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ABSTRAK Perceraian merupakan perkara halal yang dibenci Allah SWT. Jika terjadi perceraian maka akan ada masa tunggu/iddah. Imam madzahib sepakat bahwa perempuan yang diceraikan dengan talak raj’i berhak mendapatkan nafkah dan tempat... more
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مستخلص البحث في عادات المجتمع الإندونيسي ، وخاصة جزيرة جاوة ، هناك العديد من التقاليد المتعلقة بتنفيذ الزواج، بدءا من wetonan، dino pasaran، وهلم جرا. ليس في التقاليد الإندونيسية فقط ، في علم الفلك، هناك حساب للتوفيق بين الحروف الواردة في... more
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A number of national and international scale surveys showed that the mathematics achievements of Indonesian secondary school students were in the lower level. One of the indicators of this low achievement was the insufficient level of... more
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      PsychologyEducationMathematics EducationConceptual change
Previous studies have documented that students have difficulties in mathematical modeling competency. The current research is an attempt to investigate the issue of student's mathematical modeling competency in pre-service mathematics... more
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      PsychologyMathematical StatisticsEducationMathematics Education
One of the potential sources of tax revenues that should be explored in accordance with the current economic situation and the development of the nation's development is the type of tax on land and building use permit in after... more
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    • Universitas Udayana
The present research examines the relationship between self-directed learning and SNS that may affect lifelong learning. In study, 170 of the respondents are Masters students and 140 are PhD students in Malaysia. The study follows a... more
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      PsychologyLifelong LearningMathematics EducationInstruction
The research was based on the fact that the TPQ teachers should receive incentives differently depend on their motivation. When the teachers receive high incentives, they also should have high motivation to work compared to those who... more
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      PsychologyIncentiveWork MotivationCertificate
The counseling perspective has a role in providing a personality description that feels needs attention in counseling. Personality, according to two figures in the science of counseling, the concept of personality formulated by Al-Ghazali... more
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Multimedia as a medium of communication, information delivery, and promotion is one of the most popular technology fields. As a fields that are flexible and can be attractive, as well as pamper the human senses, multimedia can... more
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      Computer ScienceAnimationDocumentationMultimedia
Referring to Article 185 paragraph (7) of the Criminal Procedure Code which in essence explains that "the testimony of witnesses who are not sworn eventhough in accordance withone another, does not constitute evidence, but if the... more
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      PsychologyLawCriminal ProcedureJurisdiction
Background and Purpose: Mathematical modelling competency is one of the vital characteristics in mathematics education. Educational researchers have updated the benefit of modelling as key factor to the study of complexity and modern... more
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      Mathematics EducationStructural Equation ModelingIndonesianConfirmatory factor analysis
Udang merupakan salah satu komoditas yang di andalkan dalam peningkatan devisa negara dari sektor non migas. Udang mampu berkembang dengan pesat bila dibudidayakan secara baik, terpenuhi segala kebutuhan hidupnya dan tidak ada gangguan... more
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      PhysicsAnimal ScienceBiology
Banyak penelitian yang bertaraf nasional dan internasional yang menunjukkan pencapaian matematika siswa sekolah menengah Indonesia berada pada tahap rendah. Salah satu indikator rendahnya pencapaian matematika adalah lemahnya pemahaman... more
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      PsychologyJurnal Pendidikan Matematika
This research is under the topic "Curriculum of the scholarly interpretation of Omar Bakri." Which was written by Sheikh Omar Bakri and has a method and a system of custom in writing and interpretation of the Qur’an. Besides... more
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Guided by a framework promoted by Zimmerman (2000) and empirical evidence, this research examined the relationship between achievement goals involving mastery goal and performance goal and PERMA (positive emotion, engagement,... more
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      PsychologyLifelong LearningMathematics EducationWell Being
This article discusses the roles of kiai muda in offering the model of typical As'adiyah Islamic Boarding School and disseminating Islam to the Eastern part of Indonesia. Kiai muda are the descendants of ulama graduating from... more
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This study focuses on the practice of sholawat Kuntulan which was carried out in Bengle Village, Tegal Regency. The research is studied in depth with the living hadith approach. The purpose of this study is to reveal the meaning of the... more
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      SociologyDocumentationQualitative ResearchField Research