10th Jubilee IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics • May 21-23, 2015 • Timişoara, Romania
Application of Computational Geometry in
Coordinate Measurement
Gyula Hermann, György Hermann
dept. of Applied Mathematics
Óbuda University
Budapest, Hungary
the least-square solution and terminating after a number of
Abstract—Algorithms for calculating the minimum zone
deviation for various geometric forms like straightness, flatness,
circularity, spherecity and cylindricity have been successfully
established by a number. This paper presents simple and robust
algorithms based on computational geometric techniques and
discusses them from another point of view. The complexity issues
are also mentioned.
Keywords—straigthness; flatness; cyrcularity;
cylindricity; convex hull; Voronoi diagram
The linear programming model used by Carr and Ferreira
[4] applying the small displacement screw matrix to linearize
the non-linear constrains to solve the problem.
Kaiser and Krishnan [13] employ “brute force” to find the
minimum zone by simply rotating the initial envelope lines.
The algorithm stops as the conditions for straightness
definition are met.
Neural networks and interval regression analysis are used
by Suen and Chang [32] to compute the minimum zone
straightness and flatness.
The majority of manufactured components are bounded
simple geometric elements like straight lines, planes, circles,
spheres, cylinders and cones. Coordinate measuring machines
are used to capture surface points of these geometric elements.
The conformity is determined by fitting the ideal geometric
feature to these points using suitable algorithms and compared
to the nominal value in order to determine whether the
deviation is within the required tolerances. The accuracy of the
evaluation process depends on the distribution of the
measurement points on the inspected surface element,
measurement uncertainty in capturing the surface points and
the evaluation algorithms.
A. Straigthness in the plane
Straightness deviation is the minimal distance between two
parallel lines (envelop lines) so that each point of the line must
be enclosed by them (Fig.1).
The Lp-norm solution minimizes the following function:
Lp = ∑ di
Fig. 1. Straightness with given measurement points
The minimum zone straightness has the following
i =1
Where n is the number of points captured, di is the distance
between the i-th datapoint and the ideal feature and 1≤p≤∞.
The L2 norm the so-called least square-fit, minimizes the sum
of the squares of the residual errors di ; Min∑|di|2. The
Chebyshev best-fit (L∞-norm solution) minimizes the
maximum deviation from the ideal feature and results in a
Min{Max|di|} objective function. The Chebyshev best-fit
problem can be transformed into a non-linear constrained
optimization problem. The solution requires iterative process
whose convergence depends on the initial guess.
The envelop lines pass through at least three
measuring points
These measuring points must be in a upper-line/
lower-line/upper-line or a lower-line/ upperline/lower-line sequence
The algorithm computing the substitute line and the
straightness error consists of two main steps:
The minimum zone straightness was found by Murthy and
Abdin [22] using simplex search. Their algorithm starts with
978-1-4799-9911-8/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
Compute the points of the convex hull, resulting in
a list of points in traversal order.
Determine the substitute line for this convex point
set and calculate the width of the convex hull in
one step
Gy. Hermann and Gy. Hermann • Application of Computational Geometry in Coordinate Measurement
that the computed deviation has the same value in every
For the determination of the convex hull of a planar point
set a number of algorithms have been invented [25] [31]. For
our purpose we have selected the modified incremental
algorithm because it has an extension into 3D.
According to Zhang et al. [33] that finding the spatial
straightness error based on the minimum zone condition cannot
be found using a linearized model. They returned to solving the
nonlinear model.
The determination of the spatial straightness is equivalent
to finding the radius of the minimal circumscribed cylinder
defined by the coordinates of the measured points. It can be
proved that the axis of minimum 3D straightness is parallel to
an edge of the convex hull. This leads to the following
Fig. 2. Determination of the tangency lines from p to Q
Compute the vertices and edges of the convex hull
set the initial straightness value equal to a large number
for i = 1 to ne do
for j = 1 to nv do
{Compute the projection v’j of all vertices vj onto
the plane normal to ei
Compute the diameter di of the minimum circumscribed
circle of the projected measured point}
if (di < straightness) then straightness = di
The algorithm starts with the triangle p0,p1,p2. If the point p
to be added is inside the triangle, than it is discharged. If it is
outside than it is added to the convex hull and those point
which can be „seen” from p and are not on the perifery are
removed. Therefore two tangent lines from p to Q are
determined using the LeftOn test (on which side of the line the
point is). If the points to be processed are sorted according their
x coordinates the algorithm determines the convex hull in
O(nlogn) time.
Flatness is defined as the orthogonal distance between two
parallel planes separated by the specified tolerance within
which all surface points must lie (Fig. 2.)
After the determination of the convex hull the computation
of the substitute line and the width of the convex hull follows.
The envelop lines bounding the minimum zone are determined
by two points defining one envelope line colinear with one of
the edges of the convex hull, the third one is a point with the
maximum perpendicular distance to this line. The algorithm
does the job in O(n2) time, where n is the number of extreme
points on the convex hull:
for i = 1 to n
{c=0, j=i+2
while j<2n dist(ei,pj)>d {c= dist(ei,pj), j=j+1}
if d<c {d=c, l=i, m=j-l}
Fig. 4. Definition of the flatness with given datapoints
The substituting line is defined by the points (pl+pm)/2 and
(pl+1+pm)/2. The envelop lines are given respectively by pl, pl+1
and pl,pm-pl+pl+1..
Computational geometric techniques were used by Samuel
and Shunmugam [27] used to solve the minimum zone problem
for the straightness and flatness problem. But they have not
taken the 2-2 case into account. On the contrary the paper by
Lee [18] considers the 2-2 model and gives a convex hull based
solution. The minimum zone flatness solution has the
following properties:
B. Spatial straigthness
The spatial straightness deviation is defined as the diameter
of the minimum cylinder enclosing all measured points on
surface. The task is to find the axis of the cylinder and the
minimum cycle around the projected measured point on a plane
perpendicular to this axis.
Fig. 3. Definition of the spatial straightness
Huang, Fan and Wu [10] describe a method for spatial
straightness error evaluation from the composition of vertical
and horizontal planer straightness errors. There is no guarantee
Determining the substitute plane at least four
contacting measuring points are used
If two of the four contact points define a line on the
upper plane and two on lower plane we speak about a
2-2 model. The line on the upper plane will intersect
the line on lower plane when they are projected onto
the same plane
If the four contact points divided as three points
contacting one plane and one point contacting the
other one, the single point must be inside the
projected triangle on the other plane (3-1 model).
10th Jubilee IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics • May 21-23, 2015 • Timişoara, Romania
It is obvious that the measuring points defining the
minimum zones are vertex points on the convex hull. Flatness
deviation is the distance between the two lines (2-2 model) or
the distance between the point and the planes (3-1 model).
The overall structure of the algorithm is the same as in two
dimensions. If the point to be inserted is inside the convex hull,
then it is removed, if not the cone with apex pi and tangent to
the convex hull is added. It is clear that faces visible from pi are
Fig. 5. Convex hull before and after adding a point
Fig. 6. Minimum circumscribed (a), maximum inscribed (b), minimum
zone (c) and least-square fit (d) circles
The incremental algorithm for the determination of the
convex hull is given below:
Wang et. al [35] formulated and solved the minimum zone
circularity error as a nonlinear optimization problem.
Initialize H3 to tetrahedron (p0,p1,p2,p3)
for i = 4 to n-1 do
for each face f of Hi-1 do
Mark f if visible
if no faces are visible then dicard pi (it is inside Hi-1)
else for each border edge e of Hi-1 do
Construct cone face determined by e and pi
for each visible face f do Delete f
Update Hi
Huang [11] solves the minimum zone circularity error using
Voronoi diagrams. The plane was divided into a finite number
of so-called max regions. Not all intersection point of the
farthest and the nearest regions are contenders for the optimum
solution. These points can be divided into two categories called
X and Y types and only X types participate in the optimal
Marking the visible faces and constructing the cones are
imbedded in a loop that iterates n times, the complexity of the
algorithm is O(n2).
Li Xiuming and Shi Zhaoyao [20] followed a different
approach. The roundness error is obtained as the distance
between two parallel lines. The lines for the maximum
inscribed circle and the minimum circumscribed circle can be
found based on convex hull and polar coordinates and
determined by four critical measured points. The distance
between these lines is the roundness error.
Having computed the points of the convex hull the next
step is the determination of the substitute planes and the width
of the convex hull. The boundary planes of the minimum zone
are determined by the minimum distance between the face
spanned by three points and one point with the maximum
perpendicular distance to this face, or in the other case by the
distance between two lines each in in a face on the two sides of
substitute plane.
The strategy described Jiing-Yih Lai and Ing-Hong Che
[16] also employs a non-linear transformation to convert a
circle into a line. A straightness evaluation was used to obtain
appropriate control points and minimum zone deviation.
for i = 1 to n
Compute the equation of the face fi from it’s cornerpoints
for j = 1 to n
Determine the distance of the point pj from the face
if dist(pj,fi) > d then d = dist(pj,fi)
for i =1 to m
for j = 1 to m
if dist (ei, ej) > d then d = dist (ei, ej) > d
Lei et al. [19] in their paper present a polar coordinate
transformation for circularity evaluation. The algorithm
allocates a circular region around the center of the least square
circle following certain rules and calculates the polar radius for
all measuring points by translating the polar coordinate system
to each point in the region and obtains minimum
circumscribed, maximum inscribed and minimum zone center
from comparing each polar radius relative to each polar
coordinate system.
The complexity of the algorithm is O(m2) time, where m is
the number of edges on the convex hull.
Samuel and Shunmugam [28] use the convex hull and a
heuristic algorithm to find the inner hull. Equi-Distant Voronoi
and Equi-Angular diagrams are employed to determine the
The definition for roundness error given by ANSI [1] and
ISO [13] as the minimal radial separation of two concentric
circles, the circumscribed and the inscribed circle so, that the
ring contains all measured points.
The nearest-point Voronoi diagram (denoted by NV)
partition the plane by assigning every point in the plane to its
Gy. Hermann and Gy. Hermann • Application of Computational Geometry in Coordinate Measurement
This leads to a runtime of O(n2) but an average runtime of
O(n) can be expected for well distributed sets of sites. The
farthest-point Voronoi diagram (denoted by FV) is the set of all
points that are farther from the given datapoint (Pi) than from
any other measuring point.
nearest measuring point (Pi). The Voronoi diagram is the
settheoretic intersection of the halfplanes generated by the
bisectors of every pointpair:
NV ( p i ) =
H ( Pi , P j )
i≠ j
The minimum zone circles should pass through at least four
points. Three different cases can be distinguished:
The regions (point sets) attached in this way to every
measuring point form convex regions on the plane.
Green and Sibson [8] invented an incremental algorithm for
constructing the nearest-point Voronoi diagram. It starts with
setting up a simple Voronoi diagram for three data-points, and
modifying the diagram by adding measuring points one by one.
Three points determine the circumscribed circle and
the fourth point the radius of the inscribed circle.
Three point lie on the inscribed circle and the fourth
point determines the radius of the circumscribed
Two point lie both on the circumscribed circle and
two points on the inscribed circle.
The first step in all cases is the generation of the convex
hull of the point set. Hereby the number of points to be
considered in the next steps is reduced. Determine the farthestpoint and nearest-point Voronoi diagrams and superimpose
Fig. 7. Near-point and farthest-point Voronoi diagram
Having nearest-point Voronoi diagram NVp-1, we would
like to add a new measuring point pk. First, find the measuring
point, say pi, whose region contains pk, and draw the
perpendicular bisector between pk and pi. The bisector crosses
the edge of NV(pi) at two points, point x1 and point x2. Point pk
is to the left of the directed line segment x1x2. The line segment
x1x2 divides the nearest-point Voronoi polygon NV(pi) into two
pieces, the one on the right belonging to the Voronoi region of
pk. Thus, we get a nearest-point Voronoi on one edge of the
boundary of the Voronoi region of pi. The new edge crosses the
boundary at x2, entering the adjacent Voronoi polygon, say
NV(pj). Therefore, next draw the edge between pk and pj, and
find the point, x3, at which the bisector crosses the boundary of
NV(pj). Similarly, find the sequence of segments of
perpendicular bisectors of pk and the neighboring sites until we
reach the starting point x1. This sequence forms a clockwise
boundary of the new Voronoi region. Finally the edge
segments of NVp-1 the substructure inside the new Voronoi
region are deleted.
Fig. 8. Superimposed near-point and farthest point Voronoi diagrams
The intersection points of the two diagrams are the
candidates for the center of the minimum zone circles.
The complexity of finding the minimum zone circularity
based on the set of Voronoi diagrams is O(n2).
Minimum zone sphericity error is defined as the minimal
radial distance between two concentric spheres the
circumscribed and the inscribed spheres to the measuring
points, so that all points are included in the shell.
The farthest-point Voronoi diagram (denoted by FV) is the
set of all points that are farther from the given datapoint (Pi)
than from any other measuring point.
In Huang’s [11] approach the whole space into several
regions using Voronoi diagram. The minimum zone spherecity
becomes feasible on the vertices of these regions.
Calculate the convex hull of the measured points
for all p in S add v(p) to K;
if n>2 then
find p
maximizing (radius(before(p),p,next(p)),angle(before(p),p,next(p));
q= before(p); c= center(q,p,next(p));
add c to K; add (c,v(p)) and (c,v(q)) to E;
v(q)= c; next(q)=next(p); before(next(q))=q;
until n=2;
add(v(q),v(next(q)) to E
if n=2 then {S={p1,p2}} add(v(p1),v(p2)) to E
Kanada [15] calculated the minimum zone solution using
downhill simplex search, a sequential gradient search. The
simplex used is a tetrahedron. The object value at a vertex is
the difference between the farthest and nearest distances from
the measured point. In each iteration step, the vertex with the
maximal value will be rejected and replaced by a new
measured point in the opposite side of the original tetrahedron.
If the objective value of the new point is still the greatest the
search is continued in alternate direction, or stopped. The
algorithm does not guarantee a global minimum.
10th Jubilee IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics • May 21-23, 2015 • Timişoara, Romania
The minimum zone spheres should pass through at least
five point of the dataset. There are four different cases:
¾Four points determine the circumscribed sphere and
the fifth point the radius of the inscribed sphere.
¾Three point lie on the circumscribed sphere and two
points determines of the inscribed sphere.
¾Two point lie on the circumscribed sphere and the
three points on the inscribed sphere.
¾Four points determine the inscribed sphere and one
point the radius of the circumscribed sphere.
The candidates for being the center of the minimum zone
spheres are:
¾The common centers of the farthest-point and nearestpoint Voronoi diagrams
Fig. 9. Measured point and the assessment sphere
¾The common centers of the farthest-point and nearestpoint Voronoi diagrams, lying on the edge of a
tetrahedron in the other diagram
Two papers by Samuel and Shunmugam [29],[30] deals
with the spherecity problem. Their solution starts with the
construction of the 3D hulls. The outer hull is determined by
computational geometric technique, followed by a heuristic
approach to find the inner hull. Assesment limacoids are
constructed using the concept of 3D equi-angular lines, 3D
farthest or nearest equi-angular diagrams.
¾The intersection points of edges of farthest-point and
nearest-point Voronoi diagrams
In the first case four points determine on the spheres and
the fifth the radius of the other one. In the second case four
points lie on either the circumscribed or the inscribed sphere
depending on whether the center is on the farthest-point or on
the nearest-point Voronoi diagram. In the third version the
other sphere is defined by three points and the inner one also
by three points. The radial distances between the concentric
spheres for all candidate centers are calculated and the smallest
one is selected.
Rossi et. al [23] attack the problem by finding a closed
form for the minimum neighborhood of the centroid of the
measured sphere.
The minimum zone evaluation outlined for circularity can
be extended for determining the spherecity error. Let S be a set
of point in the 3-dimensional Euclidian space. The set of points
which are closer to p, than to any other point in S, form
Voronoi cell of a point p in S. The union of all Voronoi cells is
the Voronoi diagram. The cells are convex polyhedrons.
Delaunay tetrahedralization is the dual to the Voronoi
diagram and partitions the space into tetrahedral, where the
vertices of the triangles are points p in S. A Voronoi vertex is
in the center of the sphere circumscribing its dual tetrahedron.
Minimum zone cylindricity is bounded by two coaxial
cylinders with a minimal radial separation within which all
surface points must lie. The straightness of the median line (the
axis of the cylinder) is the diameter of the cylindrical zone
containing the median line.
There is an incremental algorithm [13] for generating the
Delaunay triangulation in O(n2) complexity. This algorithm
inserts points one at a time keeping a valid Delaunay
triangulation and the tetrahedralization is modified according to
the Delaunay criterion in each step. The modification of the
diagram is local. The algorithm starts with establishing a “big„
tetrahedron containing all points of S, and hereby the convex
hull of S. This has the disadvantage that more tetrahedra are
constructed than needed. They are marked easily as they are
the ones containing the one of the point of forming the “big„
tetrahedron. By introducing the “big„ tetrahedron a number
special cases are avoided.
Fig. 10. Cylindricity and straightness error
Carr and Ferreira [5] developed a methodology which can
be applied for both to the cylindricity and the straightness of
the median line. The determination of the minimum zone
cylindricity is a non-linear optimization problem which they
solved by a sequence of linear programs that converge to a
local optimum.
The new points are inserted according the algorithm
invented by Joe [14]. Next the Delaunay triangulation
converted into the 3D near-point Voronoi diagram connecting
the center point of circumscribed spheres of the neighboring
tetrahedra. The farthest point Voronoi diagram can be derived
on a rather similar way.
Lai and Chen [16] employ a non-linear transformation to
convert a cylinder into a plane and use flatness evaluation
scheme to obtain appropriate control points and minimum zone
Gy. Hermann and Gy. Hermann • Application of Computational Geometry in Coordinate Measurement
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[30] G.L. Samuel, M.S. Shunmugam „Evaluation of sphericity error from
form data using computational geometric techniques” International
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[31] Sariel Har-Peled „An output sensitive algorithm for discrete convex
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The method invented by Lao et. al [17] avoids the direct
construction of the zone cylinder, but approximate it with a
guaranteed accuracy through an iterative process based on the
linearization of the problem.
Venkaiah and Shunmugam [34] describe the evaluation of
cylindricity error using a form tester. Due to misalignment
between the component and the instrument axis, a limacon –
cylinder has to be used for cylindricity evaluation. The paper
established the limacon cylinder using computational
geometric technique.
Fig.11. Recommended distribution of the measuring point on a cylinder:
bird cage, roundness profiles, generatrix, scattered points
The evaluation of cylindricty error is influenced by the
measuring strategy, the distribution of the measuring points on
the surface. In case of regular distribution: bird cage, roundness
profile and generatrix an obvious procedure is to estimate the
axis by for example finding the minimal enclosing box. One of
the principal axis of the box is a good estimation of the
cylinder axis we are searching for. Given the axis the minimal
and maximal diameters can be calculated using circularity data.
However this approach does not give information about the
straightness of the axis. For finding the minimum zone
cylinders currently is no computational geometry based
procedure available.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the stimulating
discussion and encouragement of prof. Imre Rudas.
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