Papers by Ferruccio Franco Repellini
Nuncius, 2009
Brill profit levels and organic growth in line with expectations, integration V&R according to pl... more Brill profit levels and organic growth in line with expectations, integration V&R according to plan and continuation of eBusiness growth Update on year-to-date performance During the third quarter Brill's eBusiness continued its strong growth, driven by eBooks and digital primary sources. This growth compensated for the ongoing decline in print books. YTD Journal sales declined mainly due to delayed invoicing, which is expected to be recovered in Q4, and continuing IT problems at our UK based distributor. Overall Brill's revenues including the acquisition of Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht and Böhlau Verlag (V&R) are clearly ahead of last year. Cost of goods sold improved slightly as a result of the migration from print to eBooks. Operating costs were in line with expectations. Year to date EBITDA, operating profit and net profit have developed as planned. The integration of V&R runs according to plan. Both the Brill as well as the V&R teams and staff are now part of one global matrix organization. Various integration projects in IT, production, distribution, publishing and sales are underway. Management closely leads and monitors the integration and is pleased with the progress and the results of the acquired V&R business so far. In August, Brill acquired the journal Folia Primatologica from Karger Publishing, an important addition to our Biology portfolio. At the end of Q3 Brill's Book Archive was launched, a digital archive expanding our eBook list with more than 6,000 back list titles in 2021. The first sales are expected in Q4. FY Outlook The COVID-19 pandemic continues to make market circumstances difficult and unpredictable. In Asia important countries are still in lockdown and (intercontinental) travel is still difficult or impossible, limiting our staff to visit authors, conferences and customers in person. The shortages in the global supply chains are hampering Brill as well, to the extent that this may have a negative impact on the results of the important 4 th quarter and could affect our top-and bottom line negatively.
Enciclopedia filosofica, 2006
... Authors: FRANCO REPELLINI, FERRUCCIO. MIUR subjects: M-FIL/07 - Storia della Filosofia Antica... more ... Authors: FRANCO REPELLINI, FERRUCCIO. MIUR subjects: M-FIL/07 - Storia della Filosofia Antica. Publication date: 2006. Citation: Cielo, cieli / Ferruccio Franco Repellini - In: Enciclopedia filosoficaMilano : Bompiani, 2006. - ISBN 8845257673. - pp. 1890-1903. ...
Enciclopedia Filosofica, 2006
Storia del cielo come oggetto filosofico, dagli inizi della filosofia greca antica al XVII secolo
Enciclopedia filosofica, 2006
Storia del cielo come oggetto filosofico, dagli inizi della filosofia graca antica al XVII secolo
The paper adresses the question of how the relation between line and cave has to be understood, p... more The paper adresses the question of how the relation between line and cave has to be understood, particularly how the low parts of the two images were related. Having examined the shadows and the puppets in the cave, its final thesis is that Plato\u2019s main point is to contrast three states of soul (represented by the prisoner, the ex-prisoner inside the cave and the ex-prisoner ascending out of the cave), from the point of view of their readiness to accomplish the true educational process; the line is tacitly recalled in the cave only as the ascent for the third type of soul
Storia della scienza, storia della filosofia: …, 2004
Citation: Tolomeo e l'articolazione del sapere negli Armonici/Ferruccio Franco Repellini (Fi... more Citation: Tolomeo e l'articolazione del sapere negli Armonici/Ferruccio Franco Repellini (Filosofia e scienza nell'età moderna).-In: Storia della scienza, storia della filosofia: interferenze/a cura di G. Canziani.-Milano: Franco Angeli, 2004.-ISBN 884646379X.-pp. ...
Bernardino Baldi (1553-1617), studioso …, 2005
Citation: La'vita di Tolomeo'di Bernardino Baldi/Ferruccio Franco Repellini (Filosofia ... more Citation: La'vita di Tolomeo'di Bernardino Baldi/Ferruccio Franco Repellini (Filosofia e scienza nell'età moderna).-In: Bernardino Baldi (1553-1617), studioso rinascimentale: poesia, storia, linguistica, meccanica, architettura/a cura di E. Nenci.-Milano: Franco ...
<jats:p>The astronomer Ptolemy was one of the leading scientific figures of Graeco-Roman an... more <jats:p>The astronomer Ptolemy was one of the leading scientific figures of Graeco-Roman antiquity. His contributions to philosophy lie in his reflections on scientific activity. In knowledge, he distinguishes a perceptual stage, which provides the natural link between knowledge and things, from a further, rational stage, governing the transition to science. The move towards science consists of the progressive distinction between concepts, initially acquired through experience and methodical observation. Many components of his thought are derived from earlier philosophy, but he excludes those aspects which bear on more general philosophical issues.</jats:p>
La storia dell'ontologia, 2005
... Authors: FRANCO REPELLINI, FERRUCCIO. MIUR subjects: M-FIL/07 - Storia della Filosofia Antica... more ... Authors: FRANCO REPELLINI, FERRUCCIO. MIUR subjects: M-FIL/07 - Storia della Filosofia Antica. Publication date: 2005. Citation: Aristotele e l'ontologia della Metafisica / F. FrancoRepellini (Studi ; 4). - In: La storia dell'ontologia / G. Canziani ; [a cura di] ES Storace. ...
&amp;amp;quot;La storia della scienza e della tecnica antiche in Italia non è certo priva di ... more &amp;amp;quot;La storia della scienza e della tecnica antiche in Italia non è certo priva di figure di rilievo; risalendo a tempi abbastanza lontani, non si può fare a meno di citare il nome di G. Venturi – primo studioso moderno della diottra di Erone – o, ancor meno, quelli di G. Schiaparelli, l’autore della autorevolissima (e accettata da tutti gli studiosi per più di un secolo) ricostruzione dell’astronomia di Eudosso, e di G. Vailati, al principio del secolo scorso uno dei principali interlocutori della discussione della teoria aristotelica del moto. Né questa tradizione di studi può dirsi esaurita; tra i nomi di studiosi più recenti ci limitiamo a citare quelli di M. Vegetti, di G. Cambiano, di V. Di Benedetto e di I. Garofalo e dei loro allievi. Tuttavia si può riscontrare una certa discontinuità in questo ambito, soprattutto negli anni più recenti; gli studiosi oggi attivi sembrano essere abbastanza pochi, e rischiano in più di un caso di venire a trovarsi in una situazione di relativo isolamento.&amp;amp;quot;
Papers by Ferruccio Franco Repellini