I am joining Coloradolady this week for Vintage Thingy Thursday. See what other people are sharing - click on the icon above.
As if I didn't have enough of my own UFO's (UnFinished Objects). I have to buy one off ebay.
Here are two of the finished circles, some of the pre-cut petals, and wedge-shaped pieces for the border. Under the pile of fabric pieces is a very long strip of lavender cotton, for the binding. You needed to provide the muslin for each block, the batting, and the backing material. Still, according to the catalog, this kit for the "Friendship Quilt" cost $2.50. (I paid quite a bit more for this kit! Shh!) There is no date on the catalog or the instructions, pictured below.
The instructions, by the way, are a bit limited!
Maybe this kit is from the 1940's? early 50's? A good value perhaps if you didn't have a variety of printed fabrics. Muslin is always cheap and available. Quilt kits are still available today, some yes with pre-cut pieces.
Must stay away from ebay..... stay away from ebay....