Populations of plants and animals at the edge of a species' range may exhibit lower genetic diver... more Populations of plants and animals at the edge of a species' range may exhibit lower genetic diversity due to a combination of historical (e.g., postglacial dispersal) and contemporary (e.g., lower effective population size, stronger genetic drift, bottlenecks, and others) processes. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of populations of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in the northern part of the Pannonian Basin (Slovakia, Hungary, Austria), which represents the edge of the species' range. Using mtDNA and microsatellite markers, we aimed to assign individuals and populations into phylogeographic lineages and to determine genetic variation and population structure. Our study revealed that most individuals from natural populations belong to mtDNA lineage II (widely distributed haplotype IIa, and likely endemic haplotypes IIl and II-Marcelová), which is typical for the whole Pannonian region. However, non-native haplotypes were detected in one Slovak population (haplotype Ib) and in the Austrian Donau Auen National Park (haplotype IVa). Microsatellite markers revealed high variability comparable to that in other parts of the range, suggesting that marginal populations may not necessarily have reduced genetic diversity. A genetically mixed population was found in the Donau Auen National Park, consisting of turtles belonging to mtDNA lineage II (taxonomically assessed as subspecies E. orbicularis orbicularis) and lineage IV (taxonomically assessed as E. orbicularis hellenica), which is native to the circum-Adriatic region. The admixture suggests intense hybridization and introgression between the two lineages (subspecies).
Slovnik poskytuje prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa anatomie a biologie živocichov. Snahou bolo poskyt... more Slovnik poskytuje prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa anatomie a biologie živocichov. Snahou bolo poskytnuť prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa vsetkých sustav. Slovnik je urcený pre posluchacov uciteľských kombinacii v kombinacii s biologiou
The lexicon is providing the overall view of headwords focusing on invertebrates and vertebrates.... more The lexicon is providing the overall view of headwords focusing on invertebrates and vertebrates. There was an effort to provide headwords from all systems. The lexicon is for future teachers in combination with biology.
2 Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa CHKO Malé Karpaty, Štúrova 115, 900 01 Modra [peter.puchala@s... more 2 Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa CHKO Malé Karpaty, Štúrova 115, 900 01 Modra [[email protected]] 3 BROZ, Šancová 96, 831 04 Bratislava [[email protected]] 4 Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deti a Gymnázium, Skalická 1, 831 02 Bratislava [[email protected]] Fenďa P, Kucman P, Bačíková S, Országhová Z, Puchala P, Sobeková K, Jánošková V & Melišková M, 2011: The mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) in the nests of Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in Nature Reserve Šúr (SW Slovakia). Folia faunistica Slovaca, 16 (1): 37-44. Abstract: Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Eu-rope is reviewed. Biol...
The fire salamander is a common amphibian species in Europe. Despite this fact, the chorological ... more The fire salamander is a common amphibian species in Europe. Despite this fact, the chorological status of this species is lacking in Slovakia, and knowledge on its distribution has for a long-time been fragmented. We gathered and analysed all available occurrence data on the fire salamander, comprising in total 1,663 faunistic records made up of published data, original data of the authors and collaborators, and citizen data from the Internet and database resources. Most findings of active salamanders come from the period from spring to autumn, and they together cover 242 mapping quadrates recorded in 73 orographic units, predominantly in wooded areas. Most of the records are from an altitude range of 200-900 m, with a histogram peak at altitudes from 300-500 m. The highest number of findings was linked to the traditionally most surveyed areas, such as the Malé Karpaty Mts., Veľká Fatra Mts., Malá Fatra Mts., Spišsko-gemerský kras Mts., Slovenské rudohorie Mts., etc. We confirmed that the occurrence of this species in caves and other underground roosts during the winter season seems to be a general behaviour pattern of the species.
Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia f... more Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia fields in agricultural landscape of the northern part of the Trnavská pahorkatina, hills. The study was carried out from May 2006 to June 2007 using point census method. Totally, 82 species were found (41 of them nidificants). The most abundant species were Sturnus vulgaris (48,3%), Passer montanus (12,0%), Carduelis carduelis (5,9%), Alauda arvensis (4,8%) and Hirundo rustica (3,0%). The most frequent were Passer montanus (100%), Pica pica, Carduelis carduelis, Buteo buteo (91,3%), Falco tinnunculus and Fringilla coelebs (78,3%). The higher species diversity was found at points with heterogenous habitats such as small field forest, greenery lines and alleys. The highest number of species was observed in May, the highest number of individual birds in July and August. There were found several bird species with higher conservation importance, such as Falco cherrug, Aquilla heliaca, Circus p...
There has also been quite a growing interest in wilderness and wild areas among nature conservati... more There has also been quite a growing interest in wilderness and wild areas among nature conservationists in the recent period. The importance of wilderness areas is undoubtedly very high and they usually provide several benefits and ecological values. The Carpathians host a few pieces of the last remains of the European wilderness. Most of the large areas that could be qualified as wilderness areas are already parts of established national parks or other types of protected areas. In order to find a sustainable solution for European Wilderness PAN Parks initiative has identified several areas of wilderness in Europe. PAN Parks is certifying the best managed protected areas with the incentive for conservation, tourism and sustainable development. The aim of this publication was to asses the potential of Tatra national park, the oldest national park in Slovakia for PAN Park certification, to find out what it lacks and recommend further steps for increasing the National Park's possib...
Puchala, P., 2016. Bird community structure and population trends in the Little Carpathians Mts v... more Puchala, P., 2016. Bird community structure and population trends in the Little Carpathians Mts vineyard area. Folia Oecologica, 43: 42–49. The birds of the vineyards on the eastern slopes of the Little Carpathians Mountains (south-western Slovakia) were studied during breeding seasons between the years 2010 and 2015. A point census method was used to count birds once or twice in May on two study sites (a transect in the vicinity of Modra town and a transect between Bratislava-Rača and Svätý Jur). The whole study area was designated as an Important Bird Area and established as a Special Protected Area according to the Bird Directive. Individual counting points were situated in different habitats including suburban areas, green lines with scrubs, the edges of small forest patches, forest edges, small gardens, cultivated vineyards, etc. 62 and 53 bird species were found in the first and the second transect, respectively (64 birds in total). The total number of all individuals was 2,38...
Aimed to identify priority questions of ornithological research in Slovakia, 103 persons directly... more Aimed to identify priority questions of ornithological research in Slovakia, 103 persons directly or indirectly involved in ornithological research and/or bird protection in the country were addressed by a simple questionary. The present paper brings synthesis of c. 130 answers gathered from 30 participants. The priority questions proposed for future research in Slovakia were grouped/divided into the following areas: bird census and monitoring; habitat and diet requirements; impacts of human activities on birds and economic damage caused by birds; factors affecting bird populations changes; data, publishing, education and working groups activities; and bird conservation and management. The most of proposed research questions were focused mainly on issues associated with protection of birds and their habitats, namely study of bird population trends and factors associated with the trends, species habitat requirements, and impact of human activities on birds. We anticipate that addressing these questions may help to improve conversation between professional and amateur ornithologists as there will be a need to collect a large amount of data.
In total 52 species of Orthoptera (17 Tettigonioidea, 7 Grylloidea, 4 Tetrigoidea and 24 Acridido... more In total 52 species of Orthoptera (17 Tettigonioidea, 7 Grylloidea, 4 Tetrigoidea and 24 Acrididoidea) and one mantid species we found in 19 selected localities in the Malé Karpaty Mts. in 1993Mts. in -2005. Including data from literature, there were found 15 more species in the area. Hence, altogether 67 species (ca 56% of Slovak orthopterofauna) were found in area of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Euryvalent species Pholidoptera griseoaptera, Euthystira brachyptera (100% of localities), Chorthippus parallelus, Omocestus haemorrhoidalis and Stenobothrus lineatus (90% of localities), Chorthippus apricarius, Ch. brunneus (84% of localities) belonged to the most frequent species. Occurrence and ecology of selected rare species (thermophilous species Saga pedo, Melanogryllus desertus, Dociostaurus brevicollis, Euchorthippus declivus and E. pulvinatus, Stenobothrus crassipes and S. nigromaculatus as well as more stenotopic submontane and montane species !sophya kraussii, Pholidoptera aptera, Psophus stridulus, Pseudopodisma nagy!) were analysed. Published records of 15 species which we did not fmd are commented. Number of species/locality was 8-36 (mean 20 species per locality).
Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia f... more Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia fields in agricultural landscape of the northern part of the Trnavská pahorkatina, hills. The study was carried out from May 2006 to June 2007 using point census method. Totally, 82 species were found (41 of them nidificants). The most abundant species were Sturnus vulgaris (48,3%), Passer montanus (12,0%), Carduelis carduelis (5,9%), Alauda arvensis (4,8%) and Hirundo rustica (3,0%). The most frequent were Passer montanus (100%), Pica pica, Carduelis carduelis, Buteo buteo (91,3%), Falco tinnunculus and Fringilla coelebs (78,3%). The higher species diversity was found at points with heterogenous habitats such as small field forest, greenery lines and alleys. The highest number of species was observed in May, the highest number of individual birds in July and August. There were found several bird species with higher conservation importance, such as Falco cherrug, Aquilla heliaca, Circus p...
Three hole breeding species (Dendrocopos medius , Ficedula parva, Ficedula albicollis) were studi... more Three hole breeding species (Dendrocopos medius , Ficedula parva, Ficedula albicollis) were studied with the point census method in the Special Protection Area Malé Karpaty. Occurence of these species was studied at 14 transects situated in oak, oak-beech and beech forest stands. The density of Middle Spotted Woodpecker reached 0.9 pairs/ 10 ha at transect Lindava. The density of Red Breasted Flycatcher reached at one transect (beech stands – Hajdúky) 0.5 pairs/ 10 ha. The density of Collared Flycatcher reached from 2.1 to 3.9 pairs/ 10 ha on transects. In 6 transects the density of hollow trees was studied, as well. The highest number of cavities was found in the old oak forest Lindava (19 hole trees/ 1 ha) and in the old beech forest Roštún (14 hole trees/ 1 ha). Both these transects were situated in nature reserves. In managed forest, there were found from 6 to 8 hole trees/ 1 ha.
Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the N... more Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Europe is reviewed. Biology and microhabitat preference of cosmopolitan nest mite Androlaelaps casalis is discussed, including its occurence in various types of birds' nests in Slovakia. zistene druhy : Ameroseiidae Ameroseius apodius Ameroseius lidiae Ameroseius plumea Ameroseius sp. Ascidae Blattisocius dentriticus Blattisocius keegani Blattisocius tarsalis Gamasellodes bicolor Lasioseius confusus Lasioseius ometes Lasioseius penicilliger Lasioseius sp. Proctolaelaps epuraeae Proctolaelaps pygmaeus Celaenopsidae Celaenopsis badius Dermanyssidae Derma...
Page 101. 101 OBSADZOVANIE A VYUITIE VTÁČÍCH BÚDOK CICAVCAMI V NPR ÚR Peter PUCHALA tátna ochr... more Page 101. 101 OBSADZOVANIE A VYUITIE VTÁČÍCH BÚDOK CICAVCAMI V NPR ÚR Peter PUCHALA tátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa Chránenej krajinnej oblasti Malé Karpaty, túrova 115, SK900 01 Modra, e-mail: puchala@ sopsr. ...
Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the N... more Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Europe is reviewed. Biology and microhabitat preference of cosmopolitan nest mite Androlaelaps casalis is discussed, including its occurence in various types of birds’ nests in Slovakia.
ABSTRACT The effect of bloodsucking parasitic larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora azurea (Fall... more ABSTRACT The effect of bloodsucking parasitic larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora azurea (Fallén, 1817) (Diptera) on Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus (L., 1758), breeding success was studied in populations breeding in nest boxes in southwestern Slovakia. Out of 52 examined nests only seven broods (13%) were unparasitized. The mean number of larvae per parasitized nest was 22.6 and the total number of parasites per nest ranged from 1 to 80. Large numbers of blow fly larvae and pupae significantly influenced nestling survival and fledging success. In broods with parasite load per chick higher than nine, at least one nestling died. To record the effects of parasites on the body size of nestlings of different ages, nestlings were measured on days 5, 10, and 13 post hatch. First and second broods were analysed separately. A significant negative effect of parasite load per nestling on the body mass, wing length, tarsal length, and tail length of nestlings was found in the second broods only in the 10- and 13-day-old chicks. Tree Sparrow parents did not prolong nestling provisioning time per nestling, as there was no negative relationship between parasite load per nestling and feeding period. Contradictory to most previous studies of the genus Protocalliphora, the present study suggests that these parasites have an important negative impact on the breeding success of the studied Tree Sparrow populations.
Populations of plants and animals at the edge of a species' range may exhibit lower genetic diver... more Populations of plants and animals at the edge of a species' range may exhibit lower genetic diversity due to a combination of historical (e.g., postglacial dispersal) and contemporary (e.g., lower effective population size, stronger genetic drift, bottlenecks, and others) processes. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of populations of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) in the northern part of the Pannonian Basin (Slovakia, Hungary, Austria), which represents the edge of the species' range. Using mtDNA and microsatellite markers, we aimed to assign individuals and populations into phylogeographic lineages and to determine genetic variation and population structure. Our study revealed that most individuals from natural populations belong to mtDNA lineage II (widely distributed haplotype IIa, and likely endemic haplotypes IIl and II-Marcelová), which is typical for the whole Pannonian region. However, non-native haplotypes were detected in one Slovak population (haplotype Ib) and in the Austrian Donau Auen National Park (haplotype IVa). Microsatellite markers revealed high variability comparable to that in other parts of the range, suggesting that marginal populations may not necessarily have reduced genetic diversity. A genetically mixed population was found in the Donau Auen National Park, consisting of turtles belonging to mtDNA lineage II (taxonomically assessed as subspecies E. orbicularis orbicularis) and lineage IV (taxonomically assessed as E. orbicularis hellenica), which is native to the circum-Adriatic region. The admixture suggests intense hybridization and introgression between the two lineages (subspecies).
Slovnik poskytuje prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa anatomie a biologie živocichov. Snahou bolo poskyt... more Slovnik poskytuje prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa anatomie a biologie živocichov. Snahou bolo poskytnuť prehľad hesiel týkajucich sa vsetkých sustav. Slovnik je urcený pre posluchacov uciteľských kombinacii v kombinacii s biologiou
The lexicon is providing the overall view of headwords focusing on invertebrates and vertebrates.... more The lexicon is providing the overall view of headwords focusing on invertebrates and vertebrates. There was an effort to provide headwords from all systems. The lexicon is for future teachers in combination with biology.
2 Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa CHKO Malé Karpaty, Štúrova 115, 900 01 Modra [peter.puchala@s... more 2 Štátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa CHKO Malé Karpaty, Štúrova 115, 900 01 Modra [[email protected]] 3 BROZ, Šancová 96, 831 04 Bratislava [[email protected]] 4 Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deti a Gymnázium, Skalická 1, 831 02 Bratislava [[email protected]] Fenďa P, Kucman P, Bačíková S, Országhová Z, Puchala P, Sobeková K, Jánošková V & Melišková M, 2011: The mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) in the nests of Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) in Nature Reserve Šúr (SW Slovakia). Folia faunistica Slovaca, 16 (1): 37-44. Abstract: Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Eu-rope is reviewed. Biol...
The fire salamander is a common amphibian species in Europe. Despite this fact, the chorological ... more The fire salamander is a common amphibian species in Europe. Despite this fact, the chorological status of this species is lacking in Slovakia, and knowledge on its distribution has for a long-time been fragmented. We gathered and analysed all available occurrence data on the fire salamander, comprising in total 1,663 faunistic records made up of published data, original data of the authors and collaborators, and citizen data from the Internet and database resources. Most findings of active salamanders come from the period from spring to autumn, and they together cover 242 mapping quadrates recorded in 73 orographic units, predominantly in wooded areas. Most of the records are from an altitude range of 200-900 m, with a histogram peak at altitudes from 300-500 m. The highest number of findings was linked to the traditionally most surveyed areas, such as the Malé Karpaty Mts., Veľká Fatra Mts., Malá Fatra Mts., Spišsko-gemerský kras Mts., Slovenské rudohorie Mts., etc. We confirmed that the occurrence of this species in caves and other underground roosts during the winter season seems to be a general behaviour pattern of the species.
Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia f... more Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia fields in agricultural landscape of the northern part of the Trnavská pahorkatina, hills. The study was carried out from May 2006 to June 2007 using point census method. Totally, 82 species were found (41 of them nidificants). The most abundant species were Sturnus vulgaris (48,3%), Passer montanus (12,0%), Carduelis carduelis (5,9%), Alauda arvensis (4,8%) and Hirundo rustica (3,0%). The most frequent were Passer montanus (100%), Pica pica, Carduelis carduelis, Buteo buteo (91,3%), Falco tinnunculus and Fringilla coelebs (78,3%). The higher species diversity was found at points with heterogenous habitats such as small field forest, greenery lines and alleys. The highest number of species was observed in May, the highest number of individual birds in July and August. There were found several bird species with higher conservation importance, such as Falco cherrug, Aquilla heliaca, Circus p...
There has also been quite a growing interest in wilderness and wild areas among nature conservati... more There has also been quite a growing interest in wilderness and wild areas among nature conservationists in the recent period. The importance of wilderness areas is undoubtedly very high and they usually provide several benefits and ecological values. The Carpathians host a few pieces of the last remains of the European wilderness. Most of the large areas that could be qualified as wilderness areas are already parts of established national parks or other types of protected areas. In order to find a sustainable solution for European Wilderness PAN Parks initiative has identified several areas of wilderness in Europe. PAN Parks is certifying the best managed protected areas with the incentive for conservation, tourism and sustainable development. The aim of this publication was to asses the potential of Tatra national park, the oldest national park in Slovakia for PAN Park certification, to find out what it lacks and recommend further steps for increasing the National Park's possib...
Puchala, P., 2016. Bird community structure and population trends in the Little Carpathians Mts v... more Puchala, P., 2016. Bird community structure and population trends in the Little Carpathians Mts vineyard area. Folia Oecologica, 43: 42–49. The birds of the vineyards on the eastern slopes of the Little Carpathians Mountains (south-western Slovakia) were studied during breeding seasons between the years 2010 and 2015. A point census method was used to count birds once or twice in May on two study sites (a transect in the vicinity of Modra town and a transect between Bratislava-Rača and Svätý Jur). The whole study area was designated as an Important Bird Area and established as a Special Protected Area according to the Bird Directive. Individual counting points were situated in different habitats including suburban areas, green lines with scrubs, the edges of small forest patches, forest edges, small gardens, cultivated vineyards, etc. 62 and 53 bird species were found in the first and the second transect, respectively (64 birds in total). The total number of all individuals was 2,38...
Aimed to identify priority questions of ornithological research in Slovakia, 103 persons directly... more Aimed to identify priority questions of ornithological research in Slovakia, 103 persons directly or indirectly involved in ornithological research and/or bird protection in the country were addressed by a simple questionary. The present paper brings synthesis of c. 130 answers gathered from 30 participants. The priority questions proposed for future research in Slovakia were grouped/divided into the following areas: bird census and monitoring; habitat and diet requirements; impacts of human activities on birds and economic damage caused by birds; factors affecting bird populations changes; data, publishing, education and working groups activities; and bird conservation and management. The most of proposed research questions were focused mainly on issues associated with protection of birds and their habitats, namely study of bird population trends and factors associated with the trends, species habitat requirements, and impact of human activities on birds. We anticipate that addressing these questions may help to improve conversation between professional and amateur ornithologists as there will be a need to collect a large amount of data.
In total 52 species of Orthoptera (17 Tettigonioidea, 7 Grylloidea, 4 Tetrigoidea and 24 Acridido... more In total 52 species of Orthoptera (17 Tettigonioidea, 7 Grylloidea, 4 Tetrigoidea and 24 Acrididoidea) and one mantid species we found in 19 selected localities in the Malé Karpaty Mts. in 1993Mts. in -2005. Including data from literature, there were found 15 more species in the area. Hence, altogether 67 species (ca 56% of Slovak orthopterofauna) were found in area of the Malé Karpaty Mts. Euryvalent species Pholidoptera griseoaptera, Euthystira brachyptera (100% of localities), Chorthippus parallelus, Omocestus haemorrhoidalis and Stenobothrus lineatus (90% of localities), Chorthippus apricarius, Ch. brunneus (84% of localities) belonged to the most frequent species. Occurrence and ecology of selected rare species (thermophilous species Saga pedo, Melanogryllus desertus, Dociostaurus brevicollis, Euchorthippus declivus and E. pulvinatus, Stenobothrus crassipes and S. nigromaculatus as well as more stenotopic submontane and montane species !sophya kraussii, Pholidoptera aptera, Psophus stridulus, Pseudopodisma nagy!) were analysed. Published records of 15 species which we did not fmd are commented. Number of species/locality was 8-36 (mean 20 species per locality).
Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia f... more Presented are bird monitoring results in the Special Protection Area Špačinsko-nižnianske polia fields in agricultural landscape of the northern part of the Trnavská pahorkatina, hills. The study was carried out from May 2006 to June 2007 using point census method. Totally, 82 species were found (41 of them nidificants). The most abundant species were Sturnus vulgaris (48,3%), Passer montanus (12,0%), Carduelis carduelis (5,9%), Alauda arvensis (4,8%) and Hirundo rustica (3,0%). The most frequent were Passer montanus (100%), Pica pica, Carduelis carduelis, Buteo buteo (91,3%), Falco tinnunculus and Fringilla coelebs (78,3%). The higher species diversity was found at points with heterogenous habitats such as small field forest, greenery lines and alleys. The highest number of species was observed in May, the highest number of individual birds in July and August. There were found several bird species with higher conservation importance, such as Falco cherrug, Aquilla heliaca, Circus p...
Three hole breeding species (Dendrocopos medius , Ficedula parva, Ficedula albicollis) were studi... more Three hole breeding species (Dendrocopos medius , Ficedula parva, Ficedula albicollis) were studied with the point census method in the Special Protection Area Malé Karpaty. Occurence of these species was studied at 14 transects situated in oak, oak-beech and beech forest stands. The density of Middle Spotted Woodpecker reached 0.9 pairs/ 10 ha at transect Lindava. The density of Red Breasted Flycatcher reached at one transect (beech stands – Hajdúky) 0.5 pairs/ 10 ha. The density of Collared Flycatcher reached from 2.1 to 3.9 pairs/ 10 ha on transects. In 6 transects the density of hollow trees was studied, as well. The highest number of cavities was found in the old oak forest Lindava (19 hole trees/ 1 ha) and in the old beech forest Roštún (14 hole trees/ 1 ha). Both these transects were situated in nature reserves. In managed forest, there were found from 6 to 8 hole trees/ 1 ha.
Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the N... more Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Europe is reviewed. Biology and microhabitat preference of cosmopolitan nest mite Androlaelaps casalis is discussed, including its occurence in various types of birds' nests in Slovakia. zistene druhy : Ameroseiidae Ameroseius apodius Ameroseius lidiae Ameroseius plumea Ameroseius sp. Ascidae Blattisocius dentriticus Blattisocius keegani Blattisocius tarsalis Gamasellodes bicolor Lasioseius confusus Lasioseius ometes Lasioseius penicilliger Lasioseius sp. Proctolaelaps epuraeae Proctolaelaps pygmaeus Celaenopsidae Celaenopsis badius Dermanyssidae Derma...
Page 101. 101 OBSADZOVANIE A VYUITIE VTÁČÍCH BÚDOK CICAVCAMI V NPR ÚR Peter PUCHALA tátna ochr... more Page 101. 101 OBSADZOVANIE A VYUITIE VTÁČÍCH BÚDOK CICAVCAMI V NPR ÚR Peter PUCHALA tátna ochrana prírody SR, Správa Chránenej krajinnej oblasti Malé Karpaty, túrova 115, SK900 01 Modra, e-mail: puchala@ sopsr. ...
Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the N... more Altogether 113 nests of the tree sparrow (Passer montanus) from nest boxes were obtained in the Natural Reserve Šúr. In these nests we found 12 207 individuals of mesostigmatid mites (28 species). Eudominant species was Androlaelaps casalis (75%) and another 20.78% of Mesostigmata in these nests were blood-sucking mites (5 species from families Dermanyssidae and Macronyssidae). Occurence of haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi in Europe is reviewed. Biology and microhabitat preference of cosmopolitan nest mite Androlaelaps casalis is discussed, including its occurence in various types of birds’ nests in Slovakia.
ABSTRACT The effect of bloodsucking parasitic larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora azurea (Fall... more ABSTRACT The effect of bloodsucking parasitic larvae of the blow fly Protocalliphora azurea (Fallén, 1817) (Diptera) on Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus (L., 1758), breeding success was studied in populations breeding in nest boxes in southwestern Slovakia. Out of 52 examined nests only seven broods (13%) were unparasitized. The mean number of larvae per parasitized nest was 22.6 and the total number of parasites per nest ranged from 1 to 80. Large numbers of blow fly larvae and pupae significantly influenced nestling survival and fledging success. In broods with parasite load per chick higher than nine, at least one nestling died. To record the effects of parasites on the body size of nestlings of different ages, nestlings were measured on days 5, 10, and 13 post hatch. First and second broods were analysed separately. A significant negative effect of parasite load per nestling on the body mass, wing length, tarsal length, and tail length of nestlings was found in the second broods only in the 10- and 13-day-old chicks. Tree Sparrow parents did not prolong nestling provisioning time per nestling, as there was no negative relationship between parasite load per nestling and feeding period. Contradictory to most previous studies of the genus Protocalliphora, the present study suggests that these parasites have an important negative impact on the breeding success of the studied Tree Sparrow populations.
Papers by Peter Puchala