Comenius University
Department of Ecology
The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date,... more
The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date, as the scores obtained from macroinvertebrate indices vary naturally between seasons, confounding the detection of anthropogenic environmental change. We investigated this problem in a 4th order calcareous stream in the western Carpathian Mountains of central Europe, the Stupavský potok brook. We divided our 100 m study site into two stretches and took two replicate samples every other month alternately from each stretch for a period of 1 year, sampling in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December. Multivariate analysis of the macroinvertebrate communities (PCA) clearly separated the samples into three groups: (1) April samples (2) June and August samples (3) October, December and February samples. Metric scores were classified into two groups those that were stable with respect to sampling month, and those that varied. Of the metrics whose values increase with amount of allochthonous organic material (ALPHA_MESO, hyporhithral, littoral, PASF, GSI new, DSI, CSI), the highest scores occurred in February, April, October and December, while for metrics whose values decrease with content of organic material (DSII, DIS, GFI D05, PORI, RETI, hypocrenal, metarhithral, RP, AKA, LITHAL, SHRED, HAI) the highest values occurred in February, April, June and December. We conclude that sampling twice a year, in early spring and late autumn, is appropriate for this type of metarhithral mountain stream. Sampling in summer is less reliable due to strong seasonal influences on many of the metrics examined while sampling in winter is inappropriate for logistical reasons.
The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date,... more
The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date, as the scores obtained from macroinvertebrate indices vary naturally between seasons, confounding the detection of anthropogenic environmental change. We investigated this problem in a 4th order calcareous stream in the western Carpathian Mountains of central Europe, the Stupavský potok brook. We divided our 100 m study site into two stretches and took two replicate samples every other month alternately from each stretch for a period of 1 year, sampling in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December. Multivariate analysis of the macroinvertebrate communities (PCA) clearly separated the samples into three groups: (1) April samples (2) June and August samples (3) October, December and February samples. Metric scores were classified into two groups those that were stable with respect to sampling month, and those that varied. Of the metrics whose values increase with amount of allochthonous organic material (ALPHA_MESO, hyporhithral, littoral, PASF, GSI new, DSI, CSI), the highest scores occurred in February, April, October and December, while for metrics whose values decrease with content of organic material (DSII, DIS, GFI D05, PORI, RETI, hypocrenal, metarhithral, RP, AKA, LITHAL, SHRED, HAI) the highest values occurred in February, April, June and December. We conclude that sampling twice a year, in early spring and late autumn, is appropriate for this type of metarhithral mountain stream. Sampling in summer is less reliable due to strong seasonal influences on many of the metrics examined while sampling in winter is inappropriate for logistical reasons.
: Aquatic Diptera (excl. Chironomidae, Simuliidae) of Poľana Biospheric Reserve (Slovakia). Folia faunistica Slovaca 4: 151-156.
The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18... more
The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18 Diptera taxa were recorded in 2000 and 2001. The most frequent were Dicranota sp. (73%), Pedicia (C.)rivosa (50%) and Wiedemannia sp. (14%). Diptera were ordinated by RDA; relationships between taxa and environmental variables were significantly determined by temperature and habitat characteristics (altitude, habitat, alkalinity, Ca 2+ , pH, temperature, conductivity). The RDA diagram confirmed the existence of four Diptera assemblage groups corresponding with four habitat types. Group 1 -alpine and subalpine oligotrophic lakes at higher altitudes threatened by acidification, with the acid tolerant taxa Tipula rufina, T. alpium, Dicranota sp. and Rhypholophus sp. Group 2 -subalpine oligotrophic lakes not threatened by acidification with the acid sensitive taxa Wiedemannia sp., Hemerodromia sp., Tipula (S.)benesignata, Orimarga sp.,Chionea sp., Pedicia (C.)rivosa and Bazarella subneglecta which prefer higher temperature. Group 3 -subalpine oligotrophic lakes, with the acid sensitive speciesBerdeniella illiesi, which prefers cold water. Group 4 -outlets of submontane oligotrophic lakes with characteristic taxa Tricyphona sp. and Tipula goriziensis. Acidified alpine and subalpine Tatra lakes are situated mostly at higher altitudes (1705-2145 m a.s.l.) and have specific taxonomic composition.
Tento príspevok bol po redakčných úpravách vytlačený 18. 1. 2004 20:22:00. Číslovanie strán nezodpovedá číslovaniu, ktoré bude v konečnej podobe časopisu. Po označení potrebných opráv (štandardnými korekčnými značkami) a úpravách podľa... more
Tento príspevok bol po redakčných úpravách vytlačený 18. 1. 2004 20:22:00. Číslovanie strán nezodpovedá číslovaniu, ktoré bude v konečnej podobe časopisu. Po označení potrebných opráv (štandardnými korekčnými značkami) a úpravách podľa požiadaviek redakčnej rady ho vráťte redakcii.
- by Eva Bulankova
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Thirty taxa of aquatic Diptera (excl. Chironomidae and Simuliidae) were found in the Gidra river basin in the years 1998-1999. On the basis of the occurrence of dominant and characteristic taxa 3 categories of biotopes have been... more
Thirty taxa of aquatic Diptera (excl. Chironomidae and Simuliidae) were found in the Gidra river basin in the years 1998-1999. On the basis of the occurrence of dominant and characteristic taxa 3 categories of biotopes have been specified: 1. Crenal and hypocrenal with the occurrence of crenophilous (Dixa nubilipennis Curtis, 1832, Dixa maculata c.f., Oxycera meigenii Staeger, 1844) and rhithrophilous (Liponeura cinerascens minor Bischoff, 1922, Liponeura vimmeri Mannheims, 1954, Pneumia stammeri (Jung, 1956, Pedicia (C.) straminea (Meigen, 1838)) species 2. metarhithral with high water content and characteristic taxa Ibisia marginata (Fabricius, 1781), Atherix ibis (Fabricius, 1798), Hemerodromia spp., 3. potamal with high dominance of eurytop taxon Dicranota spp. In the year 1999, less favourable from hydrological point of view, abundance, biomass and mass of an average individual in the population of species belonging to the Dicranota spp. genus were rising with rising pollution. One can assume wider availability of food consisting mainly of Tubificidae and larvae of Chironomidae increasing their abundance in organically more polluted biotopes.
The primary factor of the origin and occurrence of xerothermic biotopes in Slovakia is the position of the landscape on the border of two biogeographical regions (mountaineous Carpathian region and floodplain Pannonian region... more
The primary factor of the origin and occurrence of xerothermic biotopes in Slovakia is the position of the landscape on the border of two biogeographical regions (mountaineous Carpathian region and floodplain Pannonian region (Eupannonicum – edges of the Eupannonian xerothermic flora). Substratum-geomorphological conditions are the second factor. The third, in many cases the basic one, is the activity of man. Xerothermic sites in Slovakia are very important from the viewpoint of plant and animal distribution, because very often there are the northern, southern or western border of the habitat of many thermophilous species. In the past their importance was not recognized. Many significant sites were destroyed in a relatively short time during the period of collectivization of agriculture in the last thirty years of the 20th century. Xerothermic biotopes were regarded as insignificant areas necessary to be cultivated by ploughing and changing to arable land. Large-scale breeding and t...
- by Ján Kautman and +2
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Roztoče (Acarina) tvoria druhovo najbohatšiu skupinou pavúkovcov (Arachnida). Na rozdiel od ostatných pavúkovcov sa veľa skupín roztočov vzdialilo od dravého spôsobu života. Niektoré skupiny sú výlučne fytofágne, zatiaľ čo iné žijú v... more
Roztoče (Acarina) tvoria druhovo najbohatšiu skupinou pavúkovcov (Arachnida). Na rozdiel od ostatných pavúkovcov sa veľa skupín roztočov vzdialilo od dravého spôsobu života. Niektoré skupiny sú výlučne fytofágne, zatiaľ čo iné žijú v parazitických vzťahoch so stavovcami alebo bezstavovcami. Mnohé roztoče sú považované za užitočné pre človeka, pretože sa živia škodlivými článkonožcami. Iné zasa napomáhajú rozkladným procesom v lesných pôdach a zúčastňujú sa tak kolobehu látok v e kosystéme. Roztoče môžeme nájsť prakticky v každom prostredí vrátane drsných púští a tundry, vrcholov hôr, hlbokých vrstiev pôdy, jaskýň, teplých puklín a dna oceánov. Dá sa povedať, že roztoče kolonizovali skoro každý suchozemský, morský a sladkovodný ha b itat známy človeku. Hoci počet popísaných druhov roztočov je podobný pavúkom (45 230 druhov), súčasné odhady globálnej diverzity roztočov presahujú milión druhov.V podmienkach strednej Európy môžeme nájsť roztoče patriace do piatich podradov: kliešte (Met...
- by Ján Kautman and +2
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Cross-checking of species listed in annexes of the EC Habitat Directive with national species list of fauna known in Slovakia resulted into validated list of the "Natura 2000 species". There are 149 species of animals reported... more
Cross-checking of species listed in annexes of the EC Habitat Directive with national species list of fauna known in Slovakia resulted into validated list of the "Natura 2000 species". There are 149 species of animals reported in Slovakia, which are listed in annexes 2 or 4 of the Habitat Directive (10 species are considered to be extinct in the territory of Slovakia. There are 105 species and subspecies of Slovak fauna listed in annex 2 (14 of them are species of priority interest and 2 species are nor known from Slovakia recently. There are 114 species and subspecies occurring in Slovakia which are listed in Annex 4 of the Habitat Directive.
- by Ján Kautman and +1
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The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date,... more
The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date, as the scores obtained from macroinvertebrate indices vary naturally between seasons, confounding the detection of anthropogenic environmental change. We investigated this problem in a 4th order calcareous stream in the western Carpathian Mountains of central Europe, the Stupavskyṕ otok brook. We divided our 100 m study site into two stretches and took two replicate samples every other month alternately from each stretch for a period of 1 year,
A multimetric assessment system was developed to determine the ecological status of two types of stream in the Carpathian ecoregion following the requirements of the WFD. The organic pollution gradient was defined using Canonical... more
A multimetric assessment system was developed to determine the ecological status of two types of stream in the Carpathian ecoregion following the requirements of the WFD. The organic pollution gradient was defined using Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Classification based on physical, chemical and biological data divided the tested sites into two stream types with subsequent grouping into several ecological quality classes. From all the metrics tested, 17 for the East Carpathian streams and 15 for the West Carpathian streams, from seven metric categories, were included in the resulting multimetric index. Different kinds of response to degradation (linear, unimodal, exponential) were observed. The Saprobic index (Zelinka and Marvan), Rheoindex (Banning, with abundance classes) and Index of Biocenotic region, showed the best discriminatory ability for both stream types.
Hydrobiological research of high mountain streams in the High Tatras was carried out in 2009–2010. We evaluated the influence of windstorm on caddisfly assemblages. To assess the influence of windstorm we focused on river morphology using... more
Hydrobiological research of high mountain streams in the High Tatras was carried out in 2009–2010. We evaluated the influence of windstorm on caddisfly assemblages. To assess the influence of windstorm we focused on river morphology using the RHS method and evaluation of TAM, TOM and BOM (CPOM, FPOM, UFPOM) amount in seven streams. Site 1 was a control and the other six were disturbed by the windstorm in different ways. The most remarkable differences compared to the control site was in feeding structure at sites most affected by erosion. In these streams there was a noticeable dominance of predators from the family Rhyacophilidae (mainly Rhyacophila tristis; sites 3, 4, 5, 6) and a remarkable decrease of passive filter feeders (site 4, 5). Using Spearman coefficient we confirmed a positive correlation between the proportion of predators and amount of TAM caused by erosion of steep deforested slopes of windstorm affected sites. In contrast, we did not observe such an increase in the...
- by Ferdinand Sporka and +2
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- Biological Sciences, Biologia
We analysed the influence of environmental stress (mainly deforestation of catchment due to windstorm) on taxonomic structure as well as composition of functional groups (FG) based on zonation preferences and feeding types of caddisfly... more
We analysed the influence of environmental stress (mainly deforestation of catchment due to windstorm) on taxonomic structure as well as composition of functional groups (FG) based on zonation preferences and feeding types of caddisfly species in 11 streams (12 sites) with various environmental conditions situated in the High Tatra Mts, Slovakia. Using Spearman correlation, we confirmed an expected positive association between taxonomic and functional groups richness (Ri), diversity (Shannon – Wiener Index) (Di) and equitability (Eq), but not with habitat diversity (HQA indices). By testing measured physiographical, physico-chemical and hydromorphological factors using CCA analysis we found that stream order and temperature best explained the functional and taxonomic structure of caddisfly assemblages. The occurrence of Rhyacophila glareosa decreased with increasing daily mean water temperature positively correlated with deforestation, whereas R. tristis (dominating at sites most af...
- by Ferdinand Sporka and +2
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- Biological Sciences, Biologia
In this study we describe how the river morphology of seven High Tatras streams has been influenced in different ways by a severe windstorm that occurred in November 2004. A control site situated in an undisturbed area is compared with... more
In this study we describe how the river morphology of seven High Tatras streams has been influenced in different ways by a severe windstorm that occurred in November 2004. A control site situated in an undisturbed area is compared with six sites in windstorm damaged areas. In 2009–2010 River Habitat Survey (RHS) was used to assess the character of 500 m lengths of stream and to derive associated morphological indices (HQA, HMS sensu Raven 1998, RHS indices sensu Vaughan 2010). Large amounts of large woody debris in the channel influenced the streams despite most of it having been removed after the windstorm. Streams situated in deforested valley slopes were probably more affected by erosion; they had higher amounts of transported inorganic matter and also depositional bar features. Some changes in land-use had occurred with streams situated on the south-east side of the High Tatras having a more uniform banktop vegetation structure than the other streams. Distinct secondary successi...
- by Ferdinand Sporka and +2
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- Biological Sciences, Biologia
The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18... more
The occurrence of preimaginal stages of Diptera (excluding Chironomidae and Simuliidae) in the Tatra Mountain lakes, their inlets and outlets, and the influence of acidification on the presence of these taxa were assessed. At 21 sites, 18 Diptera taxa were recorded in 2000 and 2001. The most frequent were Dicranota sp. (73%), Pedicia (C.)rivosa (50%) and Wiedemannia sp. (14%). Diptera were ordinated by RDA; relationships between taxa and environmental variables were significantly determined by temperature and habitat characteristics (altitude, habitat, alkalinity, Ca 2+ , pH, temperature, conductivity). The RDA diagram confirmed the existence of four Diptera assemblage groups corresponding with four habitat types. Group 1 -alpine and subalpine oligotrophic lakes at higher altitudes threatened by acidification, with the acid tolerant taxa Tipula rufina, T. alpium, Dicranota sp. and Rhypholophus sp. Group 2 -subalpine oligotrophic lakes not threatened by acidification with the acid sensitive taxa Wiedemannia sp., Hemerodromia sp., Tipula (S.)benesignata, Orimarga sp.,Chionea sp., Pedicia (C.)rivosa and Bazarella subneglecta which prefer higher temperature. Group 3 -subalpine oligotrophic lakes, with the acid sensitive speciesBerdeniella illiesi, which prefers cold water. Group 4 -outlets of submontane oligotrophic lakes with characteristic taxa Tricyphona sp. and Tipula goriziensis. Acidified alpine and subalpine Tatra lakes are situated mostly at higher altitudes (1705-2145 m a.s.l.) and have specific taxonomic composition.