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Many native chili varieties are becoming extinct due to the lack of economic incentives for farmers to their continued cultivation in Peru. A potential high value pro-poor market for selling native chilies is the international tourism... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agricultureAgrobiodiversity
Policies for promoting the in situ conservation of underutilized crop varieties include the provision of economic incentives to farmers for their market commercialization. Nevertheless, market participation could also have the... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agricultureAgrobiodiversitySustainable Development
Traditional coca uses have taken place in Peru and Bolivia for at least the past three thousand years. International organizations have been unsuccessful in urging the implementation of zero-coca growing policies in those countries.... more
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      PeruIndigenous Peoples RightsCocaineCoca
Perú es uno de los centros de diversidad de ajíes nativos y similares (Capsicum spp.). Esta diversidad no ha sido suficientemente explotada, y estas variedades se encuentran en peligro de extinción. Su bio-comercialización como productos... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentConsumer Behavior
Bolivia es uno de los centros de diversidad de ajíes nativos (Capsicum spp.). El comercio informal de ajíes peruanos ha contribuido a una baja demanda y, por ende, a una reducción del cultivo (o conservación in situ) de ajíes bolivianos.... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agricultureSustainable DevelopmentBolivia
Coca is a native bush from the Amazon rainforest from which cocaine, an illegal alkaloid, is extracted. Asking farmers about the extent of their coca cultivation areas is considered a sensitive question in remote coca growing regions in... more
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      PeruCocaineIllicit Drug PolicyMisreporting
El Perú es uno de los centros de diversidad de los ajíes y similares (Capsicum spp.). Existen cientos de variedades nativas, las cuales presentan diferentes características, tales como distintos colores y grados de picor. Esta diversidad... more
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      Sustainable Production and ConsumptionSustainable agriculturePeruPepper
Native chilies (Capsicum spp.) are currently underutilized in Bolivia, one of this crop’s centers of diversity. Fewer local farmers cultivate native chilies annually due to low market demand. Increasing its private use value can lead to... more
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      MarketingBoliviaAgro-biodiversityMarketing Research
Background Genetically modified (GM) crops have generated a great deal of controversy. Since commercially introduced to farmers in 1996, the global area cultivated with GM crops has increased 94-fold. The rapid adoption of GM technology... more
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      Meta-Analysis and Systematic ReviewGenetically Modified Crops
Cocaine is extracted from coca: a native bush from the Amazon rainforest. Coca is mostly grown in remote areas to avoid government intervention, and it has been increasingly cultivated inside protected areas (PAs). The effects of coca... more
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      Protected areasCocaineSocial Acceptance
Recent controversies over peer-reviewed papers on potential impacts of genetically modified organisms underline the necessity for an explicit, transparent and unbiased reviewing of published results. Evidence synthesis approaches... more
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The present article evaluates farmer and community characteristics that promote resilience to opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. In general, resilience-building can be associated with measures to manage changes in contexts... more
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      AfghanistanAlternative/sustainable DevelopmentOpium Poppy Growing