Women Workers
in the Asian Seafood
Processing Industry
ty for Labo
Case Studies from
Bangladesh and India
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Women Workers in the
Asian Seafood Processing Industry
ty for Labo
Case Studies from
Bangladesh and India
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Case Studies from Bangladesh and India
Published by
Society for Labour and Development,
June 2022, New Delhi
In partnership with
Karmojibi Nari, Bangladesh
Cover Photo features
Women workers engaged in the seafood processing industry
look at the approaching fishing boats from the coast of Gujarat.
Some right reserved
This Work is licenced under a Creative Commons
4.0 International Licence.
ty for Labo
Society for Labour and Development (SLD), India, is a Delhi-based
labour and women’s rights organization that believes in equitable
development through social and economic well-being of labour,
migrants and women workers; and through cultural renewal
among disenfranchised people. SLD is a national organization that
originated with a focus in the National Capital Region and works
with partners in Bihar, Gujarat, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh.
Karmojibi Nari (KN), Bangladesh, is a non-profit, non-government,
women-led organisation. Registered in 1991, KN works to advance
the rights, dignity, and authority of women workers by organising
formal and informal sector women workers and engaging in legal
and policy advocacy. KN also seeks to strengthen and increase
women’s participation and leadership in trade unions, development
policy, and national women’s movements.
Objectives and research questions
Data collection
Rising seafood consumption
Seafood global value chains
Seafood value chain segments
Harvesting: fisheries and aquaculture
Marketing and Retail
Seafood value chain in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Raw materials
Primary and secondary shrimp processing
Export destinations
Structure of employment in the seafood processing industry
in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts
Workforce demographics
Seasonal work
Employment types
Working conditions
Management structure
Occupational health and safety
Gender based violence and harassment (GBVH)
Freedom of association and access to relief in cases of rights violations
COVID 19 impacts on seafood processing factories,
employment, and livelihoods
Seafood processing factories
Impacts on employment and worker livelihoods
Seafood value chain in Veraval-Somnath GIDC, Gujarat
Structure of employment in the seafood processing industry
in Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Workforce demographics
Seasonal work
Temporary work and recruitment intermediaries (Mukhadim)
Working conditions
Management structure
Occupational health and safety
Freedom of association and access to relief in cases of rights violations
COVID-19 Impacts on seafood processing factories,
employment, and livelihoods
Abbreviations and Acronyms
European Union
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Focus Group Discussioon
Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation
Global Value Chain
Individual Quick Freezing
Karmojibi Nari
Personal Protective Equipment
Society for Labour and Development
Seafood Processing Industry
Transnational Corporation
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
United States
World Trade Organization
Society for Labour and Development
Tables and Figures
Table 1
Summary of rights violations and risk factors across research areas
in Bangladesh and India
Table 2
Data collection phases and methods employed in Bagerhat and
Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Table 3
Data collection phases and methods employed in Veraval-Somnath
GIDC, India
Table 4
Bagerhat District villages and towns where women work in
seafood processing
Table 5
Spectrum of gender based violence and harassment reported by
women employed in seafood processing factories in Bagerhat and
Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Table 6
Risk factors for GBVH identified in the seafood processing industries
in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Table 7
Risk factors that inhibit freedom of association identified in the seafood
processing industries in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Table 8
SPI factories and export destinations by country for Veraval-Somnath,
Table 9
Village and towns where women work in seafood processing in the
Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Table 10
Distribution of fish processing tasks between women and men in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC, India
Table 11
Spectrum of gender based violence and harassment reported by women
employed in seafood processing factories in Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Table 12
Risk factors for GBVH identified in seafood processing industries in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Figure 1
Overview of harvest sector
Figure 2
Process flows for non-EU and EU products
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Globally, seafood consumption is on the rise, facilitated by global value chains (GVCs) that provide
consumers across the world with seafood sourced and processed overwhelmingly in Asia and Africa. Seafood
processing plants constitute the main interface between domestic value chains and international markets,
and accordingly have emerged as an important site of food safety regulation. For the most part, however,
these standards do not extend to protecting the rights of workers employed in seafood processing–an
overwhelmingly female workforce.
On seafood GVCs as a whole—including fisheries, aquaculture, seafood processing and all related services—
women represent half of the total working population worldwide (World Bank 2012; OECD 2014). While
male workers dominate fisheries and aquaculture, women workers comprise the vast majority of workers
employed in seafood processing. Consistent with these global trends, in both Bangladesh and India, the
majority of workers employed in fishing and fish farming are men, but the seafood processing industry (SPI)
is dominated by women workers.
In Bangladesh and India, the seafood industries include seafood capture and processing segments of
seafood GVCs. This research seeks to understand how GVCs, factory employment structures, and local
workforce dynamics in Bangladesh and India interact to set working conditions for women employed in
seafood processing—including wages and hours, occupational health and safety, exposure to gender-based
violence and harassment (GBVH), and conditions for freedom of association.
We answer these questions with in-depth case studies of the seafood processing industries in Bagerhat and
Khulna Districts, Bangladesh; and Veraval-Somnath, Gujarat Industrial Development Cluster (GIDC) India.
Together, these sites include both fish and shrimp value chains. They encompass lower end manual seafood
processing as well as secondary processing of higher value products requiring significant automation. Our
case studies draw from field engagement by Karmojibi Nari (KN) in Bangladesh and the Society for Labour
and Development (SLD) in India, including information collected through engagement with more than
250 women employed in seafood processing in the Bagerhat area; and 250 women employed in seafood
processing in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC.
Society for Labour and Development
Part 1, Global context of the seafood processing
industry, sets the backdrop for this research. It
details the global rise in seafood consumption,
and the structure of seafood GVCs, including
brief discussions of harvesting, processing,
distribution, and marketing segments.
Part 2, Shrimp processing in Bagerhat and
Khulna Districts, Bangladesh, presents the
findings of our
investigation on working
conditions for women employed in shrimp
processing factories in Bagerhat and Khulna
Districts. The section begins with a discussion of
local shrimp value chain segments. It then lays
out how shrimp harvesting patterns in Khulna
District create seasonal work, with spikes and
dips in processing during harvest times within the
season. Factories manage this routine variation in
workforce requirements by hiring workers daily
and monthly through recruitment intermediaries.
As a result, processing workers have no direct
employment relationship with the factory, excluding them from labour rights protections. Without labour
standards protections, seafood processing workers–who are, for the most part, women–are exposed to poor
working conditions, including low wages, extended working hours, and occupational health and safety risks.
As temporary workers, they face significant challenges in exercising their fundamental rights to freedom of
association and accessing relief when they face rights violations.
Part 3, Seafood processing in the Veraval-Somnath Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC)
Cluster, lays out the findings of our research on working conditions for women employed in seafood
processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC. It provides an overview of the local processing segments,
and their interaction with raw materials and export markets. Seafood processing in this area is also seasonal.
Local women from villages surrounding the Veraval-Somnath GIDC are hired by factories through recruitment
intermediaries from their villages. Accordingly, they have no direct employment relationship with the factories
in which they work. Factories also hire migrant women, predominantly from the Northeastern States of India,
who live in employer provided housing above factories. This bifurcated workforce of local and live-in migrant
workers provides employers with round-the-clock access to labor to process fresh catch on demand. Due to
the role of recruitment intermediaries in meeting factory labor requirements, women workers hold no direct
employment relationships with the factories where they work and are therefore excluded from labor rights
protections. These conditions have significant implications for wages, occupational health and safety, gender
based violence and harassment (GBVH), and freedom of association.
In each of these case studies, our research found that labor conditions for women workers are shaped by a
complex interaction between global and local forces: GVC dynamics on one hand; and local labor markets
and employment practices on the other, including practices of gendered workforce segmentation that
circumscribe opportunities for women workers, leaving them overwhelmingly concentrated in low wage
temporary positions.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Table 1: Summary of rights violations and risk factors across research areas
in Bangladesh and India
Bagerhat and Khulna Districts,
Veraval-Somnath GIDC,
Gendered management
Male supervisors, women workers hired on a temporary basis
make up the majority of workers
Low Wages
BDT 4,500 to BDT 6,675 (USD
52.22 - 77.46) a month
INR 8,000 to 10,000 (USD 106.14 to
132.67) per month
Extended working hours
12-14 hour shifts
12 hours shifts
Occupational health
and safety risks
Overwork in cold temperatures; cuts and skin infections due to
inadequate safety equipment; regular fevers and headaches; eyeinfections; respiratory problems; joint, leg, lower back, back, and
shoulder pain from repetitive activities for long hours.
Locally specific patterns of physical and mental harms; sexual harm and
suffering; coercion, threats, and retaliation, and deprivations of liberty
» Employment as contract workers with no formal employment
relationships with seafood processing factories
» Incentives for recruitment intermediaries who are from workers
communities to mediate challenges between factory management
and workers and maintain a stable and compliant workforce
» Retaliation for reporting workplace violations
Risk factors inhibiting
freedom of association
» Extended working hours + prevention of meetings between
workers during the workday, making it difficult for workers to
meet and organize
» Temporary employment, undermining job security and increasing
worker mobility between factories
» Challenges in organizing for women workers in workplaces
structured by gendered hierarchies, with male workers in
supervisory and management positions and women workers in
subordinate positions.
Part 4, Labour rights on seafood value chains, considers how lead firm bargaining power on seafood value
chains interacts with food safety regulations and raw product availability to set the labour rights context
for seafood processing workers. On one hand, complex safety standards and regulations together have
led to relatively stable relationships between lead firms and a relatively small number of exporters. On
the other hand, lead firms still dominate these value chains: in this global economic crisis precipitated by
Society for Labour and Development
COVID-19, for instance, lead firms were able to significantly shift the costs of supply chain disruptions onto
downstream firms and their workers by canceling orders and refusing to pay for already produced and even
partially received goods. Between fluctuating costs of raw seafood inputs, and fluctuating costs of market
prices in a globally integrated market, stable relationships with lead firms do not necessarily translate into
stable margins. The financial risks of this instability are transferred by seafood processing factories onto
their workforce, via temporary employment stints, low wages, and little investment in the health, safety,
and skills upgradation of processing workers. In Bangladesh and India, where there is significant surplus
labour in the overall national labour market, processing factories are able to hire women workers to fill these
temporary positions despite low wages and poor working conditions. Relatively stable business relationships
do, however, provide a basic framework for addressing labor standards. Lead firms have the ability and
the standard enforcement processes in place to include labor rights alongside food safety and quality
standards. In particular, additional research is required on strategies for infusing product traceability aimed
at consumer safety and supply chain management with enforceable labor rights protections.
These complex dynamics call for sustained research and analysis in order to develop robust recommendations
for a slate of actors with roles to play in transforming these dynamics–including local seafood processing firms,
lead firms on seafood supply chains, policymakers in production countries, policy makers in headquarter
economies of lead firms, and trade unions and workers organizations. Accordingly, in Part 5, Areas for
further research, we end with an agenda for further research that aims to develop a framework of action
for transforming working conditions for women workers in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts of Bangladesh, and
Veraval-Somnath, GIDC in India.
» Lead firms should include labor rights alongside food safety and quality standards. In particular, they
should develop strategies for infusing product traceability aimed at consumer safety and supply chain
management with enforceable labor rights protections. They should reward processing factories and
exporters who include the costs of living wages, eight-hour working shifts, adequate occupational
health and safety measures, and social security in costing seafood products by maintaining preferred
relationships with these suppliers.
» The Governments of Bangladesh and India should extend labor rights protections to all workers,
including all temporary workers, employed in seafood processing factories. This includes establishing
and enforcing wage and hour protections, occupational health and safety standards, freedom of
association protections, and proactive measures to end all forms of GBVH.
» Seafood processing factories should include the costs of living wages, eight-hour working shifts,
adequate occupational health and safety measures, and social security in costing seafood products.
» Trade unions and workers organizations should continue initiatives to support seafood processing
workers to form collectives engaged in identifying and addressing rights violations. These collectives
should take measures to establish links with trade unions and workers organizations across global
seafood value chains, including in fishing, aquaculture, transport, and retail. Worker organizing across
countries and value chain segments has the potential to address lead firm practices of capturing the
gains of value chains by driving down labor standards and working conditions.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Objectives and research questions
This research was conducted as part of a joint initiative by Karmojibi Nari (KN), Bangladesh, and Society
for Labour and Development (SLD), India supported by Der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund Bildungswerk
(DGB). This multi-country initiative aims at Organizing Women Workers in the Seafood Processing Industry
(SPI), and Building and Strengthening their Leadership within Workers’ Collectives in India and Bangladesh.
Complementing field-based programming, this research aims to understand the interaction between global
value chain (GVC) and local labor market dynamics to inform organizing initiatives and develop a common
framework for advocacy to advance the rights of women workers engaged in the SPI.
Accordingly, this research sought to answer the following questions: What are the working conditions for
women workers, including wages, occupational health and safety, risk factors for GBVH, and conditions
for advancing freedom of association? How do GVC dynamics—including raw materials supply, seafood
processing, and distribution and marketing segments—inform the labor context in seafood processing
factories? How does the structure of employment in project areas, including labour contracting and factorylevel subcontracting practices, relate to labour standards?
In studying the experiences of seafood processing workers, this research engages in network-based rights
mobilization as a research practice (Nathan and Silliman Bhattacharjee et. al. 2022: 21). This approach seeks
to use positions of power in knowledge generation to address extreme imbalances in both information
and power. It does so by using research opportunities to strengthen network relations among research
participants at all stages of the research process. Consistent with this approach, we conducted field
investigations alongside initiatives by KN and SLD to support women workers in forming local collectives
to identify and address shared workplace concerns. Between March 2020 and December 2021, KN and
SLD field initiatives supported 250 women living in Bagerhat District and employed in seafood processing
in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts in Bangladesh; and 270 women employed in seafood processing in the
Veraval-Somnath GIDC in India to form village-level local collectives. These collectives of women workers
also engaged in training to develop as leaders, and identify and respond to labour rights violations and
workplace violence–including but not limited to gender based violence and harassment (GBVH).
Society for Labour and Development
In the long term, we also aim to use this research in advocacy to advance decent work in the SPI. Such an
approach joins a line of research committed to ‘pragmatic solidarity’ (Farmer 2003)—not only perceiving
social inequalities but also challenging and transforming inequalities of power (for example, Holmes
2013; Chatterji 2015; Nathan and Silliman Bhattacharjee et. al. 2022). Consistent with this approach, our
dissemination strategy will include bringing findings back to the local women who participated in this
research through their collectives; and to the broader network of KN and SLD allies including national and
international trade unions, workers’ and women’s organizations, and other civil society organizations.
Data collection
In Bangladesh, research for this report was conducted
by Karmojibi Nari (KN), beginning in October 2020
and extending until December 2021. This period
included the second wave of COVID 19 infections in
Bangladesh from March - May 2021, with a seven-day
national lockdown from April 5-12, 2021; and the third
wave from May-August 2021, with two lockdowns in
July 2021.
Consistent with the network-based research
methodology employed in this study, data was
collected alongside programming aimed at forming
village-level collectives of women workers who live
in Bagerhat District and work in seafood processing
factories in the Bagerhat and Khulna Districts of
Khulna Division, Bangladesh. Between October
2020 and December 2021, this program engaged
with more than 250 women, including repeated
interactions with these women workers during the programme and research cycle. Significant to our
network-based research practice, KN will sustain engagement with these women workers, through their
collectives, beyond the duration of the research cycle.
Researchers and programme staff employed a range of data collection methods, including semi-structured
group discussions, surveys, and interviews with women workers engaged in seafood processing; interviews
with government officials and industry stakeholders; and embedded ethnography across the shrimp value
chain, including visits to the wholesale shrimp fry markets, hatcheries, shrimp farms, sub-depots and
depots that aggregate shrimp from small farmers and sell them to factories, seafood processing factories,
and the villages and homes of women employed in the SPI. This mixed method approach sought to adapt
to the shifting field engagement and data collection context during successive waves of the COVID 19
pandemic in Bangladesh. Field notes and transcripts were analyzed in November and December 2021,
including multiple phases of hand coding to develop the findings presented in Part 3 of this study.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Table 2: Data collection phases and methods employed in Bagerhat
and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Data collection sources
and methods
» 5 consultations (3-4 hours each)
with government officials and other
stakeholders in the Rupsa Upazila,
Khulna District, Bangladesh, including
Upazila Administrators, Union
Parishad leaders, school teachers
and social workers
Number of
workers engaged
October November 2020
» Engagement
with 96
October 2020 December 2021
» Engagement
with more
than 250
» Visits to 8 villages in Rakhalghachi
Union Parishad, Bagerhat Upazila;
Lakhpur Union and Piljanga Union,
Fakirhat Upazila
» KN field engagement with more than
250 women workers and recruitment
intermediaries from 12 villages,
including regular meetings to
support women workers in forming
village-level workers collectives
» Visits to the wholesale shrimp fry
markets, hatcheries, shrimp farms,
depots that aggregate shrimp
from small farmers and sell them to
factories, processing factories, and
the villages and homes of women
employed in the SPI
» Regular contact with workers
through direct contact, phone
contact, and visits to KN offices
» Survey of 150 workers
» Two FGDs in Bagerhat District
including a total of 18 workers
» Key informant interviews with
representatives of employers, civil
society organisations, and labour
rights NGOs
Society for Labour and Development
Engagement with
more than 168
women workers
Villagelevel group
with women
» Formation of 15 groups across
program villages, including at least
16-17 group members and identified
group leadership structure
» Monthly meetings with village-level
groups designed to elicit issues of
concern for women workers
October 2020 December 2021
» 16 group trainings for women
workers addressing gender,
legal rights at work, government
entitlements, employment
negotiation, and leadership
development, including 15 women
workers per training
for women
» 2 advanced trainings on leadership,
including 25 women per group
» 15 trainings on gender sensitization
for male workers, including 10
» Engagement
with more
than 250
» Engagement
with more
than 250
October 2020 December 2021
» Engagement
with more
than 150
male workers
» Note: Trainings included
opportunities for women workers to
share their own experiences in these
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
In India, research for this report was
conducted by SLD, beginning in August
2019 and extending until December 2021–a
period that saw the unanticipated rise of the
global COVID 19 pandemic and two national
lockdowns (March - August 2020, March May 2021).
Consistent with the network-based research
methodology employed in this study, data
was collected alongside programming
aimed at forming village-level collectives of
local women workers employed in seafood
processing in the Veraval-Somnath Gujarat
Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC).
Between August 2019 and December 2021,
this programme engaged with more than
270 women, including repeated interactions
during the programme and research cycle.
Significant to our network-based research practice, SLD will sustain engagement with these women workers,
through their collectives, beyond the duration of the research cycle.
SLD researchers and programme staff also sought to engage with migrant women workers in the GIDC, the
majority of whom are from the Northeastern states of India. Unlike local women who commute to the GIDC
daily and are therefore available for engagement in their home villages, migrant women workers live in
employer housing above the factory. Accordingly, researchers and programme staff were unable to engage
migrant women workers either in forming collectives or in sharing their experiences at work. Therefore,
while our research observed segmented employment practices and working conditions between local and
migrant women workers, we were unable to get first hand information on the experiences of migrant
women. This remains an important area for further investigation.
Researchers and programme staff employed a range of data collection methods, including FGDs, surveys, and
interviews with women workers engaged in seafood processing; interviews with recruitment intermediaries,
factory management, and other industry stakeholders; and embedded ethnography (Table 3). This mixed
method approach sought to adapt to the shifting field engagement and data collection context during
successive waves of the COVID 19 pandemic in India. Field notes and transcripts were analyzed in November
and December 2021, including multiple phases of hand coding to develop the findings presented in Part 3
of this study.
Society for Labour and Development
Table 3: Data collection phases and methods employed in Veraval-Somnath GIDC, India
worker needs
during India’s
first national
Data collection sources
and methods
» Visits to more than 20 villages where
women commute for employment in
seafood processing to GIDC
» 4 FGDs with SPI workers, conducted by a
team of two researchers
August 2019
» 57 women
and 13 male
engaged in
» 30 women
engaged in
» Surveys with SPI workers
» Immediate assessment of worker context
and need
» Community engagement through food
Number of
workers engaged
March 23 August 2020
» Engagement,
and relief to
200 workers
August 2019December 2021
with 267 women
workers from 13
» SLD field engagement with 267 women
workers and recruitment intermediaries
from 13 villages, including regular
meetings to support women workers in
forming village-level workers collectives
» Engagement with local stakeholders
including Labour and Employment
Department officials, the District
Collector, and seafood processing factory
» Regular visits to GIDC, Veraval-Somnath
port, and local villages home to workers
employed in seafood processing
» Maintenance of a local office in VeravalSomnath where seafood processing
workers could come for relief in case of
rights violations or other challenges at
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Data collection sources
and methods
Number of
workers engaged
» 1-hour interviews with workers
who returned to work (92) and workers
who remained out of employment (36)
January, March,
and April 2021
» Interviews
with 128
Villagelevel group
with women
» 78 village-level semi-structured group
meetings designed to elicit issues of
concern for women workers
with women
health and
safety survey
» 2-3 hour interviews with women workers
» Surveys and medical examinations of 411
workers, from 13 villages, including 327
women workers and 84 male workers
Society for Labour and Development
JanuaryAugust 2021
» Engagement
with 267
November 2021
interviews with 7
women workers
December 2021
Surveys and
with 411 workers,
including 327
women workers
and 84 male
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Global Context
of the Seafood
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Rising seafood consumption
In the last half-century, world fish consumption per capita has almost doubled—from an estimated 9.0
kgs per capita in the 1960’s to an estimated 20.3 kgs per capita in 2017 (FAO 2020). By 2018, global fish
production reached an all-time record: an estimated 179 million tonnes, with 156 million tonnes for direct
human consumption (FAO 2020). In other words, 87% percent of the total fish produced from marine capture
fisheries and aquaculture was for direct human consumption—a marked increase from the 1980’s when 71
percent of total fish production was for direct human consumption (FAO 2020). Keeping pace with demand,
the industrial growth rate of fish for consumption has averaged 3.2 percent annually across the globe—far
ahead of the world population growth rate of 1.6 percent (FAO 2014).
While seafood is disproportionately consumed in developed countries, consumption has also increased in
developing and low-income food deficit countries. From 1961-2010, fish consumption rose from 5.2 to 17.8
kgs per capita in developing countries (FAO 2014:4). In the same period, fish consumption rose from 4.9
to 10.9 kgs per capita in low income food deficit countries. Emergence of fish as a health food for affluent
consumers suggests that fish production will continue to multiply in order to meet consumer demand across
the planet (Mohanty et. al. 2013).
Seafood global value chains
The rise in demand for seafood has unfolded alongside global reorganization of production and processing
activities. Fish is now among the most traded food commodities in the world, representing about 10 percent
of total agricultural exports and 1 percent of world merchandise trade in value terms (FAO 2014).
In developed countries, a growing share of fish for consumption is imported as a result of steady demand
and declining domestic fish production. Within the last two decades, the European Union (EU), United States
(US), and Japan have increasingly outsourced production and processing to developing countries in Asia,
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Latin America, and Africa. In 2012, the EU—the largest import market for seafood, worth USD 24.9 billion—
accounted for 23 percent of world imports in fish and fishery products, excluding intra-EU trade. The
majority of fish consumed in the US and Japan, 60 percent and 54 percent respectively, is also imported.
Increased export orientation in the seafood industry is reflected in the growth rate of world trade in fish
and fishery products: 8.3 percent growth per year in nominal terms and 4.1 percent in real terms between
1976 and 2012 (FAO 2014). In developing countries, by contrast, fish consumption tends to be based upon
seasonal availability of local products.
In developed countries, lead firms facilitate access to seafood products for consumption by importing
from developing countries. In 2011, fish was the highest exported agricultural commodity for developing
countries—leaving coffee, natural rubber, and cocoa far behind in value terms. Developing economies,
whose exports represented just 34 percent of world seafood trade in 1982, saw their share rise to 54
percent of total fishery export value by 2012. In the same year, developing country exports represented
more than 60 percent of the quantity (live weight) of total fishery exports (FAO 2014). Global export value
in seafood for consumption peaked in 2011 at USD 129.8 billion dollars, with a growth rate of 17 percent
over the previous year.
Business relationships between lead firms in developed countries and supplier firms in developing
economies are structured as GVCs, a term that describes our dominant contemporary production
system wherein international trade has shifted from exchanges based on distant market relationships to
those based on closely networked firms. Exchanges between firms within this network are structured
so that transnational corporations (TNCs) set products, standards, prices, and conditions of sale,
but do not formally own the overseas subsidiaries or franchisees but outsource production to them,
without the burden of legal ownership. As explained by the World Investment Report 2013 by UNCTAD:
Today’s global economy is characterized by global value chains (GVCs),
in which intermediate goods and services are traded in fragmented
and internationally dispersed production processes. GVCs are typically
coordinated by TNCs, with cross-border trade of inputs and outputs
taking place within their networks of affiliates, contractual partners and
arm’s-length suppliers. TNC-coordinated GVCs account for some 80
percent of global trade (UNCTAD 2016).
In short, the GVC shifts the market relationship between firms from a trade relationship to a quasiproduction relationship without the risks of ownership.
As with other GVCs, the way seafood products are prepared, marketed and delivered to consumers has
changed significantly. As observed by the FAO, “processing is becoming more intensive, geographically
concentrated, vertically integrated and linked with global supply chains” (FAO 2014). Today, 200 countries
participate in the seafood GVC. Commodities may cross national boundaries several times before final
consumption, with fish products produced in one country, processed in a second, and consumed in a
third. Driving forces behind the seafood GVC include:
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
» Dramatic decreases in transport and communication costs;
» Progress in storage and preservation;
» Outsourcing of processing to countries where comparatively low wages and production costs
provide a competitive advantage;
» Increasing consumption of fishery commodities;
» Favourable trade liberalization policies;
» More efficient distribution and marketing; and
» Continuing technological innovations, including improvements in processing, packaging and
(Asche and Smith 2009; FAO 2014; Green 2013).
Due to reliance on seafood imports by developed countries to cover increasing consumption of fish and
fisheries products, developing countries have been able to supply fishery products without facing prohibitive
customs duties. This is due in part to the lowering of tariffs, in particular for non-value-added products–a
trend that follows the expanding membership of the WTO, and the entry into force of numerous bilateral
and multilateral trade agreements.
Seafood value chain segments
Globally, seafood value chains include four basic segments: harvesting—including aquaculture and capture
through either deep sea or coastal fishing; processing; distribution; and marketing. The seafood processing
industries in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh and the Veraval-Somnath GIDC, India include both
harvesting and processing segments of seafood GVCs. These segments are predominantly focused on
export products, including to the EU, US, and more recently, emerging markets in China.
Harvesting: fisheries and aquaculture
Harvesting value chain segments encompass aquaculture and capture, whether from deep sea or coastal
fishing. They include both industrial fishing operations and marine artisanal fishers with traditional livelihoods
rooted in local fishing systems (Poktrant 2014). The UN Food and Agricultural Organization (2020) estimates
that 59.5 million people worldwide are engaged as fishers or farmers. Overall, the highest numbers of fishers
and aquaculture workers are in Asia, accounting for 85% of the world total.
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Figure 1: Overview of harvest sector
Marine Coastal
Source: Gopal 2018
Exploitation of wild fish stocks through overfishing, especially from the shores of developing countries,
however, has strained coastal fishing significantly and fueled a rise in aquaculture. By 2018, the total global
capture of fish reached 96.4 million tonnes, with 50% of total global capture production located in China,
Indonesia, Peru, India, the Russian Federation, and Vietnam.
Aquaculture, the farming of aquatic animals, reached a record high of 114.5 million tonnes (FAO 2020).
Aquaculture can be categorized as either inland aquaculture or mariculture. Inland aquaculture generally
uses freshwater, but some production operations use saline water in inland areas (e.g. Egypt) and inland
saline-alkali water (e.g. China). Mariculture includes production operations in the sea and intertidal zones
and land-based (onshore) saline production facilities and structures (FAO 2014: 22). Aquaculture production
is dominated by China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Egypt, Norway, and Chile (FAO 2020).
Over the last fifty years, Europe and North America have experienced a progressive decrease in the number
of people engaged in capture fishing, and only a marginal increase in fish farming. However, due to high
levels of industrialization, those who remain engaged in fishing and fish farming have high outputs, averaging
24 and 20.1 tonnes per person per year in Europe and North America respectively (FAO 2014: 28, 31).
By contrast, Africa and Asia have shown a sustained increase in the number of people engaged in capture
fishing and fish farming (FAO 2014: 28). Asia accounts for 88 percent of world aquaculture production by
volume. In 2012, China accounted for 61.7 percent of global aquaculture production. India (6.3 percent),
Vietnam (4.6 percent), Indonesia (4.6 percent), Bangladesh (2.6 percent) and Thailand (1.9 percent) also
ranked among the top seven producers of farmed fish globally (FAO 2014: 21-22). Unlike in Europe and North
America, however, harvesting segments in Africa and Asia are overwhelmingly small-scale producers with
an average output of between 1.8 and 2.0 tonnes per person per year (FAO 2014: 31).
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
The UN FAO estimates that globally, 37 percent of people engaged in harvesting segments are engaged full
time, 23 percent are engaged part time, and the remaining 40 percent are either occasional workers or had
an unspecified status. In total, then, 63 percent of all people employed as fishers and fish farmers are not
engaged in full time employment (FAO 2014: 27).
Processing plants constitute the main interface between domestic value chains and international markets
(Pokrant 2009: 78). Fish product processing plants vary in technology levels, with smaller workplaces
relying entirely on manual handling of fish products and larger companies using modern, highly automated
processes (Jeebhay 2004). By 2012, 54 percent of fish for human consumption was processed—cured,
prepared or preserved in frozen forms (FAO 2014: 42-43).
Seafood processing is distributed into primary and secondary processing. Primary processing consists
of sorting, cleaning, grading, and preparation for transportation—tasks that can be completed manually
and require low-level technological processes. Secondary processing may include fileting, smoking,
preparation of ready meals, and retail packaging. These processes are highly technical and, accordingly,
carried out by factories with modern technologies. The growth in seafood processing for value addition
has in turn led to more residual by-products. Fish by-products are utilized for a range of purposes
including fish sausages, cakes, gelatin, sauces, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, biodiesel fertilizer, and animal
feed (FAO 2014: 45).
Processing facilities operate in some of the world’s poorest regions or among poor workforces in developed
countries. Traditional labour intensive processing methods—including fileting, salting, canning, drying and
fermentation—often take place in rural economies with support from developing country governments
as part of rural development and poverty alleviation strategies to generate employment (FAO 2014: 43).
Marketing and Retail
As large supermarkets expand their range of products to include foods that were previously supplied by
small specialty outlets such as fish sellers and butchers, the seafood industry is overwhelmingly led by
supermarket chains, large retailers, and food service operators that drive consumption patterns and set
production requirements—including how fish is processed, packaged, and shipped for distribution through
retail chains (Asche 2009). The model of supermarket chains and large retailers dictating production within
the seafood GVC has been referred to as a “buyer driven commodity chain.” Major seafood buyers define
the seafood GVC by their demand for seafood products that can be supplied consistently, reliably and
in large volumes. They also seek suppliers with the capacity to maintain stable and competitive prices.
By 2013, four supermarket retail brands—LIDL, ALDI, JUMBO and PLUS—together controlled 42.2 percent
of the seafood import market in the Netherlands, 15.3 percent of the seafood import market in Germany,
and 8.4 percent of the seafood import market in the UK (Fairfood International 2015). Other major retail
and food service conglomerates with significant control over the seafood GVC include Walmart, Costco,
Safeway, Kroger, Publix, Darden, and Trader Joe’s (Accenture 2013). In many areas, integrated traders
coordinate trade between large retailers and sub-contracted production and processing activities—
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including complex networks of fishing vessels, ports, and processing facilities. In this way, large integrated
traders also exert control over large segments of the seafood industry.
Consumer demand has come to include seafood traceability measures aimed at ensuring adequate health
standards–with higher standards in the EU and USA when compared to West Asia and China. Concerns
with consumer safety, however, have not extended to ensuring that fair labour practices are maintained
through all stages of production, processing, and distribution. Instead, low cost production has come to be
synonymous with driving down wages and maintaining a low wage workforce.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
processing in
Bagerhat and
Khulna Districts,
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Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
How does the structure of seafood GVCs interact with the labour market and employment practices in
Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh to shape working conditions for women workers? In the section
that follows, we answer this question by providing background on the seafood value chain segments in
Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, including how shrimp harvesting cycles create seasonal cycles of short term
employment. We then situate this discussion in relation to workforce demographics, and finally, look at how
employment structures interact with gender to inform working conditions for the majority female workforce
in the SPI. Our discussion of working conditions focuses on wages, occupational health and safety, workplace
violence, and freedom of association.
Seafood value chains in Bagerhat
and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
In Bangladesh, aquaculture, fisheries, and related processing employs nearly 17.8 million people
(Choudhury, McDougall, and Rajaratnam 2017), and contributes to both export earnings and food security–
with the sector fulfilling more than 50% of the national demand for animal protein intake (FAO 2020: 67).
Aquaculture in Bangladesh includes production of brackish and freshwater shrimp, as well as freshwater
fish such as carp, tilapia, and pangasius. Inland capture fishing is well developed, while marine fishing is
comparatively underdeveloped.
Bordering the Bay of Bengal, Bagerhat and Khulna Districts in Khulna Division, Bangladesh, are major
hubs for shrimp cultivation and processing. This area saw rapid development in aquaculture and seafood
processing in the 1980s. Driven by the promise of foreign direct investment, agricultural land in Khulna
Division was systematically transformed into salt water shrimp farms in the 1980s, including through
displacement of local communities. Once converted into saline aquaculture farms–a process accelerated
by rising sea levels–the land was no longer fit for agriculture or grazing livestock. While impacting human
health, ecology, the environment, and sustainability, the industry has provided few benefits to the local
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population (Rahman et al. 2013). Instead, shrimp cultivation and processing in this area has had grave
socioeconomic impacts including traditional livelihood displacement, loss of land security, food insecurity,
marginalization, rural unemployment, social unrest, and local conflict. Environmental impacts such as
mangrove degradation, loss of biodiversity, sedimentation, saltwater intrusion, and pollution and disease
outbreaks are primary obstacles to the development of sustainable shrimp farming (Hossain, Uddin, and
Fakhruddin 2013).
Raw materials
For more than a decade, Bangladesh has been among the top 10 countries for shrimp exports in the world
(Uddin 2008). Seafood processing plants in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts source raw shrimp from local
aquaculture farmers, and also naturally harvested marine shrimp. In both instances, shrimp cultivation and
capture is highly seasonal, dictating corresponding cycles in shrimp processing with intense peaks during
harvest periods that punctuate the seasonal cycle of raw shrimp production.
In order for shrimp farmers to produce shrimp, they must either collect shrimp fry (larvae) from wild
sources like estuaries, or buy shrimp fry from hatcheries. Shrimp supply from hatcheries, however, is in
decline due to both the high costs and risks of operating these facilities. If contracted, bacterial or viral
infections threaten the entire crop. Naturally collected fry–which sell for twice the price of hatchery fry–
are also in higher demand from shrimp farmers since they are more resilient and produce larger and more
reliable harvests. Accordingly, although the Bangladeshi government has banned catching fry from rivers
in order to protect other local fish species that are harmed through fry catching, shrimp farmers in Khulna
Division continue to rely on natural fry collection that takes place in May and June.
Due to the readily available natural supply of shrimp fry in local rivers and estuaries, shrimp fry is collected
by local families and sold openly alongside hatchery fry in well-established wholesale fry markets. The
Foyla Bazar wholesale shrimp fry market is the only wholesale market in Bagerhat District, and one of
the largest wholesale markets in the southwest region of Bangladesh–selling both hatchery and river
fry from Noakhali, Ramgati, and the Songazi area. Wholesale fry suppliers in this market provide dadan,
or an advance, to local fry collectors in order to secure reliable access to shrimp fry; and then in turn,
sell fry to farm owners, earning a commission of around BDT 100-200 (USD 1.16-2.32) per thousand fry
sold. The interests of wholesale fry suppliers are protected by the Foyla Bazar Ponar Babsayee Sambay
Samity, a thirty-year-old association of around 100 wholesale fry suppliers. Approximately 1000 workers
are employed in the Foyla Bazar wholesale shrimp market, sorting and counting fry for piece rate wages
of 20 BDT (USD .23) per 1000 fry sold.
Inland aquaculture shrimp production accounts for more than 80% of shrimp production in Bangladesh.
The farming and cultivation of shrimp from fry is undertaken by small farmers, sharecroppers, and daily
wage workers. Bagda (Tiger Prawn) and Golda (Giant River Prawn) are both cultivated locally. The Bagda
saltwater shrimp variety, which accounts for approximately 80% of locally cultivated stock, is harvested
in August, September, and October; and the Golda shrimp freshwater shrimp variety, which accounts for
20% of locally cultivated stock, is harvested in November, December, and January.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Shrimp farmers sell their products to aggregators referred to as sub-depots. In order to ensure the
requisite supply of shrimp, sub-depot owners rely on the dadni system wherein they provide farmers
with advanced payment in order to secure access to future stock. In a lateral process, shrimp subdepots also purchase marine shrimp that are harvested naturally within Khulna Division by small farmers
from agents. Shrimp sub-depots sell to larger aggregators referred to as depots. Depots, then, supply
shrimp to local factories at non-negotiable rates set by factory owners in relation to global market rates.
Today, aquaculture in the area includes not only shrimp, but also whitefish. Although they take longer to
mature, white fish is less temperamental to raise and harvest than shrimp, providing aquaculture farmers
with a secure crop to moderate risk associated with shrimp production. Accordingly, within Khulna
division, there are two types of whitefish aquaculture production: some farmers raise and harvest only
whitefish, while others raise both shrimp and whitefish, often within the same aquaculture ponds.
Primary and secondary shrimp processing
Shrimp processing factories are at the apex of the shrimp value chain in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts,
connecting these local value chain segments to the international export market. Unlike seafood processing
factories in Veraval-Somnath, Gujarat which focus on primary processing of lower value products,
factories in Bagerhat sell shrimp (a higher value product) under their own brand names. In Bagerhat
Division and Khulna Division (Rupsha), approximately two-thirds of seafood processing factories focus on
shrimp processing, while one-third conduct a mixture of shrimp, whitefish, and other seafood processing.
In order to keep processing factories running year round, during off season for shrimp, even factories
primarily dedicated to shrimp processing may package and process frozen vegetables and seafood that
is not sourced locally.
In addition to primary shrimp processing, factories in this area also engage in secondary processing and
packaging. For instance, Bagerhat Sea Food Industries Limited procures shrimp from farms in the region and
undertakes shrimp processing exclusively for export, including as ready-to-eat cooked food sold under
the brand names Ocean Star and Sea Star. This secondary processing requires automation in production
processes, including technical freezing processes required in producing ready to eat seafood products.
These specialized and automated production processes require a more stable workforce. However, as we
will discuss in more detail in the section that follows, due to surplus labour in the regional labour market,
seafood processing workers employed in Bagerghat and Khulna Districts do not necessarily experience
gains in wages and working conditions commensurate with the increased margins typically associated with
higher value and branded production processes.
Export destinations
In Bangladesh, shrimp is the primary seafood export product. According to our field investigations, most
seafood processing factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts export seafood to the EU, Japan, US, and Russia.
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Structure of employment in the
seafood processing industry in
Bagerhat and Khulna Districts
Our research in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts spans the time period from October 2020 until December
2021: a period including the second wave of COVID 19 infections in Bangladesh from March - May 2021,
with a seven-day national lockdown from April 5-12, 2021; and the third wave from May-August 2021, with
two lockdowns in July 2021. During this time, three seafood processing factories in Bagerhat District and 41
seafood processing factories in the Rupsha seafood processing hub in Khulna District remained operational.
Women workers living in Bagerhat District work in both of these neighboring seafood production hubs.
The 250 women we engaged over the course of this study worked in all three factories in Bagerhat, and
approximately 15 factories in the Rupsha processing area, Khulna District. This group included 50 women
hired as monthly wage workers and 200 workers hired as daily wage workers–although women reported
moving between these categories on the basis of their employment needs. Seafood processing workers
commute from twelve villages in Bagerhat District, including villages in Rakhalgachi Union Parishad in Sadar
Upazila; and Piljanga and Lakhpur Union Parishads in Fakihar Upazila (Table 4). These villages are a subset of
the villages where workers find employment in seafood processing.
Workers from Rakhalgachi Union and Piljanga Union, for the most part, commute between 6 and 10
kilometers by rickshaw. Workers from Town-Noapara and Jugikhali in Piljanga Union, however, live
only a five to seven minute walk from the processing factories in Bagerhat District. Workers from these
areas enjoy shorter commutes to work, and often have personal relationships with supervisors and
managers in the Bagerhat District factories. They also describe receiving preference in hiring based
upon the influence of local political leaders in Bagerhat District who look out for their constituents.
Table 4: Bagerhat village and towns where women work in seafood processing
Rakhalgachi Union, Sadar Upazila
Batpara, Shahpara, Sughandi, and Ukpal Villages
Piljanga Union, Fakirhat Upazila
Jugikhali Village, Town-Noapara
Piljanga Union, Fakirhat Upazila
Baruipara, Kahardanga, Chotokhajura, Barakhajura,
Jahajghata, and Chargram villages
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Internal migrant workers from Bharisal and other neighboring Districts also work in seafood processing
factories in the Rupsha processing hub. These workers live in boarding houses owned by contractors near
these factories. Our research, however, focused on understanding labor conditions for local women workers
who commute daily to Bagerhat and Rupsha seafood processing areas. The experiences of internal migrant
workers are an important area for further investigation.
Workforce demographics
In Bangladesh, during peak season, 80% of workers in the SPI are women. According to the women we
spoke to, 60% of the women who work in seafood processing are between 30 and 40 years old, 25%
are more than 40 years old, and 15% are less than 30 years old. Women employed in this sector have a
range of educational backgrounds, ranging from no literacy to completion of primary and even secondary
education. As we will discuss further in subsequent sections, women workers are hired as temporary
workers for daily or monthly wages. Processing tasks within factories are distributed by gender, with
women involved in grading, sorting, packing, and loading; and men employed to work in cold storage
areas and to carry and load products.
Seasonal work
In Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, shrimp processing is seasonal with a seven to eight month peak period
from July to January, followed by a lean period from March to July. This peak season for shrimp processing
corresponds with shrimp harvest cycles for the Bagda (Tiger Prawn) and Golda (Giant River Prawn) that
are cultivated locally. Shrimp harvesting is best undertaken during the new moon. Once harvested, the
head of the shrimp has to be removed immediately to prevent the quality from declining. Accordingly,
within this peak period, primary shrimp processing is undertaken in intensive three to four day periods
immediately following harvest cycles. In these processing spikes, factories undertake intensive primary
processing with most factories running three shifts, including overnight work shifts. Following these
intensive spikes, however, factories require only about half the number of primary processing workers
required during harvest cycles.
In the off season, factories may hire workers for other export processing, including white fish and frozen
vegetables, but this work is comparatively less. During this time, women workers find employment in
agricultural work, and as daily wage workers in the informal sector. Informal sector jobs in this area include
livestock and poultry rearing, domestic work, construction work, tailoring, day labor, and sorting fish and
fry in the markets.
Employment types
Temporary work and recruitment intermediaries
Since seafood processing factories in Khulna District conduct both primary and secondary processing, they
hire a bifurcated workforce of daily wage workers responsible for cleaning shrimp products; and monthly
contract workers engaged in grading, sorting, icing and packing final products for export.
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Daily wage work
As described in the previous section, the number of workers required for primary processing varies
dramatically during the peak season, with peaks immediately following harvest, followed by dips. Most
typically, there are two peak seasons a month followed by 3-4 days of intensive work. Consistent with these
harvest patterns, daily wage workers are typically employed for approximately 15-20 days a month during
peak season. These dates are not entirely predictable, however, as they are subject to not only the harvest
but also the transportation schedules of sub-depot and depot-level aggregators. Dispersed between these
intensive periods, daily wage workers may find no employment, or just two to three hours of work. In order
to facilitate such an expanding and contracting workforce, women workers engaged in primary shrimp
processing are overwhelmingly hired as daily wage workers.
Daily wage workers are hired through contractors who, in turn, work with contact people in local villages.
Contact people are usually women who are seafood processing workers themselves. They typically
undertake this role in order to secure regular work for themselves, and may also take a nominal fee from
the workers they recruit. When work is anticipated by contractors, village contact people bring groups
of up to 15 workers to a factory. In this process, daily wage workers maintain no direct relationship with
the factory and many do not even know the name of the factory where they are employed. They do not
hold appointment letters or identity cards, have restricted access to on-site medical facilities, and do not
receive festival bonuses.
On days when they are called upon by their village contact to report, daily wage workers commute in groups,
reaching the factory by 8 am. If the raw shrimp has arrived, they will be hired–sometimes for extended shifts
that last up to 18 hours. On other days, if the raw shrimp has not arrived, they will not be employed and
forfeit their travel costs, which can be up to BDT 50 (USD .58) round trip.
Monthly wage work
Monthly wage workers responsible for secondary processing typically undertake grading, freezing, and
packaging tasks. Unlike the primary processing work of cleaning shrimp and removing their heads that must
be undertaken immediately, secondary processing work is ongoing. While seafood processing factories
in the area report hiring permanent workers in these secondary processing roles, the women we spoke to
said that women holding positions listed as permanent are in reality hired month to month. As a result, like
temporary workers, they are for the most part excluded from labour rights protections.
Notably, seafood processing factories draw from the same pool of workers to fill daily and monthly wage
work. Women workers reported cycling between flexible more intensive roles as daily wage workers, and
stable but more rigid roles as monthly wage workers depending upon the flexibility they require to meet
household care and other responsibilities. While the work required of them is different and undertaken at
distinct intensity levels, women reported similar salaries and workplace challenges.
Permanent work
Seafood processing factories also hire workers permanently as supervisors, scale-men, inventory keepers,
store-in-charge, and factory administrators. Only a small segment of the workforce is employed in these
secure positions, and these positions are overwhelmingly held my male workers. Permanent workers are
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
entitled to protection under Bangladeshi labour law. Consistent with national standards, they reported
holding documentation establishing their employment relationship with the factory, including appointment
letters, factory ID cards, and–after six months–service books. They also described receiving two annual
festival bonuses, regular leave, and paid medical leave.
While receiving some benefits associated with permanent employment, workers reported receiving leave
entitlements that fall below national labor standards. For instance, while workers are legally entitled to weekly
leave, they report receiving only two days of regular leave each month. One worker explained:
In our factory, we get weekly-leave for two days every month. Our leave
is written down as four days a month on [factory] papers. Everything is
written correctly in the official documents, but in reality we get two days.
Workers also reported that they do not in practice get casual leave, are occasionally but not always able
to avail sick leave, and do not for the most part receive annual leave. Some workers even reported being
unable to take festival leaves, although the majority of permanent workers we spoke to were able to take
festival leave.
These gaps in implementing labour standards protections for permanent workers are an important site of
further investigation. In particular, in further research, it will be important to document the full range of labor
rights that are unenforced or partially enforced, as well as limitations in enforcement mechanisms that allow
these rights violations to persist.
Working conditions
Management structure
For more than two decades, scholarship on gender in the global economy has documented how in varied,
locally specific ways, international capital relies upon gendered ideologies and social relations to recruit and
discipline workers, producing segmented labour forces within and between countries (Mills 2003). Within
seafood processing factories, 80% of temporary and monthly wage workers are women, but all of the
supervisors are male. In these hierarchical workplaces, macro-level gendered societal discrimination seeps
into seafood processing factories, reinforcing workplace hierarchy through gendered hierarchy.
Among the 250 women workers we engaged for this study–including both daily and monthly wage
workers–80% reported earning between BDT 4,500 to BDT 6,675 (USD 52.22 - 77.46) a month–although
workers who completed more specialized tasks like beheading prawns reported earning up to BDT 10,000
(USD 116.05) per month. They described these payments as far below living wages and estimated that they
would require BDT 7000 to BDT 10,000 (USD 81.23- 116.05) per month, depending upon the earning profile
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of others in the household, in order to meet their living expenses. As a result, most women employed in
seafood processing in these areas live at a subsistence level.
Women working for daily wages reported receiving wages daily or weekly. By contrast, some women
employed on a monthly basis reported regular payment cycles, while others reported receiving payments
on an irregular basis.
During shrimp season, monthly wage workers must report to work daily at 8 am and typically finish their shifts
between 8 am and 10 pm. Although they work between 12 and 14 hours per day, they do not receive overtime
pay. Monthly wage workers are not allotted weekly holidays and are instead given just two days of monthly leave.
Daily wage workers experience much more erratic working hours, including extended hours of forced
overtime. During peak processing periods after successful harvests, workers are not only required to finish
production targets, they are also prevented from leaving until primary processing is complete. These shifts
routinely last from 16-20 hours. One worker explained:
The length of work at night depends on the supply of fish to the
factory. During peak season, we often work 16-20 hours in a row, or
even more. We take a short break at the factory and then keep working.
Workers report that during these daily wage shifts, they are neither provided food from the factory nor
given breaks to purchase food from outside. They are also not allowed to sleep, although some workers
described getting breaks that ranged from 10-30 minutes. Women described high levels of exhaustion
during these shifts, especially among older women. Some described being so tired that they lie down in the
toilet area to rest even for just a few minutes.
Since these extended shifts typically begin at 8 am, women workers describe finishing their work in the
middle of the night–between 3 am and 5 am when there are no public buses, or even private rickshaws and
vans available. Factories do not provide transportation home. As a result, at the end of their 18-20 hour
shifts, women walk the 8-10 kilometers to their homes.
Occupational health and safety
Women workers described a range of health impacts from working in the seafood processing industry. Daily
wage workers undertaking 18-20 hours shifts without breaks or adequate nutrition described exhaustion
taking days to overcome. Some women even described fainting during their shifts.
Both daily and monthly wage workers also described getting cuts on their hands from both knives and
fish bones, exacerbated by the cold temperature, leading to painful sores and routine infections. In most
factories, women said that basic safety equipment like gloves are entirely unavailable, unless they are
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
provided temporarily during food safety standards inspections. However, even when gloves are made
available to women workers, they said they preferred not to wear them because gloves slowed down their
ability to meet production targets and extended the length of their shifts.
Women also described health complications related to either standing for prolonged periods along steel
tables in cold and wet environments; or squatting to use the botis (knives mounted on small blocks of wood)
required to quickly remove shrimp heads. Women reported chronic coughs and back pain, and regular
fevers, headaches, and eye infections.
Workers employed in Khulna and Bagerhat District seafood processing factories did, however, report access
to basic health facilities within some factories. Available facilities included first aid boxes, and access to trained
nurses and doctors in cases of injury. Workers also, however, reported that access to these facilities were, for
the most part, reserved to monthly wage workers. During the COVID 19 pandemic, most workers reported that
factories distributed masks and made arrangements for handwashing to improve workplace safety.
Gender based violence and harassment (GBVH)
General recommendation No. 19 on violence against women, adopted by the Committee on the Elimination
of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) defines gender based violence as “violence which is directed
against a woman because she is a woman or that affects women disproportionately”, and, as such, is a
violation of their human rights (Article 1). Forms of gender based violence named by General recommendation
No. 19 include acts that inflict physical harm, mental harm, sexual harm or suffering, threats of any of these
acts, coercion, and deprivations of liberty.
This section provides examples of the spectrum of violence reported by women workers employed in seafood
processing factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts. In this preliminary investigation, women workers did
not report personal experiences of sexual violence. They did, however, report sexual harassment including
unwanted touching from male workers and preferential treatment given to young women workers in return
for receiving sexual advances from managers. Due to the significant stigma associated with reporting sexual
harassment and violence, and common fear of retaliation for reporting, risk factors and patterns of sexual
harassment and violence require further attention in subsequent research.
Women also reported forms of violence that disproportionately impact women workers because they not
only comprise the majority of workers in seafood processing factories, but are also entirely excluded from
supervisory and managerial roles and concentrated in subordinate roles. While we discussed the physical
harms reported by women workers in the previous section on occupational health and safety, in Table 5
we link these physical harms to particular managerial and employment practices that constitute violence
against women workers.
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Table 5: Spectrum of GBVH reported by women employed in seafood processing
factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
(1) Violence against a woman because she is a woman
(2) Violence directed against a woman that affects women disproportionately due to
(a) high concentration of women workers in risky production departments; and
(b) gendered barriers to seeking relief
Forms of violence
» Routine overwork, including 18-20 hour shifts, with low wages, resulting
in exhaustion, dizziness, and in some cases, fainting on the job, gendered
aspect 2(a)
Acts that inflict
physical harm
» Long hours performing repetitive manual tasks in a cold environment,
leading to chronic leg and back pain, and other adverse health
consequences, gendered aspect 2(a)
» Failure to provide adequate safety equipment and training leading to
routine hand cuts, sores, and infections 2(a)
Acts that inflict
mental harm
Acts that inflict
sexual harm or
Coercion, threats,
and retaliation
» General verbal abuse, including bullying and verbal public humiliation,
gendered aspect 2(a)
» Sexual advances from management, especially targeting younger
women workers, gendered aspect (1), 2(a)
» Unwanted physical touch, including inappropriate bodily contact by
managers and male co-workers, gendered aspect (1)
» Fear of retaliation, including loss of employment, for reporting rights
violations, gendered aspect 2(a)
» Preventing women workers from taking breaks to eat and rest, gendered
aspect 2(a)
Deprivations of
» Forced overtime, including requiring women to complete 18-20 hour
shifts, gendered aspect 2(a)
» Forced labour, including restricting the ability to leave the factory until
production targets are met, gendered aspect (1), 2(a), and 2(b)
Note: This approach to analyzing the spectrum of GBVH facing women workers is drawn from forgoing
research on garment supply chains (Silliman Bhattacharjee 2018a-c; 2019a-b; 2020).
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
GBVH is rooted in risks associated with the systematic concentration of a majority woman workforce in the
lower tiers of supply chain production. The 2017 study on Violence and Harassment Against Women and
Men in the World of Work: Trade Union Perspectives and Action, released by the International Labour Office,
directs attention to new and emerging risks in the workplace, including work pressures, changes in work
organization, and long working hours in manufacturing and other sectors (Actrav 2017: xiii-xiv). Our research
establishes that women engaged in seafood processing work in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts are exposed
to many of the risk factors for violence in the world of work named by the ILO Expert Committee (Table 6).
Table 6: Risk factors for GBVH identified in the seafood processing industries
in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Risk Factors for GBVH
» Workers who cannot exercise their rights to freedom of association and collective
bargaining, due to the inappropriate use of contractual arrangements leading to decent
work deficits . . ., are also likely to be more at risk of violence and harassment (para. 13)
» Unrealistic production targets (para. 10)
» Unsocial working hours (for instance, evening and night work)(para. 9)
» Working in resource-constrained settings (inadequately equipped facilities or insufficient
staffing)(para. 9)
» Working in situations that are not properly covered or protected by labour law and social
protection (para. 9)
» Poor labour relations (para. 10)
Note: Paragraph numbers refer to International Labour Office, Violence and Harassment Against Women
and Men in the World of Work: Trade Union Perspectives and Action (Actrav 2017).
Freedom of association and access to
relief in cases of rights violations
Although the Bangladesh Constitution (Part III) protects the right to form associations or unions, seafood
processing workers in Bangladesh face significant barriers in exercising their rights to form and join
representative trade unions (Table 7). Although there is some trade union activity in seafood processing
factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, workers reported reluctance to participate in trade unions due
to fear of retaliation from factory supervisors and managers. Notably, male workers are more likely to seek
relief for workplace issues by direct contact with managers and supervisors, while women workers reported
raising issues to the village-level contact people that facilitated their employment.
Society for Labour and Development
Table 7: Risk factors that inhibit freedom of association identified in the seafood
processing industries in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, Bangladesh
Risk Factors that Inhibit Freedom of Association
» Retaliation for reporting workplace violations
» Extended working hours + prevention of meetings between workers during the
workday, making it difficult for workers to meet and organize
» Temporary employment, undermining job security and increasing worker mobility
between factories
COVID 19 impacts on seafood processing
factories, employment, and livelihoods
Seafood processing factories
During the global COVID 19 pandemic, seafood processing factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts experienced
a decline in demand from export markets. As export destination countries went into national lockdowns,
restaurant closures together with significant economic impacts reduced demand for seafood products. The
General Manager of a fish processing factory in the Rupsa processing area of Khulna District explained:
Coronavirus infected those who eat shrimp and other seafood abroad–
markets closed, restaurants were shut down. Who will buy our fish?
As a result, in April, May, and June 2020, seafood processing factories reported receiving no new orders–
and some factories did not receive new orders until July or even August. This period coincided with what is
typically the peak season for harvest and processing in Khulna and Bagerhat Districts. When orders resumed,
they were reduced by 20-30% from the previous year. The overall impacts of these drops were severe:
management personnel at seafood processing factories reported steep drops in the number of containers
exported, with some factories exporting at only 14% of their capacity, while those that fared well exported
at 40% of their capacity when considered in relation to the previous year. Processing factories were also
offered 20-30% lower rates for the containers they did export.
As in other buyer-driven value chains, moreover, seafood processing factories also reported buyers canceling
orders, changing requirements, and pressuring them to accept lower prices (Silliman Bhattacharjee 2020).
Some buyers even canceled orders after receiving some part of the whole order, requiring the supplier to
sell the remainder at a loss. A General Manager at a seafood processing factory in Khulna District described
the impact of such cancellations on the factory bottom line:
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
After sending two consignments, the buyer told us that they would not
receive any more of the consignment due to reasons associated with
COVID 19 health standards. They told us to sell it elsewhere. We sold the
remaining consignments to another country, but we had to sell it at a lower
rate. We also had to repackage and reprint the stock, requiring extra labour
and materials. We suffered a huge financial loss.
Seafood processing factories had to sell already produced goods immediately, because without the
capacity to store goods for extended periods of time, they risked loss in quality and spoilage. International
buyers with significant stocking capacity took advantage of these order cancellations, using them as an
opportunity to buy already produced goods at lower prices.
On the supply side, processing factories grappled with restrictions on movement within Bangladesh that
disrupted supply of raw shrimp and fish to processing factories, increasing the price of raw materials–in
some cases up to 20%. These supply side disruptions also had a knock-on effect on seafood cultivators.
Unable to deliver shrimp and fish immediately upon harvest, raw materials segments of the value chain
suffered significant financial losses. As a result, they did not have the financial resources for cultivation in the
subsequent season, creating an ongoing supply shortage that lasted from 2020 to 2021.
Impacts on employment and worker livelihoods
Due to these supply and demand pressures, together with the imposition of national lockdowns, workers
reported that many factories were closed during the COVID 19 pandemic, beginning in March 2020–with
some factories closed for three months, and others for up to five months (Ahmed 2021). While some workers
were able to find employment in the factories that remained open, others had no work in the processing
factories and experienced extreme difficulties finding alternate sources of employment.
Consistent with workforce expansion and contraction practices during the peak shrimp season, factories
that continued to operate would call in daily wage workers in line with the availability of raw shrimp and
whitefish for processing. One worker explained:
Many of us did work during the lockdown, although not regularly. When
fish supplies arrived at the factory, we were informed to arrive. We faced
difficulties in traveling since transportation was not available. We were
afraid because the police and army were also enforcing lockdowns.
Permanent, monthly, and daily wage workers who were able to find employment in processing factories also
reported significant delays in payments during this period, with some reporting that they did not receive
wages for up to five months. During this period, they continued to report to work in hope of receiving owed
wages. Systematic analysis of these and other COVID 19 related wage theft practices and their relationship
Society for Labour and Development
to purchasing practices of lead firms require further investigation in future stages of research.
Workers who were unable to remain in processing factory employment–including permanent workers who
lost their jobs without benefits associated with termination–searched for other jobs. One worker explained:
We had no fixed work when processing factories closed. We did whatever
work we could find, from chopping wood to loading sand into trucks.
Workers reported working as auto drivers, masons and construction workers, daily wage workers, agricultural
workers, and within local shops. Some workers also sought employment in garment factories.
Between unemployment, underemployment, reduced wages, and delayed wage payments, 90% of the
workers we engaged experienced income shortages during and after the COVID 19 pandemic. Workers
depleted their savings, sold family assets, and were still unable to make ends meet. Despite this fall in
income, families also reported increased health expenditures related to the COVID 19 pandemic– including
purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE) and sanitizers, and paying medical expenses for themselves
and family members that fell ill.
During this period, workers had very little access to emergency economic relief. While some factories
provided financial support to workers in distress, this was not the norm. Some workers were able to access
government food assistance, and others reported receiving humanitarian aid from local organizations.
However, many workers reported receiving no support at all during this difficult period. Accordingly, on
average, families with one or more workers previously employed in seafood processing borrowed around
BDT 34,000 (USD 394.6) during this period–including borrowing from relatives, neighbors, local cooperatives,
and NGOs providing micro-credit. Workers also reported reducing household costs by skipping one or more
meals per day (Ahmed 2021).
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
processing in the
Gujarat Industrial
Cluster (GIDC)
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Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
How does the structure of seafood GVCs interact with the labour market and employment practices in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC to shape working conditions for women workers? In the section that follows, we
answer this question by providing background on the seafood value chain segments in Veraval-Somnath
GIDC. We then situate this discussion in relation to workforce demographics, and finally, look at how
employment structures interact with gender to inform working conditions for the majority female workforce
in the SPI. Our discussion of working conditions focuses on wages, occupational health and safety, workplace
violence, and freedom of association.
Seafood value chains in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC, Gujarat
In 1962, the Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC) was established under the Gujarat Industrial
Development Act, with the goal of accelerating industrialization in the State of Gujarat. By 2021, the GIDC
had established 224 industrial estates with roads, drainage, electricity, water supply, street lights, and ready
to occupy factory sheds. In Veraval-Somnath, Gujarat, an area long dominated by the fishing industry, the
GIDC was established adjacent to the Veraval Port.
Raw materials
The coastline of the Indian state of Gujarat covers approximately 1600 km–accounting for 25% of India’s
total coastline, and contributing about 25% of total Indian marine production. Major species processed in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC include ribbon fish, crocker, cuttlefish, squid, shrimp, and lobster (TERI 2017). Most
seafood processing factories in Veraval–including vertically integrated companies with their own trawlers–
purchase fish from trawlers that dock at the adjacent port. Trawlers supply directly to factories and also
to intermediaries. Seafood from docked trawlers is unloaded into dhungas [tin sheds] that line the road
between the Veraval Port and the GIDC, and then transported to processing factories.
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The price of seafood raw materials fluctuates, but is estimated to account for 70% of total input costs for
seafood processing (TERI 2017). Prices are based upon the yield of fish caught by trawlers. Fish yield, in
turn, depends upon a host of environmental factors. Heavy rains, for instance, reduce the number of catch
days leading to less capture and rising costs. Accordingly, seafood processing factory owners described
a new practice over the last three to four years of sourcing raw-frozen fish from Odisha, Andhra, and
Tamil Nadu–areas with limited export markets. This practice emerged in line with availability of betterrefrigerated transportation systems.
Primary processing
The first seafood processing facility in Gujarat was established in Veraval in 1969 (Kumar 2019). Today, there
are 99 registered seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC, including large and medium
facilities. Seafood processing factories in the GIDC focus nearly exclusively on primary processing of both
lower and higher value fish such as ribbon fish, crocker, cuttlefish, squid, shrimp and lobster. Processing
may be undertaken directly by the factory, or alternately, the factory premises may be leased to exporters.
These leases are seasonal, and are revisited by factory owners and exporters on an annual basis.
Primary processing tasks are distributed along gender lines. Male workers are responsible for initial fileting
and carrying seafood to production lines. Women workers–stationed along waist-high, long, stainless steel
tables–are responsible for washing, cleaning, sorting, and grading seafood. Male workers then carry these
processed products to walk in freezers for quick freezing. These primary processing tasks require low skill
levels and can typically be completed manually.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Export destinations and fluctuating
processing factory margins
In India, only registered export companies can export seafood. Registered export companies may have their
own processing factories; alternately, they may lease processing factories, or outsource processing tasks
to unregistered factories. After processing, seafood products are loaded from factory docks directly into
shipping containers and driven to either the Mundra Port, north west of Veraval in Gujarat; or the Pipavav
Ports, on the southern coast of Gujarat.
Within the Veraval-Somnath GIDC, some factories export exclusively to EU countries; while others export to
non-EU countries, including China and Japan (Table 8). In 2019, out of 129 registered seafood processing
plants in Gujarat, 52 (40%) were approved by the EU for export of marine products (Kumar 2019) These
exclusive links with particular export markets correspond with distinct export standards and processing
practices (Figure 2)
Figure 2: Process flows for non-EU and EU products
Process flow for
non-EU products
Process flow for
EU products
Raw fish/Frozen fish
Frozen fish
Peeling (manual)
Fish preparation
Freezing in blast freezer
Ice storage
Packing and storage
Individual quick freezing
Source: TERI 2017
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Packing and Dispatch
@300kg/hr rate
EU and US lead firms on seafood value chains that import from Veraval-Somnath include brands with
their own retail outlets, and brands that conduct secondary processing and packaging for other retail
companies. As one seafood processing factory owner explained, his factory in Veraval-Somnath exports
processed seafood to the EU and US that is almost ready to eat in its primary processed form (gutted and
cleaned), or alternatively, processed and seasoned further into ready to eat meals. According to women
workers employed in these factories, superior quality produce is sent to Europe. Workers also described
preferring to work in these factories due to better working conditions and higher pay.
By contrast, seafood for export to non-EU and US markets undergoes basic washing, cleaning, freezing
and packing, but there is no change in the original seafood product. Unlike in the EU and US, local agents
in Asian markets purchase fish by the container and sell them whole in local markets. Workers refer to the
factories that supply to Asian markets as “China process,” referring to the distinct processing and safety
standards requirements in these factories. According to the workers we engaged in this study, inferior
quality produce is sent to China–including products that require more cleaning and washing.
Seafood exporters in Veraval-Somnath GIDC described their relationships with buyers in the EU and US
as relatively stable. GVC research on product supply chains has established that stable orders from lead
firms typically correspond with a higher level of bargaining power for supplier firms (Nathan and Silliman
Bhattacharjee et. al. 2022). Consistent with this formulation, seafood exporters in Veraval-Somnath did
describe holding significant bargaining power with lead firms on seafood GVCs headquartered in the EU
and US who require a reliable supply of processed seafood to meet consumer demand. Seafood exporters
described less bargaining power with non-EU agents purchasing containers of whole fish, a factor they
attributed to fewer demands and processing criteria among these local agents, allowing them to source
whole fish with fewer constraints.
GVC literature has also documented a relationship between increased order stability, bargaining power,
and more stable margins among supplier firms. These factors may in turn correspond with more regular
employment (Nathan and Silliman Bhattacharjee et. al. 2022). According to seafood exporters in VeravalSomnath GIDC, however, this observation does not hold true in the seafood processing industry where
margins fluctuate in relation to raw material access. On one hand, seafood raw material prices paid by
processing and export firms fluctuate based upon environmental impacts on local seafood yield. On the
other hand, high seafood yields in other parts of the world may drive down the prices paid by lead firms on
seafood GVCs. In short, seafood processing margins are unpredictable, with the potential to be squeezed
based upon both local and global environmental factors. As a result, seafood exporters in the Veraval
Somnath GIDC described margins that have fallen by 50-60 percent over the last decade. When asked
about measures that can be taken to stabilize and increase their margins, they said that this would require
technical upgradation of trawlers in order to facilitate deep sea fishing and access a more stable fish stock
due to diminishing coastal fish stock.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Table 8: SPI factories and export destinations by country for
Veraval-Somnath, 2019-2021
Factory name
Export destinations
Export destinations
Export destinations
Asha Ganga
Cameroon, China,
Portugal, Thailand, and
Cameroon, China,
France, Portugal,
Thailand, and UK
Cameroon, China,
Dominican Republic,
Italy, Malaysia, Spain,
and Thailand
China and Thailand
Cameroon, China, Iraq,
Malaysia, Thailand, UAE,
and UK
China, Dominican
Republic, Italy,
Netherlands, Spain,
Thailand, and UAE
Gopal Fisheries
China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, Tunisia, UAE,
and Vietnam
Chian, Mozambique, Sri
Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand,
Tunisia, UAE and
Sri Lanka, Tunisia, and
Bangladesh, China, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, and
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
China, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, and Tunisia
Great Wall
HLN Enterprises
China and Malaysia
JM Marine
Belgium, China, Congo,
Cyprus, France, Hong
Kong, Italy, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain,
Thailand, and Vietnam
Bangladesh, China,
France, Italy, Portugal,
Spain, Taiwan, Thailand,
UK, and Vietnam
Cameroon, China,
Cyprus, Greece,
Italy, Portugal, Spain,
Thailand, and UAE
Jagdish Marine
Belgium, Cyprus,
Dominican Republic,
France, Greece, Italy,
Portugal, Republic of
Korea, Spain, Thailand,
and Vietnam
France, Greece, Italy,
Netherlands, Portugal,
Republic of Korea,
Spain, Thailand, Tunisia,
UK, and Vietnam
France, Greece, Italy,
Republic of Korea,
Spain, Thailand, Tunisia,
and Vietnam
Jai Gayatri Export
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Factory name
Export destinations
Export destinations
Export destinations
Kanaiya Export
Algeria, Angola,
Bangladesh, Belgium,
Cameroon, China, Côte
D’ Ivoire, France, Gabon,
Ghana, Greece, Guyana,
Iran, Italy, Jordan,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Oman, Poland, Portugal,
Republic of Korea,
Spain, Thailand, Tunisia,
UAE, UK, and Vietnam
Bangladesh, Belgium,
China, Egypt, France,
Gabon, Greece,
Iran, Italy, Malaysia,
Poland, Senegal, Spain,
Thailand, Tunisia, UAE,
UK, USA, and Vietnam
Bangladesh, Belgium,
Cameroon, Canada,
China, France, Greece,
Italy, Malaysia,
Netherlands, Poland,
Portugal, Spain, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia,
UK, UAE, and Vietnam
Keval Exports
Bangladesh, China, Côte
D’ Ivoire, Malaysia, and
Bangladesh, China,
Republic of Korea, and
Bangladesh, China,
Malaysia, and Vietnam
Loyal Marine
Bangladesh, China,
Jordan, Malaysia, and
Bangladesh, China, Iraq,
Jordan, Thailand, and
Cameroon, Guinea, Iraq,
Jordan, Malaysia, and
Real Exports
Belgium, Canada, China,
Cyprus, Dominican
Republic, France,
Greece, Italy, Japan,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Portugal, Spain,
Thailand, USA, and
Belgium, China, France,
Greece, Italy, Japan,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Portugal, Republic of
Korea, Slovenia, Spain,
Taiwan, Thailand, UAE,
USA, and Vietnam
Belgium, China, France,
Greece, Italy, Libya,
Portugal, Spain, Taiwan,
Thailand, USA, and
Rich marine
China and Malaysia
Malaysia and Vietnam
China, Thailand, and
Sabir Sea Foods
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Export destinations
Export destinations
Export destinations
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
China, Liberia, Malaysia,
Oman, Portugal,
Thailand, UAE, UK, and
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
Canada, China,
Côte D’ Ivoire, Italy,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Oman, Peru, Portugal,
Singapore, Spain, Sri
Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand,
UK, and Vietnam
Albania, Bangladesh,
Cameroon, China,
Congo, Cyprus,
Denmark, Dominican
Republic, Italy, Malaysia,
Netherlands, Oman,
Peru, Portugal. Republic
of Korea, Spain,
Thailand, UAE, UK, and
Somnath Marine
China, Dominican
Republic, Guadeloupe,
Netherlands, Spain,
Thailand, UK, USA, and
Italy, Spain, Thailand,
and UK
Greece, Italy, Spain,
and UK
Soneri Marine
China, Dominican
Republic, Malaysia,
Peru, Republic of Korea,
Thailand, and UAE
Bangladesh, Guyana,
Malaysia, and Thailand
Dominican Republic
Winsor World
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
China, Côte D’ Ivoire,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Republic of Korea, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia,
Turkey, UAE, and
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
China, Congo, Italy,
Malaysia, Netherlands,
Oman, Republic of
Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sri
Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia,
Turkey, UAE, and
Bangladesh, Cameroon,
China, Italy, Oman,
Saudi Arabia, Thailand,
Tunisia, and UAE
Factory name
Shafi Marine
Local market potential
Within India, demand for seafood has increased over the last 15 years, so much so that prices in India are
currently higher than in Europe for certain seafood products. New markets for processed seafood in India
are emerging as supermarkets, malls, and aggregators supply frozen, ready to cook products. Despite this
rise in demand, however, seafood processing factory owners described significant challenges in accessing
local markets. As a result, no more than 10-15 percent of seafood processed in Veraval-Somnath is sold
in the local Indian market, and only one of the 99 registered seafood processing factories in the VeravalSomnath GIDC has an Indian retail brand.
Society for Labour and Development
Challenges in accessing Indian markets are related to both inadequate logistics and unstable demand.
India’s refrigerated trucking capacity is extremely limited, and also circumscribed to India’s Tier-1 cities.
However, seafood processing factory owners in Veraval-Somnath explained that even though trucks can
reach Tier-1 cities, it is difficult to synchronize order size and truck capacity. While demand is also rising in
Tier-2 cities due to the expansion of supermarkets in these areas, they are for the most part off the grid of
existing refrigerated trucking routes.
Structure of employment in
the seafood processing industry
in Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Our research on seafood processing in Veraval-Somnath GIDC began in August 2019 and extended until
December 2021–a period that saw the unanticipated rise of the global COVID 19 pandemic and two national
lockdowns (March - August 2020, March - May 2021).
The 270 women we engaged over the course of this study worked in seafood processing factories in the
Veraval-Somnath GIDC. All of these women lived in neighboring villages (Table 9). They commute from 45
minutes to up to two hours in order to reach processing factories in the GIDC, and pay INR 500-1300 (USD 6.63
- USD 17.25) per month for their commute, depending upon the distance between their village and the GIDC.
Table 9: Village and towns where women work in seafood processing
in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC
» Kajali
» Mathasuriya
» Inaj
» Bolash
» Bhalpara
» Navagaam
» Ukadiya
» Lati
» Rampara
» Bij
» Navdra
» Sonariya
» Bhetali
» Kadvaar
» Kodidra
» Lodhva
» Harnsha
» Prasnavada
» Sutrapada
» Vadodara (zala)
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Workforce demographics
Women make up more than 75% of the workforce in India’s seafood processing sector. In Gujarat, more
specifically, women workers comprise 90% of the workforce in pre-processing centres and 70% in processing
units. While women workers are overwhelmingly concentrated in temporary work at the floor level, male
workers tend to hold regular and permanent positions, including in administrative, quality control, and plant
and floor level supervisory roles (Jeyanthi et al. 2015).
Zooming in on gendered role distribution among seafood processing workers employed on the shop floor,
we documented a gendered bifurcation of tasks (Table 10). Women workers perform manual tasks, at times
with knives and peelers, including cleaning, peeling, sorting, grading, and packing seafood in thermocol
boxes. Male workers employed on the factory floor are involved in tasks requiring more physical strength,
including lifting containers of fish onto processing tables, and loading processed fish into freezers and
shipping containers.
Notably, among 100 women workers contacted in initial phases of this research, 66% reported being illiterate
and the remaining 34% reported having some secondary or even post-secondary education. Some women
described working in seafood processing while pursuing higher education. Regardless of their education
levels, however, women workers carried out the same primary processing tasks.
Table 10: Distribution of fish processing tasks between women and men in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC, India
Type of Work
Done by Women
Done by Men
Purchasing seafood from ports
Weighing seafood products
Carrying and lifting seafood onto work tables
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Treating products, including chemical treatments
Individual Quick Freezing (IQF)
Building boxes for packaging
Packing in plastic wrap
Packaging in thermocol boxes
Labeling products
Ice store/freezing the product
Loading in containers for export
The majority of workers employed in the seafood processing industry in India are between 18 and 45 years
old, with the average age of women workers coming in at 25 years old (Gopal et al.). In Veraval-Somnath
GIDC, workers described a management preference for hiring younger women. According to the workers
we spoke to, younger workers are preferred because they are easier to control than their older peers. These
workers are routinely asked to leave the premises during inspections. Researchers also, however, spoke to
55-year-old women who were still working in processing factories.
Women reported that tasks are also distributed between women on the basis of their age. Younger women
are more typically assigned to grading and sorting seafood, whereas older women tend to be assigned
washing, cleaning, and packing tasks. Elder women also work as mukadim (recruitment intermediaries),
responsible for recruiting groups of 15-20 women workers from their villages and ensuring that they report
to factories in line with workforce requirements. At any given time, 4-5 recruitment intermediaries work
within a particular factory.
Workforce segmentation by social identity and migration status
Within seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC, the workforce is not only segmented
by gender, but also between migrant and local workers; and then further, on the basis of social identity
among local workers.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Migrant workers
Seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC hire migrant workers from the Northeast and
Eastern states of India, including Assam and Odisha, as well as other parts of Gujarat. These migrant women
are between 17 and 30 years old. They find employment in the GIDC through recruitment intermediaries in
their home states–an area for further investigation in subsequent phases of this research. Young migrant
women workers provide seafood processing factories with a ready pool of workers that can be called upon
to conduct primary processing at any hour of the day or night. Since they live in hostels located above
processing factories, they are always accessible–regardless of when the fresh catch comes in. Accordingly,
these young migrant women routinely work night shifts that last 12 or more hours.
As discussed in our methodology section, unlike local women who commute to the GIDC daily and are
therefore available for engagement in their home villages, migrant women workers live in employer housing
above the factories where they work. Accordingly, researchers and programme staff were unable to
engage migrant women workers either in forming collectives or in sharing their experiences at work. Due to
restrictions on talking within factories, the local women engaged in this study described having very little
contact with migrant women. Therefore, while our research observed segmented employment practices
and working conditions between local and migrant women, we were unable to get first hand information on
the experiences of migrant women workers. This remains an important area for further investigation.
Local workers
Among local workers, the workforce is further segmented by social identity–including distinct roles for
workers from social groups considered upper caste, Muslim workers, and Dalit workers.
Workers from the Kharva community–originating in Rajasthan and migrating to the coastal region of Saurashtra
and Kutch during the tenth century–come from a royal Rajput line. Upon migrating to the coast, they took
up fishing and shipping, including imports and exports. Today, the majority of fishermen in the VeravalSomnath area are from the Kharva community. Women from this community work in seafood processing,
but they are hired with more flexible timing and reliable pay. On occasion, they also bring their children
to work and leave them with supervisors while they complete their shifts. Women workers we engaged in
this study report that these privileges are defended by the Kharva community: when Kharva women are
required to work overtime or experience rights violations, their influential community will intervene with
factory owners on their behalf.
Seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC are, for the most part, owned by the Patni Jamat
community–a Sunni Muslim community found in Gujarat and Maharashtra in India, and the Sindh region of
Pakistan. Like the Kharva, the Patni Jamat are a trading community that has been engaged in import and
export shipping since as early as the 15th and 16th centuries. The Patni Jamat are afforded reservations as
Other Backward Classes (OBCs) under India’s reservation system.
Dalit women, considered to be from the lowest caste, comprise the majority of workers employed in seafood
processing. Unlike their Kharva counterparts, they are not exempt from overtime. Since their community is
less powerful in India’s caste-based social hierarchy and therefore less able to intervene on their behalf,
they are subjected to less favorable working conditions, and experience routine rights violations–areas that
we will cover in the sections that follow.
Society for Labour and Development
Seasonal work
As in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts of Bangladesh, seafood processing in Veraval-Somnath GIDC is seasonal.
The season in this area, however, is longer–lasting from approximately May to December. The lean period is
from January to early April. Consistent with the seasonal nature of fishing in this area, seafood processing
workers are employed for eight or nine months during the peak season. During this time, processing
factories typically run two or three shifts, including overnight shifts. In the off season, however, when
seafood processing factories close, women employed in seafood processing have few if any opportunities
for employment.
Unlike women workers who are limited to finding employment in processing and agricultural work, male
workers in the area find employment in a range of occupations during both the peak and off season for the
fishing sector. During the fishing season, men find employment in fishing as well as in factories that supply
ice to trawlers and packaging materials to processing factories. During the off season for fishing,
opportunities for male workers include employment in other local industries, such as the tile, cement, and
thread industries. Male workers also migrate for employment at other neighboring ports, and in the textile
Temporary work and recruitment
intermediaries (Mukhadim)
As estimated 89% of women employed in seafood processing are employed as temporary or casual workers
(Gopal et al.). Local women workers employed in primary processing are hired without contracts and,
accordingly, have no direct employment relationships with the factories in which they work. Consistent
with these temporary and informal working arrangements they receive no employment or social security
benefits, and their rights are not protected under India’s labour law. As described by the President of
Chemical Mazdoor Panchayat, “seafood processing in Gujarat is a lawless industry.”
Women workers from neighboring villages find employment in these factories through local recruitment
intermediaries–more senior women workers from their village who take on the responsibility of bringing
groups of women to fill seafood processing shifts. Like the workers they match with processing factory
employment, recruitment intermediaries have no formal employment relationship with any particular factory.
Instead, they sign on to provide workers to particular factories for a period spanning from two to eight
months, depending entirely on factory requirements. One recruitment intermediary explained:
The agreement is for eight months, but sometimes they sack us in four or
even after two months. They keep us on as long as they have raw material
to process, and after that they ask us to leave.
Recruitment intermediaries work on commissions they receive from both women workers and factories.
They take a monthly commission of 200-300 INR (USD 2.65-3.98) from each woman who they match with
factory employment; and they also receive commissions commensurate with monthly processing wages
from factories where they supply between 40 and 50 workers. Women who seek work in seafood processing
are careful to maintain good relationships with recruitment intermediaries because they depend upon these
relationships to find work in processing factories.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
In addition to matching workers with employers, recruitment intermediaries act as a
liability firewall between seafood processing factories and the women they hire for
primary processing work. For instance, in cases of physical injury at work, recruitment
intermediaries are tasked with facilitating medical care. For instance, on September 6,
2021, seven workers fainted at a factory in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC due to inhaling
fumes from an ammonia gas leak in an adjacent factory. Luckily, rainfall shortly after
the leak mitigated its impact. The workers, who required immediate medical attention,
were taken to the Intensive Care Unit at the Ramawat Hospital. While, in this case,
the factory paid for the costs of treatment, the local recruitment intermediaries who
facilitated their employment were tasked with taking the seven workers to the hospital
and managing their care. Notably, the recruitment intermediary provided their own
name rather than the name of the factory when admitting the workers for treatment–a
measure that safeguarded the factory from any liability for health consequences of
the leak. While the fumes from the gas leak were visible across the Veraval-Somnath
GIDC, this industrial accident was not reported in the local newspapers, a measure
that further safeguarded the involved factories from liability.
Seafood processing
workers pitch in to
cover costs of medical
treatment for worker
injured during
commute to work.
In Veraval and surrounding areas, a chhakra refers to a rickshaw built by
replacing the back wheel of a diesel-engine Royal Enfield with a two-wheel
metal cart. Chhakra are licensed for carrying goods and are used within the
GIDC and surrounding areas to transport seafood and waste products from
seafood processing factories. Local workers employed in seafood processing
make their daily commute from nearby villages to the GIDC by chhakra–often
carrying as many as 15-20 workers.
In 2019, a chhakra carrying 15 women from Lodhva village 25 kilometers to
work at the Veraval-Somnath GIDC overturned. While most of the women
sustained only minor injuries, one young woman sustained serious injuries
to her face that required urgent medical and cosmetic treatment that cost
INR 1,45,000 (USD 1,923). Although India’s Workmen’s Compensation Act,
1923 requires employers to compensate workers for injuries sustained in
the course of work–including during commutes–the young woman had no
formal employment with the destination factory, and the factory refused
to contribute to her medical expenses. In order to ensure that the injured
young woman could afford adequate medical care, the other workers on the
chhakra that day contributed INR 2000 (USD 26.53) each, paid in monthly
installments, toward paying off the medical loan incurred by the family.
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Working conditions
This section focuses on how the GVC and employment structures in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC impact
working conditions in seafood processing for women workers–including wages and hours, occupational
health and safety, freedom of association, GBVH, and other forms of workplace violence.
Management structure
As in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts, nearly all supervisors are men. The majority of these men are from local
communities, although men from Bihar are also hired in supervisory roles.
In the Veraval-Somnath GIDC, wages for women employed in seafood processing range from INR 8000
(USD 106.14) to 10,000 (USD 132.67) per month for a 12-hour working shift; and INR 6000 (USD 79.6) to 7000
(USD 92.87) for 8-10 hour working shifts. This salary range accounts for differences in pay between factory
roles, and also pay differentials between factories. For instance, women reported receiving 500 INR more
per month for grading work, when compared to packing. Moreover, workers employed in factories that
export to the EU are at the higher end of this pay bracket, earning 500-1000 INR (USD 6.63- 13.27) more
than workers employed in factories that export to other parts of Asia. Men engaged in heavy lifting work
are typically paid more, with salaries ranging from INR 8,500 to 10,500 (USD 112.77-139.30) per month for a
12-hour working shift.
When factories reopen at the beginning of the seafood processing season in August, workers engaged
through recruitment intermediaries may be offered a bonus worth 50% of their monthly salary for rejoining.
This practice enables the factory to secure their labour force as processing work restarts. Workers who
complete eight months in one factory also typically receive a bonus.
Workers described receiving their wages in three ways. The majority of workers are paid in cash through
recruitment intermediaries, or directly by factory management. A third group of workers described receiving
their wages through direct deposit into their bank accounts. From these base wages, workers pay between
INR 500-1300 (USD 6.63- 17.25) for chhakra transportation; and monthly commissions to recruitment
intermediaries–either INR 200 (USD 2.65) for employment in factories supplying to Asian markets, or INR
300 (USD 3.98) for employment in factories supplying to EU markets.
While the working hours in factories in Veraval are recorded as 8 hours per day, women typically work 12
hours per day on shifts running from 9 am to 9 pm. Although it is common for shifts to extend to 14 hours,
processing workers do not receive overtime pay. On rare occasions, women described being required to
work until as late as 2 am–for the most part, however, shifts that stretch into the night are reserved for
migrant workers. Some women do in fact work 8 hour shifts, but as described in the previous section, these
women receive lower wages.
For the most part, women reported receiving two days of paid leave each month. During peak seafood
processing season, however, some women also reported working 28 days at a stretch without receiving a
Society for Labour and Development
day of leave. During these peak-season, back to back shifts, women reported different factory practices
related to breaks. Women reported that in some factories, they did not receive any breaks, even to use the
toilet. As one worker described:
They don’t allow us to sit. They make us work continuously. As soon as one
task is complete, they immediately assign more work.
In other factories, women reported receiving three breaks a day: two 5-10 minute breaks; and one hourlong lunch break. Women also reported inadequate toilet facilities–including factories where 150 women
and 20 men share two toilets.
Occupational health and safety
Seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC are cold and wet, with temperatures in the
processing factory kept as low as 10 degrees celsius. Accordingly, workers must physically adjust from
higher outside temperatures to cold temperatures within factories each day when they arrive at work. Then,
at the end of the day, they must again acclimatize to higher temperatures when they leave work.
Women spend their shifts standing at tables where they sort, grade, and process seafood products. This
repetitive work in wet and cold environments contributes to a range of health problems. These include
joint, leg, lower back, back, and shoulder pain; eye irritation, eyesight problems, and headaches; coughing,
asthma, and other breathing problems; nausea; injuries, including cuts, rashes, bruises; and skin problems
and fungal infections on their palms and feet. Compounding these issues, contact with fish juices and
enzymes are associated with eczema and occupational asthma (Amaravathi et a. 2016).
Access to protective gear varies across factories in the GIDC. Processing workers in factories exporting
to the EU reported receiving basic safety equipment, including coats, boots, and gloves–especially for
those who work in the cold storage areas. Workers employed in factories exporting to China also reported
receiving one set of gloves each month, but no access to replacement gloves. Access to company- provided
footwear, on the other hand, depends entirely upon factory practices. One woman explained:
Some companies provide shoes, and some do not–then we work wearing
our slippers. Working in slippers, you can sprain your foot at any time. It is
easy to slip since we work with ice.
Unlike in seafood processing factories in Khulna and Bagerhat Districts in Bangladesh, factories in the
Veraval-Somnath GIDC do not maintain on-site health facilities. Instead, in instances when they get cuts
or bruises, workers describe being asked to tie plastic bags around their wrists and keep working. When
workers fall or or are injured on the job, they are not provided with sick leave. Instead, they are marked
absent and forfeit their daily wages.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
This section provides examples of the spectrum of violence reported by women workers employed in
seafood processing factories in the Veraval-Somnath GIDC–including acts that inflict physical harm, mental
harm, sexual harm or suffering, and coercion, threats and retaliation (Table 11). Women described GBVH
from supervisors and managers as well as other male factory floor workers. For instance, they described
harassment from male workers during toilet breaks, including repeated requests for their phone numbers.
They also described verbal abuse from supervisors, and threats that they will lose their jobs if they resist
working overtime hours. Notably, women also described factories where they were treated with respect and
addressed as behen or didi (sister). In future research, it would be important to understand the factors that
contribute to cultures of workplace respect.
Table 11: Spectrum of gender based violence and harassment reported by women
employed in seafood processing factories in Veraval-Somnath GIDC
(1) Violence against a woman because she is a woman
(2) Violence directed against a woman that affects women disproportionately due to
(a) high concentration of women workers in risky production departments; and
(b) gendered barriers to seeking relief
Forms of violence
Acts that inflict physical harm
» Long hours performing repetitive manual tasks in a cold
environment, leading to chronic leg and back pain, and
other adverse health consequences, gendered aspect 2(a)
» Failure to provide adequate safety equipment and training
leading to routine hand cuts, sores, and infections 2(a)
Acts that inflict mental harm
» General verbal abuse, including bullying and verbal public
humiliation, gendered aspect 2(a)
Acts that inflict sexual harm or
» Unwanted physical touch, including inappropriate bodily
contact by managers and male co-workers, gendered
aspect (1)
Coercion, threats, and retaliation
» Fear of retaliation, including loss of employment, for
reporting rights violations, gendered aspect 2(a)
Deprivations of liberty
» Preventing women workers from taking breaks to eat and
rest, gendered aspect 2(a)
Society for Labour and Development
As described in our discussion of GBVH in seafood processing factories in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts
in Bangladesh, GBVH is rooted in risks associated with the systematic concentration of a majority woman
workforce in the lower tiers of supply chain production. Our research establishes that women engaged in
seafood processing at the Veraval-Somnath GIDC are exposed to many of the risk factors for violence in the
world of work named by the ILO Expert Committee on Violence and Harassment Against Women and Men
in the World of Work (Table 12).
Table 12: Risk factors for GBVH identified in the seafood processing industries in
Veraval-Somnath GIDC
Risk Factors for GBVH
» Workers who cannot exercise their rights to freedom of association and collective
bargaining, due to the inappropriate use of contractual arrangements leading to decent
work deficits . . ., are also likely to be more at risk of violence and harassment (para. 13)
» Unrealistic production targets (para. 10)
» Unsocial working hours (for instance, evening and night work)(para. 9)
» Working in resource-constrained settings (inadequately equipped facilities or insufficient
staffing)(para. 9)
» Working in situations that are not properly covered or protected by labour law and social
protection (para. 9)
» Poor labour relations (para. 10)
Note: Paragraph numbers refer to International Labour Office, Violence and Harassment Against Women
and Men in the World of Work: Trade Union Perspectives and Action (Actrav 2017).
Freedom of association and access to relief
in cases of rights violations
Seafood processing workers in Veraval-Somnath GIDC face significant barriers to unionization.
These include:
» Employment as contract workers with no formal employment relationships with
seafood processing factories
» Complete control over migrant workers, including control over working and living conditions
» Incentives for recruitment intermediaries who are from workers communities to
mediate challenges between factory management and workers and maintain a stable
and compliant workforce
» Factory practices of blacklisting workers across the Veraval-Somnath GIDC for
resisting rights violations
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
» Extended working hours and lack of breaks, undermining opportunities for worker engagement
beyond village level groups
» Challenges in organizing for women workers in workplaces structured by gendered hierarchies, with
male workers in supervisory and management positions and women workers in subordinate positions.
In this context, workers report first approaching recruitment intermediaries to address workplace
challenges. Recruitment intermediaries, in turn, approach factory management to negotiate resolutions
for particular workers.
COVID-19 Impacts on seafood processing
factories, employment, and livelihoods
Unlike in Bagerhat and Khulna Districts of Bangladesh, in both 2020 and 2021, COVID 19 lockdowns and
supply chain disruptions began in March, coinciding with the lean period for seafood processing in the
Veraval-Somnath area. During lockdown periods that coincided with seafood processing work, factories
continued to employ migrant workers residing on the premises.
Following the first wave of COVID 19 and attendant lockdowns, orders were initially slow and then picked
up pace due to continued demand for processed and prepared seafood products in global export markets.
Accordingly, among the 128 workers we engaged in a COVID 19 impact assessment from January to April
2021, by approximately one year after the first COVID 19 national lockdowns in India, 72% had returned to
work–including in sorting, grading, setting, and packing.
The vast majority of workers who returned to work also, however, described returning to factories that had
downsized their workforce by terminating workers. Workers who were terminated did not receive any formal
notice from the employer and were instead informed indirectly by local recruitment intermediaries. Only one
of the 26 workers who described their experience of termination received severance pay–in this case the
worker received INR 8100 (USD 107.46) in severance. Workers also reported forfeiting wages for work they
had already completed at the time of termination.
The impacts of COVID 19 on seafood GVCs reverberated beyond periods of national lockdown in India,
with ongoing implications for workforce size and labor distribution. Women workers reported that factories
running with a reduced workforce abandoned gendered distributions of work. Women described taking
on loading and working in cold storage, lifting boxes as heavy as 25 kilos onto their heads and transporting
them within the factory–even up stairs.
Due to COVID 19 related job loss in not only the seafood processing sector, but also in other area industries and
informal sector roles, the majority of workers we engaged in our impact assessment described experiencing
household level food insecurity during the pandemic. Partially addressing food insecurity among seafood
processing and other workers in Veraval-Somnath, workers described receiving subsidized grants through
India’s Public Distribution System (PDS). They also received food packets from SLD under this program, and
from local political parties.
Society for Labour and Development
Despite access to these food security resources, however, all of the 128 workers we engaged in the COVID
19 impact assessment described borrowing money in order to meet their family needs. Workers incurred
debts ranging from INR 4000 to INR 25,000 (USD 53.07- USD 331.68). In December 2021, among the 411
workers who attended health camps under this program, 203 (49.4%) exhibited nutritional deficiency.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Labour rights
on seafood
value chains
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
As laid out in Part 1, seafood GVCs are coordinated by a relatively small number of lead firms–mostly large
supermarket chains and processed food companies–with well established brands, consolidated retail power,
extensive processing capacity, and large buying power. These relationships—where a few lead firms hold
varying degrees of monopoly on the product market, and therefore can choose between downstream
suppliers within and across borders—are referred to in the literature on value chains as “global monopsony
capitalism” (Nathan and Silliman Bhattacharjee et al. 2022). With dominant positions on seafood supply
chains, retailers and supermarkets pursue global sourcing strategies, using their buying power to set prices,
schedules, and food safety and quality standards (Gereffi and Lee 2009).
Addressing food safety risks to consumers on elongated supply chains, seafood value chains are governed
by an elaborate system of regulations and international standards. These include the World Trade
Organization (WTO) tariff and non-tariff regulations; UN Food and Agriculture Organizaton (FAO) standards;
domestic regulations; and a growing number of private third party certification agencies— such as Global
Aquaculture Stewardship Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)(Silliman Bhattacharjee 2016). These measures include controls on product
standards, sanitary measures and phytosanitary measures (SPS), import licensing, and origin and conformity
assessments. Lead firms also use quality standards as a key mechanism of differentiating their products in
diverse and competitive markets (Gereffi and Lee 2009).
This complex network of standards is significant to the structure of seafood value chains and, in turn,
working conditions for seafood processing workers at the base of these value chains. First, as confirmed
by our research in Bangladesh and India, in order to meet quality standards during processing and storage,
large exporters work with a limited number of licensed exporters. Second, upholding quality standards on
complex supply chains requires lead firms to coordinate closely with downstream suppliers and producers
(Gereffi and Lee 2009). These factors create comparatively stable relationships between lead firms and large
exporters when compared, for instance, to garment global supply chains (Nathan and Silliman Bhattacharjee
et al. 2022). This somewhat improves the bargaining positions of exporters, but lead firms with varying
degrees of monopoly in the product market still dominate these value chains. The power of lead firms on
seafood GVCs was, for instance, particularly clear from our research on COVID-19 impacts on seafood value
chains in Bangladesh and India. In this global economic crisis, lead firms were able to significantly shift the
costs of COVID-19 supply chain disruptions onto downstream firms and their workers by canceling orders
and refusing to pay for already produced and even partially received goods.
While relationships between lead and export firms are relatively stable, the margins earned by export firms
still fluctuate significantly. As laid out in our discussions of Bagerhat and Khulna Districts in Bangladesh, and
Veraval-Somnath GIDC in India, this fluctuation is closely tied to the vagaries in the markets for raw fish and
seafood stocks, both locally and globally. Locally, the cost of purchasing seafood for processing firms shifts
in relation to the quality of the catch or harvest: where the catch or harvest is good, prices are likely to fall;
and alternatively, when it is poor, prices are likely to be higher. Globally, the costs lead firms are willing to
pay is informed by the price of fish and seafood stocks in other places across the globe. For instance, a high
volume harvest of a particular type of seafood in China is likely to drive down prices for that particular raw
seafood across the globe. Between fluctuating costs of raw seafood inputs, and fluctuating costs of market
prices in a globally integrated market, stable relationships with lead firms do not necessarily translate into
stable margins. The financial risks of this instability are transferred by seafood processing factories onto
their workforce, via temporary employment stints, low wages, and little investment in the health, safety,
and skills upgradation of processing workers. In Bangladesh and India, where there is significant surplus
labour in the overall national labour market, processing factories are able to hire women workers to fill these
temporary positions despite low wages and poor working conditions.
Society for Labour and Development
Relatively stable business relationships do, however, provide a basic framework for addressing labor
standards. On one hand, supplier firms with relatively stable demand and some negotiating power with
lead firms should be able to call for higher margins, which in turn creates the scope for more stable
employment and benefits, better wages, and safe workplaces. On the other hand, lead firms have the ability
and the standard enforcement processes in place to include labor rights alongside food safety and quality
standards. This is increasingly true with advances in traceability on seafood and other agri-food supply
chains. The COVID-19 pandemic not only laid bare the vulnerability of production and logistics, but also
accelerated technological integration on agri-food value chains. Leveraging technological integration to
advance enforceable labor standards for seafood processing and other agri-food workers is a promising site
of engagement. In particular, additional research is required on strategies for infusing product traceability
aimed at consumer safety and supply chain management with enforceable labor rights protections.
1. Lead firms should include labor rights alongside food safety and quality standards. In particular, they
should develop strategies for infusing product traceability aimed at consumer safety and supply chain
management with enforceable labor rights protections. They should reward processing factories
and exporters who include the costs of living wages, 8-hour working shifts, adequate occupational
health and safety measures, and social security in costing seafood products by maintaining preferred
relationships with these suppliers.
2. The Governments of Bangladesh and India should extend labor rights protections to all workers,
including all temporary workers, employed in seafood processing factories. This includes establishing
and enforcing wage and hour protections, occupational health and safety standards, freedom of
association protections, and proactive measures to end all forms of GBVH.
3. Seafood processing factories should include the costs of living wages, 8-hour working shifts, adequate
occupational health and safety measures, and social security in costing seafood products.
4. Trade unions and workers organizations should continue initiatives to support seafood processing
workers to form collectives engaged in identifying and addressing rights violations. These collectives
should take measures to establish links with trade unions and workers organizations across global
seafood value chains, including in fishing, aquaculture, transport, and retail. Worker organizing across
countries and value chain segments has the potential to address lead firm practices of capturing the
gains of value chains by driving down labor standards and working conditions.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
Areas for
Society for Labour and Development
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
In each of these case studies, our research found that labor conditions for women workers are shaped by a
complex interaction between global and local forces: GVC dynamics on one hand; and local labor markets
and employment practices on the other, including practices of gendered workforce segmentation that
circumscribe opportunities for women workers, leaving them overwhelmingly concentrated in low wage
temporary positions. These complex dynamics call for sustained research and analysis in order to develop a
more detailed slate of recommendations for GVC firms at local and national levels; policymakers engaged
in production countries; and emerging due diligence frameworks in headquarter economies of lead firms.
Areas for further investigation across project areas and specific to particular project areas include:
» Analysis of the regulatory landscape governing seafood processing in project areas, including area
specific, national regulations, and international standards with the potential to advance labour rights
accountability as well as gaps in these frameworks.
» Strategies for infusing product traceability aimed at consumer safety and supply chain management
with enforceable labor rights protections. Work in this area would prove particularly timely given the
accelerated development and rollout of agri-tech to address COVID 19 supply chain and labor force
disruptions—including technological advances in remotely monitoring crops, weather, and soil quality;
connecting farmers and buyers across markets; streamlining supply chains; and advancing food
» The impact of shifting environmental conditions on access to raw seafood, processing factory
margins, and labor rights and working conditions in project areas.
» Recruitment processes, working conditions, and on-site living conditions for internal migrant workers
from Bangladesh and India who find employment in the seafood processing industry in project areas.
» Analysis of COVID 19 related wage theft practices and their relationship to purchasing practices of
lead firms on seafood global supply chains.
» Further investigation of risk factors, patterns of sexual harassment and violence, and other form of
GBVH in seafood processing factories in project areas.
Society for Labour and Development
This study was conducted by Karmojibi Nari and the Society for Labour and Development. This report was
written and researched by Shikha Silliman Bhattacharjee, Purushottam Kumar, and Shahid Ullah. It draws
from research conducted under this project by Mostafiz Ahmed and Dev Nathan, as well as program
documentation prepared by Purvi Baranwal, Abdul Aleem Khan, Purushottam Kumar, Ravishankar Kumar,
and Sonia Wazed from the Society for Labour and Development; and Ahmed Rubel and Abdus Safi from the
Karmojibi Nari team. This research was reviewed by Dev Nathan, Ashim Roy, and Sonia Wazed.
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Society for Labour and Development.
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Chain Workers: Perspectives from U.S. Seafood Supply Chains, National Guestworker Alliance.
— TERI (2017). Cluster Profile Report—Veraval seafood processing industries. New Delhi: The Energy and
Resources Institute, 14 pp. [Project Report. No. 2014 IE15).
— United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2013). World Investment Report,
2013-Global Value Chains: Investment and Trade for Development.
Women Workers in the Asian Seafood Processing Industry
A-24, first floor, rear portion, Gulmohar Park, Delhi-110049
Society for Labour and Development