Thursday, July 31, 2014

Linking up to Read Aloud Thursday

Product Details
I think I have a good one for you.
I can't remember where I saw this title but I put Half a Chance by Cynthia Lord on hold at our library.  While we didn't read it aloud, three of us finished it in less than a week.
From my 12 year old boy: "Mom, you have to read this.  It's a touching story."  
From my 10 year old girl: "I want my own copy and I really hope there will be a sequel."

The jacket summary begins like this:
"Lucy's family has just moved to an old house on a New Hampshire lake, and her dad, a famous photographer, is already leaving on another business trip....  As she seeks out the perfect subjects for her photos, Lucy gets to know Nate, the boy living in the cottage next door.  He's been coming to the lake to stay with his grandmother every summer since he was a baby."

There's lots to love about this story and it all works so well together.
        Kids working out friendships.  Family (and neighbors) caring for a grandmother.  Working hard at a hobby and using it for good.  Thoughtful decisions.  Learning about birds on a lake.  Summer!

And so, from me:  "Two thumbs up.  It is well worth your time."

Linking up to Read Aloud Thursday.  Take a look!

Welcome, Ethan!

Our newest nephew was born on the night of the 28th.  10 pounds 7 ounces!!  He brought a little excitement with him and was taken to UNC- Chapel Hill by ambulance but is doing fine now and going home to his brothers and sister today.  Let's hope things are calm for a while for his Mom and Dad's sake! 
Congratulations Jeff and Catrina, Jonathan, Grace, and Elijah!  We love you all!
Ethan Ennis

Sunday, July 27, 2014

OBX 2014- The Place

I like to divide our beach pictures into two groups: one of the people, one of the place.  I'm starting with the place because there aren't quite as many and I clearly am slow at blogging this summer...

Waaayyy back in early June we set out for Southern Shores on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  I am convinced (or at least hopeful!)  there will be beautiful beaches when God makes the new heavens and new earth and I will be allowed to enjoy them forever! 

Starting with two of my favorites.
If I'm remembering right, there had been a few storms blow through on our last night.  Then the clouds began to clear and voila!  Beautiful!
The sun sets over the sound near Jockey's Ridge State Park.
Brian's dad has a four-wheel drive so one afternoon we took it north to Corolla where you can drive on the beach.  We saw a few wild horses.
Can you tell how smooth and flat the sand is?  
The sky darkened and I loved how it looked.
On the way back up the beach it started raining and those of us in the back of the truck got a little wet.  Just adds to the experience, right?
Here's our view from the back of the beach house.  These are our steps off the deck/porch/whatever you call it.
And a few more: