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Parenting support is a new policy field, directed toward teaching parents how to assume their role. Its foundations are embedded in a child-centered social investment approach, which is becoming dominant in Western European welfare... more
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      SociologyDemographyFamily Issues
Impact studies of prevention programmes, in particular meta-analyses, usually interpret outcome and impact statistics as tests of an underlying theory of prevention. However, these programmes usually combine various interventions linked... more
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      EvaluationImpact Studies
The current study explored parents' attitudes towards nonparental adults' involvement in childrearing practices. Parents' attitudes were operationalized in their willingness to share parenting responsibility and interest to participate in... more
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      PsychologyCommunity PsychologyInterpersonal RelationshipSurveys
Impact studies of prevention programmes, in particular meta-analyses, usually interpret outcome and impact statistics as tests of an underlying theory of prevention. However, these programmes usually combine various interventions linked... more
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Wasmachines, Glen Mills of het taakvaardigheidsmodel. Presentatie en illustratie van een methode om interventies in residentiële instellingen voor jeugdzorg te vergelijken. Bob Horjus Chris Baerveldt (Deze tekst is in druk verschenen:... more
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Responsivt forældresamarbejde handler om skolens måde at møde og samarbejde med elevernes forældre på. For skolens professionelle er forældresamarbejdet en del af kerneopgaven. Undersøgelser viser dog, at samarbejdet ofte opleves svært og... more
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    • Political Science
Responding to interactive troubles in schools can create processes of exclusion and marginalization. Certain basic assumptions can become knitted into school culture in ways that give rise to specific exclusionary practices. However, it... more
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      PsychologyEducational LeadershipEducational PsychologyInclusion
Denne artikel giver et indblik i, pa hvilken made et paradigmeskift i erkendelsesteori abner nye veje for evaluering, der kan fore til en bedre og mindre tidskraevende opgavevaretagelse i savel den private som offentlige sektor. Den... more
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    • Engineering
Direito autoral e licença de uso: Este artigo está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons.Com essa licença você pode compartilhar, adaptar, para qualquer fim, desde que atribua a autoria da obra, forneça um link para a licença, e... more
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Indhold-klik på en overskrift Fra redaktionen Regeringens udspil: Børnene Først-en kritisk perspektivering
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Het ontstaan van demonstraties en het veranderen van de vorm daarvan is een sociaal verschijnsel en daarom een interessant object voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek. In dit paper worden psychologische en sociologische verklaringen voor dit... more
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      HumanitiesTheologyIndividualiseringImagined Communities
Aantal gemeenten/regio's 2 98/5 291/21 317/18 422/18 355/32 3 De Scandinavische landen zijn-met uitzondering van Denemarken-qua oppervlak veel groter dan Nederland. Nederland heeft aanzienlijk meer inwoners. Hoewel de vergrijzing van de... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without either the prior written permission of the publisher or a... more
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      BusinessValuesCorporate GovernanceGovernance
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    • Gerontology