Universidade de Brasília - UnB
In this chapter we step away from the language classroom to consider language use within migrant communities, in this specific case the Brazilian community in London and their involvement in the Kardecism movement. In her analysis of... more
This article examines the use of focus groups (FGs) as a way of gathering pupils’ views on the implementation of new curricula. We provide illustrations of creative activities, which were especially designed for a case-study research... more
Despite the belief that schools tend to be resistant to change, it is possible to find secondary schools in the UK which are investing in the design of an innovative curriculum for their Year 7 (11-year-old students). This article focuses... more
The former British Labour Government acknowledged that religious practices play an important role in the development of children's identities [DCFS. (2009). Your child, your schools, our future: building a 21st century schools system.... more
The political and economic situation in Brazil in the 1980s led many Brazilians to seek a better life abroad, and England has become one of the countries in Europe with a high concentration of Brazilian immigrants. Although there are... more
There has been growing interest by British policy-makers in the importance of acknowledging the role of migrant children's background in their educational progress. Therefore, this article draws on studies of language–ethnicity and of... more
Over 50% of the Brazilians abroad are women, a proportion which appears to be even higher if we consider the number of mothers whose children attend Brazilian Portuguese language lessons in complementary schools in London. There are... more
Little is known about the profile of the Brazilian migrants who use the services offered by non-religious institutions in the UK. This report is the first one of the kind and focuses on the users of the services offerec by 'Casa do Brasil... more
The increase in the number of Brazilian emigrants in the last thirty or so years has led to the development of the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese as a community language abroad. In other words, this type of teaching is new, and... more
O número de escolas que ensinam Português como Língua de Herança (POLH) no Reino Unido tem aumentado consideravelmente nas últimas décadas (SOUZA, 2016a). A ABRIR , Associação Brasileira de Iniciativas Educacionais no Reino Unido, tem... more
Leadership in complementary schools is an under-researched area. This article aims to address this gap in the literature by reporting on a study which focused on Brazilian complementary schools in the UK. Distributed leadership was... more
Os seis artigos que apresentamos neste número especial da revista Cadernos de Linguagem e Sociedade (v.21, n.1) - escritos por docentes e discentes do Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística da Universidade de Brasília – tratam da língua... more