The article sets out to analyse Danish rock carvings in their archaeological context and landscape setting. Rock carvings in different contexts would have contained different meaning to the contemporary society. Analyses show that... more
I denne rapport afrapporteres de arkæologiske undersøgelser, der fandt sted i Vatnahverfi i Sydgrønland sommeren 2007 indenfor rammerne af Danmarks Nationalmuseums projekt: Ressourceudnyttelse, Mobilitet og Kulturel Identitet – Den... more
Travel, Trade & Alliances In The Bronze Age. The Egtved Girl was buried in Egtved, Denmark 1370 BC. Famous for her well-preserved grave, she has become an icon for the Danish Bronze Age and the object of continuous archaeological study.... more
So far, the archaeological research gives a good overview of the woolen textiles of the Early Bronze Age, especially the finds from the oak coffin burials. There are, however, still questions to ask about the production and manufacturing... more
Through a multi-scalar approach using archaeological and statistical methods this paper investigates identity through a comparative study of 270 female gendered burials from Jutland, Funen, Bornholm and Northern Germany. The understanding... more
I dag har man mulighed for at vælge mellem mange versioner af fortiden alt efter livsstil og underholdningsværdi – det være sig modediæter som stenalderkost, fantastiske tolkninger om pyramidebyggende rumvæsner eller romaner bygget på... more
En diskussion af Flemming Kauls tolkning af nogle bornholmske guldfigurer fra germansk jernalder i lyset af nyere tids sagn.
Review of: Alexandra Pesch & Michaela Helmbrecht (eds.) Gold foil figures in focus. A Scandinavian find group and related objects and images from ancient and medieval Europe. Advanced studies in ancient iconography I. Papers from an... more
A presentation of the gold bracteates of type A from the Vindelev Hoard, Jutland, Denmark
A presentation of the gold bracteates of type C from the Vindelev Hoard, Jutland, Denmark
A presentation of the golden sheath mount from the Vindelev Hoard, Jutland, Denmark