain is confused and reacts to overcome that situation. We can send to brain via eye fake position of button, and the hand, but that comes into conflict with brain’s internal sense of the hand’s position. We do not have to see place where we got bite by a mosquito, but we can direct blindly our hand very precisely to place to scratch itching. The question is now, can we do anything to overcome above situation? Yes, we can “normalize” situation, we can remove, neutralize completely that virtual force by re-programing brain, that is to force brain to accept the new “reality”. How? Simply, we must fight that force by stubbornly repeating attempts to press virtual button by virtual hand. After 10 attempts or so, we will notice that virtual force is becoming weaker and weaker until disappears completely. Success! We forced brain to accept “new reality”, “new normal’. Brain simply gives up, that is, we re-programed the brain. From now on, we can routinely press button without any problem, see Fig. 3: I am very sure that most of the readers of this paper will ask question: We are O.K. now, with re-programing the brain, but what would happen if we removed completely wedge prism, so now eye will have in sight actual button and actual hand? Whoever guessed that there would be now reverse situation with virtual force pulling in opposite direction would have a correct guess, see Fig.4: 34 Every attempt to press the red button would be in vain, we would face again the virtual force, which this time is pulling in opposite direction, to the left direction. There would be problem not just with pressing button, but with everything that we would attempt to pick up. 35 Based on what we have learned and experienced earlier, it’s not hard to imagine what would be the next step in our experimental (and re-re-programing) process. I do not have sufficient data to determine for how long would last such a situation if we do not take any measure to correct that irregular situation, maybe would renormalize spontaneously after while, but if we apply previously described method of forcefully correcting and repeating attempts, brain can be “normalized” (double-re-programed) relatively quickly, see Fig. 5: Note: these wedge prisms are commonly used for correctional glasses in strabismus. EPISODE 7: During my youthful days I was enjoying a lot to ride bicycle. One day, suddenly, I was hit by car, and I only know that I was flying several yards before I bumped with my head into ground. Some people helped me to stand on my feet asking me if I needed to be taken to the hospital. I declined the offer saying that I am fine. Very soon there were some bystanders and police to make a report. Mechanical stroke affected my brain, my mind, my memory. Suddenly I was in a horrible state of amnesia, I was in a conscious state, I was self-aware, that I am I, but without memory. I was aware that all that what was going around me was somehow related to me, but my mind was gone somewhere. I could not remember my own name, I could not recall where I was, in which place, in what town, I could not recall what day was, I was lost completely in space and time, that was a state of mental vacuum and panic, similarly like when you are surrounded with a very dense fog. Fortunately, after little while, my (material) brain managed somehow to bring me back my memory and “immaterial” mind, my brain functions were fully recovered. My bicycle suffered the most damage, while I got away with only a few minor bruises. From today’s perspective I wonder if above mentioned example with the baby immersed in the insulated tank, without memory and without developed mind, even as an adult person, feels similarly: vacuum and panic. I think that all the above examples and episodes related to matter, brain and mind can help us to resolutely deter all absurd solipsistic “philosophies”. By the way, where is Mr. Schopenhauer today? Someone who used to pretend that world is his presentation and will (of his mind) should be still around us, we should need his mind to support the existence of this world. It’s interesting that this world is still in existence, even though his mind is gone a long time ago. If there were not left some dusty material papers and books about him and his philosophy, we wouldn’t know about him, let alone about his anti-materialistic, idealistic, solipsistic “philosophy”. CONCLUSION Starting thesis for this article was that, under specific circumstances for specific cases, under the influence of the mental power of the will, it could be possible to rewire brain’s 36 network, that’s to “re-program” brain, which mostly is functioning based on practicing, trainings, and routines. Also is shown that the brain supported by its own or someone else’s will (volition) has the capacity to overcome many issues of a physical or mental nature. “Someone else’s will” refers to the assistance of hypnotizers who could be of great help in overcoming many issues such as drug-addiction, autism, snoring, suicide-prevention, paralysis, post trauma syndromes, depressions, stuttering, different phobia and similar. DISCLAIMER I don’t have any formal education, nor I obtain any degree in domain of philosophy. I don’t have to be philosopher to understand that (everyone’s!) mind is formed and developed as the results of inputs from objective, pre-existing, external, objective, material world, that’s from the external (out of brain) sources, and not vice versa as is taught in solipsistic philosophies. Even kids know very well that they are not creators of their own parents. I don’t have any formal education, nor I obtain any degree in medicine, biology, physiology, neurology, ophthalmology, and like, but I do have my own brain which I know it from the “inside” better than anyone else, and that gives me (limited) authority to talk about brains in general. This paper is result of my lifelong personal researches, observations and experiences as an amateur. With the exception of some hypothetical considerations, I do not suggest any specific theory in the domain of medicine, methods, or practice in any form, especially not as a substitute or supplemental method for any existing health condition, nor for any ongoing practices guided and supervised by the professionals. 04-05-2023