Papers by Helena Martín-Nieva

Music and Resistance : From 1900 to the Present, edited by Igor Contreras Zubillaga and Helena Martín-Nieva. Music, Criticism & Politics, 9. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022
The thirty-six-and-a-half years of Franco’s dictatorship in Spain forces historians to continuall... more The thirty-six-and-a-half years of Franco’s dictatorship in Spain forces historians to continually question the conditions, adherences and renunciations that occurred in such a long period of loss of freedoms. Initially, it may appear that the promotion of avant-garde music by some social groups could be considered as an act of rebellion. However, soon the desire of Franco’s regime to present Spain as a modern country led it to promote this music. Within this paradoxical context, the aim of this chapter is to explore the initiatives that transgressed the values that were considered inalienable by the dictatorship. With this objective, and from a cultural history approach, we will prioritise the study of programming strategies, platforms for dissemination, discourses legitimizing positions and problems of reception in a country that wanted to appear modern before it could be democratic.
The text proposes various approaches to characterize the range of more or less resistant positions that emerged in the complex Catalan context in the period between 1959 and 1978. First, two poles of tension are assessed that strengthened attitudes of resistance: musical positions that resorted to memory of the recent republican past; and the role of music in maintaining the collective identity of resistant Catalan culture. Second, the text analyses the capacity to criticize the establishment that could emerge in the Catalan musical avant-garde and the political radicalization of some proposals, as well as the ambiguous and possibilist relationship of composers and performers with the political structures of the dictatorship that controlled festivals, the media and orchestras. Finally, the text highlights the repositioning of actors from the previous panorama during the Early Democratic Transition, as a first step to construct a “narrative of resistance” against the Franco regime. This legitimized individual cultural actions and initiatives in the composition and interpretation of the avant-garde repertoire, as part of the achievement of longer-term political goals.
Music Criticism 1950-2000, edited by Roberto Illiano and Massimiliano Locanto (p. 333-372). Turnhout: Brepols, 2019
Puentes sonoros y coreográficos durante el franquismo : Imaginarios, intercambios y propaganda en clave internacional, edited by Belén Vega Pichaco, Elsa Calero Carramolino and Gemma Pérez Zalduondo (p. 171-203). Granada: Libargo, 2019
Destino Barcelona, 1911-1991 : Arquitectos, viajes e intercambios, edited by Josep M. Rovira, Enrique Granell and Carolina B. García-Estévez (p. 144-159). Barcelona: Fundación Arquia, 2018
Esta historia podría empezar con una carta del Archive photographique Gomis-Prats a James Johnson... more Esta historia podría empezar con una carta del Archive photographique Gomis-Prats a James Johnson Sweeney, que trata sobreJoan Miró, con fecha de febrero de 1946: Desde los inicios de la última guerra hemos sido los únicos en fotografiar la producción de este artista. Cada una de las fotografías han sido tomadas bajo su supervisión y aprobación. Este procedimiento se ha seguido no solo en sus cuadros, sino también en sus nuevas actividades como escultor y ceramista.
Music criticism 1900-1950, edited by Jordi Ballester and Germán Gan-Quesada (p. 471-493). Turnhout: Brepols, 2018
Informes de la construcción, vol. 69, no. 546, p. e200, 2017
Between 1898 and 1929 various business initiatives that introduced reinforced concrete in its arc... more Between 1898 and 1929 various business initiatives that introduced reinforced concrete in its architecture developed in Catalonia. This article studies the following four companies: Anónima Claudio Duran - Construcciones Monier, Marial Hermanos - Sociedad Colectiva, Construcciones y Pavimentos, S. A. and Material y Obras, S. A. Only thorough knowl- edge of the production complexities that studies these companies, their technicians and works in all its complexity will al- low us to assess how reinforced concrete transformed the construction sector, with new companies of a different produc- tive scale. However, the depressed economic cycle of 1929-1952 weighed down any initiative and artificially lengthened what was left of traditional “Catalan construction”.

De fronteres i arts escèniques, edited by Núria Santamaria and Francesc Foguet (p. 279-292). Lleida: Punctum, 2015
The early “musical actions” of the poet Joan Brossa and the composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny... more The early “musical actions” of the poet Joan Brossa and the composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny, written between 1962 and 1966, imply a personal reformulation of the musical theatre, with regards to both the surrealistic design of the text and the contemporary musical language of the score; which often left audiences speechless, as happened when Conversa was premiered in 1965. As these early musical actions were taking shape, other musical experiences such as those being put forth by John Cage, Mauricio Kagel or Juan Hidalgo were radically shaking the conventions of the international musical scene during the 50s and 60s, especially the conception of the possible interrelationship of the elements involved in the different types of musical stagings. This change of direction, however, is significantly different from the path chosen by Brossa-Mestres, who seemed more inclined towards exploring irony and transgression as taught by the historical avant-garde. One of the most inspiring moments that this unique search produced was the musical action Suite Bufa, in 1966, which received its fair share of praise at the Festival Sigma II in Bordeaux.

International Journal of Architectural Heritage : Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, 2015
Joan Torras, professor of the strength of materials at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (1... more Joan Torras, professor of the strength of materials at the School of Architecture of Barcelona (1871–1910), considered the beam of equal strength not only as a structurally extremely efficient beam, but also as beautiful because of its ability to reflect the material’s strength. Torras’ structures have left their special mark on Barcelona and on the work of his most illustrious students: Rafael Guastavino in the United States published similar structures, but it was Antoni Gaudí and Josep Maria Jujol who transfigured them mimetically for Barcelona’s Park Güell and Tarragona’s Metropol Theatre, respectively. These examples will show how an expressive gesture can thoroughly transform a “technical form” into an “artistic form”, a fact that inevitably recalls the wisdom of classical Greek mimesis.
Pensament i música a quatre mans : La creativitat musical als segles XX i XXI, by Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny and Magda Polo (p. 130-133). Tarragona: Arola, 2014
dc papers : revista de crítica y teoría de la arquitectura, no. 23, p. 57-68, 2012

Anna Bofill Levi: Música de Cambra: Barcelona Modern Project: Marc Moncusí [CD recording] (p. 28-30). Solfa recordings, DL. GI-178-2011, 2011
Aquest C D es el resultar de l'enregistramenr qu e es va realitzar eI 19 d'abril de 2010 a I'Audi... more Aquest C D es el resultar de l'enregistramenr qu e es va realitzar eI 19 d'abril de 2010 a I'Audi rori de Ca ixa Caralunya a l'edifici d'Ant oni Ga udf, La Pedrera, de Barcelon a, en mot iu d'un concert-homenatge a Ann a Bofill Levi. Co ncert inrerp retar pels solistes i el conjunr Barcelona Modern Project sora la direcci6 de Marc M oncusf, i preced it per un col-Ioq ui sobre l'autora am b la parti cipacio de Ma rta Cureses (Universlrat d' O viedo) i de l'arqu itecra i musicologa Helena Martin Nieva. Este CD es el resultado de la grabacion qu e se realizo eI 19 de abril de 2010 en eIAuditorio de Ca ixa Caralunya en el edificio de Anroni Gaudl, La Pedrera, de Barcelona con motivo del conciertohomenaje a Anna Bofill Levi, interpretado por los solista s y el conjunto Barcelona Modern Proje ct dirigidos por Marc Moncusi, y precedido de un coloquio sobre la aurora con la participacion de Marta Cure ses (Un iversidad de Ovi edo) y de la arquitecta y mu sico loga Helena Martin N ieva. This CD is the result of the recording made on the 19 April 2010 at the Caixa Catalunya Auditorium in Antoni Gaudi's building, La Pedrera, in Barcelona, on the occasion of the tribute-concert to Anna Bofill Levi, by the Barcelona Modern Project ensemble and solists conducted by Marc Moncusi and preceded by a colloquy on the author introduced by Marta Cureses (University of Oviedo) and the architect and musicologist Helena Marrin Nieva.
Anna Bofill Levi: Música de Cambra: Barcelona Modern Project: Marc Moncusí [CD recording] (p. 18-20). Solfa recordings, DL. GI-178-2011, 2011
Anna Bofill Levi: Música de Cambra: Barcelona Modern Project: Marc Moncusí [CD recording] (p. 6-8). Solfa recordings, DL. GI-178-2011, 2011
Aronada : Josep M. Mestres Quadreny [CD recording]. Barcelona: Tinta Invisible, 2011
Quin càstig seria escoltar la mateixa música eternament! Excepte si es tractés d'una música impos... more Quin càstig seria escoltar la mateixa música eternament! Excepte si es tractés d'una música impossible: una música que estimulés la nostra oïda però sense punyir-la, de presència prou patent però sense enervar-nos i esvaïdora de la monotonia, una música en contínua transformació que, alhora, preservés els valors dilectes del seu so. Aquesta música és Aronada (1971) de Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny (Manresa, 1929).

Espacio sonoro, no. 25, p. 1-15, 2011
En recuerdo a Ramón Gómez de la Serna ¿Cuál debió ser la relación entre Cristóbal Halffter (1930)... more En recuerdo a Ramón Gómez de la Serna ¿Cuál debió ser la relación entre Cristóbal Halffter (1930) y el "hombre de letras" madrileño Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1888-1963)? La diferencia de edad entre ellos era de cuarenta y dos años y Gómez de la Serna había abandonado Madrid en 1936 para vivir el resto de su vida en Buenos Aires con su compañera Luisa Sofovich 2. Cabría pues renunciar a plantear la existencia de un trato directo entre ellos. Una hipótesis a considerar sería si a través de sus tíos Ernesto y Rodolfo, pudo acercarse de manera más estrecha al intelectual. Tomás Marco insiste que Cristóbal Halffter no suele aceptar influencias directas de sus tíos, pero los encuentros y los viajes conjuntos fueron habituales entre ellos en los años cincuenta 3. El trato de Gómez de la Serna con Ernesto y Rodolfo, durante los años veinte y treinta, parece mucho más claro. Bien en el café Pombo y, de una manera más segura, en la tertulia literaria del café Lyon se encontraron Ramón Gómez de la Serna y Rodolfo Halffter 4 , y ambos coincidieron en la firma del «Manifiesto de la alianza de escritores antifascistas para la defensa de la cultura», aunque poco más tarde seguirían caminos opuestos. Recordemos que Gómez de la Serna, durante la guerra civil y siempre desde Buenos Aires, apoyó moral y económicamente a la causa franquista. Cabe pensar, pues, que «Epitafio a Ramón», a Ramón, sin más, como le gustaba que le llamaran sus amigos 5 , será un homenaje desde el recuerdo, no necesariamente directo, de aquel Madrid anterior al desastre que pugnaba por la entrada de la modernidad a golpe de personajes multifacéticos como Ramón Gómez de la Serna.
Josep M. Mestres Quadreny : Tot muda de color al so de la flauta, edited by Jaume Maymó (p. 38-45). Barcelona: Fundació Joan Brossa, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2009
Actas del Tercer Congreso Nacional de Historia de la construcción : Sevilla, 26-28 Octubre 2000 : Volumen II, edited by Amparo Graciani et al. (p. 673-681). Sevilla: Instituto Juan de Herrera, Sociedad Española de Historia de la Construcción, 2000
Drafts by Helena Martín-Nieva

Master dissertation, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2009
L'activitat musical barcelonina no s'atura en temps de la Guerra Civil espanyola: Massenet, Bach,... more L'activitat musical barcelonina no s'atura en temps de la Guerra Civil espanyola: Massenet, Bach, Beethoven... s'interpreten per les agrupacions més estables, com ara l'Orquesta Nacional de Conciertos republicana, la Banda Municipal de Barcelona, l'Orquestra Simfònica Catalana, l'Orquestra de Cambra de Barcelona, en funcions al Liceu o al teatre Tívoli. Encara que, inevitablement, tant músics com públic pateixen i es ressenten del clima bèl•lic, especialment des de l'any 1938, a partir de l'agreujament dels bombardeigs aeris, que significa la dràstica disminució o exhauriment de l'oferta musical. En acabar el conflicte és palesa la retracció en l'oferta d'espectacles a la ciutat: la precària situació econòmica dels anys quaranta i cinquanta planeja implacable; s'efectuen relleus per exili, en Pau Casals, en Robert Gerhard, per depuració política, com ara el director orquestral Joan Lamote de Grignon; i la deriva estratègica de l'autarquia franquista propicia la incomunicació amb les experiències artístiques europees i americanes. El nou règim aviat demostra que la posició de la música dins el seu projecte s'orienta envers la mediocritat en conformar-se a mantenir l'estanqueïtat creativa. Potser el fet més significatiu per al futur musical del país fou la veloç adopció, des de la seva estrena a Barcelona al 1940, del seu particular "himne", El Concierto de Aranjuez, que prolonga la seva obstinada fortuna fins als nostres dies.
Books by Helena Martín-Nieva

Music and Resistance: From 1900 to the Present, edited by Contreras Zubillaga, Igor and Martín-Nieva, Helena. Turnhout: Brepols, 2022
Resistance is a relevant topic today, driven by recent global social movements such as Black Live... more Resistance is a relevant topic today, driven by recent global social movements such as Black Lives Matter, fourth-wave feminism and the fight for recognition of LGBTIQ+ rights. In the academic arena, resistance has been the subject of increasing attention in disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, geography, political sciences and cultural and literary studies. In music, the notion of resistance has frequently been mobilised by popular music genres (hip-hop is a notable example) and, in general, in situations of political opposition. The relationship between music and resistance is, however, much richer and more complex. Through the study of specific cases from a variety of genres covering a broad period of time from 1900 to today, this volume analyses many types of resistance in which music has been involved, including various geographic and historical contexts, and also twentieth-century dictatorships and contemporary social movements. It asks how the relationship between music and resistance is established, and how music can be understood as an act of resistance. It also examines the meaning of resistance in musical terms and how we can determine if a piece of music in a certain time and space functioned as resistance to a power system.
La Seu de la Diputació de Barcelona a la Casa Serra : història, ciutat i arquitectura. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, 2012
Papers by Helena Martín-Nieva
The text proposes various approaches to characterize the range of more or less resistant positions that emerged in the complex Catalan context in the period between 1959 and 1978. First, two poles of tension are assessed that strengthened attitudes of resistance: musical positions that resorted to memory of the recent republican past; and the role of music in maintaining the collective identity of resistant Catalan culture. Second, the text analyses the capacity to criticize the establishment that could emerge in the Catalan musical avant-garde and the political radicalization of some proposals, as well as the ambiguous and possibilist relationship of composers and performers with the political structures of the dictatorship that controlled festivals, the media and orchestras. Finally, the text highlights the repositioning of actors from the previous panorama during the Early Democratic Transition, as a first step to construct a “narrative of resistance” against the Franco regime. This legitimized individual cultural actions and initiatives in the composition and interpretation of the avant-garde repertoire, as part of the achievement of longer-term political goals.
Drafts by Helena Martín-Nieva
Books by Helena Martín-Nieva
The text proposes various approaches to characterize the range of more or less resistant positions that emerged in the complex Catalan context in the period between 1959 and 1978. First, two poles of tension are assessed that strengthened attitudes of resistance: musical positions that resorted to memory of the recent republican past; and the role of music in maintaining the collective identity of resistant Catalan culture. Second, the text analyses the capacity to criticize the establishment that could emerge in the Catalan musical avant-garde and the political radicalization of some proposals, as well as the ambiguous and possibilist relationship of composers and performers with the political structures of the dictatorship that controlled festivals, the media and orchestras. Finally, the text highlights the repositioning of actors from the previous panorama during the Early Democratic Transition, as a first step to construct a “narrative of resistance” against the Franco regime. This legitimized individual cultural actions and initiatives in the composition and interpretation of the avant-garde repertoire, as part of the achievement of longer-term political goals.
Amb l’objectiu de difondre i recuperar el patrimoni musical de la ciutat us convidem al concert que celebrarem durant el Dia Europeu de la Música.
A càrrec de Mauricio Carrasco, guitarra i Quartet Calders: Òscar Vilaprinyó (violí), Júlia Álvaro (violí), Alejandro Rodríguez (viola) i Miquel Felip (violoncel)
00:00:00 - Presentació, Helena Martín-Nieva.
00:34:50 - Juan Hidalgo: Cuarteto 1958 (1958). Quartet Calders.
00:49:41 - Joaquim Homs: Soliloqui IV (1980) i Soliloqui II (1972). Mauricio Carrasco.
01:06:21 - Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny: Quartet de catroc (1962). Quartet Calders.
01:19:51 - Anna Bofill Levi: Suite de Tamanrasset (1978). Mauricio Carrasco.
01:33:22 - Robert Gerhard: String Quartet No. 2 (1961–62). Quartet Calders.
Amb l’objectiu de difondre i recuperar el patrimoni musical de la ciutat us convidem al concert que celebrarem durant el Dia Europeu de la Música.