Maria Jennifer Falcone
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart), Istituto di Filologia Classica e di Papirologia, Post-Doc
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, International Consortium for Research in the Humanities (IKGF), Visiting Fellow
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Klassische Philologie /Latein FAU Erlangen, Forschungsstipendiatin (erfahrene Forscher)
Professoressa Associata di Lingua e Letteratura Latina (L-FIL-LET/ 04) - Università di Pavia
National Academic Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) of Full Professor in Latin Literature (Settore concorsuale 10/D3, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/04).
National Academic Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) of Associate Professor in Classical Philology (Settore concorsuale 10/D4, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/05) and Latin Literature (Settore concorsuale 10/D3, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/04).
Ongoing projects: Dracontius, Satisfactio. Introduction, text, translation and commentary; Ilias Latina. A Monograph
Address: Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali
corso Garibaldi, 178 - 26100 Cremona
National Academic Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) of Full Professor in Latin Literature (Settore concorsuale 10/D3, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/04).
National Academic Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) of Associate Professor in Classical Philology (Settore concorsuale 10/D4, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/05) and Latin Literature (Settore concorsuale 10/D3, Settore scientifico disciplinare L-FIL-LET/04).
Ongoing projects: Dracontius, Satisfactio. Introduction, text, translation and commentary; Ilias Latina. A Monograph
Address: Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali
corso Garibaldi, 178 - 26100 Cremona
InterestsView All (37)
Books by Maria Jennifer Falcone
Papers by Maria Jennifer Falcone
fight scene between Telamonian Ajax and Hector, which is strongly inspired by ovid’s
met. xiii. The intertextual analysis of the expression saxo sternere, absent in ovid, shows
a further allusion to 61-63 Ribb.2-3, which is recognized as one of ovid’s models. Trying
to emulate and surpass ovid, the author shows that the figure of Ajax, who is surprisingly
represented as Hector’s cousin, is long settled in the Roman literature.
543-52, 564-74, 1015-19 and 1057-62). The analysis, enriched by a parallel with the Greek model and
the Aeneid, shows a reduction of the role of these fgures, which are primarily described as Hector’s
mother and wife and equipped with the typical virtues of a Roman woman.
minora (9.65-75; 11.68 and 23.272-76) and twice in the panegyrici (2.493-94 and above all 5.126-47: a deeper analysis of this text is provided). Thanks to an intertextual approach, the paper aims at highlighting the function of this myth in each context and showing how the author emphasises some details, which are often complex episodes taken from the previous poetic tradition.
(XL 21-22). The episode is a complete failure, from both a strategic-military and
a familiar point of view. The analysis of language and style and certain narratological observations show how the description of the mountain and the narration of
the climbing cooperate in the construction of this failure.
Particularly Cic. Tusc. 3, 25-26 explains Aeetes’ attitude towards Medea: namely, he seems to be driven by the desiderium regni and his hope to recover the power.
Il materiale è suddiviso in quattro categorie: 1) frammenti che presentano tracce di critica letteraria (frr. 59, 284 e 285 Astbury); 2) riprese verbum de verbo (frr. 189, 254, 486 e 405 Astbury); 3) testi che amalgamano materiale epico e tragico (frr. 225 e 233 Astbury); 4) casi problematici (frr. 257, 570, 14 Astbury).
fight scene between Telamonian Ajax and Hector, which is strongly inspired by ovid’s
met. xiii. The intertextual analysis of the expression saxo sternere, absent in ovid, shows
a further allusion to 61-63 Ribb.2-3, which is recognized as one of ovid’s models. Trying
to emulate and surpass ovid, the author shows that the figure of Ajax, who is surprisingly
represented as Hector’s cousin, is long settled in the Roman literature.
543-52, 564-74, 1015-19 and 1057-62). The analysis, enriched by a parallel with the Greek model and
the Aeneid, shows a reduction of the role of these fgures, which are primarily described as Hector’s
mother and wife and equipped with the typical virtues of a Roman woman.
minora (9.65-75; 11.68 and 23.272-76) and twice in the panegyrici (2.493-94 and above all 5.126-47: a deeper analysis of this text is provided). Thanks to an intertextual approach, the paper aims at highlighting the function of this myth in each context and showing how the author emphasises some details, which are often complex episodes taken from the previous poetic tradition.
(XL 21-22). The episode is a complete failure, from both a strategic-military and
a familiar point of view. The analysis of language and style and certain narratological observations show how the description of the mountain and the narration of
the climbing cooperate in the construction of this failure.
Particularly Cic. Tusc. 3, 25-26 explains Aeetes’ attitude towards Medea: namely, he seems to be driven by the desiderium regni and his hope to recover the power.
Il materiale è suddiviso in quattro categorie: 1) frammenti che presentano tracce di critica letteraria (frr. 59, 284 e 285 Astbury); 2) riprese verbum de verbo (frr. 189, 254, 486 e 405 Astbury); 3) testi che amalgamano materiale epico e tragico (frr. 225 e 233 Astbury); 4) casi problematici (frr. 257, 570, 14 Astbury).