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Competitive exclusion Cooperation Mutualism Preferential allocation Priority effects qPCR Symbiosis a b s t r a c t Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi exchange soil nutrients for carbon from plant hosts.
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesFungal ecology
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      SoilReproductionMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technology
Caribbean mangrove-associated sponge communities are very distinct from sponge communities living on nearby reefs, but the mechanisms that underlie this distinction remain uncertain. This study aimed to elucidate the relative importance... more
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Effects of chlorpyrifos on functional and structural endpoints in soil.
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      Sri LankaBiodiversityEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
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      ReproductionBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesToxicity
Abstract. The fate of the fungicide carbendazim (applied in the formulation Derosal) in soil was deter-mined in Terrestrial Model Ecosystem (TME) tests and corresponding field-validation studies, which were performed in four different... more
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      Environmental ScienceData AnalysisEcotoxicologyBiomass
Biological wastewater treatment has been applied for more than a century to ameliorate anthropogenic damage to the environment. But only during the last decade the use of molecular tools allowed to accurately determine the composition,... more
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      MicrobiologySoilBiofilmsMicrobial Ecology
The effect of the fungicide carbendazim (applied in the formulation Derosal Ò ) on nutrient cycling in soil was determined in Terrestrial Model Ecosystem (TME) tests and corresponding field-validation studies, which were performed in four... more
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      Environmental ScienceData AnalysisEcotoxicologyBiomass
Metal pollution in floodplain soils does affect earthworm biomarker response but not their activity in decomposition processes.
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      CommunityEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinaryCopper
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      SoilEnvironmental PollutionPolandMultidisciplinary
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      Multivariate StatisticsStressEcologyRisk assessment
Flooding events often eradicate all of the individuals of the earthworm species Lumbricus rubellus living in river floodplains, although earthworm cocoons usually survive immersion, permitting populations to recover after the flood waters... more
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      Soil SciencePlasticityAdaptationModeling
Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) are used as diesel fuel additives to catalyze oxidation. Phenanthrene is a major component of diesel exhaust particles and one of the most common pollutants in the environment. This study aimed at... more
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      SoilDrug interactionsNanoparticlesEnvironmental Sciences
The biotic ligand model (BLM) is a theoretical, potentially mechanistic approach to assess metal bioavailability in soil and aquatic systems. In a BLM, toxicity is linked to the fraction of biotic ligand occupied, which in turn, depends... more
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      SoilEnvironmental MonitoringEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
Chlorantraniliprole (CAP) is a newly developed, widely applied insecticide. In the aquatic environment, several transformation products are formed under natural conditions, one by dehydration and others by photoinduced degradation. Data... more
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      DaphniaMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technologyInsecticides
Uptake and elimination kinetics of metals in soil invertebrates are a function of both soil and organism properties. This study critically reviewed metal toxicokinetics in soil invertebrates and its potential use for assessing... more
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      SoilKineticsInvertebratesEnvironmental Pollution
Diclofenac is widely used as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug leaving residues in the environment. To investigate effects on terrestrial ecosystems, we measured dissipation rate in soil and investigated ecotoxicological and... more
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The effects of Ag-NPs and AgNO3 on the isopod Porcellionides pruinosus were determined upon soil and dietary exposures. Isopods avoided Ag in soil, with EC50 values of ∼16.0 and 14.0 mg Ag/kg for Ag-NPs and AgNO3, respectively. Feeding... more
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      Environmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
A river ecosystem in East Java, Indonesia, fed by a volcanic lake with high concentrations of dissolved metals and a low pH, was found to support only few macroinvertebrates. To unravel the causes of toxicity and to determine the level of... more
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      WaterCrustaceaRiversRisk assessment