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The three-day conference Branding 'Western Music' aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue on the intersections between Western music and the institutionalised management of culture. Whilst the entrepreneurial aspects of genres as... more
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      MusicologyInternational RelationsTourism MarketingGlobalization
This edited book aims to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue on the intersections between the coining of the «Western Music» concept and the institutionalised and entrepreneurial management of culture. It studies the emergence of the... more
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      Historiography of MusicHistory of Musicology19th Century MusicEuropean Imperialism and Colonialism
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JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      The Classical TraditionClassicalHistorical Studies
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vertikale Klangkonzeption, nach der hohe und tiefe Klänge das ‚Aufwärts' und ‚Abwärts' in der melodischen Bewegung bestimmen, geht von einer räumlichen Vorstellung von Klang aus. Dieses räumliche Klangkonzept hat seine... more
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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Einer der wichtigsten Zusammenhänge altgriechischen Musizierens war das Symposium (wörtlich "zusammen trinken"), ein staatsbürgerliches Ritual, das seit dem archaischen Zeitalter als Privileg der männlichen Aristokratie... more
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Il termine rJ uqmov " (lett. 'forma, figura') fu un termine chiave nell'ambito della mousikhv greca, al cui fondamento vi era una forte sinergia tra componenti verbali, ritmico-coreutiche e musicali. Fonti peripatetiche definiscono il... more
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    • Greek and Latin prosody and metrics
Questi atti raccolgono i contributi presentati durante il secondo convegno di MOISA-International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage, l'associazione internazionale fondata nel 2006 allo scopo di... more
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Il contributo ripercorre le tappe che hanno portato alla pubblicazione del volume Ipponatte. Frammenti, introduzione, traduzione e note di E. Degani, premessa di Gabriele Burzacchini, aggiornamenti di Anika Nicolosi, Bologna (Pàtron)... more
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    • Classics: Ancient History and Archaeology
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Collegio Cairoli Pavia (Aula Magna) Lunedì 30 Marzo 2015 Mattina 09.00 – 09.30: Saluti del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, dell’Associazione Culturale Studentesca Chiron e Apertura dei Lavori. 09.30 – 10.15: Jean-Yves Guillaumin... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureLatin LiteratureAncient Science
Le Kane di Aristofane, rappresentate alie Lenee del 405 a.C, son?
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    • Ancient Greek and Roman Music
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Page 1. Terminolog?a dello 4spazio sonoro' negli Elementa Harmonica di Aristosseno di Taranto* Eleonora Rocconi ... cmusicologi ca' delPantichit? si deve arrivare almeno alla seconda meta del IV sec. aC, et? approssimativa in... more
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      Literary studiesHistorical Studies
Report of a conference organized by the Department of Classics of Yale University on September 14, 2009. The 'non-musical texts' of the title are prose texts that were not performed, but that reflected the musical culture to which they... more
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      ClassicsAncient Greek Music
La diffusa esigenza di oltrepassare la polarizzazione tra testo e performance richiede una riflessione sulle forme storiche della loro relazione. Questo libro si propone di integrare orizzonti disciplinari diversi impegnati nel confronto... more
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    • Performance Studies