Chapters by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN

Review of World Planning Practice. Volume 18: Towards Healthy Cities: Urban Governance, Planning and Design for Human Well-being, 2022
The aim of this research is to go beyond the reading of vulnerability based
on indicators. This s... more The aim of this research is to go beyond the reading of vulnerability based
on indicators. This study seeks to explore the ‘embedded’ components that are ignored in Covid-19 process management and related indices/indicators and discuss healthy city policies through these components, by harnessing good practices and collective actions. The research sample (see Figure 4) comprises good practices in countries with high vulnerability in the Global South, namely Brazil, Turkey, India, South Africa, and China. A number of countries, including these, were firstly examined for their responses to the Covid-19 process in pandemic
regions within the framework of urban resilience (Aygün Oğur et al., 2021). In addition to this elaboration, some parameters, including socio-economic structure, social, economic and spatial vulnerability of the countries, extent of social inequality, virus transmission rate in the population, data availability, and existence of alternative management approaches to Covid-19, singled out these countries for analysis. The role of different socio-spatial components in creating and governing healthy cities, which will be analyzed qualitatively, will be considered through an examination of collective actions in these practices, rather than stereotyped vulnerability indicators.
Papers by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN

Cities, 2024
In the realm of urban regeneration, this paper analyses the key role of institutionalized self-or... more In the realm of urban regeneration, this paper analyses the key role of institutionalized self-organization within entrepreneurial governance frameworks, arguing how organized community groups can influence urban policy through engagement in policy networks. Focusing on the transformation initiative in Istanbul's Derbent informal neighbourhood (gecekondu), where community-driven innovation emerged in the face of state-led urban development, this research elucidates the ways local collectives navigate and transform governance structures. The study presents three main lessons with broader implications for understanding urban governance dynamics globally: (1) the capacity of self-organized entities to re-politicize local networks and impact urban governance, even in authoritarian contexts; (2) the transformative power of these initiatives in facilitating a transition from entrepreneurial strategies to responsive governance tactics, adapting to the needs and inputs of local stakeholders; (3) the enrolment of self-organized groups in policy networks, highlighting the importance of collective platforms that bridge the gap between citizens and policymakers. This investigation into local self-governance strategies demonstrates the tangible impact of localized efforts in catalysing change in spatial governance, challenging traditional models. While rooted in a unique socio-political landscape, the findings transcend the specific context of Derbent, encouraging further investigation into similar urban dynamics worldwide. The research calls for a re-evaluation of entrepreneurial governance models to better accommodate and leverage grassroots participation and invites further comparative research on the applicability of these insights beyond the studied context.
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2023
Entrepreneurial and growth-oriented urban development models see left-behind areas as opportuniti... more Entrepreneurial and growth-oriented urban development models see left-behind areas as opportunities in need of redevelopment and upgrading, which can be subjected to speculation. We argue that pathbreaking trajectories emerge during this redevelopment process in distinct ways depending on the adaptive capacity of urban communities and flexibility in the planning practices. Focusing on the squatter areas in Istanbul, we map out pathbreaking trajectories in institutional and policy contexts and unravel societal responses. We conclude that the authoritarian entrepreneurial governance landscape operates in a dual context in which its impacts on re-politicization of urban communities and their engagement with policy networks can vary.

Proceedings of the 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress
The aim of this research is to go beyond the reading of vulnerability based on indicators. This s... more The aim of this research is to go beyond the reading of vulnerability based on indicators. This study seeks to explore the ‘embedded’ components that are ignored in Covid-19 process management and related indices/indicators and discuss healthy city policies through these components, by harnessing good practices and collective actions. The research sample (see Figure 4) comprises good practices in countries with high vulnerability in the Global South, namely Brazil, Turkey, India, South Africa, and China. A number of countries, including these, were firstly examined for their responses to the Covid-19 process in pandemic regions within the framework of urban resilience (Aygün Oğur et al., 2021). In addition to this elaboration, some parameters, including socio-economic structure, social, economic and spatial vulnerability of the countries, extent of social inequality, virus transmission rate in the population, data availability, and existence of alternative management approaches to Covid-19, singled out these countries for analysis. The role of different socio-spatial components in creating and governing healthy cities, which will be analyzed qualitatively, will be considered through an examination of collective actions in these practices, rather than stereotyped vulnerability indicators.

Reflektif Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2023
The authors of this paper-all women and early-career researchers-address the place of feminist pe... more The authors of this paper-all women and early-career researchers-address the place of feminist perspective within planning education. This positioning is revealed through 'dilemmas' and 'epiphanies 1 ' in the authors' experiences by employing an autoethnographic perspective. In the quest to create gender-equal urban areas, the study explores what planning education and teaching & practice experiences can offer to accommodate feminist insights. And it uncovers challenges and potentials in creating competence on feminist urbanism in planning, through rigorous analysis of personalized narratives. We anticipate our research to act as a pre-manifesto to provoke 'planning' audiences for the upswing in inclusive urban planning. Özet Kariyerinin başındaki araştırmacılardan oluşan kadın yazarların ele aldığı bu makalede feminist şehirciliğin kent planlama eğitimindeki yeri incelenmektedir. Bu konumlandırma, otoetnografik bir bakış açısı kullanılarak yazarların deneyimlerindeki 'ikilemler' ve 'aydınlanma anları (epifaniler)' aracılığıyla yapılmaktadır. Çalışma, toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğine sahip kentsel alanlar yaratma arayışında, planlama eğitim, öğretim ve uygulama deneyimlerinin feminist içgörüleri barındırmak için neler sunabileceğini araştırmaktadır. Ayrıca, kişiselleştirilmiş anlatıların detaylı analizi yoluyla, planlamada feminist şehircilik konusunda yetkinlik yaratmadaki zorlukları ve potansiyelleri ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Araştırmamızın, kapsayıcı kentsel planlamanın yükselişi için 'planlama' kitlelerini kışkırtacak bir ön manifesto görevi görmesini beklemekteyiz.
RSA Regions, 2021
This article examines the practices and approaches taken by different countries with a high numbe... more This article examines the practices and approaches taken by different countries with a high number of cases and distinctive responses to the Covid-19 outbreak within six World Health Organization (WHO) regions (Figure 2) from the perspective of urban resilience. The six regions in question represent the WHO’s organizational-purpose grouping with geographical terms, which is the way the WHO publishes its statistics. Pandemic resilience literature takes a fragmented approach to specific management areas or adaptation strategies. Findings suggest the need for a comprehensive approach that covers the different perspectives of resilience. Thus, this paper offers a tentative conceptual framework consisting of prominent factors including a strategy map, which might enable a broader perspective to guide recovery from future pandemics.
Toplumsal Tarih, 2021
"Oktay Özman ve Ebru Kurt Özman 1849 yılında sırtında sadece bir sırt çantasıyla İstanbul’a gelen... more "Oktay Özman ve Ebru Kurt Özman 1849 yılında sırtında sadece bir sırt çantasıyla İstanbul’a gelen İngiliz seyyah Albert Richard Smith’in macera dolu hikayesini bizlere anlatıyorlar."
Blog Posts by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
The Urban Governance Research Network - UGoveRN, Oct 16, 2021
Projects by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
Goal: This project examines the relationships between contemporary investment flows into the hous... more Goal: This project examines the relationships between contemporary investment flows into the housing markets of major European cities and the arrangements and public policy instruments that are designed to govern them.
Goal: Preparation of a Basic Management Guide for Certification of Sustainable Green Building and... more Goal: Preparation of a Basic Management Guide for Certification of Sustainable Green Building and Sustainable Settlements and Preparation of a Data Management Plan for National Green Building Information System Software
Conference Papers by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN

Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) Annual International Conference: The Populist Authoritarian Turn and Urban/Regional Futures: Experiences and Insights from around the Globe (2), 2022
This research investigates the relationship of entrepreneurial governance, state entrepreneuriali... more This research investigates the relationship of entrepreneurial governance, state entrepreneurialism and the re-politicization of policy networks in spatial governance through “mega” urban projects as neoliberal spatial planning interventions. The main purpose of the research is to operationalize the argument that new channels of inclusion in spatial planning can emerge through re-politicized policy networks, even in authoritarian governance contexts. The research in Istanbul shows that the entrepreneurial governance context enables those citizens who can organise themselves to have an impact on the process of policymaking by strengthening their positions in previous or existing social networks. These reorganised policy networks provide a basis for new forms of inclusion in the spatial governance system (as well as new forms of exclusion), regardless of the limitations of the top-down governance of urban planning. Within this context, and while urban protests, social movements, and other forms of counter responses are pushed down by several political mechanisms of the top-down state authority, citizen-initiated networks still have some impact on spatial organisation due to the entrepreneurial context of urban governance. Although entrepreneurial governance creates new exclusion processes and self-responsibilization for urban citizens, it also enables the organisation of policy networks to perform the wishes of citizens in this context. Even though their impact may seem limited, the new planning instruments are created in these policy network formations which help the re-politicization of urban governance.

12th WORLD CONGRESS OF THE RSAI: Spatial Systems: Social Integration, Regional Development and Sustainability, 2018
Metropolitan areas and cities are threatened by external shocks such as; economic crisis, natural... more Metropolitan areas and cities are threatened by external shocks such as; economic crisis, natural disasters, climate change, terrorism, etc. Those uncertain externalities are the main challenges of cities. The impacts of threats and risk should be reduced to sustain a safe environment for citizens and viability of the city system. Therefore, cities and metropolitan areas should be evolved into more resilient structure and prepared for the threats. Increasing resilience of cities is important to avoid being under continuous threat and vulnerable to any external shocks. The critical part is defining the strategic roadmap to more resilient structure. Istanbul is the biggest metropolitan cityof Turkey with more than 15 million citizens. It has a critical role for the country in terms of cultural, historical, social and economic aspects. Therefore, the resilience of Istanbul is an important issue that should be considered comprehensively. This paper discusses the context and decisions of Istanbul Environmental Plan in terms of whether it contributes to more resilient urban structure. In this context, the resilient city framework that suggested by Jabareen (2013) have been conducted. Jabareen tries to answer the question of “what cities and their urban communities should do in order to move towards a more resilient state in the future” and defines the conceptual framework for resilient city and resilient community by his study. That conceptual framework has beenthe basis for this study. Istanbul Environmental Plan has been examined within 4 concepts as defined by Jabareen; “Urban vulnerability matrix analysis, Uncertainty oriented planning, Urban governance and Prevention”. This study investigates whether the plan includes the resilient city key measurements defined under those 4 concepts and how the plan decisions have considered resilient development. This paper has addressed the question whether Istanbul environmental plan context and decisions contribute to urban resilience. Through considering the resilient city framework, expected results of this study are to distinguish missing parts of plan regarding urban resilience and to determine issues to be more emphasized. It is critical to evaluate the environmental plan considering the resilient city framework in order to make more accurate and effective decisions for future plans at national and local scale.

17. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Bölge Planlama Kongresi (BBTMK), 2017
Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeylerindeki Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik i... more Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeylerindeki Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik illerinden oluşan TR41 ve Gaziantep, Adıyaman, Kilis illerinden oluşan TRC1 düzey II bölgelerinde yerel ekonomik gelişme (YEG) faktörlerinin merkezi ve yerel düzeydeki aktörler tarafından nasıl algılandığını ve önceliklendirildiğini değerlendirmektir. Yerel ekonomik gelişme yaklaşımının kökenleri 1960’lara kadar izlenebilmektedir. Başlangıçta belirli bölgelerde öne çıkan yerel ekonomik gelişme politikaları, küreselleşme sürecinin bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır (Pike ve diğ, 2006). Ancak küresel politikalar her bölgede aynı etkiyi yaratmamış, küresel ekonominin dışında kalan, geleneksel ekonomik yapıya sahip bölgeler için merkezden yönetim politikalarından farklı bir yaklaşıma ihtiyaç duyulmuş ve yerel, yerinden yaklaşımların önemi gittikçe artmıştır (Rodriguez-Pose, 2001). Yerel ekonomik gelişme için kritik olan gelişme faktörlerinin, göstergelerinin literatürde hala kesin bir listesi bulunmamaktadır (Steiner, 1990). Yerel ekonomik gelişme faktörlerinin geniş bir literatürden faydalanılarak tanımlandığı, listelendiği ve sonraki birçok çalışma için altlık oluşturan yaklaşım Wong (1998) tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Yerel ekonomik gelişme faktörlerinin önceliklendirilmesi ve algısal değerlendirmesini ölçmeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, farklı sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeyine sahip olan iki düzey II bölgesi seçilmiştir. Araştırmada, iki aşamadan oluşan bir yaklaşım tasarlanmıştır. İlk aşamada seçilen örneklem alanlarına ait nesnel ve ikincil veriler kullanılarak araştırmanın temelini oluşturan yerel ekonomik gelişme faktörleri çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir. İkinci aşamada, farklı kurumsal temsiliyetleri olan 182 uzmana online anket gönderilmiş ve %50’nin üzerinde geri dönüş alınmıştır. Merkezi ve yerel yönetime bağlı aktörler tarafından cevaplanan anketler, çalışmanın birincil veri setini oluşturmuştur. Veriler, bölgesel ve kurumsal farklılıkları ortaya koymaya çalışan farklı kantitatif yöntemlerle ölçülmüştür. Bölgesel farklılaşmayı ölçmek için; niceliksel ölçekli gözlemleri verilen iki örneklemin aynı dağılımdan gelip gelmediğini incelemek amacıyla, parametrik olmayan Mann-Whitney U testi, kurumsal farklılaşmayı analiz etmek için ise ikiden fazla örneklemin aynı dağılımdan gelip gelmediğini ölçmede kullanılan Kruskal-Wallis testinden faydalanılmıştır. Yapılan nesnel ve öznel değerlendirmeler sonucunda, bilimsel çalışmalarda uzlaşılmış olan yerel ekonomik gelişme faktörlerinin uzmanlar tarafından önceliklendirilmesinin; farklı sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişlik düzeyine sahip TR41 ve TRC1 düzey II bölgelerinde farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı araştırılmıştır. Bölgesel kıyaslamaların yanı sıra, TR41 ve TRC1 düzey II bölgeleri içinde yer alan Bursa, Eskişehir, Bilecik, Gaziantep, Adıyaman ve Kilis illerinin sahip oldukları yerel kaynaklarla, dinamiklerle ilişkili olarak öne çıkması dikkat çekmektedir. Yerel ekonomik gelişme ve bağlı olduğu temel faktörler, bölgelerin ve yerel düzeylerin sosyo-ekonomik gelişmişliklerine ve yerel yönetim yapılanmalarına bağlı olarak değişmektedir. Merkezi yönetimin gelişme eksenleri ve vizyonlarını dikkate almanın yanında, çok aktörlü, çok düzeyli ve yerinden yönetim anlayışını benimseyen yerel yönetimlerin, yerel potansiyelleri dikkate alan daha doğru politikalar üreterek, yerel ekonomik gelişmede daha başarılı olmaları beklenmektedir.

17. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Bölge Planlama Kongresi (BBTMK), 2017
Ülkemiz gelişmekte olan bir ülke olduğundan sanayi yatırımları önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla kal... more Ülkemiz gelişmekte olan bir ülke olduğundan sanayi yatırımları önem taşımaktadır. Dolayısıyla kalkınmanın en temel araçlarından olan kalkınma planlarında ve bölgesel gelişme araçlarında sanayi yatırımlarının ve özellikle organize sanayi bölgesi kararlarının gittikçe önemli bir hale geldiği görülmektedir. Gerek kalkınma politikaları gerekse 1960’lardan itibaren etkili olan neoliberal politikaların etkisiyle, özel sektörün, özel sektör yatırımlarının ve sermaye sahiplerinin kalkınma politikalarına ve özellikle büyük ölçekli yatırımlara yön verdiği görülmektedir. Bu noktada bir bölgenin ya da beldenin ekonomik olarak kalkınması/gelişmesi yani diğer deyişle sermaye sahibinin buraya gelmesi, yatırım yapması; kaynakların kullanılması, doğal çevrenin korunması, fiziksel çevre kalitesi vb. gibi diğer tüm durumların çoğu kez önüne geçmektedir. Diğer bir değişle, bir bölgenin ekonomik olarak gelişmesine katkı sağlayacak herhangi bir yatırım, birincil kamu yararı olarak görülmektedir. Merkezi yönetim çıkardığı özel amaçlı plan, kanun ve yönetmeliklerle mevcut yasal çerçeveyi esnetme yada yatırımcıların işini kolaylaştırma yönünden deregulasyon politikası uygulamaktadır. Aynı zamanda, bu tür yatırım kararları, yerel yönetim devre dışı bırakılarak merkezi hükümet tarafından verilmektedir. 4562 Sayılı Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Kanunu da merkezi yönetimin kullandığı bölgesel geliştirme araçlarından biridir. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi kavramı ile birden fazla sanayi kuruluşunun bir araya gelerek daha verimli üretim sağlaması, dengeli gelişme ve sürdürülebilir çevre politikalarının hayata geçirilmesi ifade edilmektedir. Yapılan farklı tanımlarda, bölgede oluşturulacak altyapı ve hizmet tesislerinden ortak bir fayda sağlanacağı vurgusu dikkat çekmektedir. Aynı zamanda organize sanayi bölgesi kavramının planlı bir şekilde ve belirli kriterler dikkate alınarak gerçekleşeceği belirtilmektedir. Literatürde yer alan birçok tanımda benzer anahtar kelimelere vurgu yapılmakla birlikte, gelişmenin sürdürülebilir çevre politikasına nasıl entegre edileceği konusu genellikle ihmal edilmektedir. Bu çalışma, müteşebbis heyet, yönetim kurulu, denetim kurulu ve bölge müdürlüklerinden oluşan organize sanayi bölgesi tüzel kişiliği organlarını ve bu yönetim yapısının sahip olduğu, yasayla tanımlanmış geniş yetki alanlarını ilgili Danıştay kararları ekseninde tartışmayı amaçlamaktadır. Organize sanayi bölgeleri, yasayla tanımlanan kendi bölge sınırları içinde, plan yapma, ruhsat verme ve ruhsata aykırılıkların giderilmesi, altyapı kurma ve işletme, arsa satışı ve tahsisi, kamulaştırma yapma gibi çok geniş yetkilere sahiptir. Bu yetkiler arasında en çok kamulaştırma yapma yetkisi öne çıkmakta ve bu konuda mahkemelere, Danıştay’a ve Anayasa Mahkemesi’ne taşınmış davalar bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışma organize sanayi bölgelerinin özellikle kamulaştırma yetkilerini yargı kararları ekseninde incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca, bildiri ile ekonomik temelli yararın kamu yararı kavramını açıklamadaki etkisi de tartışılmaktadır. Bildiri sonucunda, organize sanayi bölgelerine yönelik politikaya ilişkin yargısal sonuçlar analiz edilerek, organize sanayi bölgelerine yönelik iptal kararlarını azaltmadaki önlemlere yönelik çıkarımlar yapılmaktadır.

4. International Regional Development Conference, 2017
There are various studies about the relationship between taxation and the level of socio-economic... more There are various studies about the relationship between taxation and the level of socio-economic development in the literature. According to these studies, there is a two-way relation between taxation and socio- level of the development level. On the one hand, tax structure and the taxation rate directly affect economic growth. The economic growth is also effective on the socio-economic development level. However, the socio- economic level of development is not measured only by the economic growth, but also by many social and economic factors. On the other hand, the socio-economic level of development can affect the level of taxation. In countries where have different socio-economic development levels, levels of taxation can change. That is, the taxation levels of developed and an underdeveloped (or developing) countries are not the same. Besides, 'tax incentive mechanisms’ can also affect economic growth and socio-economic development positively or negatively. The importance and share of taxation in the economic system and expenditure items of obtained tax revenues also varies according to countries. The paper aims to examine the relationship between taxation and socio-economic development levels in the 30 metropolitan cities in Turkey (Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, Balıkesir, Bursa, Denizli, Diyarbakır, Erzurum, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kocaeli, Konya, Malatya, Mersin, Muğla, Ordu, Sakarya, Samsun, Şanlıurfa, Tekirdağ, Trabzon, Van) by taking into consideration their population and labour potentials. The methodology of the paper based on five basic data sets that include demographic structure indicators, education indicators data, socio-economic development indexes, economic structure indicators and financial structure indicators. In the study, two basic evaluation approaches are used. Firstly, primary data which are demographic structure indicators, education indicators data, socio-economic development indexes, economic structure indicators and financial structure indicators are compared among 30 metropolitan cities. Secondly, the research hypotheses have been established and measured by using the linear regression models to see the relationship between the financial structure indicators, which are considered as dependent variables, and the data sets related to the demographic and socio- economic structures in the 30 metropolitan cities in Turkey.

AESOP Annual Congress: Spaces of Dialog for Places of Dignity: Fostering the European Dimension of Planning, 2017
The aim of this paper is to evaluate how local economic development (LED) factors are perceived a... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate how local economic development (LED) factors are perceived and prioritized by the actors of central government and local authorities in TR41 and TRC1 NUTS II regions in Turkey which have different socio-economic development levels. Local economic development practices that can be traced back to the 1960’s, while initially come into prominence in certain areas, has spread rapidly around the world due to globalization (Pike and others, 2006). Not every country could have benefit from the large-scale yields that globalization can bring. As a result of the global policies, inequalities between regions with different social and economic structures have been increased. As a result of increasing inequality and uneven distribution of the growth, regions need ‘bottom-up’ approach rather than ‘top-down’ approach (Rodriguez-Pose, 2001). In other words, need of coping with the problems that globalization brings, has accelerated the spread of local economic development approach. There is still no definitive list of the factors which are critical for local economic development in literature (Steiner, 1990). These local economic development factors which were determined as a result of an extensive literature review and are indicators agreed upon in scientific studies were developed by Wong (1998). The research which aims to evaluate how local economic development factors are perceived and prioritized by the actors of central government and local authorities has two case areas; TR41 and TRC1 NUTS II regions which have been determined with secondary data considering their different socio- economical development levels and consists of two-stage evaluation approach. At the first stage of the research, secondary data for the sampling regions has been objectively compiled and assessed. For the second stage of the research, an online questionnaire was sent to 182 actors of different organizational structures and asked them to rank LED factors according to their importance in local level. The respond rate was over %50. Surveys answered by the actors of different organizational structures form the primary data was measured by different quantitative methods and mean ranking to test regional and institutional differences. To test regional and institutional differences, non-parametric Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal- Wallis tests measuring whether the samples come from the same distribution were used. As a result of objective and subjective evaluations, prioritization of local economic development factors determined after an extensive literature review, agreed upon in scientific studies and developed by Wong, differs in TR41 and TRC1 NUTS II regions that have different socio-economic development levels. As well as regional and institutional evaluations, provinces of Bursa, Eskişehir and Bilecik in TR41 NUTS II region and provinces of Gaziantep, Adıyaman and Kilis in TRC1 NUTS II region stand out with their local potentials and dynamics. For conclusion, local economic development and linked basic factors change according to the level of socio-economic development and the local government structures. In addition to taking into consideration the central government ́s development axes and visions, local governments which adopted a multi-actored, multi-leveled and ‘bottom-up’ approach, are expected to be more successful in local economic development by making more effective policies considering local potentials.
52nd ISOCARP Congress: The Cities we Have vs. the Cities we Need, 2016
The purpose of this paper is to understand the transformation of the role of public space in the ... more The purpose of this paper is to understand the transformation of the role of public space in the case of Beyazıt Square, İstanbul. The historical background of public space, which is one of the main elements that creates urban symbols, will be examined in this context. The following part of the paper will try to propose some particular decisions or policies to get some clues from the history of the existence of public space by being supported by the theoretical framework of critical urban intellectuals whose studies focus on space, power and time.

International Geographical Union (IGU) Commission On ‘The Dynamics of Economic Spaces’ (DES) Ankara Conference, 2015
There have been several studies which use economic base theory and model to understand economic g... more There have been several studies which use economic base theory and model to understand economic growth and development. One of these approaches is “location quotient method” which relies on the data for the region in question and national data. It is still most used method determines which industrial sectors are basic (non-local) and non-basic (local) although there are many critics on it about being inadequate on detecting such important outputs. Considering these critics, this research considers the changes in TRC1 Region’s foreign trade especially impacts of the economic relations of Middle East Countries after the global economic crisis. Therefore, we try to explore in which sectors the region has been specialized and whether the region’s sectorial structure changes between 2009-2012 by using both location quotient method and export data. Selected period is particularly important to interpret the region’s foreign trade relations since there have been intense economic relations with Middle East Countries, although there is an ongoing Middle East Crisis starting at the end of 2010. This paper aims to explore how foreign trade relations -especially with Middle East Countries- of TRC1 Region which covers the provinces of Gaziantep, Adıyaman and Kilis have impacts on the region’s economic-sectorial structure. The background of the paper focuses on the foreign trade regarding the scope of theory. The results will be interpreted according to the regional and industrial policy of Turkey considering the different aspects during the period of analysis.
Chapters by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
on indicators. This study seeks to explore the ‘embedded’ components that are ignored in Covid-19 process management and related indices/indicators and discuss healthy city policies through these components, by harnessing good practices and collective actions. The research sample (see Figure 4) comprises good practices in countries with high vulnerability in the Global South, namely Brazil, Turkey, India, South Africa, and China. A number of countries, including these, were firstly examined for their responses to the Covid-19 process in pandemic
regions within the framework of urban resilience (Aygün Oğur et al., 2021). In addition to this elaboration, some parameters, including socio-economic structure, social, economic and spatial vulnerability of the countries, extent of social inequality, virus transmission rate in the population, data availability, and existence of alternative management approaches to Covid-19, singled out these countries for analysis. The role of different socio-spatial components in creating and governing healthy cities, which will be analyzed qualitatively, will be considered through an examination of collective actions in these practices, rather than stereotyped vulnerability indicators.
Papers by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
Blog Posts by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
Projects by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
Conference Papers by Ebru KURT ÖZMAN
on indicators. This study seeks to explore the ‘embedded’ components that are ignored in Covid-19 process management and related indices/indicators and discuss healthy city policies through these components, by harnessing good practices and collective actions. The research sample (see Figure 4) comprises good practices in countries with high vulnerability in the Global South, namely Brazil, Turkey, India, South Africa, and China. A number of countries, including these, were firstly examined for their responses to the Covid-19 process in pandemic
regions within the framework of urban resilience (Aygün Oğur et al., 2021). In addition to this elaboration, some parameters, including socio-economic structure, social, economic and spatial vulnerability of the countries, extent of social inequality, virus transmission rate in the population, data availability, and existence of alternative management approaches to Covid-19, singled out these countries for analysis. The role of different socio-spatial components in creating and governing healthy cities, which will be analyzed qualitatively, will be considered through an examination of collective actions in these practices, rather than stereotyped vulnerability indicators.