Books by Luca Di Sabatino
Classiques Garnier, 2024
Version de la légende thébaine, imprimée en 1519 par Michel Le Noir, ce texte est extrait de la c... more Version de la légende thébaine, imprimée en 1519 par Michel Le Noir, ce texte est extrait de la compilation connue sous le titre d’Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César qui avait mis en prose une version du Roman de Thèbes. Ce volume présente pour la première fois l’édition critique de l’imprimé de Le Noir.
A re-telling of the legend of Thebes, first printed in 1519 by Michel Le Noir, this text was extracted from Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, a medieval compilation of ancient stories featuring a prose version of the Roman de Thèbes. This volume presents the first-ever critical edition of the text printed by Le Noir.
Artú, Lancillotto e il Graal. II. Lancillotto del Lago (La Marca di Gallia - Galehaut), a c. di L. Leonardi, intr. trad. comm. L. Di Sabatino, A.P. Fuksas, M. Infurna, N. Morato, A. Punzi, E. Spadini, Einaudi - I Millenni, 2021
Papers by Luca Di Sabatino
La voie de prose, Filologicamente VIII, a c. di Jacopo Fois, Bologna, BUP, 2022, pp. 59-76 (, 2022
Les Chroniques et l’histoire universelle. France et Italie (XIII -XIV siècles)", dir. par F. Montorsi et F. Maillet, Paris, Garnier, 2021, 2021
L’étude porte sur la circulation de l’"Histoire ancienne" en Italie. Sont abordées les particular... more L’étude porte sur la circulation de l’"Histoire ancienne" en Italie. Sont abordées les particularités propres aux versions françaises du texte transmises par les témoins produits dans les ateliers pisano-génois. La contribution analyse ensuite les volgarizzamenti toscans, avec une attention particulière pour les manuscrits dans lesquels la traduction de l’Histoire ancienne est accompagnée ou interpolée avec d’autres textes historiographiques, ce qui amène à la création de nouvelles compilations.
Carte Romanze, 2020
The paper analyzes the two medieval French versions of Teodorico Borgognoni’s Chirurgia. The arti... more The paper analyzes the two medieval French versions of Teodorico Borgognoni’s Chirurgia. The article shows that they are two independent translations and highlights some of their features.
L'immagine riflessa, 2019
Carte Romanze, 2019
The paper provides text and analysis of two passages from the Libro de la creatione del mondo, co... more The paper provides text and analysis of two passages from the Libro de la creatione del mondo, contained in the manuscript Riccardiano 1311. The first passage, concerning Trajan, is mainly made up by an excerpt of the Legenda aurea in vernacular translation (chapt. XLVI), the other one is a modified version of the chapter about Secundus from the Fiori e vita di filosafi.
Carte Romanze, 2018
The paper provides an edition of a Tuscan translation of the papal bull «Ad memoriam reducendo», ... more The paper provides an edition of a Tuscan translation of the papal bull «Ad memoriam reducendo», concerning the 1350 jubilee, and probably false. The translation published here, contained in a manuscript which offers also a volgarizzamento of the «Histoire ancienne» and the «Fatti di Enea», is accompained by an historico-philological context study, and by commentary notes.
"«Or vos conterons d’autre matiere». Studi di filologia romanza offerti a Gabriella Ronchi", a cura di Luca Di Sabatino, Luca Gatti, Paolo Rinoldi, Roma, Viella, 2017
«Carte romanze», 2016
Il contributo indaga i rapporti tra alcuni volgarizzamenti italiani dell’Histoire ancienne jusqu’... more Il contributo indaga i rapporti tra alcuni volgarizzamenti italiani dell’Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César e la tradizione del testo francese, giungendo a stabilire che le versioni toscane pervenuteci derivano da almeno due distinte traduzioni, a loro volta basate su copie del testo in lingua d’oïl appartenenti a due diverse famiglie della tradizione manoscritta.
The paper analyses the relationships between some volgarizzamenti of the Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César and the tradition of the French text. It establishes that the Tuscan versions derive from at least two distinct translations, which were based on copies of the oïl text belonging to two different families of the manuscript tradition.
"Il viaggio del testo. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Filologia italiana e romanza (Brno, 19-21 giugno 2014)", a cura di Paolo Divizia e Lisa Pericoli, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2017
"Boccaccio in versi. Atti del convegno di Parma, 13-14 marzo 2014", a cura di Pantalea Mazzitello, Giulia Raboni, Paolo Rinoldi e Carlo Varotti, Firenze, Cesati, 2016
Volume "Le lettere", serie "Storia di Parma", Parma, MUP, 2012
«Rivista di Studi Danteschi», 2010
L’articolo analizza alcune chiose dei commenti alla Commedia di Andrea Lancia e dell’Anonimo Fior... more L’articolo analizza alcune chiose dei commenti alla Commedia di Andrea Lancia e dell’Anonimo Fiorentino, rilevando rapporti con la mise en prose del Roman de Thèbes contenuta nella compilazione storiografica francese nota come Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César. Lancia ha attinto dalla fonte francese alcuni dati che ha fuso con quelli desunti dalla Tebaide; anche l’Anonimo ha utilizzato, oltre al poema di Stazio, l’Histoire ancienne, e inoltre, commentando il Purgatorio, ha ripreso alcune chiose tebane del Lancia, combinando però tutte queste fonti in modo poco accorto. Gli indizi raccolti testimoniano la familiarità di Lancia e dell’Anonimo con la versione francese del mito tebano; non è però chiaro se i due commentatori abbiano usato il testo francese o uno dei numerosi volgarizzamenti italiani.
The article analyzes some glosses from Andrea Lancia’s and the Anonymous Florentine’s commentaries to the ‘Divine Comedy’, pointing out their relationships with the ‘mise en prose’ of the ‘Roman de Thèbes’, which is contained in the French chronicle known as ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César’. Lancia merges some elements derived from the French source with those obtained from the Statius’ ‘ Thebaid’. The Anonymous also uses both the ‘Histoire ancienne’ and Statius’ poem; in addition to that, in his commentary on ‘Purgatorio’ he also draws on Lancia’s glosses. However, his treatment of those multiple sources is not so accurate. All the evidences collected in this article show Lancia’s and the Anonymous’ intimacy with the French version of the Theban legend; it is not sure, however, whether the two commentators use the French text or one of the several Italian translations.
«Troianalexandrina», Jan 1, 2009
An analysis of the Theban section of Wauchier de Denain’s Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, compar... more An analysis of the Theban section of Wauchier de Denain’s Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, compared with its source, the long version of the Roman de Thèbes, shows the proceedings adopted by Wauchier in his moral prose rewriting of the old roman in verse. Wauchier creates a clearer opposition between positive and negative characters, in order to offer models and anti-models to his public. The most peculiar feature of the romans antiques, the use of anachronism, is maintained by Wauchier only in the description of courtesy and chivalry: so the heroes of Antiquity can be seen as founders and ancestors of Medieval aristocracy. However, the confusion between polytheism and Christianity, which was present in the most ancient redactions of the Roman de Thèbes, and partially censored in the long version, is thoroughly eliminated by Wauchier, according to the principles of historical objectivity, and to the moral purpose of the Histoire ancienne.
Talks by Luca Di Sabatino
Comunicazione alla Giornata di Studi "I commenti alla Commedia di Dante a Bologna", Bologna, 19 maggio 2022, 2022
La relazione presenta le chiose contenute nel codice Parm. 1060 della Biblioteca Palatina di Parm... more La relazione presenta le chiose contenute nel codice Parm. 1060 della Biblioteca Palatina di Parma, di cui si intende pubblicare a breve l'edizione. Il manoscritto è annotato da due mani distinte: una verga le chiose in italiano, la seconda in catalano.
Comunicazione (assieme a Giuseppina Brunetti e Niccolò Gensini) al Convegno della Società Italiana di Filologia Romanza, La Filologia romanza e Dante (tradizioni, esegesi, contesti, ricezioni), Napoli, 22-25 settembre 2021., 2021
Books by Luca Di Sabatino
A re-telling of the legend of Thebes, first printed in 1519 by Michel Le Noir, this text was extracted from Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, a medieval compilation of ancient stories featuring a prose version of the Roman de Thèbes. This volume presents the first-ever critical edition of the text printed by Le Noir.
Papers by Luca Di Sabatino
The paper analyses the relationships between some volgarizzamenti of the Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César and the tradition of the French text. It establishes that the Tuscan versions derive from at least two distinct translations, which were based on copies of the oïl text belonging to two different families of the manuscript tradition.
The article analyzes some glosses from Andrea Lancia’s and the Anonymous Florentine’s commentaries to the ‘Divine Comedy’, pointing out their relationships with the ‘mise en prose’ of the ‘Roman de Thèbes’, which is contained in the French chronicle known as ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César’. Lancia merges some elements derived from the French source with those obtained from the Statius’ ‘ Thebaid’. The Anonymous also uses both the ‘Histoire ancienne’ and Statius’ poem; in addition to that, in his commentary on ‘Purgatorio’ he also draws on Lancia’s glosses. However, his treatment of those multiple sources is not so accurate. All the evidences collected in this article show Lancia’s and the Anonymous’ intimacy with the French version of the Theban legend; it is not sure, however, whether the two commentators use the French text or one of the several Italian translations.
Talks by Luca Di Sabatino
A re-telling of the legend of Thebes, first printed in 1519 by Michel Le Noir, this text was extracted from Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César, a medieval compilation of ancient stories featuring a prose version of the Roman de Thèbes. This volume presents the first-ever critical edition of the text printed by Le Noir.
The paper analyses the relationships between some volgarizzamenti of the Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César and the tradition of the French text. It establishes that the Tuscan versions derive from at least two distinct translations, which were based on copies of the oïl text belonging to two different families of the manuscript tradition.
The article analyzes some glosses from Andrea Lancia’s and the Anonymous Florentine’s commentaries to the ‘Divine Comedy’, pointing out their relationships with the ‘mise en prose’ of the ‘Roman de Thèbes’, which is contained in the French chronicle known as ‘Histoire ancienne jusqu’à César’. Lancia merges some elements derived from the French source with those obtained from the Statius’ ‘ Thebaid’. The Anonymous also uses both the ‘Histoire ancienne’ and Statius’ poem; in addition to that, in his commentary on ‘Purgatorio’ he also draws on Lancia’s glosses. However, his treatment of those multiple sources is not so accurate. All the evidences collected in this article show Lancia’s and the Anonymous’ intimacy with the French version of the Theban legend; it is not sure, however, whether the two commentators use the French text or one of the several Italian translations.