I am a lecturer in Department of Social Development in Mulawarman University. I am a senior researcher in local NGO named Japsika (Jaringan Pembangunan Sosial Kalimantan/Kalimantan Network of Social Development)
Progress in Social Development Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2020
This study aims to identify the pattern of changes in the mode of production of people who work a... more This study aims to identify the pattern of changes in the mode of production of people who work as farmers and fishermen in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, especially Muara Badak District after the entry of the oil and gas industry in the region, and analyze how intellectual relations are in regulating the behavior of oil and gas workers along with the social, economic and political impacts. raised. This type of qualitative research uses the Grounded Theory approach. The results of this study indicate that changes in the way people produce from agriculture, plantations, and traditional fisheries in Muara Badak District have been accompanied by a mechanism for releasing social ties to land and sea through intermediary policies that are pro to the formation of industrial commodities for market interests and result in a decline in the domestic industry due to dependence. in the oil and gas industry. This dependence also gave birth to an intellectual layer and a working class that served the interests of the plantation, aquaculture and oil and gas-based industries. The process of its journey was accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of class conflicts, which gave rise to types of organic intellectuals who tried to fight back against the exploitation that occurred.
J\Progress in Social Development Journal, Vol 1 No 2, 2020, 2020
This study describes the practice of social life in the field of music in the city of Bontang, ba... more This study describes the practice of social life in the field of music in the city of Bontang, based on a sociological perspective using the generative formulation of the theory of Pierre Bourdieu (Habitus x Modal) + Ranah = Practice. This shows that the existence of the Bontang Reggae Community has produced several groups consisting of Reggae Grill, Slow Reggae, and Reggae Vibe groups as actors who practice in the realm of reggae music. This group was formed because of the different knowledge and understanding in the field of reggae music as a realm of space for social life, which then produced various habitus according to the realm of music in each group. Also, the existence of each group has been supported by the existence of a classification of capital which according to Bourdieu consists of four fundamental capitals including material capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital. The three groups produce a practice resulting from dialectical relations through habitus-modal interactions in different and prominent domains of reggae music. The Reggae Grill group produces practices that come from symbolic capital, and circular habitus or the use of Cannabis, then the Slow Reggae group produces modern music practices that come from material capital and cultural capital, and the Reggae Vibe group produces solidarity practices that come from cultural capital and capital. symbolic, as well as group habitus.
Jihad has been an integral part of Islamic discourse from its early days until today. This resear... more Jihad has been an integral part of Islamic discourse from its early days until today. This research was conducted to determine variations in the meaning of jihad that developed in Mulawarman University students. I use Paul Ricoeur's theory of Social Hermeneutics to explain how the process of interpreting meaning from a text. Ricoeur views that text has a life of its own regardless of the author's intention or intent (text autonomy). In interpreting the text, Ricoeur also argues that understanding and explanation are not two contradictory methods of interpreting the text. The workings of Paul Ricoeur's social hermeneutics include three factors, namely the world of text, the world of presenters, and the world of readers, whereas in this paper there are only two factors, namely the world of text and the world of readers. Jihad in al-Qur'an is repeated 41 times in 23 verses and by Ibn Al-Qayyim it is divided into four meanings, namely jihad against lust, jihad against Satan, jihad against infidels, and hypocrites, and jihad against injustice and wickedness. Meanwhile, readers only divide jihad into two meanings, namely jihad against lust and war jihad. In the process of interpreting, readers are greatly influenced by the trajectories of life that they have been through. This can be seen from the many meanings of jihad they express, namely war, defending, doing good, effort/strength, being serious, preaching, and enthusiasm.
This paper focuses on the total closure of a tourist village initiated by its residents. It is ca... more This paper focuses on the total closure of a tourist village initiated by its residents. It is called Bontang Kuala, a village with a mixed population of Bugis-Wajo ethnicities on the coast of Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This village is crowded with local tourists, especially on holidays, located on the edge of the city of Bontang with 24-hour internet service. It's health culture is colored by a combination of cultural practices of the Bugis-Wajo diaspora, Islam and modern clinical culture at the same time. Bombardment of discourse on Covid-19 created tremendous panic, prompting them to implement village lockdowns. The implementation of the village lockdown operates more like a social game based on the discursive elements of the Covid-19 protocol, which is carried out by divided subject groups. The village guarding is very strict, preventing outsiders from entering, guarding and applying very strict health protocols to outsiders who for special reasons have to enter the village. But at the same time, they are helpless to prevent the crowd of fellow guard officers, and also hesitate to prohibit the parents from leaving the village on the grounds of working. Using a combination of Paul Ricoeur's perspective on Social Hermenuitics, Michel Faucault's power / knowledge perspective and Althuser's view of the divided subject, the authors interpret the Bontang Kuala Lockdown as nothing more than an experiment with the discursive elements of the Covid protocol driven by mass panic rather than the implementation of a strictly disciplined health protocol.
Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi ... more Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku, tanpa izin tertulis dari penulis dan penerbit.
Skin Care is not a culture that is completely new in beauty treatments. Previously there have bee... more Skin Care is not a culture that is completely new in beauty treatments. Previously there have been other types of cultural industry also adopted the medical science, such as cosmetic and beauty salon industry. But skin care successful having known as services beauty treatments considered most healthy. This paper is a summary of the research on how skin care so quickly became a part of everyday life of its consumers. The research focused on Natasha Skin Care, a most popular skin care in Indonesia at the moment. According to Richard Johnson the process of a culture industry until in society through a communication that is lame form a pattern syclic communication, interconnected, but slipped, each coloring but does not specify in an uncertain manner; between the producer of culture industry with its consumers. It’s a multidiscipline research, traveled to work using methods of interpretation, at least three namely ethnography, discourses analysis and social hermeineuitic. Keywords: Beauty, Consumer Culture, Communication Etnography, Culture Industry
warga Samarinda dihebohkan oleh peristiwa kecelakaan di Jl Delima yang menewaskan 2 orang sekalig... more warga Samarinda dihebohkan oleh peristiwa kecelakaan di Jl Delima yang menewaskan 2 orang sekaligus. Pengemudinya seorang remaja SMU usia 16 tahun yang salah menginjak gas ketika hendak bermaksud menginjak rem. Kecelakaan ini menambah daftar panjang kecelakaan fatal yang melibatkan para pengendara di bawah umur. Beberapa tahun lalu, Indonesia juga pernah dihebohkan oleh remaja putra bungsu mantan pasangan pesohor ternama Ahmad Dhani Manaf dan Maia Estianti. Remaja yang saat itu masih duduk di bangku SMP mengemudikan mobil pribadi dan menewaskan beberapa orang. Peristiwa itu memicu polemic tentang boleh-tidak remaja mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di jalan umum. Ada banyak ulasan dan tentu saja hujatan, tentang betapa bahayanya membiarkan anak-anak usia di bawah umur diijinkan mengemudikan kendaraan pribadi di jalan umum. Namun kemudian polemic itu kembali tenggelam begitu saja, dan fenomena anak bawah umur mengendarai kendaraan pribadi seakan menjadi hal yang biasa saja di Indonesia.
Hingga akhir dekade 1990-an, masih terdapat jarak yang nyata antara praktik klinis kedokteran den... more Hingga akhir dekade 1990-an, masih terdapat jarak yang nyata antara praktik klinis kedokteran dengan praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan. Praktik klinis kedokteran hanya dihubung-hubungkan dengan praktik perawatan kesehatan. Sementara praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan hanya terdengar sebagai bisnis yang dihubung-hubungkan dengan budaya perawatan kecantikan. Kalaupun praktik klinis kedokteran menyentuh domain kecantikan, ia selalu dikaitkan dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan tubuh seseorang. Namun mulai dekade 2000-an, terjadi pergeseran mencolok dalam praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan. Elemen-elemen budaya dari praktik klinis (kedokteran) mulai digunakan dan semakin mendominasi bisnis perawatan kecantikan. Layanan jasa perawatan kecantikan menjadi nampak mirip dengan praktik pengobatan yang berlangsung di rumah sakit. Tulisan ini akan menyajikan ringkasan penelitian tentang bagaimana tranformasi elemen-elemen disiplin klinis dalam praktik klinik kecantikan. Tulisan akan membahas bagaimana elemen-elemen disiplin klinis digunakan dan menempati posisi sebagai modal-modal simbolik yang mendiskualifikasikan modus praktik jasa kecantikan sebelumnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada sebuah klinik kecantikan terkenal di Indonesia, Natasha Skin Care. Rumus praktik Bourdieu digunakan untuk menginterpretasikan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode etnografi modern.
Prosiding Konferensi Sosiologi III, UGM Yogyakarta, 2014
Pertarungan partai politik memanas pada masa kampanye pemilu legislatif. Segala sumberdaya diguna... more Pertarungan partai politik memanas pada masa kampanye pemilu legislatif. Segala sumberdaya digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan keunggulan partai kepada para calon pemilih. Semua ruang publik digunakan sebagai tempat untuk berpromosi, tak terkecuali di media sosial. Facebook yang saat ini merupakan situs pertemanan paling popular di Indonesia pun tak luput menjadi media kampanye. Dengan jutaan jumlah pengikut, kampanye di facebook bisa dikatakan sebagai kampanye murah dengan jangkauan massa yang sangat luas. Berbagai teks artikel dan gambar partai politik diunggah di facebook. Ada banyak teks gambar dari peristiwa kampanye pemilu yang diunggah di facebook dengan tambahan komentar-komentar, atau sekedar gambar yang diambil dari situs-situs berita online lalu diunggah di akun-akun para kader dan simpatisan. Tujuannya untuk membangun mitos kesempurnaan partai politik yang bersangkutan menjadi pemenang pemilu dan memuluskan jalan kandidat presidennya lolos menjadi presiden. Tetapi hal yang luput dari antisipasi para pengunggah adalah kemungkinan besar poster-poster itu justru menjadi sasaran parody para pengguna facebook yang berseberangan haluan politik. Kemudahan akses computer, telepon genggam dan aplikasi-aplikasi rekayasa photo; memungkinkan para haters di jejaring sosial mengkreasikan teksteks gambar tandingan terhadap teks-teks yang meembangun mitos kesempurnaan partai dan tokoh yang ingin ditonjolkan. Tulisan ini akan mengulas bagaimana kuda mahal yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kesempurnaan Praboeo Subianto dalam kampanye akbar partai Gerindra, justru berbalik menjadi beragam ironi yang memparodikan kesempurnaan sang tokoh yang diangung-agungkan. Dengan menggunakan analisis mitos Roland Barthes, akan terlihat bagaimana para haters simpatisan Gerindra meretaktualisasikan teks kesempurnaan Prabowo di akun-akun milik kader dan simpatisan partai Gerindra.
Puisi ini bercerita tentang nasib tragis Wong Cilik yang memandang Lubang tambang menganga sebaga... more Puisi ini bercerita tentang nasib tragis Wong Cilik yang memandang Lubang tambang menganga sebagai "danau Indah" tempat rekreasi gratis yang Indah, dan berakhir dengan petaka kematian
Peneitian ini menggambarkan proses intgrasi sosial masyarakat transmigran asal Bali. Mulai dari b... more Peneitian ini menggambarkan proses intgrasi sosial masyarakat transmigran asal Bali. Mulai dari bagaimana mereka membuka lahan dan menerapkan budaya pertanian Bali di kampung transmigran, menjadi salah satu sentra lumbung padi di Kabupaten Kukar; hingga akhirnya harus menjadi kampung yang terkepung tambang.
Progress in Social Development Journal, Vol. 1 No. 1 Januari 2020
This study aims to identify the pattern of changes in the mode of production of people who work a... more This study aims to identify the pattern of changes in the mode of production of people who work as farmers and fishermen in Kutai Kartanegara Regency, especially Muara Badak District after the entry of the oil and gas industry in the region, and analyze how intellectual relations are in regulating the behavior of oil and gas workers along with the social, economic and political impacts. raised. This type of qualitative research uses the Grounded Theory approach. The results of this study indicate that changes in the way people produce from agriculture, plantations, and traditional fisheries in Muara Badak District have been accompanied by a mechanism for releasing social ties to land and sea through intermediary policies that are pro to the formation of industrial commodities for market interests and result in a decline in the domestic industry due to dependence. in the oil and gas industry. This dependence also gave birth to an intellectual layer and a working class that served the interests of the plantation, aquaculture and oil and gas-based industries. The process of its journey was accompanied by the emergence of various kinds of class conflicts, which gave rise to types of organic intellectuals who tried to fight back against the exploitation that occurred.
J\Progress in Social Development Journal, Vol 1 No 2, 2020, 2020
This study describes the practice of social life in the field of music in the city of Bontang, ba... more This study describes the practice of social life in the field of music in the city of Bontang, based on a sociological perspective using the generative formulation of the theory of Pierre Bourdieu (Habitus x Modal) + Ranah = Practice. This shows that the existence of the Bontang Reggae Community has produced several groups consisting of Reggae Grill, Slow Reggae, and Reggae Vibe groups as actors who practice in the realm of reggae music. This group was formed because of the different knowledge and understanding in the field of reggae music as a realm of space for social life, which then produced various habitus according to the realm of music in each group. Also, the existence of each group has been supported by the existence of a classification of capital which according to Bourdieu consists of four fundamental capitals including material capital, social capital, cultural capital, and symbolic capital. The three groups produce a practice resulting from dialectical relations through habitus-modal interactions in different and prominent domains of reggae music. The Reggae Grill group produces practices that come from symbolic capital, and circular habitus or the use of Cannabis, then the Slow Reggae group produces modern music practices that come from material capital and cultural capital, and the Reggae Vibe group produces solidarity practices that come from cultural capital and capital. symbolic, as well as group habitus.
Jihad has been an integral part of Islamic discourse from its early days until today. This resear... more Jihad has been an integral part of Islamic discourse from its early days until today. This research was conducted to determine variations in the meaning of jihad that developed in Mulawarman University students. I use Paul Ricoeur's theory of Social Hermeneutics to explain how the process of interpreting meaning from a text. Ricoeur views that text has a life of its own regardless of the author's intention or intent (text autonomy). In interpreting the text, Ricoeur also argues that understanding and explanation are not two contradictory methods of interpreting the text. The workings of Paul Ricoeur's social hermeneutics include three factors, namely the world of text, the world of presenters, and the world of readers, whereas in this paper there are only two factors, namely the world of text and the world of readers. Jihad in al-Qur'an is repeated 41 times in 23 verses and by Ibn Al-Qayyim it is divided into four meanings, namely jihad against lust, jihad against Satan, jihad against infidels, and hypocrites, and jihad against injustice and wickedness. Meanwhile, readers only divide jihad into two meanings, namely jihad against lust and war jihad. In the process of interpreting, readers are greatly influenced by the trajectories of life that they have been through. This can be seen from the many meanings of jihad they express, namely war, defending, doing good, effort/strength, being serious, preaching, and enthusiasm.
This paper focuses on the total closure of a tourist village initiated by its residents. It is ca... more This paper focuses on the total closure of a tourist village initiated by its residents. It is called Bontang Kuala, a village with a mixed population of Bugis-Wajo ethnicities on the coast of Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This village is crowded with local tourists, especially on holidays, located on the edge of the city of Bontang with 24-hour internet service. It's health culture is colored by a combination of cultural practices of the Bugis-Wajo diaspora, Islam and modern clinical culture at the same time. Bombardment of discourse on Covid-19 created tremendous panic, prompting them to implement village lockdowns. The implementation of the village lockdown operates more like a social game based on the discursive elements of the Covid-19 protocol, which is carried out by divided subject groups. The village guarding is very strict, preventing outsiders from entering, guarding and applying very strict health protocols to outsiders who for special reasons have to enter the village. But at the same time, they are helpless to prevent the crowd of fellow guard officers, and also hesitate to prohibit the parents from leaving the village on the grounds of working. Using a combination of Paul Ricoeur's perspective on Social Hermenuitics, Michel Faucault's power / knowledge perspective and Althuser's view of the divided subject, the authors interpret the Bontang Kuala Lockdown as nothing more than an experiment with the discursive elements of the Covid protocol driven by mass panic rather than the implementation of a strictly disciplined health protocol.
Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi ... more Hak cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang Dilarang mengutip atau memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku, tanpa izin tertulis dari penulis dan penerbit.
Skin Care is not a culture that is completely new in beauty treatments. Previously there have bee... more Skin Care is not a culture that is completely new in beauty treatments. Previously there have been other types of cultural industry also adopted the medical science, such as cosmetic and beauty salon industry. But skin care successful having known as services beauty treatments considered most healthy. This paper is a summary of the research on how skin care so quickly became a part of everyday life of its consumers. The research focused on Natasha Skin Care, a most popular skin care in Indonesia at the moment. According to Richard Johnson the process of a culture industry until in society through a communication that is lame form a pattern syclic communication, interconnected, but slipped, each coloring but does not specify in an uncertain manner; between the producer of culture industry with its consumers. It’s a multidiscipline research, traveled to work using methods of interpretation, at least three namely ethnography, discourses analysis and social hermeineuitic. Keywords: Beauty, Consumer Culture, Communication Etnography, Culture Industry
warga Samarinda dihebohkan oleh peristiwa kecelakaan di Jl Delima yang menewaskan 2 orang sekalig... more warga Samarinda dihebohkan oleh peristiwa kecelakaan di Jl Delima yang menewaskan 2 orang sekaligus. Pengemudinya seorang remaja SMU usia 16 tahun yang salah menginjak gas ketika hendak bermaksud menginjak rem. Kecelakaan ini menambah daftar panjang kecelakaan fatal yang melibatkan para pengendara di bawah umur. Beberapa tahun lalu, Indonesia juga pernah dihebohkan oleh remaja putra bungsu mantan pasangan pesohor ternama Ahmad Dhani Manaf dan Maia Estianti. Remaja yang saat itu masih duduk di bangku SMP mengemudikan mobil pribadi dan menewaskan beberapa orang. Peristiwa itu memicu polemic tentang boleh-tidak remaja mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di jalan umum. Ada banyak ulasan dan tentu saja hujatan, tentang betapa bahayanya membiarkan anak-anak usia di bawah umur diijinkan mengemudikan kendaraan pribadi di jalan umum. Namun kemudian polemic itu kembali tenggelam begitu saja, dan fenomena anak bawah umur mengendarai kendaraan pribadi seakan menjadi hal yang biasa saja di Indonesia.
Hingga akhir dekade 1990-an, masih terdapat jarak yang nyata antara praktik klinis kedokteran den... more Hingga akhir dekade 1990-an, masih terdapat jarak yang nyata antara praktik klinis kedokteran dengan praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan. Praktik klinis kedokteran hanya dihubung-hubungkan dengan praktik perawatan kesehatan. Sementara praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan hanya terdengar sebagai bisnis yang dihubung-hubungkan dengan budaya perawatan kecantikan. Kalaupun praktik klinis kedokteran menyentuh domain kecantikan, ia selalu dikaitkan dengan hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan tubuh seseorang. Namun mulai dekade 2000-an, terjadi pergeseran mencolok dalam praktik jasa perawatan kecantikan. Elemen-elemen budaya dari praktik klinis (kedokteran) mulai digunakan dan semakin mendominasi bisnis perawatan kecantikan. Layanan jasa perawatan kecantikan menjadi nampak mirip dengan praktik pengobatan yang berlangsung di rumah sakit. Tulisan ini akan menyajikan ringkasan penelitian tentang bagaimana tranformasi elemen-elemen disiplin klinis dalam praktik klinik kecantikan. Tulisan akan membahas bagaimana elemen-elemen disiplin klinis digunakan dan menempati posisi sebagai modal-modal simbolik yang mendiskualifikasikan modus praktik jasa kecantikan sebelumnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada sebuah klinik kecantikan terkenal di Indonesia, Natasha Skin Care. Rumus praktik Bourdieu digunakan untuk menginterpretasikan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode etnografi modern.
Prosiding Konferensi Sosiologi III, UGM Yogyakarta, 2014
Pertarungan partai politik memanas pada masa kampanye pemilu legislatif. Segala sumberdaya diguna... more Pertarungan partai politik memanas pada masa kampanye pemilu legislatif. Segala sumberdaya digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan keunggulan partai kepada para calon pemilih. Semua ruang publik digunakan sebagai tempat untuk berpromosi, tak terkecuali di media sosial. Facebook yang saat ini merupakan situs pertemanan paling popular di Indonesia pun tak luput menjadi media kampanye. Dengan jutaan jumlah pengikut, kampanye di facebook bisa dikatakan sebagai kampanye murah dengan jangkauan massa yang sangat luas. Berbagai teks artikel dan gambar partai politik diunggah di facebook. Ada banyak teks gambar dari peristiwa kampanye pemilu yang diunggah di facebook dengan tambahan komentar-komentar, atau sekedar gambar yang diambil dari situs-situs berita online lalu diunggah di akun-akun para kader dan simpatisan. Tujuannya untuk membangun mitos kesempurnaan partai politik yang bersangkutan menjadi pemenang pemilu dan memuluskan jalan kandidat presidennya lolos menjadi presiden. Tetapi hal yang luput dari antisipasi para pengunggah adalah kemungkinan besar poster-poster itu justru menjadi sasaran parody para pengguna facebook yang berseberangan haluan politik. Kemudahan akses computer, telepon genggam dan aplikasi-aplikasi rekayasa photo; memungkinkan para haters di jejaring sosial mengkreasikan teksteks gambar tandingan terhadap teks-teks yang meembangun mitos kesempurnaan partai dan tokoh yang ingin ditonjolkan. Tulisan ini akan mengulas bagaimana kuda mahal yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan kesempurnaan Praboeo Subianto dalam kampanye akbar partai Gerindra, justru berbalik menjadi beragam ironi yang memparodikan kesempurnaan sang tokoh yang diangung-agungkan. Dengan menggunakan analisis mitos Roland Barthes, akan terlihat bagaimana para haters simpatisan Gerindra meretaktualisasikan teks kesempurnaan Prabowo di akun-akun milik kader dan simpatisan partai Gerindra.
Puisi ini bercerita tentang nasib tragis Wong Cilik yang memandang Lubang tambang menganga sebaga... more Puisi ini bercerita tentang nasib tragis Wong Cilik yang memandang Lubang tambang menganga sebagai "danau Indah" tempat rekreasi gratis yang Indah, dan berakhir dengan petaka kematian
Peneitian ini menggambarkan proses intgrasi sosial masyarakat transmigran asal Bali. Mulai dari b... more Peneitian ini menggambarkan proses intgrasi sosial masyarakat transmigran asal Bali. Mulai dari bagaimana mereka membuka lahan dan menerapkan budaya pertanian Bali di kampung transmigran, menjadi salah satu sentra lumbung padi di Kabupaten Kukar; hingga akhirnya harus menjadi kampung yang terkepung tambang.
Papers by sri murlianti
Keywords: Beauty, Consumer Culture, Communication Etnography, Culture Industry
Books by sri murlianti
Keywords: Beauty, Consumer Culture, Communication Etnography, Culture Industry