University of Pannonia
English and American Studies Institute
The purpose of this article is to investigate a variety of languages with laryngeal contrasts that have usually been characterized in the literature of generative phonology as having a two-way [voice] contrast and to show that by adopting... more
The paper discusses the possible analyses of the behaviour of [h] and [x] in Hungarian. It argues that in a derivational, rule-based framework two types of analyses are possible: one that assumes two separate underlying segments, /x/ and... more
that in the forms of this word where the word final affricate is adjacent to the suffix-t, the affricate assimilates in voicing to the stop and becomes [t s ]
Szentgyörgyi Szilárd: Akcentusokkal kapcsolatos sztereotípiák a valós és a virtuális térben (A művelt angol köznyelvi kiejtés szerepe az amerikai filmiparban)
The main scope of this paper is the contact linguistic examination of the language of 3 English-Hungarian bilinguals. This study of interlingual as well as intralingual lexical contact phenomena reveals differences between Standard... more
Audiovisual translation (AVT), albeit originated back in the early 20th century, only started gaining in popularity in the past decades, and poses unique challenges compared to traditional translation. Not only does the translator have to... more
The paper discusses the possible analyses of the behaviour of [h] and [x] in Hungarian. It argues that in a derivational, rule-based framework two types of analyses are possible: one that assumes two separate underlying segments, /x/ and... more
Szentgyörgyi Szilárd: Akcentusokkal kapcsolatos sztereotípiák a valós és a virtuális térben (A művelt angol köznyelvi kiejtés szerepe az amerikai filmiparban)
My paper addresses the intersections of Gothic, Cultural, and Literary Studies and what they may offer to the understanding of Alice Munro’s fiction. I will argue that Munro’s fiction fits only partially within the Canadian Gothic... more
Although Alice Munro is proverbially known to mythologize her home region of Southwestern Ontario, there are a handful of short stories that are set elsewherewhere this elsewhere is not Vancouver, Canada. Two of these, though published... more
The question I ask “What happens to CanLit when transed?, or rather, what happens to Canadian writer’s writer’s Margaret Atwood’s Canadian Gothic when adapted to the screen?” may seem naive on at least two accounts depending on what one... more
Long gone are the days when the concise critical evaluation of Cormac McCarthy as "our best unknown major writer by any measure" 1 still rang true. Today, with only the bibliography of scholarly works related to McCarthy's work running to... more
The paper discusses social practices that are routinely used by teenage and young adult males to create and maintain a collective masculine identity, such as the girl hunt, girl watching, and joking. Teachers and teacher trainees working... more
Although Alice Munro is proverbially known to mythologize her home region of Southwestern Ontario, there are a handful of short stories that are set elsewherewhere this elsewhere is not Vancouver, Canada. Two of these, though published... more
The 1930s have long lived in the literary and political imagination as an all-male affair. After all the decade was about work, labor, economic depression and, of course, politics; it was about mainstream conservative inertia and... more
In my paper, I discuss three short stories by Alice Munro from her late career: "Vandals" (1994), "Runaway" (2004), and "Dimensions" (2010). Although these instant classics were published in different volumes, they show a remarkable unity... more