Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriâ 4. Istoriâ, regionovedenie, meždunarodnye otnošeniâ, May 1, 2024
The introduction provides brief information to acquaint the reader with the history of the study ... more The introduction provides brief information to acquaint the reader with the history of the study of the topic in the title. It points to the difficulties in identifying the original homeland of the historical ancestors of the Chuvash. It also provides an ethnonymic picture. With regard to the methodology of the study, the author gave preference to a complex, cross-genre approach. This is most suitable for tackling questions of ethnic history because it makes it possible to draw on conclusions provided by allied disciplines. In this way, new knowledge emerges. Such a methodology also helps to get away from stagnated views. The materials subjected to analytical examination were primary sources (the authors of al-Kūfī, a-abarī, al-Beladsori/al-Balā urī, Łewond (Leontius), Zacharias Rhetor, Xenophon, and Apollonius of Rhodes), as well as the works of prominent 20 th-and 21 st-century scholars (A.V. Golovnev, M.S. Gadjiev, A.S. Kassian, M.L. Khachikian, and A.K. Shahinyan). Analysis. Attention is chiefly devoted to an examination of historical and geographical facts, ethnographic matters, and linguistic analogies. The paper includes a series of lexical correspondences between Chuvash and Armenian. For example, Armenian dzor/tsor and Chuvash çyr mean "bank, steep slope"; kh"yar and khăyar mean "cucumber." There are instances when Chuvash and Armenian homophones have similar meanings. Kin refers to "daughter-in-law" in Chuvash and "wife, woman, lady" in Armenian. Results. The author's previous publications as well as the present paper make it possible to conclude that the ethnonym of the Chuvash has undergone a lengthy course of transformation through history in the form of Savir (Saspir/Sapir, Savar, Sabir) Suvar (Suvas, Suvan) Suvash (Săvaš) T'šăvaš. In the 9 th to the 1 st centuries BC, the Saspirs occupied a territory from Media to Colchis, between the Medes and the Colchians, with the former to the south and the latter to the north by the River Phasis, i.e., the territory of the Armenian Highlands.
Papers by Anton Salmin
к юго-востоку от р. Чорох в сторону озер Севан и Ван. Матиенскими горами, возле которых жили саспиры, считаются горы в районе Эрзурума.
Книга оперирует такими понятиями, как географические карты, рождение Руси, Новгород как преемник Рюрикова городища, северность в былинах, северная столица, экспедиции, многогранность. В статье упор делается
на взаимодействие Севера с Югом и, соответственно, Юга с Севером, в итоге повествование переходит к идее
взаимного обогащения двух самобытных частей света, обмена идентичностями. При этом автор книги считает
свой труд не только текстом, но и самопознанием, опытом освоения «северной философии». Философии самодостаточности, молчаливого размышления и чувства.
А. K. Salmin
DOI: 10.35634/2224-9443-2023-17-3-433-438
The paper contains reflections upon reading Andrei Golovnev’s monograph Severnost’ Rossii [The Northernness of
Russia]. That book deals with such concepts as geographical maps, the birth of Rus’, Novgorod as the successor to Rurikovo Gorodische, northernness in the bylinas, the northern capital, expeditions and many-sidedness. As the author
himself writes, the book is devoted to meditations on the concepts of “North” and “northernness”. The author of the
paper, however, while setting forth its basic content in the form of theses, deviates somewhat away from the aims of the
book. In the paper, the emphasis is on the interaction of North and South and, correspondingly, of South and North. As
a result, the narrative shifts to the idea of the mutual enrichment of two parts of the world, the sharing of identities while
remaining distinct. For example, the migration of the historical ancestors of the Chuvash from south of the Caucasus to
the Middle Volga or the active trade conducted by the population of Volga Bulgaria with the peoples of the Kama region and territories farther north. The actual process of that commerce might be termed “mute”: the southerners would
bring their wares to agreed locations and leave them, while taking away in exchange what their northern neighbours had
left for them. Since the author of the book considers his work to be not a book, not quite a book, but an act of selfdiscovery, the reader naturally gains the opportunity to track the author’s rebirth as a northerner in the course of his
expeditionary investigations into northern philosophy. Philosophies of self-sufficiency, silent contemplation and feeling
that requires no evidence. All these and others judgment at times completely contrary to southern concepts and emotions: quiet – noise, trust – suspicion, spacious – cramped.
Keywords: The Northernness of Russia, North → South, South → North, North ↔ South, Identity
СССР Н. И. Ашмарина на вопросы этнической истории чувашского народа.
Особый акцент делается на происхождение и формирование чувашского и татарского этносов.
Материалы и методы: для анализа послужили труды самого Н. И. Ашмарина,
а также публикации, имеющие отношение к теме. В статье использована методология сравнительно-исторического исследования.
Результаты исследования: как утверждал Н. И. Ашмарин, не все современные
тюркоязычные этносы, в том числе чуваши и якуты, первоначально говорили
на тюркских наречиях.
Обсуждение и заключения: анализ работ Н. И. Ашмарина показывает, что он
неоднозначно высказывался по поводу булгарского происхождения чувашей.
Н. И. Ашмарин говорил и о гуннском, и о савирском, и о булгарском, и о финском
происхождении чувашей. Он же указывал на ассимиляцию с хазарами.
к юго-востоку от р. Чорох в сторону озер Севан и Ван. Матиенскими горами, возле которых жили саспиры, считаются горы в районе Эрзурума.
Книга оперирует такими понятиями, как географические карты, рождение Руси, Новгород как преемник Рюрикова городища, северность в былинах, северная столица, экспедиции, многогранность. В статье упор делается
на взаимодействие Севера с Югом и, соответственно, Юга с Севером, в итоге повествование переходит к идее
взаимного обогащения двух самобытных частей света, обмена идентичностями. При этом автор книги считает
свой труд не только текстом, но и самопознанием, опытом освоения «северной философии». Философии самодостаточности, молчаливого размышления и чувства.
А. K. Salmin
DOI: 10.35634/2224-9443-2023-17-3-433-438
The paper contains reflections upon reading Andrei Golovnev’s monograph Severnost’ Rossii [The Northernness of
Russia]. That book deals with such concepts as geographical maps, the birth of Rus’, Novgorod as the successor to Rurikovo Gorodische, northernness in the bylinas, the northern capital, expeditions and many-sidedness. As the author
himself writes, the book is devoted to meditations on the concepts of “North” and “northernness”. The author of the
paper, however, while setting forth its basic content in the form of theses, deviates somewhat away from the aims of the
book. In the paper, the emphasis is on the interaction of North and South and, correspondingly, of South and North. As
a result, the narrative shifts to the idea of the mutual enrichment of two parts of the world, the sharing of identities while
remaining distinct. For example, the migration of the historical ancestors of the Chuvash from south of the Caucasus to
the Middle Volga or the active trade conducted by the population of Volga Bulgaria with the peoples of the Kama region and territories farther north. The actual process of that commerce might be termed “mute”: the southerners would
bring their wares to agreed locations and leave them, while taking away in exchange what their northern neighbours had
left for them. Since the author of the book considers his work to be not a book, not quite a book, but an act of selfdiscovery, the reader naturally gains the opportunity to track the author’s rebirth as a northerner in the course of his
expeditionary investigations into northern philosophy. Philosophies of self-sufficiency, silent contemplation and feeling
that requires no evidence. All these and others judgment at times completely contrary to southern concepts and emotions: quiet – noise, trust – suspicion, spacious – cramped.
Keywords: The Northernness of Russia, North → South, South → North, North ↔ South, Identity
СССР Н. И. Ашмарина на вопросы этнической истории чувашского народа.
Особый акцент делается на происхождение и формирование чувашского и татарского этносов.
Материалы и методы: для анализа послужили труды самого Н. И. Ашмарина,
а также публикации, имеющие отношение к теме. В статье использована методология сравнительно-исторического исследования.
Результаты исследования: как утверждал Н. И. Ашмарин, не все современные
тюркоязычные этносы, в том числе чуваши и якуты, первоначально говорили
на тюркских наречиях.
Обсуждение и заключения: анализ работ Н. И. Ашмарина показывает, что он
неоднозначно высказывался по поводу булгарского происхождения чувашей.
Н. И. Ашмарин говорил и о гуннском, и о савирском, и о булгарском, и о финском
происхождении чувашей. Он же указывал на ассимиляцию с хазарами.