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2015, BaKTINews
4 pages
1 file
In 1979, the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN) overthrew the US-sponsored dictatorship that had ruled the Central American Republic Nicaragua. The revolutionaries were Marxists, and they worked together with Cuba and the Soviet Union. The USA funded a civil war against the new government and maintained an economic boycott of the country, which crippled it severely. In 1990, the FSLN then lost the presidential elections to a US-friendly alternative. In 2006, José Daniel Ortega Saavedra, the same Sandinista who ruled in the 1980s, was elected president of the country and ended thereby 16 years of neoliberal rule. Or did he? 40% or more of Nicaragua's population call themselves Sandinista, but since the 1980s the meaning of what a Sandinista is has changed. Nicaraguan history is a difficult terrain and very little has been written for a foreign audience since 2006. This book tries to explain the economics and main political conflicts of the past century, as well as how Nicaraguan history is talked about by Nicaraguans today and how the "Sandinista revolution" is understood during the new period of Sandinismo which started with the electoral victory of 2006. Through the stories of many individual Nicaraguans, the book tries to give some insights into the large amount of ways especially Sandinistas currently involve themselves in politics, trying to improve Nicaraguan daily life.
Hedges in Arabic literature, 2018
This study is essentially projected to explore the process of translating hedges from the Arabic language into the English language in one of Gassan Kanafni’s master pieces “Rijal fi Ashams” and how the hedges forms are affected after the translation and it conveys more commitment or less according to the language culture and system. The novel is considered as a piece of resistance literature and it is translated into the English language by Hilary Klipatrick. The collected data investigates the whole novel which consists of seven chapters in both versions. In this research, two main objectives have been proposed. Firstly, the study attempts to explore the translation procedures that have been employed to translate the Arabic hedges into English. Secondly, it examines the cultural role in translating the Arabic hedges into English. For the sake of collecting and analyzing the hedges in the novel, the current research has applied two translation approaches. Firstly, Hyland’s typology (1998) has been used in order to classify the data from both versions. Secondly, Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures have been applied in order to explore the types of procedures used by the translator in rendering the hedges. The findings of the study have shown that: firstly, the translator tends to use oblique or indirect translation procedures in rendering the vast majority of the hedges in the novel. And, he only uses literal procedures from the direct translation procedures. Secondly, it is evident that culture affectes the degree of commitment and the range numbers of hedges in both languages.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003
Oil and gas management has recently become complex due to the demands from stakeholders especially during different price regime. The study examined the tensions created by the international oil companies and the national oil companies in determining the tax regime to be adopted. More so, the study examined the risk assessment and management in the oil and gas as well as reviewed the global energy demand with respect to future energy mix and climate change. In the course of the research, it was revealed that during low price era the tensions were access to and control of hydrocarbons while during crude oil price boom the state struggles for permanent ownership, the rate and extent of exploration. Furthermore, the study showed the various tax regime used in the upstream oil and gas sector, which are Concessionary system and the Contractual system. Procedures for risk assessment and management in the petroleum industry was evaluated to include the identification of risk factors, selection of risk management, etc. Finally, Global energy demand was assessed to be related to factors like population, changes in end users demand, etc. The study concludes that to effectively manage the oil and gas assets, prospective petroleum countries need a holistic approach.
Environmental History, 2014
By the mid-nineteenth century, Western imperialism seemed to have reached its limits. Three centuries after Cortés, over half of the Americas were still Indian territory. In Asia, the British advance was stopped by the Afghans. Sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and East Asia were off-limits to Europeans. The French conquest of Algeria required as many years as Napoleon's conquest of Europe, as did Russia's conquest of the Caucasus. Then, starting in the 1830s, the old barriers began to crumble. Motives that had been dormant found a new energy. More important, advances in three areas of technology-steamboats, medicine, and weapons-gave Western nations new powers over nature. These, in turn, provided empire-builders with powers over non-Western peoples that they had not had before, allowing them to act upon their motives and realize their ambitions. Let us look first at the impact of steam navigation. Our understanding of imperialism is distorted by mapmakers' habit of coloring land areas by political ownership, leaving the seas blue. Yet expansion and conquest can occur on water as well as on land. Seas and oceans have been as hotly contested, and sometimes as dominated, as land masses; this was true in the sixteenth century when Portugal carved itself a sea empire in the Indian Ocean, and in the eighteenth and nineteenth when Britannia ruled the waves. It is still true today, though maps do not show it. In the age of sail, however, European naval domination could only reach so far. The sailing ships that ruled the seas were ill suited to sailing up rivers and in shallow waters and vulnerable to the galleys and junks of non-Western states and to the forts and guns along their coasts and riverbanks. Hence the liquid frontier in the waters
Norba Revista De Arte, 2004
El enclave militar de Alcántara vuelve a ser estratégico en el siglo XVII con motivo de la Guerra de Restauración entre España y Portugal. Con el objetivo de defender dicha plaza se levantará una nueva línea de muralla y se construirán destacados baluartes, como el de San Antón, Paniagua, Los Clérigos, el del Rollo o el fuerte de San Marcos. Su importancia como punto logístico será decisiva para su dotación y desarrollo.
Die Zeitschrift Baessler-Archiv, Band 62, erscheint 2015 in einem Jahres heft zum Preis von ca. Euro 79,50.
Media Language on Islam and Muslims Terminologies and Their Effects, 2023
Baptist Quarterly, 2024
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 2021
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020
Journal of Structural Engineering, 2009
Acta Scientiarum. Health Science, 2013
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015), 2017
Complexities' of human conditions in the Hamlet, 2022
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2020
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2014