Journal Articles by Jose A. García Saez
Teoría y Derecho, 2024
La constitucionalización de los bienes fundamentales es una de las principales novedades teó- ric... more La constitucionalización de los bienes fundamentales es una de las principales novedades teó- ricas que ofrece Luigi Ferrajoli en su libro Por una Constitución de la Tierra: La humanidad en la encrucijada (2022). Este artículo analiza la propuesta de regulación normativa realizada en el proyecto ferrajoliano, en el que los bienes comunes conforman una de las tres categorías de bienes fundamentales junto a los bienes sociales y a los bienes personalísimos. Por un lado, el estudio lleva a cabo una crítica interna orientada a contrastar aquellas novedades teóricas con el tratamiento que reciben los bienes comunes en otros lugares de la obra de Ferrajoli. Por otro lado, se esboza una crítica externa que trata de poner la propuesta ferrajoliana en diálogo con las llamadas teorías benecomunistas.
The constitutionalization of fundamental goods is one of the main theoretical novelties offered by Luigi Ferrajoli in his book Por una Constitución de la Tierra: La humanidad en la encrucija- da (2022). This article analyzes the proposal for normative regulation made in the Ferrajolian project, in which common goods appear as one of the three categories of fundamental goods, together with social goods and very personal goods. On the one hand, the study carries out an internal critique, contrasting those theoretical novelties and the treatment that common goods receive in other places of Ferrajoli’s work. On the other hand, it outlines an external critique, trying to put the Ferrajolian proposal in dialogue with the so-called Commons theories.
La fuerza política de la amistad , 2024
This paper constitutes a brief reflection on the political dimension of friendship. It is fundame... more This paper constitutes a brief reflection on the political dimension of friendship. It is fundamentally based on works by Aristotle, Cicero, La Boétie, Montaigne, Weil and Arendt. It suggests to think the characteristics of friendship as a concept closely related to notions of citizenship, equality, plurality or dissent. The teachings of Javier de Lucas provide the clue that has guided the uneasy path through these concepts.
Revista Telemática de Filosofía del Derecho, 2022
Hans Kelsen and Hans J. Morgenthau represent two opposite ways of understanding international law... more Hans Kelsen and Hans J. Morgenthau represent two opposite ways of understanding international law. The first one stood for a strong international jurisdiction as a key element to maintain world peace. The latter, however, questioned the role of the international courts and preferred to position himself on the side of a political normativity that would open the path for the rising of international relations as an autonomous discipline. The up until now unpublished correspondence between both authors (1934-1971) shows that, aside from their theoretical differences, there was personal esteem and intellectual acknowledgment between them.
Hans J. Morgenthau es uno de los autores más representativos del realismo en las relaciones inter... more Hans J. Morgenthau es uno de los autores más representativos del realismo en las relaciones internacionales. Su obra, sin embargo, ha sido recibida en España y otros países de forma un tanto sesgada, descuidando fundamentalmente aquellos elementos de su teoría que guardan relación con la moral. Este trabajo da cuenta de los elementos comunes a los autores del realismo clásico del siglo XX. A continuación, se profundiza en las particularidades del realismo de Morgenthau y se apuntan algunos sus principales desarrollos e influencias contemporáneas.
Pacifismo jurídico / Legal pacifism, 2019
Guerra y paz pueden ser pensadas como dos momentos que están destinados a sucederse alternativame... more Guerra y paz pueden ser pensadas como dos momentos que están destinados a sucederse alternativamente dentro la historia de las relaciones internacionales. Pero también cabe la esperanza de que a través del desarrollo de un orden internacional fuerte pueda conseguirse una paz perpetua o, cuanto menos, duradera. A ese fin han destinado sus esfuerzos numerosos juristas cuyas obras pueden ser enmarcadas dentro del pacifismo jurídico. En este texto se tratará de ordenar los rasgos característicos de esta posición, tomando como división central aquella que separa los autores que han apostado por la prohibición de la guerra de aquellos que han apostado por su progresiva superación. Ambas posiciones compartirán su preferencia por el fortalecimiento de las instituciones internacionales, además de una cierta vocación cosmopolita. // War and peace could be thought as two moments bound to succeed each other within the history of international relations. But there is also room for the hope in a perpetual or, at least, sustainable peace thorough the development of a strong international order. Several legal scholars, whose works can be labelled inside the legal pacifism, have devoted their efforts to that end. This paper tries to put some order about the main features of legal pacifism. It takes as a central division their position towards war: some legal pacifists have defended the total outlawry of war, while others have considered preferable a progressive overcoming of war. Both positions will share the preference for strength the international institutions, together with a certain degree of cosmopolitan commitment. Keywords Legal pacifism, war, peace, philosophy of international law. SUMARIO. 1. Guerra y paz en la filosofía del derecho internacional. 2. El ideal pacifista y sus concreciones jurídicas. 3. Prohibir la guerra. 4. Limitar la guerra. 5. Construir un orden internacional pacífico. 6. Aportaciones del feminismo al pacifismo jurídico.
Filosofía del derecho internacional, violencia y masculinidad hegemónica, 2019
La violencia es considerada a menudo un elemento consustancial al ámbito internacional: algo que ... more La violencia es considerada a menudo un elemento consustancial al ámbito internacional: algo que el derecho internacional puede quizá reducir pero no eliminar completamente. Este trabajo se hace eco de las críticas feministas al derecho internacional poniéndolas en relación con los conceptos elaborados por los estudios sobre masculinidades. Que el derecho internacional sea una disciplina históricamente manejada por hombres encuentra su proyección sobre cinco ámbitos: 1) el concepto de estado en tanto que actor principal del derecho internacional, 2) el sistema de fuentes, en particular, los tratados internacionales; 3) la aplicación de las normas internacionales a través de tribunales o paneles de arbitraje; 4) la importancia de la guerra y 5) la doctrina de la responsabilidad de proteger. // Violence is often seen as an inherent element in the international arena: something that international law can perhaps reduce but not eliminate completely. This work echoes feminist critiques of international law by putting them in relation to the concepts elaborated by studies on masculinities. That international law is a discipline historically handled by men finds its projection on five areas: 1) the concept of state as the main actor of international law, 2) the system of sources, in particular, international treaties; 3) the application of international standards through courts or arbitration panels; 4) the importance of war and 5) the doctrine of the responsibility to protect. PALABRAS CLAVE: filosofía del derecho internacional, estudios sobre masculinidades, violencia, relaciones internacionales, pacifismo jurídico KEYWORDS: philosophy of international law, masculinity studies, violence, international relations, legal pacifism
Isonomía, 2018
Desde que su mentor, Norberto Bobbio, le encargara la traducción de la segunda edición de la Teor... more Desde que su mentor, Norberto Bobbio, le encargara la traducción de la segunda edición de la Teoría pura del derecho (1960), la carrera de Mario G. Losano ha sido tan larga como polifacética. En esta entrevista, conversamos sobre su formación y sobre el contexto cultural que envolvió el inicio de su carrera académica en Italia. Posteriormente, nos centramos en dos de los principales temas de su producción académica. Por un lado, profundizamos en sus estudios kelsenianos, destacando el enfoque histórico que caracteriza su aproximación a los problemas iusfilosóficos. Y, por otro lado, abordamos el asunto de los orígenes y el desarrollo de la informática jurídica, de la cual el profesor Losano ha sido un destacado precursor
Since his mentor, Norberto Bobbio, commissioned him the translation of the second edition of The Pure Theory of Law (1960), the career of Mario G. Losano has been long and multifaceted. In this interview, we talked about his education and the cultural background that involved the beginning of his academic career in Italy. After-wards, we focus the talk on two of the main issues of his academic production. On the one hand, we go deeper into his Kelsenian studies, highlighting the historical method that characterizes his approach to legal-philosophical problems. And, on the other hand, we address the
Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía del Derecho, 2019
Tras una breve reflexión introductoria, este texto presenta algunos de los trabajos derivados de... more Tras una breve reflexión introductoria, este texto presenta algunos de los trabajos derivados del Congreso Internacional sobre el 70 Aniversario de la Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos, que tuvo lugar en Valencia en diciembre de 2018. Los trabajos se han clasificado en siete secciones: 1) Ponencias invitadas; 2) Violencia de género y derechos de las mujeres; 3) Empresas multinacionales y derechos humanos; 4) Memoria histórica y derechos humanos; 5) Nuevos escenarios y nuevas garantías para los derechos; 6) Contextos y vulnerabilidades; 7) Perspectivas.
After a brief introductory reflection, this text presents some of the works derived from the International Congress on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that took place in Valencia in December 2018. The works have been classified into seven sections: 1) Guest lectures 2) Gender violence and women's rights; 3) Multinational companies and human rights; 4) Historical memory and human rights; 5) New scenarios and new guarantees for rights; 6) Contexts and vulnerabilities; 7) Perspectives.
El objetivo de este texto es proporcionar una reflexión sobre la forma de evaluar el aprendizaje... more El objetivo de este texto es proporcionar una reflexión sobre la forma de evaluar el aprendizaje de los alumnos de derecho. Se presenta la evaluación como un acto que puede ser entendido en términos de justicia y que, como tal, plantea al docente complejos dilemas. Con el ánimo de contribuir a la resolución de dichos dilemas y, desde un enfoque jurídico-filosófico, se propone la aplicación de tres principios: de legalidad, de igualdad y de revisión de los actos jurídicos. Dichos principios proporcionan un marco conceptual básico sin el cual la evaluación difícilmente podrá ser considerada justa.
The aim of this paper is to share some thoughts about how to evaluate law students learning process. Understood in terms of justice, evaluation is capable of raising complex dilemmas to teachers. In contribution to resolve those dilemmas, and from a legal- philosophical approach, it suggests the application of three principles to evaluation: rule of law, equality and legal acts review. A fair evaluation could be found inside the basic conceptual framework provided by these three principles.
This paper deals with the role that historical issues had in an outstanding theoretical movement:... more This paper deals with the role that historical issues had in an outstanding theoretical movement: the turn that since the forties is performed from International Law to International Relations as the main organising discipline in the interstate field. Hans J. Morgenthau will be taken as the most representative author from this movement. Likewise many other European intellectuals exiled in the United States, the change of continent scientific environment will entail a switch for Morgenthau from the study of law to politics. In order to fully understand this transition and, specifically, the role that History has in it, this article is structured as follows: 1) the training of Morgenthau as a lawyer interested in History and in power politics, strongly influenced by the theories of Georg Simmel, Karl Mannheim and Alfred Schütz and their situational determination of knowledge; 2) the analysis of his little known book Scientific Man versus Power Politics (1946) as a milestone of Morgenthau´s historicism; and 3) the criticism of international courts as a breaking point with legal science.
Este texto aborda el papel que las consideraciones históricas desempeñaron en un movimiento teórico sustancial: el paso que a partir de los años cuarenta del siglo XX se produce desde el Derecho Internacional a las Relaciones Internacionales en tanto que principal disciplina ordena-dora del ámbito interestatal. Se tomará a Hans J. Morgenthau como el ejemplo más claro de este movimiento. Al igual que tantos otros intelectuales europeos exiliados en Estados Unidos, el cambio de continente y de contexto académico implicará para Morgenthau el salto del estudio del Derecho al estudio de la Política. Para explicar este movimiento y, en concreto, el peso que la Historia tiene en él, se estructurará el artículo en los siguientes apartados: 1) la formación de Morgenthau como un jurista siempre interesado en la Historia y en las relaciones de poder, fuertemente influido por las teorías de Georg Simmel, Karl Mannheim y Alfred Schütz y su de-terminación situacional del conocimiento; 2) el análisis de su poco conocida obra Scientific Man versus Power Politics (1946) como punto clave del historicismo de Morgenthau; y 3) la crítica a la jurisdicción internacional como punto de ruptura con la ciencia jurídica
This text has a double goal. On the one hand, it wants to report the short stay of Hans J. Morgen... more This text has a double goal. On the one hand, it wants to report the short stay of Hans J. Morgenthau in Spain, where he taught at the Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y Económicos from 1935 to 1936, in the middle of the II Spanish Republic. On the other hand, and maindly, it wants to perform a critical review of the only work that Morgenthau published in Spain during his stay: Positivisme mal compris et théorie réaliste du droit international. It announced the construction of a realistic theory of international law, suitable to overcome the limits that, in his opinion, had legal positivism doctrine, unable to understand the problems of international reality. Special attention is paid to influences Kelsen's theory in the author, as well as to their deep differences.
Eunomia. Revista en Cultura de la Legalidad, Mar 29, 2013
The issue of the retroactive application of the criminal law has been one of the main legal probl... more The issue of the retroactive application of the criminal law has been one of the main legal problems raised regarding to legal proceedings started by judge Garzón against some of those responsible of the Franco regime for crimes of forced disappearance of thousands of people. The validity of the rule of law principle (and its derivatives lex previa, lex certa, and lex scripta lex stricta) have finally imposed above the possible retroactive application of the criminal law. To thinking about this matter may be of some interest to recover some of the considerations that Hans Kelsen made about the Nuremberg Trials and the retroactive application of sanctions against Nazis.
Revista Catalana de Dret Ambiental, Dec 2012
This paper is the result of a committed reflection on the environmental situation, taking dispute... more This paper is the result of a committed reflection on the environmental situation, taking disputes about the rights of animals as a starting point. First, some preliminary considerations about the anthropocentric view that permeates the hegemonic legal culture are made. Afterwards six arguments are discussed. They have often been presented by those who, from different perspectives, have believed that animals cannot or should not have rights. The discussion aims to demonstrate that such arguments would not be sufficient to state that animals cannot be holders of subjective rights, arguing from the point of view of legal theory. Different and more complex is questioning if rights are the best formula to protect not only animals, but environment broadly. On this topic, are made two proposals of coexistence inspired by the garantist theory: a general one and a specific one referring to alimentary model.
Along his work Ferrajoli has demonstrated an unquestionable engagement to the peace and against t... more Along his work Ferrajoli has demonstrated an unquestionable engagement to the peace and against the war. His theory about international order, thus, fit well within the so called legal pacifism. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how the main features that pacifism are present in his Principia Iuris. I will pay attention to issues such as norvative hierarchy model proposed for the international order, and to the concept of state sovereignty. Also is remarkable the radical deny of its legal nature to the war, as the absolute negation of law and rights. Finally, we´ll see the institutional design of international order that Ferrajoli propose to overcome the current crisis of democracy and the rule of law.
Hans Kelsen thought International Law in Cologne and Geneva between 1930 and 1940. During this de... more Hans Kelsen thought International Law in Cologne and Geneva between 1930 and 1940. During this decade he developed a theoretical framework of International Law with a strong commitment to peace. Given the serious events of the World War II, Kelsen claimed the need for a radical reform of international institutions to achieve the world peace. This article tries to outline some of the fundamental features of that theory of International Law in order to find the basis of a strong pacifist proposals, with particular attention to the concepts of war, coercion and self governance.
With the recent signing of Czech President Vaclav Klaus, is completed the ratification procedure ... more With the recent signing of Czech President Vaclav Klaus, is completed the ratification procedure of the Lisbon Treaty, which should enter into force on December 1, 2009. The bumpy gestation process of this treaty, which sets out the main points of the European constitution, raises some doubts about the conception of citizenship that are driving the EU institutions. This article will attempt to provide some considerations for thought on this concept of citizenship by reference to the broader ideal of cosmopolitan citizenship. To determine if European citizenship is moving towards this cosmopolitan ideal or not, will consider three main issues: 1) the identity, 2) the link between nationality and citizenship and 3) the mechanisms for citizen participation and guarantees of democratic legitimacy.
The Lisbon Treaty will provide a new institutional framework for the European Union. This article... more The Lisbon Treaty will provide a new institutional framework for the European Union. This article wants to introduce which is the role of citizenship within the new framework by reference to the ideal of cosmopolitan citizenship. The proposed analysis is based on three questions that ask about: 1) Who is considered a citizen of the European Union; 2) How could they have really encouraged public participation in the European political building process; and 3) If the institutional reform carried out by the Lisbon Treaty will mean, as promised, a more democratic Europe.
Books by Jose A. García Saez
Scritti in onore di Mario G. Losano: Dalla filosofia del diritto alla comparazione giuridica, 2021
Springer Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, 2019
Entry "Franz Leopold Neumann" in the Springer Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Ph... more Entry "Franz Leopold Neumann" in the Springer Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy
Epistemic Communities at the Boundaries of Law: Clinics as a Paradigm in the Revolution of Legal Education in the European Mediterranean Context, 2019
The present collaborative volume is the result of the fortunate circum- stances and synergies tha... more The present collaborative volume is the result of the fortunate circum- stances and synergies that had placed its curators in an alike starting situation when it comes to the re ection on clinical legal education: rstly, a joining legal philosophical background; secondly, the fact of belonging to countries, Italy and Spain, that pertain to the legal culture of civil law of the conti- nental Europe; thirdly, a consolidated experience in legal clinical teaching oriented to overcome the formative model of legal positivism that still today characterizes our legal university degrees; fourthly, being highly active in the development of the global movement of legal clinics by participating and organizing conferences in both the international and European networks of clinical legal education; and nally, creating, re ecting and developing together many projects that formulate the spirit of the epistemic community promoted by the legal clinic colleagues.
Journal Articles by Jose A. García Saez
The constitutionalization of fundamental goods is one of the main theoretical novelties offered by Luigi Ferrajoli in his book Por una Constitución de la Tierra: La humanidad en la encrucija- da (2022). This article analyzes the proposal for normative regulation made in the Ferrajolian project, in which common goods appear as one of the three categories of fundamental goods, together with social goods and very personal goods. On the one hand, the study carries out an internal critique, contrasting those theoretical novelties and the treatment that common goods receive in other places of Ferrajoli’s work. On the other hand, it outlines an external critique, trying to put the Ferrajolian proposal in dialogue with the so-called Commons theories.
Since his mentor, Norberto Bobbio, commissioned him the translation of the second edition of The Pure Theory of Law (1960), the career of Mario G. Losano has been long and multifaceted. In this interview, we talked about his education and the cultural background that involved the beginning of his academic career in Italy. After-wards, we focus the talk on two of the main issues of his academic production. On the one hand, we go deeper into his Kelsenian studies, highlighting the historical method that characterizes his approach to legal-philosophical problems. And, on the other hand, we address the
After a brief introductory reflection, this text presents some of the works derived from the International Congress on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that took place in Valencia in December 2018. The works have been classified into seven sections: 1) Guest lectures 2) Gender violence and women's rights; 3) Multinational companies and human rights; 4) Historical memory and human rights; 5) New scenarios and new guarantees for rights; 6) Contexts and vulnerabilities; 7) Perspectives.
The aim of this paper is to share some thoughts about how to evaluate law students learning process. Understood in terms of justice, evaluation is capable of raising complex dilemmas to teachers. In contribution to resolve those dilemmas, and from a legal- philosophical approach, it suggests the application of three principles to evaluation: rule of law, equality and legal acts review. A fair evaluation could be found inside the basic conceptual framework provided by these three principles.
Este texto aborda el papel que las consideraciones históricas desempeñaron en un movimiento teórico sustancial: el paso que a partir de los años cuarenta del siglo XX se produce desde el Derecho Internacional a las Relaciones Internacionales en tanto que principal disciplina ordena-dora del ámbito interestatal. Se tomará a Hans J. Morgenthau como el ejemplo más claro de este movimiento. Al igual que tantos otros intelectuales europeos exiliados en Estados Unidos, el cambio de continente y de contexto académico implicará para Morgenthau el salto del estudio del Derecho al estudio de la Política. Para explicar este movimiento y, en concreto, el peso que la Historia tiene en él, se estructurará el artículo en los siguientes apartados: 1) la formación de Morgenthau como un jurista siempre interesado en la Historia y en las relaciones de poder, fuertemente influido por las teorías de Georg Simmel, Karl Mannheim y Alfred Schütz y su de-terminación situacional del conocimiento; 2) el análisis de su poco conocida obra Scientific Man versus Power Politics (1946) como punto clave del historicismo de Morgenthau; y 3) la crítica a la jurisdicción internacional como punto de ruptura con la ciencia jurídica
Books by Jose A. García Saez
The constitutionalization of fundamental goods is one of the main theoretical novelties offered by Luigi Ferrajoli in his book Por una Constitución de la Tierra: La humanidad en la encrucija- da (2022). This article analyzes the proposal for normative regulation made in the Ferrajolian project, in which common goods appear as one of the three categories of fundamental goods, together with social goods and very personal goods. On the one hand, the study carries out an internal critique, contrasting those theoretical novelties and the treatment that common goods receive in other places of Ferrajoli’s work. On the other hand, it outlines an external critique, trying to put the Ferrajolian proposal in dialogue with the so-called Commons theories.
Since his mentor, Norberto Bobbio, commissioned him the translation of the second edition of The Pure Theory of Law (1960), the career of Mario G. Losano has been long and multifaceted. In this interview, we talked about his education and the cultural background that involved the beginning of his academic career in Italy. After-wards, we focus the talk on two of the main issues of his academic production. On the one hand, we go deeper into his Kelsenian studies, highlighting the historical method that characterizes his approach to legal-philosophical problems. And, on the other hand, we address the
After a brief introductory reflection, this text presents some of the works derived from the International Congress on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that took place in Valencia in December 2018. The works have been classified into seven sections: 1) Guest lectures 2) Gender violence and women's rights; 3) Multinational companies and human rights; 4) Historical memory and human rights; 5) New scenarios and new guarantees for rights; 6) Contexts and vulnerabilities; 7) Perspectives.
The aim of this paper is to share some thoughts about how to evaluate law students learning process. Understood in terms of justice, evaluation is capable of raising complex dilemmas to teachers. In contribution to resolve those dilemmas, and from a legal- philosophical approach, it suggests the application of three principles to evaluation: rule of law, equality and legal acts review. A fair evaluation could be found inside the basic conceptual framework provided by these three principles.
Este texto aborda el papel que las consideraciones históricas desempeñaron en un movimiento teórico sustancial: el paso que a partir de los años cuarenta del siglo XX se produce desde el Derecho Internacional a las Relaciones Internacionales en tanto que principal disciplina ordena-dora del ámbito interestatal. Se tomará a Hans J. Morgenthau como el ejemplo más claro de este movimiento. Al igual que tantos otros intelectuales europeos exiliados en Estados Unidos, el cambio de continente y de contexto académico implicará para Morgenthau el salto del estudio del Derecho al estudio de la Política. Para explicar este movimiento y, en concreto, el peso que la Historia tiene en él, se estructurará el artículo en los siguientes apartados: 1) la formación de Morgenthau como un jurista siempre interesado en la Historia y en las relaciones de poder, fuertemente influido por las teorías de Georg Simmel, Karl Mannheim y Alfred Schütz y su de-terminación situacional del conocimiento; 2) el análisis de su poco conocida obra Scientific Man versus Power Politics (1946) como punto clave del historicismo de Morgenthau; y 3) la crítica a la jurisdicción internacional como punto de ruptura con la ciencia jurídica
that through the clinical methodology one can work on with students in a much more effective manner than with traditional teaching methods. Finally, considering the low presence of legal clinics in a country like Spain and the need to promote and develop them, three possible
routes to introduce this learning method in law curricula will be suggested.
Hans Kelsen es reconocido como el más importante jurista del siglo XX. Hans J. Morgenthau, por su parte, es calificado como el fundador de la disciplina de las relaciones internacionales. Ambos autores compartieron un mismo trasfondo cultural, e incluso se vieron afectados de forma muy similar por los difíciles tiempos que les tocó vivir, cuando Europa fue invadida por el totalitarismo y estalló la II Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, ambos desarrollaron dos sendas teóricas completamente opuestas para abordar el problema de la paz. Kelsen consideró que el derecho era el mejor instrumento para conseguir la paz. Morgenthau, en cambio, defendió que la solución se encontraba en la política, y no en el derecho. ¿Deben ser los tribunales internacionales los encargados de resolver cualquier conflicto entre estados?, ¿o, por el contrario, debemos confiar la resolución de esos conflictos a los prudentes diplomáticos, que sabrán conjugar los intereses de las distintas naciones hasta lograr un equilibrio de poderes? ¿Son preferibles las soluciones objetivas y universales supuestamente ofrecidas por el derecho, o las soluciones subjetivas y particulares que proporciona la política?, ¿existe un camino intermedio? Estos son los dilemas que aborda este libro, a partir de poner frente a frente el pensamiento de dos grandes figuras: Kelsen y Morgenthau.
In addition, the survey found that members of ethnic minorities who were not born in Spain were three times more likely to be stopped than members of the Spanish majority. Of those surveyed, in the past two years 60% of people of Gitano background had been stopped and 45% of individuals of North African background were stopped, while just 6% of people with Caucasian European background were stopped.
The survey used telephone and personal interviews to ask 2,800 people across Spain a range of questions about encounters with police, and covered both street stops and vehicle stops.
Despite the higher likelihood of being stopped, there is no difference in arrest or summons rate across ethnic appearances, nationality, or religion, indicating that the use of perceived ethnic features as the basis to stop someone is not an effective indicator for quality law enforcement or improving citizen security.
Este es el primer estudio con datos estadísticos sobre Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España elaborado a partir de los resultados de dos encuestas realizadas por la empresa Metroscopia en el año 2013. Siguiendo estándares de tribunales y organismos internacionales se exponen los requisitos para demostrar que se trata de una práctica discriminatoria. Además, utilizando los parámetros de una teoría procedimental de la justicia, se presentan los datos y las conclusiones sobre las experiencias de las paradas, registros e identificaciones policiales en España. En concreto, se valora la desproporción, efectividad, confianza, colaboración y legitimidad policial.
Se ha constatado que, del alto número de identificaciones que realizan las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad en España, existe una alta desproporción que se proyecta hacia determinados grupos minoritarios en función de su apariencia étnica.