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The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of screen time on the physiological variables of Nigeria Adolescents. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted in carrying out the study. The physical characteristics of blood... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyMobile PhonesTelevisionChildren
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of six-week aerobic dance on the resting heart rate, Body Mass Index (BMI) and blood glucose level of overweight female administrative staff in University of Lagos. The experimental... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyBlood PressureHeart rateExercise
Researches have shown that physical inactivity is a key risk factor for non-communicable diseases and the fourth leading cause of early death globally. The study evaluated the physical activity patterns of selected occupations at the... more
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Researches have shown that physical inactivity is a key risk factor for non-communicable diseases and the fourth leading cause of early death globally. The study evaluated the physical activity patterns of selected occupations at the... more
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      Physical ActivityExercise and physical activity for healthPhysical activity and sedentary behaviour epidemiologyPhysical Inactivity
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of screen time on the physiological variables of Nigeria Adolescents. A quasi-experimental research design was adopted in carrying out the study. The physical characteristics of blood... more
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      Exercise PhysiologyMobile PhonesTelevisionChildren
The study examined the effects of three modes of exercise training programme: aerobics exercise, resistance exercise and combination of aerobics and resistance exercise on Body Mass Index among senior non-teaching staff in University of... more
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      AerobicsExercise and physical activity for healthPhysical activity and sedentary behaviour epidemiologyBody mass index (BMI)
Article accepté pour publication dans Contribution aux études morphologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques en russe. V. Beliakov et Ch. Bracquenier (Dir), Toulouse, PUM, à paraître en 2017.
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      BusinessLocal Government Area
This study assessed the perceived effect of energy drink on athlete’s performance in University of Lagos. Descriptive method was used while stratified random sampling was used to draw the sample. A four points modified Likert attitudinal... more
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    • Psychology
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This study was carried out to examine corporate promotional strategies as correlates of sports development in Nigeria. The strategies examined included advertisement and public relations. Two hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05... more
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The purpose of this sludv was io canyout comparative analysis between team Nigeria Perförmance at the 2012 and 2016 Olympics and Paralympics Games. The population jör the study included all Nigeria's athletes that participated in... more
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