Economics and Applied Informatics, 2016
The paper present a comprehensive model in education using the data base collected from 101 stude... more The paper present a comprehensive model in education using the data base collected from 101 students from Turkey. The target group was students involved in academic life system. Results are used to design a model where education transfer of knowledge it is investigated in function of possible barriers as internal, external and knowledge management factors of influence in education selection and students vision for education development. As a conclusion, the evaluation of the barriers in sustainable knowledge management in education present a cross-educational model which seems to indicate its highly effective resource for environmental education focused on sustainability, and favours the development of knowledge, attitudes and future intentions of inspiring educational environment. The model can be useful on passing of knowledge from one generation to the next generation, managing succession and distributing the competencies and responsibilities to a repetitive change.

Economics and Applied Informatics, 2015
The importance of world business has created a demand for managers sophisticated in global manage... more The importance of world business has created a demand for managers sophisticated in global management skills and working with people from other countries. Organizational behavior from different countries and cultures compares organizational behavior across countries and cultures and seeks to understand how to improve the interaction of co workers, manager’s executives, client’s suppliers and alliance partners from around the world. The economic world shows us that all the elements that we consider static have a pulsation around an equilibrium position. The present study concerning the organization’s culture the motivational factors of the employees an outlet in this field. The flexibility in a global economy is an important element on which people can communicate and the manager can exercise his leading task thus is an imperfect world that imposed the necessity of adaptation to a cross cultural model.
Annals of Faculty of Economics, 2015
The fundamental principles of organization are customer satisfaction, eliminating waste, achievin... more The fundamental principles of organization are customer satisfaction, eliminating waste, achieving a continuous flow in production and continuous improvement. The 5S method is a structured program for implementation the standardization and organization, simplifies the environment of the workplace (Gemba), reduce losses and unnecessary activities, and improve quality efficiency and safety. Keeping the workplace clean, providing a good working environment and promote productivity, reducing costs, ensure security and removes all types of losses. The case study present the 5S method as a tool which can be used efficiently to keep those things necessary for the proper conduct of the organization and the elimination of unless things.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
In this paper, I present quality indicators in management services, a study case in a small organ... more In this paper, I present quality indicators in management services, a study case in a small organization and some direction to improve Quality Management using SWOT analyze. The study take a few of the environment factors which have significant impact on the organization. The term environment have refuse to the totality of all factors while influence both organization and personal subsystem. All this factors individually or in combination pose challenges to total quality management practice and philosophy. Organization work in a varied environment, he can only do his duties well if he is updated with the changing of the employees and for this he naturally has to keep himself abreast with not only the environment in which the organization exists, but of the environment from which the employees are coming to work.
The Kaizen management is dedicated to the improvement of productivity, efficiency, quality and in... more The Kaizen management is dedicated to the improvement of productivity, efficiency, quality and in general of business. The Kaizen method acknowledged as method of improvements applied to key processes will generate the major of company's profit, while constituting a secure way to obtain the clients loyalty and fidelity. The Kaizen management represents a solid strategic instrument, with a view to reach and surpass the company's objectives. The 5S's represents a fundamental technique which allows the enhancement of efficiency and productivity, while ensuring a pleasant organizational climate. The paper presents in a concrete way a study regarding the application of these concepts in a real organization which builds its business success on the phenomenon called knowledge.

This research was conducted through different countries to identify dimensions and antecedents of... more This research was conducted through different countries to identify dimensions and antecedents of buyer-seller relationships quality. In light of the findings dimensions of relationship quality have emerged: mutual trust, partners' commitment in the relationship, cooperation and creativity and innovation. Also, the research identifies several key success factors in business relationships that are grouped into different categories: factors related to relational behaviours and factors related to characteristics of the offer. These results serve as valuable indicators, allowing managers to evaluate, adjust and develop their relationships marketing strategies. The ADKAR model provides a tool for improving the connection between individual performance, organizational change management and business results. This study provides a significant contribution to the relationship quality literature and present few ideas for future management in a new manufacture vision for MANU-FUTURE .

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012
5S is a common tool for improving workplace productivity, quality, throughput and safety. Many co... more 5S is a common tool for improving workplace productivity, quality, throughput and safety. Many companies implementing Lean Manufacturing start with a series of 5S events to remove the workplace and improve workflows between processes. Predominantly used in the manufacturing sector, they can now be found deployed in diverse industries such as banking, mining, construction and many other industries. The S pillars are available in order to improve because waste must be made visible. When it is visible, we must learn to see. Part of a Lean Manufacturing organization is to expose waste and then to systematically attack it. 5S is used to manage the work area more effectively and should not be confused with other programs such as TPM (total productive maintenance) that are more machine and equipment focused, even though the concepts are similar.
Abstract: Companies are often surprised to learn that only a fraction of their activities actuall... more Abstract: Companies are often surprised to learn that only a fraction of their activities actually add value for their customers. A primary cause of waste is information deficits employees simply lack the knowledge they need to do their jobs efficiently and effectively. This leads ...

Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle I : Economics and Applied Informatics, 2010
The topic of this paper is to present a solution who can improve product qualityfollowing the ide... more The topic of this paper is to present a solution who can improve product qualityfollowing the idea: "Unlike people who have verbal skills, machines use "sign language"to communicate what hurts or what has invaded their system'. Recognizing the "signs"or symptoms that the machine conveys is a required skill for those who work withmachines and are responsible for their care and feeding. The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, although the acoustic characteristics of machine structures can be analyze and give a solution for the actual products and create a new generation of products. The paper describes the steps intechnological process for a product and the solution who will reduce the costs with the non-quality of product and improve the management quality.
Abstract: The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stag... more Abstract: The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, although the acoustic characteristics of machine structures can be analyze and give a solution for the actual products and create a new generation of products. The paper describe the development of the noise generation by coupling the mechanical structures with the physical noise generation mechanism.
Abstract: The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stag... more Abstract: The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, although the acoustic characteristics of machine structures can be analyze and give a solution for the actual products and create a new generation of products. The paper describe the development of the noise generation by coupling the mechanical structures with the physical noise generation mechanism.
The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, althoug... more The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, although the acoustic characteristics of machine structures can be analyze and give a solution for the actual products and create a new generation of products. The paper describe the development of the noise generation by coupling the mechanical structures with the physical noise generation mechanism.

International Journal of Management, IT, and Engineering, 2015
To start a real prospect of success strategy, has become increasingly clear that companies need t... more To start a real prospect of success strategy, has become increasingly clear that companies need to participate in clusters, networks, alliances and collaborations, to reduce the risks of any kind. In this context innovative regional clusters is a step forward, as it ensures economic growth through regional and national companies interrelation of cluster components at a high level, leading them towards functioning in an integrated system. The paper is based on a study that outlines the importance of the equilibrium of key success factors related to clustering process. The survey and interviews, adopted as research techniques, indicates that there are two main groups of factors hard success factors (knowledge, institutional support and management) and soft success factors (education and human resource development and entrepreneurial behavior) which can contribute significantly to foster any clustering process. The empirical study was based on a questionnaire which was sent to the memb...

Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis Arad, Seria Stiinte Economice, 2011
Kaizen cannot deal with all problems and one size does not fit all but a flexible implementation ... more Kaizen cannot deal with all problems and one size does not fit all but a flexible implementation opens up the dimension of collaboration between the workforce, the management and the technical departments. In every company, it operates in a different way to suit the circumstances but all consider it indispensable. It is more flexible and tolerant than may be expected; it is a tool for integration of technological strategy with the business strategy of the organization. Technology is forcing organizations to become more competitive as at every instance innovations take place. Recent innovations in the form of total quality management, reengineering work process, flexible manufacturing system have only one thing in common-well serving the customer by improved operational efficiency. For instant Quality Management advocates emphasize the importance of achieving higher quality and flexibility at lower level of cost and waste.
The importance of world business has created a demand for managers sophisticated in global manage... more The importance of world business has created a demand for managers sophisticated in global management skills and working with people from other countries. Organizational behavior from different countries and cultures compares organizational behavior across countries and cultures and seeks to understand how to improve the interaction of coworkers, managers, executives, client’s suppliers and alliance partners from around the world. The economic world shows us that all the elements that we consider static have a pulsation around an equilibrium position and influence the entire activity. The present study concerning the organization’s culture proposes and examined the cross cultural model in different countries with different cultures.
The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, althoug... more The acoustic behavior of technical products is predominantly defined in the design stage, although the acoustic characteristics of machine structures can be analyze and give a solution for the actual products and create a new generation of products. The paper describes the development of the noise generation by coupling the mechanical structures with the physical noise generation mechanism.

Modelling product design is an engineering methodology for improving productivity during research... more Modelling product design is an engineering methodology for improving productivity during research and development, so that high quality products can be produced quickly and at low cost. The idea behind modelling product design is to improve the quality of a product to minimizing the effects without eliminating the causes. The method permit for both the product and process design stage to improve product manufacturability and reliability by making products insensitive to environmental conditions and component variation. This book aims to launch new directions of research in theoretical and experimental modelling graphic for industrial products, as a method of investigation of the static and dynamic on improving quality and reliability. Until now a lot of investigations found different solutions for the improvement of quality, but the problem of low design solution remain without solution yet.
Annals of Faculty of Economics, 2012
In order to manage the market competition, rapid changes in technology, accelerating industry clo... more In order to manage the market competition, rapid changes in technology, accelerating industry clock speed, increasing number of product variants, shrinking product lifecycles, limited supply, and price pressures, technology companies need to put more emphasis on managing product launches successfully and timely. Therefore, the focus of this study is to examine product of an manufacturer that operates in high volume and high clock speed industry. Furthermore, special attention is paid to how the company could learn from previous product launches and utilize this information internally when preparing for upcoming product ramp-ups.