Joins on samples

2019, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment

Despite decades of research on AQP (approximate query processing), our understanding of sample-based joins has remained limited and, to some extent, even superficial. The common belief in the community is that joining random samples is futile. This belief is largely based on an early result showing that the join of two uniform samples is not an independent sample of the original join, and that it leads to quadratically fewer output tuples. Unfortunately, this early result has little applicability to the key questions practitioners face. For example, the success metric is often the final approximation's accuracy, rather than output cardinality. Moreover, there are many non-uniform sampling strategies that one can employ. Is sampling for joins still futile in all of these settings? If not, what is the best sampling strategy in each case? To the best of our knowledge, there is no formal study answering these questions. This paper aims to improve our understanding of sample-based jo...

Joins on Samples: A Theoretical Guide for Practitioners Dawei Huang Dong Young Yoon Seth Pettie Barzan Mozafari University of Michigan, Ann Arbor arXiv:1912.03443v4 [cs.DB] 24 Jan 2020 {hdawei, dyoon, pettie, mozafari} ABSTRACT Despite decades of research on AQP (approximate query processing), our understanding of sample-based joins has remained limited and, to some extent, even superficial. The common belief in the community is that joining random samples is futile. This belief is largely based on an early result showing that the join of two uniform samples is not an independent sample of the original join, and that it leads to quadratically fewer output tuples. Unfortunately, this early result has little applicability to the key questions practitioners face. For example, the success metric is often the final approximation’s accuracy, rather than output cardinality. Moreover, there are many non-uniform sampling strategies that one can employ. Is sampling for joins still futile in all of these settings? If not, what is the best sampling strategy in each case? To the best of our knowledge, there is no formal study answering these questions. This paper aims to improve our understanding of sample-based joins and offer a guideline for practitioners building and using realworld AQP systems. We study limitations of offline samples in approximating join queries: given an offline sampling budget, how well can one approximate the join of two tables? We answer this question for two success metrics: output size and estimator variance. We show that maximizing output size is easy, while there is an information-theoretical lower bound on the lowest variance achievable by any sampling strategy. We then define a hybrid sampling scheme that captures all combinations of stratified, universe, and Bernoulli sampling, and show that this scheme with our optimal parameters achieves the theoretical lower bound within a constant factor. Since computing these optimal parameters requires shuffling statistics across the network, we also propose a decentralized variant in which each node acts autonomously using minimal statistics. We also empirically validate our findings on popular SQL and AQP engines. PVLDB Reference Format: Dawei Huang, Dong Young Yoon, Seth Pettie, and Barzan Mozafari. Joins on Samples: A Theoretical Guide for Practitioners. PVLDB, 13(4): 547560, 2019. DOI: 1. INTRODUCTION This work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit For any use beyond those covered by this license, obtain permission by emailing [email protected]. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to the VLDB Endowment. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 13, No. 4 ISSN 2150-8097. DOI: Approximate query processing (AQP) has regained significant attention in recent years due to major trends in the industry [44]. Larger datasets, memory wall, and the separation of compute and storage have all made it harder to achieve interactive-speed analytics. AQP presents itself as a viable alternative in scenarios where perfect decisions can be made with imperfect answers [8]. AQP is most appealing when negligible loss of accuracy can be traded for a significant gain in speedup or computational resources. Adhoc analytics [9, 58, 64], visualization [23, 50, 57], IoT [47], A/B testing [7], email marketing and customer segmentation [28], and real-time threat detection [2] are examples of such usecases. Sampling and Joins— Sampling is one of the most widely-used techniques for general-purpose AQP [22]. The high level idea is to execute the query on a small sample of the original table(s) to provide a fast, but approximate, answer. While effective for simple aggregates, using samples for join queries has long remained an open problem [6]. There are two main approaches to AQP: offline or online. Offline approaches [5, 6, 8, 15, 27, 51] build samples (or other synopses) prior to query arrival. At run time, they simply choose appropriate samples that can yield the best accuracy/performance for each incoming query. Online approaches, on the other hand, wander-join perform much of their sampling at run time based on the query at hand [13, 20, 33, 38, 49, 61]. Naturally, offline sampling leads to significantly higher speedup, while online techniques can support a much wider class of queries [38]. The same taxonomy applies to join approximation: offline techniques perform joins on previously-prepared samples [6, 17, 18, 51, 65], while online approaches seek to produce a sample of the output of the join at run time [25, 29, 41, 43]. As mentioned, the latter often means more modest speedups (e.g., 2× [38]) which may not be sufficient to justify approximation, or additional requirements (e.g., an index for each join column [41]) which may not be acceptable to many applications. Thus, our focus in this paper—and what is considered an open-problem—is the offline approach: joins on samples, not sampling the join’s output. Joins on Samples— The simplest strategy is as follows. Given two large tables T1 and T2 , create a uniform random sample of each, say S1 and S2 respectively, and then use S1 ⊲⊳ S2 to approximate aggregate statistics of T1 ⊲⊳ T2 . This will lead to significant speedup if samples are much smaller than original tables, i.e., |Ti | ≫ |Si |. One of the earliest results in this area shows that this simple strategy is futile for two reasons [5]. First, joining two uniform samples leads to quadratically fewer output tuples, i.e., joining two uniform samples that are each p fraction (0 ≤ p < 1) of the original tables will only produce p2 of the output tuples of the original join (see Figure 1). Second, joining uniform samples of two tables does not T2 C a a b b T1 A a b B 1 2 D 3 4 5 6 50% Uniform Sample 50% Uniform Sample B 1 A a ⨝ A=C C a b S1 ⨝ S2 B C D 1 a 3 D 3 4 5 6 50% Uniform Sample S2 S1 A a A a a b b T1 ⨝ T2 B C 1 a 1 a 2 b 2 b D 3 5 A a b S(T1 ⨝ T2) B C D 1 a 3 2 b 5 Figure 1: A toy example of joining two uniform samples (left) versus a uniform sample of the join (right). yield an independent sample of their join1 (see Section 2.1 for details). The dependence of the output tuples can drastically lower the approximation accuracy [5, 17]. Prior Work— Universe sampling [31, 38, 51] addresses the first drawback of uniform sampling. Although universe sampling avoids quadratic reduction of output, its creates even more correlation in its output, leading to much lower accuracy (see Section 3.1). Atserias et al. provide a worst case lower bound for any query involving equi-joins on multiple relations, showing that computing exact joins with a small memory or time budget is hard [12]. For instance, the maximum possible join size for any cyclic join on three n-tuple relations is Θ(n1.5 ). Thus, a natural question is whether approximating joins is also hard with small memory or time. Our Goal— This paper focuses on understanding the limitation of using offline samples in approximating join queries. Given a sampling budget, how well can we approximate the join of two tables using their offline samples? To answer this question, we must first define what constitutes a “good” approximation of a join. We consider two metrics: (1) output cardinality and (2) aggregation accuracy. The former is the number of tuples of the original join that also appear in the join of the samples, whereas the latter is the error of the aggregates estimated from the sample-based join with respect to their true values, if computed on the original join. Because in this paper we only consider unbiased estimators, we measure approximation error in terms of the variance of our estimators. For the first metric, we provide a simple proof showing that universe sampling is optimal, i.e. no sampling scheme with the same sampling rate can outperform universe sampling in terms of the (expected) output cardinality. However, as we show in Section 3.1, retaining a large number of join tuples does not imply accurate aggregates. It is therefore natural to also ask about the lowest variance that can be achieved given a sampling rate. To the best of our knowledge, this has remained an open problem to date. For the first time, we formally study this problem and offer an informationtheoretical lower bound to this question. We also present a hybrid sampling scheme that matches this lower bound within a constant factor. This scheme involves a centralized computation, which can become prohibitive for large tables due to large amounts of statistics that need to be shuffled across the network. Thus, we also pro1 Prior work has stated that joining uniform samples is not a uniform sample of the join [6]. We avoid this terminology since uniform means equal probability of inclusion, and in this case each tuple does appear in the join of the uniform samples with equal probability, but not independently. In other words, joining two i.i.d. samples is an identical, but not independent, sample of the join. pose a decentralized variant that only shuffles a minimal amount of information across the nodes—such as the table size and maximum frequency—but still achieves the same worst case guarantees. Finally, we generalize our sampling scheme to accommodate a priori information about filters (i.e., WHERE clause). In this paper, we make the following contributions: 1. We discuss two metrics—output size and estimator’s variance —for measuring the quality of join approximation, and show that universe sampling is optimal for output size and there is an information-theoretical lower bound for variance (Section 3). 2. We formalize a hybrid scheme, called Stratified-Universe-Bernoulli Sampling (SUBS), which allows for different combinations of stratified, universe, and Bernoulli sampling. We derive optimal sampling parameters within this scheme, and show that they achieve the theoretical lower bound of variance within a constant factor (Section 4–5.3). We also extend our analysis to accommodate additional information regarding the WHERE clause (Section 6). 3. Through extensive experiments, we also empirically show that our optimal sampling parameters achieve lower error than existing sampling schemes in both centralized and decentralized scenarios (Section 7). 2. BACKGROUND In this section, we provide the necessary background on samplingbased join approximation. We also formally state our problem setting and assumptions. 2.1 Sampling in Databases The following are the three main popular sampling strategies (operators) used in AQP engines and database systems. 1. Uniform/Bernoulli Sampling. Any strategy that samples all tuples with the same probability is considered a uniform (random) sample. Since enforcing fixed-size sampling without replacement is expensive in distributed systems, Bernoulli sampling is considered a more efficient strategy [38]. In Bernoulli sampling, each tuple is included in the sample independently, with a fixed sampling probability p. In this paper, for simplicity, we use “uniform” and “Bernoulli” interchangeably. As mentioned in Section 1, joining two uniform samples leads to quadratically fewer output tuples. Further, it does not guarantee an i.i.d. sample of the original join [6]: the output is a uniform sample of the join but not an independent one. Consider an arbitrary tuple of the join, say (t1 , t2 ), where t1 is from the first table and t2 is from the second. The probability of this tuple appearing in the join of the samples is always the same value, i.e., p2 . The output is thus a uniform sample. However, the tuples are not independent: consider another tuple of the join, say (t1 , t′2 ) where t′2 is another tuple from the second table joining with t1 . If (t1 , t2 ) appears in the output, the probability of (t1 , t′2 ) also appearing becomes p instead of p2 , which would be the probability if they were independent. 2. Universe Sampling. Given a column2 J, a (perfect) hash function h : J 7→ [0, 1], and a sampling rate p, this strategy includes a tuple t in the table if h(t.J) ≤ p. Universe sampling is often used for equi-joins, in which the same p value and hash function h are applied to the join columns in both tables. This ensures that when a tuple t1 is sampled from one table, any matching 2 J can also be a set of multiple columns. tuple t2 from the other table is also sampled, simply because t1 .J = t2 .J ⇔ h(t1 .J) = h(t2 .J). This is why joining two universe samples of rate p produces p fraction of the original join output in expectation. The output is a uniform sample of the original join, as each join tuple appears with the same probability p. However, there is more dependence among the output tuples. Consider two join tuples (t1 , t2 ) and (t′1 , t′2 ) where t1 , t′1 , t2 , t′2 all share the same join key. Then, if (t1 , t2 ) appears, the probability of (t′1 , t′2 ) also appearing will be 1. Likewise, if (t1 , t2 ) does not appear, the probability of (t′1 , t′2 ) appearing will be 0. Higher dependence means lower accuracy (see Section 3.1). 3. Stratified Sampling. The goal of stratified sampling is to ensure that minority groups are sufficiently represented in the sample. Groups are defined according to one or multiple columns, called the stratified columns. A group (a.k.a. a stratum) is a set of tuples that share the same value under those stratified columns. Given a set of stratified columns C and an integer parameter ktuple , a stratified sampling is a scheme that guarantees at least ktuple tuples are sampled uniformly at random from each group. When a group has fewer than ktuple tuples, all of them are retained. 2.2 Notation T1 , T2 Si J W C U a, b av , b v Jˆagg ǫ n1 , n2 h ktuple kkey Quality Metrics Different metrics can be used to assess the quality of a join approximation. In this paper, we focus on the following two, which are used by most AQP systems. Output Size/Cardinality— This metric is the number of tuples of the original join that also appear in the join of the samples. It is mostly relevant for exploratory usecases, where users visualize or examine a subset of the output. In other cases, where an aggregate is computed from the join output, retaining a large number of output tuples does not guarantee accurate answers (we show this in Section 3.1). Variance— In scenarios where an aggregate function needs to be calculated from the join output, the error of the aggregate approximation is more relevant than the number of intermediate tuples generated. For most non-extreme statistics, there are readily available unbiased estimators, e.g., Horvitz-Thompson estimator [34]. Thus, a popular indicator of accuracy is the variance of the estimator [8], which determines the size of the confidence interval given a sample size. 2.3 Table 1: Notations. Problem Statement In this section, we formally state the problem of sample-based join approximation. The notations used throughout the paper are listed in Table 1. p q Definition Two tables for the join A sample generated from table Ti Column(s) used for the join between T1 and T2 Column being aggregated (e.g., SUM, AVG) Column(s) used for filters (i.e., WHERE clause) Set of all possible values of J Frequency vectors of T1 and T2 ’s join columns, resp. Number of tuples with join value v in T1 and T2 , resp. Estimator for a join query with aggregate function agg Sampling budget w.r.t. the original table size Number of tuples in T1 and T2 , resp. A (perfect) hash function Minimum number of tuples to be kept per group in stratified sampling Minimum number of join keys per group to apply universe sampling (universe sampling is not applied to groups with fewer than kkey join keys) Sampling rate of universe sampling Sampling rate of uniform sampling To formally study this problem, we first need to define a class of reasonable sampling strategies. In Section 4, we define a hybrid scheme that can capture different combinations of stratified, universe, and uniform sampling. 2.4 Scope and Limitations To simplify our analysis, we limit our scope in this paper. Flat Equi-joins— We focus on equi (inner) joins as the most common form of joins in practice. We also support both WHERE and GROUPBY clauses. Because our focus is on the join itself, we ignore nested queries and only consider flat (or flattened) queries. We primarily focus on two-way joins. However, our results extend to multi-way joins with the same join column(s). Aggregate Functions— Most AQP systems do not support extreme statistics, such as Min or Max [46]. Likewise, we only consider non-extreme aggregates, and primarily focus on the three basic functions, COUNT, SUM, and AVG. However, we expect our techniques to easily extend to other mean-like statistics as well, such as VAR, STDEV, and PERCENTILE. 3. HARDNESS Query Estimator— Let S1 and S2 be two samples generated offline from tables T1 and T2 , respectively, and qagg be a query that computes an aggregate function agg on the join of T1 and T2 . A query estimator Jˆagg (S1 , S2 ) is a function that estimates the value of agg using two samples rather than the original tables. In this section, we explain why providing a large output size is insufficient for approximating joins, and formally show the hardness of approximating common aggregates based on the theory of communication complexity. Join Sampling Problem— Given a query estimator Jˆagg and a sampling budget ǫ ∈ (0, 1], our goal is to create a pair of samples S1 and S2 —from tables T1 and T2 , respectively— that are optimal in terms of a given success metric, while respecting a given storage budget epsilon on average. Specifically, we seek S1 and S2 that minimize Jˆagg ’s variance or maximize its output size such that E[|S1 | + |S2 |] ≤ ǫ × (|T1 | + |T2 |). Note that we define the sampling budget in terms of an expected size (rather than a strict one), since sampling schemes are probabilistic in nature and may slightly over- or under-use the budget. 3.1 Output Size Uniform sampling leads to small output size. If we sample at a rate q from both table T1 and table T2 , the join of samples contains only q 2 fraction of T1 ⊲⊳ T2 in expectation. Moreover, the join of two independent samples of the original tables is in general not an independent sample of T1 ⊲⊳ T2 , which hurts the sample quality. In contrast, universe sampling [31, 38] with sample rate p can, in expectation, sample a p fraction of T1 ⊲⊳ T2 . We prove that this is optimal (all omitted proofs are deferred to our report [35]). Theorem 1. No sampling scheme with sample rate α can guarantee more than α fraction of T1 ⊲⊳ T2 in expectation for all possible inputs. However, a large number of tuples retained in the join does not imply that the original join query can be accurately approximated. As pointed out in [18], universe sampling shows poor performance in approximating queries when the frequencies of keys are concentrated on a few elements. Consider the following extreme example with tables T1 and T2 , each comprised of n tuples with a single value 1 in their join key. In this example, universe sampling with the sampling rate p produces an estimator of variance n4 /p, while uniform sampling with rate q has a variance of n2 /q 2 , which is much lower when p = q and n is large. Thus, a larger output size does not necessarily lead to a better approximation of the query. 3.2 Approximating Aggregate Queries In this section, we focus on the core question: why is approximating common aggregates (e.g., COUNT, SUM and AVG) hard when using a small sample (or more generally, a small summary)? We address this question using the theory of communication complexity. Specifically, to show that computing COUNT on a join is hard, we reduce it to set intersection, a canonically hard problem in communication complexity. Assume that both Alice and Bob each hold a set of size k, say A and B, respectively. They aim to estimate the size of t = |A ∩ B|. Pagh et. al [48] show that if Alice only sends a small summary to Bob, any unbiased estimator that Bob uses will have a large variance. Theorem 2 (See [48]). Any one-way communication protocol that estimates t within relative error δ with probability at least 2/3 must send at least Ω(k/(tδ 2 ))n bits. Corollary 3. Any estimator to |A ∩ B| produced by Bob that is based on an s-bits summary by Alice must have a variance of at least Ω(kt/s).  Any sample of size s can be encoded using O(log ks ) bits, implying that any estimator to COUNT that is based on a sample of size s from one of the tables must have a variance of at least Ω(kt/s). Estimating SUM queries is at least as hard as estimating COUNT queries, since any COUNT can be reduced to a SUM by setting all entries in the SUM column to 1. From the hard instance of set intersection, we can also derive a hard instance for AVG queries. Based on Theorem 2, any summary of T1 that can distinguish between intersection size t(1 + δ) and t(1 − δ) must be at least of size Ω(k/(tδ 2 )) bits. Now we reduce this problem to estimating an AVG query. √ Here, the two tables consist of k + t tuples each. The first k tuples of T1 and T2 are from the hard instance of set intersection, and the values √ of their AVG column are set to 2r. The join column of the last t tuples is set to some common key v ′ that is in the first k tuples, and their AVG column is set to 0. Therefore, the intersection size from the first k tuples is at least t(1 + δ) (or at most (t(1 − δ))) if and only if the result of the AVG query is at least 2rt(1+δ) = (1 + O(δ))r (or at most 2rt(1+δ) = (1 − O(δ)r)). By t(2+δ) t(2+δ) re-scaling δ by a constant factor, we can get the following theorem: Theorem 4. Any summary of T1 that can estimate an AVG query with precision δ with probability at least 2/3 must have a size of at least Ω(n/(tδ 2 )). 4. GENERIC SAMPLING SCHEME To formally argue about the optimality of a sampling strategy, we must first define a class of sampling schemes. As discussed in Section 2.1, there are three well-known sampling operators: stratified, universe, and Bernoulli (uniform). However, these atomic operators can themselves be combined. For example, one can apply universe sampling of rate 0.1 and then Bernoulli sampling of rate 0.2 for an overall effective sampling rate of 0.02.3 To account for such hybrid schemes, we define a generic scheme that combines universe and Bernoulli sampling, called UBS.4 We also define a more generic scheme that combines all three of stratified, universe and Bernoulli sampling, called SUBS. It is easy to show that the basic sampling operators are a special case of SUBS. First, we define the effective sample rate. Definition 5 (Effective sampling rate). We define the effective sampling rate of a sampling scheme as the expected ratio of the size of the resulting sample to that of the original table. Definition 6 (Universe-Bernoulli Sampling (UBS)). Given a table T and a column (or set of columns) J in T , a UBS scheme is defined by a pair (p, q), where 0 <p≤ 1 is a universe sampling rate and 0 <q≤ 1 is a Bernoulli (or uniform) sampling rate. Let h : U 7→ [0, 1] be a perfect hash function. Then, a sample of T produced by this scheme, S = UBSp,q (T, J), is produced as follows: Algorithm 1 UBSp,q (T, J) S ← ∅ for each tuple t do if h(t.J) < p then Include t in S independently w/ prob. q. end end It is easy to see that the effective sampling rate of a UBS scheme (p, q) is p · q. Thus, the effective sampling rate here is independent of the actual distribution of the values in the table (and column(s) J). The goal of this sampling paradigm is to optimize the tradeoff between universe sampling and Bernoulli sampling in different instances. At one extreme, when each join value appears exactly once in both table, universe sampling leads to lower variance than Bernoulli sampling. This is because independent Bernoulli sampling has trouble matching tuples with the same join value, while universe sampling guarantees that when a tuple is sampled, all matching tuples in the other table are also sampled. At the other extreme, if all tuples have the same join value in both tables (i.e., the join becomes a Cartesian product of the two tables), universe sampling will either sample the entire join, or sample nothing at all, while uniform sampling will have a sample size concentrated around qN , thus giving an estimator of much lower variance. In section 5.1 to 5.3, we give a comprehensive discussion on how to optimize p and q for different tables and different queries. The Stratified-Universe-Bernoulli Sampling Scheme applies to a table T that is divided into K groups (i.e., strata), denoted as G1 , G2 , ... , Gk . 3 Statistically, it does not matter which sampling is applied first: whether a tuple passes the universe sampler and whether it passes the Bernoulli sampler are completely independent decisions, and hence, the output distribution is the same. Here, we apply universe sampling first only for convenience and without loss of generality. 4 Even if we do not care about output cardinality, universe sampling can still help improve the approximation quality. For example, given two tables of size n with a one-to-one join relationship, the count estimator’s variance is n/q 2 under Bernoulli sampling but n/p under universe sampling, which is much lower when p=q. Definition 7 (Stratified-Universe-Bernoulli Sampling (SUBS)). Given a table T of N rows and a column (or set of columns) J in T , a SUBS scheme is defined by a tuple (p1 , p2 , ... , pK , q1 , q2 , ... , qK ), where 0<pi , qi ≤1 are the universe and Bernoulli sampling rates. Given a perfect hash function h: U 7→ [0, 1], a sample of T produced by this scheme, S = UBSp,q (T, J), is produced as follows: Algorithm 2 SUBSp1 ,...,pK ,q1 ,...,qK (T, G, J) S←∅ for each group Gi do for each tuple t in Gi do if h(t.J) < pi then Include t in S independently w/ prob. qi . end end end Let |Gi | denote the number of tuples in group P Gi . Then the effective sampling rate of a SUBS scheme is i pi · qi · |Gi |/N . We call ǫi = p · qi the effective sampling rate for group Gi . In both UBS and SUBS schemes, the user specifies ǫ as their desired sampling budget, given which our goal is to determine optimal sampling parameters p and q (or pi and qi values) such that the variance of our join estimator is minimized. In Section 5, we derive the optimal p and q for UBS. For SUBS, in addition to ǫ, the user also provides two additional parameters kkey and ktuple (explained below). Next, we show how to determine the effective sampling rate ǫi for each group Gi based on these parameters in SUBS. Given ǫi for each group, the problem is then reduced to finding the optimal parameters for UBS for that group (i.e., pi and qi ). Moreover, as we will show in Sections 5.1–5.3, particularly in Lemma 9, the universe sampling rate for every group must be the same, and must be the same as the universe sampling rate of the other table in two-way joins. Hence, we use a single universe sampling rate p = p1 = ... = pk across all groups. As mentioned in Section 2.1, ktuple is a user-specified lower bound on the minimum number of tuples5 in each group the sample must retain. kkey is an additional user-specified parameter required for the SUBS scheme. It specifies a threshold at which to activate the universe sampler. In particular, if a group contains too few (i.e., less than kkey ) join keys, we do not perform any universe sampling as it will have a high chance of filtering out all tuples. Hence, we apply universe sampling only to those groups with ≥ kkey join keys. For groups with fewer than kkey join keys, we will only apply Bernoulli sampling with rate ǫi . We call a group large if it contains at least kkey join keys, otherwise, we call it a small group. We use Nb to denote the total number of tuples in all large groups, and Ns to denote the total number of tuples in all small groups. Similarly, let Mb and Ms denote the number of large and small groups, respectively. Then, we decide the sampling budget ǫi for each group Gi as follows: 1. If Ms ktuple > ǫNs or Mb ktuple > ǫNb , we notify the user that creating a sample given their parameters is infeasible. 2. Otherwise, K ·k • Let ǫ′s = s Ntuple and let ǫ′′s = ǫ − ǫ′s . Then for each s small group Gi , the sampling budget is ǫi = 5 ktuple |Gi | + ǫ′′s . The lower bound holds only on average, due to the probabilistic nature of sampling. • Let ǫ′b = Kb ·ktuple Nb and let ǫ′′b = ǫ − ǫ′b . Then for each large group Gi , the sampling budget is ǫi = ktuple |Gi | + ǫ′′b . Once ǫi is determined for each group, the problem of deciding optimal SUBS parameters is reduced to deciding the optimal SUBS parameters for K separate groups. This effective sampling rate ǫi guarantees that each large group will have at least t tuples in the sample on average, and the remaining budget is divided evenly. Thus, the corresponding uniform sampling rate for each large group is qi = ǫi /p. Moreover, we pose the constraint that the universe sampling rate p should be at least 1/s to guarantee that, on average, there is at least one join key passing through the universe sampler. For small groups, we simply apply uniform sampling with rate ǫi . This is equivalent to setting p = 1 for these groups. Overall, this strategy provides the following guarantees: 1. Each group will have at least t tuples in the sample, on average. 2. The probability of each group being missed is at most (1 − 1/s)s < 0.367. In general, if we set p>c/s for some constant c>1, this probability will become 0.367c . 3. The approximation of the original query will be optimal in terms of its variance (see Sections 5.1–5.3). 5. OPTIMAL SAMPLING As shown in Section 4, finding the optimal sampling parameters within the SUBS scheme can be reduced to finding those within the UBS scheme. Thus, in this section, we focus on deriving the UBS parameters that minimize error for each aggregation type (COUNT, SUM, and AVG). Initially, we also assume there is no WHERE clause. Later, in Section 6, we show how to handle WHERE conditions and how to create a single sample instead of creating one per each aggregation type and WHERE condition. Centralized vs. Decentralized— For each aggregation type, we analyze two scenarios: centralized and decentralized. Centralized setting is when the frequencies of the join keys in both tables are known. This represents situations where both tables are stored on the same server, or each server communicates its full frequency statistics to other parties. Decentralized setting is a scenario where the two tables are each stored on a separate server [63], and exchanging full frequency statistics across the network is costly.6 Decentralized Protocols— In a decentralized setting, each party (i.e., server) only has access to full statistics of its own table (e.g., frequencies, join column distribution). The goal then is for each party to determine its sampling strategy, while minimizing communications with the other party. Depending on the amount of information exchanged, one can pursue different protocols for achieving this goal. In this paper, we study a simple sampling protocol, which we call D ICTATORSHIP. Here, one server, say party1, is chosen as the dictator. We also assume that the parties know each other’s sampling budgets and table sizes (ǫ1 , ǫ2 , |T1 |, and |T2 |). The dictator observes the distributional information of its own table, say T1 , and decides a shared universe sampling rate p between max{ǫ1 , ǫ2 } and 1. This p is sent to the other server (party2) and both servers use p as their universe sampling rate.7 Their uniform sampling rates will thus be q1 = ǫ1 /p and q2 = ǫ2 /p, respectively. Since party1 only has T1 ’s frequency information, it chooses an optimal value of p that minimizes the worst case variance of 6 Here, we focus on two servers, but the math can easily be generalized to decentralized networks of multiple servers. 7 Using the same universe sampling rate is justified by Lemma 9. Jˆagg , i.e., the variance when the frequencies in T2 are chosen adversarially. This can be formulated as a robust optimization [45]: p∗ = arg min max{ǫ1 ,ǫ2 }≤p≤1 max Var[Jˆagg ] b (1) where b ranges over all possible frequency vectors of T2 . In the rest of this paper, we use D ICTATORSHIP in our decentralized analysis (we defer more complex protocols to [35]). 5.1 Since each term in Theorem 10 that depends on p is proportional either to p or 1/p, to find a p that minimizes the variance, one can simply set the first order derivatives (with respect to p) to 0. Theorem 11. Let T1 and T2 be two tables joined on column(s) J. Let av and bv be the frequency of value v in column(s) J of tables T1 and T2 , respectively. Given their sampling rates ǫ1 and ǫ2 , the optimal sampling parameters (p1 , q1 ) and (p2 , q2 ) are given by: Join Size Estimation: Count on Joins p1 =p2 = min{1, max{ǫ1 , ǫ2 , We start by considering the following simplified query: select count(*) from T1 join T2 on J (2) When the arguments p1 , q1 , p2 , q2 , S1 , S2 are clear from the context, we omit them and simply write Jˆcount . Lemma 8. Let S1 = UBSp1 ,q1 (T1 , J) and S2 = UBSp2 ,q2 (T2 , J). The variance of Jˆcount is as follows: 1 − q2 1−p γ2,2 + γ2,1 p pq2 (1 − q1 )(1 − q2 ) 1 − q1 + γ1,2 + γ1,1 . pq1 pq1 q2 P = v aiv bjv . Var(Jˆcount ) = where γi,j To minimize Var(Jˆcount ) under a fixed sampling budget, the two tables should always use the same universe sampling rate. If p1 >p2 , the effective universe sampling rate is only p2 , i.e., only p2 fraction of the join keys inside T1 appear in the join of the samples, and the remaining p1 −p2 fraction is simply wasted. Then, we can change the universe sampling rate of T1 to p2 and increase its uniform sampling rate to obtain a lower variance. Lemma 9. Given tables T1 , T2 joined on column(s) J, a fixed sampling parameter (p1 , q1 ) for T1 , and a fixed effective sampling rate ǫ2 for T2 , the variance of Jˆcount is minimized when T2 uses p1 as its universe sampling rate and correspondingly ǫ2 /p1 as its uniform sampling rate. Note that Lemma 9 applies to both centralized and decentralized settings, i.e., it applies to any feasible sampling parameter (p1 , q1 ) and (p2 , q2 ), regardless of how the sampling parameter is decided. Next, we analyze each setting. 5.1.1 Centralized Sampling for Count We have the following result. Theorem 10. When T1 and T2 use sampling parameters (p, ǫ1 /p) and (p, ǫ2 /p), Jˆcount ’s variance is given by: 1 1 1 − 1)γ2,2 + ( − )γ2,1 p ǫ2 p 1 p 1 1 1 1 + ( − )γ1,2 + ( − − + )γ1,1 . ǫ1 p ǫ 1 ǫ2 ǫ1 ǫ2 p Var[Jˆcount ] = ( ǫ1 ǫ2 γ2,2 − γ1,2 − γ2,1 + γ1,1 }} γ1,1 and q1 =ǫ1 /p, q2 =ǫ2 /p. where T1 and T2 are two tables joined on column(s) J. Consider S1 = UBS(p1 ,q1 ) (T1 , J) and S2 = UBS(p2 ,q2 ) (T2 , J). Then, we can define an unbiased estimator for the above query, Ecount = |T1 ⊲⊳J T2 |, using S1 and S2 as follows. Observe that given any pair of tuples t1 ∈ T1 and t2 ∈ T2 , where t1 .J = t2 .J, the probability that (t1 , t2 ) enters S1 ⊲⊳S2 is pmin q1 q2 , where pmin =min{p1 , p2 }. Hence, the following is an unbiased estimator for Ecount . 1 Jˆcount (p1 , q1 , p2 , q2 , S1 , S2 ) = |S1 ⊲⊳ S2 |. pmin q1 q2 r Substituting this into Lemma 8, the resulting variance is only a constant factor of Theorem 2’s theoretical limit. For instance, consider a primary-key-foreign-key join query where av ∈ {0, 1} and bv is smaller than some constant, say 5, and ǫ1 =ǫ2 =ǫ for any ǫ, Theorem 11 chooses p1 =p2 =ǫ. Then the variance given by TheP orem 10 becomes (1/ǫ − 1)J where J = v av bv is the size of the join. Since ǫ is the expected ratio of the sample to table size, the expression (1/ǫ − 1)J matches the lower bound in Corollary 3 except for a constant factor. 5.1.2 Decentralized Sampling for Count Motivated by Lemma 9, the D ICTATORSHIP protocol uses the same universe sampling rate p for both parties in the decentralized setting, by solving the following robust optimization problem: arg min max{ǫ1 ,ǫ2 }≤p≤1 max Var[Jˆcount ] b Based on Lemma 8 and 11, given the effective sampling rates ǫ1 and ǫ2 , we can express Var[Jˆcount ] as a function of frequencies {av } and {bv }, and universe sampling rate p as follows. 1 1 1 − 1)γ2,2 + ( − )γ2,1 p ǫ2 p 1 1 1 1 p 1 − − + )γ1,1 . +( − )γ1,2 + ( ǫ1 p ǫ 1 ǫ2 ǫ1 ǫ2 p Var[Jˆcount ] = ( (3) Lemma 12. Let a∗ be the maximum frequency in table T1 , v∗ be any value that has that frequency, and nb be the total number of tuples in T2 . The optimal value for maxb∈Knb Var[Jˆcount ] is given by ( p1 − 1)a2∗ n2b + ( ǫ12 − p1 )a2∗ nb + ( ǫ11 − p1 )a∗ n2b + ( ǫ1pǫ2 − ǫ11 − 1 − p1 )a∗ nb ǫ2 In equation (3), given {av } and a fixed p, the variance is a convex function of the frequency vector {bv }. Thus, the frequency vector {bv } that maximizes the variance, i.e., the worst case {bv }, is one where exactly one join key has a non zero frequency. This join key should be the one with the maximum frequency in T1 . This is not a representative case and using it to decide a sampling rate might drastically hinder the performance on average. We therefore require that both servers also share a simple piece of information regarding the maximum frequency of the join keys in each table, say Fa = maxv av and Fb = maxv bv . With this information, the new optimal sampling rate is given by: Theorem 13. Given ǫ1 and ǫ2 , the optimal UBS parameter (p, q1 ) and (p, q2 ) for COUNT in the decentralized setting are given by p p = min{1, max{ǫ1 , ǫ2 , ǫ1 ǫ2 (Fa Fb − Fa − Fb + 1)}} and q1 = ǫ1 /p, q2 = ǫ2 /p. 5.2 Sum on Joins Let Esum be the output of the following simplified query: select sum(T1.W) from T1 join T2 on J Let F be the sum of column W in the joined samples S1 ⊲⊳ S2 . Then, the following is an unbiased estimator for Esum : Jˆsum = 1 F pmin q1 q2 (4) where pmin = min{p1 , p2 }. Lemma 14. E[Jˆsum ] = Esum . Let µv and σv2 be respectively the mean and variance of attribute W of the tuples in S1 that have the join value v. Further, recall that av is the number of tuples in T1 with join value v. The following lemma gives the variance of Jˆsum . Lemma 15. The variance of Jˆsum is given by: 1 − q2 1 − q1 Var[Jˆsum ] = β1 + β2 pq2 pq1 (5) (1 − q1 )(1 − q2 ) 1−p + β4 β3 + pq1 q2 p P 2 2 2 where β1 = v av µv bv , β2 = av (µv + σv2 )b2v , β3 = av (µ2v + σv2 )bv and β4 = a2v µ2v b2v . Analogous to Lemma 9, we have the following result. Lemma 16. Given tables T1 , T2 joined on column(s) J, fixed sampling parameters (p1 , q1 ) for T1 , and a fixed effective sampling rate ǫ2 ≤ p1 for T2 , the variance of Jˆsum is minimized when T2 also uses p1 as its universe sampling rate and correspondingly, ǫ2 /p1 as its uniform sampling rate. 5.2.1 Centralized Sampling for Sum Based on Lemma 16, we use the same universe sampling rate p ≥ ǫ1 , ǫ2 for both tables, with their corresponding uniform sampling rates being q1 = ǫ1 /p and q2 = ǫ2 /p. Then we can further simplify equation 5 into: Theorem 17. When T1 and T2 both use the universe sampling rate p and respectively use the uniform sampling rate q1 = ǫ1 /p and q2 = ǫ2 /p, the variance of Jˆsum is given by: X 1 1 1 1 ( − )β1 + ( − )β2 Var[Jˆsum ] = ǫ p ǫ p 2 1 v +( 1 1 1 1 p − − + )β3 + ( − 1)β4 . ǫ 1 ǫ2 ǫ1 ǫ2 p p Theorem 18. Given effective sampling rates ǫ1 , ǫ2 , the optimal sampling parameters forq SUM in a centralized setting are given by p= min{1, max{ǫ1 , ǫ2 , 2 −β4 ǫ1 ǫ2 β1 +β3β−β }}, q1 = ǫp1 and q2 = ǫp2 . 3 5.2.2 Decentralized Sampling for Sum Lemma 16 implies that, in a decentralized setting for SUM estimation, the universe sampling rate p must be decided by the party that has T1 , i.e., the table with the aggregate column. Given a fixed T1 and p, Var[Jˆsum ] is a strictly convex function of T2 ’s frequency vector. Hence, the worst case instance is a point distribution where all tuples in T2 share the same join key. However, for SUM, the worst case distributions in T2 are not the same for all possible sampling parameters p. Define hv (p) to be Var[Jˆsum ] as a function of p where T2 ’s frequency vector is all concentrated on the join key v, and define h∗ (p) = maxv hv (p). Since h∗ (p) is convex and piece-wise quadratic, its minimum can be attained using a sweepline algorithm (see [21, §8] for details). However, the memory usage is too costly in practice. Therefore, we propose a simple sampling scheme whose worst case variance is at most twice the variance of the optimal scheme. Instead of using h∗ (p) to keep track of the maximum of all hv (p), we use an approximate h′ (p) = max{hv1 (p), hv2 (p)}, where v1 = arg maxv a2v µ2 and v2 = arg maxv av (µ2v + σv2 ) to approximate h∗ (p). The function h′ is much simpler and its minimum can be easily found using quadratic equations and basic case analysis. For more details on the algorithm, refer to Appendix B in [35]. Let p′ = arg min h′ (p) and p∗ = arg min h∗ (p). We have: Lemma 19. For any p≥ǫ1 ,ǫ2 , we have h∗ (p) ≤h′ (p)≤h∗ (p). 2 Corollary 20. We have: h∗ (p′ ) ≤ 2h∗ (p∗ ). 5.3 Average on Joins Let Eavg be the output of the following simplified query: select avg(T1.W) from T1 join T2 on J In general, producing an unbiased estimator for AVG is hard.8 Instead, we define and analyze the following estimator. Let S and C be the SUM and COUNT of column W in S1 ⊲⊳ S2 . We define our estimator as Jˆavg = S/C. There are two advantages over using separate samples to evaluate SUM and COUNT: (1) we can use a larger sample to estimate both queries, and (2) since SUM and COUNT will be positively correlated, the variance of their ratio will be lower. Due to the lack of a close form expression for the variance of the ratio of two random variables, next we present a first order bivariate Taylor expansion to approximate the ratio. Theorem 21. Let S and C be random variables denoting the sum and cardinality of the join of two samples produced by applying UBS sampling parameters (p1 , q1 ) to T1 and (p2 , q2 ) to T2 . Let pmin = min{p1 , p2 }. We have: Var[S/C] = ( E[S]2 Var[S] 2Cov[S, C] Var[C] )( − + ) + R (6) E[C]2 E[S]2 E[S]E[C] E[C]2 where R is a remainder of lower order terms, and Cov[S, C] =pmin q1 q2 [(1 − q2 )q1 +(1 − q1 )(1 − q2 ) X X a2v µv bv + (1 − q1 )q2 X v av µv bv + (1 − pmin )q1 q2 v av µv b2v v X a2v µv b2v ] v and other expectation and variance terms are given by Theorems 10 and 17. 5.3.1 Centralized Sampling for Average In a centralized setting where av , bv , µv and σv are given for all Cov[S,C] E[S]2 Var[S] Var[C] v, every term in the expression E[C] 2 ( E[S]2 − 2 E[S]E[C] + E[C]2 that depends on p is proportional to either p or 1/p.9 Thus, similar to Theorems 11 and 18, we can again find a p that minimizes the variance given by Theorem 21. We defer the exact expression of the optimal parameter to [35] due to space constraints. 8 The denominator, i.e., the size of the sampled join, can even be zero. Furthermore, the expectation of a random variable’s reciprocal is not equal to the reciprocal of its expectation. 9 Notice that E[S]/E[C] is independent of p. 5.3.2 Decentralized Sampling for Average Minimizing the worst case variance for AVG (for the decentralized setting) is much more involved than the average case. In most cases, the objective function (variance) is neither convex nor concave in T2 ’s frequencies. However, note that every term in Theorem 21 is an inner product hx, yi, where x and y are two vectors stored on party1 and party2, respectively. Fortunately, inner products can be approximated by transferring a very small amount of information using the AMS sketch [11, 24]. With such a sketch, we can derive an approximate sampling rate without communicating the full frequency statistics. 6. MULTIPLE QUERIES AND FILTERS Creating a separate sample for each combination of aggregation function, aggregation column, and WHERE clause is clearly impractical. In this section, we show how to create a single sample per join pattern that supports multiple queries at the cost of some possible loss of approximation quality. First, we ignore the WHERE clauses and then show how they can be handled too. Multiple Tables and Queries— We formulate our input as a graph G=hV, Ei. The vertex set V is the set of all table and join key pairs, and the edge set E corresponds to all join queries of interest. Specifically, for every join query between tables T1 and T2 on J1 = J2 , we have a corresponding edge e between vertices (T1 , J1 ) ∈ V and (T2 , J2 ) ∈ V (henceforth, we will use a query and its corresponding edge interchangeably). This means G is a multigraph, with potentially parallel edges or self-loops. For each vertex v = (T, J) ∈ V , we must output a sampling budget ǫv as well as the corresponding universe sampling rate pv , which will be used to create a sample S = UBSpv ,ǫv /pv (T, J). This sample will be used for any query that involves a join with T on column(s) J. According to Lemmas 8 and 15, and Theorem 21, for each edge e=(v1 ,v2 )∈E, we can express the estimator variance of its corresponding query as a function of ǫv1 , ǫv2 , pv1 , pv2 and pe , where pe is an auxiliary variable denoting the minimum of p1 and p2 : p1 p2 p1 p2 1 ) (Ae +Be +Ce +De pe ǫ v1 ǫv2 ǫv1 ǫv2 (7) where Ae , Be , Ce , De are constants that depend on the distributional information of the tables in v1 and v2 . To cast this as an optimization problem, we also take in a user specified weight ωe for each edge e and express our objective as: X F = (8) ωe fe (pe , ǫv1 , ǫv2 , pv1 , pv2 ) fe (p, ǫv1 , ǫv2 , pv1 , pv2 )= e=(v1 ,v2 )∈E The choice of ωe values is up to the user. For example, they can all be set to 1, or to the relative frequency, importance, or probability of appearance (e.g., based on past workloads) of the query corresponding to e. Then, to find the optimal sampling parameters we solve the following optimization: min ǫv ,pv ,pe F subject to Σ v=(T,J)∈V ǫv · size(T ) ≤ B (9) where size(T ) is the storage footprint of table T , and B is the overall storage budget for creating samples. Note that by replacing the non-linear pe = min(pv1 , pv1 ) constraints with pe ≤ pv1 and pe ≤ pv2 , (9) is reduced to a smooth optimization problem, which can be solved numerically with off-the-shelf solvers [14]. Known Filters— To incorporate WHERE clauses, we simply regard a query with a filter c on T1 ⊲⊳ T2 as a query without a filter but on a sub-table that satisfies c, namely T ′ = σc (T1 ⊲⊳ T2 ). Unknown Filters with Distributional Information— When the columns appearing in the WHERE clause can be predicted but the exact constants are unknown, a similar technique can be applied. For example, if an equality constraint C > x is anticipated but x may take on 100 different values, we can conceptually treat it as 100 separate queries, each with a different value of x in its WHERE clause. This reduces our problem to that of sampling for multiple queries without a WHERE clause, which we know how to handle using equation (8).10 Here, the weight ωi can be used to exploit any distributional information that might be available. In general, ωi should be set to reflect the probability of each possible WHERE clause appearing in the future. For example, if there are R possible WHERE clauses and all are equally likely, we can set ωi = 1/R, but if popular values in a column are more likely to appear in the filters, we can use the column’s histogram to assign ωi . Unknown Filters— When there is no information regarding the columns (or their values) in future filters, we can take a different approach. Since the estimator variance is a monotone function in the frequencies of each join key (see Theorem 10, Theorems 17 and 21), the larger the frequencies, the larger the variance. This means the worst case variance always happens when the WHERE clause selects all tuples from the original table. Hence, in the absence of any distributional information regarding future WHERE clauses, we can simply focus on the original query without any filters to minimize our worst case variance. 7. EXPERIMENTS Our experiments aim to answer the following questions: (i) How does our optimal sampling compare to other baselines in centralized and decentralized settings? (§7.2, §7.3) (ii) How well does our optimal UBS sampling handle join queries with filters? (§7.4) (iii) How does our optimal UBS sampling perform when using a single sample for multiple queries? (§7.5) (iv) How does our optimal SUBS sampling compare to existing stratified sampling strategies? (§7.6) (v) How much does a decentralized setting reduce the resource consumption and sample creation overhead? (§7.7) 7.1 Experiment Setup Hardware and Software— We borrowed a cluster of 18 c220g5 nodes from CloudLab [4]. Each node was equipped with an Intel Xeon Silver 4114 processor with 10 cores (2.2Ghz each) and 192GB of RAM. We used Impala 2.12.0 as our backend database to store data and execute queries. Datasets— We used several real-life and synthetic datasets: 1. Instacart [1]. This is a real-world dataset from an online grocery. We used their orders and order products tables (3M and 32M tuples, resp.), joined on order id. 2. Movielens [32]. This is a real-world movie rating dataset. We used their ratings and movies tables (27M and 58K tuples, resp.), joined on movieid. 3. TPC-H [3]. We used a scale factor of 1000, and joined l orderkey of the fact table (lineitem, 6B tuples) with o orderkey of the largest dimension table (orders, 1.5B tuples). 10 Note that, even though each query in this case is on a different table, they are all sub-tables of the same original table, and hence their sampling rate p is the same. Table 2: Six UBS baselines, each with different p and q. p q B1 0.001 1.000 B2 0.0015 0.6667 B3 0.003 0.333 B4 0.333 0.003 B5 0.6667 0.0015 B6 1.000 0.001 Table 3: Optimal sampling parameters (centralized setting). Dataset S{uniform,uniform} S{uniform,normal} S{uniform,power1} S{uniform,power2} S{normal,uniform} S{normal,normal} S{normal,power1} S{normal,power2} S{power1,uniform} S{power1,normal} S{power1,power1} S{power2,uniform} S{power2,normal} S{power2,power2} Instacart Movielens TPC-H COUNT p q 0.010 0.1 0.012 0.083 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 0.012 0.083 0.014 0.069 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 0.01 1.00 0.1 1.00 0.001 1.00 SUM p q 0.004 0.264 0.005 0.220 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 0.009 0.111 0.011 0.093 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 0.01 1.00 0.1 1.00 0.001 1.00 AVG p q 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.692 0.001 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.001 1.000 0.01 1.00 0.1 1.00 0.001 1.00 4. Synthetic. To better control the join key distribution, we also generated several synthetic datasets, where tables T1 and T2 each had 100M tuples and a join column J. T1 had an additional column W for aggregation, drawn from a power law distribution with range [1, 1000] and α=3.5. We varied the distribution of the join key in each table to be one of uniform, normal, or power law, creating different datasets (listed in Table 3). The values of column J were integers randomly drawn from [1, 10M] according to the chosen distribution. Whenever joining with power2 (see below), we used 100K join keys in both relations. For normal distribution, we used a truncated distribution with σ=1000/5. We used two different variants of power law distribution for J, one with α=1.5 and 10M join keys (referred to as power1), and one with α=2.0 and 100K join keys (referred to as power2). We denote each synthetic dataset according to its tables’ distributions, S{distribution of T1 ,distribution of T2 }, e.g., S{uniform,uniform}. sampling when both tables were only moderately skewed (i.e., uniform or normal distributions) for COUNT and SUM, whereas it reduced to a simple uniform sampling for power law distribution. This is due to the higher probability of missing extremely popular join keys with universe sampling. To the contrary, for AVG, OPT reduced to a simple universe sampling in most cases. This is because maximizing the output size in this case was the best way to reduce variance. For the other datasets (Instacart, Movielens, and TPC-H), the optimal parameters led to universe sampling, regardless of aggregate type, and their joins were PK-FK, hence making uniform sampling less useful for the table with primary keys. Figure 2 shows OPT’s improvement over the baselines in terms of variance for COUNT queries. Each bar is also annotated with the relative percentage error of the corresponding baseline. OPT outperformed all baselines in most cases, achieving over 10x lower variance than the worst baseline. Figures 3 and 4 show the same experiment for SUM and AVG. In both cases, OPT achieved the minimum variance across all sampling strategies, except for AVG when T1 or T2 was a power law distribution. This is because OPT for AVG was calculated using a Taylor approximation, which is accurate only when the estimators of SUM and COUNT are both within the proximity of their true values. Moreover, sample variance converges slowly to the theoretical variance, particularly for skew distributions, such as power law. This is why estimated variances for OPT were not optimal for some Synthetic datasets. However, OPT still achieved the lowest variance across all real-world datasets, as shown in Figure 5. Here, for the selected join key, OPT determined that a full universe sampling was the best sampling scheme. In summary, this experiment highlights OPT’s ability in outperforming simple uniform or universe sampling—or choosing one of them, when optimal—for aggregates on joins. 7.3 Join Approximation: Decentralized Variance Calculations— We generated β=500 pairs of samples for each experiment, and re-ran the queries on each pair, to calculate the variance of our approximations. We evaluated both OPT and other baselines under a decentralized setting using Instacart and Synthetic datasets. Here, we constructed a possible worst case distribution for T2 that was still somewhat realistic, given the distribution of T1 and minimal information about T2 (i..e, T2 ’s cardinality). To do this, we used the following steps: 1) let JM AX(T1 ) be the most frequent join key value in T1 ; 2) assign 75% of the join key values of T2 to have the value of JM AX(T1 ) and draw the rest of the join key values from a uniform distribution. Figure 6 shows the results. For Synthetic, the OPT was the same under both settings whenever there was a power law distribution or the aggregate was AVG. This is because our assumption of the worst case distribution for T2 was close to a power law distribution. For COUNT and SUM with Synthetic dataset, OPT in the decentralized setting had a much higher variance than OPT in the centralized setting when there was no power law distribution. With Instacart, OPT in the decentralized setting was the same as OPT in the centralized setting, which had the minimum variance among the baselines. This illustrates that OPT in the decentralized setting can perform well with real-world data where the joins are mostly PK-FK. This also shows that if a reasonable assumption is possible on the distribution of T2 , OPT can be as effective in the decentralized setting as it is in a centralized one, while requiring significantly less communication. 7.2 7.4 Baselines— We compared our optimal UBS parameters (referred to as OPT) against six baselines. The UBS parameters of these baselines, B1 , ... , B6 , are listed in Table 2. B1 and B6 are simply universe and uniform sampling, respectively. B2 , ... , B5 represent different hybrid variants of these sampling schemes. Sampling budgets were ǫ1 = ǫ2 = 0.001, except for Instacart and Movielens where, due to their small number of tuples, we used 0.01 and 0.1, respectively. Implementation— We implemented our optimal parameter calculations in Python application. Our sample generation logic read required information, such as table size and join key frequencies, from the database, and then constructed SQL statements to build appropriate samples in the target database. We used Python to compute approximate answers from sample-based queries. Join Approximation: Centralized Setting Table 3 shows the sampling rates used by OPT for each dataset and aggregate function in the centralized setting. For Synthetic, the optimal parameters were some mixture of uniform and universe Join Approximation with Filters To study OPT’s effectiveness in the presence of filters, we used S{uniform,uniform} and Instacart datasets with ǫ=0.01. We added an extra column C to T1 in S{uniform,uniform}, with in- OPT's Improvement over Baselines (log scale) OPT 10000.00x 1000.00x 100.00x 10.00x 1.00x 0.10x B1 B2 B3 B4 162% B5 B6 150% 279% 195% 232% 2.2% 2.7% 0.7% 1.6% 0.9% 0.5% 0.6% 232% 195% 2.2% 2.3% 2.2% 156% 2.7% 181% 0.9% 1.6% 129% 1.0% 141% 129% 130% 0.6% 0.7% 128% 43% 279% 162% 228% 128% 2.7% 1.0% 2.7% 175% 129% 0.9% 1.6% 1.7% 160% 1.2% 1.0% 145% 0.8% 44% 0.6% 0.7% 0.6% 143% 43% 141% 57% 58% 89% {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Normal, Uniform} Normal} Power1} Power2} Uniform} {Normal, Normal} {Normal, Power1} 85% 156% 181% 130% {Normal, Power2} {Power1, Uniform} 144% 113% {Power1, Power1} 57% 85% 58% 89% 120% 129% 141%145% 109% {Power1, Normal} 201% 217% 71% 128% 175% 160% 141% 129% 129% 43% 128% 143% 206% 150% 159% 195% 215% 159% 44% 43% 43% {Power2, Uniform} 97% 43% 51% {Power2, Normal} 51% {Power2, Power2} OPT's Improvement over Baselines (log scale) Figure 2: OPT’s improvement in terms of variance over six with synthetic dataset (percentages are relative error). OPTfor COUNT B1 B2 B3 baselines B4 B5 B6 10000.00x 1000.00x 100.00x 10.00x 1.00x 0.10x 161% 279% 195% 5.1% 6.5% 3.7% 0.9% 1.0% 0.9%1.0% 5.2% 6.4% 3.8% 1.0% 1.2% 1.0%1.1% 150% 136% 153% 141% 187% 137% 131% 147% 45% 60% 89% 177% 232% 159% 2.8% 3.5% 2.0% 0.9% 1.0% 46% 0.6% 0.7% 178% 228% 2.9% 206% 207% 195% 215% 166% 187% 166% 201% 216% 176% 3.5% 125% 134% 1.1%2.1% 176% 1.2% 161% 142% 0.8% 0.7% 142% 44% 140% 57% 85% 150% 135% 138%159% 131% 44% 130% 140% 208% 133% 145% 124% 131% 127% 122% 112% 145% 114% 51% 42% 44% 61% 64% 43% 34% 71% 97% 51% 34% 54% {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Normal, {Normal, {Normal, {Normal, {Power1, {Power1, {Power1, {Power2, {Power2, {Power2, Uniform} Normal} Power1} Power2} Uniform} Normal} Power1} Power2} Uniform} Normal} Power1} Uniform} Normal} Power2} Figure 3: OPT’s improvement in terms of variance for SUM over six baselines with synthetic dataset (percentages are relative error). Table 4: Optimal sampling parameters for S{uniform,uniform} for different distributions of the filtered column C. Dist. of C Uniform Normal Power law COUNT p q 0.010 1.000 0.018 0.555 0.051 0.195 SUM p q 0.010 1.000 0.015 0.648 0.050 0.201 AVG p q 0.010 1.000 0.010 1.000 0.010 1.000 Table 5: Sampling parameters (p and q) of OPT using individual samples for different aggregates versus a combined sample (S{normal,normal} dataset). Scheme OPT (individual) OPT (combined) COUNT p q 0.145 0.069 0.133 0.075 SUM p q 0.125 0.080 0.133 0.075 AVG p q 0.010 1.000 0.133 0.075 tegers in [1, 100], and tried three distributions (uniform, normal, power law). For Instacart, we used the order hour of day column for filtering, which had an almost normal distribution. We used an equality operator and chose the comparison value x uniformly at random. We calculated the average variance over all possible values of c. Table 4 shows the sampling rates chosen by OPT, while Figure 7 shows OPT’s improvement over baselines in terms of average variance. Again, OPT successfully achieved the lowest average variance among all baselines in all cases, up to 10x improvement compared to the worst baseline. This experiment confirms that UBS with OPT is highly effective for join approximation, even in the presence of filters. 7.5 Combining Samples We evaluated the idea of using a single sample for multiple queries instead of generating individual samples for each query, as discussed in Section 6. Here, we use OPT (individual) and OPT (combined) to denote the use of one-sample-per-query and one-samplefor-multiple-queries, respectively. For OPT (combined), we considered a scenario where each of COUNT, SUM, and AVG is equally likely to appear. Table 5 reports the sampling rates chosen in each case. As shown in Figure 8, without having to generate an individual sample for each query, the variances of OPT (combined) were only slightly higher than those of OPT (individual). This experiment shows that it is possible to create a single sample for multiple queries without sacrificing too much optimality. 7.6 Stratified Sampling We also evaluated SUBS for join queries with group-by. Here, we used the S{normal,normal} dataset, and added an extra group column G to T1 with integers from 0 to 9 drawn from a power law distribution with α = 1.5. This time we did not randomize the groups, i.e., G=0 had the most tuples and G=9 had the fewest. This was to study SUBS performance with respect to the different group sizes. As a baseline, we generated stratified samples for T1 on G with kkey = 100, 000 and uniform samples for T2 with a 0.01 sampling budget. We denote this baseline as SS UF. For SUBS, we used parameters that matched the sample size of SS UF, i.e., kkey = 100, ktuple = 100, 000. Figure 9 shows the variance of query estimators for each of the 10 groups for different aggregations. As expected, SUBS with OPT achieved lower variances than SS UF across all aggregates and groups with different sizes. 7.7 Overhead: Centralized vs. Decentralized We compared the overhead of OPT in centralized versus decentralized settings, in terms of the sample creation time and resources, such as network and disk. OPT should have a much higher overhead in the centralized setting, as it requires full frequency information of every join key value in both tables. To quantify their overhead difference, we used Instacart and TPC-H, and created a pair of samples for SUM in each case. Here, the aggregation type did not matter, as the time spent calculating p and q was negligible compared to the time taken by transmitting the frequency vectors. As shown in Figure 10, we measured the time for statistics acquisition, sampling rate calculation, and sample table creation. Here, the time taken by collecting the frequencies was the dominant factor. For Instacart, it took 65.16 secs from start to finish in the decentralized setting, compared to 99.98 secs in the centralized setting, showing 1.53x improvement in time. For TPC-H, it took 59.5 min in the decentralized setting, compared to 91.7 mins in the centralized, showing a speedup of 1.54x. We also measured the total network and disk I/O usage across the entire cluster, as shown in Figure 11. For Instacart, compared to the decentralized setting, the centralized one used 3.66x (0.9 → 3.29 MB) more network and 2.22x (7.59 → 16.9 MB) more disk bandwidth. Overall, the overhead was less for TPC-H. The centralized in this case used 1.38x (243.39 → 337.04 MB) more network and 1.49x (519.03 → 776.58 MB) more disk bandwidth than the decentralized setting. OPT's Improvement over Baselines (log scale) OPT B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 11.0% 1000.00x 4.7% 5.7% 100.00x 4.6% 1.7% 2.2% 5.8% 3.4% 3.1% 2.3% 1.8% 2.1% 1.2% 3.4% 24% 24% 24% 11% 17% 0.6% 95% 0.6% 42% 60% 101% 0.8% 101% 97% 0.6% 0.7%0.7% 0.6%0.6% 1.00x 0.3% 0.8% 0.7% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%0.2% 0.3% 13% 0.3%0.3% 30% 0.9% 1.1% 1.2% 1.0% 0.7% 10.00x B6 2.9% 12.6% 8.4% 11% 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% 0.2% 0.6% 0.9% 1.0% 21% 0.6% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2% 0.2%0.2% 0.2%0.2% 33% 4% 0.3% 0.6% 0.04% 0.5% 0.1% 0.4% 0.5%0.5%0.1%0.1% 0.6%0.5%0.1% 4% 4% 4% 11% 8% 11% 10% 4% 5% 46% 0.05% 0.10x {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Uniform, {Normal, {Normal, Uniform} Normal} Power1} Power2} Uniform} Normal} {Normal, Power1} 3% {Normal, {Power1, {Power1, {Power1, {Power2, {Power2, {Power2, Power2} Uniform} Normal} Power1} Uniform} Normal} Power2} Figure 4: OPT’s improvement in terms of variance for AVG over six baselines with synthetic dataset (percentages are relative error). B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 OPT 1.2% 1.6% 1.3% 10.00x 2.1% 1.6% 1.3% 1.0% 5.00x 1.0% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.6% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.8% 0.7% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.4% 0.00x COUNT SUM AVG B1 B2 2.00x B3 6.18% 6.17% 1.50x 5.98% 5.91% 5.70% 1.00x B4 5.96% 5.77% B5 6.35% OPT 1.01% 1.00% 1.04% 0.99% 1.00% 0.98% 6.52% 6.56% 6.42% 6.37% 6.26% 6.42% B6 OPT's Improvement over Baselines (log scale) B1 15.00x OPT's Improvement over Baselines OPT's Improvement over Baselines OPT 0.98% 0.50x COUNT SUM B1 10000.0x 1000.0x 100.0x 10.0x 1.0x 0.1x AVG B2 B4 B5 B6 0.65% 1.80% 1.48% 1.38% 0.52% 0.35% 1.02% 1.00% 0.04% 0.11% 0.09% 0.10% 0.08% 0.07% 0.02% 0.07% 0.07% 0.02% 0.07% COUNT (b) Movielens (a) Instacart B3 1.75% 0.02% SUM AVG (c) TPC-H Figure 5: OPT’s improvement in terms of variance over the baselines on benchmark datasets (percentages are relative error). OPT (Decentralized) OPT (Centralized) 1.00E+12 OPT (Centralized) 1.00E+22 1.00E+18 1.00E+14 1.00E+10 1.00E+04 1.00E+02 1.00E+00 1.00E-02 1.00E-04 ifo rm , {U n i Un i fo {U for rm m ni , } fo rm N o r m ,P {N ow al} or m er l a a {N l, U w} ni or {N ma form l or m , No } al r {P ow , Po mal } w er er l {P law , U aw} ow n e {P ow r la ifor w, m er law No } , P rma ow l} er la w} In sta ca rt {U n {U n {U n (a) COUNT OPT (Decentralized) 1.00E+06 ifo rm , {U n i Un i fo {U for rm m ni , } fo rm N o r m ,P {N ow al} or e rl m a a {N l, U w} ni o {N rma form l, N or } m or al {P ow , Po mal } w er e rl {P law , U aw} ow n e {P ow r la ifor w, m er law No } , P rma ow l} er la w} In sta ca rt 1.00E+08 OPT (Decentralized) 1.00E+26 Variance (log scale) Variance (log scale) 1.00E+16 ifo rm ,U {U n n {U ifor ifor m ni , N m} fo rm or m , {N Pow al} or m er l aw al, {N } Un o i {N rma form l or m , No } al r {P ow , Po mal } w er er l a law {P w, ow } Un e {P ow r la ifor w, m er law No } , P rma ow l} er la w} In sta ca rt Variance (log scale) OPT (Centralized) 1.00E+20 (b) SUM (c) AVG Figure 6: Variances of the query estimators for OPT in the centralized and decentralized settings. B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B1 B3 B4 B5 B1 B6 10.00x 8.00x 6.00x 4.00x 2.00x 0.00x 10.00x 8.00x 6.00x 4.00x 2.00x 0.00x Uniform Normal Powerlaw B3 B4 B5 B6 B1 Normal Powerlaw (b) SUM B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 12.00x 10.00x 8.00x 6.00x 4.00x 2.00x 10.00x 8.00x 6.00x 4.00x 2.00x 0.00x 0.00x Uniform (a) COUNT B2 12.00x OPT's Improvement over Baselines OPT's Improvement over Baselines OPT's Improvement over Baselines B2 12.00x OPT's Improvement over Baselines B1 12.00x Uniform Normal (c) AVG Powerlaw COUNT SUM AVG (d) Instacart Figure 7: OPT’s improvement in terms of the estimator’s variance over six baselines in the presence of filters. Variance (log scale) 1.00E+18 OPT (individual) OPT (combined) 1.00E+13 1.00E+08 1.00E+03 1.00E-02 COUNT SUM AVG Figure 8: Variance of the query estimators for OPT (individual) and OPT (combined) for the S{normal,normal} dataset. This experiment shows the graceful tradeoff between the optimality of sampling and its overhead, making the decentralized variant an attractive choice for large datasets and distributed systems. 8. RELATED WORK Online Sample-based Join Approximation— Ripple Join [29,43] is an online join algorithm that operates under the assumption that the tuples of the original tables are processed in a random order. Each time, it retrieves a random tuple (or a set of random tuples) from the tables, and then joins the new tuples with the previously read tuples and with each other. SMS [36] speeds up the hashed version of Ripple Join when hash tables exceed memory. Wander Join [41] tackles the problem of k-way chain join and eliminates the random order requirement of Ripple Join. However, it requires an index on every join column in each of the tables. Using indexes, Wander Join performs a set of random walks and obtains a non-uniform but independent sample of the join. Maintaining an approximation of the size of all partial joins can help overcome the non-uniformity problem [42, 65]. Offline Sample-based Join Approximation— AQUA [5] acknowledges the quadratic reduction and the non-uniformity of the output when joining two uniform random samples. The same authors propose Join Synopsis [6], which computes a sample of one of the tables and joins it with the other tables as a sample of the actual join. Chaudhuri et al. [17] also point out that a join of independent samples from two relations does not yield an independent sample of their join, and propose using precomputed statistics to overcome this problem. However, their solution can be quite costly, as it requires collecting full frequency information of the relation. Zhao et OPT SS_UF OPT SS_UF OPT 1.00E+19 1.00E+12 1.00E+11 1.00E+10 1.00E+18 Variance Variance (log scale) Variance (log scale) 1.00E+13 1.00E+17 1.00E+16 2.00E+00 1.00E+00 0.00E+00 1.00E+15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SS_UF 1.00E+01 9.00E+00 8.00E+00 7.00E+00 6.00E+00 5.00E+00 4.00E+00 3.00E+00 0 1 (a) COUNT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (b) SUM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (c) AVG Figure 9: Query estimator variance per group for for a group-by join aggregate using SUBS versus SS UF. Sample Table Creation Sampling Rate Calculation Statistics Acquisition 100 50 Sample Table Creation Sampling Rate Calculation Statistics Acquisition 6000 Time (s) Time (s) 150 0 4000 2000 0 Instacart (Centrailized) Instacart (Decentralized) TPC-H (Centrailized) (a) Instacart TPC-H (Decentralized) (b) TPC-H 20 Network Disk 15 10 5 0 Instacart (Centrailized) Instacart (Decentralized) (a) Instacart Data Usage (MB) Data Usage (MB) Figure 10: Time taken to generate samples for Instacart and TPC-H in centralized vs. decentralized setting. 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Network Disk TPC-H (Centrailized) TPC-H (Decentralized) (b) TPC-H Figure 11: Total network and disk bandwidth used to generate samples for Instacart and TPC-H. al. [65] provide a better trade-off between sampling efficiency and the join size upper bound. Hashed sampling (a.k.a. universe) [31] is proposed in the context of selectivity estimation for set similarity queries. Block-level uniform sampling [16] is less accurate but more efficient than tuple-level sampling. Bi-level sampling [19,30] performs Bernoulli sampling at both the block- and tuple-level, as a trade-off between accuracy and I/O cost of sample generation. Kamat and Nandi [37] use simple stratified sampling on join column but with an objective function measuring the amount of randomness of the sample scheme, which shows improvement over simple correlated sampling. AQP Systems on Join— Most AQP systems rely on sampling and support certain types of joins [5,8,15,27,38,42,51,55]. STRAT [15] discusses the use of uniform and stratified sampling, and how those can support certain types of join queries. More specifically, STRAT only supports PK-FK joins between a fact table and one or more dimension table(s). BlinkDB [8] extends STRAT and considers multiple stratified samples instead of a single one. As previously mentioned, AQUA [5] supports foreign key joins using join synopses. Icicles [27] samples tuples that are more likely to be required by future queries, but, similar to AQUA, only supports foreign key joins. PF-OLA [55] is a framework for parallel online aggregation. It studies parallel joins with group-bys, when partitions of the two tables fit in memory. XDB [42] integrates Wander Join in PostgreSQL. Quickr [38] does not create offline samples. Instead, it uses universe sampling to support equi-joins, where the group-by columns and the value of aggregates are not correlated with the join keys. VerdictDB [51] is a universal AQP framework that supports all three types of samples (uniform, universe, and stratified). VerdictDB utilizes a technique called variational subsampling, which creates subsamples of the sample such that it only requires a single join—instead of repeatedly joining the subsamples multiple times—to produce accurate aggregate approximations. ApproxJoin [56] uses Bloom Filters in conjunction with stratified sampling to efficiently produce a sample to the join when relations are distributed across different nodes. Join Cardinality Estimation— There is extensive work on join cardinality estimation (i.e.,count(*)) in the database community [10, 26, 39, 40, 54, 59, 60, 62] as an important step of the query optimization process for joins. Two-level sampling [18] first applies universe sampling to the join values, and then, for each join value sampled, it performs Bernoulli sampling. However, unlike our UBS scheme which applies the same rate to all keys, two-level sampling uses a different rate during its universe sampling for each join key. In other words, two-level sampling is a more complex scheme with significantly more parameters than UBS (which requires only two parameters, p and q), and is thus less amenable to efficient and decentralized implementation. Furthermore, two-level sampling applies two different sampling methods, whereas bi-level sampling [30] uses only Bernoulli sampling but at different granularity levels. End-biased sampling [26] samples each tuple with a probability proportional to the frequency of its join key. Indexbased sampling [40] and deep learning [39] have also been utilized to improve cardinality estimates. Theoretical Studies— The question about the limitation of samplebased approximation of joins, to the best of our knowledge, has not been asked in the theory community. However, the past work in communication complexity on set intersection and inner product estimation has implications for join approximation. In this problem, the Alice and Bob possess respectively two vectors x and y and they wish to compute their inner product t = hx, yi without exchanging the vector x and y. In the one-way model, Alice computes a summary β(x) and sends it to Bob, who will estimate hx, yi using y and β(x). For this problem, [48] shows that any estimator produced by s bits of communication has variance at least Ω(dt/s). Estimating inner product for 0, 1 vectors is directly related to estimating SUM and COUNT for a PK-FK join. A natural question is whether the join is still hard even if frequencies are all larger than 1. Further, the question of whether estimating AVG is also hard is not answered by prior work. 9. CONCLUSION Our goal in this paper was to improve our understanding of join approximation using offline samples, and formally address some of the key open questions faced by practitioners using and building AQP engines. We defined generic sampling schemes that cover the most common sampling strategies, as well as as their combinations. Within these schemes, we (1) provided an information-theoretical lower bound on the lowest error achievable by any offline sampling scheme, (2) derived optimal strategies that match this lower bound within a constant factor, and (3) offered a decentralized variant that requires minimal communication of statistics across the network. These results allow practitioners to quickly determine— e.g., based on the distribution of the join columns—if joining offline samples will be futile or will yield a reasonable accuracy. We also expect our hybrid samples to improve the accuracy of database learning [52] and selectivity estimation [53] for join queries. 10. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research is in part supported by the National Science Foundation through grants 1553169 and 1629397. 11. REFERENCES [1] The instacart online grocery shopping dataset 2017. grocery-shopping-2017. Accessed: 2019-07-20. [2] Security on-demand announces acquisition of Infobright analytics & technology assets. 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