Papers by Karmel Simatupang
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan International, Jun 17, 2021
In the amidst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Toba Caldera was designated as a member of the UNESCO Glo... more In the amidst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Toba Caldera was designated as a member of the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG), in July 2020. This status becomes a very important opportunity and challenge in encouraging the development of sustainable tourism in the super-priority tourism destination of Lake Toba. This is following the demands of the new normal adaptation in the era of Covid-19. Thus, this paper aims to study and analyze how the status of Toba Caldera UGG amid the Covid-19 pandemic can be used as a strategy to strengthen the implementation of sustainable tourism development based on environmental, cultural and biological conservation. The research method was carried out with a descriptive qualitative approach, by conducting a literature study and interviews. In this study, it was found that the new normal of tourism in the Covid-19 pandemic era was in line with the spirit of conservation, restoration and revitalization of the Toba Caldera UGG geo-sites and thus strengthening the implementation of sustainable tourism in the Lake Toba region. In welcoming a better new normal era, the Government should not hesitate to take policies that prioritize environmental sustainability and discontinue the obsolete pattern of being greedy that harms the environment.
Journal of tourism and creativity, Dec 12, 2022
Since the 2009 Indonesian Lakes National Conference in Bali, the government, through 9 Ministries... more Since the 2009 Indonesian Lakes National Conference in Bali, the government, through 9 Ministries, has signed a Bali agreement on the sustainable management of 15 Priority Lakes in Indonesia. Then a rescue plan was drawn up. However, until now, efforts to save the environment of lakes in Indonesia have been very slowly implemented. In this study, the authors focus on analyzing how steps are made to save the environment in Lake Toba, one of the national priority lakes. Along with issuing Presidential Regulation No. 60 of 2021 on National Priority Lake Rescue, the wider community awaits the government's commitment. Lake Toba, designated by the government as a national and international super-priority tourist destination, is becoming increasingly urgent to be saved amid its stable and even more damaged condition. Based on the results of this study, it was found that the government has not been fully committed to protecting Lake Toba, which is indicated by the government's reluctance to revoke company permits that have been proven to damage the Lake Toba ecosystem.
Journal of Tourism and Creativity
Sejak Konferensi Nasional Danau Indonesia I, Tahun 2009 di Bali, pemerintah melalui 9 Kementerian... more Sejak Konferensi Nasional Danau Indonesia I, Tahun 2009 di Bali, pemerintah melalui 9 Kementerian telah menandatangani kesepakatan Bali tentang pengelolaan Danau Berkelanjutan 15 Danau Prioritas di Indonesia. Kemudian disusun rencana penyelamatan. Akan tetapi, sampai kini upaya penyelamatan lingkungan hidup danau-danau di Indonesia tergolong sangat lambat implementasinya di lapangan. Pada penelitian ini, penulis fokus menganalisis bagaimana upaya penyelamatan lingkungan hidup di Danau Toba sebagai salah satu danau prioritas nasional. Seiring telah diterbitkan nya Peraturan Presiden RI No.60 Tahun 2021, tentang Penyelamatan Danau Prioritas Nasional, komitmen pemerintah dinantikan masyarakat luas. Danau Toba yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah sebagai destinasi wisata superprioritas nasional dan internasional menjadi semakin urgen diselamatkan di tengah kondisinya yang belum berubah dan bahkan semakin rusak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ditemukan, bahwa pemerintah belum berkomitmen s...
Verity: Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (International Relations Journal)
The world is currently being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens human civilization. Th... more The world is currently being hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens human civilization. The presence of this pandemic has had a multi-sectoral impact and slowed globalization. This research is intended to provide an overview of how globalization will continue despite global challenges, especially the COVID-19 pandemic. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with selected sources. This study shows that even though COVID-19 suddenly appeared amid globalization, the two of them can still go hand in hand. The currents of globalization continue to change the world from before the pandemic, during, and after the pandemic. The question that then arises during the pandemic related to globalization is whether globalization is still relevant after the pandemic ends. According to the results of this study, it can be concluded that globalization will remain relevant both now and after the pandemic ends because countries can survive the existenti...
In the amidst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Toba Caldera was designated as a member of the UNESCO Glo... more In the amidst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Toba Caldera was designated as a member of the UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG), in July 2020. This status becomes a very important opportunity and challenge in encouraging the development of sustainable tourism in the super-priority tourism destination of Lake Toba. This is following the demands of the new normal adaptation in the era of Covid-19. Thus, this paper aims to study and analyze how the status of Toba Caldera UGG amid the Covid-19 pandemic can be used as a strategy to strengthen the implementation of sustainable tourism development based on environmental, cultural and biological conservation. The research method was carried out with a descriptive qualitative approach, by conducting a literature study and interviews. In this study, it was found that the new normal of tourism in the Covid-19 pandemic era was in line with the spirit of conservation, restoration and revitalization of the Toba Caldera UGG geo-sites and thus strengthening the...
This study aims to determine to which extent local communities are involved and play a role in th... more This study aims to determine to which extent local communities are involved and play a role in the development of Toba Caldera Geopark (TCG) in the Silahisabungan geosite, Silahisabungan Sub-district, Dairi Regency, North Sumatra Province. The research method was conducted with a descriptive qualitative approach, by conducting literature studies, and field observations. The researcher acts as a participant-observer. This study found that the local communities of Silahisabungan generally did not understand about geopark, and its role in the development of Silabisabungan TCG geosite. This was mainly due to the lack of public knowledge about geopark and geosite. On the other hand the government is still reluctant to commit to allocate budgets in order to empower local communities. As TCG proposes to UNESCO Global Geopark, the Silahisabungan geosite has the potential in terms of geological, cultural and biological diversity that can be seeded. Therefore, the government and other parties...
Menjadi keharusan akhir-akhir ini, sebuah perguruan tinggi bergerak menuju internasionalisasi. Du... more Menjadi keharusan akhir-akhir ini, sebuah perguruan tinggi bergerak menuju internasionalisasi. Dunia yang semakin mengglobal dan saling terhubung secara terbuka menuntut sivitas akademika berbenah dan siap memenuhi tuntutan generasinya. Kampus yang giat melakukan internasionalisasi dianggap memiliki kualitas dan reputasi yang mampu bersaing di tingkat nasional dan internasional.
Keberhasilan pengembangan Geopark Kaldera Toba (GKT) adalah juru kunci menyongsong pariwisata Dan... more Keberhasilan pengembangan Geopark Kaldera Toba (GKT) adalah juru kunci menyongsong pariwisata Danau Toba mendunia. Demikian ditegaskan berulangkali oleh Menteri Pariwisata, Arief Yahya dalam beberapa kesempatan: agar pariwisata Danau Toba cepat berkelas internasional, 'geopark supervolcano' harus dikebut hingga menjadi anggota UNESCO Global Geopark (UGG). Dengan geopark global, Kawasan Destinasi Toba memiliki standar dan branding secara internasional.
Semenjak berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, sekutu pimpinan Amerika Serikat (AS) giat mempromosikan glo... more Semenjak berakhirnya Perang Dunia II, sekutu pimpinan Amerika Serikat (AS) giat mempromosikan globalisasi, demokrasi, dan perdamaian dunia. AS yang tampil sebagai negara superpower secara ekonomi, politik dan militer, berkeyakinan bahwa dengan kerjasama internasional di berbagai bidang, terutama ekonomi, akan mampu mencegah perang dunia. Namun, sejak kemenangan Donald Trump sebagai Presiden ke-45 AS, disusul keluarnya Inggris dari Uni Eropa (Brexit), AS cenderung mengarah pada proteksionisme. Menariknya, Tiongkok justru giat promosikan globalisasi inklusif.
Oleh: Karmel Simatupang
Dalam narasi penciptaan, pada hari pertama diciptakan adalah bumi dan air... more Oleh: Karmel Simatupang
Dalam narasi penciptaan, pada hari pertama diciptakan adalah bumi dan air. Di dalamnya terdapat bebatuan dan tanah atau geodiversity. Kemudian diciptakan hewan dan tumbuhan atau biodiversity. Setelah semua lengkap, lalu diciptakan-Nya manusia. Manusia berinteraksi rukun dengan semua ciptaan. Manusia pun berketurunan hingga bermiliar sampai hari ini. Demikianlah muncul ragam kebudayaan atau culture diversity. Di tengah perjalanan, manusia jadi rakus, merusak ciptaan itu.
Papers by Karmel Simatupang
Dalam narasi penciptaan, pada hari pertama diciptakan adalah bumi dan air. Di dalamnya terdapat bebatuan dan tanah atau geodiversity. Kemudian diciptakan hewan dan tumbuhan atau biodiversity. Setelah semua lengkap, lalu diciptakan-Nya manusia. Manusia berinteraksi rukun dengan semua ciptaan. Manusia pun berketurunan hingga bermiliar sampai hari ini. Demikianlah muncul ragam kebudayaan atau culture diversity. Di tengah perjalanan, manusia jadi rakus, merusak ciptaan itu.
Dalam narasi penciptaan, pada hari pertama diciptakan adalah bumi dan air. Di dalamnya terdapat bebatuan dan tanah atau geodiversity. Kemudian diciptakan hewan dan tumbuhan atau biodiversity. Setelah semua lengkap, lalu diciptakan-Nya manusia. Manusia berinteraksi rukun dengan semua ciptaan. Manusia pun berketurunan hingga bermiliar sampai hari ini. Demikianlah muncul ragam kebudayaan atau culture diversity. Di tengah perjalanan, manusia jadi rakus, merusak ciptaan itu.