Papers by Lisa Prihastari

ODONTO : Dental Journal, 2021
ABSTRACTBackground: Black tea has been shown to affect reducing dental plaque and increasing fluo... more ABSTRACTBackground: Black tea has been shown to affect reducing dental plaque and increasing fluoride levels in saliva. The practice of consuming black tea in the form of candy for dental health purposes is not familiar yet. A study on the effectiveness of chewing black tea candy added with sorbitol sugar for a month on salivary fluoride levels in children aged 7-8 years can be an innovation in the prevention of dental caries. This study aims to investigate the difference in fluoride levels in saliva before and after chewing black tea candy for one month in children aged 7-8 years.Method: This is a field experimental study with double-blind and randomization. Subjects involved in this study were 44 children divided into control and intervention groups using simple random sampling. Measurement of salivary fluorine levels using the TECAN Infinite M200 Pro® UV – VIS Spectrophotometer for 3 times.Result: The results of the independent T-test showed that there were significant differe...

ODONTO : Dental Journal, Dec 1, 2017
Background: The number of elderly population growing fastly in Indonesia along with the increase ... more Background: The number of elderly population growing fastly in Indonesia along with the increase of life expectancy. Oral health of elderly people greatly affect the quality of life. Oral health in the elderly is reflected in the number of missing teeth (tooth loss), dental caries and periodontal disease. Objective: To know the relationship of Elderly oral health behavior with DMFT index Methods: Cross-sectional survey with WHO's method was done by multistage random sampling at 124 age 45-64 years old in Kronjo sub-district, Tangerang. The data was collected by DMFT examination and the standard questionnaire of WHO survey. Calibration test for four examiners with Kappa value was 0.75 Results: The mean score of DMFT was 15.5 is included in the very high category. There was statistically significant association between elderly selfassessment and toothpaste use with DMFT index (p=0,016; p= 0,009). There was no significant association between sweet consuming and dental pain with mean DMFT index (p = 0.216; p = 0.324) Conclusion: Oral Health Behavior of the Elderly in Kronjo sub-district is still poor with a very high score of DMFT that will require immediate attention from the government.

Dentino : Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi
Background: Tea contains beneficial chemical compounds, one of which is polyphenols. The polyphen... more Background: Tea contains beneficial chemical compounds, one of which is polyphenols. The polyphenols in black tea can inhibit the growth of bacteria and prevent oral infections. Black tea extract has been proven to increase salivary pH, but children do not like it because of its bitter taste. Therefore, innovation is needed by incorporating black tea extract into candy containing sorbitol. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of chewing black tea candy containing sorbitol on salivary pH compared to non-black tea candy in children aged 7-8. Methods: This research is an experimental field study using a single-blind randomized controlled trial with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research subjects were of 42 children aged 7-8 years divided into two groups, the treatment group, and the placebo group, using a simple random sampling technique. A sampling of saliva was carried out before and after chewing hard candy. Monitoring was carried out for approximately 23 days, a...

Insisiva Dental Journal, Apr 27, 2024
The recommended tooth brushing duration is 2 minutes to obtain optimal fluoride levels in the mou... more The recommended tooth brushing duration is 2 minutes to obtain optimal fluoride levels in the mouth. Unfortunately, many people, especially teenagers and children, struggled to comply with the minimum duration. This study developed and tested the effectiveness of a toothbrush with a 2-minute timer prototype. This study determined the gaps and the mean scores of salivary pH, fluoride levels, plaque scores, and the number of Streptococcus mutants between the control group that used manual toothbrushes and the experimental group that used the prototype. A crossover and single-blind method was employed, involving 40 second-grade junior high school students selected using a simple random sampling technique. Data was collected by measuring the pH, fluoride levels, and the number of Streptococcus mutants bacteria in unstimulated saliva. The plaque score was also calculated using the Quigley-Hein modified Turesky plaque index (TMQHPI). The average fluoride level obtained by the experimental group was higher (8.86 ± 1.29) than the one of the control group (1.46 ± 0.44). The Independent T-test showed a significant difference in fluoride levels (p = 0.0001), while no significant difference in salivary was found in pH (p = 0.58) between both groups. The toothbrush with a 2-minute timer prototype developed in this study increased the fluoride levels, preventing dental caries and restoring salivary pH levels.

Andalas Dental Journal, Dec 29, 2023
Kesehatan gigi pada masa kanak-kanak merupakan komponen penting dari kesejahteraan secara keselur... more Kesehatan gigi pada masa kanak-kanak merupakan komponen penting dari kesejahteraan secara keseluruhan, dengan Early Childhood Caries (ECC) dan cacat enamel yang menjadi fokus dan perhatian utama. Tujuan: mereview hubungan kompleks antara stunting, kekurangan gizi, dan perkembangan cacat enamel serta ECC pada anak-anak. Metode: Tinjauan naratif menggunakan basis data Pubmed dan Google Scholar dengan kriteria inklusi artikel, yaitu artikel penelitian dan tinjauan yang membahas hubungan antara cacat enamel dan kekurangan gizi serta ECC dengan kekurangan gizi. Pembahasan: Kekurangan gizi pada masa kanak-kanak, yaitu asupan nutrisi esensial yang tidak memadai, merupakan tantangan kesehatan global. Stunting, sebagai manifestasi kekurangan gizi kronis, mempengaruhi pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan kognitif anak-anak secara negatif. Namun, hubungan antara kekurangan gizi dan kesehatan gigi belum mendapatkan perhatian yang memadai. Artikel ini meneliti mekanisme melalui mana kekurangan gizi, khususnya stunting, dapat berkontribusi pada perkembangan enamel yang cacat pada anak-anak. Kekurangan nutrisi, terutama kalsium, vitamin D, dan fluoride, diidentifikasi sebagai penyebab utama yang dapat mengganggu pembentukan dan kekuatan enamel. Struktur enamel yang tidak normal dan rapuh membuat gigi rentan terhadap ECC dan dapat menyebabkan nyeri, serta masalah kesehatan oral jangka panjang. Hubungan kompleks antara kekurangan gizi, kerdil, cacat enamel, dan ECC memerlukan solusi yang beragam. Simpulan: Artikel ini menyoroti pentingnya inisiatif dibidang kesehatan masyarakat secara holistik, yang mencakup edukasi nutrisi bagi orangtua dan peningkatan akses ke layanan perawatan gigi untuk anak-anak berisiko. Kolaborasi lintas disiplin antara profesional kesehatan ditekankan untuk sinergis dalam menghadapi tantangan kesehatan yang saling terkait ini.

Insiva Dental Journal, Jun 8, 2023
The duration of tooth brushing deserves special attention since it is a factor that affects oral ... more The duration of tooth brushing deserves special attention since it is a factor that affects oral hygiene. The recommended duration for tooth brushing is 120 seconds, yet many people do not follow this suggestion. The relationship between the duration of tooth brushing and the fluoride level in saliva after brushing is still debatable. The study aims to determine the effectiveness of brushing teeth for 2 minutes on fluoride levels in the saliva of children aged 7-8 years. This experiment employed a pretest-posttest design with the control group. This singleblind study involved students from SDN 03 Pagi Pasar Minggu as a group with a manual toothbrush (control group) and SDN 19 Cempaka Putih as a group brushing teeth with a timer (intervention group), each of which consisted of 20 students selected using simple random sampling. Measurement fluoride level in saliva using UV-VIS Spectrophotometer TECAN Infinite M200 Pro®. The study lasted for approximately 3 weeks. The results of the independent t-test indicated no significant difference in fluoride levels between the intervention and the control group (p>0.05), although the mean score of the intervention group was higher than the control group. In conclusion, a 2-minute toothbrush timer had the same ability as a manual toothbrush to increase the fluoride level in the saliva of children aged 7-8 years.

Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi
Latar belakang: wanita yang sedang hamil lebih rentan terhadap penyakit periodontal dan karies gi... more Latar belakang: wanita yang sedang hamil lebih rentan terhadap penyakit periodontal dan karies gigi yang nantinya akan mempengaruhi status gizi mereka. Kebiasaan oral hygiene dan pola makan ibu hamil juga berkaitan erat dengan penyakit periodontal dan karies gigi. Tujuan: mengetahui gambaran status kesehatan periodontal dan karies gigi ibu hamil di Kabupaten Pandeglang dan menganalisis hubungannya dengan status gizi mereka. Metode: penelitian analitik crosssectional dengan 89 responden ibu hamil di wilayah Kabupaten Pandeglang, provinsi Banten usia 17-45 tahun disurvey dan diperiksa menggunakan kuesioner untuk mengetahui kebiasan oral hygiene, pola diet makanan dan sosiodemografi. Pemeriksaan rongga mulut dengan Modified Gingival Index (MGI) dan Decay Missing Filling Teeth (DMFT) serta dilakukan pengukuran Body Mass Index (BMI) dan Lingkar Lengan Atas (LILA). Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah uji non parametrik dan uji korelasi dengan SPSS. Hasil: prevalensi subyek yang memil...

Majalah Sainstekes
Background: The use of black tea as an anti-plaque and anti-caries material is still very limited... more Background: The use of black tea as an anti-plaque and anti-caries material is still very limited in Indonesia. Various studies have shown the benefits of black tea which can reduce plaque scores, increase fluoride levels and inhibit the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The innovation of black tea in the form of candy is expected to be liked by children and does not eliminate its benefits as an alternative to anti-cariogenic ingredients. Objective: To determine the difference in effectiveness between consuming black tea candy with sorbitol and placebo candy (sorbitol only) in reducing plaque accumulation. Methods: This study is a experimental using a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials (RCT) design and a single blind method. The research subjects consisted of 42 students at SDN 019 Cempaka Putih and SDN 03 Pagi Pasar Minggu, aged 7-8 years. The sample was selected based on the inclusion criteria of the study. The examination was carried out to determine plaque scores using...

Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi
Latar belakang: gangguan sendi temporomandibular atau Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) yang ditan... more Latar belakang: gangguan sendi temporomandibular atau Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) yang ditandai dengan nyeri kraniofasial yang meliputi sendi pada rahang, otot pengunyahan, atau otot yang mensyarafi kepala dan leher. Penyebab TMD bersifat multifaktorial antara lain dikarenakan faktor kehilangan gigi dan memiliki kebiasaan buruk. Protokol DC/TMD yang baru merupakan protokol pemeriksaan TMD yang sangat direkomendasikan untuk digunakan sebagai protokol klinis dan penelitian dokter gigi. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui prevalensi hasil diagnosis TMD dengan metode DC/TMD, mengetahui macam-macam penyakit TMD yang dialami dan hubungannya dengan status kehilangan gigi pada mahasiswa akademik Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas YARSI. Metode: penelitian mengunakan desain analitik cross-sectional dengan sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 150 mahasiswa tahun akademik 2018/2019 berusia 19-23 tahun yang diambil dengan cara total sampling. Subyek penelitian telah diminta untuk menyetuj...

Andalas Dental Journal
Background: The global prevalence of dental caries is still high and reach 60 to 90% of school ch... more Background: The global prevalence of dental caries is still high and reach 60 to 90% of school children. Dental caries is caused by dental plaque that can be prevented by brushing teeth. ADA recommended two minutes as duration of brushing teeth, but many Indonesian children haven’t reached that standard. Purpose: Knowing the effectiveness of two minutes toothbrush timer and conventional toothbrush to the plaque accumulation. Methods: This was an experimental study using pre and post-test group control with single blind design. Amount of 40 students aged 7-8 years divided to two group (control and intervention) using simple random sampling technique. The respondens was instructed to brushing teeth (Bass method) for two minutes, then the plaque index was measured by Löe & Silness method. Results: Independent t-test results showed the significant differences (mean of plaque index reduction was higher in toothbrush timer group compared to conventional toothbrush group). However, there w...

Jurnal Abdidas, Sep 30, 2021
Program kesehatan saat ini masih sangat jarang yang menyasar pada kelompok usia remaja, utamanya ... more Program kesehatan saat ini masih sangat jarang yang menyasar pada kelompok usia remaja, utamanya mengenai kesehatan gigi, akibatnya banyak remaja Indonesia yang memiliki pengetahuan serta keterampilan menjaga kesehatan gigi yang masih rendah. Youth Dental Competition (YDC) adalah inisiasi acara edukasi sekaligus kompetisi yang menyenangkan untuk remaja mengenai kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Setelah mendapatkan informasi dan materi para remaja ditantang berkompetisi menunjukkan bakat serta kemampuannya dalam menyerap informasi tersebut lewat lomba cerdas cermat, membuat drama singkat dan komik meme bertemakan kesehatan gigi. Kompetisi disusun menyerupai SEA Games dengan hadiah yang menyemangati mereka untuk berusaha dan memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Hasil evaluasi pada 30 peserta melalui metode pre-post test yang memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan seluruh responden (100%). Rerata pre-test yaitu 3.93 dan rerata post-test sebesar 8.23 dengan hasil uji statistik wilcoxon menyatakan perbedaan yang bermakna (p=0,0001). Program YDC diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat yang lebih luas lagi untuk seluruh remaja di Indonesia dengan bekerja sama dengan institusi-institusi terkait. Kata kunci: gigi, kompetisi kesehatan gigi, lubang gigi, pendidikan kesehatan gigi, remaja

Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, 2021
Introduction: Betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) and clove leaf (Syzygium aromaticum) are Indonesian ... more Introduction: Betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) and clove leaf (Syzygium aromaticum) are Indonesian herbs which are known to cause a numb sensation. The main ingredients of betel leaf, which act as an anesthetic, are caryophyllene, eugenol, methyl eugenol, eucalyptol (1.8-cineol), linalool, α-Pinene, estragole, while cloves have local anesthetic effects through their ingredients, namely eugenol, and β-Caryophyllene. Research on the benefits of these two ingredients as topical anesthetics in Indonesia is still rare. This study was aimed to describe the potential of betel leaf and clove leaf extract as a topical anesthetic in Wistar rats. Methods: This research was a laboratory experimental research with simple randomized controlled design. The sample consisted of 6 male Wistar rats, each of which was given four treatments, namely extract with a concentration of 50%, 75%, and 100%, and topical anaesthetic benzocaine 20% as a control. Each treatment was tested using an electric stimulator...
Background: Black tea (Camellia sinensis) mouthwash is type of tea that Indonesian usually consum... more Background: Black tea (Camellia sinensis) mouthwash is type of tea that Indonesian usually consume. Black tea contains substances which prevent caries by obstructing plaque formation. Aim: To compare the efcacy of the mouthwash containing black tea 2% and fluor solution in reducing plaque accumulation.. Methods: This research was an experimental with Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials design and double blind method. Subjects were frst grade students in elementary schools 012 Pagi, Sumur Batu with total of 28 students, chosed based on simple random sampling. Plaque index measured using Loe’s and Silness’s index Result: There were signifcant reductions in plaque index in both the groups at 4 weeks (p=0,002 and p= 0,003 fluor α 0.05, CI= -1,84-0,83). Conclusion: Black tea mouthwash is equally effective in reducing plaque accumulation compared to fluor.

Jurnal Balireso: Jurnal Pengabdian pada Masyarakat, 2019
Early dental caries prevention in this case self-care oral cultivation needs to be done primarily... more Early dental caries prevention in this case self-care oral cultivation needs to be done primarily in primary school-aged children. Indonesians are people who have not considered oral health since their early years. Dental and oral health education programs with aspects that only emphasize the realm of knowledge is not significant enough to change the paradigm in society and reduce the number of caries. Elementary dental school (EDS) using appreciative inquiry approach develops positive change concept which is a new discourse in the world of health promotion.With the appreciative inquiry approach, the positive core that will be used as a medium of transformation builds awareness and forms a healthy paradigm in children. The program seeks to raise awareness of maintaining oral hygiene through the stages of providing dance knowledge through animation and games by integrating school and home environments through the participation of teachers and parents.The results of the implementation of EDS program showed significant changes of knowledge in children especially seen from the increase of post test value compared to the pre test value which experienced an increase of 35.3%.
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science
Objective: To measure the effectiveness of the appreciative inquiry (AI) approach for the formati... more Objective: To measure the effectiveness of the appreciative inquiry (AI) approach for the formation of tooth brushing automaticity of children in school for 2 months. Material and Methods: Randomized-Community Trial with a school-based supervised tooth brushing program for two months. Automaticity was measured with self-report behavior automaticity index (SRBAI) and intraoral examination was done with patient hygiene performance modified index (PHP-M)at the baseline, after 1 month and after 2 months. Results: automaticity proportion was significantly higher in the AI group (63.8%) compared to conventional group (22.1%) (P = 0.000; OR= 11.9, 95% CI = 4.794-29.497). Conclusion: appreciative inquiry was more effective than conventional health education approach for tooth brushing behavior change.

Dental Journal (Majalah Kedokteran Gigi)
Background: The anxiety associated with dental visits is one of the obstacles preventing dentists... more Background: The anxiety associated with dental visits is one of the obstacles preventing dentists from improving oral health and is also a significant predictor of dental visit evasion, which is frequently observed in Indonesia. Purpose: To identify the level of dental fear and anxiety in the population of Jakarta, Indonesia and establish the relationship with sociodemographic factors. Methods: A cross-sectional method was used with a sample size of 1811 respondents aged 17–65 years old who were asked to complete the validated Indonesian versions of modified dental anxiety scale (MDAS) and dental fear scale (DFS) questionnaires. The data obtained was then analysed using nonparametric and chi-square tests. Results: The prevalence of subjects with moderate to high dental anxiety and fear was 16.3% (295 respondents) and 36.1% (654 respondents), respectively. The primary sources of dental fear and anxiety were dental drilling and anaesthesia before tooth extraction. The results of the n...

ODONTO : Dental Journal
Background: : Most frequent emotional disorders from dental patient are dental fear and anxiety. ... more Background: : Most frequent emotional disorders from dental patient are dental fear and anxiety. Previous experiences such as painful tooth extraction, expensive cost, trauma during the last visit to the dentist become factors in the patient's fear of visiting a dentist. Objective: To determine the description of the fear status and anxiety towards dental care in the Kepulauan Seribu Administration area based on age, sex, income, education, insurance, and dental visits. Method: This study was comparative cross-Sectional analytical research design to determine the relationship between the level of fear and anxiety towards dental care based on sociodemographic factors by giving questionnaires. The tests used were non-parametric and chi-square test. Results: Based on the results of the chi-square test conducted on 116 respondents aged 17-65 years using the MDAS (Modified Dental Anxiety Scale) test the variables were significantly difference (P <0.05), at group gender and education, while the age variable, income, insurance and visits to the dentist showed no significant difference (P> 0.05). The results from Dental Fear Scale variables that were significantly difference were gender and education variables with values (P<0.05), while variable of age, earning, insurance and visits were not significantly difference (P>0,05). Conclusion: The results can be concluded that gender and education level influence the dental fear and anxiety in the Kepulauan Seribu region
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia
Papers by Lisa Prihastari