The paper discusses the possible analyses of the behaviour of [h] and [x] in Hungarian. It
argues that in a derivational, rule-based framework two types of analyses are possible: one that
assumes two separate underlying segments, /x/ and /h/, and thus misses the generalisation
that the two segments are in complementary distribution, a typical characteristic of allophones.
The second kind of approach argues that [h] and [x] come from the same underlying segment;
this type of analysis can be further divided into two subtypes. According to one of these,
the underlying segment is /h/. To be able to derive the attested output forms, three separate
strengthening rules must be posited, an obvious disadvantage. The other possible approach, on
the other hand, argues that the underlying segment is always /x/ weakened into a [h] in onsets
and deleted in a group of lexically marked words by a minor rule. Besides, we also consider
the behaviour of -type segments in voice assimilation: they trigger but do not undergo that
process. Siptár and Törkenczy (2000) suggest that if a filter disallowing surface voiced dorsal
fricatives, i.e., G, is proposed, then the desired result is obtained.
While such a filter is an ad hoc device in rule-based theories, it is an organic part of a
solution in Optimality Theory (OT), which argues that both /h/ and /x/ may occur in the
input and the constraint hierarchy must be such that they should always select well-formed
output candidates as optimal regardless of the input. As a result of this and Lexicon Optimization (LO), non-alternating forms will have /h/ or /x/ in their underlying representation
depending on the output forms while alternating forms may have an underlying /x/ or /h/ as
a result of the alternation sensitive LO (Inkelas 1994). Finally, we will show that the treatment of the behaviour of /x/ or /h/ in voice assimilation is simple in OT if we assume the
constraint proposed by Siptár and Törkenczy (2000), prohibiting voiced dorsal fricatives, G,
which, interacting with the ones suggested by Petrova et al. (2001), will be able to select the
actual surface form as optimal in all cases.
The paper is concerned with the description of the behaviour of -type segments in two types of framework: it starts with a proposal within a rule-based
derivational theory and ends with a non-derivational account given in Optimality Theory (OT).
Optimality Theory as first described in Prince–Smolensky (1993) is an
input-output device without serial derivation or intermediate levels. The OT
c 2002
1216–8076/02/$ 5.00
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model of grammar consists of three major components: the Lexicon, which
contains the underlying representations of all the words and morphemes of
the language; the Generator function (Gen), which maps each input form
onto an infinite number of output candidates; and the Evaluation function
(Eval) mapping this infinite set of possible candidates onto one candidate,
the optimal one, which is the output form corresponding to the input. Eval
is made up of a set of ranked constraints and it is these constraints that
constitute Universal Grammar (UG) in the sense that all languages or language varieties have exactly the same constraints. It is the relative priority or
ranking of the constraints that distinguishes one language from another. The
constraints can be violated by the output candidates, but these violations are
not necessarily fatal as we shall see. It is important to note that evaluation
is parallel, no serialism is involved.
candidate a
candidate b
candidate c
candidate d
candidate e
In (1), Gen generates an infinite candidate set from the input, five of which are
shown. C½ , C¾ and Cn are the constraints of Eval and they map the infinite
set onto a one-member set, the optimal candidate, which is the output form.
Since we are making use of the Correspondence Theory of Faithfulness
(McCarthy– Prince 1995), we also have to mention a mapping between input and output forms, which sets up a correspondence relation between segments/units of the input and those of the output by a simple indexation. Input and output segments correspond to each other if they have the same index.
Constraints can be of two major kinds: markedness constraints requiring
that output forms are only made up of unmarked units (e.g., “all front vowels
must be unrounded” = no front rounded vowels), and faithfulness constraints,
which penalize changes to the input form (e.g., “all input segments must have
an output correspondent” = no deletion). The evaluation of output candidates by the constraint hierarchy can be illustrated by tableaux, which show
the output candidates in the first column followed by the constraints, leftto-right, starting with the dominant, highest ranked ones. Asterisks indicate
violations of the constraint by the candidate and exclamation marks show
which violation is fatal, while the cells containing the violations that are not
relevant because they are lower than all the fatal violations are shaded for easier understanding. The rightward pointing hand shows the optimal candidate.
☞ candidate a
candidate b
If all the candidates satisfy or violate a high ranked constraint, then the
decision is passed on to the next constraint in the hierarchy as illustrated by
the schematic tableaux in (3) and (4).
☞ candidate a
candidate b
☞ candidate a
candidate b
Since according to one of the important properties of OT, the Richness of the
Base, any kind of form is possible in the input, the constraint hierarchy has
to be such that independent of the input form, the optimal output candidate
should always conform to the requirements of the language. Because of this, it
may happen that evaluating two different underlying forms results in phonetically identical optimal outputs. In such cases, it is Lexicon Optimization (LO)
that decides which underlying form should be preferred by the language: it is
always the one in the case of which the output candidate has fewer and less
serious violations. This is shown in tableaux (5)–(6).
Input 1
☞ candidate a
candidate b
Input 2
☞ candidate c
candidate d
$ is phonetically identical to
As we can see, from the two different input forms two winning candidates
are selected, candidates (a) and (c), which are phonetically identical. Lexicon Optimization decides that the input form in (5) should be preferred as
the underlying representation of the word because if we compare the two
winning candidates, it can be seen that while candidate (c) does violate the
higher ranked C½ , (a) does not violate either constraint and is thus “closer”
to the input.½
The organisation of the paper is as follows: section introduces the distribution of -type segments and their possible representations. Section
discusses the three derivational analyses, one assuming that both /x/ and /h/
are underlying, another one proposing only /h/ as an underlying segment,
and finally the one assuming only an underlying /x/. Section draws the
reader’s attention to the problems of such derivational analyses while section introduces the facts concerning the behaviour of -type segments in
voice assimilation. Section shows how an analysis in OT is superior to the
derivational ones discussed before and we give an account of the voice assimilation facts in the framework of OT in section followed by the conclusion.
In present-day Hungarian speech, there are four different “ -type” segments:
a voiceless glottal fricative [h] (as in ‘snow’), a voiced glottal fricative [H]
(as in ‘dress’), a voiceless velar fricative [x] (as in ‘musty smell’),
as well as a slightly fronted variant of the latter (as in ‘bad luck’) that
is often erroneously identified with palatal [ç]. The difference between [h]
and [x] phonologically relevant: the distribution and phonological analysis
of those two segments is the subject matter of the present paper. Voiced
[H] is merely a phonetic (coarticulatory) variant of glottal [h] occurring in a
post-sonorant (including intervocalic) position; the fronted velar fricative as
in , on the other hand, is related to the [x] of in the same manner as
‘brake’ to the non-fronted [k] of ‘degree’. That
e.g., the fronted [k] of
is, the small phonetic difference between them is phonologically irrelevant. In
what follows, the difference between [h] and [H], as well as that between velar
[x] and its fronted variant, will be disregarded.
In this paper, then, we will discuss [h] as in and [x] as in . (Capiwill be used to refer to the two segment types together until we decide
whether they are variants of the same underlying segment or else two distinct
members of the consonant inventory of Hungarian.) Their phonological rep-
For further general introduction to OT, cf. Archangeli – Langendoen (1997); Kager 1999;
Roca – Johnson (1999, ch. 19); McCarthy (2002).
resentations are as follows¾ (R = root node, PL = place node, DOR = dorsal
node; the lack of place specification in the case of [h] is meant to suggest that
it is articulated outside the oral cavity, in the glottis):
[− son]
[− son]
[+ cont]
[+ cont]
In coda position, is either deleted (e.g., [me:] ‘bee’, [ÙE] ‘Czech’),
or else it occurs in the form shown in (7a) (e.g., ‘yacht’, ‘engineering’, ‘inspiration’, ; ‘musty smell’, ‘abdomen’,
‘Shah’, , ‘Padishah’, ‘scarlet fever’, ‘yearbook’,
‘Moloch’, ‘id.’, etc.) Geminate is always like (7a), i.e., a
velar fricative, irrespective of whether it occurs in a branching coda ( ‘bad
‘bill’, , ‘crash’, ‘pigeon-hole’) or is divided between
a coda and a subsequent onset ( ‘unlucky’, ‘Bach’ (acc.)). Elsewhere, an occurring in an onset is always (7b), a glottal fricative ( ‘snow’,
‘dress’, ‘kitchen’). How should we account for these facts?
Let us start with the alternation of the type [ÙE] ∼ [ÙEhEk] ‘Czech’ (sg.) ∼
(pl.). As in any ∅ ∼ X alternation (that is, in all cases where something alternates with nothing, the lack of itself), two basic types of accounts suggest
themselves: deletion (syncope) and insertion (epenthesis). In the latter case
we could say that and behave in two different ways because the
lexical representation of includes an , whereas that of does not. In
-type words, then, there would be a rule of -insertion that would apply
before vowel initial suffixes. Given that the syllabic position at hand is an
onset, this rule would obviously insert a [h], that is, a segment of the type
(7b), as in ‘in Czech’, ‘Czechs’. However, this solution has two
See Siptár – Törkenczy (2000, 7–9), with respect to the feature geometry assumed in this
serious drawbacks. First, the overwhelming majority of vowel final words do
not exhibit such insertion: * (cf. ‘coffee’ (pl.)), * (cf.
‘gate’ (pl.)). This problem could be solved by taking -insertion to
: one that only applies to words specifically marked in the
be a
lexicon to that effect (i.e., the entry of would include the instruction ‘apply -insertion’, whereas that of would not). But there is an even more
serious difficulty that this solution would have to face. Suffixes consisting of a
single consonant are attached to regular vowel final stems with no intervening
‘linking vowel’ ( (acc.), (pl.)). In other words, the condition on
-insertion that the insertion site must be followed by a vowel would not be
met in these cases. What is more, in the case of “ ”, low vowel lengthening would also come into the picture (cf. Siptár–Törkenczy 2000, 170–3).
‘brush’ (acc.),
That is, the expected forms would be * , * (as in
‘brush’ (pl.)). Thus, -type words, were they to end in a vowel in
their lexical representation, would be exempted from low vowel
lengthening, would require a linking vowel before suffixes consisting of a single consonant, and would insert a [h] before that
linking vowel. These three sorts of exceptionality are the easiest to record in
the lexicon in the form of assuming that the lexical item ends in an . That
is, the insertion account is untenable.
In the deletion case, on the other hand, we would have to be able to
tell why some words require deletion ( ), whereas others do not ( ).
According to the traditional view, deletion is the regular event for -final
words, and all items in which it does not apply are exceptions (or, worse
still, “not proper Hungarian words”). But, first of all, a lot more words
behave like than like , and whenever a new word is introduced (either
by borrowing or, e.g., as an acronym like ‘name of a company for
collecting waste material’, ‘name of the tax office’, and ‘name
of an intersection in Budapest’), it invariably joins the group, not the
group. The pattern exemplified by is the productive one. Secondly,
there is a significant amount of vacillation in the group: ‘sheep’,
‘tin’, ‘guild’, ‘anger’, ‘scabies’, ‘Wallachian’, ‘hunger’,
‘wheeziness’, ‘burden’ are all traditionally of the type but all of
them exhibit extensive variability and, for most of them, -type behaviour,
that is, the lack of -deletion seems to gain the upper hand. Thus, we
are forced to draw the conclusion that -deletion is a minor rule: words
that undergo it are exceptional, not words that do not. The exact way of
formulating this rule of -deletion will be decided on when we have accounted
for the distribution of the two kinds of .
This can be done in three different ways in principle. First, we could
assume (with Ritter 2000, 28–9) that we have to do with two distinct underlying segments here. Their distribution would then be accounted for by way
of filters of the following form (O = onset, C = coda, × = timing slot):
[− son]
[− son]
[+ cont]
c. *×
[+ cont]
[− son]
[+ cont]
% [x] $ $& $ ' $ () $ $ * [h]
* ($ +,$,$ ( ,
- $
The bonus in this solution would be that we would get deletion for free in
the type: all we would have to assume is that the words belonging here
(exceptionally) include a glottal [h] in the lexicon that can only surface in
case it gets into onset position by suffixation ( ‘Czech’ (pl.)). Otherwise
(e.g., , ‘in (a) Czech’, ! "# ‘Czech Republic’, "
‘Czech opposition’)—given that it cannot be parsed as a coda in view of
(8b)—it could not be syllabified at all and as a stray segment it would have
no audible effect on phonetic implementation (would fail to be pronounced).
However, this solution would also have serious drawbacks in a derivational
framework. First, discounting the handful set of -type words, the two
kinds of
are in complementary distribution: in contexts where one of them
occurs, the other one never does, and . This means that it is
impossible to find a pair of words such that the only difference between them
is that one has (7a) whereas the other has (7b) in the same position. That is,
is predictable and as such it is not to
the distribution of the two types of
be recorded in the lexicon but rather to be formulated as a phonological rule.
Furthermore, there is also alternation between the two types of
[x] ∼ [h] ‘musty’). Hence, a rule that turns one into the other is required
as part of the grammar anyway, a fact that makes the solution involving two
distinct lexical (underlying) representations totally superfluous (again, if we
think in terms of a derivational account).
The second and third solutions have one thing in common: they assume a
in the lexicon. In other words, they claim that the two different ’s
appearing in pronunciation are context-dependent surface representations of
the same underlying segment. The only remaining question is which to derive
from which.
Let us assume, first, that all ’s are represented in the lexicon as (7b),
i.e., the placeless (glottal) version: /h/. Then we need a rule that inserts a
place specification into all ’s that are in coda position (as well as a minor
rule of /h/-deletion that removes the /h/ of a -type word if it finds itself
in coda position; the latter rule will have to precede (bleed) the former).
These two rules would look like this (see (9) and (10), respectively):
$$ ( $ . [h]/ + , $
$ 0$ ,$ $& $ , $/ $$
$,$ +, '
[− son]
[+ cont]
The deletion rule has to remove the ×, too, because /h/-deletion never involves compensatory lengthening (e.g., ‘for a Czech’ is pronounced
[ÙEnEk], not [ÙE:nEk]; the latter can be a pronunciation of ‘for a trick’
with -deletion, but it is not a possible rendering of ).
(10) /h/
[− son]
[+ cont]
1 $ $ $ 234
But this is not the whole story. A rule like (10) will insert a place node
dominating DOR into e.g., ‘musty smell’, ‘abdomen’,
‘id.’, as well as ‘inspiration’, ‘technique’, but say nothing about
‘yacht’ that has a branching coda, or words like ‘bad luck’,
‘crash’, in which both branches of the coda are filled by /h/, or about
‘unlucky’, ‘crash’ (pl.), whose long /h:/ is divided between a coda
and a subsequent onset. These three configurations are presented in (11):
(11) a.
5 ,
$ ,
$ ,$
It can be seen clearly that rule (10) does not fit any of the configurations
in (11). Hence we need an additional rule of the form in (12) to tackle the
situation in (11a), and one of the form in (13) to apply in cases like (11b–c).
(12) /h/
[− son]
[+ cont]
(13) /h/
1 $ $ $ 234
/h/ ,$ 0 ' ( ,
[− son]
[+ cont]
1 $ $ $ 234
The advantage of this solution is that phonological segments that have several
surface realizations are usually represented in the lexicon by their word initial
versions (or more generally, by their versions appearing in onsets) and it is
those versions that serve as input to the derivation of their syllable final
(coda) realizations. For instance, the lexical shape of /j/ is the sonorant [j]
as in ‘good’—and this is what the voiced obstruent [J] as in ‘throw’
(imp.) and the voiceless obstruent [ç] as in ‘steal’ (imp.) are derived from
(cf. Siptár–Törkenczy 2000, 205–6). However, this is not always the case: for
instance, the onset and coda versions of /v/ are both derived from a third,
neutral version (cf. Siptár–Törkenczy 2000, 198–205).
The most important drawbacks of the solution in (9)–(13) are as follows.
First, it is rather complicated: in addition to the deletion rule, three different
strengthening rules are required by it. Second, strengthening in coda position
is cross-linguistically marked, or “unnatural”: that position is usually a lenition site. And third, this solution is also arbitrary: why is it just a dorsal place
specification that is inserted (i.e., why is /h/ strengthened into a velar—rather
than, say, dental—fricative)? And where does that DOR come from?
The third solution avoids all three of the above pitfalls. It says that all
’s are lexically represented as (7a), i.e., /x/. That underlying /x/ then loses
its place specification in an onset, cf. rule (15), whereas in coda position
nothing happens to it (except in the exceptional set where it is deleted
in full, with its timing slot and all):
(14) /x/
[− son]
[+ cont]
( $ . [x]/ + ,
$ $ 0$ ,$ $& $ , $/
$$ $,$ +, '
If all relevant examples involved a back vowel (like , ), we could claim that the source
of the spreading of DOR is that back vowel. However, in cases like ,$ ‘inspiration’,
$ , ‘bad luck’ etc. (where the adjacent vowel has COR) the DOR node has to come
literally from nowhere.
This is a typical lenition process occurring, in at least some of the cases, in a typical
lenition site: intervocalically (cf. Harris 1990; 1997). However, it also occurs in
where lenition typically does not take place. This is just as problematic as the
strengthening in the coda in the alternative analysis.
Alternatively, we could also claim that $, -type morphemes have two underlying allomorphs, a consonant-final and a vowel-final one, whose selection is morphological. This
solution is suggested in Siptár – Törkenczy (2000, 276).
(15) /x/
[− son]
[+ cont]
2$ ,$ $ $ 234 '
/$& 6$)/ $
In sum, all Hungarian consonants articulated behind the palatal area, i.e.,
(that is, /x/) are velar (contain DOR
not only /k/ and /g/ but also
as a place specification). This place specification is delinked (and lost) in an
onset, whereby glottal [h] is produced: ‘if’, ‘flu’; ‘dress’,
‘kitchen’; ‘Czech’ (pl.). In all other cases, the underlying representation
surfaces ( ‘musty smell’, ‘technology’, ‘unlucky’), except
in a few words ( ‘Czech’, ‘bee’), where the whole /x/ is deleted in
order to avoid ending up in coda position.
We may distinguish two types of problems concerning the derivational analyses of the behaviour of -type segments. The first kind of problem is general
theoretical while the second kind is particular to the aforementioned derivational solutions.
As far as general theoretical problems are concerned, we can refer to the
issues that have led to the emergence of non-derivational theories. Among
these we find the question whether a derivational type of grammar purely
consists of a series of rules or rather rules and constraints. Since the Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP), as well as other morpheme well-formedness
conditions, was suggested as a constraint not to be violated, we can claim
that such a grammar cannot only be made up of rules. If, however, there
are both rules and constraints, how are their possible interactions limited?
The non-application of (15) to a geminate /x:/ (i.e., to the configuration (11c)) is an
instance of geminate inalterability (cf. Siptár – Törkenczy (2000, 276–7) and references
cited there). As the rule explicitly refers to the timing tier, it is to be interpreted
exhaustively, i.e., it does not apply to an input in which the segmental content is multiply
linked to two timing slots and is in coda and onset position at the same time.
Such a theory would definitely be too powerful, it would result in predicting a
number of possible but unattested grammars. Optimality Theory (OT) offers
a different alternative: it suggests that grammar only consists of constraints
and that these constraints are ranked with respect to each other; thus the
question of the interaction between rules and constraints does not even arise.
The other important theoretical type of problem is that of intermediate
representations: since there are several rules in a grammar, ordering them in
the appropriate manner may give us whatever we want, i.e., the possibility
to order rules extrinsically is too powerful a device, too, in itself. Since OT
is an input-output device, that is one without intermediate representations,
this problem may be avoided as well.
Also, conspiracies are very difficult to explain in a rule-based theory,
where the structural description, i.e., what triggers the rule, and the structural change, i.e., what happens or how the undesirable situation is amended,
are contained within the same rule. On the other hand, OT captures this
kind of functional unity of the rules in a simple but elegant way: the trigger constraint only states the undesirable configuration but it is the other
constraints and their relative ranking that selects what the best, or rather
optimal, solution is.
As far as the particular problems with the above derivational solutions
are concerned, some of them have already been mentioned: if we stipulate
both underlying segments, /x/ and /h/, then the generalisation that the surface [x] and [h] are allophones is missed. On the other hand, if we assume
that in every instance of a surface -type segment there is an underlying /h/,
then we need three different strengthening rules in three slightly different environments: in non-branching codas, in branching codas whose first segment
is [x], and in codas containing a geminate [x:] or the first part of a geminate
[x:]. The third analysis proposing an underlying /x/ also runs into problems. Namely, although such a solution is simpler than the previous two, it is
counter-intuitive as the number of non-alternating stems containing a surface
[h], e.g., # [hEé] ‘hill’, is significantly higher than the number of alternating
stems, i.e., those sometimes containing [x] and sometimes [h], e.g., ∼
[dox] ∼ [dohoS] ‘musty smell’ ∼ ‘with a musty smell’, and non-alternating
stems containing a surface [x], e.g., [j6xt] ‘yacht’, taken together.
A further complication is the exceptional behaviour of -type segments
in voice assimilation. This is what we turn to in the next section.
For a detailed comparison of rule-based and constraint-based grammars see Kager (1999);
cf. also Roca (1997), Hermans – van Oostendorp (1999), and McMahon (2000).
In Hungarian, adjacent obstruents must agree in terms of voicing (cf. Ritter
2000 and references cited there).
Of word initial consonant clusters, those that do not contain a sonorant
are always voiceless throughout as in (16a); even irregular initial clusters
conform to this pattern, see (16b):
(16) (a) sport [Sp] ‘sports’, stég [St] ‘landing-stage’, skála [Sk] ‘scale’, szpáhi [sp] ‘Turkish
cavalryman’, sztár [st] ‘leading man/lady’, sztyeppe [sc] ‘prairie in Russia’, szkı́ta
[sk] ‘Scythian’
(b) psziché [ps] ‘psyche’, xilofon [ks] ‘xylophone’, szfinx [sf] ‘sphinx’
Other morpheme-internal (intervocalic or morpheme-final) obstruent clusters
are either all-voiceless as in (17a,b) or else all-voiced as in (17c,d):
(17) (a) pitypang [cp] ‘dandelion’, puszpáng [sp] ‘boxwood’, ráspoly [Sp] ‘file’; szeptember
[pt] ‘September’, bukta [kt] ‘sweet roll’, kaftán [ft] ‘Turkish coat’, asztal [st] ‘table’,
este [St] ‘evening’; kesztyű [sc] ‘glove’, bástya [Sc] ‘bastion’; sapka [pk] ‘cap’, patkó
[tk] ‘horseshoe’, butykos [ck] ‘pitcher’, dafke [fk] ‘obstinacy’, deszka [sk] ‘plank’,
táska [Sk] ‘bag’, kocka [ţk] ‘cube’, bocskor [Ùk] ‘moccasin’; klopfol [pf] ‘beat (steak)’,
bukfenc [kf] ‘somersault’, aszfalt [sf] ‘asphalt’, násfa [Sf] ‘lavalier’; kapszula [ps]
‘capsule’, buksza [ks] ‘purse’; tepsi [pS] ‘frying-pan’, taksál [kS] ‘estimate’; nátha [th]
‘cold (n)’; kapca [pţ] ‘foot clout’, vakcina [kţ] ‘vaccine’; kapcsol [pÙ] ‘link (v)’
(b) kopt [pt] ‘Coptic’, akt [kt] ‘nude’, szaft [ft] ‘gravy’, liszt [st] ‘flour’, test [St] ‘body’,
jacht [xt] ‘yacht’; maszk [sk] ‘mask’, barack [ţk] ‘apricot’; copf [pf] ‘plaited hair’;
gipsz [ps] ‘gypsum’, koksz [ks] ‘coke’; taps [pS] ‘applause’, voks [kS] ‘vote (n)’; also
in placenames like Apc, Detk, Batyk, Recsk, Szakcs, Paks, etc.
(c) rögbi [gb] ‘rugby football’, azbeszt [zb] ‘asbestos’; labda [bd] ‘ball’, Magda [gd] 〈a
name〉, bovden [vd] ‘Bowden cable’, gazdag [zd] ‘rich’, rozsda [Zd] ‘rust’; mezsgye
[Zé] ‘ridge’; izgul [zg] ‘be excited’, pezsgő [Zg] ‘champagne’; udvar [dv] ‘yard’, fegyver
[év] ‘weapon’, özvegy [zv] ‘widow’; kobzos [bz] ‘minstrel’, madzag [dz] ‘string’, lagzi
[gz] ‘wedding’; habzsol [bZ] ‘devour’
(d) smaragd [gd] ‘emerald’, kezd [zd] ‘begin’, pünkösd [Zd] ‘Whitsun’, kedv [dv] ‘temper’,
edz [dz] ‘train (v)’
Loanwords that originally contained an obstruent cluster of heterogeneous
voicing (or happen to have a spelling suggesting one) automatically get adjusted to this pattern:
In this paper, we abstract away from the behaviour of /v/; see Szentgyörgyi (2000); Ritter
(2000); Siptár – Törkenczy (2000, 298–305).
(18) (a) abszolút [ps] ‘absolute’, obstruens [pS] ‘obstruent’, abcúg [pţ] ‘down with him!’,
abház [ph] ‘Abkhaz’, Buddha [th], joghurt [kh] ‘yogurt’
(b) futball [db] ‘football’, Macbeth [gb], matchbox [Ãb] ‘toy car’, Updike [bd], anekdota
[gd] ‘anecdote’, afgán [vg] ‘Afghan’
In suffixed forms, stem-final voiceless obstruents become voiced if the suffix
begins with a voiced obstruent (19a) and vice versa: stem-final voiced obstruents become voiceless if the suffix begins with a voiceless obstruent (19b):
(19) (a) kalap-ban [b:] ‘in (a) hat’, kút-ban [db] ‘in (a) well’, fütty-ben [éb] ‘in (a) whistle’,
zsák-ban [gb] ‘in (a) sack’, széf-ben [vb] ‘in (a) safe’, rész-ben [zb] ‘in part’, lakás-ban
[Zb] ‘in (a) flat’, ketrec-ben [dzb] ‘in (a) cage’, Bécs-ben [Ãb] ‘in Vienna’
(b) rab-tól [pt] ‘from (a) prisoner’, kád-tól [t:] ‘from (a) bath-tub’, ágy-tól [ct] ‘from (a)
bed’, meleg-től [kt] ‘from the heat’, szı́v-től [ft] ‘from (a) heart’, vı́z-től [st] ‘from
water’, garázs-tól [St] ‘from (a) garage’, bridzs-től [Ùt] ‘from bridge (the card game)’
This assimilation process is regressive and (right-to-left) iterative:
(20) liszt-ből [stb] → [sdb] → [zdb] ‘from flour’
pünkösd-től [Zdt] → [Ztt] → [Stt] (→ [St]) ‘from Whitsun’
It also applies across a compound boundary ( ]["# [ps] ‘slave’, lit.
‘captive-servant’), across a word boundary (# [ck] ‘large hat’) and
indeed across any higher boundary as long as no pause intervenes; furthermore, as the examples in (18) show, it applies in non-derived environments as
well, hence it is postlexical (but obligatory and non-rate-dependent).
Sonorants do not participate in the process: they do not voice a preceding obstruent (21a), nor do they get devoiced by a following voiceless
obstruent (21b):
(21) (a) kalap-nak ‘to (a) hat’, kút-nak ‘to (a) well’, fütty-nek ‘to (a) whistle’ zsák-nak ‘to
(a) sack’, széf-nek ‘to (a) safe’, rész-nek ‘to (a) part’, más-nak ‘to sg else’, léc-nek ‘to
(a) lath’, csúcs-nak ‘to (a) peak’
(b) szem-től ‘from (an) eye’, bűn-től ‘from (a) sin’, torony-tól ‘from (a) tower’, fal-tól
‘from (a) wall’, őr-től ‘from a guard’, száj-tól ‘from (a) mouth’
There are two segments that behave asymmetrically with respect to this process. One is /v/ that undergoes devoicing ("$% [ft] ‘from (a) heart’) but
does not trigger voicing ( *[dv] ‘sixty’); cf. Szentgyörgyi (2000); Ritter (2000); Siptár–Törkenczy (2000, 189–205). The other is
that triggers
devoicing ( [th] ‘he may give’) but does not undergo voicing before an
obstruent. The usual solution for
is to assume that this segment is /h/ at
the underlying level, specified as [− cons] (this is quite appropriate phonetically as long as [+ cons] is defined as ‘constriction at least
equal to that found in fricatives’) and restrict the input of voice assimilation
to [+ cons, − son] segments. However, as we saw in section , the glottal
realization of this segment does not occur preconsonantally; what does occur
is its velar realization [x]. It is this [x] that resists voice assimilation (e.g.,
% [xb], *[Gb] ‘out of bad luck’)—but then it cannot be claimed to be
specified as [− cons]. Several possibilities suggest themselves at this point,
none of them very satisfactory. One would be to order the /h/-strengthening
rule /h/ → [x] after voice assimilation, such that this rule, formulated as (10)
above, counterfeeds voicing. Another possibility would be not to restrict
voice assimilation to [+ cons] segments and let /h/ undergo it (in principle,
at least). The solution given in Siptár–Törkenczy (2000, 79) and adopted
here stipulates a filter to the effect that *[G] is disallowed in Hungarian surface
representations (or representations at any level, for that matter). This will do
the job: we can simplify the rule of voice assimilation (by omitting [+ cons]
which, without rule ordering, and especially if the underlying segment is /x/
rather than /h/, would be useless anyway), yet keep our grammar from generating *[G]. Such a filter is a totally device in a derivational account,
but is a completely legitimate tool in an OT analysis, to which we now turn.
As we have seen above, several possible analyses exist for the treatment of type segments in a derivational framework and some parts of such solutions
seem to be in such a theory. However, non-derivational approaches
to grammar are different in this very respect: constraints penalizing marked
segments or segment types form an organic part of Optimality Theory (OT).
Both rules being postlexical, this ordering would have to be based on stipulation.
Zsigri (1994) suggests to (do that and yet) exempt [x] from undergoing the rule by
introducing the notion of ‘phonetic quotations’. He points out that voiceless obstruents
that are clearly non-Hungarian do not get voiced: #,7( [Tb], *[Db] ‘to Bath’, as if
they were ‘encapsulated’ or surrounded by ‘quotation marks’. He then claims that all
Hungarian [x]-final lexical items are exactly like this example in that they refuse to
be affected by Hungarian phonological rules (in particular, voice assimilation). This
suggestion would be perfectly all right if [x]-final items were indeed few and clearly nonnative. However, as we saw, this is far from being the case. We are therefore left with
the solution proposed in the text.
Thus, if we assume an OT framework, a completely different solution might
become available. This is exactly what we try to find out now.
One of the most important characteristics of OT is the Richness of the
Base (RB), which means that there are no constraints on input forms. Or, to
put it in a different way, any kind of input forms may occur in the Lexicon
because of RB. Consequently, the constraint hierarchy should be such that it
should select well-formed output forms whatever the input is. That is, even
though an input form may contain segments or structures never occurring on
the surface, the constraints should never allow these to surface; instead, they
should prefer forms that are possible output forms in the particular language.
This is a most important characteristic of OT as we will see in the following.
Let us first try to translate the generalisations of the last derivational
solution into OT, i.e., into constraints instead of derivational rewrite rules.
In this solution we assumed that -type segments are underlyingly specified as voiceless dorsal fricatives, as in (7a), and are lenited into a placeless
continuant in onset positions, as in (7b). Such a restriction may be directly
translated into a positional markedness constraint prohibiting voiceless dorsal
fricatives in onsets, i.e., the configuration described in (8a). The constraint
is given in (22):
Voiceless dorsal fricatives are prohibited in onsets (unless licensed).½½
This constraint only prohibits a [x] in an onset but does not imply the repair
strategy chosen by the language. This is done by some other constraints, the
most relevant of which are given below.
Every input segment must have a correspondent in the output.
Every output segment must have a correspondent in the input.
Corresponding input and output segments have identical specifications for
place features.
No voiced dorsal fricatives in output forms.
, prohibits deletion of segments while
The faithfulness constraint in (23),
the other such constraint in (24),
, does just the opposite, i.e., it penalizes
epenthetic segments. Constraint (25) is a featural faithfulness constraint that
Note that this constraint has to be such that it should allow for a geminate [x], i.e., an
onset [x] must be allowed if it is licensed by the preceding coda [x]. Thus, the bracketed
part has to be added so that we could interpret the constraint this way.
prohibits any kind of change—or deletion or addition—in the specification
of place of articulation. Finally, the markedness constraint in (26) penalizes
the occurrence of the relatively marked voiced dorsal fricative. Since such
segments never occur in Hungarian surface forms, this constraint will probably
be high ranking.
The following tableaux demonstrate the operation of the above constraints. As will be seen, in some cases the constraint hierarchy is able to
select the optimal output form but there are some cases when it cannot do so.
UR: /dox/
a. ☞ dox
b. do
c. do.xO
d. doG
e. doh
In tableau (27) an input with a coda /x/ is evaluated. Four of the candidates
violate at least one of the constraints except for candidate (a) which, thus,
wins as optimal. Candidate (d) violates the markedness constraint against
voiced dorsal fricatives;½¾ candidate (b) violates since the input coda
segment does not have a correspondent in the output;½¿ candidate (c) violates
not only the constraint prohibiting epenthesis, but also the constraint against
voiceless velar fricatives in an onset. Finally, candidate (e) violates
since the place of articulation of the input dorsal fricative is not present in
the output form. Hence candidate (a) is correctly selected as optimal.
UR: /xe:t/
a. xe:t
b. e:t
c. ☞ se:t
d. Ge:t
e. ☞ he:t
f. Exte:t
*G, MAX, DEP, *Onset-x ≫ IDplace
This candidate also violates because the corresponding input and output segments, /x/ and /G/, do not have the same specification for voice. Such a faithfulness
constraint will play a significant role in the treatment of voice assimilation, or rather the
explanation of the lack of voice assimilation. See section for details.
Note that this candidate also violates a syllable well-formedness or markedness constraint
that does not allow short mid rounded vowels word finally.
Tableau (28) shows an input form (for ‘seven’) with a dorsal fricative
in the onset, a configuration that is not permitted. Similarly to tableau
(27), candidate (d) is ruled out because of the relatively marked segment it
contains. Candidates (b) and (f) are excluded because of their respective violations of the constraints penalizing deletion and epenthesis, and ,
respectively. The completely faithful candidate in (a) has a fatal violation of
the positional markedness constraint, , and is ruled out. The remaining two candidates in (c) and (e) tie on all the constraints because they only
violate the faithfulness constraint requiring identity of place features in input
and output forms. Since the place of articulation is changed in them, although
differently, they both have one violation. To have these two candidates as the
best, must be dominated by all the other constraints, indicated by the
solid line between and the dominating constraints. As candidate (e)
is the actual surface form, there must be some other constraint that prefers it
to the form in (c). Such a constraint, or rather a family of constraints, may be
the one penalizing change in the identity of place of articulation features one
by one, e.g., ! ,
, " , etc. Supposing that place features
are privative, candidate (28e) violates ! only because of the deletion
of the underlying dorsal feature. It does not violate the other such constraints
since no features appear in the output form that were not present in the input. Candidate (28c), on the other hand, would violate not only ! , but
, too, as the input-output specifications of the word initial fricative
for the feature coronal are not identical. Thus, any candidate with a specified
place of articulation in the output would lose to candidate (e), which is a
placeless, i.e., glottal, segment.
UR: /ÙEx/
a. C ÙEx
b. ÙEh
c. ÙE
UR: /ÙEx+Vk/
a. ÙExEk
b. ☞ ÙEhEk
c. ÙEEk
A candidate like [E.xe:t] would violate only once, but would also violate
it would similarly turn out to be suboptimal.
The surface quality of the suffix vowel may be partially predicted on the basis of the
last stem vowel, i.e., by the rules/constraints governing vowel harmony (cf. Ringen – Vago
Tableaux (29) and (30) show one of the words that surface without the underlying /x/ in coda position, i.e., the coda /x/ is deleted, but with a surface
[h] in onset position when followed by a vowel initial suffix. As can be seen in
(30) containing the suffixed form, candidate (c) is ruled out by because
the input stem final fricative does not have a surface correspondent. Candidate (a) has a fatal violation of , while candidate (b), the actual
surface form, only violates the lower ranked because of the missing
output dorsal specification.
Unfortunately, in tableau (29) showing the bare stem, it is not the actual surface form that is selected as optimal (this is indicated by ‘C’ in the
tableau). Candidate (b) is ruled out because of the input dorsal specification missing in the output and candidate (c), the actual surface variant, is
excluded by because of the deletion of the /x/. It seems then that our
constraint hierarchy is unable to cope with the above form and the others in
its class. Note, however, that as we have already mentioned at the beginning
of section , is one of the exceptional stems that behave differently from
the normal /x/-final stems, e.g., , in that their /x/ is deleted in a coda.
Thus, whatever kind of solution we propose, derivational or not, these stems
will have to be marked as exceptional in the Lexicon.
One of the advantages of OT is that there is a way to deal with exceptional forms: they are not different from normal forms in that the constraints
are not valid for them; rather the constraints are evaluated the same way but
in a different hierarchy, i.e., the constraints may be reranked for exceptional
lexical items. This means then that exceptions are marked for the reranking
of certain constraints. This is what we turn to now.
Voiceless dorsal fricatives are prohibited.
Voiceless glottal fricatives are prohibited in codas.
The constraint in (31) prohibits [x] in the output. Since such segments normally occur in surface forms, it has to be ranked low, at least below
(cf. (27)), in the case of normal stems, i.e., the ones that do not have /x/deletion in coda position unlike the one in (29). This way, will never have
an effect on the evaluation of the candidates in normal stems. The constraint
in (32) is needed for independent reasons since if an input form contains a
coda /h/, which may occur because of RB, then such a positional constraint
(1998); Siptár – Törkenczy (2000) and Szentgyörgyi (2000), for instance). We are not
going to discuss the input quality of the vowel and whether it is part of the input or it is
is needed to rule such output forms out. Note that the positional markedness
constraints (22) and (32) are exactly the ones mentioned in the discussion of
the distribution of -type segments in (8a) and (8b). -deleting stems on the
other hand are marked for the reranking of the constraints: if dominates
then the actual surface forms win as shown below.
-deleting words are marked for the reranking:
UR: /ÙEx/
a. ÙEx
b. ÙEh
c. ☞ ÙE
*x, *Coda-h ≫ MAX
Tableau (34) shows the effect of adding the positional markedness constraint
(32) and the reranking shown in (33) required by an -deleting stem. The
fully faithful candidate in (34a) is ruled out by the reranked constraint.
Candidate (b) containing a glottal fricative violates the newly added positional markedness constraint, # ! . The actual output form only violates
because of the deleted stem final segment.
UR: /ÙEx+tö:l/
a. ÙEx.tö:l
b. ÙEh.tö:l
c. ☞ ÙE.tö:l
Tableau (35) shows the same stem followed by a consonant initial suffix.
Candidates (a) and (b) are ruled out by # ! and respectively and
thus allow candidate (c), the actual surface form, to win.
It remains to show that if a normal stem ending in a /x/ is followed by
a vowel initial suffix, the underlying /x/ surfaces as [h] but it stays [x] before
consonant initial suffixes.
UR: /dox+VS/
a. do.xoS
b. ☞ do.hoS
c. do.oS
Candidates (a) and (c) are ruled out by and respectively, while
the actual surface form only violates the lower ranking dominated by
the constraints violated by the other candidates. This way, candidate (b) is
correctly selected as optimal.
UR: /dox+to:l/
a. ☞
Candidates (37b) and (37c) both violate some of the highest ranked constraints, # ! and respectively. This way, candidate (a), the actual
surface form, is correctly allowed to be selected as optimal.
Thus we can conclude that so far we have been able to prove that supposing an underlying /x/ all kinds of forms may be accounted for if we assume
that -deleting stems are marked for the reranking of ≫ .
Let us now turn to the problem of the Richness of the Base. As a result
of RB, it is not only /x/ that may occur underlyingly, but also /h/. We have
to show that even in such cases the constraint hierarchy is able to predict the
correct surface forms. Then we will show how the input forms are selected
by Lexicon Optimization (LO).
UR: /doh/
a. ☞ dox
b. doh
c. do
Tableau (38) demonstrates what happens if a stem whose surface form ends
in [x] contains an underlying /h/ stem finally. The fully faithful candidate
in (38b) is ruled out by # ! while candidate (38c) is excluded because
of a violation, i.e., the underlying stem final /h/ not having a surface
correspondent. This way, candidate (38a) is correctly selected as optimal.
UR: /doh+VS/
a. do.xoS
b. ☞ do.hoS
c. do.oS
Candidates violating G are not shown.
G and are left out of the tableaux unless
We should bear in mind that other candidates containing a labial or a coronal fricative
(8' 8 , etc.) are also evaluated. However, since is just a shorthand for a
family of constraints, , and , these candidates would incur
more violations than the optimal one. For details see the discussion after tableau (28).
Tableau (39) shows the same stem followed by a vowel initial suffix, where
the surface quality of the vowel is determined by constraints governing vowel
harmony as above. Candidate (a) containing a voiceless dorsal fricative incurs
a fatal violation of , while candidate (c) violates fatally. Again,
the actual surface form in (b), which is also the fully faithful candidate in this
case, is selected as optimal.
UR: /doh+to:l/
a. ☞
Similarly to the above, a normal stem ending in an -type segment is predicted to behave the same way before a consonant initial suffix if we assume
an underlying /h/ stem finally as shown in (40). Since the violations of the
highest ranked constraints do not depend on what the underlying stem final
segment is, they are exactly the same as in tableau (37) containing the same
stem with underlying /x/. Thus, the same output form, the actual surface
form, is selected as optimal once again.
UR: /he:t/
a. xe:t
b. e:t
c. ☞ he:t
Tableau (41) contains a word starting with an -type segment, which always
surfaces as a placeless (glottal) continuant. This prediction is borne out by
the constraint hierarchy in the tableau since candidate (a) containing a dorsal
fricative and the unfaithful candidate (b) containing no correspondent of the
input /h/ violate and respectively, allowing candidate (c)
to win.
Let us now turn to exceptional -deleting stems like ‘Czech’ and
see how they behave in various environments.
UR: /ÙEh/
a. ÙEx
b. ÙEh
c. ☞ ÙE
In tableau (42), the bare -deleting stem is shown without any suffix. In
such cases, the stem final
should be dropped and this is exactly what we
see in the optimal candidate, (42c). The other two candidates are ruled out
by higher ranked constraints, namely # ! and . We must bear in mind
that, as we have noted above, -deleting stems are lexically marked for the
reranking of ≫ . As a result of this reranking, the violation of
by the optimal candidate is less serious than either the violation of # !
by (42b) or that of by candidate (42a).
UR: /ÙEh+Vk/
a. ÙE.xEk
b. ☞ ÙE.hEk
c. ÙE.Ek
The same stem behaves differently if followed by a vowel initial suffix as
shown in (43). In such environments the stem final
is syllabified into the
onset of the next syllable and thus surfaces as [h] as in candidate (43b), the
optimal output form. Candidate (43a) violates and because of
the dorsal continuant syllabified in the onset while candidate (43c) violates
because of the input /h/ being unparsed.
UR: /ÙEh+tö:l/
a. ÙEx.tö:l
b. ÙEh.tö:l
c. ☞ ÙE.tö:l
Finally, tableau (44) demonstrates what happens to the same type of stem if
a consonant initial suffix is added. As can be seen, the hierarchy selects the
actual output form as optimal again, ruling out candidates (44a) and (44b)
because of the violations of and # ! , respectively. In comparison,
the optimal candidate only violates the relatively low ranked constraint
because of the /h/ not having a surface correspondent.
Thus, we can conclude that whatever the input, whether /h/ or /x/, the
constraint hierarchy always selects the actual surface forms as optimal both
for normal stems and -deleting stems, provided that the latter are marked
for the reranking of ≫ .
The next problem to be discussed is that of selecting the best input form,
i.e., the one closest to the optimal output form. This is performed by Lexicon
Optimization. Since the words ending in an -type segment may have a
surface [x], [h]—or nothing in the case of -deleting stems—, we have to
use the context sensitive version of LO as discussed in Inkelas (1994), which
compares the violations for all kinds of possible environment types and ranks
the different input forms accordingly.
Let us first re-examine normal stems ending in an
cerning the violations depending on the input forms.
a. /dox/
b. /doh/
Sample environments
-type segment conIDplace
The tableau in (45) is a summary of the violations incurred by the winning
candidates generated from underlying /dox/ or /doh/ in various environments, i.e., it repeats the relevant candidates (27a), (36b), (37a), (38a), (39b)
and (40a). As can be seen in (45a), the optimal candidates incur one violation of in the three logically possible environment types: word final,
prevocalic and preconsonantal. It is so because it is only in the prevocalic
environment, i.e., when the surface segment is [h], that the place of articulation of the underlying /x/ has to be changed under the pressure of the higher
ranked constraints. On the other hand, in (45b), the phonetically identical
optimal output candidates incur two violations of as the underlying
/h/ has to be changed into [x] both in word final and preconsonantal position
because of the high ranked contextual markedness constraint # ! . As
a result of this we can conclude that it is in the case of (45a), i.e., underlying /dox/, that the optimal output candidates incur the fewest violations
of the constraint hierarchy proposed. Thus, the alternation sensitive version
of LO selects /dox/ as the optimal input form on the basis of the optimal
output forms. Of course, the same is true of all normal stems ending in an
-type segment.
Let us turn to the exceptional stems and see what the prediction is if the
reranking of ≫ is performed.
a. /ÙEx/
b. /ÙEh/
Sample environments
As tableau (46) suggests the situation is different from that of normal stems:
in -deleting stems the number of violations is the same for output
candidates in the case of the two underlying forms but while there is no
violation of if the UR ends in a /h/, there is one violation if it ends
in /x/. As a result, the UR ending in /h/, /ÙEh/ is selected as optimal
over /ÙEx/.
The last type of stem is non-alternating: these stems contain an -type
segment either in initial or medial position where no alternation resulting from
suffixation is possible. In these cases, LO always selects the input identical
to the non-alternating output form. We demonstrate this with two examples
below, [he:t] ‘seven’ and [j6xt] ‘yacht’.
a. /he:t/
b. /xe:t/
Since in (47b) the output candidate violates because of the discrepancy between the place features of the input /x/ and its output correspondent
[h] while the optimal candidate in (47a) does not incur any violations, LO selects (47a) as the lexical representation of the stem.
a. /j6ht/
b. /j6xt/
In contrast to (47), where a non-alternating stem has an underlying /h/, (48)
displays a non-alternating stem which has underlying /x/ according to LO.
Both the output forms in (48a) and (48b) violate but only (48a) incurs
a violation of since underlying /h/ corresponds to surface [x] there.
Thus, the UR of (48b) is selected as the lexical representation for this stem.
In conclusion to this section it can be said that the OT approach to the
problem provides us with a solution dispreferred by the derivational approach,
namely that both underlying /x/ and /h/ can be found in Hungarian. Note
that this is not an arbitrary stipulation but rather a consequence of the application of Lexicon Optimization to phonetically identical optimal candidates
arising from different underlying forms.
% &
In this section, we are going to show how the above OT solution also provides
valuable insight to the behaviour of -type segments with respect to voice
Recall from the previous section that a constraint penalizing voiced dorsal
fricatives, G, is necessary to rule out candidates containing this segment.
As we will see below such a constraint is crucial for the analysis of voice
assimilation in terms of OT.
We will base our account on Petrova et al’s (2001) analysis of voice
assimilation and other laryngeal phenomena. According to their approach,
Hungarian voice assimilation can be described by the constraints in (49)–(53)
if they are ranked as in (54) except for /v/ and -type segments, which
behave asymmetrically: the former undergoes voice assimilation but does not
trigger it while the latter (set) does trigger it but does not undergo it.
Corresponding input and output segments have identical specifications for
Corresponding input and output segments before a sonorant have identical
specifications for voice.
(51) Corresponding segments in word final position have identical specifications
for voice.
Obstruents in a cluster share their voice specifications.
No voiced obstruents.
(54) , ≫ ≫ ≫
The highest ranked $ constraint ensures that there is always voice assimilation in obstruent clusters while the positional faithfulness constraints
govern the direction of the assimilation: it is always the segment before a
sonorant or a word final segment, i.e., the rightmost obstruent in the cluster,
that must be faithful to its underlying voice specification and thus triggers
regressive assimilation. and especially will not play a significant role since they are ranked too low in the hierarchy to interfere with the
selection of the optimal candidate.
First, let us see how words containing -type segments in a cluster behave according to Petrova et al’s constraint hierarchy and then decide where
our constraints should be placed in the hierarchy, still observing the dominance relations determined so far.
UR: /dox+b6n/
a. dox.b6n
b. doh.b6n
c. C doG.b6n
d. dox.p6n
IDpreson voice
IDwf voice
Tableau (55) contains a normal stem ending in an -type segment followed by
a voiced obstruent initial suffix, i.e., a potential cluster for voice assimilation.
The input form is the one chosen by the alternation sensitive Lexicon Optimization as selected in (45) above. Tableau (55) shows that the constraint
hierarchy that gives the right predictions for obstruent clusters in general
does not pick the actual surface form, (55a), as optimal. Since this candidate
violates one of the highest ranking constraints, there must be a constraint
dominating all the ones in (55) to rule out the incorrect forms.
We have already seen that there is independent evidence for the two
markedness constraints G and # ! . If we assume that these constraints,
which were shown to be high ranking among those responsible for the distribution of -type segments, are ranked above $ , then the correct result
is achieved as indicated in (56).
UR: /dox+b6n/
a. ☞ dox.b6n
b. doh.b6n
c. doG.b6n
d. dox.p6n
IDpreson voice
*G, *Coda-h ≫ Share
In this modified tableau we can see the result of adding the two markedness
constraints to Petrova et al’s (2001) hierarchy in an undominated position.
Candidates (56b) and (56c) violate these constraints and are thus ruled out.
The harmonising suffix vowel is most probably [− back] underlyingly since it always
occurs with that value on the surface when used as a root, e.g., ($$ [bEn:Em] ‘in me’.
For the sake of simplicity we use the back vowel variant as underlying after back stems
and the front vowel variant after front stems in the tableaux. See Ringen – Vago (1998)
for details.
We may also assume that all the constraints used to predict the distribution of -type
segments dominate all the constraints governing voice assimilation although it is not
necessary. The only ranking between the two blocks of constraints we have to assume so
far is G, ≫ .
Note furthermore that is not shown in the tableau since the relevant cluster
is not word final; thus the constraint cannot play a role.
Candidates (a) and (d) violate $ and respectively but
since these two constraints are not crucially ranked with respect to each other,
these violations count as equal. Decision between the two candidates is passed
on to the next constraint, , which is fatally violated by candidate (d)
but satisfied by (a), the fully faithful candidate, the actual surface form.
Let us now turn to -deleting stems and see how they behave in this
is deleted before consonants and a pause, it
respect. Since the stem final
will not assimilate to a following obstruent, e.g., ∼ [ÙE] ∼ [ÙEbEn].
a. ÙEx.bEn
b. ÙEh.bEn
c. ÙEG.bEn
d. ÙEx.pEn
e. ☞ ÙE.bEn
*G, *Coda-h ≫ MAX
In (57) we have shown some of the rest of the proposed constraints relevant
for -type segments. We have already seen that -deleting stems are marked
for the reranking of ≫ . Assuming this reranking and that these
constraints together with G and # ! dominate the ones responsible for
voice assimilation, we get the desired result. Candidates (57a–d) violate the
three highest ranked constraints, the ones responsible for the distribution of
-type segments. Since candidate (57e) only violates (and the lowest
ranked ), it is correctly selected as optimal.
Finally we have to show that the hierarchy established above does not
interfere with an -type segment triggering regressive voice assimilation. This
is what can be seen in (58).
a. ha:z.hoz
b. ☞ ha:s.hoz
c. ha:z.xoz
d. ha:z.Goz
e. ha:.zoz
does not have to dominate according to (56) but in general we can claim
≫ since in no other case are segments deleted to avoid violating Share,
not even in the case of the other segment exceptional for voice assimilation, /v/.
In the input in (58), a stem final voiced obstruent is followed by an underlying
/h/ as determined by LO. Since /h/ is rightmost in the cluster, it will trigger
regressive assimilation. This prediction is actually borne out in the tableau.
Candidates (c) and (d) violate and G, two markedness constraints,
respectively, and these violations are fatal. Candidate (a) is fully faithful to
the input and thus contains an obstruent cluster with heterogeneous voice,
a clear violation of $ . Candidate (e), on the other hand, violates
because of the unparsed /h/ of the suffix, also a fatal violation. This way,
candidate (b) is correctly allowed to win.
' (
To sum up, it can be said that although the three derivational analyses proposed in the first part of the paper have the descriptive power to explain
the distribution of -type segments, they all suffer from similar shortcomings
addressed in section . On the other hand, the OT analysis presented in sections and can account for all the phenomena involving -type segments,
the [x] ∼ [h] alternations, -deleting stems, and the asymmetric behaviour of
-type segments in voice assimilation as well, without having to make unreasonable stipulations. This is achieved by a hierarchy of constraints made up
of both general, e.g., and G, and positional markedness constraints, e.g.,
# ! and , and some faithfulness constraints, e.g., ,
and . The exceptional class of -deleting stems can simply be treated by
a reranking of two constraints, ≫ , one of the most straightforward
ways of dealing with exceptionality in OT. Also, the role of -type segments
in voice assimilation is described without stipulating any new constraints:
the hierarchy proposed by Petrova et al. (2001) for the treatment of voice
assimilation in a number of languages including Hungarian amended by the
constraints suggested by us to account for the distribution of -type segments
is sufficient to deal with this problem, too.
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Address of the authors:
Péter Siptár
Research Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Benczúr utca 33.
H–1068 Budapest
[email protected]
Szilárd Szentgyörgyi
Dept. of English and American Studies
University of Veszprém
Egyetem utca 10.
H–8200 Veszprém
[email protected]