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Ja, Ivan Marušić, ovime izjavljujem da je moj rad pod naslovom Politika Obrenovića od 1878. do 1903. godine rezultat mojega vlastitog rada, da se temelji na mojim istraživanjima te da se oslanja na izvore i radove navedene u bilješkama i... more
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    • Politics
U radu se donose nove vijesti o doseljavanju Morlaka, osmanskih podanika, na područje šibenske Zagore potkraj dvadesetih i početkom tridesetih godina 16. stoljeća. Utvrđuje se porijeklo i prostorni razmještaj pojedinih morlačkih skupina... more
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      Dalmatian historyMorlacchi
In late Medieval and early modern historical sources, the toponymic form Puncta Ostrice is mentioned a few times as the name of a tract of land near the modern-day settlement of Tisno. Since the toponym has not been preserved in the... more
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    • Toponymy
The article analyses registers of birth, marriages and deaths of Murter parish in the period from 1718 to 1815. Basic information on content and form of registers, as well as basic demographic data (annual and seasonal rate of born and... more
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      Historical DemographyDalmatian history
Kornati islands are still, as they were for most of the time in the past, a locality without permanent settlements, and specific, temporary and sporadic settlements depended on nature and agricultural possibilities. The basis of economic... more
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      Dalmatian historyIslands
Tijekom srednjeg i ranog novog vijeka otoci Ist i Škarda nisu bili administrativno i posjedovno povezani kao danas. Ist je bio gospodarski ovisan o otoku Molatu, a Škarda o otoku Premudi. Stoga je istraživanje starijeg povijesnog razvoja... more
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    • Dalmatian history
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      Dalmatian historyHistory of the AdriaticZadar
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      Dalmatian historyToponymy
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsMorlacchi
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      Historical MigrationsDalmatian historyMorlacchiŠibenik
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    • Dalmatian history
abstract Ovaj skromni prilog posvećujemo uspomeni na pokoj-nog profesora Franju Smiljanića. Među historiografskim problemima koji su ga pred kraj života intrigirali jedno je od ključnih mjesta pripadalo didićima – društvenom sloju... more
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    • Dalmatian history
The article is based on the preserved documents about the establishment, operation and dissolution of Oil production cooperative in Murter. In addition to the selected chapters on its history (foundation and first year of operation, the... more
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      Dalmatian historyOlive and Olive Oil Technology
Tisak Grafikart d.o.o., Zadar Naklada 400 primjeraka ISBN 978-953-95818-5-3 Knjiga je objavljena uz financijsku potporu Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske, Općine Murter-Kornati i Općine Tisno CIP-Katalogizacija u publikaciji... more
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsDalmatian historyVine and Wines HistoryUskoks
U radu se, na temelju arhivske građe šibenske provenijencije, donose novi podaci o podrijetlu i rodbini prvoga kliškog sandžakbega, kojega je dosadašnja literatura poznavala kao Murat-beg Tardića. Utvrđuje se da je prezime njegove... more
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsDalmatian historyBosnian History
This paper brings member lists of four professional groups in Šibenik – merchants, sailors, craftsmen and medical workers – who were recorded in archival sources in the period from 1620 to 1630. The everyday life in Šibenik of that period... more
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      17th-Century StudiesDalmatian history
U radu se preispituje usmena predaja i donosi niz novih ar-hivskih vijesti o dolasku korčulanskih kalafata na Murter i druge sjevernodalmatinske otoke u 18. stoljeću. Uvodno se razmatraju podaci o brodovima i brodograditeljima na otoku... more
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      18th CenturyDalmatian historyShipbuilding
This paper analyses the manuscript map of central and parts of northern Dalmatia by an unknown author in the first decade of the 16 th century. It is the oldest preserved detailed depiction of a Croatian region and is currently housed in... more
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      History of CartographyCroatian History16th Century (History)Ottoman-Venetian relations
Recent historiography has produced a number of notable works on the Venetian-Ottoman relations at the border of Trogir in the 16th century and the role of the newly settled Ottoman Morlachs in them. This paper is a contribution to... more
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      Ottoman-Venetian relationsDalmatian historyMorlacchi
U prilogu se razmatra arhivski zapis iz sredine 15. stoljeća koji je u literaturi poznat kao "katalog" ili "popis" župa i naselja Šibenske biskupije. Nije sačuvan u originalu, nego u prijepisima iz 16., 17. i 18. stoljeća. Nakon uvodnih... more
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      Historical DemographyDalmatian historyKasnosrednjovjekovni ŠIbenik