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Comida y cultura en el mundo hispánico
Factores relacionados a la repitencia en estudiantes de Medicina Humana de la UNMSM ingresantes entre el 2005 -2010. Lima 2011. UNMSM 5 I. Resumen ejecutivo del proyecto de investigación RESUMEN La repitencia es un fenómeno multifactorial que no solo implica un costo al gobierno y al entorno social, sino también una disminución del rendimiento académico. En esta perspectiva, dicho fenómeno puede llevar a una frustración del estudiante. Objetivos: Describir el grado de asociación entre los factores relacionados y la repitencia universitaria en estudiantes de Medicina de la UNMSM durante el 2005 al 2010. Métodos: se usará un instrumento con 28 preguntas, el cual consiste en dos secciones: una parte sociodemográfica y otra según los factores influyentes en la repitencia. El proceso de validación se llevará a cabo en 95 estudiantes de Medicina de la UNFV .Resultados: la validación consistió en calcular el Alfa de Cronbach de los resultados, el cual dio como resultado un indicador de 0.598. Fue calculado, asimismo, un análisis factorial donde se definieron cuatro factores preponderantemente influyentes. ABSTRACT Abstract Academic failure is a multifactorial phenomenona that involves not only a cost to the government and the social environment, but also a decrease in academic performance. In this perspective, this phenomenon can lead to student frustration. Objectives: To describe the degree of association between factors and repetition in medical students university of San Marcos University in 2005 and 2010. Methods: We used an instrument (survey) with 28 questions, which consists in two sections: one part based on sociodemographic data and the other, factors influencing repetition. The validation process will be conducted in 95 medical students from the UNFV. Results: Cronbach's Alpha Reliability Coefficient was calculated, which result was 0,598. In adittion, a factoral analysis was performed in order to identified the most relevant factors of our survey: four main factors were identified.
El sur en el centro: obras hídricas en la provincia Laura Ortega Capítulo II Vivienda: el surgimiento de los barrios de escala masiva Verónica Cremaschi Capítulo III La salud pública: cambios institucionales, recursos y ejecuciones Ivana Hirschegger Capítulo IV Escuelas para todos los niños, los únicos privilegiados Isabel Durá Gúrpide Capítulo V Turismo social: entre simbolismos y materializaciones
Światowit, 2022
The paper presents the first results of experimental modelling of a series of cut marks on bones in different states of preservation. We used experimental (quartz, flint) and technogenic (granite) flakes with sharp and blunt unretouched working edges and trimmed edges produced by the bipolar-on-anvil technique. V-, П-, and U-shaped cut marks and surface damage were obtained. The data gained are useful for the reconstruction of conditions of occurrence of cut marks on bones found in the uppermost culture-bearing horizons of the Lower Palaeolithic sites near Medzhibozh, located in the upper reaches of the Southern Bug River and dated to MIS 11. The data can also be used for differentiating between anthropogenic and natural damage and as a significant statistical point of reference.
Mediterranea - ricerche storiche , 2017
SOMMARIO: La storia digitale, ovvero tutto il complesso universo di produzioni e scambi sociali aventi come oggetto la conoscenza storica, trasferito e/o direttamente generato e sperimentato in ambienti digitali, è già da molti anni al centro di un ampio dibattito sui relativi concetti, contenuti e metodi. Con riferimento all'ambito ormai definito dagli americani come digital history e riflettendo su quanto la rivoluzione digitale abbia modificato i caratteri del lavoro dello storico, in questo lavoro si affronta, in particolare, il rapporto fra risorse digitali attualmente disponibili (biblioteche, archivi, riviste) e ricerca storica, con una specifica attenzione alla storia moderna. Le pratiche digitali, pur con tutte le importanti opportunità introdotte, presuppongono tuttavia alcune considerazioni sulle problematiche a esse connesse, al fine di favorire un approccio critico e consapevole alle risorse di rete.
Rock Art Research, 2023
Research Methodology - Methods and Techniques, 2004
Observatorio del desarrollo, 2012
Television & New Media, 2024
The Conversation, 2023
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Brazilian Journal of Petroleum and Gas, 2008
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017
Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 2021
Oral Oncology, 2020
Revista Sinalizar, 2016