surface science
Surface Science 352-354 (1996) 628-633
Growth and characterization of the Re/Si(111) interface
A. Siokou a, S. Kennou a,1, S. Ladas a,., T.A. Nguyen Tan b, j._y. Veuillen b
a Surface Science Laborctory, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, and Institute o f Chemical Engineering
and High Temperature Chemical Processes~FORTH, GR-26500 Rion, Patra, Greece
b CNRS-LEPES, BP-166, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Received 5 September 1995; accepted for publication 31 October 1995
The structure and electronic properties of the interfaces formed by Re evaporation on clean Si(111)-7 X 7 and subsequent
annealing were investigated by low energy electron diffraction (LEED), Photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS/XAES, UPS) and
work function (WF) measurements. Rhenium was deposited from submonolayer up to 50 ML coverages and gradually
annealed up to 1100 K. Deposition causes rapid disappearance of the 7 X 7 reconstruction and the substrate UPS features, a
gradual increase in the WF from 4.5 to 5.1 eV and negligible chemical shift in the XPS/XAES peaks. The interface
remained abrupt with no intermixing, as metallic Re grew in a simultaneous mulfilayers fashion above 0.8 ML coverage.
Annealing of 50 ML of Re causes a Si enrichment of the overlayer above 600 K and the formation at around 950 K of a
continuous layer of silicide which remains stable up to 1100 K, whereas annealing of Re layers close to 1 ML creates ReSi 2
islands on the substrate surface.
Keywords: Growth; Rhenium; Silicides; Silicon; Work function measurements; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
1. Introduction
The semiconducting character of ReSi 2 and its
thermal stability make it a very interesting material
for applications in optoelectronic devices [1], in particular if it can be grown epitaxially on silicon
substrates. Epitaxial ReSi 2 films, 1500 ,~ thick, of
good crystalline quality have been prepared on
Si(100) by Mahan et al. [2] using reactive deposition
and by Kim et al. [3] using ion implanafion. Chu et
al. [4] have observed that upon furnace annealing of
* Corresponding author. Fax: +30 6199 3255; e-mail:
ladas@ rea.iceht.forth.Gr.
l Permanent address: University of loannina, Department of
Physics, P.O. Box 1186 GR 45110 Ioannina, Greece.
~ 400 ~ Re deposited on Si(111) and Si(100) epitaxy of ReSi 2 occurred only in a fraction of the
silicon surface. Electrical and optical measurements
have concluded that ReSi 2 is a narrow-gap semiconductor [5,6].
The formation and the crystallographic, electronic
and optical properties of 2 0 - 3 0 0 A ReSi 2 films
grown on S i ( l l l ) using in situ (LEED, XPS and
UPS) and ex situ (GIXD) techniques have been
studied by Nguyen Tan et al. [7]. Glancing-incidence
X-ray diffraction (GIXD) showed that the ReSi 2
films obtained upon annealing above 600°C are epitaxial although LEED did not exhibit any ordered
patterns. However, the early stages of the R e / S i
interface formation have not been studied so far.
This paper reports the results o f XPS, XAES,
UPS, LEED and W F measurements used for the
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A, Siokou et a l . / Surface Science 352-354 (1996) 628-633
investigation of the Re/Si(111) interface formation
when Re is vapour deposited in UHV from submonolayer up to 50 ML coverages at 400 K and
gradually annealed up to 1100 K.
min duration.
the electronic
adlayer were
2. Experimental procedure
3. Results and discuss.ion
The measurements were performed in two different apparatuses previously described [8,9]. The XPS,
XAES and WF measurements were carried out in a
conventional turbo-pumped UHV chamber whereas
the LIPS and LEED measurements in a two-chamber,
multitechnique system. Rhenium was evaporated by
electron bombardment heating of a Re tip, on the
S i ( l l l ) - 7 × 7 surface of a n-doped single crystal
with a resistivity 1 12-cm. During evaporation the
temperature of the sample was maintained at 400 K.
The pressure during evaporation was < 5 × 10 - 1 °
mbar. After prolonged exposure to the background,
small amounts of oxygen contamination were observed on the Re layers. The presence of Re also
facilitated the oxygen uptake by the silicon substrate.
To reduce oxygen contamination the measurements
were taken as quickly as possible after evaporation.
The evaporation rate, J, was estimated by XAES
from the initial decay of the SiLVV signal. The
I/I o = exp
(--d/ASRiLVV), with h siLvv ~, 4 ,~ [10], was used to
obtain an average adlayer thickness d. Assuming a
sticking coefficient S = 1, the adlayer thickness d is
related to the evaporation rate J, by d = Jtade. The
parameter aR3e is equal to the equivalent volume of
the Re atom, given by CtR3e= M p - 2NA 2, where p =
21 g cm -3 the Re metal density, M = 186.2 its
atomic weight and NA= 6.023 × 1023 the Avogadro's number. Using the above equations and the
first few experimental points of the Si LVV intensity
versus time curves, one can estimate J, a typical
value of which was 3.1 × 1012 at cm -2 s -2. The
total Re coverage was expressed in monolayers (ML).
The thickness of one dense monolayer (dr,l) was
defined to be d M = a r e = 2.45 ,~, corresponding to
an adatom surface density of 1.66× 1025 atoms
3.1. Rhenium deposition
cm -2.
After the desired amount of Re had been deposited on the Si surface, the crystal was annealed at
increasing temperatures up to 1100 K, by steps of 10
After each step, the composition and
and structural properties of the Re
checked by XPS, XAES, LIPS, WF
and LEED.
Fig. 1 shows the variation with coverage of the
SiLVV and Re4f7/2 peak heights, as well as of the
WF upon Re deposition on S i ( l l l ) at 400 K. No
change of the energy position and the shape of the
Auger and photoelectron peaks occurred during deposition. Since the inelastic mean free path (IMFP)
of the Si LVV electrons in Re is ~ 4 ,~ most of the
signal originates from the first 3 - 4 atomic layers.
The fast attenuation of SiLVV during Re evaporation down to noise level when the Re coverage is
~9 ~ 4 ML, indicates that no formation of 3D-crystallites and no substantial intermixing between Re and
Si atoms occur at this temperature.
In order to determine the growth mode of the Re
films on the Si substrate we used the procedure first
proposed by Biberian [11] and plotted the XPS (or
XAES) signal of a substrate peak ( I s) as a function
of the XPS (or XAES) signal of an adsorbate peak
5,0 -~
o "
Fig. 1. The variationof the SiLVV and Re4f7/2 peak heights and
of the work function during Re evaporation on Si(lll) as a
function of the Re coverage, (9, expressedin monolayers.
A. Siokou et aL / Surface Science 352-354 (1996) 628-633
12 . ~
• 10
01~ 50 100 150 200 250-300
IRe4fzn / a.u.
Fig. 2. The variation of the SiLVV peak height as a function of
the Re4fT/2 peak height during Re evaporation. With solid lines
are shown the theoretical curves for the layer by layer growth
mode (FM) the simultaneous multilayers (SM) and the monolayer
plus simultaneous multilayers (ML +SM).
(IA) at quite different energies. Using such plots
instead of I versus t plots one can avoid errors
arising from possible changes of the sticking coefficient or the evaporation rate. Fig. 2 shows the variation of the Si LVV (KE = 92 eV) signal as a function
of the Re4f7/2 (KE = 1214 eV) signal during Re
deposition. In the same figure the solid lines represent the theoretical curves for the layer-by-layer
(Frank van der Merwe, FM), the simultaneous multilayers (SM), in which each successive Re layer
begins to grow before the completion of the preceding layer, and the monolayer plus simultaneous multilayers (ML + SM) growth modes. For the FM mode
straight line plots are obtained. Breaks occur at the
completion of each layer and the beginning of the
next [12]. The curve for the SM mode exhibits an
exponential decay and has been obtained following
the work of Barthes and Rolland [13]. For the ML +
SM mode the curve coincides with that for the FM
mode up to one monolayer and follows an exponential decay (SM) beyond the first monolayer. The
theoretical curves in Fig. 2 have been obtained using
the following IMFP values in Re: 4 A for Si LVV
electrons and 15.4 ,~ for Re4f7/2 electrons [10]
whereas the intensity of the 4f7/2 electrons from a
thick Re film (IR~,~o) was measured under the same
experimental conditions. In Fig. 2 one can see that
the first experimental points follow closely the
straight line that represents the formation of the first
monolayer, up to /Re = 50 which corresponds to
O -- 0.8 ML. After this value the points deviate from
the lines describing the layer by layer growth, being
more close to the SM plots within experimental
error. At high IRe the /SiLVVis close to noise level
and the experimental error is larger. In this region
the three theoretical curves begin to merge together
The change of the WF during Re evaporation as a
function of the Re coverage shown in Fig. 1 supports
the above conclusion. The value • = 4.5 eV corresponds to the work function of a clean Si(111)-7 X 7
surface [14] with the same doping level as the one
used in this work. The work function increases
monotonically with Re coverage and when (9 = 1.3
ML it saturates at • - - 5.1 eV which is the value for
metallic Re [15]. The WF does not saturate at O = 1
ML indicating that Re grows in a SM mode. At
O - - 1 the Si surface is not yet completely covered
by Re, something which happens only at (9 = 1.3
ML. The work function is very sensitive to the
surface composition. In the case of reactive interfaces like Nb/Si(111) and Ta/Si(111) [14] the variation of WF with coverage is not monotonic but
there exist intermediate plateaus indicating metalsilicon intermixing and the formation of new phases
with stable composition. On the contrary, in the case
of abrupt interfaces like Mo/Si(111) and W/Si(111)
[14] the WF changes monotonically as in the case of
Re. An estimate of the initial dipole moment of the
Re adatoms is obtained from the initial slope of the
WF versus O curve using the Helmholtz equation
[16]. A value of P0=0.11_+0.05 D is obtained
which indicates very small charge transfer between
Re and Si in agreement with the XPS and XAES
measurements where there is no energy shift of the
Si and Re peaks during deposition.
The abruptness of the Re/Si(111) interface near
room temperature is also confirmed by the UPS
measurements. Fig. 3 shows with solid lines some
representative energy distribution curves (EDC) of
ultrathin Re deposits. The Fermi level position, E F,
was determined by using the polycrystalline Ta sample holder. The lower curve corresponds to the clean
A. Siokou et al./ Surface Science 352-354 (1996) 628-633
3.2. Annealing of the Re deposits
50ML Re/-~
...... ...-"
Re !
. .....
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -
-2 -
Fig. 3. The energy distribution curves obtained with HeI (21.2
eV) on Re deposits near room temperature (solid lines) and after
annealing at 950 K (dotted lines).
Si(111) surface and the upper one to a thick ( ~ 50
ML) Re film• We note that deposits of a few tenths
of a ML remove rapidly the characteristic electronic
features of the 7 X 7 surface. At coverage of 1 M L
the EDC is close to that of the metallic Re. The
Fermi step - characteristic property of the conductors - has already been formed indicating the metallic character of the Re deposit.
At the initial stages of Re deposition, LEED
observation shows a rapid removal of the 7 X 7
reconstruction. At @---0.1 ML only spots of the
1 × 1 structure remain, and become very weak near
19 = 0.5 ML, which corresponds to a R e / S i ratio of
about 1 for the top Si layer• Above this coverage
only a strong diffuse background remains indicating
the disordered nature of the adlayer. Similar observations have been obtained for Mo on S i ( l l l ) [17]
where the spots of the 7 x 7 reconstruction disappear
at 19 = 0.3 and after O ~ 0.7 the 1 X 1 structure
disappears too. For W on S i ( l l l ) the same phenomena occur at 19 = 0.1 and @ = 1 respectively [18].
The dotted lines in Fig. 3 show the energy distribution curves (EDC) obtained with He I on the corresponding Re deposits after annealing at 950 K. The
top dotted curve of the figure corresponds to a thick
ReSi 2 film. The main characteristic of those curves
is the drastic loss of electron density at the Fermi
level, which confirms the semiconducting nature of
the new phase formed on the surface upon thermal
treatment, even for submonolayer quantities of deposited Re.
Fig. 4 shows the variation of the S i L V V , Si2p
and Re 4f7/2 peak heights as a function of temperature upon annealing 1.5 M L Re deposited on S i ( l l l )
at 400 K. The same figure also shows with dotted
line the variation of the IRe4fT/2/lsi2p ratio. The
energy position and the shape of all the XPS and
XAES peaks does not change upon annealing. The
intensity changes (increase o f Si and decrease of Re)
start above 700 K for the 1.5 M L deposit. For
comparison, similar changes start at ~ 550 K in the
case of thick Re deposits [7]. These changes result
from Si diffusion in the Re deposit and silicide
formation. In the case of 50 M L deposits, the semiconducting silicide ReSi 2 is formed at 950 K and
• 100
/ 3,0
1.5ML Re
] 2,5
* ~
, - ............=..............
1,5 ~,
o 4;0
Isa_w (x4)
Annealing Temperature T, K
Fig. 4. The variation of the SiLVV, Si2p and Re4fT/2 peak
heights and of the /ReafT/2/Isi2p intensity ratio (dotted lines) as a
function of temperature, upon annealing 1.5 ML Re deposited on
Si(ll 1).
A. Siokou et al. / Surface Science 352-354 (1996) 628-633
remains stable up to 1100 K in agreement with
previous results [7,19]. Between these temperatures
(950-1100 K) the intensities of Si2p and R e 4 f
peaks are stable. In the case of the ultrathin (1,5 ML)
Re film, silicon diffusion in Re starts at 700 K but up
to 1100 K the Re and Si signals do not stabilize.
The ratio IRe4f7/2/Isi2~v from Fig. 4 is used for the
estimation of the relative atomic concentration of Re
and Si, in the annealed layer. In the case of a thick
silicide film this ratio has the value 3.5 between 950
and 1100 K [19]. In Fig. 4 at 1100 K this ratio has
the value 0.78. If the whole amount of Re (1.5 ML
or 3.67 ,~) had been transformed to ReSi 2 then the
silicide film would have a thickness 2.55 times as
much, that is 9.4 ,~ [20]. The expected value of the
IRe4f7/2/Isi2ov ratio for a 9.4 A silicide film on a
silicon substrate is 1.95. The fact that the experimental value of this ratio, 0.78, is smaller may have two
possible explanations: either islanding of the ReSi 2
film leaving bare silicon from the substrate, or formation of a homogenous ReSi 2 film with extra
silicon on the surface. The latter is less likely since it
is not observed in the case of the thick deposits. The
islanding process could start at even lower temperature than that at which the silicide formation is
The LEED observations support the first explanation i.e. the formation of ReSi 2 islands. At 950 K the
spots of S i ( l l l ) 1 X 1 structure appear, and at T >
950 K appear the spots of the 7 X 7 reconstruction.
The value 0.78 for the
ratio corresponds to thick ReSi 2 islands which cover about
40% of the substrate area. That means that there
exist wide areas of bare silicon, which are enough to
show the 7 X 7 reconstruction.
The work function of the adlayer upon annealing
decreases with increasing temperature and reaches a
value of 4.5 + 0.1 eV at 950 K that is close to the
WF of the clean Si(111) surface. For comparison the
WF value for a bulk ReSi 2 film is ~ 4.7 eV.
4. Conclusions
The results concerning the formation of the
R e / S i ( l l l ) interface lead to the following conclusions.
(1) The R e / S i ( l l l ) is an abrupt interface at
300-400 K. There ~is no intermixing between the
R e - S i atoms. Re grows on Si in the simoultaneous
multilayer mode, following the formation of 80% of
the first monolayer. At coverages > 1.3 ML the Re
film exhibit a clear metallic character. During deposition the charge transfer between R e - S i atoms is
(2) Annealing of ultrathin Re deposits leads to
their enrichment in Si which starts at T ~ 700 K. At
950 K, islands of semiconducting ReSi 2 are formed,
leaving bare areas of the Si substrate, where the
7 X 7 reconstruction is again visible.
Financial support from a Greek-French Scientific
and Technological Cooperation (PLATON) project is
gratefully acknowledged.
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