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double sided mpage

Hi I can easily use mpage to condense multiple single sided sheets on a single page. However I am finding it tricky to do the same for double sided sheets. In this case I am printing badges. Say my ...
gmatht's user avatar
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telegram-desktop: qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format check failed

I use telegram-desktop on arch linux in sway. It sometimes crashes, so I started it from terminal. This way I find out telegram spams this message: qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format ...
Jan Černý's user avatar
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2 answers

Merge contents of multiple svg files

I have 3 svg files that I would like to combine into a single svg file. Each file has a single path tag in it and I would like to put the path tag from each svg file into one file. I figure there is ...
Trevor Orr's user avatar
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How can I get my SVG icon to automatically change its colour depending on the background colour?

I am trying to add some icons into ~/.local/share/icons/ so that I can use them with notify-send. I can do that just fine, but the icon colour is not adapting to the background, unlike the Adwaita ...
Silejonu's user avatar
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How to remove only links, but not actual files?

I have a folder full of .svg files, some of which are actual files and others are merely links to files. They both have the .svg file extension, however the actual files are labeled "SVG Image&...
Jeff Chen's user avatar
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Replace an attribute value with another value in SVG

I have a directory that contains multiple SVG files. What I am trying to do is replace the height="2500" (value of height can be any integer) with height="{{ include.height }}". ...
Ravgeet's user avatar
3 votes
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How to view a big svg file?

I have a big SVG file (~200MB): it's a graph with very precise data. However when gzipped into graph.svgz its size is around 3 MB, so you see it's very repetitive data. When I attempt to open it, ...
color2v's user avatar
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Debugging a slow thumbnailer process

I am trying a debug a peculiar performance behavior in the thumbnail-generating process for eog, specifically gdk-pixbuf. The minimal files to reproduce are here:
Nathaniel M. Beaver's user avatar
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Using sed to replace the hexadecimal code for URL and to insert new SVG codes after SVG tag in all SVG files

I would like to ... replace the hexadecimal code for URL (id) in all SVG files insert/add the new lines of SVG codes after <svg ...>, using Regex. Input: <svg xmlns="
Oo'-'s user avatar
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Set icon for file type, Linux Mint

I want the files with the extension .api to have some chosen SVG icon in the File Manager. Assume, we have a file: /usr/share/icons/HighContrast/scalable/apps/utilities-terminal.svg I add a new MIME ...
darkSideOfTheMoon's user avatar
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Automatic conversion of Inkscape <=0.91 files to the new 0.92 CSS format

Inkscape 0.92 asks the user if old files should be converted to match the new resolution. I aligned all old pictures in units of millimetre. How can I convert all old files with a script? Is there an ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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Configuring Apache to read svgz file type

I recently migrated a site to a new server. I'm now getting this error from Firefox when attempting to load an .svgz file: XML Parsing Error: not well-formed The svg rendered fine on the old server, ...
symlink's user avatar
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limitations of CUPS command line printing of image files

I have my default printer set: lpoptions -d HP_ENVY_5530_series. I can print some text: echo HELLO > h.txt lp h.txt CUPS understands many different types of files directly, including text, ...
joharr's user avatar
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4 answers

Modify an SVG file based on information in a CSV file

I've got a SVG file of the map of the US and I want to add colors to it. Because it would take me to much time, I thought I could use a bash script. I have also another file containing the states and ...
M-Reda Daoudi's user avatar
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Can gedit highlight element of svg stucture? [closed]

Gedit can show matching parenthesis. Can it do the same with tags of an SVG file ? For example when I mark <text> I need to find closing </text> tag.
Adam's user avatar
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Crop SVG drawing to canvas size in command line

I have SVG images produced by PlantUML, which has some parts of drawing outside of canvas. It makes it difficult to use such images and I need to crop drawing to canvas size. As I produce UML diagrams ...
divanov's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How to batch convert bitmaps to SVGs?

I have many gray scale bitmaps that I need to convert to a vector format, such as SVG. I have been using Inkscape, which gives nice results, but this takes about 10-15 minutes to open, convert, and ...
Village's user avatar
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7 votes
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Are there any multiformat image viewers, which are similar to feh and can show SVG files?

At the moment I'm working with a lot of SVG files and I don't have a good tool to inspect this files. Normally I use feh to take a look at an image, but feh can't show SVG files. Now I'm looking for ...
Raphael Ahrens's user avatar
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Convert SVG to PDF in python [closed]

I am trying to convert an SVG file to PDF in python using the svglib and reportlab packages. Here is the SVG file. <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG ...
g4ur4v's user avatar
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Icon themes, when is svg format helpful?

I found that arch provides both oxygen-icons and oxygen-icons-svg, what's the necessity of svg format? Is there something that a PNG image "can't do", maybe performance issue? Not sure about it.
daisy's user avatar
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Error opening file with Inkscape

I'm working on some maps I badly need for my MA thesis, using Inkscape, based on a map from Wikimedia Commons. I've opened the original SVG file, edited it and saved it. After closing Inkscape ...
neydroydrec's user avatar
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Print an SVG from the command line

How can I print an SVG, already scaled to a4 size, from the command line? I tried using lpr, but instead the printer just printed out the actual XML of the file, which isn't what I wanted.
ixtmixilix's user avatar
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