Postcolonial Literature & Trauma Studies by Carmen Concilio
Per lunghi frammenti, si alternano nel libro la voce di Joe, fratello minore, appassionato di box... more Per lunghi frammenti, si alternano nel libro la voce di Joe, fratello minore, appassionato di boxe e avido lettore, e quella di Branko, fratello maggiore, interessato al ciclismo e al cinema. La loro infanzia si snoda nella Pretoria degli anni settanta, in cui una famiglia piccoloborghese riesce ad acquistare casa nella periferia residenziale. Tra i nuovi elettrodomestici e le automobili, manca però il televisore, che ancora non è arrivato in Sudafrica. La fonte d’informazione principale, quindi, sono i giornali, oppure la radio. Il romanzo, perciò, è una cronistoria dell’evoluzione dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa, dalla carta stampata fino all’avvento della televisione e, infine, del digitale. Il cuore del racconto è il mito sportivo di Cassius Clay, ossia Muhammad Ali. Joe ne è ossessionato al punto da conservare per decenni uno scatolone pieno di ritagli di giornale sulle mirabili imprese dell’atleta. Il pugile è il pretesto per intessere un discorso sul razzismo e sulla storia del Sudafrica, che si gioca tra il recto e il verso di quei ritagli, e si legge come in filigrana, fino al massacro di Marikana del 2012, che sembra rievocare quelli di Sharpeville e di Soweto.
Environmental Postcolonial Studies
Posts and publications on Environemntal Humanities & Postcolonial Studies
Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures University Of Rome “Tor Vergata” January 29-31, 2020
Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
“Centro Congressi”, School o... more Precarious Lives, Uncertain Futures
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
“Centro Congressi”, School of Engineering,
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
8:30-17:00 –REGISTRATION
Orazio Schillaci, Rector, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Giorgio Adamo, Dean of the Department of History, Humanities, and Society
Om P. Dwivedi, Elisabetta Marino, Janet Wilson, Conference Organizers
CoSmo, 2018
Among the South African writers, Vladislavić's interest in the Fine Arts and the Visual Arts lead... more Among the South African writers, Vladislavić's interest in the Fine Arts and the Visual Arts leads him both to relate literature to photography and to cooperate with artists in various projects. His well-known Double Negative 2012 (2010), a novel accompanying the photographic album by David Goldblatt, TJ. Johannesburg Photographs 1948Photographs -2010, has already attracted the attention of another writer/photographer, the New York based Nigerian novelist Teju Cole, and several comments by South African critics, among them Johan Jacobs and Stephen Clingman. It is an extremely interesting example of an attempt at creating a dialogue between the complementary arts of poiesis and images. Double Negative and TJ create a double-bind dynamics of reading/gazing through two works, two media, two languages, two semiotic and rhetorical systems that also guide the reader through the History of South Africa between pre-and post-apartheid, up to the threshold of the digital era. The aim of this contribution is to position ourselves along the horizon of the interpreters of the photographic art (with Benjamin, Barthes, Sontag) and to detect the various possible intermedial interrelations (Debord, W.J.T. Mitchell) between the "fictional" narrative and the "real" photos, between the ethical and the aesthetic vision of two major contemporary South African artists.
LE SIMPLEGADI 2018, 2018
I: Carmen Concilio We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo. Paradigms of Migration: The Flight and... more I: Carmen Concilio We Need New Names by NoViolet Bulawayo. Paradigms of Migration: The Flight and the Fall Abstract II: This essay analyses paradigms of migration in We Need New Names (2013)
In this essay, I would like to explore the representations of Italy through the eyes of three out... more In this essay, I would like to explore the representations of Italy through the eyes of three outstanding postcolonial writers: Jhumpa Lahiri, Michael Ondaatje and Nuruddin Farah. Even though Italy is an oasis of art and culture, Jhumpa Lahiri looks at it with a profound sense of both admiration and sadness in Hema and Kaushik (2008). Her scrutiny of the ancient, pre-imperial ruins of the Etruscan period leads her characters to question life, death and marital life. Similarly, Ondaatje opposes an Italian Renaissance villa to the debris left behind by war in his well-known The English Patient (1992). His Punjabi character Kirpal Singh mentions Gabicce Mare, a place that soon after World War II will become a memorial and cemetery for the Indian troops who fought and died for the liberation of Italy. This discourse is picked up by Helena Janaczeck, a Polish-Italian writer who combines a narrative on Polish migration in Italy with an elegiac narrative about the cemetery and memorial in Cassino, where a Maori goes to visit the tombs of his ancestor, who also participated with the Commonwealth troops in World War II. Nuruddin Farah too, who provides a reportage on Somali immigrants to Italy, seems to consider the country as a springboard either to other North European destinations or to a possible destiny back home. All three writers present Italy according to varied and unusual perspectives.
Le Simplegadi, 2016
I: Questo saggio intende esplorare prose brevi di Mai Ghoussoub dalla raccolta Leaving Beirut (20... more I: Questo saggio intende esplorare prose brevi di Mai Ghoussoub dalla raccolta Leaving Beirut (2007) che trattano della città di Beirut al tempo della guerra civile, negli anni settanta e fino al novanta. I suoi racconti e saggi brevi verranno analizzati alla luce delle teorie critiche della 'psicogeografia', e della 'geopolitica delle emozioni'. La difficoltà di riconciliare il proprio Sé con il proprio Paese e con la propria gente, dopo una guerra, è quindi particolarmente rilevante. Nei suoi racconti Mai Ghoussoub ritrae la normalità del tempo di pace e l'improvvisa metamorfosi indotta dalla guerra sui singoli individui, dal giorno alla notte. Le sue narrazioni, tra molte altre, affrontano l'esilio, la dislocazione e una visione della madrepatria vista da altrove, poiché molti intellettuali e artisti sono emigrati durante o dopo la guerra.
Children's Literature + Cultural Studies by Carmen Concilio
Altre Modernita Rivista Di Studi Letterari E Culturali, Nov 24, 2014
Caribana (English) by Carmen Concilio
Postcolonial Literature & Environmental Humanities by Carmen Concilio
ASIMMETRIE. secondo volume dei “Quaderni dell’Associazione ex alunni e docenti”, 2023
BRUNA INGRAO, Ai lettori 15 MASSIMILIANO BISCUSO, Globalizzazione asimmetrica: qualche riflession... more BRUNA INGRAO, Ai lettori 15 MASSIMILIANO BISCUSO, Globalizzazione asimmetrica: qualche riflessione introduttiva a partire da tre modelli 43 GIUSEPPE DE ARCANGELIS, Deglobalizzazione o riglobalizzazione. Quale futuro per le relazioni economiche internazionali? 71 SALVATORE STROZZA-FEDERICO BENASSI, La demografia delle macroregioni del mondo, prima, durante e (forse) dopo la globalizzazione economica 97 FRANCESCO SARACENO, Il ritorno della politica economica e il dibattito sulla governance europea 121 LUCIO CARACCIOLO, Noi e il mondo che cambia 143 GIULIANO BATTISTON, L'Afghanistan, i Talebani, le donne e il contratto sociale.
Postcolonial Literature & Trauma Studies by Carmen Concilio
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
“Centro Congressi”, School of Engineering,
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
8:30-17:00 –REGISTRATION
Orazio Schillaci, Rector, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Giorgio Adamo, Dean of the Department of History, Humanities, and Society
Om P. Dwivedi, Elisabetta Marino, Janet Wilson, Conference Organizers
Children's Literature + Cultural Studies by Carmen Concilio
Caribana (English) by Carmen Concilio
Postcolonial Literature & Environmental Humanities by Carmen Concilio
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
“Centro Congressi”, School of Engineering,
Via del Politecnico 1, 00133, Rome
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
8:30-17:00 –REGISTRATION
Orazio Schillaci, Rector, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Giorgio Adamo, Dean of the Department of History, Humanities, and Society
Om P. Dwivedi, Elisabetta Marino, Janet Wilson, Conference Organizers
29 Ottobre 2019, ore 18.30
Circolo dei Lettori, Via Bogino 9, Torino
Carmen Concilio (Dip. Lingue) e Camilla Valletti (L'Indice).
18th Biennial Conference of the Association of Italian Canadian Writers (AICW)
Writers and artists, academics and researchers from all disciplines are encouraged to submit proposals to present new work in Italian, English or French. Graduate students and emerging writers/artists are encouraged to participate.
For academic papers (20 minutes), please send a 200-word abstract and biographical information (60 words). For panels of two or three papers (20 minutes each), send max. 200-word abstract for each paper as well as bio (60 words) for each presenter and contact information for all panelists. Preference will be given to papers that discuss new works.
Deadline: December 30, 2019. Acceptance will be sent by January 31, 2020. Once a proposal has been accepted, a fee of $100.00 will be requested for presenters who are not full members of the AICW in good standing. And the University of Torino may request a registration fee. Please send queries to [email protected] and [email protected] and proposals to both addresses below:
Carmen Concilio
[email protected]
AICW: Pres. Maria Cristina Seccia, Domenic Beneventi, Licia Canton
[email protected]
University of Turin, Italy
21st and 22nd May 2019
“I’m interested in the particularity of each Tree – it’s ‘thisness’ (haecceitas)”, claims Canadian land-artist, photographer, and poet Marlene Creates, thus hinting both at the specificity of each singular tree and at the uniqueness of certain species at different latitudes. Literature, among other arts, such as film, photography, the fine arts, is one of those privileged terrains where Trees definitely enter our field of vision, our epistemic knowledge, our sensorial experience. In literary and artistic productions, Trees are ethically and aesthetically called into question (evoked, invoked, iconized, prized, even attacked), with the aim to identify, describe, or allegorize their singularities and specificities, or to pay homage to their material, literal, cultural, ethnic, and symbolic meaning through a variety of textualities, including the new media.
Similarly, pioneering forest ecologist Nalini Nadkarni reminds us that in order to be fully understood and appreciated Trees should be looked at in multiple ways, thus fostering the interplay of science and the humanities. Intertwining the symbolic with the personal, the scientific with the spiritual, the mythic with the functional, Nadkarni invites us to consider a Tree as axis mundi, an imaginary line that connects Earth and Sky, but also the individual with the communal. Trees, in fact, are at once single entities and part of a wider community and environment that secretly communicate with each other (Wohlleben 2016, Mancuso 2017) through their roots and a fungal network nicknamed Wood Wide Web. Silently and invisibly, trees share information, register pain, learn things, and even protect themselves and each other to the point of becoming arboreal cybercrimes by hijacking the whole system and sabotaging their rivals. Finally, Trees are sites of naturecultural memory: their rings record generations of human and nonhuman encounters and narrations, together with their mutual interference in the shaping of our identities.
The aim of this international and interdisciplinary conference is to discuss with scholars, artists, experts in various fields to explore and assess the presence, value, and stance of Trees and Tree-like epistemic structures (arborescence vs ryzome, tree-shaped flows) in the Anthropocene.
Carmen CONCILIO is Associate Professor of English and postcolonial literature at the Department of Modern Language, Literature and Cultures – University of Turin. Her research fields include British Modernism, Postcolonial Studies, Environmental Humanities, Digital Humanities, Literature and Photography, Ageing Studies, Partnership Studies, Migration Studies. Her most recent publications, as both author and editor, include: Word and Image in Literature and the Visual Arts (Mimesis International 2016); Imagining Ageing. Representations of Age and Ageing in Anglophone Literatures (Transcript, 2018). With Daniela Fargione, she co-edited Antroposcenari. Storie, paesaggi, ecologie (Il Mulino 2018).
Daniela FARGIONE Former Fulbright scholar at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, where she earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, she is Assistant Professor at the University of Turin, where she teaches American Literatures. Her main research interests include: environmental humanities (food and migrations), the interconnections of modern and contemporary American literatures and the other arts (music and photography), translation studies (theory and practice of literary translation). Her recent publications include Antroposcenari. Storie, paesaggi, ecologie (Il Mulino 2018) co-edited with Carmen Concilio and ContaminAzioni ecologiche: cibi, nature e culture (Led 2015) co-edited with Serenella Iovino. She is one of the two current translators of Julian Barnes’s works (Einaudi Editore).