Lineamientos editoriales by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
Interpretatio 7.1(2022) De esto y aquello by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica, 2022
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermeneútica , 2022
El presente ensayo formula de manera explícita la noción de "mimesis heterogénea", que Antonio Co... more El presente ensayo formula de manera explícita la noción de "mimesis heterogénea", que Antonio Cornejo Polar esbozó implícitamente en sus trabajos postreros, pero sin haber alcanzado a darle un desarrollo teórico pleno. En concordancia con otras nociones, como pueden ser las de "totalidad contradictoria", "sujeto migrante", y por supuesto "heterogeneidad", este ensayo busca dar cuenta teóricamente de la relación que existe entre una noción tan compleja y antigua como la de mimesis, y la utilización de la metáfora organicista de "cuerpo", dentro del imaginario de las historiografías literarias de las naciones hispanoamericanas.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica , 2022
A partir de los conceptos ‘memoria’, ‘lenguaje’ y ‘vida cotidiana’, presentamos siete escenarios ... more A partir de los conceptos ‘memoria’, ‘lenguaje’ y ‘vida cotidiana’, presentamos siete escenarios sobre algunas narraciones que condensan las diversas vivencias que la humanidad está experimentando debido al confinamiento por la pandemia mundial del Covid-19. Nos interesa reflexionar sobre el impacto que están causando en la vida social y anticipar las posibles rutas que la transformación de ciertas prácticas culturales generará. Con la hipótesis de que aún después de concluir el confinamiento ciertas conductas y comportamientos colectivos sufrirán un cambio sin retorno y que esto se observará en la modificación radical de rutinas, percepciones sobre la vida diaria y también en la forma de construir relaciones interpersonales, queremos poner énfasis en los campos de la vida social en los que ya se perciben las transformaciones. Los ejes de reflexión que
aquí exponemos no persiguen construir respuestas únicas e inequívocas, sino indicar algunos rumbos en torno a los cuales se están iniciando las reflexiones que serán de gran relevancia para comprender el rumbo de los cambios socioculturales que la pandemia ha traído consigo.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica , 2022
La escritura desarrollada en la antigua Mesoamérica es un hallazgo relativamente reciente que est... more La escritura desarrollada en la antigua Mesoamérica es un hallazgo relativamente reciente que está relacionado con áreas geográficas y periodos específicos. En este artículo se explica una aproximación a la interpretación de los jeroglíficos teotihuacanos como una técnica de comunicación gráfica que usaron las élites de la urbe y que con frecuencia se combinaba con imaginería figurativa. Sin intentar proponer lecturas jeroglíficas, se argumenta en torno a que en Teotihuacan se conservan antecedentes de los códices pictográficos mesoamericanos que integran imaginería y escritura logosilábica. Esto se fundamenta a partir de la semiótica de tradición peirceana, la teoría de la escritura y la gramatología de Ignace Gelb y Alfonso Lacadena, la comparación y la analogía.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica , 2022
Este texto es un artículo-reseña sobre un reciente libro acerca de los destinos de la teoría lite... more Este texto es un artículo-reseña sobre un reciente libro acerca de los destinos de la teoría literaria hacia finales del siglo pasado. El libro The Birth and Death of Literary Theory. Regimes of Relevance in Russia and Beyond es obra del conocido teórico del bajtinismo Galin Tihanov (The Master and the Slave. Lukács, Bakhtin and the Ideas of Their Time, 2000), que hace una interesante propuesta acerca del proceso histórico-cultural europeo desde que la literatura se constituye en un dominio autónomo. Se trata de comentar y de responder a algunas alternativas que Tihanov propone, y de poner en un contexto más amplio a otras
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica, 2022
Fuera de una lógica del conocimiento como una conquista del espíritu científico atribuible a una ... more Fuera de una lógica del conocimiento como una conquista del espíritu científico atribuible a una sola cultura, a una única nación o, en fin, a un individuo particular, este artículo no busca atribuir primicias ni señalar plagios, sino que, más bien, intenta devolver el surgimiento de la aritmética binaria al complejo cultural, intelectual y científico de su época. El argumento central de este artículo es el siguiente: fue el complejo de relaciones interculturales entre el saber europeo y el amerindio lo que posibilitó la primera descripción del código binario por parte de Caramuel. Es decir: entre la conquista política de nuevos pueblos y la conquista espiritual de nuevos saberes existe un cierto paralelismo.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica , 2022
La lectura de los seudónimos kierkegaardianos como "personajes conceptuales" es un lugar común en... more La lectura de los seudónimos kierkegaardianos como "personajes conceptuales" es un lugar común en la hermenéutica literaria, a partir de las reflexiones de Deleuze y Guattari. En este ensayo pretendemos hacer una lectura que trascienda sus categorías de interpretación, a partir de las propias pautas de lectura de Kierkegaard, al respecto de sus seudónimos. Pero, a su vez, salvaremos algunos elementos de las reflexiones de Deleuze y Guattari para ver cómo es que puede enriquecer la noción de "personaje conceptual" para los estudios kierkegaardianos.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermenéutica , 2022
Reseña del libro Reflexiones en torno al símbolo. Una hermenéutica de la luz en el Medioevo.
Interpretatio , 2022
Reseña del libro Sartre, Camus und die kunst.
Interpretatio6.2(2021)Derecho(justicia)yLiteratura by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
Interpretatio , 2021
Presentación del número
Interpretatio. Revista de hermenéutica, 2021
Se resalta la importancia, en general, de la relación entre literatura y derecho; y se señalan, a... more Se resalta la importancia, en general, de la relación entre literatura y derecho; y se señalan, a manera de ejemplo, algunas novelas y el tratamiento que hacen de lo jurídico. El texto se dedica, especialmente, a mostrar cómo se manifiesta el derecho en Yo el Supremo, de Roa Bastos, obra cumbre de las letras latinoamericanas. El célebre y enigmático Doctor Francia-teólogo y jurista-, en su Dictadura Perpetua en el Paraguay, dice y practica el derecho. Se expresa lo que dice la novela sobre lo jurídico y se dan los datos históricos que respaldan el dicho.
Interpretatio. Revista de Hermeneútica, 2021
Ante la escasez de análisis contextuales que apunten a la comprensión del poder en el entorno lat... more Ante la escasez de análisis contextuales que apunten a la comprensión del poder en el entorno latinoamericano a partir de los subgéneros literarios propios de la región, la presente investigación estudia la concepción de este en la obra Yo el Supremo, de Roa Bastos, pieza destacada de la narrativa latinoamericana y cúspide de la novela del dictador. Para tal efecto, se analizan los registros literario e histórico que contextualizan la narración. Después del análisis hermenéutico de ambos registros, se determina al poder como la capacidad de generar realidades histórico-discursivas en la construcción de los personajes históricos, en este caso, sobre el dictador José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia. La lectura de Yo el Supremo advierte la complejidad que implica el estudio del poder en las figuras dictatoriales latinoamericanas dentro del entramado social y la vida política de las naciones.
Interpretatio. Rrevista de hermeneútica, 2021
Los estudios entre el derecho y la literatura posibilitan la construcción
de un espacio crítico p... more Los estudios entre el derecho y la literatura posibilitan la construcción
de un espacio crítico para establecer puentes dialógicos, a la vez que
cuestionan diferentes presupuestos en cada disciplina. Desde una
perspectiva vinculada a los derechos humanos y usando el testimonio
literario, género escritural que es parte de las literaturas heterogéneas
y contradictorias (Cornejo Polar), este artículo analizará cómo el
tratamiento legal y literario de la diversidad y la disidencia sexual en
el Ecuador da cuenta de violaciones a los derechos fundamentales.
A través de los testimonios de personas sexodiversas y sexodisidentes
que se convierten en literaturas heteromaricagéneas contradictorias,
se analizarán las terapias de conversión en las llamadas clínicas de
deshomosexualización, las cuales permiten comprender una forma
de violencia muy particular y recrean una memoria de violencia y
resistencia para buscar la reparación de ciertas personas y colectivos
históricamente vulnerados.
Interpretatio. Revista de hermeneútica, 2021
En los últimos años del siglo xx, diversos países en América Latina
vivieron conflictos armados i... more En los últimos años del siglo xx, diversos países en América Latina
vivieron conflictos armados internos en los que las violaciones a los
derechos humanos de las mujeres fueron una constante, sobre todo
los referentes a la sexualidad, la reproducción y la maternidad. Ese tipo
de violencia se ha abordado en diversas obras literarias y este trabajo
se enfocará en tres de ellas, las novelas La hora azul, del escritor
peruano Alonso Cueto; Los ejércitos, del colombiano Evelio Rosero, y
Roza tumba quema, de la salvadoreña Claudia Hernández. A partir de
las ideas de Rita Segato y Adriana Cavarero, se analizará cómo se han
ficcionalizado las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las mujeres en
el contexto de tres conflictos armados internos.
Interpretatio. Revista de hermeneútica, 2021
Este texto es una aproximación al concepto “derecho a la palabra” que
ha sido empleado desde dive... more Este texto es una aproximación al concepto “derecho a la palabra” que
ha sido empleado desde diversas disciplinas y en varios niveles de análisis,
particularmente en el contexto político de América Latina. Una vez
apuntalado el concepto, se ilustra su uso en El libro centroamericano de
los muertos, de Balam Rodrigo, y Cartas a la primavera, de Shantí Vera.
En ambos libros se escuchan voces venidas desde el sur del país.
Palabras clave: derecho a la palabra, derechos humanos, derecho y literatura, América
Interpretatio. Revista de hermeneútica, 2021
Interpretatio. Revista de hermeneútica, 2021
Lineamientos editoriales by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
Interpretatio 7.1(2022) De esto y aquello by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
aquí exponemos no persiguen construir respuestas únicas e inequívocas, sino indicar algunos rumbos en torno a los cuales se están iniciando las reflexiones que serán de gran relevancia para comprender el rumbo de los cambios socioculturales que la pandemia ha traído consigo.
Interpretatio6.2(2021)Derecho(justicia)yLiteratura by Interpretatio Revista de Hermenéutica
de un espacio crítico para establecer puentes dialógicos, a la vez que
cuestionan diferentes presupuestos en cada disciplina. Desde una
perspectiva vinculada a los derechos humanos y usando el testimonio
literario, género escritural que es parte de las literaturas heterogéneas
y contradictorias (Cornejo Polar), este artículo analizará cómo el
tratamiento legal y literario de la diversidad y la disidencia sexual en
el Ecuador da cuenta de violaciones a los derechos fundamentales.
A través de los testimonios de personas sexodiversas y sexodisidentes
que se convierten en literaturas heteromaricagéneas contradictorias,
se analizarán las terapias de conversión en las llamadas clínicas de
deshomosexualización, las cuales permiten comprender una forma
de violencia muy particular y recrean una memoria de violencia y
resistencia para buscar la reparación de ciertas personas y colectivos
históricamente vulnerados.
vivieron conflictos armados internos en los que las violaciones a los
derechos humanos de las mujeres fueron una constante, sobre todo
los referentes a la sexualidad, la reproducción y la maternidad. Ese tipo
de violencia se ha abordado en diversas obras literarias y este trabajo
se enfocará en tres de ellas, las novelas La hora azul, del escritor
peruano Alonso Cueto; Los ejércitos, del colombiano Evelio Rosero, y
Roza tumba quema, de la salvadoreña Claudia Hernández. A partir de
las ideas de Rita Segato y Adriana Cavarero, se analizará cómo se han
ficcionalizado las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las mujeres en
el contexto de tres conflictos armados internos.
ha sido empleado desde diversas disciplinas y en varios niveles de análisis,
particularmente en el contexto político de América Latina. Una vez
apuntalado el concepto, se ilustra su uso en El libro centroamericano de
los muertos, de Balam Rodrigo, y Cartas a la primavera, de Shantí Vera.
En ambos libros se escuchan voces venidas desde el sur del país.
Palabras clave: derecho a la palabra, derechos humanos, derecho y literatura, América
aquí exponemos no persiguen construir respuestas únicas e inequívocas, sino indicar algunos rumbos en torno a los cuales se están iniciando las reflexiones que serán de gran relevancia para comprender el rumbo de los cambios socioculturales que la pandemia ha traído consigo.
de un espacio crítico para establecer puentes dialógicos, a la vez que
cuestionan diferentes presupuestos en cada disciplina. Desde una
perspectiva vinculada a los derechos humanos y usando el testimonio
literario, género escritural que es parte de las literaturas heterogéneas
y contradictorias (Cornejo Polar), este artículo analizará cómo el
tratamiento legal y literario de la diversidad y la disidencia sexual en
el Ecuador da cuenta de violaciones a los derechos fundamentales.
A través de los testimonios de personas sexodiversas y sexodisidentes
que se convierten en literaturas heteromaricagéneas contradictorias,
se analizarán las terapias de conversión en las llamadas clínicas de
deshomosexualización, las cuales permiten comprender una forma
de violencia muy particular y recrean una memoria de violencia y
resistencia para buscar la reparación de ciertas personas y colectivos
históricamente vulnerados.
vivieron conflictos armados internos en los que las violaciones a los
derechos humanos de las mujeres fueron una constante, sobre todo
los referentes a la sexualidad, la reproducción y la maternidad. Ese tipo
de violencia se ha abordado en diversas obras literarias y este trabajo
se enfocará en tres de ellas, las novelas La hora azul, del escritor
peruano Alonso Cueto; Los ejércitos, del colombiano Evelio Rosero, y
Roza tumba quema, de la salvadoreña Claudia Hernández. A partir de
las ideas de Rita Segato y Adriana Cavarero, se analizará cómo se han
ficcionalizado las violaciones a los derechos humanos de las mujeres en
el contexto de tres conflictos armados internos.
ha sido empleado desde diversas disciplinas y en varios niveles de análisis,
particularmente en el contexto político de América Latina. Una vez
apuntalado el concepto, se ilustra su uso en El libro centroamericano de
los muertos, de Balam Rodrigo, y Cartas a la primavera, de Shantí Vera.
En ambos libros se escuchan voces venidas desde el sur del país.
Palabras clave: derecho a la palabra, derechos humanos, derecho y literatura, América
posibles rutas para orientar un acercamiento a la poesía de las y los
saharauis, ancestral pueblo beduino que actualmente vive dividido
entre los territorios liberados del Sahara Occidental, los territorios
ocupados por Marruecos y los campamentos de refugiados al suroeste
de Argelia. Este texto busca enfatizar el lugar prioritario que el pueblo
saharaui ha dado a la poesía como parte de su hacer cotidiano y cómo
este es inseparable de su relación vital con la memoria, concebida no
como un acervo inmóvil, sino como un surtidor inagotable que circula
y renueva las arterias de la vida. De ahí que el legado de estos poetas
nómadas no se limite únicamente a sus huellas escritas: también en el
lenguaje de los gestos hay una poética por descubrir, una po-ética de la
paciencia y la ligereza para el andar del porvenir.
de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe al relacionar su configuración
argumental con el itinerario simbólico del héroe. Para ello, toma
como base las estructuras míticas predeterminadas por Gilbert
Durand, Lévi-Strauss o Joseph Campbell. En los dos primeros
apartados se compara de manera diacrónica a Fausto con la figura
mítica del héroe; en los dos siguientes se relaciona de manera
sincrónica y específica cada una de las partes de la obra con los
mitemas propios del mito del héroe.
Abstract: The present paper mixes fiction with theoretical reflection to offer a collective profile of Desiderio Navarro as an intellectual, and a person.
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to understand the legacy of Cuban intellectual Desiderio Navarro from his activity as an editor, translator, and cultural promoter. Navarro's outstanding contributions to literary and cultural theory were enhanced by his foundation of the Criterios Cultural Center, in La Habana, as well as the journal of the same name. His translations from twenty languages added to a widely recognized trajectory as a theorist and critic. His anthology of Russian authors was conceived to represent a variety of theorical perspectives on language, literature, history, and society, fromsemiotic criticism to ideological indoctrination. This showed the various dimensions of a debate on Stalinism, its critique, and the discourses on proletarian culture during the Soviet era. Navarro’s selection of texts showed the existence of an implicit dialogue, but also made possible a critical and even sarcastic interpretation of its multiple components.
Abstract: In 1972 Desiderio Navarro dedicated an entire book to the study of José Martí's poetry from a semiotic perspective. Innovative due to the pruritus of scientificity that presides over it, that book, however, did not circulate in Cuba except through one of its chapters… thirty years later. As if it were the two sides of a coin, the rereading to which this pioneering study is subjected here seeks, on the one hand, to identify the main distinctions of its proposal, and, on the other, to analyze it as a symptom of the state of affairs in the field of Martí studies in Cuba during that decade, also known as "gray".
Abstract: Preliminary note that introduces the letter that Luis Rogelio Nogueras wrote to Desiderio Navarro in Febrary 1985, based on some reflections on intertextuality and games in his poetry.
Abstract: Since its origins in the Theater of the Golden Age, Don Juan has been seen as “a symbol of carnal pleasure”. The seventeenth-century Don Juan seems to be a symbol of the baroque festival, where sex and death appear interwined. This paper analyzes the relationship between sexuality and Death as pillars in don Juan’s story. Both embody two faces of the same coin: The Trickster of Seville embodies the image of sexual instinct and The Stone Guest “the Death”.
Abstract: This work essays an approach to the most radical work of fray Bartolomé de Las Casas-A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies-through Sade's writing system and, particularly, through the enlightenment of Roland Barthes' reading in his book Sade, Fourier, Loyola which paradoxically places Las Casas in the dark side of a tradition often confused with the so-called "black legend" that can be defined by the title Barthes initially gave to his essay: "The Tree of Crime". This work about crime, mise-en-scene and cruelty is deeply rooted in the Baroque, and also shows its multiple connections with the techniques of the image and imagination of Ignacio de Loyola.
Abstract: This paper proposes some approaches to the concepts of metaphor and symbol from Paul Ricoeur's discourse in The Rule of Metaphor, and some other essays such as From Text to Action and The Conflict of Interpretations. Likewise, to contextualize certain terms, I will use some of the notes by Mauricio Beuchot as he approaches the concept of symbol. Symbol and metaphor transport us to reconfigure the literary work of art as a whole and take us into another horizon. The application of this exercise will fall in an excerpt of "El prodigioso miligramo" by Juan José Arreola.
Abstract: "Corazón de la oscuridad" [Heart of Darkness] takes up a title by Joseph Conrad; here darkness equals evil. It admits the polysemy of the word evil, which bounces back on its opposite good. In ancient philosophy, God was the Highest good, Christian religion left an imprint of this faith even in individuals who do not consider themselves religious. Even if we are not aware of it, many of the imprints that we carry inside ourselves (in the other self) move the affects. We must discover the manifested motive; then we discover the twinning character of the sacred, explicit in the patron saint festivities. Ancient rituals, however terrible we may judge them, lead to sociability as a symbol, and can become a manifestation of good and justice.
Abstract: August Wilhelm von Schlegel was one of those scholars who learnt Sanskrit as a way of understanding other languages and cultures in the first decades of the 19 th Century. He was especially attracted to Oriental languages, since he had a Humanistic or Classic education that included Latin among other subjects. In 1823 Schlegel translated the Bhagavadgītā from Sanskrit to Latin. What were the intentions of doing such translation? What can be thought around his work? This paper tries to give some answers through an approach to the concepts dharma and yoga in two passages of the translation.
Abstract: With these lines, in a very sketched stroke, we try to contour a threshold to the problem that Jean Jacques Wunenburger recently presented in his course "Mythical Imaginaries and Ecology". The richness of the conferences developed by the French philosopher is, we believe, a significant contribution to help the understanding of the dense pullulating jungle of existing ecologisms.
Abstract: Walter Benjamin used to compare quotes with "waylayers" in the path of reading. In the present article, putting distant words out of context will set a constantly interrupted rhythm of writing, emulating the experience of hospitality among nomads. Thus, in an exercise of critical memory whose emblematic figure is the Benjaminian Angel of History, we will evoke visits to the refugee camps in Western Sahara. Among Derridian figures of hos(ti)pitality, authors from distant places, such as the Palestinian poet Mahmud Darwish, the Argentinian writer Juan .
Abstract: In this article we give attention to text interpretation from the perspectives of discourse analysis and hermeneutics because these disciplines provide theoretical and methodological bases for texts analysis in a wide variety of projects both in the humanities and social sciences. As in both cases we are faced with interdisciplinarity, we examine some tensions that arise when attempts are made by one discipline to dominate over the other. The objective is to offer some guidance to young researchers about what following either of these traditions means. The position of some critical discourse analysts related to the claim that hermeneutics today needs to look at linguistics and discourse analysis to renew itself is examined, to which we add the need to give more attention to dialogue analysis in critical discourse studies. Closer collaboration between researchers in both disciplines is suggested.
Abstract: In this article I intent to show the application of hermeneutics to discourse analysis. In semiotics, Roman Jakobson says that the two columns of discourse are metaphor and metonymy. Octavio Paz adds that those two types of tropes are the two faces of analogy. And, according to Ricoeur, symbol has the structure of metaphorical analogy. Symbolism is found both in poetry and prose, for instance, in theatre and in narrative. Therefore, from semiotics and from hermeneutics, they have to be approached with an analogical spirit. Because of that the necessity of an analogical hermeneutics is alleged.
Abstract: Bakhtinian hermeneutics did not develop as part of a specific "hermeneutic" discipline, but as an integral aspect of his philosophical anthropology based on communication. Texts, seen as the products of intentional or ethical acts, are conceived as statements that accompany parallel acts, or even constitute acts in themselves. This article aims at understanding the process through which Bakhtin developed a phenomenology of comprehension based on the interpretation of communicative acts embodied in the text, unlike traditional hermeneutics. Bakhtin's dialogism is self-referred and oriented towards the other person speech, in a specific chronotope. The concept of carnival, a variant of the communicative process which encompasses the sacred and the profane, is also an intrinsic aspect of Bakhtin's anthropological philosophy.
Abstract: The way in which Aralia López relates to women and men involved a constant weaving of interpretations and proposing utopias in order to understand that a new personal and collective subjectivity is created by narrative and poetry. Aralia, a poet and an indispensable voice of
Latin-American feminist literary criticism, cultivated the friendship between women and the expression of feminine difference. Her work and way of life questioned the masculine patriarchal hegemony and casted serious doubts on traditional ideas and practices harmful to freedom.
Abstract: This paper is a brief review of the contribution of Aralia López González as historian of Latin American literature, with particular emphasis on the Mexican narrative and its particular development in women writers born at the beginning of the last century and texts published until the nineties. Attentive to the issue of feminine writing, the researcher dedicated a large part of her academic life to observe, from the perspective of literary and cultural studies, the critical and editorial reception of women’s writing, as well as the themes and
aesthetics in which consecrated and even marginalized women writers flourish. The possibility of studying this textual corpus was a way of making female voices visible, including that of the researcher herself and that of other writers and literary critics.
los empeños hermenéuticos de Sassetti, en gran medida inspirados en los ideales del humanismo florentino renacentista, para comprender al otro indio en sus propios términos, por encima de los estereotipos entonces (y aún hoy) en boga, así como las dificultades para lograrlo.
Palabras clave: orientalismo, India y Europa, Filippo Sassetti, Renacimiento florentino,
hinduismo, literatura de viajes
Abstract: Here we present the translation of two of the letters that Filippo Sassetti, the Florentine merchant and humanist of the 16th-century, sent from India to Italy with abundant and insightful observations about the religious beliefs, customs, languages, nature and social life of the
subcontinent. This document ―little known and so far unpublished in Spanish (and apparently in other languages too)― is a valuable testimony of the complex process of Europe’s reception and interpretative representation of the ancient Indian culture. In this respect, Sassetti’s hermeneutic endeavours, to a large extent dependent on Florentine Renaissance humanism’s ideals, stand out. They help usunderstand the Indian Other beyond the stereotypes in vogue then (and now), as well as the difficulties to achieve that
y juvenil desde el siglo xx hasta nuestros días, impartido por el doctor César
Sánchez Ortiz de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (España) en el Instituto de Investigaciones filológicas.
Abstract: There are sociohistorical and rhetorical approaches that have reconstructed Paulinism as an anti-legalistic and emphatically anti-imperialistic project, raised against Roman euangelion. Likewise, in a certain contemporary philosophy it has been argued that Pauline statement discursively configures what could be called today a “militant subject” and a “leftist” political subjectivity. However, other readings qualify or question the idea above, seeing in Paul the extension and reproduction of imperial power forms and dynamics; they even state that Pauline imperialism is deeper than the Roman one. In this text, these different disciplinary approaches are interwoven in order to analyze the scope and limits of the anti-imperialistic and counter-power character attributed to Paulinism, as well as the relevance this issue has for the current debate about political subjectivity and lefts militancy.
Abstract: This article addresses the widening of interpretative perspectives of political theology from a postfundational viewpoint. At first, we will focus on Carl Schmitt’s political theology as an ontology based on antagonism and sovereign decision, to further present new solutions arised from contemporary philosophical perspectives to the problems that arise from its conceptual framework. In a second moment, we will discuss the contributions of Giorgio Agamben to this debate and we will expose his approach to political messianism as the possibility of another political theology which departs from the acceptance of contingency and antagonism. Our intention is to reflect upon the unexpected paths taken by the conceptual framework inaugurated by Schmitt.
Abstract: This article results from the interplay of phenomenological approaches and discourse analysis aimed at transmuting sin from the body to social structure, and shifting the body from a place of sin to a "place of liberation"; secondly, it seeks to explore the many relations of sin with sexuality and the restriction of bodily pleasures, issues that establish modern political order and tensions. At last, the connections between these subjects and the libertarian anthropology of authors such as Giorgio Agamben, who places desire at the center of the political question, are reviewed.
In the first part of this work we concluded that translation is a double act of signification, taking into account the instances of emission and reception of both acts involved, the first at the level of cognition, and the second at the level of communication. Given this definition, it is shown that the “intralinguistic translation” of Jakobson is, in a certain sense, the opposite of translation, while his “intersemiotic translation” manifests similarities as well as important differences with respect to translation in the literal sense. To clarify the differences, we must delve into the different ways in which language and pictures present meaning. We will also see that the “cultural translation”, in the sense of the Tartu School, has very little to do with translation in the proper sense, except, in some cases, in the last phase of its operation. Peirce’s idea of exchanging signs for other signs is better understood as a characterization of tradition
Abstract: This article, written in the form of a critical gloss, aims to reveal the complexities of one of the most famous texts for Hermeneutics and Translation Theory, On the Different Methods of Translating (1813) by Schleiermacher. The goal is to point out the impossibility between the initial claim and the obtained result between translation in its strict sense and paraphrasing or imitation. All this, as we will try to show, because history seems to ruin the claim of an idealized equivalence.
Abstract: The Transparent are open bays in an altarpiece or in a facade in front of which an image is placed that appears to be surrounded by an Aureola, when acting against the backlight to the spectator. They were a resource , among many others, used in Baroque art in order to enrich the works and make them more theatrical by means of light management, as well as windows in the form of stars with curtains and abundant ornamentation. But the Transparent also had a symbolic function of crucial importance that can be summed up in making visible the celestial Jerusalem into which the New Spain society converted its cities and religious enclosures. This article explains this meaning in the three types of Transparent made in New Spain: interior ones, exterior ones, and those opened in the major altarpieces.
Abstract: Selection from Mirtha Luz Pérez Robledo's book La muerte no es todavía una fiesta, whose poems were written in memoriam of the cultural promotor and Human Rights defensor Nadia Vera. The preliminary note proposes some insights for the appreciation of the book and recovers the association between poetry and healing proposed by Robledo.
Ilustra la sección "Presentación del dossier"
Es por ello que el pueblo saharaui ha comprendido esta forma artística como una necesidad propia de la naturaleza de un pueblo en evolución emancipadora, como pueden ser otras formas artísticas: la música, la danza, la poesía, el teatro, entre otras muchas. Esto se refleja en los múltiples intentos de fomentar el arte cinematográfico, que se remontan a los inicios de la lucha de liberación.
In the present work, we'll suggest a parallelism between some central aspects of the apocalyptic literature and the main work The Principle of Hope by Ernst Bloch, in order to find similarities and differences between a religious utopic model and a secular utopic model. Through the apocalyptic literature we found a particular dialec-tic that works within the poles of myth and history, mystic and prophecy, messianism and Law. Our task is to discover them along the philosophic itinerary of Ernst Bloch as part of the West biblical inheritance.
Además de la traducción, se ofrece una lectura filosófica que aborda las resonancias de significado implícitas en el texto del Orador y que dan cuenta, sin duda, del gran poder emotivo de la obra.
1492 is a date that beats in the live and daily history of colonialism and racism in America, in Israel, in Europe. The consequences of wars, territorial invasions and forced exiles resonate in claims that poetry not only elevates, but also transforms into affirmations , proposals and revelations. The languages in which poetry is expressed, translated and transferred can become elements of healing and recovery of untold stories.
The American Palestinians is not an essay, but a commentary on Mahmud
Darwish poem Discurso del “Indio”. El penúltimo ante el “Hombre Blanco” wrote in 1992. “Commentary” means here a translation work to think in a
philosophical perspective the poetic text and to think poetically the philosophical discourse. The “commentary” shows four problems that Darwish offers: a) the “indians” are not only the american population, but also the Arabs, Jews and Palestinians that have been destroyed
because of the “white” conquest process; b) there is a continuity between the Hispanic American conquest and the North American actual “conquest” on the Middle East; c) the matrix of such continuity is the political theology and its Sacrificial concept of God; d) the poem does not “represent” some experience, but constitutes a field of experience
that subtracts “white” violence.
From the experience of translating the poem Discurso del “Indio”. El penúltimo ante el “Hombre Blanco” to Mixe, the author reflects on the possibility of building bridges between languages without a state, on the political dimension of writing poetry in denied languages, and on the relationship between translation and resistance.
Patricio Guzmán tackles a substantial theme in his feature film El botón de nácar (2015): intolerance, in two laggard moments of the history of Chile: that of the indigenous peoples and that of the military dictatorship. It brings to the visual surface a variety of devices such as physical indications, identifying residues, geographic-lo-cational transfers and various testimonies that all together emit a commitment to recover tragic and hidden truths. Watching El botón de nácar the audience enters an area impregnated with residual vestiges, traces of inert bodies and mortal remains moved by the oceanic sway that witnesses the events. Their struggle, therefore, is not only ascribed to the limits of oblivion, but also to all those who motivate it guided by miserable reasons. Our approach focuses primarily on the Selknam tribe, pedestrian hunter-gatherer nomads, and on their aesthetic vision behind the body painting they develop. PaLabras cLave: Patricio Guzmán, estética selknam, exterminio.
Mahmud Darwish is one of the most important contemporary Palestinian
poets whose work continues inspiring resistance movements in many countries. His humanism allows his words to surpass all borders and to be firmly and validly present in distinct epochs and geographies. The present translation of his poem Discurso del “Indio”. El penúltimo ante el “Hombre Blanco” to Farsi, constructs a bridge between the Arabic world and the Persian world parting from the closeness of a shared suffering and a contagious hope.
In this intervention we are looking for the subject of the political praxis and of the neo zapatistas discursiveness in a " non-place " of the ethical proximity. This notion of proximity is proposed by the Lithuanian philosopher Emmanuel Levinas as a key to express a Semite sense of justice, like a linking act, like responsibility for the other.
al mesianismo, su pensamiento fue romántico anticapitalista. Asesinado por su participación en la Revolución Alemana de 1919, es autor fundamental para el pensamiento libertario de Europa Central. En 1901 escribió Escepticismo y mística, sobre el cual reflexiono en este texto, introduciendo los conceptos de historia y de revolución mesiánica que aparecen en el proyecto de Landuaer. Al final, pondero la actualidad de dicho pensamiento.
Gustav Landauer was a heterodox socialist. Of Jewish background and a sympathiser of mesianism, his philosophy was of a romantic anti-capitalism. He was assassinated for participating in the 1919 German Revolution. He wrote “Skepticism and Mystics” in 1901 and is a key author to understanding the libertarian thought in Central
Europe. The following work reflects on “Skepticism and Mystics” and introduces it within the concept of history and mesianic revolution of the Landauer project, concluding with a reflection about why this thought is still current today.
During the twentieth century, the main interpretations of Sor Juana's Primero sueño have either focused on the importance of an analogical conception of the microcosms (without its mystical possibility) or considered the poem a symbol of Sor Juana's lifelong desire for knowledge, leading to the failure of both her intuitive and discursive methods. The anagogic dimension of the poem hasn't been seriously considered. It is implicit in the conception of microcosms and present in the passionate temperature of the poem and in the acceleration of its poetic flight. This makes Sor Juana an important antecedent for the romantic and preromantic quest.
La nota preliminar propone algunas líneas de apreciación de estos poemas, que vincula una tradición donde la poesía es una forma de la medicina, convoca a la participación de una asamblea cósmica para el cuidado de la vida y participa de una ecología de los símbolos de carácter transcultural. También se propone valorar la edición de este libro en el marco de las últimas transformaciones de la edición independiente mexicana que resiste las violencias de la economía de mercado neoliberal.
Selection from Pedro Favaron’s poetry book Manantial transparente. The
author is a commoner at Santa Clara, Yarinacocha, and a traditional doctor in that community. The preliminary note proposes some insights for the appreciation for these poems: they are nurtured by a transcultural simbolic ecology, are part of a tradition where poetry is a form of medicine, and calls for the participation of a cosmic assembly for the
care of life. The note also proposes a valoration of Favaron’s book in the context of the last transformations of Mexico’s independent edition and editorial resistances to neoliberal market economy and its violences.
Based on the recent exhibition " Anish Kapoor, Archeology: Biology " held from May to November 2016 at the Museo Universitario de Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC) of the UNAM, some of the works exhibited by the transcendental Anglo-Indian artist are hereby interpreted in relation to other famous pieces of his production and in reference to the context of the expanded field of contemporary sculpture and art. The complex depth of Kapoor's creations that incorporate the void into the morphology of his proto-objects or self-generated forms is approached from the perspective of the abs-tract/symbolic and poetic return of the archetypal " matrix " in the arts. This paper also reflects on the sacred or metaphysical dimension involved in his sculptural/architectural installations from the viewpoint of an apophatic hermeneutics of art, which nevertheless has a strong aesthetic and political significance. Palabras clave: campo expandido escultórico, Vacío, Svayambh, resurgencias de lo matricial/nocturno, hermeneusis apofática del arte.
What is music? Which is the relation between music and symbol, or between music and memory? Is it possible to say that there is something like a " semantic " of musical language? Is music an artificial arrangement of sounds? Is music born out of the imitation of environmental sounds? All these questions –that refer us to the link between music and cosmos inherited by Plato from the Pythagorean school– are reformulated in musical compositions at different moments of history. They are also a baseline for accessing the structure of symbolic thought, through Gilbert Durand's anthropological perspective of " the imaginary " .
This article presents a brief and deep account of the substratum common to arts, religion and archetypes; it traces the history of the separation of the Church form the arts and suggests the actual tasks for which Christianity has to head in order to recover a firm place in western traditions of religiosus. Palabras clave: Arte y religión, cristianismo y tradiciones herméticas
The present article intends to accomplish a systematic critique of the theoretical basis that underlie Claude Lévi-Strauss' structural anthropology. With that in mind, we begin with an hermeneutic reconstruction of its main propositions, starting from the basic ideas presented in his work Structural Anthropology, in particular, his suggestion concerning the idea of using structural linguistics, and especially Trubetzkoy's phonology, as a scientific model for anthropology. I try to demonstrate that, even though that model seems to come from social sciences, actually, the concept of scientific rigor that rules Lévi-Strauss's structuralism comes from the natural sciences, and, in that sense, his thought is akin to positivism and cartesianism. Those are the theoretical principles that guide the full and detailed study of myth that is elaborated in Mythologiques. In consequence, I propose that the hermeneutic perspective from which, in particular, the study of myth should be dealt with and, in general, the question of ethnography, is not that of Lévi-Strauss's struc-turalism. The process of comprehension should occur in another way, so that the specific cultural traits of the human groups that are studied and the living human being will return to the center of anthropological thought.
This paper addresses the updating of debates on art and politics in relation to issues such as claim for truth, memory and justice, associated with the consequences of repression in Argentina during its last civic-military dictatorship. It seeks to discover the possibilities of a critical memory based on the works of the art collective La Araña Galponera in Mendoza.
Going back to Socrates and the agora, Hannah Arendt thinks the first democracy was there. Thirty years after Pericles, Socrates was killed. In Laws, Plato limited politics to philosophical elites and denied democracy and persuasion. Without an expressed willingness to unite taste with politics and democracy, Kant resumes, in his third critique, the reflective judgment (or judgment of taste) and believes that, because of its truth and spontaneity and due to its taste-based search for community, it is the key to politics: if we joined feeling and perception in the judgment of taste, we would accept that it has facets that serve political philosophy. Ricoeur disagrees with the conception of politics as an endless idea, although he praises the exemplary nature of the aesthetic experience that manifests itself in the judgment of taste. For Lyotard such judgment is the " as if " that universalizes taste (which he calls enthusiasm).
What is the meaning of the non-human Thou in Buber's philosophy? What is Buber getting at when he makes trees and animals part of the fundamental relationship I-Thou? We would like to show that, more than a pantheistic view, what is at stake is a more complex understanding of the transcendental binding that constitutes our human condition. This double binding has to do with the love and the ethical responsibility that is brought about by the I-Thou encounter and is expressed through actions of loving-kindness; at the same time this spiritual movement expands beyond human dialogue and is transformed into a radical assertion of life itself. These two strands of our ontological making intertwine in order to introduce love into sheer existence, a love we are prone to uphold through our everyday actions.
Norwood R. Hanson con el objetivo de exponer los límites de su planteamiento teórico sobre la interpretación en la ciencia. La primera parte del trabajo expondrá el proyecto hansoniano, buscando evidenciar sus contribuciones frente a la filosofía de la ciencia y al pensamiento científico, mientras que en los dos apartados siguientes se realizará una crítica a su postura filosófica. Dicha crítica se realizará a partir de dos ejercicios de reflexión filosófica, que constituyen dos momentos complementarios de análisis. Por un lado, a nivel de análisis metodológico, se mostrará que las “figuras de perspectivas reversibles” utilizadas como argumentos para explicar su propuesta filosófica son insuficientes en la descripción del proceso de interpretación; por el otro, a nivel teórico, se cuestionará su noción de lenguaje y las categorías implicadas en este concepto para mostrar que la propuesta teórica “visión-interpretación” de Hanson tiene como fundamento nociones epistemológicas y analíticas. Desde esta perspectiva, se mostrará que el planteamiento “hermenéutico-interpretativo” de Hanson resulta incompleto, pues no llega a desarrollarse hacia una ontología del lenguaje.
This paper aims to define concisely the field of study of contemporary her-meneutics, outlining its important relationship with the tasks of philology. Throughout the history of cultural traditions, practices of text comprehension along with translation and interpretation, comprised in the definition of hermeneutics, have led to a deeper understanding of the diversity and polysemic nature of philosophical languages. Based on the so-called " linguistic-hermeneutic turn " , this approach seeks to offer a completely new outlook of today's perspectives for human sciences. This way a heuristic intersection between hermeneutics and philology becomes feasible. Open to discussion, these notes also greet the inclusion of the Seminario de Hermenéutica in the Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas (Institut of Philological Researches) at the unam. Palabras clave: hermenéutica, filología, giro lingüístico-hermenéutico, alteridad-tra-ductibilidad, líneas de investigación hermenéuticas.
instituciones encargadas de formular e implementar la política relacionada con los planes de lectura y bibliotecas de los diferentes países de la región. Para tal fin, se realiza
una breve descripción del contexto iberoamericano y se analizan los alcances y límites
de algunos modelos ya existentes que son reinterpretados a la luz de esta nueva mirada
hermenéutica, de modo tal que se establecen algunos elementos de diferenciación e
interrelación entre sus procesos de interpretación y comprensión, desde un abordaje
interdisciplinar que hace confluir la filosofía, la psicología, la sociología y la pedagogía
y que finalmente enuncia una propuesta que se desglosa en siete tesis.
Tratándose del contenido, es conveniente llevar a cabo de manera paralela la lectura de la Introducción (1804) y la de los Principios de una crítica a las éticas anteriores (1803). En esta última obra, en efecto, Platón desempeña un papel central como pensador sistemático (al lado de Spinoza con quien se halla asociado con frecuencia) y el único entre los antiguos que tiene una visión correcta de la teoría ética. Una de las interrogantes que se plantea, entonces, es cómo articular el elogio constante que Schleiermacher hace a la ética platónica en el tratado de 1803, con las críticas que también le hará a Platón en obras ulteriores, en particular en su introducción a la traducción de la República (1828).
The question of limits and its conceptualization appears to be quite problematic.
The radical search for a definition able to distinguish the limit from the notion
of boundary or that of border —both read as “weakened” forms of limits— entails to
turn to those human experiences that are likely to fall outside the conceptual domain:
death, evil, evidence, symbol. These experiences seem to appear as the limits that characterize fundamental dimensions of human existence, revealing the “liminary condition” of man. This article shows what has been said upon this topic pointing out some fundamental developments along the way.
Abstract: Deverbal nominalization, understood as the mechanism to make nouns out of verbs, is a characteristic feature of the journalistic language, especially in headlines. The high incidence of these forms is due to factors such as the underlying ideology and linguistic economy. The ideological motivation particularly stands out, since the choice of nominal derivatives instead of complete sentences reveals, in many cases, the intention of omitting relevant information, such as the agent or the circumstances of the referred action.