Bernard (L.), Gentner (S.), Wieland (G.), Fortsetzung der Untersuchungen in der frühlatènezeitlichen Handwerkersiedlung am Neuenbürger Schlossberg, in : Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2012, Jun 2013
Holocene climate variability in the Mediterranean Basin is often cited as a potential driver of s... more Holocene climate variability in the Mediterranean Basin is often cited as a potential driver of societal change, but the mechanisms of this putative influence are generally little explored. In this paper we integrate two tools - agro-ecosystem modeling of potential agricultural yields and spatial analysis of archaeological settlement pattern data - in order to examine the human consequences of past climatic changes. Focusing on a case study in Provence (France), we adapt an agro-ecosystem model to the modeling of potential agricultural productivity during the Holocene. Calibrating this model for past crops and agricultural practices and using a downscaling approach to produce high spatiotemporal resolution paleoclimate data from a Mediterranean Holocene climate reconstruction, we estimate realistic potential agricultural yields under past climatic conditions. These serve as the basis for spatial analysis of archaeological settlement patterns, in which we examine the changing relationship over time between agricultural productivity and settlement location. Using potential agricultural productivity (PAgP) as a measure of the human consequences of climate changes, we focus on the relative magnitudes of 1) climate-driven shifts in PAgP and 2) the potential increases in productivity realizable through agricultural intensification. Together these offer a means of assessing the scale and mechanisms of the vulnerability and resilience of Holocene inhabitants of Provence to climate change. Our results suggest that settlement patterns were closely tied to PAgP throughout most of the Holocene, with the notable exception of the period from the Middle Bronze Age through the Early Iron Age. This pattern does not appear to be linked to any climatically-driven changes in PAgP, and conversely the most salient changes in PAgP during the Holocene cannot be clearly linked to any changes in settlement pattern. We argue that this constitutes evidence that vulnerability and resilience to climate change are strongly dependent on societal variables
Retrouvez tous les articles de la revue Archimède sur more Retrouvez tous les articles de la revue Archimède sur dossier thémAtiQUe : des fossés et des rempArts. enceintes et sites fortifiés dU rhin sUpérieUr entre protohistoire et moyen Âge olivier BUchsenschUtz Avant-propos. Des enceintes en terre anhistoriques à Google Earth lizzie scholtUs Histoire de la recherche dans le bassin de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges maxime WAlter Les sites de hauteur du massif vosgien. Actualisation des données et modalités d'implantation Jean-Jacques schWien Chateaux et enceintes des Vosges du Nord. Topographie et longue durée Anne-marie AdAm La palissade dans tous ses états : l'enclos du Britzgyberg (Illfurth, Haut-Rhin) et autres aménagements palissadés dans les habitats du premier âge du Fer clément féliU L'enceinte inférieure du Frankenbourg (67) et les remparts à poteaux frontaux de la fin de l'âge du Fer dans l'espace du Rhin supérieur. Pour une révision de la typologie des Pfostenschlitzmauern Jacky Koch et thomas fischBAch Enceintes de hauteur en pierres et formes « primitives » de châteaux ? L'exemple du Bernstein Adrien VUillemin Les enceintes urbaines en moyenne Alsace (1200-1850) Jean-françois piningre Les enceintes de l'âge du Bronze et du premier âge du Fer en Franche-Comté. Un bilan des recherches clément féliU et Jean-Jacques schWien Conclusion. Nouvelles perspectives sur les enceintes du Rhin supérieur ActUAlité de lA recherche : Archéologie des réseAUx claire cAmBerlein Les réseaux en archéologie : approche historiographique et interdisciplinaire thomas hUtin Lieux d'échanges et espaces publics en Gaule à La Tène finale steeve gentner Économie du fer et voies de communication, de l'abattage du minerai à la distribution du métal : l'exemple du nord de la Forêt-Noire au V e siècle av. J.-C. loup BernArd et rémy WAssong Du Danemark au Fossé rhénan. Un siècle d'analyse des voies de communications protohistoriques : évolution des méthodes et mise en commun des données steeve gentner et rémy WAssong Conclusion. L'archéologie des réseaux : une thématique aux multiples facettes VAriA fábio VergArA cerQUeirA To march in phalanx, to jump with weights, to tread the grapes, to knead the bread. What is the aulos for? hermann Amon Les supra-commandements comme solution à la crise militaire du III e siècle de l'Empire romain sous Philippe l'Arabe et Gallien martina Bono Il processo di Cremuzio Cordo in Dio LVII, 24, 2-4 lA chroniQUe d'Archimède frédéric colin (éd.
compilation de donnees archeologiques anciennes et recentes, pour reflechir a l'evolution du ... more compilation de donnees archeologiques anciennes et recentes, pour reflechir a l'evolution du territoire de Marseille grecque Durant l'âge du Fer, et sur le rapport entre Grecs et population indigenes
Two years after the presentation of the first version of ArkeoGIS during the JIAP meeting, versio... more Two years after the presentation of the first version of ArkeoGIS during the JIAP meeting, version 2 is now functional. It allows French and German archaeologists working in the Rhine Valley to have an online tool, free, easy to approach and searchable on four levels. ArkeoGIS combines on a single map the available archaeological information on several thousand deposits located on both sides of the river. The chronological range takes into account the sites from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. The program, which is funded by INTERREG IVa Upper Rhine, is ongoing and provides the archaeological community with the source code of the software, allowing other researchers dealing with the study of border territories to adapt this tool to their needs.
Visualisation de données sous forme de graphes en archéologie. Rencontre opérationnelle des arché... more Visualisation de données sous forme de graphes en archéologie. Rencontre opérationnelle des archéologues d'ArkeoGIS et des écologues d'IndexMed
The one thing in common “archaeological”, “biodiversity” or “social systems” studies share is tha... more The one thing in common “archaeological”, “biodiversity” or “social systems” studies share is that data production is both expensive and few automated. Long time series and / or large spatial surveys are difficult to conduct, since it is necessary to use several observers. The robustness and reproducibility of the observation are also harder to get and is obviously impossible in archaeological sciences, even if modeling methods are improved. In a context of multi-source data production, the equivalence of observation systems and the inter-calibration of the observers become crucial. Multi-disciplinary integrative approaches become necessary to study systems where the output of data, in each discipline, is discontinuous, imprecise and poorly distributed. Yet, all variables (characterization of economic activities and human installation, productions studies, characteristics of the discovered or reconstituted objects, biotic or abiotic data, maps of anthropogenic and natural pressures,...
Bernard (L.), Gentner (S.), Wieland (G.), Fortsetzung der Untersuchungen in der frühlatènezeitlichen Handwerkersiedlung am Neuenbürger Schlossberg, in : Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg 2012, Jun 2013
Holocene climate variability in the Mediterranean Basin is often cited as a potential driver of s... more Holocene climate variability in the Mediterranean Basin is often cited as a potential driver of societal change, but the mechanisms of this putative influence are generally little explored. In this paper we integrate two tools - agro-ecosystem modeling of potential agricultural yields and spatial analysis of archaeological settlement pattern data - in order to examine the human consequences of past climatic changes. Focusing on a case study in Provence (France), we adapt an agro-ecosystem model to the modeling of potential agricultural productivity during the Holocene. Calibrating this model for past crops and agricultural practices and using a downscaling approach to produce high spatiotemporal resolution paleoclimate data from a Mediterranean Holocene climate reconstruction, we estimate realistic potential agricultural yields under past climatic conditions. These serve as the basis for spatial analysis of archaeological settlement patterns, in which we examine the changing relationship over time between agricultural productivity and settlement location. Using potential agricultural productivity (PAgP) as a measure of the human consequences of climate changes, we focus on the relative magnitudes of 1) climate-driven shifts in PAgP and 2) the potential increases in productivity realizable through agricultural intensification. Together these offer a means of assessing the scale and mechanisms of the vulnerability and resilience of Holocene inhabitants of Provence to climate change. Our results suggest that settlement patterns were closely tied to PAgP throughout most of the Holocene, with the notable exception of the period from the Middle Bronze Age through the Early Iron Age. This pattern does not appear to be linked to any climatically-driven changes in PAgP, and conversely the most salient changes in PAgP during the Holocene cannot be clearly linked to any changes in settlement pattern. We argue that this constitutes evidence that vulnerability and resilience to climate change are strongly dependent on societal variables
Retrouvez tous les articles de la revue Archimède sur more Retrouvez tous les articles de la revue Archimède sur dossier thémAtiQUe : des fossés et des rempArts. enceintes et sites fortifiés dU rhin sUpérieUr entre protohistoire et moyen Âge olivier BUchsenschUtz Avant-propos. Des enceintes en terre anhistoriques à Google Earth lizzie scholtUs Histoire de la recherche dans le bassin de Saint-Dié-des-Vosges maxime WAlter Les sites de hauteur du massif vosgien. Actualisation des données et modalités d'implantation Jean-Jacques schWien Chateaux et enceintes des Vosges du Nord. Topographie et longue durée Anne-marie AdAm La palissade dans tous ses états : l'enclos du Britzgyberg (Illfurth, Haut-Rhin) et autres aménagements palissadés dans les habitats du premier âge du Fer clément féliU L'enceinte inférieure du Frankenbourg (67) et les remparts à poteaux frontaux de la fin de l'âge du Fer dans l'espace du Rhin supérieur. Pour une révision de la typologie des Pfostenschlitzmauern Jacky Koch et thomas fischBAch Enceintes de hauteur en pierres et formes « primitives » de châteaux ? L'exemple du Bernstein Adrien VUillemin Les enceintes urbaines en moyenne Alsace (1200-1850) Jean-françois piningre Les enceintes de l'âge du Bronze et du premier âge du Fer en Franche-Comté. Un bilan des recherches clément féliU et Jean-Jacques schWien Conclusion. Nouvelles perspectives sur les enceintes du Rhin supérieur ActUAlité de lA recherche : Archéologie des réseAUx claire cAmBerlein Les réseaux en archéologie : approche historiographique et interdisciplinaire thomas hUtin Lieux d'échanges et espaces publics en Gaule à La Tène finale steeve gentner Économie du fer et voies de communication, de l'abattage du minerai à la distribution du métal : l'exemple du nord de la Forêt-Noire au V e siècle av. J.-C. loup BernArd et rémy WAssong Du Danemark au Fossé rhénan. Un siècle d'analyse des voies de communications protohistoriques : évolution des méthodes et mise en commun des données steeve gentner et rémy WAssong Conclusion. L'archéologie des réseaux : une thématique aux multiples facettes VAriA fábio VergArA cerQUeirA To march in phalanx, to jump with weights, to tread the grapes, to knead the bread. What is the aulos for? hermann Amon Les supra-commandements comme solution à la crise militaire du III e siècle de l'Empire romain sous Philippe l'Arabe et Gallien martina Bono Il processo di Cremuzio Cordo in Dio LVII, 24, 2-4 lA chroniQUe d'Archimède frédéric colin (éd.
compilation de donnees archeologiques anciennes et recentes, pour reflechir a l'evolution du ... more compilation de donnees archeologiques anciennes et recentes, pour reflechir a l'evolution du territoire de Marseille grecque Durant l'âge du Fer, et sur le rapport entre Grecs et population indigenes
Two years after the presentation of the first version of ArkeoGIS during the JIAP meeting, versio... more Two years after the presentation of the first version of ArkeoGIS during the JIAP meeting, version 2 is now functional. It allows French and German archaeologists working in the Rhine Valley to have an online tool, free, easy to approach and searchable on four levels. ArkeoGIS combines on a single map the available archaeological information on several thousand deposits located on both sides of the river. The chronological range takes into account the sites from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages. The program, which is funded by INTERREG IVa Upper Rhine, is ongoing and provides the archaeological community with the source code of the software, allowing other researchers dealing with the study of border territories to adapt this tool to their needs.
Visualisation de données sous forme de graphes en archéologie. Rencontre opérationnelle des arché... more Visualisation de données sous forme de graphes en archéologie. Rencontre opérationnelle des archéologues d'ArkeoGIS et des écologues d'IndexMed
The one thing in common “archaeological”, “biodiversity” or “social systems” studies share is tha... more The one thing in common “archaeological”, “biodiversity” or “social systems” studies share is that data production is both expensive and few automated. Long time series and / or large spatial surveys are difficult to conduct, since it is necessary to use several observers. The robustness and reproducibility of the observation are also harder to get and is obviously impossible in archaeological sciences, even if modeling methods are improved. In a context of multi-source data production, the equivalence of observation systems and the inter-calibration of the observers become crucial. Multi-disciplinary integrative approaches become necessary to study systems where the output of data, in each discipline, is discontinuous, imprecise and poorly distributed. Yet, all variables (characterization of economic activities and human installation, productions studies, characteristics of the discovered or reconstituted objects, biotic or abiotic data, maps of anthropogenic and natural pressures,...
La perception des réseaux viaires protohistoriques suscite un vif intérêt dans la recherche actue... more La perception des réseaux viaires protohistoriques suscite un vif intérêt dans la recherche actuelle. Dès le début du xxe siècle, les chercheurs ont formulé des hypothèses concernant un lien supposé entre les zones funéraires et les axes de communication et ont tenté de les cartographier. Cet article propose de passer en revue, à titre d'exemple, les études de Sophus O. Müller au Danemark et de Xavier Nessel dans la forêt de Haguenau et leurs mises à jour. Les auteurs soulignent l'évolution des méthodes de cartographie des axes de communication protohistoriques en relevant les apports et les limites des techniques actuelles et de la mise en commun des données grâce, entre autres, au logiciel ArkeoGIS.
Since the beginning of the xxth century, scholars tend to apprehend and map the protohistoric pathway networks. This paper presents the early work of Sophus O. Müller in Denmark and Xavier Nessel in the wood of Haguenau with their updated datas. The authors emphasize the evolution of ancient pathway mapping methods and show the contribution and limits of modern techniques and data pooling thanks to some softwares such as ArkeoGIS.
This paper explores the relationship between past climate and prehistoric Mediterranean agricult... more This paper explores the relationship between past climate and prehistoric Mediterranean agriculture by adapting a process-based dynamic vegetation model to estimate past agricultural productivity under climate scenarios that
Cultural encounters form a dominant theme in the study of Iron Age Europe. This was particularly ... more Cultural encounters form a dominant theme in the study of Iron Age Europe. This was particularly acute in regions where urbanising Mediterranean civilisations came into contact with ‘barbarian’ worlds. This volume presents preliminary work from the ENTRANS Project, which explores the nature and impact of such encounters in south-east Europe, alongside a series of papers on analogous European regions. A range of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches are offered in an effort to promote dialogue around these central issues in European protohistory.
The enormous increase in digital spatial information has led archaeologists all over Europe to re... more The enormous increase in digital spatial information has led archaeologists all over Europe to rely ever more on digital data to prepare and carry out archaeological research, both in academic and heritage management contexts. Spatial information, collected by archaeologists since the implementation of the Valletta Convention, is increasingly used to guide heritage management policies, from urban design to rural planning and tourism, for example through geo-design. Furthermore, spatial information is more and more employed to involve the general public, using digital technologies in museums and other places of archaeological interest, but also to involve amateur archaeologists in data collection programmes using crowdsourcing. Issues of sustainability of digital data repositories, accessibility and reliability of data, standardization of data formats and management of property rights are currently widely debated inside and outside archaeology, but have not yet led to generally accepted practices of data management across or even within European countries. The development of appropriate tools to access and present relevant spatial information to heritage managers and general public is still very much in the stage of exploration, focusing mainly on project-specific contexts, often with a short lifespan. Both aspects however are crucial for the sustained use of spatial data in European archaeological heritage management over the next decades. In this session we want to invite papers that present solutions and reflections on how to develop sustainable approaches and technologies for management and use of spatial data in archaeological heritage management, and in broader contexts of planning, design and public involvement.
Papers by Loup Bernard
Since the beginning of the xxth century, scholars tend to apprehend and map the protohistoric pathway networks. This paper presents the early work of Sophus O. Müller in Denmark and Xavier Nessel in the wood of Haguenau with their updated datas. The authors emphasize the evolution of ancient pathway mapping methods and show the contribution and limits of modern techniques and data pooling thanks to some softwares such as ArkeoGIS.