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2020, Theoretical & Applied Science…
3 pages
1 file
Abstract: This article is about the life of Uzbeks in northern Afghanistan, their history and information on today’s ethno cultural status, habitats, and customs given. Also, the historical formation and ethnicity of the Uzbeks of Northern Afghanistan development, culturally ascending processes are described. Territory focuses on the analysis of ethnic traditions. Key words: Northern Afghanistan, Ethnocultural Situation, Turknajot, Faryab, Juvjan. Language: English Citation: Nadim, M. H.
Theoretical & Applied Science
ISRA (India) = 4.971 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 GIF (Australia) = 0.564 JIF = 1.500 SIS (USA) = 0.912 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 PIF (India) = 1.940 IBI (India) = 4.260 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 Philadelphia, USA 407
The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2020
Soon afterward humankind became conscious of his social importance, heinitiated to comprehend the language’s great benefits, the aspiration to make certain that through the tribes lived in the past, it is attainable to determine the historical roots of the language and to find out what is beyond the reach. Despite of the fear of ignorance, doubt and mistakes, diverse human communities began to study their similarities and differences, because of many reasons, including ethnic, tribal, pedigree, climatic, physiological, linguistic and cultural properties, ending with communicative, competently dialectical skills. The antiquity of the Uzbek language is more outstanding when its appearance and development is considered in closely connection with the history of the formation and development of the native people. Without taking into account the historical laws of tribal and clan estates during the development of the Uzbek language, it is impossible to understand its distinct features, th...
The history of the Uzbek family and the system of relations between family members were formed and developed in the course of a long historical development. Its distinctive ethnic features date back to long periods of the past. From this point of view, the Uzbeks, as in all nations of the world, consider the family as the traditional primary link in society, that is, the primary social association of society. This article analyzes the social situation of the Uzbek family in the late XIX-first half of the XX century, its role in the life of the state and society, the role of Uzbek families in the radical socioeconomic changes in Turkistan. However, it considers the function of family members, the composition and form of the family as a result of changes in attitudes towards property and its distribution. The country studies the role of Uzbek families in family life, agriculture and animal husbandry, trade relations and economic life, their functions in the creation of material products in social production. The article also analyzes the historical development of the family during this period, the economy, the traditional and modern way of life, and reveals the lifestyle and economic relations of the Uzbek family.
ÖZ Afganistan birçok milletin ve etnik grubun yaşadığı en kadim coğrafyalardan birisidir. Bu coğrafyada Özbekler, Türkmenler, Kırgızlar, Kazaklar gibi bugün dahi anadilleri ile konuşan Türki gruplar gibi anadillerini unutarak Farsça veya Peştunca konuşan Hazara, Aymak, Galci vb. gruplar da vardır. Turki grupların birbirlerinden hem dil olarak hem de kültür olarak nasıl etkilendiğinden bahsedilmiştir. Ve bu Türk milletlerinin diğer farklı uluslardan nasıl etkilendiği ve bunun sebepleri üzerinde farklı fikirler beyan edilerek bu mevzu açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada bu coğrafyada nüfuslarının ne kadar olduğu, nerelerde yaşadığı hakkında malumatlar verilmiştir. Bazılarının dillerinin unuttuğu üzerinde durulmuştur. Türkler ve Afganistanın tarihi üzerinde durularak kısa ve öz bilgiler verilmiştir. Türk topluluklarının bu coğrafyada daha çok hangi bölgelerde yaşadığı belirtilmiştir. Ayrıca bu bölgede yaşayan Türk milletleri ve dilleri hakkındaki çalışmaların yetersizliğinden söz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmamızda Afganistan’da yaşayan Türki gruplar ve dilleri hakkında bilgiler verilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Afganistan, Türkistan, Katağan, Özbek, Kırgız, Türkmen, Kazak. ABSTRACT Afghanistan is a country that many different nations and ethnic groups have been living in since ancient times. Not only, Uzbeks, Kyrgyzs, Kazakhs, Turkmen who still speak in their mother tongue but also, Hazara, Aymak, Galci people who forgot their mother tongue and speak in Pashto and Dari live in this territory. This study reviews how these Turkic nations have influenced each other linguistically and culturally, how they have been influenced by other nations and what the reasons are. It is tried to explain by giving different approaches onto the these subjects. In this study, their populations and the districts where they live will be mentioned as well. And also it is focused on why some of these nations forgot their mother tongue. Furthermore, this study includes a short information about history of Afghanistan and Turks. Additionally, the lack of the studies about Turkic nations living in this territory and their languages will be mentioned here. In our work, the information about Turkic nations living in Afghanistan and their languages will be given. Keywords: Afghanistan, Turkistan, Qataghan, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Kazakh.
International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS)
The main objective of this paper is to understand the ethno- Anthropological lifestyle of Kuchi tribes of Afghanistan. Kuchi tribes is not definitively known, as their history predates written records. However, they are believed to be of Pashtun descent and have a long history in the region of Afghanistan. Kuchi tribes is deeply rooted in their nomadic lifestyle and traditional practices. They have a rich oral tradition, with storytelling and poetry playing a significant role in their culture. This paper is based on secondary data, secondary data collected through publishing and unpublished reports, newspapers, articles, journals, books and district census reports and for the analysis of these aspects we used context- analysis method. Finally, the Kuchi’s tribe of Afghanistan is in a transitional stage. They are without a doubt moving toward cutting edge values, but they did not put down their conventional values. They are not completely cut off from their conventional way of life f...
Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia, 2006
Paper presented at the CESS 6th Annual Conference, Boston University, 1 October, 2005
The main aim of this presentation is to discuss some particular issues concerning the development of identity among Uzbek population living in the Bukhara oases during the 20th century. This investigation is based on the materials of my field research in Bukhara province of Uzbekistan in 2004 along with statistic data, archive documents and other research. The basic method of this research is the complex analysis of various sources.
This is a translation of the review "O ponyatii etnogeneza v "Etnicheskom Atlase Uzbekistana" published in "Etnograficheskoe obozrenie" (2005, 1, p. 52 - 55).
Some Reflections on Ethnic Issues in Uzbekistan in the XX Century, 2022
This article discusses the policy of the former Soviet Union in Central Asia in the twentieth century, especially in Uzbekistan, its impact on the understanding and unification of the peoples of the region, and the factors that led to the formation of the Uzbek people as a nation.
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