Papers by F Fatwa Rosyadi S Hamdani

Transactions in buying and selling in Islam are growing along with the growing era and technology... more Transactions in buying and selling in Islam are growing along with the growing era and technology. This is certainly a challenge for Muslims to be able to further explore the growing transactions, blame go-food services on go-jek applications. Are the contracts of the parties concerned are in accordance with the Shari'a or vice versa. By completeness of this study for the types of contracts that exist in go-food services in go-jek applications, as well as Islamic views of these contracts. This study uses a qualitative approach to the concept, in which researchers a collection of reading sources that have relevance to the subject under study. The results of this study found lease agreements with businesses between go-jek companies and ojek service providers, between go-jek companies and sellers who subscribe to food services, and between go-jek companies and service users. Buy and sell agreements occur between food and beverage with food service, and between ojek service providers / drivers with sellers who subscribe to go-food services. While akad wakalah occurs between users of go-food services with service providers / motorcycle drivers. As these transactions can be known already in accordance with the rules and conditions.
Keywords: Sell Buy, Go-Jek, Go-food

The boarding school is the oldest Islamic institution model in Indonesia. Boarding schools provid... more The boarding school is the oldest Islamic institution model in Indonesia. Boarding schools provide a very significant contribution to reaching for independence and print the generation that has personality intact (intellectual and moral). The soul and the value embedded in the boarding school is the main financier for the students to respond and confront the demands that exist, so can exist and surf on the chaos. This research aims to describe how the polarization of education boarding schools, especially in the Modern Boarding School Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo. Gontor founded in 1926 by KH. Ahmad Sahal, KH. Fananie Zainuddin, and KH. Imam Zarkasy. At the age of 90 years, Gontor has spawned generations of leaders and people in the various lines and the field, so it is feasible to set out how the model of education in these institutions.
Keywords: Boarding School, Values, People, Education

Calendar is one of the human's masterpiece in studying the regularity of the movement of celestia... more Calendar is one of the human's masterpiece in studying the regularity of the movement of celestial bodies such as the Sun, Earth and Moon. In Indonesia, generally found the Gregorian calendar that based on the movement of the sun and the Islamic calendar / Hijra with the motion of the Moon. Therefore, in an effort to introduce Islamic calendar to the society, researchers held a thematic learning about the Islamic calendar to children, in the activities of Ramadan Stars Camp (RSC) Imah Noong. The aim is to provide an introduction and understanding to the children about the Islamic calendar in the concept called “eduwisata”. This is done by the researchers so that children do not feel bored when presented materials related to the Islamic calendar. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis which researchers take the data in the form of a questionnaire to participants, then processed, classified, and conclusions. The results of this study are mostly children who participated in the RSC can find out about the history of Islamic calendar, the legal basis, the calculation system, and the names of the months in Islamic calendar system.

Selama periode Nabi Muhammad SAW, yaitu pada kurun waktu 610-632 M, gerhana matahari telah terjad... more Selama periode Nabi Muhammad SAW, yaitu pada kurun waktu 610-632 M, gerhana matahari telah terjadi delapan kali, yaitu empat kali terjadi pada periode Mekah dan empat kali terjadi pada periode Madinah. Kematian atau kehidupan seseorang bukanlah penyebab terjadinya gerhana, melainkan sebagai tanda kebesaran dan keagungan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Gerhana terbagi menjadi dua yaitu gerhana matahari atau disebut dengan kusuf asy-syams, dan gerhana bulan atau disebut dengan khusuf al-qamr. Ketika terjadi fenomena gerhana, baik gerhana matahari maupun gerhana bulan maka seorang muslim dianjurkan untuk melaksanakan ibadah shalat gerhana. Gerhana matahari pernah terjadi pada zaman Nabi SAW yaitu ketika meninggalnya putera beliau Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad. Para ahli hadis dan ahli astronom berbeda pendapat terkait waktu meninggalnya Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad, namun berdasarkan riwayat-riwayat hadis dan data astronomi diketahui bahwa Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad meninggal pada hari senin 27 Januari 632 M atau 29 Syawal 10 H dengan usia 1 tahun 10 bulan (22 bulan). ABSTRACT During the time of Prophet Muhammad SAW, in the period 610-632 AD, the solar eclipse has occurred eight times. Four times occurred in the Makkah period and four times in the Medina period. Death or life of a person is not the cause of the occurrence of eclipses, but as a sign of greatness and majesty of Allah SWT. The eclipse is divided into two, a solar eclipse or called kusuf ash-shams, and a lunar eclipse or called khusuf al-qamr. When the eclipse phenomenon occurs, both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse then a Muslim is recommended to implement the eclipse prayer. The solar eclipse occurred at the time of Prophet SAW when the death of his son Ibrahim bin Muhammad.

This research has the intention to develop the model of Quran learning which is creative and inno... more This research has the intention to develop the model of Quran learning which is creative and innovative to increase students' ability in reading the Quran. This method is applied by the use of puzzle game, iqro bar, and monopoly game, so that the students can recognize the Quran letters well and correctly. This research applied the research and development approach. The trial was done to all students in every faculty at UNISBA. The number of the students who participated in this research was 519. The sample was selected on the basis of students' abilities in reading the Quran, especially the students who were in group E. The result of the research shows that the application of 3A learning media for the group that does not know Quran letters well significantly helped them recognize the Hijaiyyah letters easily. The process of learning was designed actively, creatively, effectively, innovatively, fun, and with student-centered approach. Based on the result, the researchers recommended do the further study as part of the design's development and improvement of learning Quran through 3A media.

Facing Ka"bah is one of the requirements for the validity of prayer. Problem in straightening saf... more Facing Ka"bah is one of the requirements for the validity of prayer. Problem in straightening saf in mosques had become a heavy topic, Some Council of Mosque Prosperity (DKM) assumes that straightening direction qibla means rebuilding the mosque, whereas what should be changed is only the direction of the saf prayer). Some mosques in the village of Rancabango Sub-Distrik Tarogong Kaler and village of Wangunsari Kampung Areng Lembang, the direction of qibla should be re-verified by the institutions that have the force of law. Therefore, this research aims to know the opinions of the muftis in determining the qibla direction and the factors that influence the inaccuracy of the qibla direction. The methods used in this research is descriptive-analysis, that is describing systematically and factually about facts, conditions, and situation of the mosque building. It can be concluded that the muftis agree about the condition of facing the qibla for people who looks the Ka"bah, then the prayer faces/overlooks "ainul Ka"bah, whereas for people who cannot see the Ka"bah, then the prayer faces towards jihatul Ka"bah. As for the direction of mosques showed that some mosques still have an accuracy that is less accurate to the price of the specified angle. Abstrak: MenghadapKàbah adalah salah satu persyaratan untuk validitas doa. Masalah dalam meluruskan saf di masjid telah menjadi topik yang berat, Beberapa Dewan Kemakmuran Masjid (DKM) menganggap bahwa meluruskan arah kiblat berarti membangun kembali masjid, padahal apa yang perlu diubah hanyalah arah saf sholatnya saja. Beberapa masjid di desa Rancabango Kecamatan Tarogong Kaler dan juga desa Wangunsari Kampung Areng Lembang, arah kiblat perlu diverifikasi ulang oleh institusi yang memiliki kekuatan hukum. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat para mufti dalam menentukan arah kiblat dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi melencengnya arah kiblat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analisis, yaitu menggambarkan secara sistematis dan faktual tentang fakta, kondisi, dan situasi bangunan masjid. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa para mufti setuju tentang kondisi menghadapi kiblat bagi orang-orang yang melihat Ka'bah, maka doa menghadap / menghadap 'ainul Ka'bah, sedangkan bagi orang-orang yang tidak dapat melihat Ka'bah, maka doa menghadap ke arah jihatul Ka'bah. Adapun arah masjid menunjukkan bahwa

The indication of began to enter the shubuh prayer time is when emerge the morning dawn and laste... more The indication of began to enter the shubuh prayer time is when emerge the morning dawn and lasted until the sun rises. The sun position when emerge the morning dawn is below the intrinsic horizon marked with a minus sign (-) with the value of a certain height. The Ministry of Religious Affairs has set the sun altitudes of dawn in the shubuh prayer time with minus (-) 19° + sunrise/sunset altitudes as standard is the reference time of dawn prayers in Indonesia. However, this provision in fact reap discourse in some quarters because it is not in accordance with the phenomenon of morning dawn emergence at the beginning of the shubuh prayer time empirically. This study aims to decide the morning dawn, as the beginning of dawn determinant. The tool used in this study is the Sky Quality Meter (SQM), to detecting the morning dawn emergence as a sign of the beginning of the shubuh prayer time. The results of this study found that the brightness of the sky throughout

The movement of the sun, the earth, and the moon on their each orbites have caused a natural feno... more The movement of the sun, the earth, and the moon on their each orbites have caused a natural fenomenon called an eclipse. Rasulullah SAW taught his followers to take a pray when this situation comes. Many'ulamas have a different opinions in one or two case order to do the eclipse prayer, for example when the eclipse couldn't be seen because it hindered by clouds or if it's cloudy. One of the ulama's opinion which will be reviewed is the opinion of Ibnu Hajar al-Haitami. The aim of this research is to find out the fiqh of eclipse prayer in the study of Islamic Law, later Haitami's opinion concerning the implementation of eclipse prayer when it's cloudy. Qualitative approach used in this research with concept analysis, where researcher acumulate literatures that relates with the topic. The result of this reseach known that there are no significant differences in fiqh of eclipse prayer in the study of Islamic Law, but if it's cloudy when the eclipse happening, Haitami's argue that eclipse prayer keeps held when the eclipse happens before the cloudy. Meanwhile, if the cloudy happens from the begining to the last seconds of eclipse, the eclipse prayer not applied.

Bandung is one of the icons or portraits of a rich city both in terms of education and creative h... more Bandung is one of the icons or portraits of a rich city both in terms of education and creative human resources. Nevertheless, there is something ironic about this city. Right in the middle of it, there is an urban village which holds poor icon in this city known as flower city. This research designated as an empowerment program with the aim to improve living standards and reduce the amount of inorganic waste by processing them into eco-friendly creative products with an economic and high selling value for the street vendors of Cikapundung riverbank, Bandung, West Java. Based on Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, the results of this research are to improve living standard and welfare of the poor people by building family's economic independence in generating per capita income in accordance with national welfare standard, to understand and foster the entrepreneurial spirit through caring for the environment, to be able to create creative and innovative results, to be able to overcome environmental problems, to be able to maintain the environmental hygiene through the spirit of concerning for the environment, and also to increase the economic value of creative and innovative products by processing inorganic wastes into valued products to obtain additional earnings.

A moon (qamar) is one of the heavens rotates the earth whose appearance changes keep pace with th... more A moon (qamar) is one of the heavens rotates the earth whose appearance changes keep pace with the sidereal and synodic movements. The movements provide significant impact on determining the first day of months in Qamariah calendar. Disagreement in determining the first day of months in Qamariah may be caused by differences in comprehending the first visible crescent moon (hilâl). The objective of the research is to provide understanding about the meanings of hilâl in the Qur'an verses and its implication in determining the first day of months in Qamariah. Thematic method in this research is used to gather the Qur'an verses containing the word " qamar " and " ahillah " , and the verses those are related to determination of the first day of months in Qamariah calendar, arrange them into chronological order and deepen the analysis using astronomical approach. The results show that hilâl is a part of phases of the moon appears in the first two or three nights and last of the month. And yet the hilâl that can be a reference in

Pesantren leadership is generally accepted as something that is a legacy. It has a meaning as som... more Pesantren leadership is generally accepted as something that is a legacy. It has a meaning as something that is continued by people nearby. The model that it shows has positive and negative implications. It does not matter, if the successors who become the leaders have the capacity that can fulfill the necessity of all people. Pesantren leader at least has two criteria that are needed to run the function optimally. Those two things are related to his high capacity of scientific education and his dedication to the people who become the object of his message. The adequate scientific education owned by the leader of pesantren is important because it will help him handle the task that he must do. Second, the pesantren leader should be someone who has the ability to communicate the values of Islam to the community, in addition he must be able to Islamize the society by showing its true and deeply sense. This study is a descriptive case study that was performed in Gontor Islamic Boarding School. The results show that during the leadership of the third generation (Kiai Santoso Anom Besari) Gontor began to recede, teaching and educational activities in schools began to fade. One related reason to this problem was due to the lack of attention toward the regeneration. After Kiai Santoso passed away, the boarding school was really off. Kiai Santoso brothers weren't able to replace him to maintain the present boarding school. The boarding school which has an old mosque came from the heritage of his ancestors was after that supervised by Nyai Santoso who lived in a relic house with her seven children. Nyai Santoso apparently didn't want to see the Gontor vanish into history. Therefore, she sent her three children to several schools and other educational institutions to deepen their religious knowledge. The three children that she sent were K.H. Ahmad Sahal, K.H.Zainuddin Fananie, and K.H. Imam Zarkasy. After they continued their study, precisely in the year 1926 new Gontor re-established, and on October 12, 1958 Gontor officially submitted (wakaf) to the Muslims. Based on the above findings, the researchers further to conduct more comprehensive follow-up research on the leadership Kiai in pesantren, so it becomes a means to promote education institutions of Islamic boarding schools in the future. Introduction Pesantren 1 is the oldest educational system in Indonesia. It is a socio-cultural phenomenon that is unique and its existence has been proven by history and continues today. Madjid 2 stated that in terms of historical, pesantren not only synonymous with all Islamization, but also implies authenticity Indonesia (indigenous). Therefore, pesantren has become the object of research western scholars who studied Islam in Indonesia as J.F.B. Brumund in his book Het Volksonderwijs onder the Javanen year 1857. This study was followed by several subsequent researchers such as Van den Berg, John, and Snouck Hurgronje. They realize how powerful the influence of pesantren in maintaining the social, cultural, political, and religious people of Java.

The Hijra calendar is a calendar system that raced on the circulation of the Moon around the Eart... more The Hijra calendar is a calendar system that raced on the circulation of the Moon around the Earth and the Sun. Its presence has helped many Muslims to determine prayer times and also the administrative affairs of a country. However, utilization is currently not fully felt by the people, because most of them are giving attention to the calendar AD, except at the start and the end of Ramadan fasting, also the implementation of the Hajj. Socialization to the community of the importance of the Hijra calendar by religious leaders and activists celestial sphere, it is necessary for the creation of a building firm, to assist in building the Islamic civilization in the midst of modern society nowadays. Presenter in this case take some formulation of the problem, including how the effectiveness of the Islamic calendar that exist in today's society, and how efforts to build the civilization of Islam in society with differences in the Islamic calendar system in Indonesia. This paper uses a sociological approach with some theory used, including through structural-functional approach, the approach of conflict, and the symbolic interaksionalisme approach. As a result of this discussion, it is known that bureaucratic factors should be ruled out or even eliminated to achieve a harmony in Muslim Indonesia worship. In addition, educational programs against the moral values of society about the importance of the Islamic calendar need to be socialized deeper, because the knowledge of execution times of worship of Muslims are in the Islamic calendar. A. Pendahuluan Sistem penanggalan Islam yang ada saat ini, sering terjadi di dalamnya perbedaan dalam menentukan awal bulan Hijriah. Para ahli dalam bidang hisab maupun rukyat, masing-masing mempunyai metode dan keyakinan tersendiri dalam menentukan kalender Hijriah. Akan tetapi, yang paling sering dipergunjingkan hanyalah beberapa bulan saja di antara bulan-bulan Hijriah yang ada, di antaranya dalam menentukan bulan Ramadhan, Syawal, dan Zulhijah. Hal ini dikarenakan di dalam bulan-bulan tersebut terdapat kejadian penting bagi umat Muslim yang kaitannya dengan ibadah. Perbedaan dalam penentuan awal Ramadhan, Hari Raya 'Idul Fitri dan 'Idul Adha, menjadi sebuah fenomena yang berulang. Perbedaan tersebut sering kali menimbulkan keresahan di kalangan umat Muslim, mengganggu kekhusyu'an ibadah, bahkan mengancam kemantapan ukhuwah. Pada dasarnya, penentuan awal bulan dari segi teknis ilmiah adalah

Hilāl is an early marker of the beginning of the Hijriyah/Qamariyah. The existence of the new moo... more Hilāl is an early marker of the beginning of the Hijriyah/Qamariyah. The existence of the new moon was used as a reference in the preparation of a system of Islamic calendar. The issue of the new moon it is still be an interesting thing to be studied. In fact there is a lot of research and discussion related with hilāl issues. However, it still has not found an appropriate formula to be used as a reference in creating a standardized system of the Islamic calendar. Currently, there are several criteria that offered to make the calendar system. In this paper, will be presented criteria and other perspectives in formulating a Hijriyah calendar, called the Criteria 29. Some examples of simple calculations and discussions in determining the first day of month of the Hijriyah presented briefly. This elaboration of " Criteria 29 " hopefully can give an idea and different viewpoints in order to develop Hijriyah calendar. [] Hilāl merupakan penanda dimulainya awal bulan Hijriyah/Qamariyah. Keberadaan hilāl pun dijadikan acuan dalam penyusunan sebuah sistem penanggalan Islam. Persoalan hilāl memang hingga saat ini masih menjadi hal yang menarik untuk selalu dikaji. Bahkan terdapat banyak penelitian dan pembahasan yang terus dilakukan terkait per-soalan hilāl. Namun, masih belum ditemukan formula yang dinilai tepat untuk dijadikan acuan dalam membuat suatu sistem penanggalan Islam yang baku. Saat ini, sudah ter-dapat beberapa kriteria yang ditawarkan untuk membuat sistem penanggalan tersebut. Dalam tulisan ini, akan dipaparkan kriteria atau cara pandang lainnya dalam menyusun sebuah kalender Hijriyah, yaitu Kriteria 29. Beberapa contoh perhitungan dan pembahasan sederhana dalam menentukan tanggal satu bulan Hijriyah disampaikan secara ringkas, dengan harapan Kriteria 29 ini dapat memberikan gambaran dan cara pandang yang lain dalam upaya menyusun sebuah kalender Hijriyah.

The Total Solar Eclipse (GMT) on March 9, 2016 coincides with the commemoration of Nyepi-Day of S... more The Total Solar Eclipse (GMT) on March 9, 2016 coincides with the commemoration of Nyepi-Day of Silence, New Year of Caka 1938 in Bali. For Muslims who live in the area through the eclipse's tracking are recommended to pray eclipse praying as it has been taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW. However, Muslims who are in Bali included in the category of a minority, as most Balinese are Hindus. Hindus themselves will carry out various ceremonies to celebrate the New Year of Caka 1938. The research object of this article is to find out how Muslims in Bali take eclipse praying, while the major population there, Hindus, commemorate Barata Nyei on the same day. Furthermore, the implementation needs to use an effective way of learning about the GMT to face these issues. This study uses normative juridical sociological approach, in which the source used is taken based on the arguments contained in the Qur'an and the Hadith, the results of direct observation in the field, as well as cultural values prevailing in Bali. Those all are then combined in contextual learning model CTL. The study concludes that the tolerance between religious communities in Bali provides a positive learning about the importance of mutual respect of each community worshiping without interfering each other. The effective and practical learning that can be applied to the society is to select the main points of discussion of relevant and contextual, through a direct observation, and assistive devices that support it.
Conference Presentations by F Fatwa Rosyadi S Hamdani

This study aims to understand and apply the hadith of jihad in accordance with the demands and ob... more This study aims to understand and apply the hadith of jihad in accordance with the demands and objectives of the Sharia, both from the aspect of sharia and criticism of the hadith of jihad, up to its implementation now. The method of takhrij hadith is used by inventorying the hadith of jihad, then confirming it to its original source and classifying the sanad and matan to determine the quality, quantity, backrest, and its elucidation. The instructions of the hadith studied regarding jihad in terms of war are not generally accepted, and they only apply in a state of war. Hadith about jihad in terms of quality: Shahih, aspect of quantity: ahad aziz, backrest aspect: marfu, and aspects of tathbiq: maqbul and mamul. The implementation of the hadith about jihad now includes jihad which is not identified with war, yet identified with the propagation of Islamic teachings, the teaching of Sharia Science, good deeds, society welfare and so forth.
Papers by F Fatwa Rosyadi S Hamdani
Keywords: Sell Buy, Go-Jek, Go-food
Keywords: Boarding School, Values, People, Education
Conference Presentations by F Fatwa Rosyadi S Hamdani
Keywords: Sell Buy, Go-Jek, Go-food
Keywords: Boarding School, Values, People, Education