Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
In-situ characterisation of the surface intermediates for the ethanol
dehydration reaction over g-alumina under dynamic conditions
Serge Golay, Ralf Doepper, Albert Renken*
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Federal Institute of Technology, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
Received 2 February 1998; received in revised form 20 March 1998; accepted 20 March 1998
The dynamic behavior of the ethanol adsorption on g-alumina were investigated at 180 and 2008C by the transient-response
method coupled with FT±IR data of the catalyst surface. The existence of three adsorbates was demonstrated: a reacting
species which is the precursor for the formation of the gas-phase ethene; an inhibiting species responsible for the low steadystate reaction rate; and a spectator species accumulating on the catalyst surface. Their infrared spectra indicate an ethoxidelike structure for the three adsorbates. Their C±H stretching bands can be depicted by four Lorentzians whose parameters
indicate different surface environments. The surface concentration of the reacting species was determined on the basis of the
transient ethene response. A value of 0.770.07 mol/kgcat was found at 1808C. The surface concentration of the spectator
species was determined by ex-situ thermogravimetric experiments. A value of 0.130.01 mol/kgcat was found at 1808C. The
most likely structure of this species corresponded to an ethanol molecule coordinated in a bidentate manner on Al3 cations,
with stabilisation of the alcoholic-hydroxyl group via lateral hydrogen bonding with an adjacent surface hydroxyl. # 1998
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ethanol dehydration; FT±IR; Adsorbed species; Dynamic conditions
1. Introduction
The stop-effect, a dynamic phenomenon ®rst
described by Koubek et al. [1,2], is observed for the
reactions of deamination and alcohol dehydration over
amphoteric metal-oxide catalysts, such as alumina. It
consists in a temporary increase of the reaction rate
when the reactant feed is switched off and replaced by
an inert gas stream with the total ¯ow rate kept
constant. This phenomenon was also observed by
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 0041 21 693 3181; fax: 0041 21
693 3680; e-mail:
[email protected]
0926-860X/98/$19.00 # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII S0926-860X(98)00109-4
Makarova et al. [3] with the dehydration of n-butanol
on H-ZSM-5 and amorphous aluminosilicate, and by
Moravek and Kraus [4] with the ethanol dehydration
on alumina.
Two basic models were discussed by Thullie and
Renken [5,6] to describe the stop-effect. The ®rst
model considers the adsorption of the reactant on
two different sites S1 and S2 with a consecutive
reaction involving an adsorbed intermediate (on S1)
and a free site, S2. The reactant A is only weakly
adsorbed on the site S2 and desorbs rapidly when the
feed is switched off, increasing the number of free
sites S2 available for the reaction. Therefore, the stopeffect is provoked by an inhibiting effect of the
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
reactant which is suppressed by its replacement by
an inert gas. The second model considers the chemisorption of the reactant on a single site with a
consecutive adsorption of the reactant on the ®rst
adsorbed layer. Again, the second layer is only weakly
adsorbed and by switching off the reactant feed the
concentration of the chemisorbed complex necessary
for the reaction is increased. In that case, the stopeffect is explained by a blocking phenomenon occurring at steady-state due to the formation of a nonreactive complex.
It was previously shown with the dehydration of
ethanol-to-ethene on g-alumina [7] that the ®rst
model (Eqs. (1)±(3)), considering the existence of
two types of sites, gives a better description of the
stop-effect than the second model. This model was
further simpli®ed in order to decrease the number of
parameters required for the modelling. The adsorption
on S1 is considered to be irreversible (Eq. (1)),
whereas it is weak on S2 (Eq. (2)). The exact physical
nature of S1 and S2 is not completely clear. By
comparison with the explanation proposed by Koubek
et al. [1] for the stop-effect which is based on the
mechanism for the amines elimination reactions
on alumina, S1 can be associated with an acid site
and S2 with a basic site.
The diethylether formation is described, for simplicity, by a quasi-homogeneous reaction term
(Eq. (4)).
A S1 ! AS1
A S2 $ AS2
A : ethanol
E : ethene
AS1 S2 ! E W S1 S2
2A ! D W
2. Experimental
The apparatus, catalyst and gases employed, as well
as the infrared bands attribution, have been previously
described in detail [7].
2.1. Apparatus
The ¯ow-apparatus consisted of two feed sections
converging to a four-way valve, a ®xed-bed tubular
reactor, an infrared transmission cell and a gas chromatograph. The ®xed-bed reactor, used to achieve a
suf®cient ethanol conversion, was placed just in front
of the infrared cell. RTD experiments showed that it
behaves like a plug-¯ow reactor, and the infrared cell
like a continuous stirred tank reactor. The tubular
reactor was described by the tanks-in-series model
using nine tanks for the catalyst compartment.
2.2. Gases and catalyst
kinetic behaviour is responsible for the particular
shape of the observed infrared signal.
In this work, we paid close attention to the dynamic
behaviour of the different reaction adsorbates. Their
nature and formation pathway are studied by the
transient-response method coupled with in-situ infrared data of the catalyst surface. They were further
characterised by the calculation of their spectral line
shapes using non-linear least squares ®tting of Lorentzians. Finally, thermogravimetric experiments are
used to determine the surface concentration of the
most stable species.
D : diethylether
W : water
The adsorbed intermediates, identi®ed as surfacebound ethoxides, were monitored under dynamic conditions using in-situ infrared spectroscopy. Their similar structure produce similar infrared spectra with no
characteristic band for either AS1 or AS2. These two
species can only be distinguished by their different
dynamic behaviour during the inert gas purge. The
AS2 concentration decreases immediately, whereas
AS1 is slowly consumed to form ethene. This different
The carrier gas was argon (>99.99%, Carbagas,
Lausanne, Switzerland) and the ethanol (>99.8%,
No. 02860, Fluka Chemie AG, Buchs, Switzerland)
feed was provided by a temperature-controlled bubble
column fed by argon.
As catalyst, g-alumina (Type Al-3982, Engelhard
De Meern B.V., De Meern, The Netherlands) was
used in this study. The speci®c area and pore-size
distribution were determined via Sorptomatic (Type
1900, Carlo Erba Instruments, Milano, Italy). The
speci®c area is 1632 m2/g and the average pore
diameter 7.40.1 nm. The impurities present in the
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
catalyst are Fe2O3 (0.07%), SiO2 (0.01%) and Na2O
(0.06%) [8].
A self-supporting wafer, 13 mm in diameter, was
prepared by pressing alumina powder for the infrared
transmission cell (7108 N/m2). Other wafers were
pressed and then grinded to particles of 0.35±0.16 mm
diameter for the ®xed-bed reactor. A total of 483 mg of
the catalyst were used in the reactor and a 27 mg wafer
was placed in the cell.
2.3. Procedure
The stop-effect was measured at 180 and 2008C and
a pressure of 140 kPa according to the following
sequence: 108 min ethanol/830 min argon. The initial
ethanol concentration was 0.25 mol/m3 and the total
¯ow rate was 200 ml (NTP)/min. Before each experiment, the catalyst was pre-treated at 4158C for 1 h
under inert gas in order to remove the adsorbed
ethoxide species. In addition, an infrared background
spectrum was measured at the reaction temperature
under inert gas. This procedure leads to a reproducible
surface state for each measurement.
140 ml (NTP)/min. The catalyst was placed in the
balance immediately after the transient experiments.
The mass loss and catalyst temperature were measured
as a function of time. Approximately 40 mg of catalyst
were used in each experiment.
3. Results and discussion
The behaviour of the infrared signal in a stop-effect
experiment can be interpreted on the basis of the
simultaneous gas phase and surface responses. The
ethene concentration is measured at the outlet of the
system ®xed-bed/infrared cell, whereas the
2970 cmÿ1 absorbance is determined in the cell. A
typical example for a reaction temperature of 2008C is
presented in Fig. 1, after an ethanol feeding time of
108 min. Three distinct kinetic phases (1, 2 and 3) are
observed on the surface after the stop, corresponding
2.4. In-situ infrared spectra
Three types of strongly adsorbed species have been
already identi®ed [7]: surface hydroxyl groups, surface-bound ethoxides and surface acetate groups. The
acetates are formed by the adsorption of ethanol when
the catalyst is used for the ®rst time. As they do not
desorb during the catalyst pre-treatment, they remain
on the surface throughout all the subsequent experiments. The ethoxides are thought to be the reaction
intermediates, corresponding to AS1 and AS2 in the
two sites model (Eqs. (1)±(3)). Their concentration is
proportional to the calculated height of the 2970 cmÿ1
absorbance band with a baseline correction between
3100 and 2600 cmÿ1 [7]. This measurement technique
gave similar results to those obtained by calculating
the area under the C±H stretching bands. The measured ethoxides concentration corresponds to the sum
of the concentrations of AS1 and AS2.
2.5. Thermogravimetric experiments
A STA 625 Rheometrics balance was used for the
thermogravimetric analysis with a nitrogen ¯ow of
Fig. 1. Typical responses of the gas phase and the surface for a
stop-effect experiment. (TR2008C, CA,00.25 mol/m3, Q200 ml
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
to three different species: a rapid decrease, lasting 5±
10 min (phase 1); followed by a slow diminution; and
a plateau at the end of the transient. The ®rst decrease
is due to the desorption of the inhibiting species
adsorbed on the basic sites and coincides with the
simultaneous sharp increase of ethene formation. The
second diminution (phase 2) results from the consumption of the reacting intermediates adsorbed on
the acid sites to form ethene [7]. During this period,
another rate enhancement is observed in the gas phase
60 min after the stop, which can be described by
adding a new reaction step for the reacting species to
the already developed model [9]. Due to the fact that
the infrared signal is measured through the catalyst
wafer, after the ®xed bed, the sensitivity of the infrared
signal is relatively low. Therefore, the surface behaviour does not re¯ect the second rate enhancement.
The origin of the plateau (phase 3) cannot be explained
directly: an adsorbate seems to be stuck on the surface
when no more ethene is produced in the gas phase. The
formation of this third species is probably also responsible for the increase of the infrared signal during the
ethanol feeding, observed when the gas-phase signal is
already stationary. A similar phenomenon of dissymmetry between the gas phase and surface behaviour
was also observed under periodic operation of the
system [7]: the periods invariance was obtained for the
ethene after a different ®rst cycle, whereas the infrared
signal was not reproducible. Its value still increased
during the next two periods before being stable. The
existence of a slow parallel adsorption of ethanol
under a non-reacting form was supposed to account
for this difference in the dynamic behaviour of the gas
phase and the surface.
A different experimental procedure was applied to
study the in¯uence of this third species which consisted of stopping the reactant feed before a stable
surface signal was obtained. The Fig. 2 shows the
transient responses after feeding times of 18, 36 and
108 min for a reaction temperature of 1808C. The
temperature in¯uence on the ethene and infrared
transients is important. Approximately 200 min after
the stop, no more ethene is produced at 2008C, Fig. 1,
whereas it is still detected 800 min after stopping the
ethanol feed at 1808C, Fig. 2. From simulated curves
[10], an activation energy of ca. 100 kJ/mol was
estimated for the surface reaction step (Eq. (3)).
The intensity of the 2970 cmÿ1 absorption band
Fig. 2. Influence of the ethanol feeding time on the gas phase and
the surface responses. Open symbols: 18 min, dot symbols: 36 min,
solid symbols: 108 min feeding. (TR1808C, CA,00.26 mol/m3,
Q200 ml (NTP)/min).
obtained before stopping the feed decreases in parallel
with the ethanol exposition time due to the surface
unsaturation. During the inert purge, the three infrared
signals decrease regularly without intersecting each
other. In fact, the difference between the three curves
remains constant throughout all the transient. The
absorbance increase compared to the 18 min ethanol
feeding experiment is 0.04 for 36 min feeding and
0.07 for 108 min. Comparatively, the simultaneous
gas-phase responses are unaffected by the variation
of the feeding time: the same amount of ethene is
produced at steady-state, and the transient responses
after the stop are identical. As there is no relationship
between the ethanol accumulation on the surface and
the gas-phase products formation, it can be postulated
that ethanol accumulates on g-alumina under the form
of a non-reacting species. It is formed by the direct
adsorption of ethanol on the catalyst, as the migration
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
Fig. 3. In-situ infrared spectra of the catalyst surface. Spectrum (a) steady-state; (b) 12 min after the stop; (c) end of the transient. (TR2008C,
CA,00.25 mol/m3, Q200 ml (NTP)/min).
or transformation of adsorbed ethanol would have
implied the same infrared absorbance at the end of
all the transients. This supposition was further con®rmed by carrying out two consecutive experiments
(not shown here) with a feeding time of 36 min,
without catalyst pre-treatment in-between. The resulting infrared signal is located between the ones
observed for the 36 and 108 min feeding experiments,
corresponding to an effective time of 72 min under
Hence, the presence of three different species on the
catalyst surface can be assumed. The fact that they
exhibit a completely different dynamic behaviour can
be advantageously used to determine their own infrared spectra. In Fig. 3, the infrared spectra at steadystate (spectrum (a)), after 12 min of inert gas purge
(spectrum (b)), and at the end of the transient (spectrum (c)) are presented. At steady-state all the adsorbates are present, whereas the inhibiting species is
completely desorbed after 12 min under inert conditions, and only the spectator species remains on the
surface at the end of the transient. On each spectrum, a
continuous absorption is observed over the entire
accessible spectral range. It has already been reported
by KnoÈzinger and StuÈbner [11] and Travert et al. [12],
who explained it as the consequence of very easily
polarizable hydrogen-bond formation. The bands
attribution, Table 1, was made by analogy with the
gas-phase spectrum, and by comparison with previous
works dealing with alcohols adsorption on metaloxide catalysts. The O±H group vibration at
3725 cmÿ1 belongs to a g-alumina hydroxyl group,
Table 1
Infrared bands attribution for adsorbed ethanol on g-alumina
Wave number (cmÿ1)
Wave number (cmÿ1)
(CO), (CC)
(CO), (CC)
(CO), (CC)
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
whereas the two bands ca. 3500 cmÿ1 belong to
stabilised alcoholic-hydroxyl group [11,13]. The
two bands at 1480 and 1560 cmÿ1 are those of an
acetate structure. Their peculiar appearance is due
to the presence of this species in the background
spectrum. All the other vibrations are attributed to
an ethoxide species, generally thought to be the
reaction intermediate. Chemisorbed water formation,
with a bending vibration ca. 1630 cmÿ1 [15], is not
The general shapes of the spectra are the same and
only slight differences in the relative intensities of the
various vibrations are noticed. Therefore, it can be
stated that the three species have an ethoxide-like
structure. The surface hydroxyl groups are completely
restored at the end of the transient, except for the
3720 cmÿ1 band which is still present. The stabilised
alcoholic-hydroxyls groups ca. 3550 cmÿ1 do not
diminish to the same degree as the other bands. Hence,
it can be stated that the spectator species possesses a
stabilised alcoholic-hydroxyl group and interacts with
a surface hydroxyl group. KnoÈzinger and StuÈbner [11]
postulated an adsorption structure for the most
strongly held alcohol consistent with the above observations. The oxygen atom of the alcohol molecule is
coordinated in a bidentate manner to Al3 cations and
the alcoholic-hydroxyl group is hydrogen bonded to a
surface hydroxyl. This is the most likely structure of
the spectator species.
The measured infrared spectra are linear combinations of those of the adsorbed species. Therefore, the
real spectra of these adsorbates can be calculated by
judiciously subtracting them from each other (Fig. 4).
The spectrum of the spectator species (spectrum (c)) is
measured at the end of the transient when no more
ethene is produced. The spectrum of the inhibiting
species (spectrum (b)) is obtained by subtracting the
spectrum (b) from the spectrum (a), and this of the
reacting species (spectrum (a)) by subtracting the
spectrum (c) from (b). These calculations are made
for the C±H stretching region, with a baseline correction between 3200 and 2600 cmÿ1 and an arti®cial
shift to zero absorbance, in order to account for the
previously described continuous absorption. The
resulting spectra show important differences in the
relative intensities and in the positions of their bands.
In order to quantify these differences, curve-®tting
calculations by the non-linear least squares method
were carried out on these spectra. Lorentzian functions
are chosen, as they represent the natural line shapes in
infrared spectroscopy [17]. Each C±H stretching
group can be ®tted with four Lorentzians whose
Fig. 4. C±H stretching bands of the infrared spectra. Spectrum (a) steady-state; (b) 12' after the stop; (c) end of the transient; a(b)±(c);
b(a)±(b). (TR2008C, CA,00.25 mol/m3, Q200 ml (NTP)/min).
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
Table 2
Parameters of the Lorentzians peak functions
Peak 1
Peak 2
Peak 3
Peak 4
(Spectrum a)
Position (cm )
Height (ÿ)
Relative height (ÿ)
FWHH (cmÿ1)
(Spectrum b)
Position (cmÿ1)
Height (ÿ)
Relative height (ÿ)
FWHH (cmÿ1)
(Spectrum c)
Position (cmÿ1)
Height (ÿ)
Relative height (ÿ)
FWHH (cmÿ1)
parameters are given in Table 2. Due to different
surface environments and adsorption sites, the relative
heights and the full width of the peaks at half height
vary for the three ethoxide species. The 2970 cmÿ1
peak is the highest and best described peak. Its position is similar for the reacting and the inhibiting
species, but is shifted to higher values for the spectator
species. Porchet [8] and Kiwi-Minsker et al. [18] have
reported a similar shift of the C±H stretching vibration
in the case of adsorbed methanol over selectively
Mg2-modi®ed g-alumina which could be correlated
to the strength of adsorption. Assuming this would
indicate a stronger adsorption of the spectator species
in comparison to the other two. A concomitant switch
of the other CH3 stretching vibration (Peak 4, Table 2)
to higher values is also observed.
The calculated spectra can be added together to
simulate the expected experimental spectrum. An
excellent agreement is achieved with the measured
spectrum (see Fig. 5). This shows that the spectra of
Fig. 5. Comparison between measured and calculated spectra. Solid lines: experimental spectra; dashed lines: calculated spectra. Spectrum a:
reacting species; b: inhibiting species; c: spectator species. (TR2008C, CA,00.25 mol/m3, Q200 ml (NTP)/min).
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
the adsorbed species can be well described with four
The surface concentrations of the reacting and the
spectator species can also be determined on the basis
of their dynamic behaviour. As it was shown in the
Section 1, the adsorption of the reacting species is
considered to be irreversible (Eq. (1)). Therefore, its
consumption is only due to the ethene formation. By
integrating the complete ethene molar ¯ow after stopping the ethanol feed, the number of ethene moles
produced during the stop-effect is obtained, which is
equal to the number of moles of the reacting species.
Hence, the surface concentration of this species is
calculated by dividing the integrated molar ¯ow by the
total catalyst mass in the system. A value of
0.770.07 mol/kgcat is found at 1808C, which corresponds to the surface concentration of site 1, assuming
a complete steady-state surface coverage at this temperature. Considering that the cross-sectional area of
the ethanol molecule adsorbed on a solid surface is
Ê 2 [19], this represents ca. 80% of a monolayer.
28.3 A
At 2008C the integration leads to a value of
0.690.09 mol/kgcat, re¯ecting the decrease of the
surface coverage with the reaction temperature.
In the background spectrum of the catalyst (Fig. 6)
only surface hydroxyl groups, with vibrations between
3450 and 3800 cmÿ1, and surface-bound acetates,
with two peaks at 1480 and 1560 cmÿ1, are present.
As no C±H stretching vibrations ca. 2900±3000 cmÿ1
are detected, it is concluded that the spectator species
is removed during the catalyst pre-treatment. Consequently, it can be postulated that this species is stable
at the reaction temperature but can be removed at
higher temperatures. Thermogravimetric experiments
were made with the freshly used catalyst (Fig. 7). The
stability of the spectator species at low temperature is
suf®cient to ensure reproducible measurements. The
catalyst was ®rst heated at 1808C for 1 h to remove
water, and then its temperature was raised to 4158C
with an heating rate of 108C/min. This temperature
was maintained for another hour to desorb completely
the spectator species. This cycle was repeated a second
time to ensure a complete desorption. The mass loss is
calculated by the mass difference measured at 1808C
before and after the 4158C heating phase. The further
mass decrease observed at 4158C is only due to the
transient behaviour of the thermal analyser [20]. The
measured weight of the probe is the difference
between its real weight and other forces, such as
the Archimedes force and the drag forces. A temperature increase causes an augmentation of the drag
forces and a decrease of the Archimedes force, the
result of which is a decrease of the apparent probe
weight. Therefore, the mass decrease due to the
desorption of the inhibiting species must be calculated
at an identical catalyst temperature of 1808C. A sur-
Fig. 6. Background spectrum of the catalyst surface at T2008C under inert gas.
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
Fig. 7. Typical example of thermogravimetric measurement.
face concentration of 0.130.01 mol/kgcat is found at
4. Conclusions
By applying simultaneous measurements of the gas
phase and of the catalyst surface for the ethanol
dehydration on g-alumina, the existence of three
adsorbed species with an ethoxide-like structure
was demonstrated. These species are:
± a reacting species which is a precursor for the
ethene formation;
± an inhibiting species which desorbs immediately
under inert gas; and
± a spectator species which accumulates slowly on
the catalyst surface during the ethanol feeding.
This last species is stable under inert gas up to
2008C, but can be removed at temperatures higher
than 4008C. As it absorbs in the same infrared region
that the reaction intermediates postulated in the two
sites model, its formation must be taken into account
when dealing with the modelling of the surface behaviour during the stop-effect. The simplest way is to
subtract an offset corresponding to the absorbance
measured at the end of the transient from all the
infrared data.
5. Nomenclature
Full width at half height
Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy
Normal conditions of temperature and
pressure (08C, 1.013105 Pa)
Catalytic site
Reaction temperature
5.1. Greek letters
Bending vibration
Stretching vibration
5.2. Subscripts
Site type
Site type
S. Golay et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 172 (1998) 97±106
The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding
from the Swiss National Science Foundation and
the Max Buchner Forschungsstiftung, Frankfurt, Germany.
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